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1 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Lesson Objectives Sound and Script At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to understand, obtain, and provide information about sound and script in Korean. In particular, the student will: 1. Identify the Alphabet Recognize each character of the Korean alphabet Identify the Korean characters by name Pronounce the characters phonetic sounds Write the characters on a scratch piece of paper 2. Write the Korean Alphabet Three rules in writing the Korean alphabet Alphabetical order 3. Produce Vowel Sounds Recognize vowels Produce vowel sounds W sounding vowels Y sounding vowels Vertical vowels Horizontal vowels 4. Produce Consonant Sounds Recognize consonants Pronounce aspirated and non-aspirated consonant sounds Double consonants 5. Recognize Loaned Words Identify loaned words Pronounce loaned words Write loaned words 6. Identify Special Cases Change of sound in syllable-final consonants Consonant ㅎ 7. Syllables Making a syllable Three different types of syllables 8. Sentence and Intonation Recognize sentence structure Recognize subject markers and object markers Recognize different intonations pages 2-39 Page 40 Page pages pages HOMEWORK CULTURAL NOTES APPLICATION ACTIVITIES SKILL ENHANCEMENT 1

2 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I The Korean Alphabet There are 40 symbols that make up the Korean alphabet, nineteen of which are consonants and the other twenty-one are vowels. Consonants (19) ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ Vowels (21) ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ ㅐㅒㅔㅖㅘㅙㅚㅝㅞㅟㅢ Tip of the Day King Sejong of Korea ( ) led the creation of Hangul with the help of Jibhyonjon scholars. He named his alphabet Hun Min Jong Um, Accurate Sounds to Educate the People. 2

3 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Map of South Korea 3

4 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Identify the Alphabet Basic Consonants Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㄱ gi-uk 기역 ㅇ i-ung 이응 ㄴ ni-un 니은 ㅈ Ji-ut 지읒 ㄷ di-gut 디귿 ㅊ Chee-ut 치읓 ㄹ lee-ul 리을 ㅋ Ki-ut 키읔 ㅁ mi-um 미음 ㅌ Ti-gut 티읕 ㅂ Bi-ub 비읍 ㅍ Pi-ub 피읖 ㅅ Si-ot 시옷 ㅎ Hi-ung 히읗 Letter Approximate Letter Approximate Pronunciation Pronunciation ㄱ g as in god ㅇ o as in orange ㄴ n as in nose ㅈ j as in June ㄷ d as in day ㅊ ch as in cheese ㄹ l as in shell ㅋ k as in kick ㅁ m as in moon ㅌ t as in tiger ㅂ b as in bank ㅍ p as in pizza ㅅ s as in sun ㅎ h as in hot Glottalized Consonants ㄲ ssang gi-uk 쌍기역ㅆ ssang Si-ot 쌍시옷ㄸ ssang di-gut 쌍디귿ㅉ ssang Ji-ut 쌍지읒ㅃ ssang Bi-ub 쌍비읍 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㄲ accentuated k sound as in ㅆ ss as in hiss sky ㄸ accentuated t sound as in style ㅉ accentuated j sound as in jazz ㅃ accentuated p sound as in spoon 4

5 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Basic Vowels Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㅏ ah 아 ㅡ ui 으 ㅓ uh 어 ㅣ ee 이 ㅗ oh 오 ㅐ ae 애 ㅜ woo 우 ㅔ eh 에 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㅏ a as in Arizona ㅡ oo as in book ㅓ u as in sun ㅣ e as in eel ㅗ o as in original ㅐ a as in add ㅜ woo as in woods ㅔ e as in end Diphthong Vowels Letter Korean Name Letter Korean Name ㅑ ya 야 ㅢ ui 의 ㅕ yea 여 ㅘ wa 와 ㅛ yo 요 ㅙ wai 왜 ㅠ you 유 ㅝ war 워 ㅒ ae 애 ㅞ wae 웨 ㅖ ye 예 ㅚ woi 외 ㅟ we 위 Letter Approximate Pronunciation Letter Approximate Pronunciation ㅑ ya as in yard ㅢ ui as in Louie ㅕ yea as in yearn ㅘ wa as in Washington ㅛ yo as in yo-yo ㅙ wa as in wagon ㅠ you as in you ㅝ wa as in water ㅒ a as in ankle ㅞ we as in wedding ㅖ ye as in yes ㅚ wh as in whey ㅟ we as in week 5

6 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 1 Listen and repeat the basic vowels after the instructor. ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ Exercise 2 Listen and repeat the y sounding diphthong vowels after the instructor. ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖ Exercise 3 Listen and repeat the w sounding diphthong vowels after the instructor. ㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚ Exercise 4 Listen and repeat the basic consonants after the instructor. ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈ Exercise 5 Listen and repeat the basic aspirated consonants after the instructor. ㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ Exercise 6 Listen and repeat the five glottalized consonants after the instructor. ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ 6

7 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 7 Listen to your instructor pronounce the Korean alphabet and write it on a scratch piece of paper. Tip of the Day Calligraphy ( 붓글씨 ). In Korea, writing characters with traditional brush and ink stick has been considered an important form of art.. Three Rules in Writing the Korean Alphabet Each Korean symbol is made up of a definite number of strokes written in a prescribed sequence called "stroke order". It is important to write symbols in the correct stroke order. Observe the following general rules: Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 The symbol for a consonant, which begins a syllable, must be written before the vowel symbol. For example, ㅇ before ㅏ to form 아. The movement of each stroke must be from LEFT to RIGHT or TOP to BOTTOM. If a symbol involves more than one stroke (like ㅏ or ㅗ ), the movement should again be LEFT to RIGHT ( ㅣ and then ㅡ to form ㅏ ) or TOP to BOTTOM ( ㅣ and then ㅡ to form ㅗ ). 7

