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APPETIZERS A1. Edamame 에다마메日本毛豆 $ 4.00 Lightly salted boiled soybeans A2. Dumpling 튀김만두饺子 $4.00 Six deep-fried beef or vegetable dumplings served with

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SET 조식세트 All set menus are served with Freshly squeezed juice and hot beverage 모든세트메뉴에는신선한생과일주스와뜨거운음료가제공됩니다


한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2011; 44(2): 171 ~ 180 DOI /kjn 식품으로인한유해물질노출조사를위한 식생활설문지의타당도평가 * 김혜미 1 최슬기 1,2 신상아 1 이경윤 1 신상희 1,3 이정원 1


3 Yes, I smoke. 현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~

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11/5/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /9/2018 Korean Curry Chicken Karaage Chicken Pho Chicken Mayo Bibimbap Braised Quail Egg with Soy Sauce Gyoj

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많이찾는면 Noodles Spicy Very Spicy A1. A2. A3. A4. 짜장면 $7.95 Ja Jang Myun Noodles with pork and vegetables in black bean sauce 야채짜장 $7.95 Vegetable Ja Jang Myun Noodles with vegetables in black bean sauce 고추짜장 $8.95 Spicy Ja Jang Myun Noodles with pork and vegetables in very spicy black bean sauce 짬뽕 $9.50 Jjam Pong Spicy noodle soup with seafood and vegetables A5. A6. A7. A8. 고추짬뽕 $10.50 Pepper Jjam Pong Spicy noodle soup with seafood, vegetables, and chili peppers 하얀짬뽕 $9.50 우동 $9.50 울면 $9.50 White Jjam Pong Udon Ul Myun Noodle soup with seafood and vegetables in white broth Noodle soup with seafood and egg Noodles soup with seafood and vegetable in gravy(thick) broth A9. A10. A11. A12. 삼선짜장면 $9.95 Seafood Jja Jang Myun Noodles with assorted seafood and vegetables in black bean sauce 삼선우동 $11.95 Seafood Udon Noodle soup with extra seafood and egg 삼선짬뽕 $11.95 Seafood Jjam Pong Spicy noodle soup with extra seafood and vegetables 삼선고추짬뽕 $13.95 Seafood Pepper Jjam Pong Spicy noodle soup with extra seafood, vegetables, and chili peppers A13. A14. A15. A16. 삼선울면 $11.95 Seafood Ul Myun Noodles with assorted seafood and vegetable in gravy(thick) broth 짬짜면 Half/half $11.95 Jjam Jja Myun 고추짬짜면 $12.95 Pepper Jjam Jja Myun Half/half 웃기는짜장 $19.90 Signature Jja Jang Myun Noodles with seafood, pork and vegetables in black bean and garlic sauce ( 웃기는짜장은 2 인분이상주문가능 ) A17. A18. A19. 웃기는짬뽕 Signature Jjam Pong Noodles with sautéed vegetables in spicy sauce 굴짬뽕 $14.95 Oyster Jjam Pong Noodle soup with seafood and vegetables in oyster broth 기스면 Chicken noodle soup $9.50 Giseu Myun 01

밥종류 Rice Spicy Very Spicy B1. B2. B3. B4. 야채볶음밥 Vegetable Fried Rice Fried rice with vegetables 소고기볶음밥삼선볶음밥새우볶음밥 Beef Fried Rice Seafood Fried Rice Shrimp Fried Rice Fried rice with beef Fried rice with seafood Fried rice with shrimp B5. B6. B7. B8. 닭고기볶음밥 짜장밥 오무라이스 Chicken Fried Rice Jja Jang Over Fried Rice Omelet Over Rice Fried rice with chicken Fried rice with black bean sauce Egg omelet over fried rice 짬뽕밥 $9.95 Jjam Pong with Rice Spicy seafood soup with side of white rice B9. B10. B11. B12. 김치볶음밥 Kimchi Fried Rice Fried rice with pork and kimchi 돈까스 Deep-fried breaded pork cutlet with a side of white rice $9.95 Don Katsu 유산슬밥 $13.95 Ryusansul with Rice Braised sea cucumber with shrimp and sliced beef over rice 잡채밥 Japchae with Rice Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles with shredded beef and vegetables over white rice B13. B14. B15. B1. Vegetable Fried Rice 잡탕밥 공깃밥 고추잡채밥 $11.95 $13.95 $2.00 Gochu Japchae with Rice Jap Tang with Rice Bowl of Rice Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles with shredded beef, vegetables, and spicy green peppers over white rice Stir-fried seafood and vegetables over rice White rice 밥종류메뉴는계란탕이나짬뽕국물을선택하실수있습니다. (Choice of Egg Drop Soup or Jjam Pong Soup) or 02

