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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에

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중학영어듣기 1학년

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중학영어듣기 2학년


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야쿠르트2010 9월재출



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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활



2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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어법성 판단 문제

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and






#1_초급 본문


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_KF_Bulletin webcopy

Being friends with the face in the mirror

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운





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istening L T est

[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior


Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C

FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No



Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you

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바르게 읽는 성경


3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin



55호 1면


English Language Teaching CATALOGUE 00

N E W Gina Kim / Sean P. Dudley Unit Page Student Book ~ Audio Tape ~ The Sun The Policeman Jumping The Garden Photos Mud Pies Ironing Bath Time Medicine, Yuck! 0 68 0 68 0 68 0 68 0 0 68 6... 0. Listening. My New Book I have a book. I like my book. My book has no words. My book has no letters. My book has drawings. I color the drawings. Red, orange, yellow, and blue... Wow, my book is fun! I love my book! Fill in the blanks Blue is my favorite. I color in my book. Word Box letters words drawings color What s the Main Idea? a. Coloring a book b. Making words c. Running in the sand d. Drawing letters Comprehension Checkup. What is in the girl s book? a. Letters b. Words c. Drawings d. Pictures. Which color is NOT the one that the girl said? a. Red b. Yellow c. Green d. Blue. What is true? a. There are letters in the girl s book. b. The girl likes the color purple. c. The girl loves her book. d. The girl writes words in her book. Write it! - Write the word for each picture. yellow book Slippery, wow, and buzz are fun to say. A, B, C, and D are. 0 drawings words a. b. c. d. Butterflies Pigs It s Hot Choo-Choo Train Dinosaurs Barefoot Basketball My New Book Rain The Zoo Road Trip The Post Office Booble The Seesaw My Friend Snowman Say CHEESE! Camping Hamburgers Game Day Piano Ice Cream Holidays Nicknames Board Games Sandwich Pudding Merry-Go-Round My Friends Word Box

Unit Page 0 8 80 Student Book Audio Tape Audio CD ~ ~ ~ frog big ear give tall leg moon 0 8 00 0 8 0 0 8 0 Unit Comprehension Questions (Circle all that apply). Just as there are hospitals for people, there are hospitals for animals. They re called veterinary clinics. When an animal gets sick, its owner must take it to the hospital, unless the animal is really big. The doctor checks the animal. The pet doctors are called veterinarians, or vets. There are many rooms at the veterinary clinic. There s a room for checking the animals. There s an operating room and an x-ray room. They even have rooms where animals stay until they get well. Many kinds of animals go to the pet hospital. There, they are cared for by people who love animals. Writing : Fill in the blanks with the words from above Vocabulary (Circle all that apply) Hospital is where --------------- people or animals go. a. happy b. sick c. old To check means to ---------------. a. look over b. feed c. play with Vet is short for ---------------. a. vegetables b. veteran c. veterinarian Well in this story means ---------------. a. happy b. healthy c. young What is true about this story? a. Only dogs and cats are allowed in pet hospitals. b. Pet hospitals are called veterinary clinics. c. There is only one room in a veterinary clinic. food horse sheep water animal baby egg pig goose doll star plant show sing desert corn first farmer great homework around weather grow good garden week most moon barn famous fence The most common type of worms is ---------------. a. the earthworm b. the gardenworm c. the slugworm Earthworms come out after heavy ---------------. a. snowstorm b. windstorm c. rainfall The burrow that earthworm make lets -------------- and --------------- into the soil. a. water, wind b. air, water c. air, minerals Earthworms are commonly used as ---------------. a. bait b. pets c. burrow makers winter worms waste water wool weather My coat is made of ---------------. You shouldn t --------------- paper. What is the --------------- like today? He needs --------------- for his fishing trip. Earthworms don t have ---------------. a. legs b. feet c. bodies 6 We need --------------- to drink on our hike. We took out all our warm clothes for the ---------------. 66 67

