KEPCO Distribution Automation System 1
01 Brief look at KEPCO KEPCO PROFILE (Forbes 2008) Key financial performance : A1 by Moody s, A by S&P Fitch Sales Power : 368,605 GWh Total assets : USD 83.6 billion Revenues : USD 29.6 billion Net profit : USD 2.4 billion Key management efficiency Power loss in T & D : 3.99% Load factor : 73.9% Peak Demand : 62,285 MW (Power Gen Cap 68,286 MW) 2
North Korea Power Supply 3
KEPCO in Korean Power Market (As of (As of 2007) 88% 100% 100% Generation Korea s Total Capacity: 68,268MW (100%) KEPCO & Subsidiaries: 60,100MW (88%) IPPs & Others: 8,168MW (12%) Transmission Line Length: 29,979 C-km Supports: 39,937 Units 669 Substations Distribution Line Length: 401,485 C-km Support : 7,894,577 Units No. of Customers: 18,039 (Thousand Households) 4
Major Changes over last 4 decades [MW] 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 T/D loss Capacity Consumptio n per capita Electrification rate Peak deman d 1961 1 1981 2 2001 3 2007 4 [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year 1961 1981 2001 2007 Installed capacity (MW) 367 9,835 49,632 68,268 Peak demand (MW) 305 6,144 43,125 62,285 Consumption per capita (kwh) 46 927 5,965 7,524 Electrification rate (%) 12 99.3 99.9 99.9 T/D loss (%) 29.4 6.7 4.7 3.99 5
Korea s Power System 수색 부산 ³ì»ê ³²º λê Ù ë ¼-ºÎ»ê ¹üõ ¼öÁ µ 창동쌍문상계은평미아노원돈암종암휘경녹번옥인운니안암현저원남신내세종로군자흥인수색신촌신당마장화양아현서대문가양연대서소문왕십리광장상암당인리순화중앙성동화곡양천마포한남뚝도풍납양평중부용산여의구의선릉강동목동의사당문래동빙고보광삼성신사역곡온수오류영등포송파노량진서초구로노들반포신양재가락독산신길양지도곡사당개포수서구공대방교대시흥염곡 녹산 구서북부산명장구포미남동래모라덕포범천수영좌동서부산개금양정서면수정엄궁동부산신평부민부산남부산부산T/P 영도다대 Power system (1965) Power system (2007) 간성 속초 문산 부평 서울 T/P 청평H/P 덕소천안 남대전 화천 H/P 상주 대구 영월T/P 진영 삼계 철원화천H/P 운천문산전곡상남주문진동두천포천춘천H/P 소양강H/P 춘천덕계금오금촌송우가평녹양양주도봉의정부남춘천서인천C/C 청평H/P 의암H/P 강릉H/P 강화강릉송포진접불광영동T/P 양곡일산C/C 서인천지도구리마석일산청평양수신가평인천T/P 경서계양북인천능곡한화T/P 덕소팔당H/P 홍천횡계안인임학신부평미금영종송월부천C/C 신장대치영종C/C 잠실남인천송현신현부흥중동신공항동해인천신인천주안부개부천광명횡성평창성남관교동서울만수연수소래평촌과천초월원미영서북평남동동춘안양야탑성현신시흥동안양분당동해T/P 안양C/C 분당C/C 북시화의왕서시화산본신성남삼척반월남시화우만수지율현이원안산율전시화동수원목내송포일동원주사강서서울서수원반월C/C 동탄남수원신용인용인이천여주남원주신갈영흥T/P 문막정선발안오산신안성태백화성영월T/P 당진평택 T/P 신태백 C/C 평택울진평택T/P 송탄안성대산감곡 #1,2 울진 #3,4 N/P 한보철강제천송악포승충주H/P 원정성연개폐소충주당진서천안만승태안T/P 둔포금왕음성신제천인주성거신진천단양봉화신당진탕정천안영주태안서산아산장연안면동천안진천풍동온양증평신서산오창신영주예산전의봉명평해홍성조치원서청주사직예천청주안동H/P 점촌안동진보신풍공주월산죽림청원임하H/P 부강청양대청T/P 동안동신일보은상주관창덕진신계룡유성대덕신탄진둔산대화영덕가수원동대전신흥보령T/P 서대전유천두마신옥천남대전보령C/C대천부여의성옥산논산옥천고아군위청하서천T/P 영동김천구미은진금산남구미인동선산상정북포항장항함열군산T/P 동군산남인동구암남포항무주구미열병합서군산군산영등칠곡관음팔달군공포항내초이리북전주용담Hydraulic 진안영천팔봉무주P/P 서대구침산검단천북공평와룡내당성주동인김제전주효목산격영일안심달서태평강창상정남대구반야월아화성서봉덕범물노변동전주달성상인경주신포항부안다산신김제남전주논공진량신경산직동 #1,2#3,4 거창고령섬진강임실청도외동월성N/P 유가정공울주매암북울산효문정주함양합천언양울산방어진옥동고창밀양남원합천H/P 영남T/P 산청의령용연초동창녕담양신남원삼랑진P/P 신울산처용산막웅촌 #1,2 칠서서창울산T/P 영광N/P #5,6 온산양산신온산홍농 #3,4 #3,4 영광곡성구룡신마산진영 #1,2 장성이현호포고리N/P 하남비아가야신월일곡차룡마산창공신김해기장삼계북광주신광주산청P/P 진주중리신양산평동농성충장계림수출장유소태월림완암삼정남광주하동개양진동운남화순구례사천서마산진해마천나주태금하동T/P 매월엄다삼천포고성순천광양신고성목포신화순안정주암H/P 서순천북항율촌용성대불영암벌교호남T/P 삼천포T/P 여천여수T/P 남해충무거제아주신강진여수강진장흥고흥 인제 양양 진도 해남남창 해남변환소완도 154kV System : 산지( 제주변환소 ) 한림C/C신제주동제주성산안덕한라남제주신서귀 T/P 154kV System : 345kV System : 765kV System : 6
In Autumn. 7