8 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Alphabetical Order (Dictionary Sequence) The ability to use a dictionary is fundamental in the language learning process. Without this skill students will not be able to expand their vocabulary and learn the definitions of new words. This section is designed to assist you in the development of this skill. The following table shows the alphabetical order or dictionary sequence of Korean syllables. First, arrange the words according to the consonant sequence. Then, if two words or more begin with the same consonant, arrange them in proper vowel order. Dictionary Sequence of Korean Letters Consonant order 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하갸냐댜랴먀뱌샤야쟈챠캬탸퍄햐거너더러머버서어저처커터퍼허겨녀뎌려며벼셔여져쳐켜텨펴혀고노도로모보소오조초코토포호교뇨됴료묘뵤쇼요죠쵸쿄툐표효구누두루무부수우주추쿠투푸후규뉴듀류뮤뷰슈유쥬츄큐튜퓨휴그느드르므브스으즈츠크트프흐기니디리미비시이지치키티피히 Exercise 8 Answer either true or false for the following sentences. (1) Vowels precede consonants in syllables. (2) The movement of each stroke is from top to bottom or left to right. (3) If a symbol involves more than one stroke, the movement should be RIGHT to LEFT or BOTTOM to TOP. 8

9 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 9 In the following sequence of consonants, the syllables are out of place. Using the table, place the syllables in the correct order on a separate piece of paper. 가나라바다마사자아차카타하파 Exercise 10 Arrange each group of words in dictionary sequence on a separate piece of paper. You may use the preceding table. (1) 마, 너, 자, 니 (2) 으, 기, 나, 그 (3) 여, 새, 어, 사 (4) 바다, 술, 자유, 시집 (5) 여름, 겨울, 고래, 날개 (6) 친구, 아빠, 어머니, 형, 할아버지 (7) 한국, 미국, 영국, 일본, 중국 (8) 축구, 야구, 배구, 농구, 탁구 9

10 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Tip of the Day day The The Invention Invention of Hangul of Hangul One One of the of the theories theories about about the shapes the shapes of Korean of characters Korean is that characters they are derived is that from they designs are derived of a door. from In designs the picture of to the a left door. of a In typical the above door design, picture you of can a typical find most Korean of the Korean characters. With classmates, see if you can identify door design, you can find most of Korean the characters. alphabet characters. With classmates, see if you can identify the characters. Vowels There are 21 vowels. Thirteen of the vowels are diphthong vowels, which are produced by combining the "y" and "w" sounds with the basic 8 vowels. Repeat the sounds after your instructor. Basic Vowels ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ Diphthong Vowels ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖㅟㅢ ㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚ 10

11 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Eight Simple Vowels The following notes on vowel sounds are given as a memory aid. The corresponding English sounds are only approximations. None of the Korean vowels sound exactly like their English counterparts. Korean vowels Equivalent English Examples ㅏ as in father 아이, 나 ㅓ as in sun 어머니, 너 ㅗ as in often 고기, 모자 ㅜ as in mood 누나, 구두 ㅡ as in written 그러나, 크기 ㅣ as in ink 비, 지도 ㅐ as in apple 개, 배 ㅔ as in egg 그네, 네거리 These are four Korean vowels that are similar to English. Look at the written symbols for the following 4 vowels. Repeat their sounds after the instructor, while writing the vowels on a piece of scratch paper. ㅏㅗㅜㅣ In addition, these are four Korean vowels that are different from English. Look at the written symbols for the following 4 vowels. Repeat their sounds after the instructor, while writing the vowels on a piece of scratch paper. ㅓㅡㅐㅔ 11

12 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I W-Vowels (Six vowels are pronounced with a "w" sound) Six Korean vowel sounds, 와, 왜, 외, 워, 웨 and 위, are created by adding the "w" sound to the six basic vowel sounds: 아, 애, 오, 어, 에, and 이 respectively. The following six categories are examples. Listen to the instructor as the vowels are reviewed with their English equivalents. After you become familiar with the sounds, practice with a classmate. W-Vowels Equivalent English Examples 와 as in why 좌측, 과자 왜 as in wagon 돼지, 왜가리 외 as in whey 쇠고기, 회화 워 as in water 원수, 권투 웨 as in wedding 웨이터, 궤도 위 as in we 귀, 쥐 Y-Vowels (six vowels are influenced by the "y" sound) Six Korean vowel sounds, 야, 여, 요, 유, 얘, and 예, are created by adding the "y" sound to the six basic vowel sounds: 아, 어, 오, 우, 애, and 에 respectively. The following table shows six examples. Listen to the instructor as the vowels are reviewed with their equivalent English. After you become familiar with the sounds, practice with a classmate. Y Vowels Equivalent English Examples 아 야 as in yard 야구, 야자 어 여 as in yearn 여자, 여우 오 요 as in yo-yo 교사, 묘지 우 유 as in you 우유, 유리 애 얘 as in yankee 얘야, 얘기 에 예 as in yes 예의, 시계 12

13 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Vertical and Horizontal Vowels Korean symbols are written in syllable groupings. The simplest syllable is written with one consonant and one vowel. There are two types of arrangements for vowels when they are attached to consonants. Some of the vowels form side-by-side arrangements, and the others form top-to-bottom arrangements. Listen to the instructor as the vowels are reviewed with their equivalent English. After you become familiar with the sounds, practice with a classmate. (1) Vertical Vowels (Side-by-Side Arrangements) Consonant Vowel Vertical Vowels ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅣ Example 가샤어져비 (2) Horizontal Vowels (Top-to-Bottom Arrangements) Consonant Vowel Horizontal Vowels ㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡ Example 모교주유츠 Note: 1. Each part of the syllable should be equally divided between two smaller squares. 2. Each part of the syllable should be about the same size. 13

