2 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 엔지니어링서비스 헨켈은차원높은서비스를필요로하는고객을대상으로효과적인노하우와기술지원서비스를제공하고있습니다. 헨켈의서비스는다음과같은가치를고객에게전달합니다. 현장기술상담및지원 제품공동개발프로그램 각종실험 샘플제작및시험 맞춤제품 ( 포뮬레이

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터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 3 헨켈, 접착제, 실란트, 기능성코팅분야의토탈솔루션파트너 디자인파트너십 헨켈의풍부한경험을바탕으로고객의디자인및공정설계를지원합니다. 글로벌대응능력 전세계적인광범위한네트워크를바탕으로고객사의밸류체인전반에걸쳐효과적인지원이가능합니다. 업계최고수준의기술지원 헨켈의전문기술팀이제품품질과제조효율의향상에기여합니다. 혁신및친환경성 긴밀한고객파트너십, 업계노하우, 엔지니어링지원을통해핸드헬드장치와디스플레이를위한혁신적디자인을제공합니다. 혁신적인제품, 친환경제품을빠르게선보일수있도록신기술을제안합니다. 비용절감및신뢰성향상 헨켈의접착제및장비솔루션으로제품의생산성과내구성이향상되고원가는절감됩니다. www.loctite.com/loca

4 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 록타이트 액상투명접착제 (LOCA) 탁월한디스플레이성능과공정성의향상 광학투명접착제는디스플레이에사용되어터치패널사이의에어갭으로인한빛의반사및눈부심을줄여주는기능을합니다. 현재터치패널은휴대폰기기에적용되는소형 (4인치미만 ) 사이즈가생산물량의대부분을차지하며, 종류는정전용량방식과감압방식으로나누어집니다. 이러한소형터치패널의조립에는양면테이프형태의 OCA를사용하는것이일반적입니다. 그러나터치패널시장은빠르게변하고있습니다. 태블릿, 모니터등의보급이보편화되면서터치패널의평균크기도커졌으며, 이에따라 OCA에는더욱높은성능이요구되고있습니다. 표 은향후시장을선도할 LOCA 만의성능및공정상의장점을 OCA와비교한것입니다. LOCA 의장점 오늘날휴대폰, 노트북, 태블릿, 모니터및 TV는대부분커버유리와 LCD 모듈사이에에어갭을가진형태의구조로이루어져있습니다. 그러나터치기반의인터페이스가디스플레이기기의필수요건으로점점채용이확대됨에따라, 제조업체도사용성을향상시키기위한노력을기울이고있습니다. 화질향상 LOCA와반사방지코팅유리를사용하게되면햇빛아래에서명암비를 400% 향상시킬수있습니다. 헨켈은 LOCA의굴절률을유리와 PMMA 재질의굴절률 (.5) 과일치시켜반사에의한빛의손실을최소화하였습니다. 내충격성강화최대 mm 갭형성이가능하므로공낙하테스트에대한내충격성이 3배이상향상됩니다. 배터리수명연장반사에의한빛의손실이줄어들기때문에사용자는적은배터리를소모하면서우수한화질을오랫동안즐길수있습니다. 디스플레이수명연장 LOCA를사용하면기기의열, 수분및온도변화에대한내성이향상됩니다. 슬림한디자인 LOCA는기기의에어갭을없애면서하중에따른충격을효과적으로흡수하는한편, 기기표면을보호해줍니다. 따라서더슬림한기기디자인이가능합니다 표 성능비교 : LOCA vs. OCA 테이프 LOCA OCA 테이프 갭필링 매우우수 보통 / 나쁨 ( 베젤인쇄모서리부위 ) 재작업성 가경화단계에서가능 재작업불가 조립공정완전자동화가능반자동 접착력 / 신뢰성높음낮음 대형패널비교적적합비교적부적합 재고관리패널사이즈와무관다양한다이컷재고보유필요 표면처리적게필요필요 장비도포 /ambient 혹은진공압착 / 가경화및완전경화장비 롤러라미네이션및오토클레이브

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 5 LOCA 주요어플리케이션 커버렌즈 커버렌즈유리혹은 PMMA( 베젤인쇄 ) LOCA 커버렌즈본딩 LOCA 커버렌즈접착표준갭간격 ~00-50 µm 6 페이지참조 터치패널센서 터치패널센서유리혹은필름재질, 연성회로커넥터 LOCA 다이렉트본딩 LOCA 다이렉트본딩표준갭간격 ~200-300 µm 7 페이지참조 댐 (DAM) LOCA LOCA 흐름방지용으로사용됨 8 페이지참조 디스플레이모듈 디스플레이모듈오픈셀혹은 Closed 셀 LCD/OLED

6 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 커버렌즈접착 사용재질 유리 /PMMA ITO 코팅유리 ITO 코팅 PET 필름 표준갭사이즈 00-50 마이크론 성능요구사항 저점도 높은경도 / 탄성계수 유리및플라스틱에우수한접착력 투과도 99% 이상 Haze % 미만 Yellowness(b*) 미만 커버렌즈접착용 LOCA 소개 유리재질커버렌즈와유리재질터치패널센서의접착에는크게복잡한성능의접착제가요구되지않습니다. 여기에사용되는접착제는일반적으로속경화, 높은접착력, 및 LOCA와일치하는굴절률등의성능이요구되며해당조건을부합하는제품을시중에서많이접하실수있습니다. 공정시간, 경화시간, 재작업전수율등고려사항에따라제품선택이달라지게됩니다. 한편플라스틱재질커버렌즈나필름터치패널센서인경우, 플라스틱이유리보다접착이어렵고또한재질별열팽창계수가서로다르기때문에특별한고강도 LOCA가필요합니다. 이와같은용도로 Loctite 393HS를사용하실수있습니다. Cover Lens LOCA ITO 신뢰성요구사항 HT: 80 C, 000 시간 HTHH: 60 C / 90% RH, 500 시간 TC: -40 C / 80 C, 500 싸이클 UV: UV 에이징 500 시간 접착제관련요구사항 고성능차세대제품 - Loctite 394 범용 Loctite 395 PMMA 커버렌즈 - Loctite 393HS Film touch panel sensors - Loctite 393HS 2 차열경화 - Loctite 392 2 차수분경화 - Loctite 592 제품선택가이드 항목 392 393HS 394 395 3800 592 화학성질아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계실리콘 경화방법 완전경화에너지 (mj/cm 2 ) (@ 00 mw/cm 2 UVA, MPMA UV Source) 점도 (cps @ 25 C) UV / 열경화 (80 ºC / hour) UV UV UV UV UV / 수분경화 4,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 4,000-5,000 4,600-6,800,800-2,800 3,000-4,000 2,500-3,500 경도 (Shore 00) 56 65 60 22 45 65 탄성률 (KPa) 83 8,830 78 42 00 70 3,500-5,500 신율 00% 300% 50% 250% 000% 00% 굴절률 (Refractive Index). 투과도 (%) (average 380-780 nm) > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 수축률 (%, 체적기준 ) 3.00 3.0 3.00.56 3.00 0.54 접착력 ( 유리, MPa). 7.6 0.4 접착력 ( 편광판, MPa) - - - - 0.86 0.59 Adhesion - Glass to Polarizer (LG Bare 254 μm gap) (MPa) - - - - 0.85 0.63 Yellowness (b*) 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.9 Haze (%) < 0.20 0.09 0.2 < 0.20 0. 0.04 유전률 ( MHz) 4.69 3.24 2.83 2.45 3.93 3.0. Loctite 592 및 Loctite 592DM 제외한전제품 UVV 파장의에너지에서경화가능. 이두제품은실제조건에서테스트를통한검증이필요함

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 7 다이렉트본딩 사용재질 ITO 코팅유리 유리 /PMMA 편광필름 다이렉트본딩용 LOCA 소개 디스플레이의외관성능과내구성을중요시하는소비자들이 표준갭사이즈 ~200-300 마이크론 성능요구사항 저점도 높은경도 / 탄성계수 낮은수축률 유리및플라스틱에 우수한접착력 투과도 99% 이상 Haze % 미만 Yellowness (b*) 미만 늘어나면서다이렉트본딩공정은점점더보편화되는추세입니다. 다이렉트본딩기술이커버렌즈접착보다어려운데는여러가지이유가있습니다. 다이렉트본딩에사용되는 LOCA 접착제는무라 (MURA) 현상이없도록탄성률이낮아야하는한편, RA 테스트과정중에박리현상이발생하지않도록충분한접착력및강도를발휘해야합니다. 또한내충격성향상을위해추가로댐제 (DAM) 를사용하여부품간갭을크게유지해야합니다. LCD 모듈최상층에위치한편광필름이유리보다접착이힘든점도어려움중하나입니다. 헨켈은다이렉트본딩을위해특별히개발된다양한 LOCA 제품군을보유하고있으며, 이들제품은업계의제조라인에서현재사용되고있습니다. LOCA Cover Lens / ITO LCD Module Dam LOCA 신뢰성요구사항 HT: 80 C, 000 시간 HTHH: 60 C / 90% RH, 500 시간 TC: -40 C / 80 C, 500 싸이클 UV: UV 에이징 500 시간 접착제관련요구사항 Ultra-low 무라 (MURA) 2 세대제품 Loctite 39, Loctite 398 and Loctite 399 범용 세대 Loctite 396 매우빠른경화 Loctite 39 and Loctite 399 2 차수분경화 Loctite 592 뛰어난측면경화 @ 365 nm LED: Loctite 39 and Loctite 396 @ 405 nm LED: Loctite 39, Loctite 396 and Loctite 399 7389-396PR 프라이머 블루그린클리어 아세톤 색 용매 - 2 점도 (cp @ 25 C) 0.8 구체적중력 0 20 초증발시간 ~4 시간온파트타임 제품선택가이드 항목 39 396 398 399 59 592 593 396PR 화학성질아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계실리콘실리콘실리콘아크릴계 경화방법 UV UV UV UV UV 완전경화에너지 (mj/cm 2 ) (@ 00 mw/cm 2 UVA, MPMA UV Source) 점도 (cps @ 25 C),800-2,800,000 3,000 2,000,000 3,200-4,200 3,600-5,200,800-2,800,000-3,000 2,200-3,200 UV / Moisture 5,000 3,500-5,500 UV / Moisture,000-3,000 2,400-3,400 경도 (Shore 00) 5 5 8 68 65 70 3 탄성률 (KPa) 0 7 3 4 9-208 70 4-205 6 UV / 7389 primer 3,500 3,200-4,200 신율 300% 300% 700% 400% 30% 00% 20% 200% 굴절률 (Refractive Index). 투과도 (%) (average 380-780 nm) > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 99.6 > 99 99.7 > 99 수축률 (%). < 0.50 0.54 < 0.70.26 접착력 - Glass to Glass, 00 μm (MPa) 0.7.0 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 접착력 - Glass to Polarizer (Nitto Denko 0.20 0.37 0.29 0.27 0.7 0.59 0.23 0.33 AG 254 μm gap) (MPa) 접착력 - Glass to Polarizer (LG Bare 0.9 0.2 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.63 0.23 0.20 254 μm gap) (MPa) Yellowness (b*) 0.05 0.8 0.06 0.6 0.07 0.9 0.04 0.09 Haze (%) < 0.20 < 0.20 < 0.0 0.0 0.20 0.04 0.0 0.20 유전률 ( MHz) 2.73 2.5 2.29 2.6 2.87 3.0 2.88 2.58. Loctite 592 및 Loctite 592DM 제외한전제품 UVV 파장의에너지에서경화가능. 이두제품은실제조건에서테스트를통한검증이필요함

8 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 LOCA Cleaner Common Materials ITO coated glass Glass PMMA Typical Gaps ~00-300 micron 소개 제조프로세스의비용절감을위하여효과적인클리너는매우중요합니다. 헨켈은 LOCA 를 위해특별히개발된두개의클리너를개발했습니다. SF 790 은 LOCA 의핸드와이프 클리너로먼지, 지문, 작은경화불순물을제거하기위해고안되었습니다. 빠르게증발하는용매로수동프로세스를위해고안되었습니다. SF 79은느리게증발하며높은인화점을가진용매로 LOCA가완전히경화된후제거하는자동프로세스를위해고안되었습니다. 이클리너들은아래제품을제외한모든 LOCA 에호환됩니다. 393HS SiO2 하드코팅에모든 LOCA 제품선택가이드 성격 SF 790 핸드와이프클리너 SF 79 완전히경화된클리너 화학종류 탄화수소 리모넨 물리적상태 액체 액체 색 무색에서옅은노란색까지 무색에서옅은노란색까지 냄새 중간용매냄새 감귤냄새 인화점 (CC) ( C) < 5 C 35 C 특정중력 (25 C) 0.70-0.80 0.92-0.95 물에서용해도 (kg/m 3 ) 용해되지않음 물에서녹음 아세톤에서용해도 혼합성 혼합성 증발시간 5-0 초 < 20 분 핸드와이프클리닝과정. 깨끗한헝겊, q팁, 와이프등을클리너에넣습니다. 2. 손으로표면을닦으며 LOCA 잔여물및기타오염물을제거합니다. 3. 필요시 IPA나에탄올로최종적으로닦아증발시간을줄입니다. 완전히경화된클리닝과정. 디스플레이를분해해서경화된 LOCA를노출시킵니다. 보통와이어컷팅프로세스를이용합니다. 2. 경화된 LOCA를클리너에오래담가둡니다. 보통 0.5에서 2시간동안두며젖은헝겊, 담그기과정또는스프레이과정으로합니다. 노출시간은 LOCA 종류, 두께, 재질에따라다릅니다. 3. 필요시플라스틱압착기로연화된 LOCA의넓은면을닦아줍니다. 4. 필요시 SF 790 핸드와이프클리너를사용하여 LOCA 잔여물을제거합니다. 5. 필요시 IPA나에탄올로표면을손으로닦아증발시간을줄입니다.

