< 예외 > - a limited time only ( 제한된시간동안에만 ) - the rest of (~ 의남은기간동안 ) 4. 이유 / 양보를나타내는전치사 due to / because of / owing to on account of ~ 때문에 Due to the

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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

1. 서론 1-1 연구 배경과 목적 1-2 연구 방법과 범위 2. 클라우드 게임 서비스 2-1 클라우드 게임 서비스의 정의 2-2 클라우드 게임 서비스의 특징 2-3 클라우드 게임 서비스의 시장 현황 2-4 클라우드 게임 서비스 사례 연구 2-5 클라우드 게임 서비스에

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


공급 에는 3권역 내에 준공된 프라임 오피스가 없었다. 4분기에는 3개동의 프라임 오피스가 신규로 준공 될 예정이다.(사옥1개동, 임대용 오피스 2개동) 수요와 공실률 2014년 10월 한국은행이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 2014년 경제성장률 예측치는 3.5%로 지

Stage 2 First Phonics


004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik



Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M


공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공

발간사 반구대 암각화는 고래잡이 배와 어부, 사냥하는 광경, 다양한 수륙동물 등 약 300여점의 그림이 바위면에 새겨져 있는 세계적 암각화입니다. 오랜 기간 새겨진 그림들 가운데 고래를 잡는 배와 어부모습은 전 세계적으로 유례를 찾기 힘들 정도로 그 중요성과 가치가 큽

: 4 2. : (KSVD) 4 3. :


지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월 (pp.71~92),.,.,., Support Vector Machines,,., KOSPI200.,. * 지능정보연구제 16 권제 1 호 2010 년 3 월

퇴좈저널36호-4차-T.ps, page Preflight (2)

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우리들이 일반적으로 기호

step 1-1

6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


¹ýÁ¶ 12¿ù ¼öÁ¤.PDF


슬라이드 1

... 수시연구 국가물류비산정및추이분석 Korean Macroeconomic Logistics Costs in 권혁구ㆍ서상범...


2 I.서 론 학생들을 대상으로 강력사고가 해마다 발생하고 있다.범행 장소도 학교 안팎을 가리지 않는다.이제는 학교 안까지 침입하여 스스럼없이 범행을 하고 있는 현실 이 되었다.2008년 12월 11일 학교에 등교하고 있는 학생(여,8세)을 교회 안 화장 실로 납치하여


에너지경제연구 제13권 제1호



전치사 [ 출제포인트 ] 1. 매월 3~5문제출제 2. 최근중상난이도의문제가출제 3. 전치사어휘문제 4. 전치사 / 접속사 / 접속부사구별문제 1. 시간전치사 at 정확한시점 / 시각 at 6 o'clock / at 3:45 P.M. on 날짜 / 요일 on Sunday / on March 5 in 큰단위의시간 in March / in spring in 2013 < 기타표현들 > - Sunday morning ( 일요일아침에 ) - in three days (3일 ) - the end of / the beginning of (~ 말 / 초에 ) 2. 시점을나타내는전치사 by (~ 까지 ) 동작 until (~ 까지 ) 동작 - I will have to wait here 5:00 P.M. - I will have to submit this report 5:00 P.M. since (~ 이후로 ) 시제와사용 as of (~ 부로 ) 시제와사용 - This store has been here 10 years ago. - This store will be out of business next Monday. 3. 기간을나타내는전치사 for (~ 동안 ) 가포함된명사가뒤에올때 during (~ 동안 ) 명사가뒤에올때 - Several issues were addressed the staff meeting. - The sales team has been working on the project the last two weeks. - for ( / ) the last three years ( 지난 3년동안 ) throughout (~ 하는내내 / ~ 하는종일 ) throughout the day / throughout the meeting 1

< 예외 > - a limited time only ( 제한된시간동안에만 ) - the rest of (~ 의남은기간동안 ) 4. 이유 / 양보를나타내는전치사 due to / because of / owing to on account of ~ 때문에 Due to the traffic congestion, the delegates from Russia arrived late at the meeting. thanks to ~ 덕분에 Thanks to your effort, we could meet the deadline. as a result of ~ 의결과로 As a result of the high demand from customers, the factory decided to increase its production. despite / in spite of ~ 에도불구하고 Despite the inclement weather, the turnout was quite good. 5. 기타 in addition to / besides apart from / plus / on top of throughout + 장소 about / on / upon / as to as for / with regard to in regard to / regarding concerning following prior to as like / such as on / upon ~ 에추가로, ~ 에더하여, ~ 에다가 ~ 전역에, ~ 도처에 ~ 에관하여 ~ 후에 ~ 전에 ~ 로서 ~ 와같은 ~ 하자마자 2