14 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 11 Copy the eight basic vowels in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣㅐㅔ Exercise 12 Copy the six "y" diphthong vowels in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖ Exercise 13 Copy the six "w" diphthong vowels in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚㅟ Exercise 14 The instructor will pronounce several vowel sounds. Listen to the sounds and write down the pronounced vowels. 14

15 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 15 Create six Y-Vowels by combining the following six vowels and the "y" sound. Repeat after the instructor. (1) 아 (2) 애 (3) 오 (4) 어 (5) 에 (6) 우 Exercise 16 Practice pronouncing the following words that contain "w" vowels. 과자원수뒤좌측외과해외권투 Exercise 17 The class will be divided into pairs. When one person pronounces the six vowels, 아, 애, 오, 어, 에, and 이, the other will change each of them into the "w" diphthong vowels. Take turns and continue. 15

16 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 18 Create six Y-Vowels by combining the following six vowels and the "y" sound. (1) 아 (2) 어 (3) 오 (4) 우 (5) 애 (6) 에 Exercise 19 Practice pronouncing the following words that contain "y" vowels. 야구우유교사여자예의가야수여유리 Exercise 20 The class will be divided into pairs. When one person pronounces the six vowels, 아, 어, 오, 우, 애, and 에, the other will change each of them into the "y" diphthong vowels. Take turns and continue. Exercise 21 The class will be divided into two groups, a "w" diphthong group and a "y" diphthong group. The instructor will pronounce a list of syllables. When the instructor pronounces a syllable with a "w" diphthong vowel, the "w" diphthong group will write the syllable. When the instructor pronounces a syllable with a "y" diphthong vowel, the "y" diphthong group will write the syllable. The students should work as a group. 16

17 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 22 The class will be divided into a few groups depending on the number of students. Each group will have a set of consonant cards and vowel cards placed on the table. After a member in each group pronounces a syllable sound, the other students will find and arrange both consonant and vowel cards to make the letter. The ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, and ㅣ cards should be placed at the right side of the consonant, and the ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, and ㅡ cards should be placed at the top of the consonant. Exercise 23 When combining consonants and vowels, some of them are arranged side-by-side and others are arranged from top-to-bottom. Combine the following consonants and vowels to make each syllable sound. Practice pronouncing them with a classmate. (1) ㄱ + ㅜ (2) ㅅ + ㅓ (3) ㅁ + ㅣ (4) ㅎ + ㅗ (5) ㄷ + ㅏ (6) ㅇ + ㅔ (7) ㅋ + ㅡ Tip of the Day Korean consonants sound differently depending on where they are placed in a syllable. It is important to listen to the same consonant sound in different places to become familiar with it. 17

18 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Consonants There are 19 Korean consonants. Repeat the sounds after your instructor. Basic Consonants ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈ ㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ Glottalized Consonants ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ Consonant Sounds Most of the Korean consonants are pronounced differently, depending on their position in a syllable. Usually, voiceless consonants become voiced and softer between vowel sounds. Use the following table as a reference. 18

19 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Consonants Initial Between Vowels Final English Example English Example English Example ㄱ g 가 g 사과 k 국 ㄴ n 나 n 하나 n 잔 ㄷ d 도 d 과도 t 닫 ㄹ l 루 r 하루 l 줄 ㅁ m 머 m 재미 m 몸 ㅂ b 비 b 준비 p 밥 ㅅ s 소 s 주소 t 잇 ㅇ Silent 이 Silent 아이 ng 강 ㅈ j 자 j 투자 t 맞 ㅊ ch 차 ch 화초 t 닻 ㅋ k 코 k 방콕 k 엌 ㅌ t 타 t 구타 t 맡 ㅍ p 파 p 모피 p 옆 ㅎ h 해 h 오후 Silent 놓 19

20 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Non-Aspirated Consonants Non-Aspirated Initial Position Final Position Consonants English Example English Example ㄱ goat 가구 bag 국 ㄴ nose 너 none 눈 ㄷ dog 돈 bed 곧 ㄹ lesson 레슨 shell 길 ㅁ mouth 미국 come 마음 ㅂ bake 발 Bob 입 ㅅ soft 소리 hose 셋 ㅇ orange 오렌지 Oreo 방 ㅈ George 자리 garage 맞 Consonant " ㅇ " The consonant " ㅇ " is used in 2 different ways in Korean syllables. When " ㅇ " is placed at the beginning of the syllable, it is silent and you will only hear the following vowel sound. When " ㅇ " is placed at the bottom of the syllable, it is pronounced as "-ng" in "king". You will see examples of the two different sound usages in the following table. 20

21 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script " ㅇ " position Sound Example When "o" is placed at the beginning of the syllable (Silent) ㅇ + ㅏ 아 ㅇ + ㅜ + ㄴ ㅇ + ㅣ + ㅁ 운 임 When "o" is placed at the end of the syllable ㅇ ㅈ + ㅗ + ㅇ ㄱ + ㅏ + ㅇ ㅇ + ㅡ + ㅇ 종 강 응 Word Formation When you combine more than two characters to make a word, place the first two characters next to one another and the last character below them. Aspirated Consonants There are consonants in Korean that, like the English p, t, ch, and k, are accompanied by a strong puff of air. These Korean consonants are referred to as "aspirated" consonants. The symbols for them are modifications of the symbols for unaspirated consonants. Aspirated Consonants Initial and Between Vowels Final English Example Example ㅊ church 책 돛 ㅋ cook 칼 동녘 ㅌ table 태극기 밭 ㅍ paper 포도 앞 ㅎ hat 하나 - 21