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 9 Temporary Bonding Adhesive Common Materials Glass after chemical strengthening Carrier glass 소개 제조과정중 OGS (G2) 터치패널은임시적접착제로임시적으로대형캐리어유리에화학강화이후 작은 Glass 부품을고정하고 ITO 패턴작업후그것을분리하는데필요합니다. 헨켈의 Loctite 324 와 325 는상업적인성공이증명된것으로 OGS 터치패널제조를위한솔루션을제공합니다. 주요장점 : 240 C 에서 3 시간동안벗겨지거나금이가지않으며견딤 포토레지스트또는 ITO 퇴적물프로세스에오염되지않음 용매노출에벗겨지거나깨짐없이견딤 제품선택가이드 성격 324 325 화학아크릴아크릴 경화방법 UV UV 완전한경화에너지 (mj/cm 2 ) (@ 00 mw/cm 2 UVA, MPMA UV 원천 ) 8,000 8,000 점도 (cp @ 25 C) 3,00-5,000 0,500-5,500 강도 ( 지주 00) 64 68 전단모듈 -G' (Kpa, 유량계 ) 230 265 연장 00% 00% 굴절인덱스.49.50 투과율 (%) ( 평균 380-780 nm) > 98 > 98 부피줄어듦 (%).95.75 접착도 - 유리에유리, 00 μm (MPa) 0.9.2 황도 (b*) 0.46 0.48 연무 (%) 0.9 0.27. UVA 는 LOCTITE 582 와 LOCTITE 592 를제외하고모든제품에경화가능하나, 실제조건에따라시험이필요함.

0 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 헨켈 LOCA 제품선택가이드 LOCA 제품군 항목 392 393HS Cover Lens Bonding 394 395 3800 39 396 396PR 화학성질아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계 경화방법 완전경화에너지 (mj/cm 2 ) (@ 00 mw/cm 2 UVA, MPMA UV Source) UV + 열경화 (80 ºC / hour) UV UV UV UV UV UV UV / 7389 primer 4,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000,000 3,000 3,500 2,000 398 점도 (cps @ 25 C) 4,000-5,000 4,600-6,800,800-2,800 3,000-4,000 2,500-3,500,800-2,800 3,200-4,200 3,200-4,200 3,600-5,200 경도 (Shore 00) 56 ShA 65 60 22 45 5 3 5 탄성률 (KPa) 83 8,830 78 42 00 0 7 6 3 신율 00% 300% 50% 250% 000% 300% 300% 200% 700% 굴절률 (Refractive Index). 투과도 (%) (average 380-780nm) > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 수축률 (%, 체적기준 ) 3.00 3.0 3.00.56 접착력 - Glass to Glass, 00 μm (MPa). 7.6 0.7.0 0.9 0.7 접착력 - Glass to Polarizer (Nitto Denko AG 254 μm gap) (MPa) - - - - 0.86 0.20 0.37 0.33 0.29 접착력 - Glass to Polarizer (LG Bare 254 μm gap) (MPa) - - - - 0.85 0.9 0.2 0.20 0.24 Yellowness (b*) 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.05 0.8 0.09 0.06 Haze (%) < 0.20 0.09 0.2 < 0.20 0. < 0.20 < 0.20 0.20 < 0.0 유전률 ( MHz) 4.69 3.24 2.83 2.45 3.93 2.73 2.5 2.58 2.29 50 ml 57803 577094 538409 544709 88042 755709 592427 800005 72267 UV Direct 주문관련정보 IDH 호 kg 55985 55984 537894 54655-53654 59827 800002 - 기타 - - - 60566 (2 kg) 8804 (2 kg) - - 800269 (2 kg) 70583 (2 kg). Loctite 592 및 Loctite 592DM 제외한전제품 UVV 파장의에너지에서경화가능. 이두제품은실제조건에서테스트를통한검증이필요함

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 클리너 항목 Loctite SF 790 핸드와이프클리너 Loctite SF 79 클리너 ( 완전경화용 ) 종류 Hydrocarbon Limonene 성상 액상 액상 색상 연한황색혹은무색 연한황색혹은무색 냄새 솔벤트계 시트러스향 ( 레몬향 ) 인화점 (CC) ( C) < 5 C 35 C 비중 (25 C) 0.70-0.80 0.92-0.95 주문정보 Loctite SF 790 리터 740959 8 리터 740367 Loctite SF 79 리터 740368 8 리터 740370 용해도 ( 물, kg/m 3 ) 녹지않음물에유화됨 용해도 ( 아세톤, kg/m 3 ) 혼합가능혼합가능 증발시간 5-0 초 20 분미만 Bonding DAM Temporary Bonding 399 59 592 593 Loctite 395DM Loctite 398DM Loctite 399DM Loctite 59DM Loctite 592DM 324 아크릴계실리콘실리콘실리콘아크릴계아크릴계아크릴계실리콘실리콘아크릴계아크릴계 UV UV UV / 수분경화 UV / 수분경화 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV,000,000-3,000 5,000,000-3,000 3,000 2,000,000,000-3,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 325,800-2,800 2,200-3,200 3,500-5,500 2,400-3,400 30,000-40,000 22,000-34,000 > 50,000 32,000-47,000 40,000-60,000 3,00-5,000 0,500-5,500 8 68 65 70 60 6 20 50 42 64 68 4 9-208 70 4-205 50 00 30 58-26 47 230 265 400% 30% 00% 20% 50% 400% 300% 270% 50% 00% 00%. > 99 99.6 > 99 99.7 > 99 > 99 > 99 99.45 > 99 > 98 > 98.60 < 0.50 0.54 < < 0.50 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.9.2 0.27 0.7 0.59 0.23.00 0.76 0.75 0.2 - - - 0.25 0.23 0.63 0.23 0.90 0.73 0.44 0.5 - - - 0.6 0.07 0.9 0.04 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.33 0.46 0.48 < 0.0 0.20 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.20 0.7 0.9 0.27 2.6 2.87 3.0 2.88 2.38 2.63 2.7 2.78 2.85 - - 734856 826856 606702 809254 565002 738829 734849 83542 602358 76386 749793 734864 827480 - - 564703 738785 734848 83625 602333 - - - 827067 (2 kg) 60823 (300 ml) 60825 (8 kg) 809250 (300 ml) 8095 (8 kg) - - - - - 763707 (2 L) 749795 (2 L)

2 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 헨켈프로세스의역량 헨켈디스플레이센터 헨켈은디스플레에업계에서고객이빠른프로토타입지원을접할수있으며앞선제품과프로세스개발을제공받을수있도록하기위해북미, 중국, 대만, 한국, 일본등주요국가에디스플레이센터와기술현장에투자해왔습니다. 헨켈은다양한라미네이션기술을이용하여액체광학클리어접착제로최대 65 디스플레이조립이가능합니다. 헨켈코리아는지난 203년서울금천구가산동에헨켈코리아기술연구소를설립하였으며, 라미네이션기계등조립과시험디스플레이를위한최신장비를갖추고있습니다. 헨켈코리아기술연구소 Henkel Display Center Henkel Technical Site Partner Site 장비파트너 LOCA 라미네이션처리와장비는최종품질, 제조성및디스플레이비용에큰영향을줍니다. 헨켈은액체핸들링과경량경화장비에최고의전문성을가지고있으나, 라미네이션장비디자인또는공급은하지않습니다. 헨켈은 LOCA 제품라인을위한최고수준의프로세스지원을제공하기위해공식적으로세개의선도적인 LOCA 라미네이션장비제조업체와파트너십을맺었습니다. EASY FIELD CORPORATION IINUMA GAUGE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. SHIBAURA MECHATRONICS CORPORATION 장비파트너운영모델 헨켈은장비파트너들과함께대형제작라미네이터를매입했습니다. 라미네이트장비는파트너사의시설에헨켈이기여한공간또는헨켈연구소에위치하고있습니다. 헨켈은또한파트너팀의기술자에게자금지원을하여헨켈을위한장비운영을하게합니다. 파트너의시설에장비를위치시키고파트너팀에전문가를고용하여장비를운영하게함으로써, 고객이프로토타입부품이필요할때헨켈의장비가최고의역량, 생산성, 사용가능성, 최단작업완료시간을보장합니다. 우리의파트너사가역량을개선함과동시에헨켈은우리의장비가최고수준의역량을유지할수있도록투자합니다.

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 3 소형에서중형라미네이션장비 헨켈은 6 개의라미네이트장비를보유하고있으며, 표 과같이 2 에서 27 까지디스플레이를라이네이트할수있습니다. 각라미네이트장비는중국, 대만, 일본, 한국등주요국가에위치하고있어고객을위해빠른프로토타입지원을제공합니다. 표 헨켈라미네이트장비현황 역량 Linuma KAR03 Linuma VFM02 Shibaura M-Vaster Easy Field 22980-R Linuma KAR02 디스펜스방법포인트틈코팅포인트정렬포인트포인트 프로세스종류대기진공진공대기대기 디스플레이크기 2-7'' 3-20'' 3-0.4'' 2-27'' 4-5 위치헨켈 ( 중국상해 ) 헨켈 ( 미국코네티컷록키힐 ) Iinuma ( 일본치노 ) 헨켈 ( 일본요코하마 ) Easy Field ( 대만타이페이 ) 헨켈 ( 한국서울 ) 대형포맷처리역량및지원. 라미네이트기계 2. 경화오븐 3. 무라검사 4. 환경사이클 라미네이션기계 A 27-65" 패널라미네이션 진공처리접착 ( 최대 0 Pa) 틈코팅디스펜스시스템 간격 00 에서,000 um ( 라미네이트전 ) 간격 00 에서 600 um ( 라미네이트후 ) 오버플로우 < mm 라미네이션기계 B 27-65" 패널라미네이션 진공처리접착 ( 최대 0 Pa) 다중노즐디스펜스 카메라정렬 200 um ( 마킹없음 ) a. 최대 65 인치패널 b. 4개의경화옵션 375 nm LED 405 nm LED 머큐리아크 퓨전 c. 모토컨베이어 d. 경화스테이지높이조정가능 a. 65 인치대형패널 b. 부품사이즈를위한소프트웨어조정 c. 무라영향수량화하기위해고안 d. 윈도우기반시스템 e. 향후자료를위해프로젝트데이트저장가능 a. 최대 65 인치열충격챔버 b. 최대 65 인치고온수증기챔버 c. 최대 65 인치열건조 A 2 3 4

4 터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 헨켈표준장비 도포장비 유체어플리케이터 : 록타이트 광경화디스펜싱밸브 LOCA 용도 : ON/OFF 유체컨트롤이가능한밸브. 록타이트 다이어프램공급펌프및공기탱크와병용가능 기포방지 Shut-Off 기능오랜수명고해상도스트로크조정 공기침투없음. 아세탈코폴리머씰링밸브챔버로공기유입방지. Zero suck back 디자인. shut-off 동안기포생성위험없음 다이어프램디자인으로유체관내에슬라이드씰부위가없음 흐름의정밀한조정이가능 고장없음수리가용이소형사이즈최대유압 스프링클로져, 조립키트로에어시그널오픈간단한수리방식 협소공간에도설치가능 ( 길이 78.5 mm 직경 26.9 mm) 4 bar 품번 : 98009 LOCA 용도 : 시린지배럴에든광경화아크릴접착제의도포 ( 어플리케이터밸브필요없음 ) 시린지도포장비 : 록타이트 SD0 디지털시린지디스펜서 디지털시간컨트롤진공 Suck-Back 모드프로그램저장사이클카운터호환 디지털디스플레이 - 시간, 압력, 진공 접착제가흐르거나길게이어나오지않음 수동, 인크리멘털혹은타이머방식이가능하여접착제도포방식선택가능 40 개디스펜싱프로그램저장가능 LCD 스크린에사이클카운터표시 PLC, 혹은 PC 기반자동컨트롤과호환가능 품번 : 54629 유체공급 : 록타이트 PU0 공급펌프시스템, 8 kg LOCA 용도 : 블래더백 (Bladder Bag, 용량 8kg) 에든광경화혹은습기경화실리콘접착제도포를위한펌프 기포방지 유체 / 공기접촉없음. 고유한다이어프램펌프로유체에압력을가함. 교체가능한필터로밸브 / 니들막힘방지. 블래더백이커넥터와연결되어전환 (changeover) 이용이함 로우레벨센서 (Low Level) 로우레벨센서가장착되어블래이더백내부접착제량알림기능 Pneumatically Controlled Pump start/ stop initiated by customersupplied air signals. 호환최대유량토출압력점도 PLC, 혹은 PC 기반자동컨트롤과호환가능 30 g/min (3/8'' 2 미터호스 ) 최대 7 bar 최대 0,000 cps 시스템 = 공급펌프 + 컨트롤러 + 밸브품번 : 9689 + 7308 더자세한정보를원하시면 QR코드를스캔하시거나 info.mkt@kr.henkel.com 으로문의해주시기바랍니다.

