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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이


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Self introduction 기본표현 I'm In-ho, I live in Pusan. My hobby is painting. I'm 11 years old. 예문 Wed. Sep. 10th. Cloudy. I'm 영희, and my hobby is listening to music. I'm 12 years old. I live in Dosang dong. 써보세요! My name is. I live in. My hobby is.

My English Diary Hobby go hiking :. listening to music : cooking : riding a bike : playing basketball : singing :

Family 기본표현. I love my family.,,, 4. There're father, mother, sister, and me in my family.. My father takes me to the park. 예문 Tues. Oct. 22. Rainy My father often takes me to the park. And my mother always makes good food for me. My sister often helps me with my homework. I love my family..... 써보세요! I have my. My brother helps me with. Mother makes for me

My English Diary Place always often zoo park mountain Let's check! take to ;. think about / thought about.

Friends 기본표현. Let me introduce my friend to you.. I like him because he is kind.. She is very pretty. 예문 Fri. Sep. 18th. Fine My friend's name is In-ho. He is tall and thin. He is good at basketball. He plays the piano very well, too..... 써보세요! Her name is. He is good at. He is tall and. He is very.

My English Diary Character kind tall slim wonderful pretty Let's check! be good at /

My Hobby 기본표현. My hobby is listening to music.. I like going shopping.. I practice the piano everyday. 예문 Fri. Sep. 11th. Fine I like playing soccer. I played soccer with my friend. My team won the game. I was excited! 써보세요! My hobby is playing. I played with my friend. My is playing soccer. I was.

My English Diary Hobby ( ) traveling : cooking : shopping : reading : hiking : Let's check! play / played win / won be excited / was excited

Visiting 기본표현. I went to my grandma's house.. I met my uncle and aunt.,. Good luck, grandmother. 예문 Sun. Oct. 9th. Fine late rain. Today is grandpa's birthday. My family went to Chin-Joo. We had a good time. 써보세요! Today is 's birthday. I went to. We had a time.

My English Diary Family ( ) grandpa : uncle : cousin : grandma : aunt : birthday : Let's check! go / went meet ( ) / met ( )

Meeting 기본표현. I met Su-mi at the play ground.. We watched "Lion king".. It was exciting. 예문 Fri. Sep. 6th. Fine I met Su-mi in front of the theater. We watched "Lion king" It was exciting. 써보세요! I met Su-mi at the. We watched. It was.

My English Diary

Season 기본표현. It is cool in autumn (fall).. I like autumn.. The leaves turned red and yellow. 예문 Sat. Oct. 10th. Fine I like reading books. I bought a book yesterday. It was very interesting. I'll read many books this autumn. 써보세요! I like It is I bought a I'll read (best). in autumn. yesterday. this autumn.

My English Diary Season spring summer : autumn(fall) : winter : warm : hot : cool : cold : Let's check! leaves turn red / leaves turned red buy / bought

기본표현? How's the weather today? / what's like today?. It is cloudy.. It is getting cold. 예문 Thur. Nov. 4th. Rainy It's raining. I don't like rainy days. Because I can't play outside. Stop raining, Please. I'd like to play outside. 써보세요! Weather How s the (today)? It is. I don't like day. It is getting.

My English Diary Weather sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy : foggy Let's check! It's getting :

기본표현. Today is my school's picnic day.. We went to Children's Grand Park.. I shared kimbab with my friends. 예문 Fri. Oct. 22nd. Fine Today is my school's picnic day. We went to Children's Grand Park. I shared kimbab with my friends. I had a wonderful time. 써보세요! Picnic I went on a. I shared kimbab with my. I had a time. We went to.

My English Diary Playing treasure hunt quiz talent contest : hide and seek : Let's check! go / went share kimbab. / shared kimbab.

Food 기본표현. My family went out for dinner.. I ate (had) Bulgogi.. It was delicious. 예문 Sun, Sep, 9, cloudy We went to MacDonald. Today is my birthday. We had hamburgers and coke. After dinner, we went to a....,. 써보세요! We went to. Today is my. We had. After dinner, We went to a.

My English Diary Food beef steak fried chicken pork cutlet: french fries spaghetti Let's check! have dinner. / had dinner

Clothes 기본표현,. You look nice.. I put on a scarf. I took off the scarf. 예문 Mon, Mar, 15th, cold In the morning, it was very cold. I put on coat. In the afternoon, it was warm. I took off coat. 써보세요! In the morning, it was very. I put on. In the afternoon, it was. I took off.

My English Diary Clothes coat scarf gloves hat dress sweater Let's check! put on / put on. take off / took off

Sports 기본표현. I played baseball in the afternoon.. My team won the baseball game.. My favorite sport is baseball.( I love baseball.) 예문 Saturday. October. 20th. Fine. I played baseball in the afternoon. My team won the baseball game. I had a good time today.... 써보세요! I played I like best. in the afternoon. My favorite sport is.