22 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exceptional Use of " ㅎ " The following are examples of exceptions to the rules. 1. ㅎ is pronounced as the h in "hat" when placed at the beginning of the syllable. 2. Sounds are silent, as in "Sarah", when followed by a vowel ( 좋아요, 놓으세요 ). Double Consonants The "double" consonants are pronounced by holding your mouth tense and then suddenly releasing the sound without aspiration (that is, without a puff of air accompanying it). Listen to your instructor pronounce the following double consonants with the vowel ㅏ : 까, 따, 싸, 빠, and 짜. There are no consonants at the beginning of an English word that are pronounced like the Korean "double" consonants. However, when t, p, and k follow an s, they do not have aspiration and, therefore, sound similar to the Korean "double" consonants ㄲ, ㄸ, and ㅃ. Listen to the instructor for the k, t, and p in "sky" ( 까 ), "style" ( 따 ), and "spy" ( 빠 ). Now listen to the Korean 까, 따, and 빠. Double Consonants English Example ㄲ sky 꿀 ㄸ style 딸 ㅃ spoon 오빠 ㅆ hiss ㅉ - 동쪽 22

23 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 24 Copy the nine basic consonants in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈ Exercise 25 Copy the five basic aspirated consonants in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ Exercise 26 Copy the five glottalized consonants in the space below, as you pronounce them. ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ Exercise 27 Listen to the following syllables as they are pronounced by the instructor. Then, practice writing the syllables below. (1) 머, 이, 타, 해, 도 (2) 하나, 주소, 구타, 오후, 준비 (3) 잔, 밥, 맛, 엌, 국 (4) 차, 노래, 고기, 배 (5) 코끼리, 손, 조개, 바다, 문 23

24 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 28 Listen and repeat the following Korean words after the instructor. (1) 가구, 돈, 발, 소리, 아내, 자리, 너 (2) 눈, 길, 입, 셋, 방, 마음, 곧 Exercise 29 The instructor will write down on the board two words that have similar, but not exact, consonant pronunciations. Then, the class will be divided into a few groups depending on the number of students. While the instructor pronounces a word in each pair, a member of each group will say the word that was just pronounced. The group that picks the correct word the most times wins the contest. Exercise 30 Combine the following consonants and vowels to create syllables. (1) ㅇ + ㅓ (2) ㅇ + ㅡ + ㅇ (3) ㄱ + ㅗ + ㅇ (4) ㅂ + ㅏ + ㅇ 24

25 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 31 Listen and repeat the following Korean words after the instructor. (1) 총, 키, 타조, 파란색, 하늘 (2) 및, 부엌, 밭, 앞 (3) 좋아요, 놓으세요 Exercise 32 The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor pronounces a list of syllables, the members of one group will raise their hands for the aspirated consonants ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, and ㅍ, and those of the other group will raise their hands for the nonaspirated consonants ㅈ, ㄱ, ㄷ, and ㅂ. The person who fails to raise his/her hand when he/she should will be kicked out of the group. The group that has the more people at the end of the game, wins the contest. Exercise 33 Listen and repeat the following Korean words after the instructor. 껌, 꿈, 땀, 따로, 뺨, 씨, 싸우다, 서쪽 25

26 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 34 The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor pronounces a list of syllables, the members of one group will raise their hands for the glottalized consonants ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, and ㅉ, and those of the other group will raise their hands for the nonglottalized consonants ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, and ㅈ. The person who fails to raise his/her hand when he or she should will be kicked out of the group. The group that has the most people at the end of the game wins the contest. Recognize Loaned Words What do you call a vehicle that you flag down in the street and ask its driver to take you to your choice of destinations for a nominal fee? A 택시 (taxi)! Unlike many countries that use the English alphabet, Korean and English do not share any cognates. Instead, Korean has many loaned words that come directly from English. Although many of these loaned words might sound a bit different from what you are used to, if you can recognize these words, you just might already know 10% of the Korean language. The following is an example of commonly used loaned words in Korea. The corresponding English sounds are only approximations. None of the Korean vowels sound exactly like their English counterparts. Taxi 택시 Tak-Ci Bus 버스 Bu-S Elevator 엘래베이터 Ele-Bai-Ter Intelligent 인텔리 In-Tel-lee Gas 까스 Kka-Ss Restaurant 래스토랑 Rae-Ss-Tor-Rang Ink 잉크 Ing-K~ Computer 컴퓨터 Com-Pu-Ter Mouse 마우스 Ma-Woo-Su McDonald s 맥도날드 Mac-Do-Nal-D Monitor 모니터 Mo-Ni-Ter Television 티비 / 탤래비젼 Tee-B / Tel-Le-Be-Jurn 26

27 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 35 With the help of your instructor, try to come up with as many loaned words as you possibly can. Practice writing and pronouncing them. Tip Tip of of the Day day This picture shows the original text of Hun Min Chong Um, which was King Sejong's promulgation of the Korean script, Hangul, invented in Change of Sound in Syllable-Final Consonants Placed at the end of a syllable, a consonant may sound differently than it does at the beginning of a syllable. Listen to the instructor pronounce the following words. 막곧법갓낮 ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ and ㅈ in syllable-final positions are not released. What does "releasing" mean? When pronouncing words such as tip, book, and but, you end the words with closure in the mouth. This closure may then (1) open with a puff of air or (2) remain closed. You are "releasing a consonant" if a puff of air follows. If the closure in your mouth remains, the consonant is "unreleased". 27

28 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I You might ask, "How do you pronounce ㅅ and ㅈ without releasing air? You really can't. This means that ㅅ and ㅈ at the end of written syllables are pronounced like ㄷ. Read the syllables aloud and listen to the instructor. 곳빚곧 갓낮닫 Question: How do you know how to spell words ending in "t"? When you hear "kot", for example, there is no way of knowing by sound alone which of the three possible spellings, 곳, 곧, or 곶, is correct. Unless, of course, you already know the correct spellings of the individual words. In these examples, 곳 means "place", 곧 means soon" and 곶 means "cape". Consonant " ㅎ " When a syllable-final consonant " ㅎ " is attached with the following word, it makes the nonaspirated consonants aspirated. ㅎ + Consonant Word Pronunciation ㅎ + ㄷ = ㅌ 좋다 조타 ㅎ + ㄱ = ㅋ 이렇게 이러케 ㅎ + ㅈ = ㅊ 그렇지만 그러치만 Exercise 36 Read the syllables aloud as you write them on a piece of paper. 갑, 역, 삿, 잦, 삽, 각, 돋, 맛, 찾 28

