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Investigation of the Appropriate Safety Distance Regulations of Hazardous Material Facilities


,,,, (API) 4 10..,,,,. 10m, ( ) 30m..,,,. ( )..


This document establishes the basic principles to calculate appropriate safety distances for the hazardous material facilities. It is intended that future working groups use this document as an aid to writing or revising any codes of practice which involve specifying separation distances for safe equipment layout. This will ensure a consistent and technically sound approach in future work. It is recommended that a process safety specialist is co-opted as a member of these working groups to perform the risk and consequence calculations described in this note. Within this document, the safety distance is the minimum separation between a hazard source and an object (human, equipment or environment) which will mitigate the effect of a likely foreseeable incident and prevent a minor incident escalating into a larger incident. The safety distance from a piece of equipment is to provide a minimum separation which will mitigate the effect of any likely event and prevent it from escalating into a larger incident. The safety distance will also provide protection for the equipment from foreseeable external impacts (e.g. roadway, flare) or activities outside the control of the operation (e.g. plant or customer station boundary). The safety distance is not intended to provide protection against catastrophic events or major releases and these should be addressed by other means to reduce the frequency and/or consequences to an acceptable level. The safety distance is a function of the following: The nature of the hazard; the equipment design and the operating conditions and/or physical properties of the substance under those conditions; any external mitigating protection measures which reduce the escalation of the incident; and the "object" which is protected by the safety distance i.e. the harm potential (e.g. people, environment or equipment). The provision of adequate distance or separation zones around equipment is a fundamental consideration for safe layout. By understanding the protection afforded by increasing the safety distance, one can optimize the safety protection of a piece of equipment. In most cases the safety distance to provide protection from all possible events is not practicable. Therefore an assessment of the frequency of the event and the potential consequence is necessary to understand which risks can be reasonably mitigated by a safety distance. If the safety distance is too large, additional mitigating or prevention measures should be considered and the safety distance re-calculated.

The harm exposure threshold frequency should have a legitimate basis, which is accepted by authorities and the general public at large. A legitimate basis could be provided for when this threshold value is based on facts of life and could be related to the natural death probability or natural fatality risk. Based on the acceptable threshold values for radiation and overpressure, this research estimated minimum safety distances for the accidents in hazardous material facilities. The obtained results justifies the current level of safety distances specified in the law for the safe management of hazardous material facilities. Further improved regulation methods based on the estimated risk of designated facilities pertaining to the harm potential like people, environment and buildings are proposed.

,,, ( 1.1 ).,. 1.2 (safety distance), 100% ( ). (separation distance),,, trade-off. [11]:. (hazard) :,,,,,

. ( :, ). :, dike, deluge system. :,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,.,,,,, 10m, 30m.

, 4m, 12m, 23m. 2m,. 50m

. 50m. 92.,,,,,,.,. 50m,, 25m,. ( ) ( " " ) 50., ( ) 25 ( ), ( 20 ) 30( 25) (

). 4, 98% 4. 20% 85%.

74% 4 95% 75%. 12%.

- 2006.10.18 [2]. - 2004.11.19 09:30 ( ) ( ( 1 ), ( 1 ), ( ) ) ( ) 2 7 1 ( ) 2 [4]. 2007.02.21 10:02

2 5 [1]. 2005.12.11 40km 300 20 10 43, 2, 2000 [5]. 2003.02.21 10, 2 1 [4]. 1.11, 40. LPG,, 1.9, 1.2.

,. 10m, 30m. 1959. 10m, 30m, 70m.,.,. HSE( ), 2005 ( 群 ).

,. (Land Use Planning Act) (HSE),. 2.1. 4 3,. :

(Childcare Act). (Housing Act Housing and Urban Development Act).. OSHA Code NFPA,. 24 CFR 51.203,. 10,000BTU/ft 2 hr,, 450BTU/ft 2 hr., 0.5psi. ( BTU British Thermal Unit 0.252 kcal.) 29 CFR 1910 (HAZOP), 5.

NFPA, API Standard, NFPA. (infant care facility). (40CFR, CERCLA). 90, (,

,, 1999 [10]). (EIGA) Determination of Safety Distances" IGC Doc 75/07/E (2007) [11]. EIGA 1 10-4 /yr(, 10-14 ), HSE 2 10-4 /yr. 3.5 10-3 /yr No harm 1.6kW/ m2, 2kPa, 3.5 10-5/yr Harm 9.5kW/ m2, 7kPa. EIGA 2.2.