[ 전치사연습문제 ] 영단기 TOEIC RC 방재운 1. ----- the past five years, Loyola Office Furniture has provided quality furniture to businesses in Madison. (A) During (B) Since (C) Over (D) Until 2. The human resources department will not accept any more applications for the opening ---- - the fifth of the next month. (A) until (B) by (C) upon (D) among 3. For safety reasons, the factory manager suggested posting warning signs ----- the factory. (A) on (B) besides (C) through (D) throughout 4. Gordon Manufacturing Inc. is ----- the nation's top providers of office supplies. (A) among (B) within (C) toward (D) along 5. ----- completing her current project, Jane Collins will be available to help us finish the annual financial report. (A) Upon (B) Onto (C) To (D) Through 3

부사절접속사 [ 출제포인트 ] 1. 부사절접속사어휘문제 2. 전치사 / 접속사 / 접속부사구별문제 1. 접속사의종류등위접속사 형태및역할이같은것을연결 and, but, or, so, nor,... 형용사절접속사 관계대명사 / 관계부사 ( 선행사수식 ) who, which, when, where,... 명사절접속사 S, O, C 역할하는절을이끈다. that, whether, whatever,... 부사절접속사 문장전체를수식 / 절과절을연결 because, although, since,... 2. 시간의부사절접속사 after / before / since / until once ( 일단 ~ 하면 ) as soon as (~ 하자마자 ) 전치사와접속사 We will promptly ship your order once we confirm your payment. As soon as the proposal gets approved, we can start the construction work. 3. 양보의부사절접속사 although / even though even if / though ( 비록 ~ 일지라도, ~ 에도불구하고 ) while / whereas (~ 인반면에 ) Although all other employees left for the day, the manager had to work on the weekly report by herself. Michael was in favor of the proposed plan, while most of the board members rejected it. 4. 이유의부사절접속사 because / as / since now that (~ 이기때문에 ) The personnel department decided not to accept any additional applications now that it has already received many applications from well qualified candidates. 4

5. 조건의부사절접속사 if / provided (that) / providing (that) 만약 ~ 한다면 unless 만약 ~ 가아니라면 in case (that) / in the event that ~ 하는경우에 as long as / as far as ~ 하는한 - You can receive our repair service provided that you present proof of purchase. - In case you encounter any problem with the computer, please call the technical support department. 6. 목적의부사절접속사 so that ~ 할수있도록, ~ 하기위해서 in order that ~ 하기위해서 (cf. in order to) - Please submit your reimbursement request by Friday so that I can review it over the weekend. - The manager asked his employees to work overtime in order that they meet the deadline. 7. 기타부사절접속사 as if / as though 마치 ~ 인것처럼 assuming that ~ 임을가정할때 given that / considering (that) ~ 임을고려했을때 as ~ 하듯이, ~ 함에따라, ~ 할때 - We must prepare sufficient copies of the annual report as if all the board members will attend. - Given that he had only a couple of hours to prepare, his presentation was very well-organized. 5

[ 부사절접속사연습문제 ] 1. The defective product will be promptly exchanged ----- you send us the original receipt. (A) as though (B) while (C) providing that (D) unless 2. The results will be sent to our main office in London ----- the research team finishes the test on a new product. (A) unless (B) once (C) although (D) until 3. The rewiring work in our office building will be done by this Sunday ----- we can start using the Internet on Monday. (A) so that (B) though (C) since (D) now that 4. You can renew the book you checked out from our library ----- another library patron has asked for it. (A) as long as (B) in the event that (C) as (D) unless 5. The management decided to assign five more employees to the marketing campaign ----- the TV commercial can be broadcast as soon as possible. (A) in order that (B) even though (C) now that (D) as though 6

전치사와부사절접속사 [ 출제포인트 ] 1. 매월평균 7문제출제 2. 전치사와부사절접속사의구별문제. 3. 전치사, 부사절접속사, 접속부사의구별문제. 4. 전치사어휘문제 ( 기본적인문제부터중상이상의난이도문제 ) 1. 전치사와부사절접속사의역할과구조 전치사 부사절접속사 역할 명사와절을연결 / 명사와명사를연결 절과절을연결 형태 전치사 + 부사절접속사 + - The new director will be introduced [ during / while ] the staff meeting tomorrow. - The hallway on the second floor will be closed [ during / while ] the renovation work is underway. 2. 빈출전치사와부사절접속사 전치사 접속사 시간 during / for (~ 동안 ) after / following (~ 후에 ) before / prior to (~ 전에 ) since / as of (~ 이후로 ) on / upon (~ 하자마자 ) throughout (~ 내내, ~ 종일 ) within ~ 이내에 when / as (~ 할때 ) while (~ 하는동안 ) after (~ 후에 ) before (~ 전에 ) since (~ 이후로 ) as soon as (~ 하자마자 ) once ( 일단 ~ 하고나면 ) 이유 due to / because of / owing to because / since / as / now that on account of / for 양보 despite / in spite of (~ 임에도불구하고 ) although / though / even though / even if ( 비록 ~ 일지라도 ) while / whereas (~ 인반면에 ) 목적 for (~ 을위해 ) so that (~ 할수있도록 ) in order that (~ 하기위해서 ) 조건 if / providing (that) / provided (that) in case of / in the event of (~ 인경우에 ) unless ( 만약 ~ 가아니라면 ) as long as (~ 하는한 ) in case (that) / in the event that (~ 인경우에 ) 기타 among (~ 중에서, ~ 사이에 ) between (~ 중에서, ~ 사이에 ) throughout (~ 도처에, ~ 전역에 ) 7

