SHOCK ABSORBER 취급설명서 본사 : (153-709) 서울시금천구디지털로9길 32 에이동 704호 ( 갑을그레이트밸리 ) Tel. 02-2106-8585( 대표 ) Fax. 02-2106-8588 http: // E-mail:
IZMAC 의 Shock Absorber 는수백만번을작동할수있도록설계되어있으며다음과같은사 항을고려하여주시면긴수명을보장합니다. 1) 용량선정이적정하게되었는지확인하십시오. 2) 충돌물체와 Shock Absorber 의설치각도가일치한가를확인하십시오. Piston Rod 의중심선에서 Impact Angle 이 1 이내에충돌이이루어지도록설치 3) 사용온도가적정한지 ( 표준온도 -20 ~80 ) 확인하시기바랍니다. 그외에온도에하여서는본사나대리점에문의하여주십시오. 4) 취부 Bolt 나 Lock Nut Set Screw 등이적정하게조여있는지확인후사용하십시오. 5) Shock Absorber 본체에용접이나도장을하지마십시오. 6) Piston Rod 에흠집이나도장을하지마십시오. Shock Absorber 의누유로인한수명을단축시킵니다. 7) IZMAC 의 Shock Absorber 도최초출고시 Adjustment Dial 는 0" 으로조정되어있으며 Damping 조절이끝나면 Set Screw 를조여서 Dial 고정을시켜주십시오.
8) 고정시조임 Torque값을지켜서설치해주십시오. 과도한힘으로조일경우작동불량및기기파손의가능성이있습니다. (* 풀림방지접착제등을사용하시면보다효과적입니다.) Screw Dia M14 X 1.0 M8 X 1.0 M10 X 10 M12 X 1.0 M16 X 1.5 M20 X 1.5 (mm) M14 X 1.5 Nut Fitting 3.9 7.8 7.8 9.8 14.7 29.4 Torque(Nm) Screw Dia (mm) Nut Fitting Torque(Nm) M25 X 1.5 M27 X 2.0 M27 X 1.5 M30 X 1.5 M36 X 1.5 M42 X 1.5 M25 X 2.0 M27 X 3.0 49 58.8 58.8 78.4 98 394 SDA Series MDA Series
SDA, SDS Series with One Lock Nut 취부방법 SDA, SDS Series with two Lock Nuts SDA, SDS Series with Stop Collar MDA Series with Square Flange MDA Series with Square Flange MDA Series with Stop Collar MDA Series with Clamp Mount MDA Series with Clevis and Lock Collar
FLANGE 고정방법 FLANGE 위치고정이끝나고 Lock Bolt 를조여주면 Lock Slot 에압력이가해져위치고정이정 확하게이루어지며 Shock Absorber 나 Flange 를제거하려면 Bolt 만풀어주면됩니다. 사용하기 전에도각종 Bolt 가조여졌는지확인후사용하십시오. 회전운동에서사용할때고려사항 회전운동에서는 Shock Absorber 중심에서회전하고자하는위치를 Stroke 의 10 배이상에서사 용하여주십시오. 거리가짧을경우에는 Shock Absorber 에편하중이받게되어수명을단축 시킵니다. 특히 Urethane Cap 은회전운동에서는사용하지마십시오. Shock Absorber 중심거리를부득이짧게사용해야할때는편마모방지용 Option 품인 Side Load Adapter 사용하십시오.
SHOCK ABSORBER INSTRUCTION MANUAL HQ : (153-709) #704, A BLOCK GAB-EUL GREATVALLEY 32, DIGITAL-RO 9-GIL, GEUMCHEON-GU, SEOUL KOREA Tel. 02-2106-8585(Rep.) Fax. 02-2106-8588 http: // E-mail:
IZMAC Shock Absorber is designed to operate several million cycles and assures its long life if you keep following regulations. 1) Ensure that the capacity of Shock Absorber is correct 2) Ensure that the load impact should be perpendicular to the axis of Shock Absorber when installing each other. Be sure to install the shock absorbers within 1 of Impact Angle from the center line of Piston Rod when collision happens. 3) Check the operating temperature range of Shock Absorber (-10 ~80 ) to get best performance. If you need to use Shock Absorber in other temperature exceed standard operating temperature, please contact us. 4) Check the installation strength before usage. (Bolt, Lock nut and Set screw) 5) Do not paint or weld to Shock Absorber body. 6) Do not paint or mark on Piston rod. (It makes occurred oil leakage and reduces the lifetime of Shock Absorber.) 7) The Adjustment Dial of IZMAC Shock Absorber is set on "0" on delivery from factory. Set adjustment from "0" to max by gradually until desired damping force is achieved. Lock the Adjustment by tightening Set Screw after the damping adjustment.
8) Be sure to keep the below Torque values when fixing the set screw after Adjustment Dial setting. Screw Dia (mm) Nut Fitting Torque(Nm) M8 X 1.0 M10 X 10 M12 X 1.0 M14 X 1.0 M14 X 1.5 M16 X 1.5 M20 X 1.5 3.9 7.8 7.8 9.8 14.7 29.4 Screw Dia (mm) Nut Fitting Torque(Nm) M25 X 1.5 M27 X 2.0 M27 X 1.5 M30 X 1.5 M36 X 1.5 M42 X 1.5 M25 X 2.0 M27 X 3.0 49 58.8 58.8 78.4 98 394 SDA Series MDA Series
INSTALLATION SDA, SDS Series with One Lock Nut SDA, SDS Series with two Lock Nuts SDA, SDS Series with Stop Collar MDA Series with Square Flange MDA Series with Square Flange MDA Series with Stop Collar MDA Series with Clamp Mount MDA Series with Clevis and Lock Collar
How to fix Flange First select the location to fix the flange and fix the Lock Bolt. In this case, the pressure will be applied to Lock Slot so the flange will be fastened accurately at the desired location. Precaution in case of Rotation Movement Install the Shock Absorber at 10 times further distance of Stroke from the central axis of moving load to prevent unbalanced shock absorption. Do not use Urethane Cap in rotation movement. If the distance is not enough to meet above mentioned condition, we recommend to use the Side Load Adapter option part.