터치패널 / 디스플레이용접착솔루션 5 광경화장비 LOCA 용도 : 광경화방식으로특정디스플레이영역만스팟 (spot) 으로점착력을부여. 최종경화공정으로이송전부품고정효과. 가경화 : 록타이트 광경화디스펜싱밸브 경화스펙트럼 경화영역 경화거리 경화세기 (8 mm) UV-A (375 nm) UV-A (405 nm) 직경 8 mm 직경 0 mm 시스템 = LED 헤드 + 컨트롤러 + 케이블광원 375 nm - 품번 : 369539 광원 405 nm - 품번 : 369538 Duty Cycle Rating 호환 0-22 mm 4,000 mw/cm² 00% PLC 혹은 PC 기반 자동컨트롤과호환 0,000 mw/cm² 가능 컨트롤러 9 개개별 LED 의적정전력조절및모니터링기능 2a LOCA 용도 : 광경화방식으로디스플레이전면을완전경화 경화스펙트럼 UV-A (375 nm) UV-A (405 nm) 최종경화 - 표면 : 록타이트 LED Flood 경화시스템 경화영역 경화거리 경화세기 엣지부위적층 Duty Cycle Rating 00 mm 00 mm 25-75 mm 50-350 mw/cm² 00 mm 50 mm 400 mw/cm² 경화영역을유지하면서그림자영역없이여러층경화가능 호환컨트롤러내부진단기술 00% PLC 혹은 PC 기반자동컨트롤과호환가능 디지털타이머방식, 혹은매뉴얼경화컨트롤방식중선택가능 LED 성능및온도를지속적으로모니터링, 문제발생시디지털 / 비주얼방식장애출력 시스템 = Flood 어레이 + 컨트롤러 + 케이블광원 375 nm - 품번 : 6782 광원 405 nm - 품번 : 67593. 경화세기 : 독특한디자인으로 LED 빛을개별반사, 일반적인거리조건하에서경화세기를극대화시켜줍니다. 2b LOCA 용도 : 광경화방식으로디스플레이측면을완전경화 ( 측면경화가필요한경우 ) 경화스펙트럼 UV-A (365 nm) UV-A (405 nm) 최종경화 - 표면 : 록타이트 LED Line 경화시스템 경화영역 경화거리 경화세기 2 엣지부위적층 Duty Cycle Rating 5 mm 80 mm (20 mm 거리 ) 5-20 mm 600 mw/cm² 40 mw/cm² 00 mm 경화영역을유지하면서그림자영역없이여러층경화가능 호환컨트롤러내부진단기술 00% PLC 혹은 PC 기반자동컨트롤과호환가능 -4 LED 라인어레이컨트롤. 디지털타이머방식혹은수동컨트롤경화방식제공 LED 성능및온도를지속적으로모니터링, 문제발생시디지털 / 비주얼방식장애출력 시스템 = Line 어레이 + 컨트롤러 + 케이블광원 365 nm - 품번 : 449337 광원 405 nm - 품번 : 449336 2. 경화세기 : 부스터렌즈함께사용시 :,300 mw/cm 3 록타이트 LED 경화시스템의장점 가경화 2a 완전경화 에어쿨링방식시스템내장 ( 수냉시스템불필요 ) 순간 ON/OFF 기능 예열필요없음. 경화싸이클동안전원 OFF 가능해전력비용절감 2b 측면경화 오랜수명 광원발열적음 광량효율성 기존아크등비교, 0 배이상긴수명 광원에서적외선발생이없어부품의가열이나휨현상을최소화 기존아크등과는달리광량이 00% 모두접착제경화스펙트럼내에속함

본카달로그에포함된정보는참조용임을알려드립니다. 국가별로제품이나포장규격에따라공급조달에시간이소요되는품목이있을수있습니다. 도움이필요하시거나제품사양, 상세어플리케이션관련문의가있으시면해당헨켈지사에문의주시기바랍니다. 사이트 : www.loctite.com/loca 이메일 : info.mkt@kr.henkel.com Henkel Asia-Pacific & China Headquarters No. 928 Zhangheng Road Zhangjiang High-Tech Park Pudong New District Shanghai 20203, P.R. China Tel: +86 2 289 8000 Fax: +86 2 289 897 Henkel (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 46/F, Menara Telekom Jalan Pantai Bahru Kuala Lumpur 59200 Malaysia Tel: +60 3 2246 000 Fax: +60 3 2246 88 Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, CT 06067 United States Tel: + 800 57 500 Fax: + 860 57 5465 Henkel Display Center 306 Libing Road Zhangjiang High-Tech Park Pudong New District Shanghai 20203, P.R.China Tel: +86 2 538 966 Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. /F Kesar Solitaire Plot No. 5 Sector 9 Palm Beach Road Sanpada, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400 705, India Tel: +9 22 3929 6600 Fax: +9 22 3929 6602 Henkel Singapore Pte Ltd. #03-0/02 Haw Par Technocentre 40 Commonwealth Drive Singapore 49598 Tel: +65 6266 000 Fax: +65 6266 6 Henkel Canada Corporation 2225 Meadowpine Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L5n 7P2 Canada Tel: + 905 84 65 Fax: + 905 84 539 Henkel Korea Technical Center B-8th floor, BYC High City Bldg., Gasan Digital -ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 53-78, Korea Tel: +82 2 650 3000 Henkel Japan Ltd. 27-7 Shin Isogo-cho Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa 235-007, Japan Tel: +8 45 758 800 Fax: +8 45 758 85 Henkel Korea Ltd. 8/F, Henkel Tower 48 Mapo-dong, Mapo-gu Seoul 2-734, South Korea Tel: +82 2 3279 700 Fax: +82 2 3273 4663 Henkel Taiwan Ltd. 0/F, 866 Zhongzheng Road Zhonghe District New Taipei City 235, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2227 988 Fax: +886 2 2226 8699 Henkel (Thailand) Ltd. 35/F, Centralworld Tower 999/9 Rama Road Khwaeng Pathumwan Khet Pathumwan Bangkok 0330, Thailand Tel: +66 2 209 8000 Fax: +66 2 209 8008 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (Headquarters) Henkelstraße 67 409 Düsseldorf Germany Tel: +49 2 797 0 Fax: +49 2 798 4008 Except as otherwise noted, all marks used above in this brochure/leaflet, report/data sheet etc. are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and/or its affiliates in the US and elsewhere. EFC is a registered trademark of Easy Field Corporation. ING is a registered trademark of Iinuma Gauge Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Shibaura is a registered trademark of Shibaura Mechatronics Corporation. Copyright 204. Henkel Corporation. All rights reserved. APH-AG-009 (03/204)

Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays

2 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 3 Henkel is your total solution provider for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings. Global Capabilities We are the global technology leader, with an extensive network to support the customers value stream. LCD AND TOUCH MODULE MODULE LAMINATION Your Total Solution Provider ADHESIVES, SEALANTS AND FUNCTIONAL COATINGS FOR HANDHELD DEVICES AND DISPLAYS ENCLOSURE PERIPHERALS Through close customer partnership, industry know-how and engineering support, we enable innovative design for handheld devices and displays. Design Partnership Our experienced team of engineers provides documented design and application support. Engineering Support With unsurpassed development, engineering and field support, Henkel provides the expertise to empower customers to improve quality, efficiency and innovation. Customer Intimacy Through close collaboration and intimate knowledge of customer applications and processes, Henkel creates exciting solutions that enable innovation. Innovation Leader As the innovation leader in sealing, bonding and coating, Henkel delivers solutions to meet fast design changes and developmental challenges. Achieving more with less Our commitment to leadership in sustainability is deeply embedded in our values. With our revised Sustainability Strategy for 2030, we are building on our strong track record. At the same time, we are aiming to address one of the central future challenges: to decouple growth from resource consumption. At the heart of this strategy is therefore the simple, yet challenging, ambition: to achieve more with less. It aims to create more value for our customers, consumers, communities and the company alike, while simultaneously reducing the environmental footprint.

4 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Mobile Device s Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 5 Assembly s Other s Anti-scratch coating > > Functional Coatings > > Clear coating for plastic cover > > Anti-scratch > > Easy operation and reliability Cushion / sealing 2 > > Cured-in-Place Gaskets > > Good bonding strength > > Soft and highly flexible > > Reusable and durable > > Easily processed to high design tolerances We are currently developing several new formulations for this application. Contact us for samples or technical information. 2 3 2 Touch panel / windows bonding to cover > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance Direct bonding / cover lens bonding > > Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives > > Optical clarity with high bonding strength > > Eliminate air bubbles during lamination > > Flexible with low corrosion > > LCD compatible > > Ink step compatible Keypad and side key bonding 3 > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > Silicone Adhesives > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > High adhesion on flexible and inactive substrates with small bond areas > > High strength of silicon rubber to plastic / metal > > Low bloom > > Fast fixture > > Easy operation and reliability Battery cell molding 4 > > TECHNOMELT Molding > > Water tightness > > Low cost > > Good thermal resistance 4 3 4 Metal and plastic bonding > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance Camera lens bonding > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > High strength > > Thin bondlines > > Easy operation and reliability Logo bonding 5 > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > High strength > > Thin bondlines > > Easy operation and reliability 5 6 5 6 Plastic / metal trim bonding > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > -part adhesive for structural bonding > > High strength Overmolding / insert molding > > Overmolding Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Fast fixture with molding process > > Impact and shear loading resistance 2 3 4 5

6 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 7 Tablet s Assembly APPLICATIONS 2 Direct bonding / cover lens bonding > > Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives > > Optical clarity with high bonding strength > > Eliminate air bubbles during lamination > > Flexible with low corrosion > > LCD compatible > > Ink step compatible 2 Touch panel bonding to cover > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance 3 3 Camera lens / logo bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Silicone Adhesives > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > Small dispense volumes > > Suitable for visible bondlines > > Low outgassing Logo bonding PUR Hotmelt Adhesives 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives High strength Thin bondlines > > Easy operation and reliability Hinge bonding > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives High bonding strength Good impact performance > > Good reliability Frame bonding (plastic) 2 > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives High bonding strength Good impact performance > > Good reliability Magnet bonding 3 > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives High bonding strength Thin bonding line > > Easy to operate Sealing 4 > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > MS Polymers > > Waterproof Silicone rubber bonding 5 > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives High bonding strength Thin bonding line > > Easy to operate Structural enhancement (plastic, metal) 6 > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Fast cure with higher curing temperature Cover bonding (polyurethane, plastic, metal) 7 > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives High bonding strength Good impact performance > > Good reliability 5 2 7 6 3 4 4 4 Back cover bonding / inside bracket bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance

8 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 9 Laptop s Assembly s Other s Latch, magnet and hinge bonding > > Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > High vibration and peel force resistance > > Structural strength on dynamic parts Connector & internal mounting 2 > > Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > Bond aluminum, magnesium and other metal and structural plastic materials > > Unitize with high tensile and impact strength > > Withstand thermal variations Cushion & gasketing 3 > > Cured-in-Place Gaskets (MS Polymer, Silicone, Foamed Hotmelt, Light Cure Adhesives) > > Flexible with structural strength, low corrosion, and excellent durability > > Seal and bond > > LCD compatible We are currently developing several new formulations for this application. Contact us for samples or technical information. 3 4 2 2 Direct bonding / cover lens bonding > > Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives > > Optical clarity with high bonding strength > > Eliminate air bubbles during lamination > > Flexible with low corrosion > > LCD compatible > > Ink step compatible Camera lens / logo bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Silicone Adhesives > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > Small dispense volumes > > Suitable for visible bondlines > > Low outgassing 3 4 5 6 Touch panel / window bonding to LCD bezel > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance Overmolding / insert molding > > Overmolding Adhesives > > Structural strength > > Fast fixture with molding process > > Impact and shear loading resistance Top case bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > Structural strength - high toughness > > Quick assembly and processing > > Impact and shear loading resistance Sub-assembly and sealing > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > Bonding dissimilar substrates > > High strength with minimal bond area > > Resistance to impact, bending and fatigue 2 3 5 7 Battery bonding and sealing > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives > > Bond to plastic and metal housings and clips > > Thermal stability > > Quick fixturing 6 7

