Titan of the world Gift for human welfare iscovered in 1790 and put in industrial usage in 1950, titanium has very short history compared to other mat

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POSO enter, 892, aechi4dong, Gangnamgu, Seoul, 135777, Korea Tel: 822 34571690 / 6208 www.posco.com

Titan of the world Gift for human welfare iscovered in 1790 and put in industrial usage in 1950, titanium has very short history compared to other materials. However, it is becoming one of the most important materials in 21st century. Especially, its superior specific strength and corrosion resistance have been expanding its usage from aircraft to shipbuilding, power plants, medical equipment, and other industrial fields. POSO, as a total material provider, has entered titanium industry with worldleading technologies and experience accumulated in its steelmaking operations, and delivers better products to our customers with high stability. 1790년에발견되어 1950년상업생산이시작된티타늄은다른금속에비해그역사는짧지만 21세기에주목받는신소재로서비약적인발전을하고있습니다. 특히, 높은비강도와뛰어난내식성으로인해과거우주항공산업에국한되어있던응용분야를최근조선, 발전, 의료기기, 생활용품등일반산업분야로확대하고있습니다. 포스코는종합소재메이커로서철강사업에서축적한세계최고의기술과경험을바탕으로티타늄판재사업을시작하였으며, 스펀지티타늄제조사인카자흐스탄의 UKTMP사와합작사설립으로원료부터제품까지일관생산체제를구축함으로써고객에게보다경쟁력있는제품을안정적으로공급하고있습니다. 04 haracteristics 06 OST EFFETIVENESS 08 MIN PPLITION 1 MIN PPLITION 2 12 MIN PPLITION 3 14 MNUFTURING PROESS 16 Hot Rolled/old Rolled Sheets & oils 18 Plates 19 Titanium SHEET for HET EXHNGER 20 TEHNIL T 23 Titanium Welding Features 26 GLOL NETWORK 04 티타늄의특성 06 경제성 08 주요 pplication1 주요 pplication2 12 주요 pplication3 14 제조공정 16 HR/R 코일 18 후판 19 판형열교환기용 (PHE) 고가공성티타늄판재 20 Technical ata 23 티타늄용접 26 글로벌네트워크

esides its superior quality in weight, strength and corrosion resistance, titanium is a nontoxic, environmentfriendly metal. s a global leading steel company, POSO is creating another success story in titanium industry. 티타늄은무게, 강도, 내식성에있어우수할뿐만아니라무독성의환경친화적금속입니다. 포스코는선도적인철강회사로서티타늄산업에서또다른성공신화를창조하고있습니다. haracteristics Light Weight Specific gravity about 60% of steel 일반강대비 60% 수준의비중 High Specific Strength Strength similar to steel 일반강수준의강도 orrosion Resistance Excellent corrosion resistance against seawater 해수에대한뛰어난내식성 Low Thermal Expansion Thermal expansion similar to glass or concrete 유리, 콘크리트와유사한열팽창계수 Non Magnetic Never becomes magnetized 비자성 High Formability Formability similar to 304 stainless steel 304 스테인리스스틸과비슷한수준의성형성 Non Toxic Low leaching out of metallic ions and low incidence of ionic allergy 낮은수준의금속이온의침출가능성및알레르기발생률 04_05

In many applications, titanium offers opportunities for reducing operating costs. etter fuel economy through weight savings in engines and other mobile equipment Improved energy conservation by efficient heat transfer Resistance to aggressive materials such as crude oil with high level of hydrogen sulfide Reduction in environmental cost caused by corrosion leakage 티타늄소재는다양한적용분야에서 전비용의절감을제공하고있습니다. 제품의경량화를통해 등의연료소비절감 열전 율향상을통한에 지 율향상 고 화수소원유등과 은 aggressive 소재에대한저항력 부식에인한 물질 출의 지등환경비용절감 ost Effectiveness lso, titanium provides cost reduction in maintenance and downtime by its superior corrosion resistance especially for plants and equipment designed for a long service life. Welded titanium tube supplied for power plant surface condenser use, has been sold with a 40 year performance guarantee and many of the earlier installations of welded tube have now outlived their original guarantee period. 또한, 긴수명이요구되는플랜트및장비에티타늄을사용하면탁월한내식성으로유지보수비용을절감할수있습니다. 발전소콘덴서에공급되는티타늄용접튜브는일반적으로 40년이상의품질보증을하고있으며과거설치된튜브는대부분당초보증기간이상으로사용되고있습니다. 06_07

