The Lounge
For the Morning 10:00AM ~ 11:30AM Mini viennoiseries and French baguettes basket 12,000 미니비엔누아즈리와프렌치바게트바스켓 Mini viennoiseries and French baguettes basket with choice of a fresh juice and a hot drink 35,000 미니비엔누아즈리와프렌치바게트바스켓, 후레쉬주스와뜨거운음료 Le Goûter SIGNIEL 2:30PM ~ 6:00PM Le Goû ter SIGNIEL: mix of five small sweet pastries and three salted creations. 80,000 Choice of a hot drink. 시그니엘애프터눈티 : 다섯가지페스트리, 세가지미니디쉬와뜨거운음료 Le Goû ter SIGNIEL with Champagne 100,000 시그니엘애프터눈티와샴페인
Soup & Salad SOUP Mushroom cream soup Served with croutons and gruyere cheese 18,000 양송이크림스프 Butternut squash veloute 18,000 Butternut, pumpkin seed 버터넛호박크림스프 SALAD Niçoise salad Tuna, quail eggs, tomato, green beans, salad, lemon dressing 23,000 참치를곁들인니수아즈샐러드 Chicken Caesar salad (chicken: Korean) Chicken, dry tomato, parmesan cheese, croutons, anchovy 26,000 치킨시저샐러드 ( 닭고기 : 국내산 ) Green therapy salad Quinoa, grapefruit, avocado, beetroot, nuts, cucumber, celery, red cabbage, lemon and honey dressing 26,000 퀴노아샐러드 Pour Simon salad Chicory, persimon, fennel, parmesan cheese, nuts, baby cops, orange dressing 26,000 단감샐러드 Lobster Caesar salad Lobster, dry tomato, parmesan cheese, croutons, anchovy 45,000 랍스터시저샐러드
Sandwich Pan bagnat comme à Nice Olive oil and thyme bread, tuna, tomato, quail eggs, green beans, salad 24,000 팡바냐야채샌드위치 Paris-New York (beef: Australian) 29,000 Bagel, pastrami, melted emmental cheese, salad, pickles, mayonnaise 패스트라미베이글 ( 소고기 : 호주산 ) Titi Croque-Monsieur (ham: Korean pork) Traditional Croque Monsieur, ham, cheese, bechamel sauce 29,000 크로크무슈 ( 햄 : 국내산돼지고기 ) L Alsacien (pork: Korean) 30,000 Home made sausage hot dog style, crunchy celery and condiments 홈메이드소시지를곁들인알자스식핫도그 ( 돈간, 돈안심, 돈삼겹 : 국내산돼지고기 ) Club-sandwich (chicken: Korean, bacon: French pork) Chicken, tomato, eggs, salad, bacon served with chips 32,000 닭고기클럽샌드위치와감자칩 ( 닭고기 : 국내산, 베이컨 : 프랑스산돼지고기 ) Escoffier s (beef: American) Homemade beef tenderloin steak, tomato salad, cucumber, fried egg, served with matchstick fries 36,000 에스코피에햄버거와감자튀김 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Pasta Spaghetti Basil, black olives, tomato, parmesan cheese, tomato sauce 26,000 바질토마토스파게티 Rigatoni Carbonara (bacon: French pork, broth: Korean chicken) Bacon, onions, cream, parmesan cheese 26,000 리가토니까르보나라 ( 베이컨 : 프랑스산돼지고기, 육수 : 국내산닭고기 ) Tagliatelle (broth: Korean chicken) 55,000 King crab lemon sauce, parmesan cheese 킹크랩딸리아뗄레 ( 육수 : 국내산닭고기 )
Coquillette (Ham: Korean pork, broth: Korean chicken) 65,000 Ham, cheese and truffle pasta 꼬끼에뜨트러플파스타 ( 햄 : 국내산돼지고기, 육수 : 국내산닭고기 )
Plate Paris-style omelette (ham: Korean pork) Ham, mushroom, cheese, fresh herbs, lettuce heart 26,000 파리스타일오믈렛 ( 햄 : 국내산돼지고기 ) Pata Negra (ham: Spanish pork) Jabugo Iberico Bellota tomato concasse and mini baguettes 30,000 파타네그라, 이베리코벨로타햄과바게트 ( 햄 : 스페인산돼지고기 ) Salmon 32,000 Gravlax style served with warm blinis and sour cream 연어, 블리니스와사워크림 Cheeses platter 45,000 Selection of hard and soft cheeses with some condiments 치즈플래터 Charcuterie platter (ham: Korean and Spanish pork, sausage: Korean pork) 55,000 Selection of Korean and Spanish charcuterie with some condiments 샤퀴테리플래터 ( 햄 : 국내산및스페인산돼지고기, 소시지 : 국내산돼지고기 ) Charcuterie and cheeses platter (ham: Korean and Spanish pork, sausage: Korean pork) 65,000 Selection of charcuterie and cheeses with some condiments 샤퀴테리, 치즈플래터 ( 햄 : 국내산및스페인산돼지고기, 소시지 : 국내산돼지고기 )