29 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 37 The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor shows a set of cards with ㄱ, ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅅ and ㅈ written on them, each member of one group will pronounce a syllable with the consonant at the beginning position, and each member of the other group will pronounce a syllable with the consonant at the final position. Exercise 38 Read the following words aloud, as you write them on a piece of paper. 문곧불강맛 빚종이감자양복언제 Exercise 39 Read the following words aloud, as you write them on a piece of paper. (1) 파랗다 (2) 노랗다 (3) 저렇지만 (4) 좋다 (5) 이렇게 (6) 그렇지만 29

30 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 40 The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor writes down a list of words with the ㅎ consonant at the syllable-final position, the members of one group will pronounce the word syllable-by-syllable without aspiration and those of the other group will pronounce the word naturally with aspiration. Making a Syllable All words in Korean are composed of syllables, which follow these basic rules: A syllable begins with a consonant. A syllable has at least one consonant and one vowel. Each syllable is written in a square box. For example, the Korean word 미국, meaning "America", consists of the following consonants and vowels. m i g u k ㄱ ㅁㅣㅜ ㄱ Three Different Kinds of Korean Syllables There are 3 different kinds of Korean syllables: (1) consonant and vowel; (2) consonant, vowel, and one more consonant at the bottom; (3) consonant, vowel, and two more consonants at the bottom. Below you will see 3 different syllable combinations and some examples. 30

31 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Syllables Consonant + vowel Example Consonant + Vowel Consonant + Vowel + Consonant Consonant + Vowel + Consonant + Consonant ㄱ + ㅏㅂ + ㅓ 가버 ㅅ + ㅏ + ㄴㅁ + ㅜ + ㄹ 산물 ㄱ + ㅏ + ㅂ + ㅅㅈ + ㅓ + ㄹ + ㅁ 값젊 나비소 곰돈말 닭삶 Two Rules to Pronounce Syllables Some Korean syllables have two consonants at the bottom. There are two simple rules in pronouncing these words: 1. When placed at the bottom of the word, either the first or second consonant is pronounced (depending on the word). 돐 닭 2. When followed with a vowel, the second consonant sound migrates and is replaced by the following vowel sounds. ㄳㄵㄶㄺ 삯이앉아않다밝아 31

32 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I ㄻㄼㄽㄾㄿㅀㅄ 삶이밟아곬이핥아읊어싫어값이 32

33 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Korean Syllables The following is a table showing how Korean syllables are created. By combining consonants and vowels, you can make syllables. The first column (from top to bottom) contains consonants. The top row (from left to right) is vowels. Your instructor will pronounce the sounds. Repeat the sounds, while writing the appropriate syllables. ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ ㄱ 가 갸 거 겨 고 교 구 규 그 기 ㄴ 나 냐 너 녀 노 뇨 누 뉴 느 니 ㄷ 다 댜 더 뎌 도 됴 두 듀 드 디 ㄹ 라 랴 러 려 로 료 루 류 르 리 ㅁ 마 먀 머 며 모 묘 무 뮤 므 미 ㅂ 바 뱌 버 벼 보 뵤 부 뷰 브 비 ㅅ 사 샤 서 셔 소 쇼 수 슈 스 시 ㅇ 아 야 어 여 오 요 우 유 으 이 ㅈ 자 쟈 저 져 조 죠 주 쥬 즈 지 ㅊ 차 챠 처 쳐 초 쵸 추 츄 츠 치 ㅋ 카 캬 커 켜 코 쿄 쿠 큐 크 키 ㅌ 타 탸 터 텨 토 툐 투 튜 트 티 ㅍ 파 퍄 퍼 펴 포 표 푸 퓨 프 피 ㅎ 하 햐 허 혀 호 효 후 휴 흐 히 33

34 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Exercise 41 Write syllables with the following consonants and vowels. (1) ㅅ + ㅗ (2) ㄷ + ㅣ (3) ㄱ + ㅓ (4) ㅇ + ㅏ + ㄴ (5) ㅋ + ㅜ + ㅁ (6) ㅈ + ㅡ + ㄱ (7) ㄷ + ㅗ + ㄹ + ㄱ (8) ㅅ + ㅏ + ㄹ + ㅁ Exercise 42 Listen and repeat the following Korean words after the instructor. 앉아, 밟아, 값이, 읊어, 싫어, 않다, 슬퍼, 핥아 Exercise 43 The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor writes down a list of words with two consonants at the syllable-final position, the members of one group will pronounce the word syllable-by-syllable and those of the other group will pronounce the word naturally with the sound migration. 34

35 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 44 You have already studied the alphabetical order of consonants and vowels. Now, arrange the following groups of words in dictionary sequence. (1) 매, 난, 국, 죽 (2) 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 (3) 고양이, 개, 사자, 동물 (4) 사과, 배, 감, 수박 (5) 감자, 무우, 당근, 오이 Exercise 45 (Group Work) The class will be divided in groups. When a member in each group pronounces a syllable, the others will look for the syllable in the table on page 33 and circle it. Take turns. Tip of of the the Day day Korea has four conspicuous seasons. The summer and winter are long and spring and fall are short. Summers are humid and hot while the winters are cold and dry. 35