0 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays LCD TV s Assembly s Other s Panel to frame bonding (ABS + epoxy ink) > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > Good strength > > High resilience > > Good endurance against aging Panel to frame bonding (PC + PC) 2 > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > Fast cure > > Good bonding strength Panel to frame bonding (SS + SS, Al + SS, Al + PMMA) 3 > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > High bonding strength > > Good endurance against aging 2 Anti-dust, waterproofing agent between LCD module and top glass > > Silicone Adhesives > > Cured-in-Place Gaskets > > Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives > > Good water tightness > > Good endurance against aging > > Disassembly > > High strength > > High impact TV stand bonding (ABS + ink glass) > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > High bonding strength > > Good endurance against aging TV stand bonding (PMMA + PC) > > UV Acrylic Adhesives > > Fast cure > > Good strength 2 3 3 4 5 3 4 LED rail holding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > Thermally Conductive Acrylic Adhesives > > High thermal conductivity > > High bonding strength > > Good endurance against aging Threadlocking > > Threadlocking Adhesives > > Disassembly > > Anti-vibration, anti-loosening 2 2 2 6 5 6 Reinforced ribs bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > High bonding strength > > Good endurance against aging Bottom chassis bonding > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives > > High heat conductivity > > Vibrating absorption > > High bonding strength > > Good endurance against aging

2 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 3 Peripherals s Assembly s Components Accessories 2 Chargers Data Cables Earphones Financial Swipers 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 Headphones Headsets Keyboards Mice 4 Micro Display Glasses Number Pads PC Gaming Controllers Portable Audio Speakers Hard Disk Drives Flat Panel Speakers 2 Final assembly Cover damping > > Acrylic Adhesives > > PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesives) Cover plate gasket > > Reactive Polyisobutylene (PIB) Fluid DYNAMIC bearing Magnet to hub bonding Stator coil to frame bonding > > -Part Epoxy Adhesives 3 4 Head stack assembly Voice coil bonding > > -Part Epoxy Adhesives Voice coil magnet bonding > > Structural Anaerobic Adhesives Head gimbal assembly Slider to gimbal bonding > > DDC Epoxy Slider fabrication > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesives 2 FINAL ASSEMBLY Frame + front cover > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives Front cover sealing > > UV Acrylic Adhesives MEMBRANE SYSTEM Membrane + voice coil > > UV Acrylic Adhesives Membrane damping > > UV Damping Adhesives Membrane + frame > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesives > > MS Series Adhesives 3 4 WIRE FIXING > > UV Acrylic Adhesives MAGNET SYSTEM Magnet + magnet fillet > > -Part Epoxy Adhesives > > Structural Anaerobic Adhesives Soft Goods Trackpads Webcams Wireless Remote Presenters Wearable Technology Devices Smart Bands Smart Glasses Smartwatches For more information, please refer to page 38 & 39. As a part of your development team, Henkel aims to find high-quality, cost-efficient design solutions for your challenging application requirements in peripherals assembly.

4 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 5 Typical s Assembly s Touch Panel / Window to Frame Assembly Case to Frame Assembly application OVERVIEW DEVICE TYPE DIMENSIONS TECHNICAL CHALLENGE application OVERVIEW DEVICE TYPE DIMENSIONS TECHNICAL CHALLENGE Smartphone Tablet LCD TV 3-6 inch 7 - inch 20-70 inch Fine dispensing beads, high impact resistance at thin bonding line High impact resistance at thin bonding line Flexible & easy assembling process Tablet Laptop LCD TV 7 - inch 2-5 inch 20-70 inch High productivity, high reliability High productivity, less warpage, high reliability Flexible & easy assembly process Technical Solutions Technical Solutions STRUCTURAL BONDING Molding STRUCTURAL BONDING Molding CHARACTERISTICS PUR Hotmelt Adhesives UV Pre-Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesives 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives Overmolding Bonding Strength Impact Resistance Fast Fixture Simple / Flexible Process Thinner Bondline Products 354 Fast fixture 3542 Excellent overall performance 3572 High reliability on plastics substrates 3573 Black color, faster fixture HHD 3575 Black color, better reliability Legend: Fair > > > > Excellent 3580 Instant fixture, excellent overflow control HHD 358 Instant fixture, standard product HHD 3582 Instant fixture, excellent impact resistance HF8600 Excellent overall performance HHD 805 Fast cure, excellent reliability HHD 8008 Ultra fast cure, excellent reliability HF6005 Excellent flexibility HHD 6006 Excellent flexibility, better processability OM40 High bonding performance, water based OM450 High bonding performance, solvent based Structural Tape CHARACTERISTICS PUR Hotmelt Adhesives 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives 2-Step Acrylic Adhesives Overmolding Bonding Strength Impact Resistance Fast Fixture Simple / Flexible Process Thinner Bondline Products 3542 Excellent overall performance 3572 High reliability on plastics substrates 3573 Black color, faster fixture HHD 3575 Black color, better reliability Legend: Fair > > > > Excellent HF8075LV Excellent overall performance HF850R Fast cure, excellent reliability HHD 860 Ultra fast cure, excellent reliability HF368 Instant fixture, thinner bonding line OM40 High bonding performance

6 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 7 Typical s Assembly s Assembly of Sub-Assemblies application OVERVIEW DEVICE TYPE I/O Components Bonding Camera Module / Lens Bonding Magnet / Metal Logo Bonding TECHNICAL CHALLENGE Narrow bonding area, off-site issue control High impact resistance High bonding strength, easy process Technical Solutions STRUCTURAL BONDING INSTANT Bonding CHARACTERISTICS PUR Hotmelt Adhesives UV Pre- Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesives 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives 2-Step Acrylic Adhesives -Part Epoxy Adhesives 2-Part Epoxy Adhesives Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Bonding Strength Impact Resistance Fast Fixture Simple / Flexible Process Thinner Bondline Products 3542 Excellent overall performance 3572 High reliability on plastics substrates 3573 Black color, faster fixture HHD 3575 Black color, better reliability 3580 Instant fixture, thinner bondline HHD 358 Instant fixture, standard product HHD 3582 Instant fixture, excellent impact resistance HF850R Fast cure, excellent reliability HF8075LV Excellent overall performance HHD 860 Ultra fast cure, excellent reliability HF368 Instant fixture, thinner bonding line 322 Fast process speed with tough and durable bonding Hysol E-20HP Toughened, medium viscosity 4204 Toughened, thermally resistant HF435 Toughened, surface insensitive HF4305 Light cure, rapid fixturing Today's handheld devices and displays: loaded with amazing technologies. We think you'll find these truly impressive. Legend: Fair > > > > Excellent

8 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 9 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives Ω Properties Comparison CHARACTERISTICS HF8075LV HF850R HHD 860 Mix Ratio (Resin : Hardener) 0 : 0 : 0 : Typical applications Structural bonding of top glass, frames and parts. > > Superior shear strength > > Excellent impact resistance > > High temperature / humidity performance > > Fast fixture > > Halogen-free Specially formulated to provide tough, longlasting bonds to most surfaces, including steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, sheet metal, stainless steel, plastics and composites. Open Time 2-3 minutes 3-4 minutes 2-3 minutes Fixture Speed at 60ºC to 80ºC 60-90 seconds 60-90 seconds 60-80 seconds Fixture Speed at RT to 40ºC - - - 3 minutes Metal to Metal Very high Very high Very high Metal to Plastic High Very high Very high Aging Resistance Good Excellent Excellent Henkel Dispensing Equipment Loctite 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispense System Storage Temperature 8ºC to 25ºC 2ºC to 8ºC 2ºC to 8ºC Adhesive Technologies Capable of reducing or replacing the need for threaded fasteners, welds or rivets, resulting in a lower cost assembly. Ω Fixture Time Fixture time (Seconds) 300 200 00 < HHD 860 HF850R 0 AnAl / PC/ABS AnAl / AnAI AnAl / PC/ABS AnAl / AnAl AnAl / PC/ABS AnAl / AnAl NEW Loctite HHD 860 Structural Adhesive 40ºC 60ºC 00ºC Loctite HHD 860 Structural Adhesive has been specifically formulated to deliver lower temperature fast fixture processing capability. It processes excellent adhesion and damp heat resistance to magnesium aluminum alloys, anodized aluminum and PC/ABS blends. > > Ultra fast fixture at lower temperature > > Superior shear strength > > Excellent impact strength > > High temperature / humidity resistance > > Phthalate-free > > Halogen-free Ω Lap Shear Strength Lap shear strength (MPa) 25 20 5 0 5 < Before Aging High Temperature High Humidity Thermal Shock Thermal Cycle 0 AnAl / PC/ABS AnAl / AnAI AnAl / PC/ABS AnAl / AnAl Lower Curing Temperature, Fast Fixture Loctite HHD 860 Loctite HF850R STRUCTURAL BONDING STRUCTURAL BONDING

20 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 2 2-Part Acrylic Hybrid Adhesives 2-Step Acrylic Adhesives NEW Loctite HHD 8900 Structural Adhesive For small parts bonding where long open time minimizes cure in mix nozzle. For large parts bonding where long open time maximizes work life and fixture can be achieved quickly with heat. > > Henkel patented 2-part acrylic hybrid technology* > > Long open time (~ 0 minutes) with fast cure (45-60 seconds) at 60ºC > > Excellent tensile strength > > High temperature / humidity resistance > > Halogen-free & phthalate-free > > Less odor NEW > > Easier to process by coating one substrate with activator and putting adhesive on the other. Curing begins only after assembly > > Bond metals and plastics Loctite HF368 Structural Adhesive Loctite SF 7888 Accelerator For Bonding in High-Impact s > > Long open time > > Fast fixture > > Good shear strength > > Good impact strength > > Thermal cycling resistance > > Phthalate-free & halogen-free Typical applications Structural bonding of frames and parts. Adhesive Technologies Longer Open Time & a Faster Fixture Time Performance under Elevated Temperatures * Patent pending Ω Properties CHARACTERISTICS HHD 8900 Chemical Base Acrylic Color (Cured) Light green Full Cure Time 24 hours @ 23ºC Mix Ratio (by Volume) : Side Impact Strength 2. J (AnAl to Polyamide) Physical Form Gel Shear Strength on SS304 @ Room Temperature 3,770 pound-force per inch 2 Shelf Life 2 months @ 4ºC Storage Temperature 4ºC Refrigerator required for storage Time to Handling Strength 6-20 minutes @ 23ºC Fixture Time @ 60ºC minute Nozzle Life minutes Anti-sag Yes Ω Properties Comparison Ω Shear Strength Shear strength (psi) Shear strength (psi) CHARACTERISTICS Traditional 2-Part Acrylic Adhesive HF368 + SF 7888 Mix Method Must mix 2-step Open Time Standard Very long Fixture Time Standard Very quick 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000,500,000 500 0 3,000 2,500 2,000,500,000 500 0 Stainless Steel Shear Strength Comparison on metal substrates 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 00 0 Polyamide Plastics Shear Strength Comparison on polyamide substrate ONLY < < Loctite HF368 Structural Adhesive Traditional 2-Part Acrylic Adhesive Loctite HF368 Structural Adhesive Loctite 352 Light Cure Adhesive Loctite 33 Structural Adhesive Fast Fixture in 90 Seconds at Room Temperature STRUCTURAL BONDING STRUCTURAL BONDING

22 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 23 PUR Hotmelt Adhesives NEW Loctite 3573 Hotmelt Adhesives Loctite HHD 3575 Hotmelt Adhesives Typical applications Focused range of high performance structural bonders of cases and parts. > > One-part, solvent-free > > Good adhesion to plastic, metal, glass and composite > > Fast fixturing > > Very thin bondlines > > Long open time > > Low cost > > Wide variety of formulations available Cure at room temperature with moisture reaction. Bond variety of materials such as plastics, metals and glass. H2O H2O > > Black color > > Long open time and fast fixture Ω Product Profile / Positioning > > Reactive black hotmelt adhesives based on polyurethane prepolymers > > Provide high initial strength instantly after joining the parts > > Suitable open time for automatic or manual assembly line > > Aesthetic improvement Loctite 3573 Loctite HHD 3575 > > Good bonding performance on various substrates > > Good impact strength Adhesive Technologies Ω Adhesives Compared to PSA Tape H > > Ultra fast fixture > > Standard open time > > Improved bonding performance on plastics > > Long open time CHARACTERISTICS Loctite PUR Hotmelt Adhesives Loctite Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) Tapes Bond very thin joints Yes May flow beyond bond area Strength of bonding plastic Very strong Quite strong but can crack Fills gap caused by parts variation Yes, liquid fills gap easily Yes, liquid fills gap easily Can t bond very thin joints because of die-cutting design limitation, insufficient strength Weak bond, especially in very small area No, tape does not fill these gaps Ω Properties Comparison CHARACTERISTICS 3542 3573 Appearance Yellow Black Black HHD 3575 Viscosity (cp) 4,000 7,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 7,000 Appearance of bonded edges Very good Good Good Complete seal Yes Yes Difficult, depends on design and parts tolerance Bonding curved surfaces Yes Yes No Total applied cost Low Low High (die-cutting cost) Bonding Performance* High High High Fast Fixture Fast Ultra Fast Fast Open Time Excellent Standard Excellent Impact Resistance Excellent Excellent Excellent * Bonding performance depends on substrates Ω Properties Comparison CHARACTERISTICS Loctite 354 Loctite 3542 Loctite 3572 Bond Strength Plastic to Plastic Very High High High Plastic to Metal High Very High High Plastic to Glass Moderate Very High Very High Metal to Glass Moderate Very High Very High Gap Fill Medium Medium High Speed of Dispense / Flow Rate Fast Fast Fast Fixture Time* - 2 minutes - 2 minutes - Open Time* - 2 minutes 2-4 minutes > 4 minutes Bead Size Thin Thin Thin Ω Pull Strength Pull strength (MPa) 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0.0 0 Loctite 3573 Loctite HHD 3575 < Glass / Metal, hour PC/ABS / PMMA, hour Glass / Metal, 24 hours PC/ABS / PMMA, 24 hours * Fixture time and open time vary with the operating environment conditions; high temperatures will lengthen open times, while lower temperatures will shorten open time, and low-humidity condition may extend fix time. STRUCTURAL BONDING STRUCTURAL BONDING

