- Address Matti Meikäläinen Puistokatu 17 A 01234 Helsinki Finland Standard English Address format: name of recipient street number + street name name of town + region/state + zip/postal code. Jeremy Rhodes 212 Silverback Drive California Springs CA 92926 American address format: Name of town + state abbreviation + zip code Adam Smith 8 Crossfield Road Selly Oak Birmingham West Midlands B29 1WQ British and Irish address format: Number + street name Town/city name County Postal code 충청북도청주시상당구율량동현대 2 차아파트 13 동 201 호심수정님 137-070 Jeremy Rhodes 212 Silverback Drive California Springs CA 929 Adam Smith 8 Crossfield Road Selly Oak Birmingham West Midlands B29 1WQ Sally Davies 155 Mountain Rise Antogonish NS B2G 5T8 Canadian address format: Name of town + province abbreviation + postal code Sally Davies 155 Mountain Rise Antogonish NS B2G 5T8 Page 1 14.03.2017
Celia Jones 47 Herbert Street Floreat Perth WA 6018 Australian address format: Name of province Town/city name + postal code Celia Jones TZ Motors 47 Herbert Street Floreat Perth WA 6018 Alex Marshall 745 King Street West End Wellington 0680 New Zealand address format: Number + street name Suburb/RD number/po box Town/city + postal code Alex Marshall Aquatechnics Ltd. 745 King Street West End Wellington 0680 - Opening Hyvä John, Informal, standard way of addressing a friend 소연이에게 Hei äiti / isä 부모님께, Informal, standard way of addressing your parents Hei setä Jerome, 삼촌께 Informal, standard way of addressing a member of your family Hei John, 안녕현주야! Informal, standard way of addressing a friend Heippa John, 야미영아, Very informal, standard way of addressing a friend Page 2 14.03.2017
John, 미영, Informal, direct way of addressing a friend Rakkaani, 내사랑에게, Very informal, used when addressing a loved one Rakkaani, Very informal, used when addressing a partner 내가제일사랑하는... 에게 Rakas John, Informal, used when addressing a partner 사랑하는현정씨 Kiitos kirjeestäsi. 편지주셔서감사합니다. Used when replying to correspondence Oli mukava kuulla sinusta taas. 소식을듣게되어기쁩니다. Used when replying to correspondence Anteeksi, etten ole kirjoittanut sinulle pitkään aikaan. Used when writing to an old friend you haven't contacted for a while 너무오랫동안연락을못해미안해. Siitä on todella kauan kun viimeksi olimme yhteydessä. Used when writing to an old friend you haven't contacted for a long time 서로연락안하고지낸지너무오래되었구나. - Main Body Kirjoitan sinulle kertoakseni... 말해줄게있어서편지를써요. Used when you have important news Onko sinulla suunnitelmia...... 관련계획이있나요? Used when you want to invite someone to an event or meet up with them Paljon kiitoksia kun lähetit / kutsuit / kerroit...... 를보내주셔셔 / 알려주셔서 / 초대해주셔서감사드립니다. Used when thanking someone for sending something / inviting someone somewhere / enclosing some information Page 3 14.03.2017
Olen erittäin kiitollinen siitä, että kerroit / tarjosit / 저에게.. 을알려주셔서 / 제안해 주셔서 / 글을 kirjoitit minulle... 매우감사합니다. Used when sincerely thanking someone for telling you something / offering you something / writing to you regarding something Oli todella mukavaa, että kirjoitit / kutsuit / lähetit 저에게글을주시니 / 초대하여주시니 / 보내주시 minulle... 감사합니다. Used when you sincerely appreciate something someone wrote to you / invited you to / sent you Olen iloinen kun saan ilmoittaa, että...... 을알려주게되어기뻐. Used when announcing good news to friends Ilahduin kuullessani, että...... 를전해듣게되어기뻐. Used when relaying a message or news On ikävää kertoa, että...... 를알려주게되어유감이야. Used when announcing bad news to friends Olin pahoillani kuullessani, että...... 소식을들으니참유감이야. Used when comforting a friend regarding bad news that they had - Closing Kerro terveisiä... ja sano, että ikävöin heitä kovin.... 께도제안부와사랑을전해주시고, 제가그리워한다고전해주세요. Used when you want to tell someone you miss them via the recipient of the letter... lähettää terveisiä.... 도안부를물으십니다. Used when adding someone else's regards to a letter Sano... terveisiä minulta.... 께도안부전해주십시오. Used when wanting to acknowledge someone else via the person to whom you are writing Odotan, että kuulen sinusta taas pian. 곧답장받길기대하겠습니다. Used when you want to receive a letter in reply Page 4 14.03.2017
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Personal Kirjoita taas pian. 빨리답장주세요. Direct, used when you want to receive a letter in reply Kirjoita takaisin heti, kun...... 이면답장을주세요. Used when you want the recipient to reply only when they have news of something Ilmoitathan, kun tiedät jotain lisää. 무언가더알고계신것이있으시면답장주세요. Used when you want the recipient to reply only when they have news of something Pärjäilkää. 건강히지내세요. Used when writing to family and friends Rakastan sinua. 사랑합니다. Used when writing to your partner Terveisin, 그리운마음담아... 가. Informal, used between family, friends or colleagues Parhain terveisin, 그리운마음담아... 드림 Parhain terveisin, 감사하며,... 드림 Kaikkea hyvää,... 드림 ( 보냄 ) Rakkaudella, 사랑을보내며,... 드림 Rakkain terveisin, 사랑과함께보냅니다. Informal, used when writing to family Rakkaudella, 사랑하는마음으로, Informal, used when writing to family Page 5 14.03.2017