Unit Page New 0 88 00 Student Book ~ Audio Tape ~ Audio CD ~ New 0 88 600 New 0 88 900 New 0 88,00 New 0 88,00 0 Picnics New words Pre-reading activity. Do you sometimes eat outside? If so, where?. Why might you eat outside?. What food do you like to eat outside? Most people like having a picnic. But what does the word mean? Where does it come from? What is a picnic? The word picnic stems from the French words piquer, which means to pick or take, and piquenique, which means a small coin. For most people, a picnic is a casual meal that they eat outside the home, usually in a park, by a river, or even sitting in a car if the weather is cold and wet. At one time, however, people had picnics at home at their own dinner tables. Everyone who came to one of these picnics brought a plate of food and could take or pick small pieces of food from each plate. They had a pique-nique. People in Britain went in for this kind of meal. The British used the French words for it, but changed the letters to make picnic. This is the way we write it today. In some countries there are big picnics to celebrate special days. Crowds go to parks for these picnics. For most people, though, a picnic is usually just a small family gathering. They pack some food and drinks into a basket, get in the car and drive off to a nice place in the country or by the ocean. stem from casual go in for crowd gathering pack into get in drive off Main idea to come from something not special If people go in for something, it is popular. a large group of people a meeting of a group of people to put things into, for example, cases and boxes for taking somewhere or putting away If you get in a car, you go inside it. to leave somewhere in a car The story is about. the French language.. small meals that we have outside our homes.. coins and money.. English and French food. Looking for detail Circle the correct answer. Circle the correct answer.. At one time picnics took place a. outside. c. in cars. b. inside. d. by the river.. In the past everyone who came to a picnic a. paid for their food. c. brought a small coin. b. sat in the car. d. brought food.. Today people usually have picnics a. at a restaurant. c. on special days. b. in France. d. at the dinner table. Picnics 0 Vocabulary Picture comprehension. Draw lines to match the words in A to the words in B to make sentences. Put a check under the picture that shows one way of having a picnic. A B a. You don t wear dressy clothes e. I haven t finished packing. b. I m going to be late for the train as f. to celebrate my birthday. c. There is usually a large crowd g. to a casual party. d. Last night we had a small gathering h. at the football game.. In the passage you read, drive off to a nice place Choose and write the correct expression with drive to complete the following. a drive drove off drive-in drive home a. A : What are you doing today? B : I thought I might go for in the country. b. A : Do you want to see a movie tonight? B : Yes, let s try the across town. a b c d e Summary Use the words in the box to complete this summary of the story. outside from drinks food basket coin inside We get the word picnic the French words piquer, which means to pick or take, and piquenique, which means a small. c. A : Did you see where they went? At one time, everyone who went to picnics B : Yes, they in his car a few minutes ago. d. A : You certainly know how to your point. B : I was certain I was right.. Choose and write the correct word or words. a. Her bad mood the wet weather. [causes/stems from] b. My family fun holidays. [goes out on/goes in for] c. Tim in the car before I could stop him. [drove in/drove off] brought small pieces of like coins on plates for everyone to eat. The first picnics were people s homes, but today we go for picnics. Most people take a of food and, and drive to a nice place in the country or by the ocean. d. Would you like to tonight? [get in/go out] 6 7