24 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 25 Key Feature High Fixture Strength Immediately after UV Curing curve: comparison between Loctite 3580 and Loctite 3542 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 30 60 90 20 440 Time (minutes) * SS + Glass ** Bonding strength measured via cross-bead push test Strength (MPa) UV Pre-activated PUR HOTmELT Adhesives 2 3 Dispensing as standard PUR Hotmelt Adhesives UV exposure to activate adhesive Light Source UV Pre- Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesives Assemble parts at a later time Achieve initial strength quickly Loctite 3580 Loctite 3542 NEW UV Pre-Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesives Loctite 3580 Structural Adhesive Loctite HHD 358 Structural Adhesive Loctite HHD 3582 Structural Adhesive > > Instant fixture > > Fast processing > > Easier rework Ω Product Profile / Positioning UV Pre-Activated PUR Hotmelt Structural Adhesives > > UV and moisture dual-curing reactive polyurethane hotmelt adhesives > > High initial strength instantly under UV radiation after joining the parts > > Suitable open time for automatic or manual assembly line Ω Properties Comparison CHARACTERISTICS 3542 3580 HHD 358 Bonding Performance* High High High High HHD 3582 Fast Fixture Fast Ultra Fast Ultra Fast Ultra Fast Bondline Control Good Excellent Good Good Overflow Control Good Excellent Good Good Thickness Control Thinner Thicker Thinner Thinner Open Time Standard UV Control UV Control UV Control Impact Resistance Excellent Good Good Excellent Equipment Needs Many Clamps UV Lamp UV Lamp UV Lamp Appearance Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Syringe, 30 ml White Orange Orange Orange Viscosity (mpa s, 00ºC) 4,000-7,000 4,000-7,000 3,500-7,000 3,500-7,000 Open Time** (minutes) 2-4 2-4 / 2 (before / after UV) * Bonding performance depends on substrates ** UV energy: 800 -,000 MJ/cm 2 > > High impact resistance > > High bonding performance at ultra thin bondline > > Waterproof 3580 HHD 358 HHD 3582 > > Superior overflow control after UV exposure > > Superior gap control > > Good impact resistance performance for application > > Superior gap control > > Excellent impact resistance performance for application - 2 / - 2 (before / after UV) - 2 / - 2 (before / after UV) Epoxy Adhesives > > No small molecular generation during curing > > Strong, stable polymer network structure NEW Loctite HHD 4274 Structural Adhesive > > Low viscosity > > Very long work life > > High bonding strength Ω Work Life - Viscosity Viscosity (cp).00e+07.00e+06.00e+05.00e+04.00e+03.00e+02 Ω Work Life - Flow Rate Flow rate (mg) 200 50 00 50 0 40 35 30 25 20 5 0 5 0 0.5 hr hr 2 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 5 hrs 6 hrs 7 hrs 8 hrs 0.5 hr 2 hrs 4 hrs 6 hrs 8 hrs Flow rate: 30G needle / 2 mins Ω Lap Shear Strength Lap shear shength (MPa) HHD 4274 HHD 4274 Hysol E-24HP Ω Aging Performance 00% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Hysol E-24HP Hysol E-20HP Hysol E-20HP > > Low curing shrinkage > > Very good physical property > > Excellent reliability performance > > Highest level structural bonding > > Halogen-free > > Low-temperature curing > > Good aging performance 322 322 < < HHD 4274 < < HHD 4274 Hysol E-20HP Hysol E-24HP 322 SS + SS AnAl + AnAl Zinc Coating Steel + Zinc Coating Steel PC + PC Decline after aging Retention after aging Typical applications The 2-part heating cured epoxy adhesive, is particularly suitable in the assembly of magnetic materials used in speakers and receivers. Cure-on-Demand Epoxy Adhesive Technologies STRUCTURAL BONDING Agting Condition: 65ºC / 95% RH / 68 hours STRUCTURAL BONDING

26 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 27 Polyurethane Adhesives Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Typical applications Sealing of housings, bond & seal frames, etc. > > Bond a wide variety of materials, including most metals, plastics and composites > > Exhibit superior moisture and humidity resistance, as well as good toughness and flexibility 2-Part Polyurethane Adhesives > > Low warpages > > Superior flexibility > > High temperature / humidity performance > > Excellent impact & shear strength > > Fast fixture > > Halogen-free NEW > > One-component, no-mix products that cure rapidly at room temperature without heat or light exceptionally easy to use > > Excellent bond strengths to the widest range of plastics, rubbers and metals > > Widest selection of products Loctite Halogen-Free # Instant Adhesives Typical applications Bonding of small parts like keys, labels and decorative trims. Adhesive Technologies Light Source Light Source Henkel's range of Halogen-free # cyanoacrylates minimizes health and environmental concerns via chlorine- and bromine- reduced formulas. Based on IEC 6249-2-2 Definition 900 ppm maximum chlorine 900 ppm maximum bromine,500 ppm maximum total halogens NEW Loctite HHD 6006 Structural Adhesive HHD 6006 is a high viscosity, 2-part urethane designed for sag resistance, low modulus and high impact resistance. Once mixed, it cures at room temperature or can be accelerated by heat. Ω Properties Comparison Standard HHD 6006 Shrinkage of some adhesives can warp exposed surfaces, creating aesthetic blemishes on your device. CHARACTERISTICS HF6005 HHD 6006 Mix Ratio (A : B) : 2 : 2 Viscosity before Mix (cp, 25 C) Part A: 200 -,200 Part B: 90,000-25,000 Working Time 4 minutes 4 minutes Part A: 6,625-76,000 Part B: 8,000-55,000 Curing Condition Room temperature to 80 C Room temperature to 80 C Lap Shear Strength (Polyamide, psi) 700 > 800 Side Impact (Polyamide, J) 9.2 9.2 Storage Temperature 2 C to 28 C 2 C to 28 C Ω Properties Comparison CHARACTERISTICS General Purpose Light Cure Toughened Low Odor / Low Bloom Loctite Product HF382 HF4305 HF4307 HF435 HF438 HF480 HF403 HF460 SUBSTRATES Plastics Elastomers Metals Acidic Surfaces Polyolefins Good in Combination with Loctite 770 Primer > High performance wire tacking* > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding > Light (UV / visible) and moisture cure mechanism > Fast cure with UV > Light (UV / visible) and moisture cure mechanism > Fast cure with UV > Surface insensitive > High temperature resistant > Rubber, FEATURES minimizes minimizes plastic and blooming blooming metal bonding > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding > Positive under UV light > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding * In combination with Loctite 72 or 7452 Accelerator Legend: Very good Good > Surface insensitive > High temperature resistant > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding > Surface insensitive > High temperature resistant > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding > Surface insensitive > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding > Surface insensitive > Low viscosity for close-fitting parts > Rubber, plastic and metal bonding Products designed specifically to meet the Halogen-free # standards. # Products whose halogen content has not been tested on a batch to batch basis. As batch variations exist, some batches may therefore exceed the specified limits as set out under Halogen Free Definition. Henkel shall not be liable for any and all consequences (direct or consequential) resulting from (i) the absence of test with regard to the halogen content or (ii) the products halogen content exceeding the specified limits or (iii) batch to batch variations of the product. Henkel offers halogen content certified batches on request. Please note: A complete line of surface primers, accelerators and cleaners is available to further enhance the performance of loctite instant adhesives. STRUCTURAL BONDING INSTANT BONDING

28 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 29 Typical applications Bond non-opaque materials such as glass and plastic. Light Cure Adhesives > > One-component, no-mix products that cure extremely fast for immediate QC in high-volume assembly operations > > Excellent bond strength to plastics and glass > > Bond-on-demand capability for unlimited repositioning TECHNOMELT Molding TECHNOMELT molding offers a gentle encapsulation process with adhesive molding compounds to achieve the ultimate seal and robust molded-on protection > > Replaces both the housing and potting in one operation > > Shorter cycle times (5-45 seconds) and reduced number of operations > > Reduced molding material consumption > > Complete sealing of the components, providing watertight encapsulation > > Effective strain relief and environmental resistance > > Safe encapsulation of fragile components Typical applications Molding battery leads and molding connection housings. Adhesive Technologies Low pressure molding process, to protect sensitive components from environmental hazard. For more information, please refer TO Henkel SOLUTIONS for Touch Panels & DISPLAYS. Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives Henkel provides the total solution for Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives (LOCA), mainly from light cure adhesive technologies. Henkel offers leading LOCA technology from acrylate to silicone in its development pipeline and total application support with leading equipment process knowledge. > > Improving the viewing experience > > Increasing display ruggedness > > Extending battery life > > Extending display product life > > Enabling thinner designs Cover Lens LOCA Cover Lens Bonding Touch Panel Sensor LOCA Direct Bonding Overmolding Loctite overmolding products are -component polyurethane primers used to enhance adhesion between multiple substrates during the co-molding or insert molding process > > The method replaces traditional assembly process to achieve a more compact, light, seamless and elegant design > > Loctite overmolding products can help to increase the adhesion strength of the injected material to the parts surface Typical applications Anodized aluminum, steel, TPU, certain plastics and glass surfaces are typical materials that can be processed. Without LOCA With LOCA Display Module INSTANT BONDING MOLDING