요리 Entrée Spicy Very Spicy 만두류 C1. C2. C3. Dumplings C4. 군만두 꽃빵 $7.95 $5.00 Deep Fried Mandoo Ggott Bbang Fried dumplings with pork and Steamed Chinese bread vegetables 김치만두 $5.00 Kimchi Mandoo Steamed dumplings with beef, pork, and kimchi 야채만두 $5.00 Vegetable Mandoo Steamed dumplings with vegetables C5. C6. C7. C8. 시금치만두 Steamed dumplings with spinach $5.00 Spinach Mandoo 고기만두 $7.00 Meat Mandoo Steamed dumplings with beef, pork, and vegetables 새우만두 Steamed dumplings with shrimp $6.00 Shrimp Mandoo 물만두 $8.50 Mul Mandoo Boiled dumplings with beef, pork, and vegetables 해삼전복류. Sea cucumber & Abalone D1. D2. C9. 해삼전복 $48.00 Haesam Jeonbok Sea cucumber and abalone with oyster sauce 전복볶음 $35.00 Jeonbok Bokgeum Braised abalone in oyster sauce 고기만두배추만두 $12.95 Cabbage Mandoo Beef and pork dumplings wrapped in Napa cabbage D3. D4. 금수오룡해삼 $45.00 Keumsoo Ooryong Haesam Fried sea cucumber stuffed with minced shrimp (Very spicy) 해삼탕 $45.00 Haesam Tang Sea cucumber with oyster sauce D3. Keumsoo Ooryong Haesam 03

요리 Entrée Spicy Very Spicy 냉채류 E1. E2. E3. Cold Dishes E4. 해파리냉채 Cold jellyfish with garlic sauce 오향장육 세가지냉채 $18.95 $20.95 $38.95 Hapari Naeng Chae Ohyang Jangyook Three Naeng Chae Special cold steamed beef with garlic sauce Three kinds of cold dish (Jellyfish, steamed beef and shrimp) 네가지냉채 $49.95 Four Naeng Chae Four kinds of cold dish (Jellyfish, steamed beef, shrimp and abalone) E5. E4. Four Naeng Chae 족발냉채 $20.95 Cold Pettitoes Cold pettitoes with garlic sauce 야채. 두부류 F1. F2. Vegetable & Bean Curd F3. F4. 마파두부 $15.95 Mapa Tofu Szechuan-style tofu with beef, green pepper, and chili oil 동고배추 $12.95 Dong Go Baechu Mushroom and Chinese cabbages 모듬야채볶음 버섯두부 $16.95 $16.95 Busut Tofu Mo Deum Yachae Bokeum Tofu with mushrooms in chili oil Stir-fried mixed vegetables F5. F6. F7. F8. 표고버섯죽순 $16.95 Pyogo Busut Jook Soon Sautéed Shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots 가지두부볶음 $17.95 Gaji Tofu Bokeum Sauteed tofu with eggplant 탕수두부 $17.95 Tangsu Tofu Fried tofu with sweet & sour sauce 깐풍두부 $17.95 Kkanpung Tofu Fried tofu with sour garlic and red pepper sauce 04

요리 Entrée Spicy Very Spicy 스프류 G1. G2. G3. G4. Soup 야채두부탕산라탕계란탕 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 Yachae Tofu Tang Sanra Tang Tofu and vegetable soup Hot and sour soup with tofu Gyeran Tang Korean style egg drop soup with bamboo and mushrooms 짬뽕국물 $8.00 Jjam Pong Soup Spicy seafood and vegetable soup without noodles G5. G6. G7. G8. 해물누룽지탕 $17.50 Seafood Nurungji Tang Assorted seafood soup with scorched rice 누룽지추가 Additional scorched rice $3.50 Nurungji 짜장소스 (Large size) (Medium size) $10.50 짜장소스 $5.95 Jja Jang Sauce Jja Jang Sauce Black bean sauce with pork and vegetables Black bean sauce with pork and vegetables 새우류 H1. H2. H3. H4. Shrimp 간소새우 깐풍새우 탕수새우 새우튀김 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $21.95 Ganso Shrimp Ggan Poong Shrimp Tangsoo Shrimp Fried Shrimp Fried shrimp with ketchup and chili sauce Fried shrimp with sour garlic and red pepper sauce Fried shrimp with sweet and sour sauce Fried shrimp H3. Tangsoo Shrimp 05