, (HySafe) EIGA.,,,,. Seveso Ⅱ Directive 96/82/EC, NFPA 50A NFPA 50B., EU 1999/92/EC, 0 2 3., IEC/EN60070-10 ". 10.,, Seveso Ⅱ 1996/82, 75/01/E/rev ". Utility-based approach 40 20m [13], INERIS EIGA [12]. ASI1596-2008 [14].

, : 1) : 2) 3) : ( ). 3,.,. 3.1 HySafe / /. HySafe, EISA IGC Document 75/07/E [11],, threshold. hazard threshold (frequency). LPG, LNG, threshold ( [10] ),

. GAO [18]., threshold threshold.

, 2.3 (HUD API RP 521 ), 3.2

( EISA ). (HUD [19] ): - : 9.5kW/ m2 - : 7kPa EIGA [11] 3.5 10-3 /yr No harm 1.6kW/ m2, 2kPa, 3.5 10-5 /yr Harm 9.5kW/ m2, 7kPa. ( World Bank [20], Gugan, Unconfined vapor cloud explosions (1979).) 3.3., 3-5 5 8-10. 9.5kW/ m2 3.4 8, 20 2. HUD 450BTU/ft 2 hr, ~1.6kW/ m2,, (bund), EISA Harm. 3.4 API RP 521 flare release 9.5kW/ m2..

EIGA [11] 3., : 1) correlation ( : HUD [19], API RP 521 ):, 2) ( : Phast, CARM ):. 3 3) CFD ( : NIST FDS ):, 3.. NIST FDS[17] 3.1,., 3 ( DNV Phast)..

누출원 Modeling 기체유출액체유출 2 상누출 화재 Modeling Pool fire Jet fire Fireball Flash fire 폭발 Modeling 물리적폭발 BLEVE 증기운폭발분진폭발 대기확산 Modeling Light gas Heavy gas 사고영향 Modeling 인체독성복사열영향과압영향 DNV Phast pool fire solid flame radiation model,.,, [22]. [21], (QRA) S/W.

, 3.5 4 90% 4, 4. KOSHA Code P-73. - HVGO, 24.1kg / cm2, 291, 6inch, 1m, 567.6kg /s 30. HVGO IBP 378,EP 547, 20 0, 416. - PTA Steam Generator Hot Oil Return Header Preheater Expansion Joint (315 ), (10.5kg / cm2 ) Triethyl Diphenyl(Hot Oil) 1. 6inch, 1m 30 200 kg /s. - 10,000. (< 4> ) - C 4 15 C 30,000. (< 3> ) - 2,000kl 14.5m, 14m 8 10kg /s 15 (pool fire). (< 1> ) - 10,000kl suction line 10 kg /s 30 PX. Bund 70m 2.3m, 30m 16m.

품명 / 품목 인화점 ( ) 지정수량 ( 리터 ) 대표적물질 특수인화물류 -20 이하 50 제1석유류 21 미만 100 알코올류 200 제2석유류 21~70 1,000 제3석유류 70~200 2,000 디에틸에테르 ( 에테르 ), 이황화탄소, 콜로디온, 아세트알데히드, 산화프로필렌 아세톤, 가솔린 ( 휘발유 ), 벤젠, 톨루엔, 크실렌 (o-), 사이클로헥산, 아크롤레인, 에틸벤젠, 메틸에틸케톤 (MEK), 피리딘, 초산에스테르, 의산에스테르 메틸알코올, 에틸알코올, 프로필알코올, 부틸알코올, 아밀알코올 등유, 경유, 포름산, 메타크실렌, 파라크실렌, 아세트산 ( 초산 ), 스티렌, 에틸셀로솔브, 테레핀유 중유, 클레오소오트유, 아닐린, 에틸렌글리콜, 글리세린, 니트로벤젠 제 4 석유류 200~250 6,000 기계유, 실린더유 동식물유류 250 미만 10,000 아마인유, 해바라기유, 대두유, 야자유, 팜유, 올리브유, 들기름등 3 1 2, 4 : 5m, 2m bund. ( pool fire,.) 3.6 4 9.5kW/m 2. ( 5m/s, D) 30m ( ) 30m. 10m,,.

, 3 Phast 3.,,. 4,.

(1) 4 10.. (2),,,,. (3) 10m, ( ) 30m. (4),,,. ( ).. hazard threshold,.,,

. Layer of protection layers (LOPA),,.



threshold EIGA.. HySafe EIGA,..