30 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 3 EQUIPMENT SELECTOR GUIDE Robot Dispense Systems EQUIPMENT SELECTOR GUIDE Dispensing 50 ML DUAL CARTRIDGE DISPENSE SYSTEM NEW EQ VA30 JET SYSTEM The interchangeable cartridge pushers with common mounting tooling can accommodate :, 2:, 4:, or 0: dual cartridges for both A-System and B-System 50 ml cartridges > > Independent cartridge pressure and actuation functions to control adhesive flow rate > > Fluid components designed for MMA and Epoxy adhesives, but can be used with any chemistry > > Accepts patent-pending precision anti-drip dispense valve 44439 (sold separately) > > Easy cartridge changeover > > Lightweight design; able to be used on any Precision Adhesive Dispensing Robot system > > Dispenses adhesives up to 200,000 cp viscosity 30 ML PUR HOTMELT DISPENSE SYSTEM > > Controller has two individual temperature output channels designed to control the PUR 30 ml Dispense Head and PUR Pre-Heater for 30 ml syringes > > Integrated dispense time control, pressure control, and temperature control features are all in one easyto-use system > > Easily integrated with a Robot System > > Digital display temperature controller and timer > > Easy syringe changeover design > > PTFE safety enclosure > > Pre-heater reduces time required for syringe changeover 400 ML / 490 ML DUAL CARTRIDGE DISPENSE SYSTEM > > System process monitoring > > Volumetrically controlled adhesive dispensing > > No-drip stop and start dispense control > > Variable ratio capability > > High-output production capability > > Minimal downtime for package changeover and fluid system maintenance > > Slim design maximizes floor space utilization NEW NEW The VA30 Jet Valve is designed for fluid dispensing in the electronics, industrial, semiconductor, and life science markets. It is unlike any other jet on the market because only our jet dispensing product employs a unique diaphragm technology. Hard-to-dispense fluids can be dispensed reliably in volumes as small as 0 nanoliters. The VA30 Jet Valve is extremely fast and can dispense on the fly. It can apply multiple drops-perlocation at a speed up to 300 drops/second. The drops can be dispensed into areas with clearance as small as 300 μm without contamination of the surface. The VA30 Jet Valve is suited for dispensing a wide range of fluids for a variety of applications. To ensure best product compatibility, the fluid path is made from ceramics and stainless steel and the diaphragm made of a highly fluorinated elastomeric material. > > Up to 300 drops/second > > Drops as small as 0.0 µl > > No fluid seals to clean or replace > > Field reparable, not necessary to return to factory for rebuild or repair > > Integral heater with minimal fluid heated > > Tungsten carbide internal components for long life EQ VA35 HOTMELT JET SYSTEM The VA35 Hotmelt Jet Valve is designed for the contactless dispensing of highly viscous hotmelt and other highly viscous, high temperature materials for a variety of applications in the electronics, industrial, semiconductor, and handheld devices markets. To ensure best product compatibility, the fluid path is made from stainless steel. Due to extremely short triggering intervals (2 ms) it is possible to accurately apply smallest amounts of such materials over distances from 2 to 40 mm. The volume of a single shot can be set from 0 to 200 nl. Thus, depending on the material, dot sizes from a minimum of 500 µm to a maximum of 2000 µm can be reached without contamination of the surface. It can apply multiple drops-per-location at a speed up to 50 drops/second. The separation of the fluidic part from the actuator part as well as a longer tappet ensures protection of the valve system and a considerably safe operation. > > Up to 50 drops/second > > Drops as small as 0.0 µl > > Modular nozzle > > Modular heater with separate heater controls for nozzle and 30 ml product reservoir > > Robust internal components for long life COMPACT ROTOR DISPENSING SYSTEM Henkel Solutions + Product Item Number Description 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispense System D Series Benchtop Robot 300D Benchtop Robot 452395 Dispense Area: 300 x 300 mm 400D Benchtop Robot 452396 Dispense Area: 400 x 400 mm 500D Benchtop Robot 57837 Dispense Area: 500 x 500 mm Product Item Number Description 30 ml PUR Hotmelt Dispense System D Series Benchtop Robot 300D Benchtop Robot 452395 Dispense Area: 300 x 300 mm 400D Benchtop Robot 452396 Dispense Area: 400 x 400 mm 500D Benchtop Robot 57837 Dispense Area: 500 x 500 mm > > Volumetric device, flow rate proportional to speed, electronically controlled > > Dispenses anaerobics, acrylics and light cure acrylics > > s include drop or bead dispensing or potting > > Integrated Luer lock-adapter with O-ring (patented) ensures sealing in reverse flow > > Because of the reversible direction of flow (suck-back), and exact stop of the product flow can be achieved Dispenser Dispense System 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispenser 44433 4 :, 0 :, B Style 50 ml Dual Cartridges 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispenser 44434 :, 2 :, B Style 50 ml Dual Cartridges 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispenser 44435 :, 2 :, A Style 50 ml Dual Cartridges Required Accessories Anti-Drip Valve, 500 Pack 44439 Anti-Drip Valve, 00 Pack 445944 Brand Accessories: Static Mix Nozzles 50 ml Mix Nozzle, 00 Pack 334299 Mix Nozzles for :, 2 :, A Style 50 ml Mix Nozzle, 00 Pack 44007 Mix Nozzles for :, 2 :, B Style 50 ml Mix Nozzle, 00 Pack 329200 Mix Nozzles for 4 :, 0 :, B Style PUR Controller 46496 PUR Pre-Heater 30 ml Syringe 46497 PUR 30 ml Dispense Head 46498 400 ml / 490 ml Dual Cartridge Dispense System 4530-HC Robot Dispensing System 527708 Product Item Number EQ VA30 Jet System EQ VA30 Jet Controller 8502 EQ VA30 Jet Valve 85022 EQ VA35 Jet Nozzle 25 µm 87880 EQ VA35 Hotmelt Jet System EQ VA35 Hotmelt Jet Controller 866963 EQ VA35 Hotmelt Jet Valve 866964 EQ VA Syringe Heater 30 ml 866965 Product Item Number EQ VA35 Hotmelt Jet System EQ VA35 Jet Flat Needle 00 µm 873809 EQ VA35 Jet Valve Stroke Control (Optional) 874365 Compact Rotor Dispensing System 9762 Compact Rotor Dispenser.0 654036 9750 Compact Rotor Pump Controller 95937 Data EQ VA30 JET SYSTEM > > Compatible Adhesives: Light Cure Adhesives (Acrylates), Activators, Primers Henkel recommends testing of all materials to confirm application performance requirements Compatible packaging: 30 / 50 ml syringe > > : contactless, fast dispensing of drops and beads > > System integration: designed for robotic applications EQ VA35 HOTMELT JET SYSTEM > > Compatible adhesives: PUR Hotmelt Structural Adhesives Henkel recommends testing of all materials to confirm application performance requirements Compatible packaging: 30 ml syringe > > : contactless, fast dispensing of drops and beads > > System integration: designed for robotic applications

32 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 33 EQUIPMENT SELECTOR GUIDE Dispensing EQUIPMENT SELECTOR GUIDE Light Cure DISPENSE SYSTEMS ADHESIVE BOTTLES Product Volumetric Bottle Dispensers Item Number Benchtop Peristaltic Dispenser 98548 N/A Pressure-Time Bottle Dispense Systems Integrated Semi-automatic Dispenser Pressure Regulation Used to Dispense Instant Adhesives Light Cure Acrylics 390322 0 to 5 psi Gel Adhesives Instant Adhesives 39032 0 to 00 psi Light Cure Acrylics Package Types & Sizes Viscosity Range Any bottle 0 to 5,000 cp No 250 ml bottle lb. bottle liter bottle 2 kg bottle 200 g squeeze tube DISPENSE SYSTEMS PNEUMATIC SYRINGE DISPENSING Product Syringe Dispensing Systems EQ SD0 Digital Syringe Dispenser DISPENSING VALVES Low to Medium Medium to High Product Item Number Viscosity Range Dispense Patterns Used to Dispense Stroke Adjustment High Precision Valves Stationary Applicator Valve 973 974 Micro Needle Valve 98084 High Performance Diaphragm Valves EQ VA0 Micro Diaphragm Valve 6449 Light Cure Dispense Valve 98009 Cyanoacrylate Dispense Valve 9803 Item Number 54629 Dispense Patterns Dots, Drops, Beads Low to Medium Low to Medium Used to Dispense Gel Adhesives Instant Adhesives Light Cure Acrylics Drops, Dots, Beads Drops, Dots, Beads, Microdots Drops, Dots, Beads, Microdots Drops, Dots, Beads Package Types & Sizes 3 ml syringe 5 ml syringe 0 ml syringe 30 ml syringe 55 ml syringe Gel Instant Adhesives Instant Adhesives Light Cure Acrylics Instant Adhesives Light Cure Acrylics Viscosity Range Low to Paste Yes Yes Low Level Sensing Yes Yes Vacuum Suck-Back Yes Suck-Back Yes No No CL0 CURING SYSTEM Curing Spectrum UV-A (365 nm) UV-V (405 nm) Spot Diameter LED Heads Curing Distance Intensity Cable Available in 3, 6, 0 mm diameter 8-25 mm 400-4,200 mw/cm 2 2.7 m, 5 m cable Available in 6 mm diameter 8-0 mm 2,000 mw/cm² 2.7 m cable LED FLOOD SYSTEM Curing Spectrum UV-A (375 nm) UV-V (405 nm) Curing Area 00 mm 00 mm Curing Distance 25-75 mm Curing Intensity* 50-350 mw/cm² 50 mm 400 mw/cm² Edge-to-Edge Stackable Allows use of multiple arrays to create a continuous 00 mm band of light without shadow areas Duty Cycle Rating 00% Integration Controller Advanced Internal Diagnostics Easily adaptable to PLC or PC based automation controls * Curing Intensity: Industry-unique design has individually reflectorized LEDs, optimally focused to deliver maximum intensity at the listed practical working distance. LED LINE ARRAY SYSTEM Curing Spectrum UV-A (365 nm) UV-V (405 nm) Curing Area 5 mm 80 mm (at 20 mm distance) Curing Distance 5-20 mm * Curing Intensity: With booster lens:,300 mw/cm 2 Curing Intensity* 600 mw/cm² 40 mw/cm² CUREJET LED SYSTEM Curing Spectrum UV-A (375 nm) UV-V (405 nm) Optimal Curing Area 6 mm diameter * Curing Intensity: at 8-2 mm distance Optimal Curing Distance 0-22 mm Curing Intensity* 3,000-4,000 mw/cm² 8,500-4,000 mw/cm² Edge-to-Edge Stackable Allows use of multiple arrays to create a continuous line of light without shadow areas Edge-to-Edge Stackable Duty Cycle Rating 00% Duty Cycle Rating Maybe no 00% Provides selection for digitally timed or manually controlled curing Continuously monitors LED performance and temperature, and provides digital and visual fault outputs in the rare event of a problem Integration Controller Advanced Internal Diagnostics Easily adaptable to PLC or PC based automation controls Operates -4 LED line arrays Provides digitally timed or manually controlled curing Continuously monitors LED performance and temperature, and provides digital and visual fault outputs in the rare event of a problem Integration Controller Advanced Internal Diagnostics Easily adaptable to PLC or PC based automation controls Can be actuated by a manual start button, a footswitch or an external controller such as a customersupplied PLC Internal diagnostics for each cycle, with visual and digital status outputs; connect via digital I / O port using optional PLC interface cable Henkel Solutions + Asia Pacific www.loctiteequipment.com North America www.equipment.loctite.com Product Item Number CL0 CURING SYSTEM CL0 Quad LED Controller 54634 CL0 365 nm LED Head, 2.7 m Cable 538499 CL0 405 nm LED Head, 2.7 m Cable 746633 LED FLOOD SYSTEM LED Flood System Controller 359255 LED 375 nm Cure Array 67582 LED 405 nm Cure Array 67593 LED Flood System Connecting Cable, 2. m 333333 LED LINE CURE SYSTEM LED Line Array Controller 447728 LED Line Array 405 nm Light Source 449336 LED Line Array 365 nm Light Source 449337 Connecting Cable, 2. m 483245 Product Item Number CUREJET LED SYSTEM Single CureJet Controller 364033 LED CureJet 405 nm Light Source 369538 LED CureJet 375 nm Light Source 369539 Interconnecting Cable, m 37035 Interconnecting Cable, 3 m 370352