E L T Student Book Adapted by Lori Olcott Illustrated by H. K. Hong The next year, the queen got her wish. She had a lovely little daughter. Her name was Snow White. The king and queen were very happy. Everyone in the kingdom loved princess Snow White. Student Book ~8 Activity Book ~8 Audio Tape ~8. Grade 00 words CINDERELLA Adapted by Lori Olcott Illustrated by J. H. Son O nce upon a time, in a land far away, a king and queen lived in a beautiful castle. They had everything they wanted, except a child of their own. One night, the queen was sitting by her window. She was watching the snow fall outside. She looked up and saw a wishing star. light, star bright, wishing star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I had a little girl with skin as white as snow, with cheeks as red as roses, and with hair as black as night. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves What a beautiful little baby girl. Her skin is as white as snow. Her cheeks are as red as roses. Her hair is as black as night, with pretty curls. She s adorable! (Speaking). Activity Book Grade 00 words Activity Book Spelling Grade Beginner (00 -Words Level ). Snow White and The Seven Dwarves. Cinderella. The Ugly Duckling THE UGLY DUCKLING Adapted by Lori Olcott Illustrated by H. K. Hong 0 Chapter - Multiple choice. What were Snow White s cheeks like? a. They were as white as snow. b. They were as red as roses. c. They were as black as night.. Who had a magic mirror? a. The queen did. b. The king did. c. Snow White did. Write will, can, can t or must [Scene ] Mirror Queen Chapter I m sorry, but I always tell the truth. You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you are. What can I do? I know. If I make Snow White work hard, then she lose her beauty. And I be the fairest of them all. 0. Little Red Riding Hood Grade Beginner ~ Upper-Beginner (0 -Words Level) Grade 00 words. What did the huntsman give to the queen? a. Snow White s heart b. A wild pig s heart c. A man s heart. Why was the house strange? a. It was so small. b. It was so big. c. It was so ugly. [Scene ] Queen If you don t kill her, then I kill you. When you are done, bring me her heart. Then I will know that she is dead. Huntsman I hate to do it, but I. I obey the queen.. The Three Little Pigs. Puss in Boots. The Golden Goose LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Adapted by Lori Olcott Illustrated by J. H. Son. Who owned the house? a. Snow White owned it. b. The queen owned it. c. The seven dwarves owned it. 6. What was the queen also? a. She was also a huntsman. b. She was also a powerful magician. c. She was also a dwarf. [Scene ] Huntsman Snow White Huntsman Princess, the queen told me to kill you today, but I do it. Why does the queen want to kill me? I don t understand. She hates you because of your beauty. Please, Princess, run away and never come back. Then you be safe.. The Emperor s New Clothes Story-House. Grade 00 words 8 9

Course Book W e l c om e 교재구성 Series Title 단계별 수준표 Page WELCOME to Beginner 8p WELCOME to Beginner 8p 초등초급 6p READY for 수업기간 주 회 수업 기준시 개월 초등초급 6p 초등중급 6p 초등중급 6p 초등고급 6p 과정 구성 Student Book ~7 (권당 8~6 page) Student Tape ~7 (분 녹음) Student workbook ~ (권당 6 page) Teacher s book ~6 (권당 8 page) Teacher s Tape ~ (60분 녹음) 특징 처음 영어를 접하는 어린이에게도 전혀 무리없이 흥미를 이끌어낼 수 있어 초보자에게 가장 적합한 교재입니다. 학습 시작 연령과 발달 단계의 차이를 고려해 단계별로 구성했습니다. 다양한 게임, 쓰기 연습, 리스닝을 통해 영어학습 내용을 충분히 이해하도록 고안되었습니다. 익힌 내용은 실제로 어린이 스스로 회화에서 반드시 써 볼 수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다. 자신의 의견을 영어로 표현할 수 있도록 자기표현 액티비티를 수록했습니다. 대화, 노래, 이야기의 내용들이 어린이들의 눈높이에 맞춰 구성되었으며, 미국 어린이 책에서 즐겨 다 루는 소재로 이루어져 국제적 감각을 키울 수 있도록 했습니다. 0