Meat & Fish MEAT Roasted baby chicken (chicken: Korean, broth: Korean chicken) 45,000 치킨오븐구이 ( 닭고기 : 국내산, 육수 : 국내산닭고기 ) Beef strip-loin 180g / 250g (beef: American) 57,000 / 80,000 등심구이 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Beef fillet 180g / 250g (beef: American) 60,000 / 83,000 안심구이 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) Beef rib eye 180g / 250g (beef: American) 77,000 / 100,000 알등심구이 ( 소고기 : 미국산 ) SAUCE OF YOUR CHOICE: Pepper sauce (broth: Australian beef), béarnaise sauce, blue cheese sauce 소스선택 : 페퍼소스 ( 육수 : 호주산소고기 ), 베어네이즈소스, 블루치즈소스 ONE SIDE DISH OF YOUR CHOICE: Please refer to the next page 사이드디쉬는다음페이지에서 1 종선택가능합니다. FISH Sea bass (chicken: Korean) 40,000 Celeriac puree, chestnut, butternut and chicken jus 샐러리악퓨레를곁들인농어구이와치킨소스 ( 육수 : 국내산닭고기 ) Lobster 65,000 A la plancha, eggplant caviar served with coral vinaigrette 가지캐비어를곁들인구운랍스터와비네그레트소스
Side Dish Soft mashed potatoes 10,000 매쉬포테이토 French fries 10,000 감자튀김 Sautéed spinaches 10,000 시금치볶음 Sautéed mushrooms 10,000 버섯볶음 Sautéed French beans 12,000 그린빈스볶음
Dessert Chocolate (1ea) 2,500 초콜렛 Hot cookies Caramelised Pecan nuts served in a cocotte, vanilla sauce 14,000 따뜻한피칸너트쿠키 Apple tart 16,000 Tatin tart with light custard cream 커스타드크림을곁들인사과타르트 A selection of sorbet or ice-cream 16,000 셔벗또는아이스크림 A selection of sliced fresh fruits 17,000 신선한계절과일 Paris-Brest 17,000 Small puff pastry 파리브레스트스타일의미니퍼프페스트리 Madame yuzu 18,000 Yuzu cream, breton sable, Joconde sponge 마담유자케이크 Strawberry cake 18,000 Marmalade, mousse, vanilla cream, breton sable 딸기마멀레이드케이크 Arabica Coffee creme brulee 18,000 아라비카커피크렘브륄레 Modern chocolate sphere Gianduja, brownies, hazelnuts 19,000 모던쵸콜릿케익
SIGNIEL Specialty Coffee PANAMA ESMERALDA GEISHA 파나마에스메랄다게이샤 Geisha is the mainstream coffee of Panama, often sold as a premium specialty coffee from coffee championships around the world. This coffee resembles the fresh, crisp fragrance of tea made with fruits like orange and grapefruit 파나마의대표적인커피는게이샤 (Geisha) 로세계커피챔피언쉽에서최고의스페셜티커피로고가에판매되고있으며오렌지, 자몽등의상큼한산미와화사한느낌의향이있는티에가까운커피 COLD 28,000 / HOT 27,000 COSTARICA TARRAZU RFA 코스타리카따라주 RFA A rainforest-certified coffee known for its caramel, milky sweetness, light bitterness, medium body, and an overall creamy and smooth flavor 코스타리카 RFA 레인포레스트인증커피로카라멜처럼밀키한달콤함, 라이트한쓴맛, 중간바디감, 전체적으로크리미한부드러운맛이특징 COLD 21,000 / HOT 20,000
SIGNIEL Coffee Signiel Coffee only uses coffee beans that have passed strict quality control. Taste the flavor and fragrance of freshly brewed coffee, an encounter between high quality coffee beans and a coffee master. 시그니엘커피는엄격한품질관리를통과한원두만이사용됩니다. 품질좋은원두와커피마스터의정성이만나갓볶은원두커피의풍미와향을그대로느낄수있습니다. SIGNIEL 79 / 시그니엘 79 SIGNIEL 79 boasts an excellently balanced body with the blending and roasting of small batches of beans to manifest the flavor of the finest espresso 최상의에스프레소풍미를발현하기위한다품종의생두를블렌딩 & 로스팅, 균형잡힌바디감이우수 SIGNIEL 123 / 시그니엘 123 SIGNIEL 123 Has a crisp, yet smooth body with a rich aroma that exhibits the characteristics of 7 different beans of different regions 7 품종의산지별생두의특징이잘나타나있으며깔끔하면서부드러운바디감과풍부한향미가특징