Present DAS Status ~ 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Total No. of control center SDAS 18 66 60 29 0-8 -13-15 -15-42 80 TDAS 1 0 1 1 9 8 14 17 16 43 110 Ratio of automated feeder(%) No. of automated switches Ratio of automated switch(%) 5 23 42 45 50 62 75 85 89 90 896 5,286 8,237 12,756 16,915 21,056 25,443 30,255 33,785 37,381 2 12 18 27 30 36 46 25 49 56 7,734 D/L 37,381 switches 133,280 switches GA/28,173, RA/4,699, PA/3,363, MCA/145 Total/36,380 Section Switch/25,383, Link Switch/10,997 8
Communication Media [Communication Protocol : DNP 3.0] Media Modem Price(W) Speed(bps) Fee/month (W) App. year Portion PLC - 9,600 0 2006 test Telephone wire 473,000 1,200 49,400 1998 15 % Optical fiber 272,000 19,200 54,000 2000 68 % Mobile Data 554,000 9,600 18,000 1998 8 % TRS 1,285,000 9,600 0 2000 8 % CDMA 900,000 9,600 17,000 2000 1 % 9
TDAS Configuration Control Center MMI #2 Main Server Backup Server Historical Server MMI #1 MMI #3 FEP(wireless) FEP(wire) Communication Gateway Terminal Server Radio Optic modem Optic Wire modem Pair cable (Multidrop) Field Protocol changer Wireless modem Optic modem Modem FRTU FRTU FRTU FRTU FRTU 10
KEPCO IT Control Center 11
Distribution Automation Definition The distribution automation system (DAS) provides an integrated technology that enables to remotely supervise and control breakers and switches on distribution network in realtime covering the distribution substations Functions SCADA, FA, DMS, Optimal Operation of Distribution Network, Features Extendable, Scalable, and Distributed Design Open and Standardization Reliable, Redundant Data Server Diverse Lineup of RTUs Specified for Switches Total Solution for Distribution Automation and Management 12
Feeder Standard of KEPCO Feeder power capacity Normal : 10,000KVA (250A) Emergency : 14,000KVA (350A) Standard : 6 section 3 link Past : 3 section 3 link (B Feeder) A Feeder GS S/S CB R GS GS REC GS GS GS (D Feeder) GS (normal open) (C Feeder) 13
Feeder Segmentation Effect Recovery Rate vs. No of Sections Recovery Rate 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 KEPCO (past-minimum) KEPCO (now-optimum) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 No of Sections 14
Analysis the number of links Feeder capacity (normal/emergency) KOREA JAPAN IRAN Normal Capacity (Cn) 10MVA (250A) 6MVA 7MVA (200A) Emergency Capacity (Ce) 14MVA (350A) 8MVA 10MVA (320A) No of sections (Minimum) 2.5 3 3 3 No of Links(n) = Cn/(Ce-Cn) n 6/(8-6) = 3 No of links should be minimum three 15
Feeder Linkage Effect Reliability vs. Number of linked back-up feeder 100 90 80 Reliability(% ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 A Feeder S/S CB (Normal close) (B Feeder) 1 (Normal open) 2 3 (D Feeder) 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (C Feeder) Number of back- up feeder 16
Effective Use of Facilities Single Step Switching to Adjacent Distribution Line Conductor capacity; 600A Operating Rating ; 450A Loading Level ; 75% (450 / 600A) 450/600A 150A 150A 150A Feeder 1 150A 150A 150A 450 +150 = 600/600A Feeder 2 Feeder 4 Feeder 3 150A 450+150 = 600/600A :feeder cable :switch open :switch close Loading level 75% <Manual Operation Only> 17
Effective Use of Facilities Multi-step switching Operating Rating ; 450A Loading Level ; 75% 510A 85% Enhance Loading Level 510/600A 85A 85A 85A 85A 85A 85A Feeder 1 85+85A 85A 85A Feeder 2 Feeder 3 510-85 +170 = 595/600A 170A :feeder cable :switch open :switch close 85A 85A 510 + 85 = 595/600A 510 + 85 = 595/600A Loading level 85% 18