Course Book WELCOME to 구성 아이들의 머릿속에 쏙 들어가는 chant 방식 왼쪽 페이지는 챈트나 대화 등을 넣었습니다. 개의 짧은 노래와 9개의 챈트. 노래와 리듬을 이용한 내용으로 구성했습니다. 오른쪽 페이지는 왼쪽 페이지에서 배운 내용을 익히도록 구성했습니다. W July W t time, ha -A t time, ha at time is i t? Wh July Let s find -B 그림 색칠하기, 틀린 것 찾기, 게임, 선 잇기 등의 풍부하고 다양한 액티비티로 구성되었 습니다. hands of each c draw the lock Let s It s three o clock! 두 페이지마다 대화내용이 하나씩 나옵니다. 해당 단원의 노래나 챈트의 일부를 보 여주면서 일상생활에서 흔히 쓰이는 표현 0개를 수록했습니다. It s seven o clock! It s one o clock! It s three o clock! It s five o clock! It s seven o clock! It s two o clock! It s nine o clock! It s four o clock! It s six o clock! It s eight o clock! one two three four five six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 0 READY for It s ten o clock! Dialogue Self Expression 이 장면에서 중심이 되는 대화를 소개했 습니다. Song February -A Skidamarink a doo Are you Hungry? Yes, I am. I m starving. Me, too. 적절한 장면, 어휘 난이도 등으로 구 성된 내용을 효과 적으로 기억할 수 있도록 노래로 구 성했습니다. February -B To my dearest, Skidamarink a dink a dink, skidamarink a doo, I love you. (I love you) Skidamarink a doo, I love you. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. 자신에 대해서 주저없이 표현 할 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 자 기 표현 능력을 키울 수 있게 했습니다. I love you in the evening and underneath the moon. Oh, skidamarink a dink a dink, Skidamarink a doo, I love you. Grandma. do you want some coffee? happy angry brave sad merry hungry tired Yes, please. Thank you. from Song 이 장면에 등장하는 기본 어휘들을 노래 로 배우면서 익히도록 구성했습니다. 60 father mother brother sister grandpa grandma dogs 6 cats

See the World Student Book ~ Audio Tape ~ See the World Develop a wide variety of listening skills Useful Expressions for TOEIC Test Story House Student Book ~ Audio Tape ~ TOEIC. TOEIC.. Grade 00-Words Level Beginner Grade 0-Words Level Beginner~Upper-Beginner CONGRATULATIONS vocabulary Alice Tom Alice Tom Alice Tom Leisure Activities Match each picture with words from the box on the left. skate - boarding biking swimming hiking dancing collecting fishing Roller blading dialogues Graduation Congratulations, Tom! You are going to graduate from university. Thank you, Alice. Actually, graduation means a start to me, a step of learning. I agree with you. I am sure you will have a splendid start. By the way, when is your graduation day? Tomorrow. Would you join the ceremonies and take a picture of me? Yes, it s my pleasure, but I am not very good at photography. Never mind. My camera is auto-focused. All you have to do is to press the button...... 6. 7. 8. Eric Tina Eric Tina Eric Tina Eric Success I did it! Tina! I got the first place in class last semester. Oh! Congratulations! I can imagine how happy you are. Do your parents know about this? No, not yet. I ll tell them tonight and I am going to give them a surprise. What gift do you expect to get from them? I expect to have a cellular phone and, if possible, a camcorder. I hope you will have what you want. Thank you. If I work hard, I will succeed in anything. grammar Count and Non-count Nouns There are two kinds of nouns in English. Countable nouns can be counted. Non-countable nouns aren t counted. boy, table, book, chair rice, milk, water, money We bought three bbbooookkss. She drank a lot of wwaatteerr. There are four in the room. Do you want more rriiccee? cchhaaiirrss Look at those two bbbooyysss. Doctors earn a lot of mmoonneeyy. We have to move these six ttaabblleess. I d like a glass of mmiillkk. Choose the correct noun for each sentence.. The soup needs more (salt / salts).. The floor was covered with (dirt / dirts).. His course requires three (book / books).. He likes to look at the group of (monkey / monkeys) at the zoo.. That farm has more than fifty (cow / cows). 6 7 8 9 0 Grade 00-Words Level Upper-Beginner Grade 0-Words Level Upper-Beginner~Lower-Intermediate 6 7 8 9 0 Grade 600-Words Level Intermediate CINDERELLA Grade (00-Words) THE EMPEROR S NEW CLOTHES Grade (0-Words) BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Grade (00-Words) JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Grade (0-Words) TOM SAWYER Grade (600-Words)

weather good around Barefoot Basketball My New Book Rain homework grow garden week most moon barn famous fence The Zoo Road Trip The Post Office THE UGLY DUCKLING Adapted by Lori Olcott Illustrated by H. K. Hong Grade 00 words See the World Dinosaurs Holidays Nicknames Board Games Sandwich Pudding Merry-Go-RoundMy Friends Develop a wide variety of listening skills Useful Expressions for TOEIC Test (:7-0) TEL : (0) 7-00 FAX : (0) 7-0 E-mail : wc00@ yahoo.co.kr