Power / hemical / esalination Plant Ocean Plant / Shipbuilding Plate Heat Exchanger Thermal power plant ehydrogen Tower Seawater esalination Plant Ocean Plant Plate Heat Exchanger ue to its superior quality, Titanium is used in many fields of industry nuclear/thermal power plant, petro/chemical plant, ship building, ocean plant etc. 티타늄은타금속대비우수한특성으로원자력 / 화력발전소, 석유 / 화학플랜트, 조선, 해양플랜트등다양한산업에사용되고있습니다. Main pplication 1 08_09

Main pplication 2 In addition to its wide usage in aerospace and military industry, titanium is also seeing increasing use in construction field. 티타늄은우주항공, 군사분야에광범위한사용은물론, 최근건축분야의사용도증가하고있습니다. erospace / Military onstruction F15k Guggenheim ilbao, Spain enz Museum, Germany K11 Space Shuttle SPF uilding, Korea National Grand Theatre, hina _11

Sports / Leisure icycle Frames Golf river Titanium ookware utomobile Muffler Racket Main pplication 3 Medical Equipment / accessories Moreover, titanium is appropriate for the products for sports, leisure, medical equipment, accessories, and the range of applications in industry is being expanded. ental Plate & Spring Glasses 또한, 티타늄은스포츠, 레저, 의료용제품들과액세서리에적합한소재로서, 그응용분야가확대되고있습니다. ccessories 12_13

Manufacturing Process Hot rolled coil VR Ingot Forging Ti sponge Electron beam Melt Refining Hearth Mold Jumbo Ingot Rolling Slab Reheating Hot rolling & P old rolling V & P old rolled coil ut to length Sheet ombining our worldbest manufacturing technology in steel & stainless steel, POSO is now producing titanium products of the best quality. In addition, POSO will complete the vertical integration to slab production by 2014, and this will provide our customers with more reliable supply of titanium products. Slitting Skelp 철강과스테인리스스틸에서의세계최고제조기술력을접목하여, 포스코는가장우수한품질의티타늄제품을생산하고있습니다. Heavy plate rolling nnealing Shot lasting Pickling Plate 또한, 2014 년까지완성될슬라브생산까지의수직계열화를통해고객에게보다안정적으로티타늄제품을공급할것입니다. 14_15

Titanium Products Hot Rolled/old Rolled Sheets & oils HR/R sheets are produced in high quality and accurate dimensions, mainly used for heat exchanger tube for nuclear, thermal power plants and plate heat exchanger(phe). HR/R 코일은우수한품질과규격으로생산되며주로원자력, 화력발전등의열교환기용튜브및선박용판형열교환기용소재로쓰입니다. pplication cceptable Standards Standard STM 265 SME S265 JIS H 4600 Grades Gr.1, Gr.2 Gr.1, Gr.2 lass1, lass2 vailable Sizes OL ROLLE SIZE ( 냉연 ) HOT ROLLE SIZE ( 열연 ) Thickness (mm) Thickness (mm) 0.4t 3t Gr 1 Gr 2 HR Sheet & coil 2t 6.4t 750 10 1219 Width (mm) 750 1219 Width (mm) 16_17

Titanium Products Plates Titanium Sheet for HET EXHNGER 판형열교환기용 (PHE) 고가공성티타늄판재 Plates are mainly used for tube sheet and pressure vessel. 후판은주로열교환기의튜브경판과입력용기등의소재로쓰입니다. Mechanical properties 기계적특성 Ultrathin titanium plate for Excellent press formability (PGrade 1 V) High ductility (El > 45%), high formability (Erichsen value > 11mm) pplication cceptable Standards 프레스성형성이우수한극박티타늄판재 (PGrade 1 V) 고연성 (El 45%), 고가공성 (Erichsen value 11mm) Standard Grades High Formabiity 판재고성형성 STM 265 Gr.1, Gr.2 High Formabiity (Forming Limit iagram) High Erichsemvalue 3 Scanning (PHE) SME S265 Gr.1, Gr.2 0 Success JIS H 4600 lass1, lass2 80 Failure vailable Sizes Major Strain (%) 60 40 20 Plates SIZE ( 후판 ) Thickness(mm) To be developed 45 30 15 0 15 30 45 60 Minor Strain (%) [ Xenesys 社 ] 8t Flow principle of allweld PHE 12t Plates Resistance Welding 30t 70t MIG Robot Welding 1200 3500 Width(mm) 18_19