Current & Voltage Sonsors Sensors Measure single/three phase line currents and voltages and reports these measurements to RTU Accuracy + or 3% Suitable for measuring fault current May be incorporated in the switch Must detect fault before it s cleared Korean products have the CTs & PTs inside all switches 19
Fault Indicators Fault Indicators Clamp on style or built-in function on Feeder RTU Current inrush restraint Fault settings Bi-directional Detect fault before clearing Reset conditions Time Restoration of voltage or current Output signal to feeder RTU Radio signal Fiber optic/metallic cable Local indicator visible from ground level or displayed in the control box Korean products have the function of fault Indicator in all Feeder RTUs 20
Present Function SCADA Function Primary substation Switching station & Switches MV customer MV/LV Transformer DMS Function Facility management Work management Fault management Topology management Network & protection management Switching planning Outage DATA management 21
Between spring and summer. 22
SCADA Function Primary Substation Switching Station HV Customer MV Transformer Automated Switch History management Trend Graph Report
SCADA for Substation Abstract Real-time monitoring and control on equipment in primary substation Topology coloring Main function Real-time control Status & analog data monitoring Relay operation monitoring Live/Dead line coloring Integrated DAS and SCADA <SCADA Monitoring> 24
Switching Station Abstract Monitoring and control for switching station or distribution substation Main function Remote control and monitoring of facilities in distribution substation Analog data acquisition such as voltage and current Remote parameter setting of RTU Topology coloring as live line, dead line and loop line Covering 3 switches to 6 switches in house OutDoor T (3 switches & Tr) OutDoor C (4 switches & Tr) InDoor X (5 switches & Tr) InDoor K (6 switches & Tr) Switching Station <Types of switching station in Vietnam> 25
HV Customer Abstract Monitoring and control on CB of HV customer HV Customer SCADA Support the standard single line diagrams of HV customer Topology coloring Remote control of CB Give the Relay operation info Source outage Control Screen Pop Up CB OPEN 26
Monitor the pole transformer Abstract Monitoring of distribution transformer information Display the historical data of transformer Main function Web interface Remote data acquisition Voltage & Current PQM Outage Temperature Load trend graph Printout supporting Alarm and event 27
DMS Function Facility management Work Management Low voltage management Power outage management(tcs) Change schematic and skeleton diagram
Advanced application function Section load management FLISR (fault location isolation & service restoration) Short fault calculation Voltage drop calculation Distribution loss calculation Feeder reconfiguration Protection analysis Switching planning
Section load management Calculation of section load everyday Section load calculation using the load of passed 7 days Display the section length and section load on single line diagram 30
Protection analysis Relay protection Calculation the current in short fault or earth fault Input the setting data of relay or recloser Display the protection analysis results <Result of relay protection between OCR and recloser in non-grounded feeder> 31