SIGNIEL Coffee Cold Hot Espresso 16,000 에스프레소 Espresso Macchiato 17,000 16,000 에스프레소마키아토 Americano 17,000 16,000 아메리카노 Cafe Latte 19,000 18,000 카페라떼 Cappuccino 19,000 18,000 카푸치노 Cafe Mocha 19,000 18,000 카페모카 Affogato 20,000 아포가토 Hot chocolate 18,000 핫초코 Iced chocolate 19,000 아이스초코
Osulloc Royal Tea Osulloc Royal Tea, blended tea with a perfect harmony of sweet scent of pears with star candy that sparkles like the stars in the night sky. The silver moonlight against the golden starlight that shines across the blue ocean of Jeju. As you stroll along the faint halo that moves like a mirage, you'll experience a wonderful bliss in your heart that moves like a rhythmic dance. Osulloc's blended tea offers extraordinary taste and aroma, but its energy and charm are what make it truly special. A post-fermented tea with the subtle and sweet scent of pears and cinnamon hand-picked by Yannick Alléno, a 3-star Michelin chef. 오설록로얄티달큰한배향, 밤하늘별빛같은별사탕이환상적인조화를이룬블렌디드티입니다. 제주푸른밤바다에부서지는은빛달빛과금빛별빛. 신기루처럼아련히출렁이는달무리를따라거닐면, 가슴속묻어두었던황홀함이아른아른함께일렁입니다. 오설록의블렌디드티제품에는이색적인맛과향은물론이야기와감동을주는특별함이있습니다. 미슐랭 3 스타야닉알레노셰프가선택한달큰한배향과시나몬향이달빛처럼은은하게감도는후발효차입니다. Dammann Freres Dammann Freres, a French high-end tea collection of 320 years In 1692, Monsieur Dammann was conceded by Louis XIV to the exclusive privilege to sell tea in France. Today, Dammann Freres offers about 3,200 exclusive blends. Along with tradition Dammann Freres makes a commitment to innovation, sponding to the desire of an clientele always expecting the newest and highest quality of products. A collection of exclusive creations provides exiquisite and elegane flavor and aroma. 320 년전통의프랑스명품티다만프레르다만프레르의역사는 1692 년, Monsieur Damame 이태양왕루이 14 세로부터프랑스내의유일한티독점권을포함한매우특별한신임을받게되면서부터시작되었습니다. 오늘날, 다만프레르는 3,200 여가지의독자적인블렌드를가지고있습니다. 다만프레르는전통적인방식을고수하면서도항상새로운제품과최상의품질을원하는고객들을만족시키기위해신제품을개발하는데에도노력을아끼지않습니다. 이러한다만프레르만의컬렉션은매우아름답고품격있는맛과향을제공합니다.
Tea Cold Hot Pai Mu Tan (White Tea) 19,000 18,000 빠이무탄 A pure white tea that has meaning of white peony. 백작약이라는뜻의순수한백차 Passion de Fleurs (White Tea) 19,000 18,000 빠씨옹드플레흐 A flavored white tea which its delicate rose and sweet apricot scent are especially appealing. 섬세한장미와달콤한살구향이특히매력적인가향백차. Breakfast 19,000 18,000 블랙퍼스트 A blend of Ceylon, Darjeeling and Assam teas, provides balanced flavor and perfect bodiness with scent of the nature. 실론, 다즐링, 아쌈티의블렌딩으로나무와식물의향과함께완벽한바디감과균형있는맛을선사합니다. Darjeeling 19,000 18,000 다즐링 As known as champagne of black tea, produced from Darjeeling, India. Has light, delicate flavor with muscat scent. 인도다즐링마을일대에서생산되며홍차의샴페인이라는별명을가짐. 가볍고섬세한맛과머스캣향이특징. Keemun 19,000 18,000 기문 Mainly produced from Keemun, southwest of Suzhou, China. 중국안후이성서남부에위치한기문지방에서주로생산되는홍차. Lapsang Souchong 19,000 18,000 랍상소우총 Prestigious Chinese tea that has pinetree scent by smoking pine needles. 솔잎을태운연기로훈연을하여소나무향이특징인중국 3 대명차.