요리 Entrée Spicy Very Spicy 잡품류 i1. i2. i3. Mixed Food i4. 양장피 Assorted cold seafood and vegetable with beef in mustard sauce $24.95 Yang Jang Pi 전가복 Sauteed seafood, vegetables and abalone 유산슬 $29.95 $26.95 $25.95 Jeon Ga Bok Ryu San Seul Palbo Chae Braised sea cucumber with shrimp and sliced beef 팔보채 Sautéed assorted seafood with vegetables in chili oil i5. i6. i7. i8. 홍합볶음 Mussels with red pepper and black bean sauce $19.95 Mussel Bokkeum 잡채 $15.95 $18.95 $20.95 Japchae Japchae with Pepper Buchu Japchae Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles with shredded beef and vegetables 고추잡채 Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles with shredded beef, vegetables, and spicy green peppers 부추잡채 Shredded beef with chives and mushroom includes 4pcs of steamed Chinese bread i9. 라조도미 Fried whole red snapper with asian flavors $22.95 Snapper i4. Palbo Chae 06

요리 Entrée Spicy Very Spicy 닭고기류 J1. J2. J3. J4. Chicken 탕수닭 Fried chicken in sweet and sour sauce 라조기 $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 $18.95 Tangsoo Chicken Ra Jo Gi Ggan Poong Gi Chicken with Broccoli Fried chicken in red pepper sauce 깐풍기 Fried chicken in sour garlic and pepper sauce 닭고기브로커리 Fried chicken with broccoli and Chinese cabbage in chili oil J5. K9. Meat 버섯닭고기 $18.95 Chicken with Mushroom Fried chicken with mushrooms in chili oil 고기류 K1. K2. K3. K5. Ggan Poong Yuk-Beef 난자완스 $21.95 Beef Nanjia Wanz Stir-fried minced meatball and assorted vegetables K4. 탕수육 ( 소고기 ) 탕수육 라조육 ( 소고기 ) 라조육 $21.95 $18.95 $21.95 $18.95 Tang Soo Yuk-Beef Tang Soo Yuk-Pork Ra Jo Yuk-Beef Ra Jo Yuk-Pork Fried beef in sweet and Fried pork in sweet and Fried beef in red pepper sauce Fried pork in red pepper sauce sour sauce sour sauce K5. K6. K7. K8. 깐풍육 $21.95 Ggan Poong Yuk-Beef Fried beef in sour garlic and pepper sauce ( 소고기 ) 깐풍육 $18.95 $21.95 Ggan Poong Yuk-Pork Beef with Broccoli Fried pork in sour garlic and pepper sauce 소고기브로커리 Fried beef with broccoli and Chinese cabbage (Pepper Oil) 동파육 $23.95 Dong Pa Yuk Sliced pork & vegetables with black bean sauce 07

주류및음료 Liquor & Soda 고량주 Go Ryang Ju 사 케 Sake $15.00 Large Bottle $7.50 Small Bottle $8.00 Large Bottle $5.00 Small Bottle 한국술 Korean Liquor 참소주 Cham Soju 참이슬소주 Cham Isul Soju 백세주 Bek Se Ju 복분자 Bok Bun Ja 막걸리 Mak Geol Li $13.00 $14.00 $13.00 맥주음료 & 물 소다 - 콜라, 스프라이트, 환타, 진저엘, 아이스티 Soda - Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Ginger Ale, Iced Tea 물 Water 쿨스라이트 Coors Light 하이네켄 Heineken 하이트 Hite (Korean Beer) 칭따오 Tsingtao (Chinese Beer) Beer $4.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 Soda & Water $2.00 $1.00 08

런치스페셜 Lunch Special Spicy Very Spicy Monday - Friday 11:00 am - 3:00 pm L1. L2. L3. L4. (Except Holidays) 라조기밥 $8.95 $9.95 $8.95 Rajogi with Rice Beef with Broccoli Chicken with Broccoli Rice over fried chicken in red pepper sauce 소고기브로커리밥 Rice over fried beef with broccoli and Chinese cabbage (Pepper oil) 닭고기브로커리밥 Rice over fried chicken with broccoli and Chinese cabbage (Pepper oil) 탕수육밥 $9.95 Tang Soo Yuk with Rice Rice over fried pork in sweet and sour sauce L5. L6. L7. L8. 마파두부밥 $7.95 Mapa Tofu with Rice Rice over bean curd with beef, green pepper in pepper oil (Szechuan-style) 깐풍기밥 ( 소고기 ) $8.95 $7.95 $7.95 Ggan Poong Gi with Rice Buseot Deop Bap Tofu Vegetable Deop Bap Rice over fried chicken with sour garlic in pepper sauce 버섯덮밥 Rice over mixed mushroom (Pepper oil) 두부야채덮밥 Rice over tofu and vegetables (Pepper oil) L9. L10. L11. L12. 잡채밥 ( 소고기 ) 고추잡채밥 짜장밥 군만두 $7.95 $8.95 $7.95 $6.95 Japchae with Rice Pepper Jap Chae with Rice Jja Jang Over Fried Rice Deep Fried Mandoo Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles Stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles Fried rice with black bean sauce Fried dumpling (Pork and mixed with shredded beef and vegetables with shredded beef, vegetables, and vegetables, 8pcs) over white rice spicy green peppers over white rice 09