Technical ata Technical ata Titanium Standard Physical Properties hemical omposition & Mechanical Properties according to STM Standards ESIGNTION GRE 1 GRE 2 GRE 3 GRE 4 GRE 5 GRE 7 GRE 11 OMPOSITION(%MX) 화학성분 Oxygen (O) 0.18 0. 0.35 0.40 0.20 0. 0.18 Nitrogen (N) 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 Hydrogen (H) 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 arbon () 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 Item tomic no. tomic wt. omparison of Physical Properties with those of other Metals ensity (g/cc) Melting point ( ) Linear thermal expansion coefficient (/ ) Specific heat (J/g ) Thermal conductivity cofficient (W/m K) Specific electrical (μωcm) Electrical conductivity to u(%) Young's modulus (GPa) Titanium 22 47.90 4.5 1,668 8.4 6 0.53 17.0 55 3.1 116 0.34 Iron 26 55.85 7.9 1,530 12 6 0.44 76.2 9.7 18 200 0.31 Poisson's ratio Iron (Fe) 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 luminium (I) 5.5~6.75 Vanadium (V) 3.5~4.5 188 Stainless steel (SUS 304) 7.9 1,400 ~ 1,420 17 6 0.50 16.2 72 2.4 195 0.3 Palladium (pd) 0.12~0. 0.12~0. Residual each (total) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) 0.(0.4) MEHNIL PROPERTIES 기계적성질 Tensile Strength MPa min. 240 345 450 550 895 345 240 인장강도 (ksi) (35) (50) (65) (80) (130) (50) (35) Yield Strength MPa 170~3 275~450 380~550 483~655 830 275~450 170~3 항복강도 (ksi) (~45) (40 65) (55~80) (70~95) (120) (40~65) (~45) Elongation % min.( 연신율 ) 24 20 18 15 20 24 luminum 13 26.97 2.7 660 23 6 0.90 2 2.7 64 68 0.33 luminum alloy (7075) 2.8 476 ~ 638 23 6 0.96 120 5.8 30 71.7 0.33 Magnesium 12 24.32 1.7 650 6 1.03 159 4.3 40 44 0.35 Magnesium alloy (Z31) 1.8 605 ~ 630 26 6 1.0 96 9.3 19 45 0.35 Nickel 28 58.69 8.9 1,453 15 6 0.46 60.7 9.5 18 207 0.31 Hardness HV typical ( 경도 ) 0~150 160~200 180~220 200~280 3~350 160~200 0~150 Nickel alloy (monel) 8.8 8.8 1,300 ~ 1,350 14 6 0.43 21.8 48 3.6 170 0.29 N is a very exceptional strength improvement but drop the elongation Improvment strength or elongation is controlled by O Improve strength & rop elongation N>O>>Fe N 은매우탁월한강도향상원소이나, 연신율하락등도영향 강도향상, 연신율하락등은적절한 O 의 Viekere ardness Number (5kg) 220 200 180 160 140 N O Fe end uetility (inoluded angle or sharp bend) 220 150 0 50 0 Fe Hastelloy 8.9 1,305 11.3 6 0.43 11.1 130 1.3 205 opper 29 63.57 8.9 1,083 17 6 0.39 385 1.7 0 1 0.34 Notes : 188 stainless steel : r(18%)ni(8%)fe(r) Monel : Ni (70%)u (30%) Hastelloy : 54Ni17Mo15r5Fe4W Z31 : I (3%)Zn (1%)Mn (0.2%) Mg(R) 7075 : Tempered and quenched ultrasuper duraluminum [u (1.6%)Mg (2.5%)r (0.3%)Zn (5.6%)l (R)] rystal structure α Titanium ( 885 ) : closepacked hexagonal lattice a=2.9504 Å c/a=1.587 β Titanium ( 885 ) : bodycentered cubic lattice a=3.3065 Å Latent heat of fusion : 14.5 cal/g Permeability : 1.0001 함량으로재질조절 강도향상및연신율하락 N>O>>Fe 120 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 omposition (weight per cont) 50 N 0 0 0.05 0. 0.15 0.20 0. weight per cont O 20_21

