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Korean Studies Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library Tutorial on How to Use The Korean Romanization and Word Division (Basic Guide) Hana Kim Korea Studies Librarian hn.kim@utoronto.ca Created in March 2012 Slide 1

Basic Korean Romanization The Korean Romanization and Word Division Guide (Basic Guide) has tables illustrating romanization methods. This tutorial will help you to understand how to romanize Korean words in a step-by-step fashion. Slide 2

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly ㄱ - initial element ㄱ Slide 3

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly 가 - initial letter ㄱ - vowel ㅏ Slide 4

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly 감 - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅏ - final element ㅁ Slide 5

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly k - ㄱ with k Slide 6

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly ka - ㄱ with k - ㅏ with a Slide 7

Example 1: 감 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kam - ㄱ with k - ㅏ with a - ㅁ with m Slide 8

Example 1: 감 감 kam Thus, the word 감 is romanized as kam. Slide 9

Example 2: 민중 When a Korean word consists of two syllables combined: eg. 민중 ( 民衆 ) ㅁ - initial element ㅁ Slide 10

Example 2: 민중 When a Korean word consists of two syllables combined: eg. 민중 ( 民衆 ) 미 - initial element ㅁ - vowel ㅣ Slide 11

Example 2: 민중 When a Korean word consists of two syllables combined: eg. 민중 ( 民衆 ) 민ㅈ - initial element ㅁ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㄴ, ㅈ Slide 12

Example 2: 민중 When a Korean word consists of two syllables combined: eg. 민중 ( 民衆 ) 민주 - initial element ㅁ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㄴ, ㅈ - vowel ㅜ Slide 13

Example 2: 민중 When a Korean word consists of two syllables combined: eg. 민중 ( 民衆 ) 민중 - initial element ㅁ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㄴ, ㅈ - vowel ㅜ - final element ㅇ Thus, 민중. Slide 14

Example 2: 민중 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly m - ㅁ with m Slide 15

Example 2: 민중 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly mi - ㅁ with m - ㅣ with i Slide 16

Example 2: 민중 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly minj - ㅁ with m - ㅣ with i - ㄴㅈ with nj Slide 17

Example 2: 민중 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly minju - ㅁ with m - ㅣ with i - ㄴㅈ with nj - ㅜ with u Slide 18

Example 2: 민중 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly minjung - ㅁ with m - ㅣ with i - ㄴㅈ with nj - ㅜ with u - ㅇ with ng Slide 19

Example 2: 민중 민중 minjung Thus, the word 민중 is romanized as minjung. Slide 20

Medial Elements Medial elements are the two elements that occur when the final element from the first syllable is followed by the initial element of the second syllable. In the previous example of 민중, ㄴ is followed by ㅈ. Therefore, the medial elements are ㄴ and ㅈ. Slide 21

How to Read Medial Elements in the Consonant Table Slide 22

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 ㄱ - initial element ㄱ Slide 23

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거 - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ Slide 24

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거ㅈ - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ - medial element ㅈ Slide 25

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거지 - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ - medial element ㅈ - vowel ㅣ Slide 26

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거짓ㅁ - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ - medial element ㅈ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㅅㅁ Slide 27

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거짓마 - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ - medial element ㅈ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㅅㅁ - vowel ㅏ Slide 28

Example 3: 거짓말 A Korean word consists of three single syllables combined: eg. 거짓말 거짓말 - initial element ㄱ - vowel ㅓ - medial element ㅈ - vowel ㅣ - medial elements ㅅㅁ - vowel ㅏ - final element ㄹ Slide 29

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly k - ㄱ with k Slide 30

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏ - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ Slide 31

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏj - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ - ㅈ with j Slide 32

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏji - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ - ㅈ with j - ㅣ with I Slide 33

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏjinm - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ - ㅈ with j - ㅣ with I - ㄴㅁ with nm Slide 34

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏjinma - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ - ㅈ with j - ㅣ with I - ㄴㅁ with nm - ㅏ with a Slide 35

Example 3: 거짓말 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly kŏjinmal - ㄱ with k - ㅓ with ŏ - ㅈ with j - ㅣ with I - ㄴㅁ with nm - ㅏ with a - ㄹ with l Slide 36

Example 3: 거짓말 거짓말 kŏjinmal Thus, the word 거짓말 is romanized as kŏjinmal. Slide 37

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 ㅇ - initial element ㅇ Slide 38

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 외 - initial element ㅇ - vowel ㅚ Slide 39

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 외ㄱ - initial element ㅇ - vowel ㅚ - medial element ㄱ Slide 40

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 외구 - initial element ㅇ - vowel ㅚ - medial element ㄱ - vowel ㅜ Slide 41

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 외국ㅇ - initial element ㅇ - vowel ㅚ - medial element ㄱ - vowel ㅜ - medial elements ㄱㅇ Slide 42

Example 4: 외국어 A Korean word consists of three syllables including syllables beginning with vowels: eg. 외국어 외국어 - initial element ㅇ - vowel ㅚ - medial element ㄱ - vowel ㅜ - medial elements ㄱㅇ - vowel ㅓ Slide 43

Example 4: 외국어 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly oe - ㅇ with nothing - ㅚ with oe Slide 44

Example 4: 외국어 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly oeg - ㅇ with nothing - ㅚ with oe - ㄱ with g Slide 45

Example 4: 외국어 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly oegu - ㅇ with nothing - ㅚ with oe - ㄱ with g - ㅜ with u Slide 46

Example 4: 외국어 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly oegug - ㅇ with nothing - ㅚ with oe - ㄱ with g - ㅜ with u - ㄱㅇ with g nothing Slide 47

Example 4: 외국어 Using the McCune- Reischauer Romanization Tables (Consonants and Vowels), romanize accordingly oegugŏ - ㅇ with nothing - ㅚ with oe - ㄱ with g - ㅜ with u - ㄱㅇ with g nothing - ㅓ with ŏ Slide 48

Example 4: 외국어 외국어 oegugŏ Thus, the word 외국어 is romanized as oegugŏ. Slide 49

Practice Exercises (1) 문학 현대화 바가지 정리 Answers shown on the next slide. 국민 Slide 50

Practice Exercises (1) - Answers 문학 현대화 바가지 정리 국민 munhak hyŏndaehwa pagaji chŏngni kungmin Slide 51

Practice Exercises (2) 신라 철학 잇몸 쉼표 깍뚜기 Answers shown on the next slide. Slide 52

Practice Exercises (2) - Answers 신라 철학 잇몸 쉼표 깍뚜기 Silla ch ŏrhak inmom shwimp yo kkakttugi Slide 53

Practice Exercises (3) 입문론 언어 도교 총론 도움말 Answers shown on the next slide. Slide 54

Practice Exercises (3) - Answers 입문론 언어 도교 총론 도움말 immunnon ŏnŏ Togyo ch ongnon toummal Slide 55

Practice Exercises (4) 탁류 평준화 난중일기 약물 그늘 Answers shown on the next slide. Slide 56

Practice Exercises (4) - Answers 탁류 평준화 난중일기 약물 그늘 t angnyu p yŏngjunhwa Nanjung ilgi yangmul kŭnŭl Slide 57