0 : Archi - Flow : France_Isbergues 1 multicultural centre in Isbergues ARCHITECT: Dominique Coulon & AssociÉs Dominique Coulon Dominique Coulon is born in 161. In 1 he is graduate with the professor and architect Henri Ciriani and he created his own studio. In 10, he receives a special prize for the international competition of The Japan Culture House in Paris. In 11, He is the winner of <la Villa Medicis hors les murs>. In 16, he receives the <1ère œuvre> prize for the collège Pasteur in Strasbourg. He is several time nominated at the prize list of the <Equerre d Argent> in 1, 00 and 006 and receives in 006 the prize of the <Florilège d'etablissements d'enseignement Exemplaires du PEB> organisated by OCDE for the school Martin Peller in Reims. In 00 the agency was nominated to the Swiss Architectural Award. During the same time it was nominated at the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - for the Mies van der Rohe Award in regards to its Centre Dramatique Nartional de Montreuil. Concepts for sustainable development, respect for historical context and responsibility towards the environment and its ecologies are amongst the main concerns for the agency. Since 00 the agency becomes 'Dominique Coulon et associés' with Olivier Nicollas and Steve Letho Duclos as partners. Benjamin Rocchi became partner in 014. >> www.coulon-architecte.fr
: Archi - Flow : Multicultural Centre in Isbergues 3 The site offers an interface between the town and an inter-municipal park. The project this axis, with the theatre on one side and the media library on the other. This axis serves extrapolates this situation in terms of volume, positioning on the plot of land, and internal as a federating interface. A dynamic arrangement of volumes and contrasting lights guide organisation. the visitor from this area towards either the media library or the theatre. The project creates a broad courtyard in front of the park on one side and an alignment The interior spaces are rich and varied. The theatre walls are in bush-hammered concrete, with the town on the other. Its volumes slide over each other; they are covered with a which improves the acoustic. The different areas in the media library have been designed locally produced stainless steel skin, in 3 different finishes - satin, mirror and matte - with ergonomics in mind, and a number of different reading postures are proposed, using creating a kinetic effect reflecting the sunlight. This covering allows the building by turns a platform with a richly varied profile. The storytelling area is formed by continuous folds to disappear into the grey of the sky and to reflect light intensely. which envelop the children in a confined space. The eye is drawn by the apparent complexity of the chaos, while broad transparent areas All along the proposed promenades, folding creates frames for a series of views out serve as catalysts directing visitors towards the entrances to the building. over the contrasting landscapes. This new arrangement is designed as an intermediary The internal organisation of the building is clear. One axis between the park and the town between the town and nature. Written by Dominique Coulon & Associés site plan 0 10 5m crosses the project, thereby offering entrances. The entire programme is grafted onto
4 : Archi - Flow : Multicultural Centre in Isbergues Guillaume Wittmann (Dominique Coulon et associés) Guillaume Wittmann (Dominique Coulon et associés) multimedia library theatre interior street administration logistics < 이즈베그다문화센터 > 는시내중심지역과공원사이의연결지점에위치하고있다. 이 < 이즈베그다문화센터 > 의내부는풍성하고다양한공간들로구성되어있다. 거친질감의 프로젝트는대지의특성을반영한건축볼륨, 대지구성및내부공간구성디자인이돋보 콘크리트로마감한극장벽면은공간의음향환경을향상시켜준다. 미디어도서관내부의 이는건축물이다. 여러공간들은인체공학적인구조로디자인하였고, 다양한형태의독서환경을제공하도록 대지에는넓은외부정원을배치하여바로정면에위치한공원과바로연결되도록하였고, 하였다. 그리고어린이들을위한스토리텔링공간은구획커튼으로공간을분리할수있도록 한편으로는시내와의연계성도확보하였다. 건물은지역에서생산되는마감재인사틴, 미러, 하였다. 매트의스테인리스스틸을혼합적용하여마감하였다. 마감재로사용한스테인리스스틸은 복도를따라세워진전면유리도어는내부공간과대조를이루는외부공간전경을보여 interlocking volumes program organization interior street 햇빛을받으면키네틱효과 (kinetic effect) 를연출하며, 흐린날에는건물이회색빛하늘 주는프레임으로서건축과자연을하나로묶어주는역할을한다. 글 : 도미니크클롱 & 어소시스 속에스며들며사라지는듯한모습을보여준다. 또한, 시간에따라변화하는태양빛을건물 표면에담아내며극적인연출을만들어낸다. 이러한극명하고화려한건축언어는사람들의 Location Isbergues, France Surface 3,m² Program Theatre 400 seats, rehearsal room, library 눈을한번에사로잡아준다. 1 층한쪽의전면유리마감부분은건물의화려함을잠시 Construction period 010 ~ 013 Structural enginee Batiserf Ingénierie Mechanical electrical plumbing 식혀주며사람들을센터의출입구로안내해주는역할을한다. engineer BET G. Jost Cost estimator E3 Economie Sustainable approach advisor BET G. Jost Acoustics 내부공간은간단하고명백한구성으로되어있다. 건물을가로지르며공원과시내를 Euro Sound Project Scenographer Changement à Vue Architects in charge Dominique Coulon, Steve Letho 일직선으로하는축을따라양쪽으로출입구가위치하고있고, 동일한축을중심으로 Duclos Project assistant Gautier Duthoit Construction site supervision Agence Olivier Werner Client Ville 양편으로들어선극장과미디어도서관을따라모든프로그램공간들이배치되어있다. d Isbergues Photograph David Romero-Uzeda, Guillaume Wittmann Editorial designer Ko Young-Bae Editor 공간구성의핵심요소로사용된이축은각공간사이의동선을형성해주며, 역동적인볼륨 Kuk Seol-Hee visual framing Uniform outer shell: crystallized solid 구성과대조되는조명은방문객을극장과미디어도서관으로이끌어준다. diagram
+1035 6 : Archi - Flow : Multicultural Centre in Isbergues 7 section
Cloison acoustique type 140 / 0 Cloison acoustique type 140 / 0 cont re-marche cont rast e vi suelement : Archi - Flow : Multicultural Centre in Isbergues Guillaume Wittmann (Dominique Coulon et associés) 1 MULTIMEDIA SPACE 4 TICKETING 7 THEATRE 10 BACKSTAGE COLLECTION 5 WOrKSHOP STORAGE DRESSING ROOM 3 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM 6 REHEARSAL ROOM OFFICE 1 TECHNICAL ROOM 5 1 1 4 6 6 10 7 5 7 3 0 10m ground floor plan 1st floor plan