Technical ata orrosion Resistance omparison of corrosion resistance between titanium and other metallic materials lassification orrosion medium oncentration (%) Temperature ( ) Titanium SUS304 SUS316 Hastelloy Hydrochloric acid 1 oiling oiling 1 Inorganic oiling acids Sulfuric acid oiling Nitric acid oiling 65 oiling cetic acid 60 oiling oiling Ossalic acid Organic 30 oiling acids Formic acid 60 Lactic acid 85 oiling oiling lkali Sodium hydroxide 0 40 oiling Potassium carbonate 5 oiling 20 oiling Sodium chloride oiling * * * * * * mmlnium chloride 40 * * * oiling * * * * Inorganic chlorides Zinc chloride 20 oiling * 50 oiling Magnesium chloride 42 oiling * * * * * * Iron chloride 30 oiling * Sodium sulphate 20 oiling Sodium sulfide Inorganic oiling salts Sodium chlorite 5 15 Sodium carbonate 30 oiling Organic Methyl alcohol arbon tetrachloride 95 0 oiling compounds Phenol Formaldehyde Saturate 37 oiling hlorine ry Humid * Gas Hydrogen sulfide ry Humid mmonium 0 40 0 Others Seawater 0 * * * * Naptha 80 180 * * * * Titanium Welding Features P Titanium welding Weldability of P titanium is good in general Impurities (O,N) during titanium welding cause changes in the mechanical properties locking atmosphere or shielding gas required (r Gas) 순티탄의용접성은일반적으로좋습니다. 티타늄용접중의불순물 (O,N) 은기계적물성변화에원인이됩니다. 대기차단또는보호가스필요 (r 사용 ) Properties of titanium materials and welds Impurity content (wt%) by bulk chemical analysis PTi filler rod PTi plate Oxygen 0.189 0.189 Nitrogen 0.011 0.007 arbon 0.029 0.021 end strength, MPa (ksi) N/ 9 (16) Source: Struers ejournal of Materialography, 3/2004 P Titanium Welding process Gas Tungsten rc Welding(GTW) : Generally used 가장많이활용됨 Gas Metal rc Welding(GMW) : Occur the spatter a lot 스패터발생많음 Plasma rc Welding(PW) : vailable till mm by 1 pass welding : mm 까지 1pass 용접가능 electron eam Welding(EW) : Welding aircraft parts and submarine apply 항공부품및잠수정용접시적용 Laser eam Welding(LW) Friction Stir Welding(FSW) resistance Welding(RW) : 0.1mm / year : 0.1~0.5mm / year : 0.5~1.mm / year : 1.mm / year *Local corrosion such as pitting and crevice corrosion resistance 22_23

Titanium Welding Features Titanium Welding Features GTW(TIG) urrently most common process for titanium welding Easy welding: Easy control due to low density and high surface tension Shielding gas: r is mainly used Improvement for TIG productivity hot Wire TIG: Increase speed for weld filler to improve multilayer welding productivity activatedtig (TIG): applying specific flux for achieve deeper penetration efore Welding on the surface 현재티타늄용접에가장보편적으로적용하는공정. 용접용이성 : 낮은비중과높은표면장력은컨트롤이용이함 보호가스 : 주로 r 사용 TIG의생산성개선 Hot Wire TIG: 용접부채움속도를높혀다층용접에대한생산성향상 ctivatedtig(tig) : 용접전표면에특수한플럭스를도포하여더깊은용입달성 Suggested welding paraneters for automatic TIG and MIG welding titanium (" = 1.6mm) Example welding parameters (1mm=0.04inch) 1.6mm 4.5mm 13mm 02mm 1.6mmØ electrode, 1.6mmØ filler, 0165, 815V, 50150mm/min, 1 pass 1.53mm 2.4mmØ electrode, 2.4mmØ filler, 1500, 1115V, 150200mm/min, 23 passes 1.53mm 3.2mmØ electrode, 3.2mmØ filler, 175275, 1115V, 150200mm/min, 56 passes P Titanium GTW Material : P Ti Gr.1, 6.35mmt Filler wire: P Ti Gr.1, 4.8phi Welding Process : GTWSP method Shielding Gas : r Weld improvement: Vtype, 60 º bevel angle, fourpass fill Microstructure for welding part oloring Structure : fter Etching, various colors appear depending on Ti Oxidation of grain ending strength of welded part reduced from 9MPa to 73.3MPa after welding 에칭후 Ti 그레인산화정도에따라여러가지색이나타남 용접부굽힘강도는용접전 9MPa 에서용접후 73.3MPa 로감소 Fig. weld center before Etching (after bending test and the microhardness test) Fig. welding part after Etching (r used) Gauge, in Electrode diameter, in Filler wire diameter, in Wire feed rate, ipm Voltage, V mps, Nozzle I, in Torch shield, cfh Trailing shield, cfh acking gas, cfh Travel speed, ipm Power supply 0.030 30 3/4 15r 20r 4r EN TIG (GE) without filler TIG (GT) with filler MIG (GM) 0.060 900 3/4 15r 30r 4r EN 0.090 ~3/32 12 190200 3/4 20r 50r 5r EN 0.060 22 120130 3/4 15r 40r 5r 12 EN 0.090 ~3/32 22 12 2002 3/4 20r 50r 6r 12 EN 0.1 3/32~1/8 20 12 220230 3/4 20r 50r 6r EN 0.1 2002 20 0260 3/41 50r+ 15He 50r 30r 15 EP 0.0 300320 30 300320 3/41 50r+ 15He 50r 50r 15 EP 0.500 375400 40 340360 3/41 50r+ 15He 60r 60r 15 EP 0.6 4004 45 350370 3/41 50r+ 15He 60r 60r 15 EP Typical tensile properties of TIG weldments lloy Tensile Strength (MPa) Proof Stress (MPa) Elongation (%) Parent Weld Parent Weld Parent Weld Grade 2 460 5 3 380 26 18 Ti614V 00 20 900 880 14 8 Ti312.5V 705 745 670 6 15 12 Fig. weld enter microstructure (rrow is beta phase) Source: welding titanium, TWI 1999 24_

