Product Certificate Network PCN News September, 11th, 2017 1. 중국 - 식품접촉재질규격강제화 2. 브라질 - ANATEL Resolution 680/2017 and Act 11542/2017 1566-1156
중국 - 식품접촉재질규격강제화 중국의식품접촉재질규격인 <GB 4806.1> 이 2017 년 10 월 19 일부터강제화됩니다. 단, 현재 GB Standard 만강제화되고인증은지정한기관이없습니다. 즉, 고객사에서아래와같은규격에만족하는성적서를보유하고있으면됩니다. 규격내용 GB4706.1-2016 GB4706.2-2016 GB4706.3-2016 GB4706.4-2016 GB4706.5-2016 GB4706.6-2016 GB4706.7-2016 GB4706.8-2016 GB4706.9-2016 GB4706.4-2016 GB4706.4-2016 식품접촉재질일반규정식품접촉재질일- 젖꼭지재질규정식품접촉재질일- 에나멜재질규정식품접촉재질일- 도자기재질규정식품접촉재질일- 유리재질규정식품접촉재질일- 플라스틱 / 수지재질규정식품접촉재질일- 플라스틱제품재질규정식품접촉재질일- 종이재질규정식품접촉재질일- 금속재질규정식품접촉재질일- 도료및코팅재질규정식품접촉재질일- 고무재질규정
지난 8 월 28 일, 기존브라질 ANATEL 인증의규격인 Resolution 506 이 Resolution 680/2017 로변경되었습니다. 기존 Resolution 506 의필요서류는다음과같습니다. - The first one is the ANATEL RESOLUTION 680/2017 that was published on 27th of June of 2017. - The second one is the ANATEL Act. 11542/2017 published on the Brazilian Official Journal in 28th of August of 2017. 1. 전환시기 아래서류들은 8 월 28 일부터강제화되었으며, Homologation process 는 8 월 27 일이후부터사용할수있습니다. 25.1 The requirements described on this document are applicable for products that the certification process will began after 27th of August of 2017. 25.1.1. It s considered the begin of the process the date where the agreement with the OCD that will conduct the process was performed.
2. 시험소 ANATEL 은 Res 506 에의하여공인받은시험소에서발행된시험성적서를수락하게하여, Res 680 과 Act 11542 에따라이미시험을수행하도록하였습니다. 이방법으로이전에이미공인받은시험소에서새로운 Resolution 에대한시험을할수있으므로프로젝트진행시새시험소를선택하지않아도됩니다. 3. 변경된점 Labeling RF 모듈같이작은제품들의경우, 구 Resolution 은 Res.506 에대한매뉴얼을가지고있게하였으며이것은설명서에기재되어야한다는필수 Requirements 였습니다. 그러나, 제조자가문구가사용될위치를결정할것이므로이러한 Requirements 가필요하지않으며, 라벨의위치를자유롭게부착할수있습니다. ( 제품혹은매뉴얼 ) - 원문 Res. ANATEL 680/2017, Article 5 - Restricted radiation equipment shall contain in the product, in an easily visible place, or in the operating instructions manual supplied by the manufacturer, in a prominent place, information about the implications of its operation, in the following terms: "This equipment is not entitled to protection against harmful interference and may not cause interference in duly authorized systems".
의료용임플란트및주변기기들 Old Requirement (Res. ANATEL 506) Res. 506, Art. 8 - Sole paragraph. Exceptionally, Medical Implant Communications Systems (MICS) are authorized to operate in the band 402 MHz to 405 MHz, provided they comply with that established in Article 19. Res. 506, Art. 19 - Medical Implant Communications Systems (MICS) may operate in the band between 402 MHz and 405 MHz, provided the power (e.i.r.p) is limited to 25 microwatts in a 300 khz reference bandwidth. New requirement (ANATEL Res. 680 + Act. 11542/2017 Res. 680, Art. 7, Paragraph 3 - Exceptionally, the following systems or equipment of restricted radiation are authorized to operate in the frequency bands of Table I: - Medical Application Systems operating in the range of 401 MHz up to 405.9 MHz, provided that the isotropically radiated equivalent power is limited to 25 microwatts in a reference bandwidth of 300 khz.
방사선장치의 New Harmonic limits Old Requirement (Res. ANATEL 506) Res. 506, Art. 9 5. - The use of the 433-435 MHz band by restricted radiation equipment can only be done with limited irradiated power to the maximum value of 10 mw (e.i.r.p). New requirement (ANATEL Res. 680 + Act. 11542/2017 Act. 11542, Item 4.1.5 - The use of the 433-435 MHz band by restricted radiation equipment can only be done with limited irradiated power to the maximum value of 10 mw (e.i.r.p), the emission ouside the bands should be less than 250nW (e.i.r.p) for radio frequencies up to 1000MHz and should be less than 1uW (e.i.r.p) for radio frequenbcies above 1000MHz.
