APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION FORM 입학신청서 Personal Information 개인정보 1.Name (on your ID or passport) I I Last(family name) 성 First(given name) 이름 Middle Nam

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센트럴신학대학원입학원서 Central Seminary Application for Admission 6601 Montiello Road, Shawnee. KS I 입학상담 Tel: I Fax: I Ema

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International Student (Transfer I-20) Applicant s Name Admission Required Document Checklist ( 입학서류체크리스트 ) Please complete this checklist and submit all the applicable items. 아래항목의해당서류들을준비하셔서네모칸에체크하시고제출하십시오. Completed Application for Admission Form / 입학원서 ( 소정양식 ) Transfer Eligibility Form / Transfer 요청서 I-20 from the previous school 이전학교 I-20 서류 Official Transcript with certified English translation 영문성적증명서 : For Undergraduate Programs ( 학부 ): An official transcript for secondary or high schools, colleges, and/or universities you have attended. 고졸또는그이상의학력에대한성적증명서 For Graduate Programs ( 대학원 ):An official transcript from a college or university where you received a bachelor s degree and/or all subsequent degrees 학사학위또는그이상의학력에대한성적증명서 * Students who have studied in foreign institutions must have their transcripts evaluated through National Association of Credential Evaluation Service (NACES) or American Evaluation Association (AEA) approved evaluators. These evaluators require official sealed graduation certificate and transcript for the evaluation process. IES Evaluation Fee - $110 English Language Proficiency (if available, please submit it.): 영어능력검정 ( 소지하고있는경우, 반드시제출할것 ): TOEFL or IELTS Score or ESL Classes/Schools transcripts 토플점수또는 ESL 수업이수증명서 Photocopies of Passport, US Visa and I-94 / 여권사본, 비자사본 * If you have dependents, please provide their visa and passport copies as well. Bank Statement / 은행잔고증명서 ( 영문 ) $10,000.00 or above Need to have at least $3,000 for each dependent Application Fee (non-refundable) 신청비 ( 비환불 International Student - $200.00 + $110 (IES evaluation for applicable students). Each dependent - $100.00 (Only for Initial I-20) Any Questions? Contact Office of Admissions and Record Tel: 714-539-6561/ Fax: 714-539-6542 Revised: 06/2015

APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION FORM 입학신청서 Personal Information 개인정보 1.Name (on your ID or passport) I I Last(family name) 성 First(given name) 이름 Middle Name Other Name on Previous Records) I I Last(family name) 성 First(given name) 이름 Middle Name 2.Birth date and place / / I Gender Male 3.Address 주소 MM DD YYYY City / Country Female Mailing Address/Foreign Address(if applicable) 한국주소 Street (If different from current address 왼쪽주소와다른경우 ) City State, Zip 4. Phone Mobile Phone 5. Email Address 6. Nation of Citizenship 국적 7. Race/Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? Yes No Select one or more of the following races. American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Others. Please specify. U.S. Citizens do not need to answer 8, 9, 10, 11. 미국시민인경우에는 8, 9, 10, 11번을답을하지않으셔도됩니다. 8. If you are not a U. S. Citizen, are you a resident alien? 영주권자 Yes No a. If yes, please provide your Alien Registration Number. 9. Will you be applying for the I-20 to receive an F-1 Visa? 학생비자발급을위해 I-20를신청합니까? Yes No 10. If yes, do you have dependents who will need F-2 Visa? Yes No a. Name Relationship b. Name Relationship c. Name Relationship 11. If no, what kind of visa do you have? 그밖의경우, 비자종류를기재하십시오 (F-1, F-2, H-1, R-1, B-1, B-2, other ) Enrollment Information 입학정보 Intended Program and Major 지원학과 Professional Golf Mgmt.: AAS PGGCM Business Management: B.A. MBA Certificare Program: MMT (Medical Massage Therapy) Intended Entry Term 입학예정학기 Winter Spring Summer Fall Year (20 ) Revised: 05/2017 page 1 of 2