34 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 35 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 36 SELECTOR GUIDE SELECTOR GUIDE SELECTOR GUIDE Product 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives For Mobile Phone and Tablet Bonding Product Category Appearance Color Mix Ratio (by Volume) Resin : Hardener Viscosity cp Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) HF8000R Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 40,000-60,000 Part B: 0,000-20,000 20-25 minutes 2,050 (4.) on AnAl HF860 Methyl Methacrylate Light Blue 2 : Part A: 5,000-35,000 Part B: 5,000-35,000 5-0 minutes 2,20 (4.6) on Steel HF8630 Methyl Methacrylate Light Blue 2 : Part A: 5,000-35,000 Part B: 5,000-35,000 5-0 minutes 2,20 (4.6) on Steel HF8800 Methyl Methacrylate Light Blue 2 : Part A: 8,000-40,000 Part B: 8,000-40,000 5-0 minutes 3,430 (23.6) on AnAl HHD 805 Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 35,000-65,000 Part B: 5,000-20,000 5-0 minutes 3,00 (2.4) on AnAl HHD 8008 Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 50,000-80,000 Part B: 0,000-20,000 4-5 minutes,700 (.7) on AnAl Product 2-Part Acrylic Adhesives For LAPTOP Bonding Product Category Appearance Color Mix Ratio (by Volume) Resin : Hardener Viscosity cp Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) HF8000R Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 40,000-60,000 Part B: 0,000-20,000 20-25 minutes 2,050 (4.) on AnAl HF8075LV Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A:,000-22,000 Part B: 0,000-20,000 5-0 minutes 2,030 (4.0) on Al HF850R Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 35,000-65,000 Part B: 5,000-20,000 5-0 minutes 3,00 (2.4) on AnAl HF8600 Methyl Methacrylate Light Blue 2 : Part A: 5,000-35,000 Part B: 5,000-35,000 5-0 minutes 2,20 (4.6) on Steel HF8800 Methyl Methacrylate Light Blue 2 : Part A: 8,000-40,000 Part B: 8,000-40,000 5-0 minutes 3,430 (23.6) on AnAl HHD 860 Methyl Methacrylate Green 0 : Part A: 50,000-80,000 Part B: 0,000-20,000 4-5 minutes,700 (.7) on AnAl 2-STEP ACRYLIC ADHESIVES Product PUR HOTMELT ADHESIVES Product -PART EPOXY ADHESIVES Product Product Category Appearance Color Viscosity cp 39 Epoxy Black Viscous Liquid 7,000-23,000 328 Epoxy Black Viscous Liquid 7,000-27,000 Fixture Time ºF (ºC) 60 minutes @ 22 (00) 20 minutes @ 67 (75) 20 minutes @ 76 (80) 60 minutes @ 40 (60) Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) 3,500 (24.) on Grit-Blasted Steel 230 (0) 3,000 (20.7) on Grit-Blasted Steel 3 (45) 322 Epoxy Straw Liquid 30,800 30 minutes @ 302 (50) 2,230 (5.4) on Galvanized Steel N/A 3220 Epoxy Black 2,500 5-0 minutes @ 76 (80) 2,960 (20.4) Glass Epoxy to Glass Epoxy 79 (26) 2-PART EPOXY ADHESIVES Product Product Category Product Category Appearance Color Appearance Color Mix Ratio (by Volume) Resin : Hardener Viscosity mpa s@ ºF (ºC) Viscosity cp Open Time Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) Preheating Temperature & Time minutes @ ºF (ºC) Max. Temp. ºF (ºC) HHD 4274 Epoxy Amber Liquid 4 : 2,000 > 80 minutes 3,600 (24.8) on Stainless Steel N/A 49 (65) Hysol E-20HP Epoxy Off White 2 : 30,000 20 minutes 3,270 (22.5) on Grit-Blasted Steel 250 (2) 40 (60) Hysol E-30CL Epoxy Ultra Clear 2 : 0,000 > 80 minutes 3,00 (2.4) on Grit-Blasted Steel 250 (2) 58 (70) Hysol E-90FL Epoxy Grey, Opaque Solid : 40,000 > 80 minutes 80 (5.6) on Grit-Blasted Steel 250 (2) 86 (30) Temperature ºF (ºC) 354 Polyurethane Hotmelt Off-white Solid,000 ±,500 @ 230 (0) 2-4 minutes @ 25ºC N/A 22-248 (00-20) 3542 Polyurethane Hotmelt Off-white Solid 4,000-7,000 @ 22 (00) 2-4 minutes @ 25ºC N/A 94-230 (90-0) 3572 Polyurethane Hotmelt Yellow 2,700-5,000 @ 230 (0) 4-7 minutes* 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) 3573 Polyurethane Hotmelt Black 2,500-4,500 @ 230 (0) 3-7 minutes* 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) HHD 3575 Polyurethane Hotmelt Black 3,500-7,000 @ 22 (00) ~ 4 minutes* 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) 3580 HHD 358 HHD 3582 Product Category UV Pre-Cure Polyurethane Hotmelt UV Pre-Cure Polyurethane Hotmelt UV Pre-Cure Polyurethane Hotmelt Appearance Color Yellow 4,000-7,000 @ 22 (00) Yellow 3,500-7,000 @ 22 (00) Yellow 3,500-7,000 @ 22 (00) Viscosity cp 2-4 minutes (before UV) 2 minutes (after UV)* - 2 minutes (before UV) - 2 minutes (after UV)* - 2 minutes (before UV) - 2 minutes (after UV)* Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) HF368 / SF 7888 Acrylate / Accelerator Clear Gel 55,000 00 seconds 3,680 (25.4) on Steel 352 Acrylate Transparent Light Amber 5,000-26,000 2 seconds 2,200 (5.2) on Steel 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) 20-30 @ 22 (00) 94-230 (90-0) * The bonding range of a mm bead of molten adhesive on substrate. Open time is based on room temperature environment. Higher temperature will lengthen the open time while lower environmental temperatures will shorten the open time. Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) ºF (ºC) Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) ºF (ºC) SILICONES / MS POLYMERS Product 2-PART POLYURETHANE ADHESIVES Product Product Category Product Category Appearance Color Appearance Color Mix Ratio (by Volume) Resin : Hardener Viscosity cp Viscosity cp Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) Fixture Time Tensile Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) 5056 Silicone Light Yellow, Transparent Liquid,400-3,000 < 30 seconds 330 (2.3) on Steel to Glass > 725 (> 5.0) HHD 939 Modified Silane Polymer White and Smooth 9,500 > 30 minutes N/A 50 (3.5) HHD 9392 Modified Silane Polymer Clear Liquid 72,000 > 30 minutes N/A N/A Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) HF6005 Polyurethane Blue : 2 Part A: 200 -,200 Part B: 90,000-25,000 5-0 minutes 700 (4.8) on Polyamide HHD 6006 Polyurethane Blue : 2 Part A: 6,625-76,000 Part B: 8,000-55,000 > 20 minutes > 800 (> 5.5) on Polyamide CYANOACRYLATE ADHESIVES Product Product Category Appearance Color Viscosity cp Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) 454 Cyanoacrylate Clear Gel 5 seconds 3,030 (20.9) on Steel 250 (2) 4204 Cyanoacrylate Clear 4,000 75 seconds 2,500 (7.2) on Steel 250 (2) HF382 Cyanoacrylate Clear 5,000 30 seconds 3,200 (22.) on Steel 80 (82) HF403 Cyanoacrylate Clear,200 50 seconds 2,900 (20.3) on Steel 80 (82) HF435 Cyanoacrylate Clear 200 30 seconds 2,700 (8.6) on Steel 240 (6) HF438 Cyanoacrylate Black 200 30 seconds 2,800 (9.3) on Steel 240 (6) HF460 Cyanoacrylate Clear 45 50 seconds 3,000 (20.7) on Steel 80 (82) HF480 Cyanoacrylate Black 200 90 seconds 3,800 (26.2) on Steel 80 (82) HF4305 Light Cure Cyanoacrylate Clear to Pale Green 900 < 5 seconds 2,050 (4.) on PC 240 (6) HF4307 Light Cure Cyanoacrylate Clear to Pale Green 900 < 5 seconds 2,060 (4.2) on PC 240 (6) HF430 Light Cure Cyanoacrylate Clear to Pale Green 75 < 5 seconds 2,380 (6.4) on PC 240 (6) HF43 Light Cure Cyanoacrylate Clear to Pale Green 900 < 5 seconds 3,260 (22.4) on PC 240 (6) LIQUID OPTICALLY CLEAR ADHESIVES Product Cover Lens Bonding Direct Bonding DAM Chemistry Curing Method* Full Cure Energy (mj/cm 2 ) (@ 00 mw/cm 2 UVA, MPMA UV Source) Viscosity (cp @ 25ºC) Hardness (Shore oo) Shear Modulus-G' (kpa, Rheometer) Maximum Temperature ºF (ºC) Elongation Refractive Index Henkel Solutions A HENKEL PRIMER LIGHT CURE ADHESIVES Product Product Category Appearance Color Viscosity cp Fixture Time Shear Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) 352 UV Acrylate Transparent Light Amber Liquid 5,000-26,000 < 2 seconds 2,200 (5.2) on Steel 366 UV Acrylate Transparent Yellow to Light Amber Liquid 5,000-0,000 < 5 seconds,957 (3.5) on Steel 3040 UV Acrylate Red Paste 6,000 N/A 435 (3.0) on PC to PC 303 UV Acrylate Transparent to Slightly Hazy 8,000-4,500 5 seconds,600 (.0) on PC 3334 UV Acrylate Red Paste 8,000-35,000 0 seconds N/A 3662 UV Acrylate Transparent Yellow to Light Amber Liquid 6,000-2,000 5 seconds,493 (0.3) on Steel 3733 UV Acrylate Transparent Amber Liquid 2,000-6,500 N/A N/A 90024 UV Acrylate Bone-white to Beige Translucent Paste 8,000-35,000 0 seconds 2,600 (7.9) on PC HHD 3046 UV Acrylate Yellow Gel 4,700-8,000 4 seconds 435 (3.0) on PC to PET TECHNOMELT MOLDING TechnomELT Product Product Family Appearance Color Softening Point ºF (ºC) Viscosity @ Temperature cp @ ºF (ºC) Temperature ºF (ºC) MM6832S Polyamide Hotmelt Black 320 (60) 4,700 @ 374 (90) 374-446 (90-230) 0.97 D37 MM6839S Polyamide Hotmelt Black 383 (95) 4,500 @ 428 (220) 40-446 (20-230) 0.99 D53 OVERMOLDING Product OM40 OM450 Product Category Vehicle Solid Content Appearance Color Water Base Polyurethane Solvent Base Polyurethane Transmittance (%) (average 380-780 nm) Volume Shrinkage (%) Viscosity cp Density g/cm 3 Hardness Tensile Strength psi (N/mm 2 ) Water 40% White (Clear after Cured) 2,00 (RVT #3 @ 20 rpm @ 25 C) > 580 (> 4.0) Ethyl Acetate 50% ± 2% Adhesion - Glass to Glass, 00 μm (MPa) Clear to Turbid, Yellow to Brown (to Reddish) Adhesion - Glass to Polarizer (Nitto Denko AG 254 μm gap) (MPa) 90-350 MPa s (Brookfield LVT, spindle 2, 30 rpm at 20 C) Adhesion - Glass to Polarizer (LG Bare 254 μm gap) (MPa) 392 Acrylic UV / Heat (80ºC / hour) 4,000 4,000-5,000 56 83 00%.49 > 99 3.00. - - 0.30 < 0.20 4.69 393HS Acrylic UV 3,000 4,600-6,800 ShA 65 8,830 300%.5 > 99 3.0 7.6 - - 0.0 0.09 3.24 394 Acrylic UV 2,000,800-2,800 60 78 50%.5 > 99 3.00 5.0 - - 0.0 0.2 2.83 395 Acrylic UV 3,000 3,000-4,000 22 42 250%.5 > 99.56.2 - - 0.4 < 0.20 2.45 3800 Acrylic UV 2,000 2,500-3,500 45 00 000%.47 > 99 3.00.6 0.86 0.85 0.0 0. 3.93 39 Acrylic UV,000,800-2,800 5 0 300%.47 > 99.60 0.7 0.20 0.9 0.05 < 0.20 2.73 396 Acrylic UV 3,000 3,200-4,200 7 300%.5 > 99.39.0 0.37 0.2 0.8 < 0.20 2.5 396PR Acrylic UV / 7389 primer 3,500 3,200-4,200 3 6 200%.5 > 99.26 0.9 0.33 0.20 0.09 0.20 2.58 398 Acrylic UV 2,000 3,600-5,200 5 3 700%.52 > 99.0 0.7 0.29 0.24 0.06 < 0.0 2.29 399 Acrylic UV,000,800-2,800 8 4 400%.47 > 99.60 0.6 0.27 0.25 0.6 < 0.0 2.6 59 Silicone UV,000-3,000 2,200-3,200 68 9-208 30%.4 99.6 < 0.50 0.3 0.7 0.23 0.07 0.20 2.87 592 Silicone UV / Moisture 5,000 3,500-5,500 65 70 00%.4 > 99 0.54 0.4 0.59 0.63 0.9 0.04 3.0 593 Silicone UV / Moisture,000-3,000 2,400-3,400 70 4-205 20%.4 99.7 < 0.70 0.5 0.23 0.23 0.04 0.0 2.88 395DM Acrylic UV 3,000 30,000-40,000 60 50 50%.5 > 99.30 0.9.00 0.90 0.5 0.0 2.38 398DM Acrylic UV 2,000 22,000-34,000 6 00 400%.53 > 99.0 0.8 0.76 0.73 0.2 0.02 2.63 399DM Acrylic UV,000 > 50,000 20 30 300%.48 > 99.60 0.5 0.75 0.44 0.0 0.0 2.7 59DM Silicone UV,000-3,000 32,000-47,000 50 58-26 270%.4 99.45 < 0.50 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.20 2.78 592DM Silicone UV 5,000 40,000-60,000 42 47 50%.4 > 99 0.40 0.7 - - 0.33 0.7 2.85 Temporary 324 Acrylic UV 8,000 3,00-5,000 64 230 00%.49 > 98.95 0.9 - - 0.46 0.9 - Bonding 325 Acrylic UV 8,000 0,500-5,500 68 265 00%.50 > 98.75.2 - - 0.48 0.27 - * UVV curable for all products except 592 & 592DM, while it needs to be tested according to actual conditions. Yellowness (b*) Haze (%) > 290 (> 2.0) Dielectric Constant ( MHz)