[Mini Test] 1. The school posted warning signs [through / throughout] the campus. 2. The store decided to extend its business hours [due to / despite] numerous requests from customers. 3. [Though / Since] these bottles are fragile, the workers were asked to handle them carefully. 4. [Though / Since] the new novel has received some unfavorable ratings, it became a best-selling book. 5. Customers can get a refund [with / within] five days from the date of purchase. 3. 접속부사 기능이없는 이다. however 그러나 therefore / thus / hence 따라서, 그러므로 moreover / furthermore 게다가, 더욱이 besides / in addition additionally consequently / as a result 결과적으로, 그결과로 nonetheless / nevertheless 그럼에도불구하고 otherwise 그렇지않으면, 반대로, 달리 afterward(s) 그후에 then 그리고나서, 그때 if so 만일그렇다면 even so 그렇다하더라도, 그렇지만 - They had only three hours to prepare, but they managed to finish the report in time. ( ) - They had only three hours to prepare, however they managed to finish the report in time. ( ) - They had only three hours to prepare; however, they managed to finish the report in time. ( ) - They had only three hours to prepare. However, they managed to finish the report in time. ( ) 4. 최근출제된전치사 / 접속사 / 접속부사어휘들 - such as - provided that - in advance of - given - considering - with - now that - nonetheless - notwithstanding 8

[ 전치사와부사절접속사연습문제 ] 1. The hiring committee will not accept any more applications for the position ----- the end of the next week. (A) upon (B) until (C) among (D) by 6. The renovation work of the conference room will be finished by the coming Friday ----- you can hold the seminar next Monday. (A) although (B) so that (C) now that (D) since 2. For your convenience, vending machines will be installed ----- the building. (A) through (B) on (C) throughout (D) besides 7. The sample products will be sent to the management ----- a series of tests is completed (A) unless (B) once (C) although (D) until 3. Jane Smith is ----- the country s leading journalists specializing in international affairs. (A) among (B) within (C) toward (D) along 4. ----- completing his own report, Mike Jennings will be able to help us finish the annual financial report. (A) Onto (B) Through (C) Under (D) On 8. ----- one of their main duties is dealing with confidential materials, they take security trainings on a regular basis (A) Therefore (B) Because (C) However (D) Despite 9. ----- our optimistic predictions, the sales figures for September were disappointing. (A) Even though (B) In spite of (C) On the contrary (D) As a result 5. ----- five more workers were assigned to our project, it is expected that we can meet the initial deadline. (A) Even though (B) Unless (C) By the time (D) Since 10. At Williams Theater, it is highly recommended to make a reservation well in advance ----- you can secure a seat. (A) instead of (B) so that (C) rather (D) now that 9

[ 전치사와부사절접속사기출변형문제 ] 1. The assistant was asked to have all letters ----- Mr. Smith sent to the front desk, while he was on his business trip. (A) on (B) upon (C) for (D) of 2. Nowadays, more and more businesses choose to lease some office equipment such as copy machines and scanners ----- purchasing all equipment they need. (A) except for (B) rather than (C) away from (D) next to 6. Employees are expected to use the public parking lot next to the city hall ----- the repaving work for the underground parking facility is complete. (A) without (B) next (C) from (D) until 7. ----- compiling relevant documents from the archive, we must prepare a presentation for the upcoming seminar. (A) Providing that (B) In order that (C) In addition to (D) As well 3. It is expected that the publishing industry will undergo substantial changes ----- the next several years. (A) over (B) between (C) against (D) upon 4. Ms. Collins was informed that she has ----- this coming Friday to turn in all the required documents to the committee. (A) so (B) as (C) along (D) until 5. Mr. Wolowitz will detail the expansion plan ---- - the general meeting in front of executives. (A) later (B) during (C) because (D) once 8. I am sure everyone at our branch is very pleased to hear that Ms. Flint will have more responsibilities at the headquarters in London. --- --, I am sorry that we will no longer work with her. (A) Similarly (B) After that (C) Besides (D) Even so 9. We usually deal with very complicated financial data and ----- need the most qualified accountants and programmers. (A) however (B) since (C) therefore (D) rather 10. As graduate student, are you looking for an opportunity to work with professional researchers? -----, you might want to apply for our internship program. (A) If so (B) Instead (C) Nevertheless (D) After that 10