36 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Sentence Structure In Korean, verbs are placed at the end of the sentence. Therefore, the object of the sentence is followed by the verb. Here are two different basic sentence types: 1. Subject + Verb 철민씨가 + 가요. Mr. Chulmin is going. 2. Subject + Object + Verb 나는 + 학생이에요. I am a student. 선생님이 + 책을 + 읽어요. teacher book is reading. 톰은 + 사과를 + 좋아해요. Tom apple likes. Subject Markers and Object Markers In the Korean language, grammatical markers must be attached at the end of the subject and object, indicating the words are either the subject or object of the sentence. " 이 " and " 가 " are used as subject markers, and " 을 " and " 를 " are used as object markers. The choice of which of the two markers to use in both cases are dependent upon the preceding consonant or vowel. Subject Markers Object Markers Consonant + 이 사람이수박이 Consonant + 을 수학을상철을 Vowel + 가 사자가내가 Vowel + 를 영어를고기를 36

37 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script If the preceding word ends with a consonant sound, the subject marker and the object marker are " 이 " and " 을 " respectively, and if the preceding word ends with a vowel sound, the subject marker and the object marker are " 가 " and " 를 " respectively. 사람 (consonant) + 이 을 사자 (vowel) + 가 를 Exercise 46 Insert correct subject markers after each word. 내 ( 가 ), 수미 ( 가 ), 아들 ( 이 ), 새 ( 가 ), 빵 ( 이 ), 학교 ( 가 ), 사람 ( 이 ), 신 ( 이 ) Insert correct object markers after each word. Exercise 47 아빠 ( 를 ), 물 ( 을 ), 우유 ( 를 ), 숙제 ( 를 ), 동생 ( 을 ), 백화점 ( 을 ), 소 ( 를 ) Exercise 48 Fill in the sentences provided below with the correct subject marker (S) and the correct object marker (O). (1) 영수 (S)( ) 사과 (O)( 를 ) 먹어요. (2) 선생님 (S)( 이 ) 책 (O)( 을 ) 읽어요. (3) 학생 (S)( 이 ) 공 (O)( 을 ) 차요. (4) 어머니 (S)( 가 ) 빨래 (O)( 를 ) 해요. 37

38 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I (5) 고양이 (S)( 가 ) 밥 (O)( 을 ) 먹어요. (6) 한국사람 (S)( 이 ) 영어 (O)( 를 ) 배워요. Exercise 49 The class will be divided into two groups. While the instructor is pronouncing a list of words, one group will write down the correct subject markers for each word and the other group will write down the correct object markers for each word. When they finish, the students will count and compare if they have the same number of subject markers and object markers for the vowel sound words and the consonant sound words. Intonation Intonation in the Korean language is the same as in English; the intonation ( predicative and rises ( ) in the interrogative sentence. ) falls in the Predicative Sentence 나는한국사람이에요. 날씨가참좋아요. Interrogative Sentence 대사관이어디죠? 오늘날씨가어때요? (I am Korean.) (It's nice weather.) (Where is the embassy?) (How is the weather today?) 38

39 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Exercise 50 Listen and repeat the following Korean sentences after after the instructor. the instructor. (1) 오늘은토요일이에요. (2) 내일은내생일이에요. (3) (3) 이것은무엇이죠? (4) (4) 화장실이화장실이어디죠어디죠? Exercise 51 The class will be divided into two groups. When a member of one group says a predicative sentence, the members of the other will change the sentence into a interrogative sentence. 39

40 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I King Sejong CULTURAL NOTES King Sejong (1418~1450) was the the fourth king king of of the the Chosun Chosun dynasty. dynasty. He had He scholars had scholars create create the the Korean Korean alphabet alphabet (Hangul) (Hangul) for the for Korean the Korean language. Before that, that, Chinese Chinese characters characters had had been been used in used documents. in documents. King Sejong the Great led the creation of Hangul with the help of scholars such as King Sejong the Great led the creation of Hungul Jeoung Inji, Choi Hang, Park Pengnyeon, Shin with Sukju, the Kang help Heean, of scholars Yi Ke, such and Sung as Jeoung SamMun. Inji, Choi They Hang, were selected Park Pengnyeon, from among Shin the many Sukju, Kang Jiphyonjon Heean, scholars Yi Ke, and and were Sung especially SamMun. engaged They in were researching selected the from Korean among character. the many Jiphyonjon scholars and were especially engaged in researching the Korean character. Hangul Hangul, or the "great letters", was invented in 1446 in a simple yet systematic design. Contrary to a common notion, it is not just a phonetic system of alphabet, but a system of syllabary bound by meaning, based on the highly accurate observation of speech organs and subsequent invention of new letter forms. 40

41 Korean SOLT I Activity 1 Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script The Korean consonants and vowels are mixed below. Separate the consonants from the vowels. (1) ㅑ, ㄷ, ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅅ (Answer): Consonants: ㄷ, ㅅ Vowels: (2) ㅖ, ㅡ, ㅇ, ㅋ, ㅏ (Answer): Consonants: ㅇ, ㅋ Vowels: ㅖ, (3) ㄹ, ㅚ, ㅎ, ㅕ, ㅟ (Answer): Consonants: ㄹ, ㅎ Vowels: ㅚ (4) ㅛ, ㅁ, ㅊ, ㅜ, ㅓ (Answer): Consonants: ㅁ, ㅊ Vowels: ㅛ, (5) ㅂ, ㅠ, ㅢ, ㅞ, ㅌ (Answer): Consonants: ㅂ, ㅌ Vowels: APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Activity 2 The Korean consonants and vowels are mixed below. Separate the vowels from the consonants. (1) ㄹ, ㅜ, ㅅ (Answer): (2) ㅓ, ㅇ, ㅈ (Answer): (3) ㅋ, ㄴ, ㅟ (Answer): Consonants: ㄹ, ㅅ Vowels: ㅜ Consonants: ㅇ, ㅈ Vowels: ㅓ Consonants: ㅋ, ㄴ Vowels: 41