Tea Cold Hot Earl Grey (Flavored Tea) 19,000 18,000 얼그레이 A blended flavor tea to have unique scent by adding bergamot orange oil extract to tea leaves. 홍차잎에베르가모트오렌지의껍질로부터추출한기름을첨가함으로써특이한향을내도록블렌드한가향차. Pomme d Amour (Flavored Tea) 19,000 18,000 폼다모르 A blend of black teas with the delicious aroma of caramelized roasted apple livened up with a hint of maraschino. 홍차와달콤한사과맛의절묘한조화와마라스키노향이특징인가향티 Jardin Bleu (Flavored Tea) 19,000 18,000 자르뎅블루 A flavored black tea with sweet strawberry scent. 달콤한딸기향이매우매력적인가향홍차. Nosy Bey (Flavored Tea) 19,000 18,000 노지베 A flavored black tea that has carefully selected black tea, vanilla and peach scent. 엄선된홍차와바닐라, 복숭아향이특징인가향홍차. Jardin du Luxembourg (Flavored Oolong Tea) 19,000 18,000 자르뎅뒤룩셈부르크 A unique tea that blended oolong tea with aloe vera, rose, jasmine, acacia, melon and plum flower. 반발효차인우롱차와알로에베라, 로즈, 자스민, 아카시아, 멜론, 자두꽃향이블렌딩된유니크한우롱차. Osulloc Royal Tea By YANNICK ALLENO (Oolong Tea) 19,000 18,000 오설록로얄티 A post-fermented tea with sweet pear and cinnamon scent, chosen by chef Yannick Alleno. 야닉알레노쉐프가선택한달큰한배향과시나몬향이달빛처럼은은하게감도는후발효차
Tea Cold Hot Provence (Fruits Tea) 19,000 18,000 프로방스 A fresh fruit tea that blended hibiscus flower leaves, rose hip, orange peel, apple with apricot and peach scent. 히비스커스꽃잎, 로즈힙, 오렌지필, 사과조각과함께천연살구향, 복숭아향이블렌딩된상큼한과일차. Samba (Fruits Tea) 19,000 18,000 삼바 An exotic fruit tea that blended hibiscus flower leaves, rose hip, orange peel, apple with mango and tropical fruit scent. 히비스커스꽃잎, 로즈힙, 오렌지필, 사과조각과함께망고향, 열대과일향이블렌딩된이국적인과일차. Osulloc Sejak Green Tea 19,000 18,000 오설록세작녹차 Exquisitely blended steamed and roasted teas, and has mellow flavor and delicate scent. 증기로찌고덖은 ' 옥록차 ' 와 ' 덖음차 ' 를절묘하게블렌딩하였으며감미로운풍미와은은한향.
Tea Cold Hot Peppermint (Herb Tea) 19,000 18,000 페퍼민트 A herb tea that helps to digest with a feeling of refreshment. 상쾌한청량감으로소화촉진에도움이되는허브차. Camomile (Herb Tea) 19,000 18,000 캐모마일 A herb tea for your body and heart that helps to improve insomnia and fatigue. 숙면에도움을주어불면증개선및피로회복등몸과마음을위한허브차. Lemon Grass (Herb Tea) 19,000 18,000 레몬그라스 A herb tea with appealing lemon scent. 풍부한레몬향이매우매력적인허브차. Rooibos Cederberg 19,000 18,000 루이보스세더버그 Original rooibos loved by women due to much protein and no caffeine. 카페인이없고단백질성분이포함되어임산부및여성에게사랑받는정통루이보스 Rooibos Oriental 19,000 18,000 루이보스오히엉딸르 Has natural fruity scent and no caffeine which makes it more special. 루이보스와천연과일향이특징이며카페인이없는특별한루이보스
Fresh Squeezed Juice Juice creation of the day 18,000 오늘의주스 Orange juice 18,000 오렌지주스 Grapefuit juice 18,000 자몽주스 Wine Glass Bottle CHAMPAGNE Taittinger Brut Réserve 35,000 130,000 WHITE Chablis, Joseph Drouhin, 2015 25,000 85,000 RED Killerman's Run Cabernet Sauvignon, Killikanoon, 2015 25,000 80,000 La Tour D arche, Margaux, 2015 25,000 80,000