Global Network SOUTH KORE International Subsidiaries 01. POSO hina Holding orp. eijing, hina 8651666677 8684400321 02. Zhangjiagang Pohang Staninless Steel o., Ltd.(ZPSS) Zhangjiagang, hina 8651258569211 8651258553680 03. Qingdao Pohang Stainless Steel o., Ltd. (QPSS) Qingdao, hina 8653286837020 8653286837011 04. alian POSOFM oated Steel o., Ltd. (PS) alian, hina 8641187515003 86411875147 05. POSO(Guangdong) oated Steel o., Ltd. (POSGS) Guangdong, hina 8675726657705 8675726657760 06. POSO(Suzhou) utomotive Processing enter o., Ltd. Suzhou, hina 8651257605952 8651257605950 07. POSOFoshan Steel Processing enter o.,ltd. Foshan, hina 8613322838326 8675783871384 08. X STEEL POSO old Rolled Sheet o., Ltd. enxi, hina 844147823705 864147822002 13. POSK Steel (Pinghu) Processing enter o., Ltd. Pinghu, hina 8613757335591 865735281330 14. Zhongyue POSO (Qinhuangdao) Tinplate Industrial o., Ltd. Qinhuangdao, hina 863355351888 863355351993 09. Guangzhou Jindo ontainer Manufacturing o., Ltd. Guangzhou, hina 862038771900 862038771905 15. POSOSamsung Suzhou Processing enter o., Ltd. Suzhou, hina. Guangdong Xingpu Steel enter o., Ltd. 8613302831851 86757266619 16. POSO sia ompany Ltd. Hong Kong 85228278787 85228275005 11. POSTianjin oil Service enter o., Ltd. Tianjin, hina 8613388055271 8622323015 17. POSO Investment o., Ltd. Hong Kong 85228027188 85228457737 12. Wuhan Excellent Steel enter o., Ltd. Wuhan, hina 18. POSOVietnam o., Ltd. Vietnam 8488246847 8488246856 19. POSVIN o., Ltd. Vietnam 8487313097 8487313619 20. VSPOSO Steel orporation Vietnam 84953344700 84313850123 21. Myanmar POSO Steel o., Ltd. Myanmar 951638304 951365418 22. POSO(Thailand) o., Ltd. Thailand 6638650463 6638454207 23. The Siam United Steel o., Ltd Rayong, Thailand 6638687290 6638685133 24. POSIndia Steel Processing entre Pvt. Ltd Pune, India 912056027012 912114308146. POSS elhi Steel Processing entre Pvt. Ltd. elhi, India 911124673686 91112463688 26. POSHyundai Steel Manufacturing India Private Limited. hennai, India. 914427156457 9141116458 27. POSOIndia Pvt. Ltd. uba, India 916742303690 916742300058 28. POSO Japan o., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan 81335460924 81335466519 29. POSMMIT Steel entre Sdn., hd. Malaysia 60360925200 60360920382 30. PT. POSMI Steel Indonesia Indonesia 622189981157 6228980775 33. POSO Poland Steel Processing enter Poland 48717337262 487173377 34. Poschrome PTY, Ltd. South frica 271124581 27119051281 35. POSO Maxico S.. de..v. Mexico 528332175903 528332175904 36. ompanhia oreanorasileira de Pelotizac(KORSO)razil 552733334864 552733334762 31. POSO ustralia Pty. Ltd. 622189981157 62218980775 37. POSO anada Ltd.anada 16046889174 1604669+5805 32. Nickel Mining ompany New aledonia 687280488 687281567 38. POSO merica orporation NJ, U.S. 12015853065 12015856001 26_27