IN CASE OF Emergency, NOTIFY Name Relationship Address Street Phone City, State, Zip Email Address Educational Background 학력 List high schools, colleges or universities you have attended(most recent first) ( 출석했던고등학교또는대학교들을최근것부터열거하십시오 ) Please use the back side of the application to add additional schools. 1. Name of school 학교이름 2. Name of school 학교이름 3. Name of school 학교이름 Reference 추천인 Who will be supplying for your recommendations?(attach Recommendation Form to your application.) 아래에추천인성명과 전화번호를기재해주시기바랍니다. ( 입학서류가운데포함되어있는추천서용지에도기재를해주시기바랍니다.) Name Phone number Email Address 1. 2. 3. Please Read Before Signing 아래의내용을읽고서명하시기바랍니다. I certify that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be respectful of Stanton University's mission and will abide by the rules and regulations contained in the current catalog. I understand that all required submissions to Stanton University become the property of the Stanton University and will not be forwarded to me. Upon signing this application with submission of fees, I acknowledge that the application fee is non-refundable. 본인이진술한내용은사실이며틀림이 없습니다. 본인은스탠톤대학교의요람에기재된목표와교칙을준수할것을약속합니다. 본인이스탠톤대학교에제출한모든서류들은학교의소유이며 반환되지않음을알고있습니다. 이원서에서명하심과동시에지불하신원서비는환불이없음을인정 / 승인합니다. Signature Date Please return to보내실곳 : Stanton University Office of Admissions and Records 9618 Garden Grove Blvd., Suite 201, Garden Grove, CA 92844 Revised: 05/2017 page 2 of 2

TRANSFER ELIGIBILITY FORM Student: (Please complete this area only) Complete the lines and present this form to the International Advisor at your present school and sign intent to transfer to Stanton University and give permission for the present school to p r o v i d e the following information to Stanton University. Name : (DOB: / / ) SEVIS ID# Student Signature Date: International Student Advisor: The student named above intends to transfer to Stanton University. In accordance with regulations of the Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS), please complete the certification and return this form to Stanton University (Code: LOS214F19760000). 1. Name, Address, INS School #: 2. Dates of attendance at your school: From To: 3. Student is currently: In Status Not in Status (Please contact us if the student is not in active status before you release to SEVIS.) 4. Is this student eligible to transfer? Yes No If no, please provide reason(s) below. 5. Does the student have any outstanding financial obligation to your school? Yes No SEVIS Release Date: Thank you for your cooperation. Please return this form by fax or mail to Stanton University. Date: Name: Title: Contact Phone No: Signature: Fax No: Email: Revise:d 01/2016

English Language Proficiency Verification Student s Name: Major: Date of Birth: All students applying for admission to Stanton University must verify their proficiency in the English language to demonstrate that they are qualified to study the courses provided by Stanton University. The English language proficiency requirement can be fulfilled by meeting any of the following standards below. The student must provide supporting documents such as test scores, transcripts, or certificates. Minimum TOEFL ibt score of 45 or its equivalents for Undergraduate Programs (Associate and Bachelor s Degree Levels), and minimum TOEFL ibt score of 61 or its equivalents for Graduate Programs (Master Degree Level). U.S. high school diploma or equivalent Completion of an advanced level of ESL course at another institution prior to studying at SU. Completion of at least one (1) year of college level education in the United States from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Completion of the equivalent of a high school education or the equivalent of a college education in a country where English is the primary language and/or at an institution where English is the primary language of instruction. Document Provided: TOEFL IELTS Transcript Certificate U.S. high school diploma or equivalent Other: For students who have not met any of the above standards: The student has taken the Stanton University English Proficiency Exam and obtained a passing score. Yes No English Proficiency Exam Score (total average of all sections): Score Rubric: (0-599) = No Pass (600 and above) = Pass The student meets Stanton University s English Language Proficiency requirement: Yes No Director of Admissions Signature Date Revised 02/2017