Beverage SOFT DRINK Chilsung Cider, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Coca Cola Light 12,000 칠성사이다, 펩시, 코카콜라, 코카콜라라이트 Thomas Henry Tonic Water, Thomas Henry Soda Water, Thomas Henry Ginger Ale 13,000 토마스헨리토닉워터, 토마스헨리소다워터, 토마스헨리진저엘 MINERAL WATER STILL WATER Evian (750ml) 15,000 에비앙 SPARKLING WATER Perrier (750ml) 14,000 페리에 San Pellegrino (750ml) 14,000 산펠레그리노 Badoit (750ml) 15,000 바두아 BEER Kloud (330ml) 14,000 클라우드 Fitz (330ml) 14,000 피츠 Duvel (330ml) 20,000 듀블
Cocktail SIGNIEL Martini (SIGNIEL SEOUL MARTINI) 27,000 시그니엘마티니 Grey Goose, Cointreau, fresh lime juice, cranberry juice Martini Classic 25,000 마티니클래식 Gin, Dry Vermouth Espresso Martini 25,000 에스프레소마티니 Kahlua, Vodka, espresso Apple Martini 25,000 애플마티니 Vodka, sour apple liqueur, lemon juice Jäger Martini 25,000 예거마티니 Jägermeister, Benedictine, Dry Vermouth, Angostura Bitter
Cocktail Red Ginseng Cocktail (SIGNIEL SEOUL COCKTAIL) 27,000 홍삼칵테일 Geumsan Insamju, Kahlua, apple sour, fresh lime juice French Rose (SIGNIEL SEOUL COCKTAIL) 35,000 프렌치로즈 Grey Goose, fresh lime, Moët & Chandon, blackcurrant cream Lime Mojito 27,000 라임모히토 Bacardi, fresh lime, fresh mint, sugar, soda water Apple Mojito 27,000 애플모히토 Vodka, apple juice, fresh lime, fresh mint, tonic water Long Island Ice Tea 27,000 롱아일랜드아이스티 Gin, Vodka, Rum, Tequila, triple sec, Coke, sweet & sour mix, orange juice Boulevardier 27,000 불바디에 Bourbon, Sweet Vermouth, Campari
Spirits SINGLE MALT WHISKEY % Glass Bottle Bowmore 12 (Islay) 40 26,000 411,000 보모어 12 Balvenie 12 (Islay) 43 29,000 459,000 발베니 12 Lagavulin 16 (Islay) 43 35,000 544,000 라가불린 16 Oban 14 (Highland) 43 27,000 423,000 오반 14 Glenmorangie 18 (Highland) 43 54,000 847,000 글렌모렌지 18 Macallan 12 (Speyside) 40 26,000 411,000 맥켈란 12 Macallan 18 (Speyside) 43 62,000 968,000 맥켈란 18 The Glenlivet 18 (Speyside) 43 60,000 943,000 더글렌리벳 18
Spirits SINGLE MALT WHISKEY % Bottle Highland Park 25 (Highland) 48.1 2,178,000 하이랜드파크 25 Macallan 30 (Speyside) 43 5,203,000 맥켈란 30 Macallan Lalique 5 (Speyside 62 years) 53.1 26,000,000 맥켈란라리크 5 Macallan Lalique 6 (Speyside 65 years) 46.3 42,203,000 맥켈란라리크 6 BLENDED WHISKY Glass Bottle Johnnie Walker Black 18,000 290,000 조니워커블랙 Ballantine 17 years 32,000 508,000 발렌타인 17 년 Scotch Blue 21 years 580,000 스카치블루 21 년
Spirits AMERICAN WHISKY Glass Bottle Jack Daniel's Single Barrel 31,000 484,000 잭다니엘싱글배럴 BRANDY Glass Bottle Hennessy V.S.O.P. 24,000 375,000 헤네시 V.S.O.P. Hennessy X.O. 72,000 1,125,000 헤네시 X.O. Remy Martin X.O. 58,000 907,000 레미마틴 X.O Camus V.S.O.P. 24,000 387,000 까뮈 V.S.O.P. Camus X.O. 74,000 1,149,000 까뮈 X.O Louis XIII 7,139,000 루이 13 세 Louis XIII 149 th Anniversary Black Pearl 36,663,000 루이 13 세 149 주년기념블랙펄
Spirits GIN Glass Bottle Tanqueray 10 17,000 250,000 탱커레이넘버텐 Hendrick's 19,000 302,000 헨드릭스 VODKA Glass Bottle Beluga Noble 24,000 375,000 벨루가노블 Grey Goose 23,000 350,000 그레이구스 Absolut 14,000 242,000 앱솔루트 RUM Glass Bottle Bacardi Blanca 14,000 242,000 바카디블랑카 Zacapa 23 18,000 314,000 자카파 23
Spirits TEQUILA Glass Bottle Don Julio Anejo 24,000 411,000 돈줄리오아네호 LIQUEUR Glass Bottle Jägermeister 15,000 242,000 예거마이스터 Baileys 15,000 242,000 베일리스 Drambuie 18,000 314,000 드람뷔이