37 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 38 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 39 Wearable Technology Devices NEW s Device Category Device Type s Henkel Solution Unparalleled Global Network Extensive network to support customer value stream > >,600 R&D employees > > 9 R&D sites > > Technologies available globally Collaborative Innovation Extending to new applications > > Develop jointly with key customers > > Provide full technology portfolio > > Tear-down approach > > Invest in R&D with knowledge of customer's assembly process Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Fitness and Wellness Infotainment Technology Infotainment Technology Infotainment Technology Infotainment Technology Infotainment Technology Activity & Sleep Tracker Activity & Sleep Tracker Activity & Sleep Tracker Activity Tracker Activity Tracker Activity Tracker Smartwatch Smartwatch Smart Glass Smart Glass Smart Glass TPU + PC (Smart Band Bonding) TPU + Magnesium (Belt + Housing Bonding) PC + Metal (Potting & Gap Filling) Electronic Component Protection PC + PC (Tail Bonding) PC + PC (Mechanical Bonding) PC/ABS + SUS (Structure Frame Bonding) Ink Glass + PC/ABS (Cover + Housing Bonding) PC + PC (Structural Bonding of the Housing) Metal + Plastic (Button Bonding) Low Surface Energy Polymer + ED Coated Metal (Structural Bonding of Lens Assembly to Housing) > > UV Pre-Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesive > > UV Pre-Activated PUR Hotmelt Adhesive > > 30 ml PUR Hotmelt Dispense System (200D Benchtop Robot) > > Light Cure Cyanoacrylate Adhesive > > 400D Benchtop Robot > > EQ VA0 Micro Diaphragm Valve > > LED Flood System (375 nm) > > Good bonding performance on TPU (hard-to-bond substrate) > > Waterproof > > Flexible > > High peel strength to TPU > > Flexible bondline > > Fast fixture time (30 minutes) > > Good environment resistance > > Dual cure system, fast fixture by UV exposure, shadow cure by moisture > > Medical grade, friendly to skin > > Transparency bondline > > TECHNOMELT Molding > > Environmental protection from water and chemicals > > Electronic insulation > > Flexibility > > High productivity > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesive > > High adhesion to PC > > One component system, easy to use > > Good environment resistance > > -Part Epoxy Adhesive > > High peel strength > > Black color > > One component system, easy to use > > Snap cure system, cure within minutes > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesive > > 4530-HC Robot Dispensing System > > 2-Part Acrylic Adhesive > > 50 ml Dual Cartridge Dispense System (400D Benchtop Robot) 4530-HC Robot Dispensing System: > > Dispense perfect fine bead of 2-part acrylic adhesive > > Best for narrow bonding width (around 0.7 mm) > > Excellent adhesion to ink and PC/ABS > > Very fast fixture, 3 minutes under room temperature > > PUR Hotmelt Adhesive > > Shorter clamp time > > Humidity chamber is not required > > Cyanoacrylate Adhesive > > Primer > > -Part Epoxy Adhesive > > Light Cure Adhesive > > Quick cure > > Ability to bond difficult-to-bond surfaces > > -part epoxy adhesive: provides the strength for the difficult-tobond substrates > > UV acrylic adhesive: provides instant fixture of parts 360º Expertise > > Toxicological Assessments > > Analytical Tests > > Product Safety / Regulatory Affairs > > Product Development > > Sustainable Innovations > > Customer Trainings > > Technical Service / On-Site Support More Than Just A Product Advanced molecular biological methods are used to thoroughly investigate aspects such as the effect of raw materials on human skin cells so that optimized formulations can be created. Henkel s Corporate Toxicology group can evaluate products and raw materials considering the intended application at our customers and also the use of the final product. Our certified toxicologists have access to a comprehensive toxicological archive containing data collected on behalf of Henkel for decades. Thus, we are able to provide detailed information to guide our customers in their own risk assessment. If health related questions arise concerning our products we are happy to contribute our toxicological expertise - if necessary at the customer's site. Henkel s center for dermatological product support carries out in vitro and in vivo dermatological tests for Henkel products. With our expertise in dermatology and a broad spectrum of ultra-modern technologies for in vitro and in vivo analyses we assess raw materials and products for skin compatibility and efficacy. A HENKEL PRIMER Whether we are reducing assembly costs, providing design and application assistance, or increasing the reliability of your process, Henkel is dedicated to earning and keeping the trust of its customers.

40 Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays Adhesives and Sealants for Handheld Devices and Displays 4 The World of Henkel Unsurpassed Industry Know-How Empowering customers to improve > > Development, engineering and field support > > Depth of industry know-how > > Technology expertise Depth of Knowledge Solutions to solve design challenges > > Understanding of applications and processes > > Close collaboration > > Anticipated needs Limitless Opportunities Enabling the experience > > Technology and brand leader > > Enabling new design > > High value specialty solutions > > Most comprehensive portfolio Engineering Service Henkel offers complete engineering services for projects demanding expertise and support beyond the limits of standard technical services. Our engineers provide the following value-added services. > > On-site engineering assistance and consultation > > Joint product development programs > > Contract lab services and testing > > Prototype testing > > Custom formulations Training Service Henkel Technology Day Two- to four-hour seminar providing solutions to handheld devices and displays manufacturers on design and assembly challenges. It is designed specifically for material, manufacturing and design engineers. > > Reviews in detail how using adhesives and sealants can improve quality and increase production > > Touches on the wide array of Loctite product solutions including adhesives and sealants, dispensing and curing equipment > > Includes hands-on demonstrations and real-world case histories Learn how today's advances in adhesive technology will help you cut product costs and improve product quality. We invite you to Experience Learn Discover the world of Henkel s Loctite products. Innovation is at your fingertips. A HENKEL PRIMER

Henkel products are designed to meet the specifications and testing standards of a variety of agencies. Because such standards change or may be modified, no warranty is given regarding such compliance. The information provided may be used as a quick reference tool to aid in design or application. For up-to-the-minute information on agency approvals, or to inquire about additional agency approvals, please contact the Henkel Product Management team or your local Henkel Technical Support team. Contact us at: www.loctite.com/hhdd GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Henkelstraße 67 409 Düsseldorf Germany Phone: +49 2 797 0 Fax: +49 2 798 4008 REGIONAL CENTERS Henkel Asia-Pacific & China Headquarters 928 Zhangheng Road Zhangjiang High-Tech Park Pudong New District Shanghai 20203, P.R.China Tel: +86 2 289 8000 Fax: +86 2 289 897 ASIA-PACIFIC Henkel Japan Ltd. 27-7 Shin Isogo-cho Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa 235-007, Japan Tel: +8 45 758 800 Fax: +8 45 758 85 Henkel (Thailand) Ltd. 35/F, Centralworld Tower 999/9 Rama Road Pathumwan Bangkok 0330 Thailand Tel: +66 2 209 8000 Fax: +66 2 209 8008 Henkel Corporation One Henkel Way Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 United States Tel: + 860 57 500 Fax: + 860 57 5465 Henkel Korea Ltd. 8/F, Henkel Tower 48 Mapo-dong, Mapo-gu Seoul 2-734 South Korea Tel: +82 2 3279 700 Fax: +82 2 3273 4663 All marks used in this brochure are trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of Henkel and its affiliates in the U.S., Germany and elsewhere. 204 Henkel Corporation. All rights reserved. APH-AG-46 (06/204) Henkel Brazil Av. Prof. Vernon Krieble, 9 06690-250 Itapevi, São Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 443 7000 Henkel (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 46/F, Menara Telekom Jalan Pantai Bahru Kuala Lumpur 59200 Malaysia Tel: +60 3 2246 000 Fax: +60 3 2246 88 Henkel Jebel Ali Fzco. Silicon Oasis Block F, 4th floor Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +97 4 389 3333 Henkel Singapore Pte Ltd. #03-0/02 Haw Par Technocentre 40 Commonwealth Drive Singapore 49598 Tel: +65 6266 000 Fax: +65 6266 6 Henkel Central Eastern Europe GmbH Erdbergstraße 29 030 Wien Austria Tel: +43 7 040 Fax: +43 7 042 523 Henkel Taiwan Ltd. 0/F, 866 Zhongzheng Road Zhonghe District New Taipei City 23568 Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2227 988 Fax: +886 2 2226 8699

Transparent Conductive Ink Solutions

2 Transparent Conductive and Dielectric Inks ECI 5000 E&C Series Transparent Conductive Ink, NCI 900 E&C Transparent Dielectric Ink and ECI 006 E&C Fine-Line Ink PRINTED ELECTRONICS APPLIANCE INTERFACES RESISTIVE/CAPACITIVE TOUCH SCREENS Today s touch-screen and flat panel displays are more advanced and high-functioning than ever. They are our communication interface making reliability critical. Robust display performance is highly dependent on the materials used to manufacture them, which is why partnering with Henkel is the clear choice. The ECI 5000 E&C series of conductive inks delivers application versatility in an easyto-use, screen-printable formula. With low temperature curing requirements and no need for laser etching, these Henkel inks offer a sustainable, streamlined process. When paired with NCI 900 E&C protective topcoat layer, strength and performance of the ECI 5000 E&C series materials is superior. Henkel s fine-line conductive ink innovation, ECI 006 E&C, is a screen-printable electrically conductive ink ideal for touch-screen and other applications where fine feature printing is required. High-resolution printability and good conductivity are the cornerstones of this material, which delivers excellent adhesion to indium-tin oxide (ITO), etched ITO and polyethylene (PET). This powerful combination of transparent and printable ink solutions isn t just for displays: these materials are also recommended in RFID, photovoltaic and OLED applications. Printed Solutions Henkel offers conductive inks with varying levels of conductivity to meet our customers expectations. NCI 900 E&C Protective overcoat dielectric ink ECI 5000 E&C Series Transparent conductive ink ECI 5003 E&C ECI 5005 E&C ECI 006 E&C Fine-line ink DISPLAY TOUCH-SCREEN APPLICATION ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATING GLASS GLASS, POLYESTER, POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATE Markets Served Touch screens Flat panel displays Photovoltaic Transparent electromagnetic shield Appliance interfaces Printing Methods SCREEN PRINTING Flatbed Cylinder Rotary Flexographic Gravure s Printed switches and touch pads Shielded display windows ITO replacement Membrane switches Transparent heaters

Transparent Conductive and Dielectric Inks 3 Sheet Resistance vs. Haze for ECI 5005 Sheet Resistance vs. Transmittance for ECI 5005 Haze (%) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 00 Sheet resistance (ohm/sq) *Haze data are without substrate Transmittance (% @ 550nm) 00 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 0 20 40 60 80 00 Sheet resistance (ohm/sq) *Transmittance data are without substrate Properties Comparison Chart TRANSPARENT CONDUCTOR ECI 5003 E&C Key Transparent conductive ink DESCRIPTION KEY BENEFITS ECI 5003 E&C ECI 5005 E&C Screen-printable ink with low resistance and good transparency. Highly conductive, screen-printable ink with excellent transparency and low haze. Protective overcoat dielectric ink DESCRIPTION KEY BENEFITS NCI 900 E&C Fine-line ink Screen-printable dielectric designed for use as a protective layer and insulator. Applied over transparent conductive inks, helps improve ink prints for improved strength and performance. DESCRIPTION KEY BENEFITS ECI 006 E&C PRINT MESH Halogen-free, silver-filled printable ink, with fine-line printing capabilities. SHEET RESISTANCE (ohm/sq) TRANSMITTANCE (% @ 550nm) Competitive to current market conductive polymer inks Low-temperature cure Additive process no laser etching needed Cost-effective solution Neutral color Competitive to current market ITO materials Excellent transparency and lowest haze of the ECI 5000 Series Low-temperature cure Additive process no laser etching needed Better flexibility than sputtered ITO Enhances the environmental performance of the ECI 5000 Series inks and the robustness of the conductive layer Excellent transparency Good flexibility Excellent fine-line and high-resolution printability 50μm lines and spaces attainable Excellent adhesion to sputtered ITO and PET Good electrical conductivity HAZE (%) 355/34 Mesh ~60 ~89 8.4 305/34 Mesh ~50 ~88 9.8 305/34 Mesh ~55 ~90.6 ECI 5005 E&C 420/30 Mesh ~75 ~95. ITO/PET ~25 ~9.8 0.36

AMERICAS HEADQUARTERS: UNITED STATES Henkel Electronic Materials LLC 4000 Jamboree Road Irvine, CA 92606 USA Tel: +.74.368.8000 Tel: +.800.562.8483 Customer Support: +.888.943.6535 Fax: +.74.368.2265 Henkel Electronic Materials LLC 2002 Susana Road Rancho Dominguez, CA 9022 USA Tel: +.30.764.4600 Fax: +.30.605.2274 BRAZIL Henkel Brazil Av. Prof. Vernon Krieble, 9 06690-250 Itapevi, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel: +55..3205.7000 EUROPE BELGIUM Henkel Electronic Materials (Belgium) Nijverheidsstraat 7 B-2260 Westerlo Belgium Tel: +32.457.56 Fax: +32.458.5530 ASIA-PACIFIC CHINA No. 332 Meigui South Road WaiGaoQiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai 2003, P.R. China Tel: +86.2.3898.4800 Fax: +86.2.5048.469 Henkel Huawei Electronics CO. LTD Songtiao Industrial Park Lianyungang Jiangsu Province 222006 China Tel: +86.58.855.5336 Fax: +86.58.855.380 JAPAN Henkel Japan Ltd. 27-7, Shin Isogo-cho Isogo-ku Yokohama, 235-007 Japan Tel: +8.45.758.900 KOREA Henkel Technologies (Korea) Ltd. 6th Floor Dae Ryung Techno Town II 569-2 Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul 53-77 Korea Tel: +82.2.6675.8000 MALAYSIA Henkel (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Lot 62049, Jalan Portland, Tasek Industrial Estate, 3400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia Tel : +605-54768 Fax: +605-547868 TAIWAN Henkel Taiwan Ltd Room A4, 9F-, No.6, Sihwei 3rd Rd, Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan Tel: 886-7-335-7970 Fax: 886-7-335-057 Across the Board, Around the Globe. www.henkel.com/electronics All marks used are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and its affiliates in the U.S., Germany and elsewhere. 204 Henkel Corporation. All rights reserved. 2509/LT-6700 (5/4)

LOCTITE TAF Series High performance heat absorbing and spreading film As handhelds have become smaller and thinner, while, at the same time, adding even greater functionality, heat management has become a top priority. Higher external (skin) temperatures of popular handheld devices not only cause user discomfort, they also limit advancing semiconductor designs, as many next-generation chips are simply too hot for current products. To solve this problem, Henkel has formulated a first-of-its-kind heat absorbing and spreading film, LOCTITE TAF Series. LOCTITE TAF Series is a novel approach to heat management materials and is designed to absorb, spread, insulate and slowly dissipate thermal energy generated by ICs, thereby allowing the device to maintain a lower skin temperature.