902-907.5 MHz 및 915-928 MHz 에서동작하는 Hopping System 의무선주파수 Old Requirement (Res. ANATEL 506) Res. 506, Art. 40 Item V b) - If the bandwidth of the hopping channel at 20 db is less than 250 khz, the system must use, at least, 35 hopping radiofrequencies and the average time of occupation of any radiofrequency must not be greater than 0.4 seconds in an interval of 20 seconds; Res. 506, Art. 40 Item V c) - If the bandwidth of the hopping channel at 20 db is equal or greater than 250 khz, the system must use, at least, 17 hopping radiofrequencies and the average time of occupation of any frequency must not be greater than 0.4 seconds in an interval of 10 seconds; CSS or LoRa Requirements New requirement (ANATEL Res. 680 + Act. 11542/2017 Act. 11542, Item - If the bandwidth of the hopping channel at 20 db is less than 250 khz, the system must use, at least, 35 hopping radiofrequencies and the average time of occupation of any radiofrequency must not be greater than 0.4 seconds in an interval of 14 seconds; Act. 11542, Item - If the bandwidth of the hopping channel at 20 db is equal or greater than 250 khz, the system must use, at least, 17 hopping radiofrequencies and the average time of occupation of any frequency must not be greater than 0.4 seconds in an interval of 7 seconds; ANATEL 은 CSS 혹은 LoRA 를 Final document 에서삭제시켰으며, Chirp Spread Spectru (CSS) 의 Requirements 로 act 11542/2017 을출판하였습니다. 이러한방법으로, 모든장치는구 ANATEL Res: 506 Section 의동일한 requirements 인 act 11542/2017 와만족해야합니다.
초광대역 (UWB) 장치에대한 Requirements Frequency Band 3100 10,600 MHz. 3100-10,600 MHz. Use Restriction Medical Imaging System Restricted u se indoors of buildings Power limits or Field Intensity over the operation frequency range 1) 0 dbm [1]; e 2) 41.3 dbm [2] 1) 0 dbm [1]; e 2) 41.3 dbm [2] Power limits or Field Intensity outside the operation frequency range and spurious emission 1) Art. 8 Of ANATEL Resolution 680 (Below de 96 0 MHz); 2) -53,3 dbm [2] (between 960 and 1164 MHz); 3) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 1164 and 1240 MHz); 4) -53,3 dbm [2] (between 1240 and 1559 MHz); 5) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 1559 and 1610 MHz); 6) -51,3 dbm [2] (Over 1610MHz) 1) Art. 8 Of ANATEL Resolution 680 (Below de 96 0 MHz); 2) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 960 and 1164 MHz); 3) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1164 and 1240 MHz); 4) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 1240 and 1559 MHz); 5) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1559 and 1610 MHz); 6) -53,3 dbm [2] (1610-1990 MHz); and 7) -51,3 dbm [2] (Over de 1990 MHz)
초광대역 (UWB) 장치에대한 Requirements Frequency Band 3100 10,600 MHz. 22-29 GHz Use Restriction Portable Devices [3] Vehicle Radar Systems; Power limits or Field Intensity over the operation frequency range 1) 0 dbm [1]; e 2) 41.3 dbm [2] 1) 0 dbm [1]; 2) 41.3 dbm [2]; e 3) All the emissions shall be 35 db for any emissions within the 23.6-24.0 GHz band that appear 30 degrees or greater above the horizontal plane Power limits or Field Intensity outside the operation frequency range and spurious emission 1) Art. 8 Of ANATEL Resolution 680 (Below de 9 60 MHz); 2) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 960 and 1164 MHz); 3) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1164 and 1240 MHz); 4) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 1240 and 1559 MHz); 5) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1559 and 1610 MHz); 6) -63,3 dbm [2] (1610-1990); and 7) -61,3 dbm [2] (Over de 1990) 1) Art. 8 Of ANATEL Resolution 680 (Below de 9 60 MHz); 2) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 960 and 1164 MHz); 3) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1164 and 1240 MHz); 4) -75,3 dbm [2] (between 1240 and 1559 MHz); 5) -85,3 dbm [2] (between 1559 and 1610 MHz); and 6) -51,3 dbm (Over 1610MHz)