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BAO Jumpstart 는분석을통해가장가치가높은기회를식별하고이를수행하기위한기업의내부분석역량을평가한후가치를가장빠르게실현하기위한방법을제시해줍니다 Mobilize Understand Assess Recommend Track 1: Identify Highest Value Business Opportunities BAO Jumpstart Final Project Report Smarter Decisions for Optimized Performance 0. Initiate Project Track 2: Assess Organizational Readiness for BAO Track 3: Assess Information Management Foundation 4. Integrate Results and Determine Next Steps Work Products Current State Assessment Recommendations Next Steps, which may include: - Proof of Value - Program to enhance Organizational capabilities - Program to accelerate Analytics capabilities Project Start Week 1 Week3 Week 5 Week7 Week8 4

46 (20%) (20%) (15%) (15%) Source: Analytics: The New Path to Value, a joint MIT Sloan Management Review and IBM Institute of Business Value study. Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2010. Source: Analytics: The New Path to Value, a joint MIT Sloan Management Review and IBM Institute of Business Value study. Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2010. BAO Jumpstart 프로그램에세부수행단계는다음과같습니다 Track 1 : 비즈니스우선순위 Strategic Priorities Interview Guide BAO Jumpstart Opportunity Ranking Worksheet PADIE Diagram with worked example Agenda Introductions Objectives Review project objectives, sponsor, scope and desired outcomes associated with the review of strategic priorities. Duration Approximately 2 hours Interview Participants Opportunity Attributes Opportunity Name Opportunity Description Description Pursue Score 4.1 Reject Spending Pulse Spending Pulse provides financial services companies, banks, economists, investment firms, retailers and the federal reserve with better, faster and deeper insights concerning US consumer consumption trends Strategic Challenges Identification Understand the overall business objectives & priorities of selected interviewee, identify their most difficult business challenges that can be addressed through analytics, and describe biggest and highest value opportunities to offer new and improved analytics. Executive sponsor Business leaders IBM project team Key Questions Which consumers are spending on this trend? Addressed How much are consumers spending by segment? What is the forecast revenue scenarios for the trend over next 18 months? Data Elements Debit and credit transaction history, census data, US commerce projections Stakeholders Finance Dan Johnson (include area) Marketing Louise Carrera Criterion Score Comments Capabilities Evaluation Identify sources and uses of information and analytics, areas of perceived strengths and weaknesses in the business s ability to utilize information sources and analytics, depth and breadth of analytics usage, quality of data and analytics, perceived value, and opportunities/gaps. Strategic Fit Aligns with Client s strategic objectives for Five Year Customer Strategic Vision 4.0 (30%) Focuses on segment of customers, not all Value Prop High Value to Marketing and Finance departments 5.0 Stakeholder Fit 5.0 Insights can be integrated into marketing plans real-time to be leveraged by interactions with customers Next Steps Recap the interview, validate key understanding, request information and identify other potential resources to interview **The interview will be guided by questionnaire to help capture these topics Analytical Fit Organizational Fit 3.0 3.0 Analytical skills in statistics and modeling exist only would need to acquire minimum additional skillsets New tools - New/improved data infrastructure, statistical tools, client reporting tools Sales and marketing team with capital markets expertise exists to utilize output Infrastructure Training needed for customer service personnel Pro s Cons 1.1 Review Strategic Priorities 1.2 Generate and Rank Business Opportunities 1.3 Identify Priorities BAO Jumpstart Final Project Report Mobilize BAO Jumpstart - Project Approach Organization Track Interview Guide 2 : 분석을위한조직의 Level of Analytics Sophistication 준비Framework Agenda Introductions Organization Capabilities Evaluation Organization Sophistication Evaluation Next Steps Objectives Review project objectives, sponsor, scope and desired outcomes associated with the organization assessment. Identify areas of perceived strengths and weaknesses in the organization s ability to utilize information sources and analytics, depth and breadth of analytics usage, quality of data and analytics, perceived value, differentiation and opportunities/gaps. Review the Organization s Analytics Capabilities level chart and determine ranking for each category, and understand why the organization rates themselves within that category level. Recap the interview, validate key understanding, request information and identify other potential resources