Load balancing Feeder reconfiguration of distribution network For load balancing and loss minimization Using the exchange method of normal open point 32
Loss minimization Feeder reconfiguration Using the exchange method of normal open point Make the switching schedule 33
On-Going Project of DAS 34
Advanced DAS On-going Project Wide area DAS operation PQ real-time Monitoring Multi functioned RTU with PQ & wave real-time monitoring Design and development of Micro-Grid Future Project Smart Distribution Project Advanced Distribution Automation 35
Multi function RTU Category Major function PQ monitoring Fault detection Protection function Communication Sag, Swell, Interruption monitoring Over voltage, under voltage, over current, low frequency monitoring Unbalance & phaser monitoring Harmonics analysis to 32nd Save and transmit the PQ wave New algorithm of fault indicator and restraint of inrush current Sectionalizer function Detection the direction of fault current flowing Fault detection in non grounding feeder Save and transmit the current wave and voltage wave in fault DNP3.0 Modbus, Bluetooth RS-232, Rs-485, Ethernet Temperature data Give the temperature and humidity data of inside and outside control box Firmware upgrade Remote firmware upgrade by file transfer function 36
Wide area DAS operation Concept Select to centered operation or distributed operation Economical configuration by operation with one server and several PCs Possible to back-up operation when emergency status Branch office FEP FEP HMI HMI Branch office FEP FEP HMI HMI DCC Server (PC) Server (PC) Emergency Control Path SCADA interface SCADA interface Integrated Server Day Control Path Night Control Path Server (PC) FEP FEP HMI HMI Branch office 37
IDAS development Layer of Power Automation System IDAS IDAS Remote operation of facilities from S/S to customer Management of high voltage and low voltage networks on GIS SCADA+DAS+GIS+AMR DG Integration Distributed generation interface Generation Transmission Substation Distribution Customer Application power line communication Online data acquisition of distribution facilities with deterioration detection sensor EMS SCADA DAS AMR IDAS : Intelligent Distribution Automation System DG : Distributed Generation Network optimal operation program for loss minimization, load balancing, voltage and VAR control, power quality monitoring, power outage management 38
IDAS configuration 2 nd MiddleWare Realtime Server SCADA DAS Historical Server GIS Server Simulator F/W AMR WEB CIS 1 st MiddleWare F/W Dual LAN DAS FEP DAS+SCADA HMI DAS+SCADA HMI FEP for DG SCADA FEP Switch Box DAS FRTU Switching station RTU DAS FRTU Distributed generation RTU for DG SCADA RTU HV customer RTU RTU for DG 39
New equipment with sensors With Sensors PD New Equipment ECT EVT Gas Density Temperature Coil oper current Security CB / Switchgear Capacitor bank MV/LV Transformer Voltage regulator Lightning monitor Compact substation CCU Feeder RTU Control Monitoring Com.Modem CDMA CDMA Optic Optic Distribution Control Center Water Fire PQ monitoring Life cycle expectation Battery monitoring Leakage current detect 40