My English Diary Sports soccer badminton basketball volleyball table tennis Let's check! play. / played. do / did.

M. Birthday 기본표현! Happy Birthday! 8 15. My birthday is August 15th.. My uncle gave me a present. 예문 Mon. Dec. 13th. Cloudy It is my birthday. My father gave me a cap for present. In the afternoon, I had a birthday party.... 써보세요! I had a party. Today is birthday. My friend gave me a.

My English Diary Presents toy doll flower robot CD(compact diskette) Let's check! give / gave. have a party / had a party.

Shopping 기본표현. I went to Market with my mother.. My mother bought fish.. I like ice cream. 예문 Mon. Oct. 21. Cloudy After school, I went to Market with my mother. Mother bought me, ice cream and new shoes. I like very much..,,.. 써보세요! I went to after school. Mom bought for me. My dad bought me a.

My English Diary Place market (=mart) supermarket department store robot CD(compact diskette) Let's check! buy / bought. after school go shopping.

O. My hope 기본표현. I want to be a singer.. I like playing baseball.. I'd like to be a computer programmer when I grow up. 예문 Sun. Oct. 17. Fine. I want to be a soccer player when I grow up. I like playing soccer. I'd like to be a nice player like 안정환. 써보세요! I want to be a. I like very much. I'd like to be a when I grow up.

My English Diary Jobs doctor : scientist : nurse teacher : designer actor(ess) ( ) Let' check! when I grow up : I 'd like to be a :.

In the morning 기본표현 6. I got up at 6 o'clock.. I washed my face.. I put on my clothes. 예문 Mon. Oct. 18th. Cloudy I got up early in the morning. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I cleaned up my room.... 써보세요! I got up at. I went to the and took a shower. I washed and. I cleaned up.

My English Diary Bathroom shower shampoo toilet wash : brush my teeth rinse Let's check! get up / got up. clean up. / cleaned up.

Way to school 기본표현 8. I went to school at 8 o'clock.. I met Young-hee on my way to school.. I said Hello to Young-hee. 예문 Thur. Oct. 7th. windy I went to school at 8 o'clock. I met my teacher on my way to school. I said Hello to him. 써보세요! I went to at 8 o'clock. It takes 20 minutes to go to. I met my, Young-hee.

My English Diary Vehicle by bus by taxi by subway ship bicycle : train Let's check! went : go on foot : met : meet far from :

Class 기본표현. My favorite subject is English.. Science is very difficult.. The third class was korean. 예문 Tues. Oct. 3rd. Cloudy 써보세요! It was class. Math is very. The first class is.

My English Diary Subject Korean : mathematics : science : social studies : music : art : Let's check! play game :./ played game :.

Lunch time 기본표현. I like lunch time.. I ate lunch with my friends.. After lunch, we played baseball. 예문 Thur. Mar. 3rd. Fine I like lunch time best. I ate lunch with my friends. We shared food together. After lunch, we played soccer. 써보세요! I like time. I ate with my friends. My favorite food is. After lunch, we played.

My English Diary Foods chicken : beef : fried egg : bacon : vegetable : fish paste : Let's check! eat / ate after lunch :

T. Examination 기본표현. I took an exam today.. I studied hard for the test.. The test was very difficult. 예문 Thur. Oct. 10th. Cloudy I took the science and the math exam. I studied hard for the test. But math was very difficult.... 써보세요! I took exam. I hard. was very difficult.

My English Diary Examination listening test dictation Let's check! study / studied. take an exam. / took an exam.

Feeling 기본표현. I had a cold.. I had a headache.. I went to see a doctor. 예문 Wed. Sep. 24. Windy I had a headache. I couldn't play badminton today. I went to see a doctor. I went to bed early. 써보세요! I had a. I don't like. I went to see a.

My English Diary What's the matter?? toothache / stomachache tired. / headache Let's check! go to see a doctor. / went to see a doctor. have a cold / had a cold.

기본표현! Happy!. My family went to my grandma's house.. We made together. 예문 Tue. Sep. 25th. Fine After school, my family went to my grandmother's house in Ma-san. We went there by bus. We made together.... 써보세요! We made My family went to. together. 's house.

My English Diary. hometown : full moon Let's check! make / made.

Christmas 기본표현! Merry Christmas!. I went to church.. I sent Christmas cards to my friends. 예문 Fri. Dec. 25th. Merry Christmas! Snowy. I sang Christmas carols. I got a present from Santa. I wish I get presents from Santa next year, too.!... 써보세요! I got a present from. I got a from my mom. Today is.

My English Diary Christmas present carol Let's check! sing / sang. get a present / got a present.

New year 기본표현. Today is New Year's Day.. Happy new year!. We played in the afternoon. 예문 Thur. Jan. 1st. Fine We went to my uncle's house. All the families got together. My grandfather gave me some money. I was very happy..... 써보세요! We went to. Today is. Happy.

My English Diary New Year`s day Let's check! get together. / got together.