42 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I (4) ㅂ, ㅎ, ㅏ (5) ㅗ, ㅁ, ㅍ (Answer): Consonants: ㅂ, ㅎ Vowels: Consonants: ㅁ, ㅍ Vowels: ㅗ Activity 3 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Listen to the instructor make the following sounds and write them down. (1) (Answer): 과 (2) (Answer): 소 (3) (Answer): 응 (4) ( Activity 4 Your instructor will spell 5 Korean city names aloud. Write them out as dictated. (orded city names): 대구, 춘천, 제주, 부산, 강릉 (1) (Answer): 대구 (2) (Answer): 춘천 (3) (Answer): 제주 (4) (Answer): 부산 (5) (Answer): 42

43 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Activity 5 Your instructor will read a list of Korean participants in a Tae Kwon Do course. Check those who registered for this course. (1) 김현철 (X) (2) 박경수 (3) 이성미 (4) 조동호 (X) (5) 최태웅 (X APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Activity 6 Re-arrange the following lists of consonants in alphabetical order. (1) ㅅ, ㄷ, ㅇ (2) ㄴ, ㅂ, ㅋ (3) ㅎ, ㅈ, ㄹ (4) ㄱ, ㅍ, ㅁ Activity 7 Re-arrange the following lists of vowels in alphabetical order. (1) ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅕ (2) ㅑ, ㅣ, ㅗ (3) ㅡ, ㅏ, ㅠ 43

44 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Activity 8 Re-arrange the following lists of syllables in alphabetical order. (1) 거, 마, 루 (2) 시, 위, 노 (3) 다, 포, 미 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (4) 버, 주, 키 (5) 파, 네, 혀 Activity 9 Re-arrange the following lists of words in alphabetical order. (1) 컴퓨터, 책, 연필 (2) 감, 사과, 배 (3) 서울, 부산, 광주 (4) 김현미, 이동진, 박광수 (5) 한국, 미국, 일본 44

45 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Activity 1 The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will be given the same set of characters on a card. Each group will choose one member to read the characters aloud while the other members will write down the characters their colleague reads. The group that has the most correctly written characters will win the contest. Activity 2 Each student will bring a Korean to English dictionary into the class. The class will be divided into two groups. When the instructor writes down Korean words on the board, the students will look up the words in the dictionary and say the equivalent English word. Each word is one point, and the group that reaches ten points first, will win the contest. Activity 3 SKILL ENHANCEMENT The class will be divided into a few groups depending on the number of students. After a member in each group pronounces a vowel sound, the others will write down the sound they just heard. Students will check what the others have written and see whether their symbols are the same as the others. Corrections will be made as needed. Activity 4 The class will be divided into a few groups depending on the number of students. After a member in each group pronounces a consonant sound, the others will write down the sound they just heard. The students will look around and see if their symbols are the same as the others. Corrections will be made as needed. 45

46 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I Activity 5 Listen to the following syllables as the instructor pronounces them, and practice writing them below. (1) 군, 인 (2) 자, 랑, 삼, 다 (3) 미국, 한국, 일본, 중국 (4) 책상, 연필, 공책, 필통, 지우개 (5) 사랑방, 이불, 컴퓨터, 소리개, 참새 SKILL ENHANCEMENT Activity 6 The instructor will write two syllables that have the same vowel but different consonants on the board. Then, the class will be divided into two groups. After the instructor pronounces a syllable in each pair, a member of each group will pick and state the syllable that was just pronounced. The group that picks the correct syllable the most, wins the contest. *The instructor must include special cases! Activity 7 Using the provided words, render the following sentences into Korean. 새가 (a bird), 물을 (water), 편지를 (a letter), 와요 (is coming), 데이비드가 (David), 날아요 (is flying), 나는 (I), 마셔요 (am drinking), 버스가 (a bus), 써요 (is writing) (1) A bird is flying. (2) A bus is coming. (3) David is writing a letter. (4) I am drinking water. 46

47 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script Activity 8 Your instructor will sound out 10 syllables. Listen carefully and check the written syllables that you hear. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (a) 전혀 (b) 전쟁 (c) 전화 (a) 고리 (b) 소리 (c) 자리 (a) 여자 (b) 여름 (c) 요리 (a) 봄철 (b) 보자 (c) 봉사 (a) 휴일 (b) 하늘 (c) 회의 (a) 대위 (b) 대장 (c) 사위 (a) 민간인 (b) 산간인 (c) 방관인 SKILL ENHANCEMENT 47

48 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I (8) (9) (10) (a) 자리 (b) 다리 (c) 머리 (a) 열흘 (b) 열병 (c) 열사 (a) 사다 (b) 가다 (c) 바다 SKILL ENHANCEMENT Activity 9 Your instructor will read the names of six professions aloud. They are each written below with a missing syllable. Write those missing syllables in the spaces provided as you hear them. (1) 특 대 (2) 건 가 (3) 엔지 어 (4) 신 기자 (5) 무원 (6) 48

49 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 1. Practice pronouncing the following syllables. 아고러부치녀묘프휴샤 2. The following are some Korean consonants and vowels in alphabetical order. ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛㅜㅠㅡㅣ In a dictionary, words are arranged according to the consonant sequence. Then, words that begin with the same consonant are arranged in the proper vowel order. Rearrange the following syllables in alphabetical order. (1) 너, 아, 구 (2) 마, 자, 호 (3) 두, 타, 서 Now, rearrange the following words in alphabetical order. (1) 가위, 아버지, 마차 (2) 다리미, 사다리, 바지 (3) 주사위, 나무, 바위 HOMEWORK 49