to interview **The interview will be guided by questionnaire to help capture these topics Duration Approximately 1-2 hours Interview Participants Executive sponsor LOB leaders IBM project team 2.1 Review Current State 2.2 Assess Breadth of Ability and Fit Track 3 : 정보관리토대 Information Management Foundation Interview Guide Agenda Introductions Functional Goals Alignment Technology Capabilities Evaluation Technical Environment Next Steps Objectives Review project objectives, sponsor, scope and desired outcomes associated with the technology assessment. Understand the overall business objectives and priorities of selected customer set, identify their sources and uses of information and analytics and describe opportunities to offer new and improved analytics opportunities. Ask participant to identify areas of perceived strengths and weaknesses in information sources and analytics usage, including data/analytics uses, depth and breadth, quality of data and suppliers, quality of analytics, perceived value, differentiation and opportunities/gaps. Gain a high-level understanding of the technical environment and the ability to support new analytics opportunities, relative to a typical BAO IT operating model. Utilizing the BAO reference architecture, discuss data & technology enabler gaps, issues, & implications. Recap the interview, validate key understanding, request information and identify other potential resources to interview Duration Approximately 2-3 hours Interview Participants Executive sponsor IT leaders IBM project team Information Management Foundation Assessment Information Management Foundation Assessment Information governance policies and toolkits Data Architecture Data Currency Data Management, Integration & Middleware Analytical toolkits based upon user needs Observations and implications Information governance is limited. No governance of data definitions. Start at Information governance roles within business and IT Current enterprise data warehouse can be utilized. Database and processing CPU capabilities are not sufficient Issues around obtaining real-time data for key business areas Much of key data currently contained in silos and not being passed to the data warehouse environment. Master data initiatives begun around customer and product data, but currently projects underway, not in production Need better tools to support statistical needs: sampling, modeling and data mining Considerations for improvement Begin utilizing roles identified to get key areas definitions agreed upon at enterprise level Investigate areas for consolidation, or investigate costs for increasing capacity Determine analytic needs around data currency to determine if current latency will suffice Integrate feeds from master data environments to enterprise data warehouse. Determine key data that needs to be viewed at the enterprise level vs silo Acquire better tools for sampling, modeling, and data mining. Consolidate list of analytical toolsets within the organization Organizational Alternatives for Improvement Transformed Experienced Aspirational Establish business-driven information and analytics governance organization Drive analytics into business strategy / development activities through business cases, scenarios and simulations Solicit / obtain executive sponsorship within the organization for business analytics as a strategic approach Inventory how and where analytics are being used well within the organization today Conduct gap analysis of analytic skills within the organization 2.3 Identify Alternatives for Improvement Information Management Foundation - Alternatives for Improvement Transformed Experienced Aspirational Create enterprise-wide metadata repository Create master data sources for key subject areas Continue to integrate and federate data Create an information agenda Create inventory and gap analysis of data available for analysis Create integration roadmap to increase data availability and accessibility; begin execution of roadmap in waves Integrate Results Smarter Decisions for Optimized Performance Work Products Current State Assessment Recommendations Next Steps, which may include: - Proof of Value - Program to enhance Organizational capabilities - Program to accelerate Analytics capabilities **The interview will be guided by questionnaire to help capture these topics 3.1 Review Current State 3.2 Assess Information Management Foundation 3.3 Identify Alternatives for Improvement 5

귀사가기대할수있는가치 귀사가기대할수있는혜택 산업및기술전문가가분석지향 조직이되기위해기초를다질 실행계획을제공해줌 명확하고간결한실행계획 최신마케팅분석역량배양을위한간결한로드맵을제공하기위해혼란스럽고중복되는도구 / 오퍼링메시지를명확하게정리할수있음 신선한관점 고객은 IBM 의분석역량과시장선두적통찰력을활용하고, 분석사용사례를고찰하고, IBM 업무별전문가와함께전술 / 전략측면에서협력할수있음 새로운고객통찰력 이러한방향으로변화하는귀사조직의개념과가치를증명하는실행가능한통찰력을제공할수있도록설계된데이터분석 6

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