Equipment with sensors CB & Switch with sensors Capacitor bank Polymer Recloser Feeder RTU Arrester monitoring device Pad mounted Switchgear Compact Substation Pad mounted Transformer 41
Power Quality Monitoring Monitoring Items Sag (Instantaneous, Momentary, Temporary) Swell (Instantaneous, Momentary, Temporary) Interruption (Instantaneous, Temporary, Longduration) Total Harmonic Distortion-Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion-Current Current TDD Current Unbalance Ratio Over Voltage Under Voltage 42
PQ monitoring items Monitoring Items Magnitude IEEE std 1159 Duration (cycle) Data Storage Event Wave Counter SR TU DR TU GR TU T TU FR TU Customer CR TU W HM Instantaneous 0.1~0.9 pu 0.5~30 O O O O O O O O O X Sag Momentary 0.1~0.9 pu 30~180 O O O O O O O O O X Temporary 0.1~0.9 pu 180~3600 O O O O O O O O O X Instantaneous 1.1~1.8 pu 0.5~30 O O O O O O O O O X Swell Momentary 1.1~1.8 pu 30~180 O O O O O O O O O X Temporary 1.1~1.8 pu 180~3600 O O O O O O O O O X Instantaneous <0.1 pu 0.5~180 O O O O O O O O O O Interruption Momentary <0.1 pu 180~3600 O X O O O O O O O O Temporary 0.0 pu > 3600 O X O O O O O O O O Voltage Under Voltage 0.8~0.9 pu > 3600 X X O O O O O O O O Over Voltage 1.1~1.2 pu > 3600 X X O O O O O O O O THD(V) Steady State X X O O O O O O X Harmonics THD(I) Steady State X X O O O O O O X TDD(I) Steady State O O O O O O X Multiple Order 32th order Steady State O O O O O O X Unbalance Voltage 0~100 % Steady State O X O O O O O O O X Current 0~100 % Steady State O X O O O O O O O X Frequency 45~65Hz Steady State O X O O O O O O O X PQM Waveform O O O O O O O O O X On-demand Waveform O O O O O O O X 43
Real-time PQ monitoring Integrated Server Historical Server Integrated DAS HMI WEB Server Intranet(VPN) Intranet(VPN) for other for other system system interface interface DAS FEP Center Office Terminal SCADA FEP Gateway FEP Remote Terminal Redundant Optical Ring for Field RTUs FRTU FRTU SRTU for Primary Substation DRTU for Distribution Substation RF GWY for TTUs or WHMs TTUs for Transformers PLC CRTU for High Voltage Customer WHMs for Low Voltage Customers GRTU for DGR FRTU for Line Switch 44
Electronic meter with DA function It is installed in outgoing feeder at primary substation It can detect useful information such as CB trip, fault indicator, fault wave, PQ data, all analog data and remote setting function 45
Need a Technology Smart Grid & ADA Distribution Fault Anticipator DC Distribution System Technology PQ Enhancement Technology Fast Simulation and Modeling Two Way Power Flow Analysis CIM and IEC 61968 & 61970 IEC 61850 application for ADA Solid State Switchgear & Intelligent Universal Transformer
Conclusion KEPCO prepares an integrated system with SCADA and DAS SCADA function and DMS function Apply DNP 3.0 and IEC 60870 protocol KEPCO prepares various advanced application program FLISR, feeder reconfiguration, load flow, relay protection Real-time PQ monitoring Offer the technical calculation program using DAS data Launch some overseas project Project in Indonesia, Vietnam and China KEPCO can supply new DA technology with mutual cooperation 47
Thank You Wishing for Closer Cooperation between India & Korea Ha, Bok-Nam Distribution IT Group Leader Korea Electric Power Research Institute of KEPCO T: +82-42 42-865-59305930 F: +82-42 42-865-59045904 E: 48