50 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 3. The following are 13 complex vowels (diphthongs). Listen to them carefully and repeat after the speaker. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 1 - M1L1HW3) ㅑㅕㅛㅠㅒㅖㅘㅙㅝㅞㅚㅟㅢ Listen to the following syllables with diphthong vowels and practice pronouncing them aloud. 규져얘녜캬료과돼쇠뒤의뭐웨 Now, listen to the following words with diphthong vowels and practice pronouncing them aloud. 과일며느리얘기의자보료위로돼지유리쇠고기캬바레 HOMEWORK 4. The following are five glottalized consonants. Listen to them carefully and repeat after the speaker. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 2 - M1L1HW4) ㄲㄸㅃㅆㅉ (1) Listen to the following syllables with glottalized consonants and practice pronouncing them aloud. Also, practice writing the syllables you hear. (2) Now, listen to the following words with glottalized consonants and practice pronouncing them aloud. Also, practice writing the syllables you hear. 50

51 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 5. The consonant " ㅇ " is pronounced in two different ways. When " ㅇ " is placed at the beginning of the syllable, it is silent and you will hear only the following vowel sound. When " ㅇ " is placed at the bottom of the syllable, it is pronounced like the English "ng" sound in "sing". (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 3 - M1L1HW5) (1) Listen to the following syllables with the consonant " ㅇ and practice pronouncing them aloud. 아밍상야오껑봉유궁이요창예 (2) Now, listen to the following words with the consonant " ㅇ " and practice pronouncing them aloud. 상장용광로야유회이유방랑깡통아리랑청명우유양반 6. When placed at the end of a syllable, a consonant may sound different than it does at the beginning of a syllable. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 4 - M1L1HW6) Practice pronouncing the following syllables with the consonants, ㄱ, ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ placed at the end. HOMEWORK 박섭돗엿갇벚먹셋잦국탑닫엊 51

52 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 7. Listen to the following syllables and compare the pronunciation of the consonants when they are placed at the beginning and end of a syllable. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 5 - M1L1HW7) 강 / 박방 / 탑소 / 옷달 / 곧잠 / 엊 Now, practice pronouncing the following words. 각양각색밥그릇버섯젖소닫다약국합의엊그제받침옷장 8. Let's practice pronouncing Korean vowels that are similar to English vowels. Listen to the following and repeat. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 6 - M1L1HW8) HOMEWORK (1) ㅏ sound: 하마 (hippo), 차 (car; tea), 마차 (cart), 나라 (nation; country) (2) ㅗ sound: 소 (cow), 오이 (cucumber), 고모 (aunt; father s sister), 모기 (mosquito), 도둑 (thief) (3) ㅜ sound: 구리 (copper), 부두 (pier), 주사 (injection), 무당 (shaman) (4) ㅣ sound: 이빨 (tooth), 비누 (soap), 지도 (map), 시장 (market; mayor), 미신 (superstition) 52

53 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 9. Let's practice our pronunciation of the consonants that are similar to English. Listen and repeat. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 7 - M1L1HW9) (1) ㄴ sound: 남 (south; outsider), 너 (you), 노랑 (yellow) (2) ㅁ sound: 말 (horse; speech/language), 무기 (weapon), 마음 (mind), 미사일 (missile) (3) ㅅ sound: 산 (mountain), 소 (cow), 산소 (tomb), 세수 (washing one s face) (4) ㅎ sound: 하나 (one), 혀 (tongue), 허리 (waist), 화재 (fire) 10. Let's practice pronouncing Korean vowels. Listen and repeat. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 8 - M1L1HW10) (1) ㅓ sound: 서점 (bookstore), 거리 (street), 벌레 (insect; worm), 저축 (saving), 더러움 (uncleanliness) HOMEWORK (2) ㅡ sound: 그림 (painting; picture), 크기 (size), 슬픔 (sadness), 그물 (net) (3) ㅔ sound: 게 (crab), 세상 (world), 그네 (swing), 제로 (zero), 가게 (store), 게시판 (bulletin) (4) ㅐ sound: 새 (bird), 매 (falcon), 배 (ship; boat), 개 (dog), 애 (baby; child), 재 (ash), 해 (the sun) 53

54 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 11. Let's practice our pronunciation of the consonants that are different from English. Listen and repeat. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 9 - M1L1HW11) (1) ㄱ sound: 강, 구경, 국가, 가구 (2) ㄷ sound: 돈, 담, 다리미, 다리, 두부 (3) ㄹ sound: 갈대, 길이, 발길, 발, 머리, 바람 (4) ㅂ sound: 바람, 보물, 부자, 부인, 방 (5) ㅈ sound: 조상, 주사, 지렁이, 정신, 조심, 지진 HOMEWORK 54

55 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 12. When combining consonants and vowels, some of them are arranged side-by-side, while others are arranged from top-to-bottom. Combine the following consonants and vowels to make syllables. (1) ㄱ + ㅜ, ㄱ + ㅜ + ㄹ (2) ㅅ + ㅓ, ㅅ + ㅓ + ㅁ (3) ㅁ + ㅣ, ㅁ + ㅣ + ㄹ (4) ㅎ + ㅗ, ㅎ + ㅗ + ㄱ (5) ㄷ + ㅏ, ㄷ + ㅏ + ㅂ (6) ㅇ + ㅔ, ㅇ + ㅔ + ㄴ (7) ㅋ + ㅡ, ㅋ + ㅜ + ㅇ HOMEWORK 13. Listen to the syllables and write them down. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 10 - M1L1HW13) (1) (2) (3) 55

56 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 14. Read the following Korean words aloud to practice your pronunciation. (1) 나라, 나무, 노래, 누나 (2) 눈, 감, 입, 셋, 방 (3) 가방, 학교, 선생, 칠판, 교실 15. Combine the following consonants and vowels to create syllables. Listen to the resulting sounds. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 11 - M1L1HW15) HOMEWORK (1) ㅇ + ㅓ + ㅁ (2) ㄱ + ㅡ + ㅇ (3) ㅅ + ㅗ + ㅇ (4) ㅂ + ㅏ + ㄱ 56

57 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 16. Listen to the following Korean words and check one word in each group below that matches the word you heard. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 12 - M1L1HW16) (1) 하늘, 하날, 하닐, 하널 (2) 보람, 부럼, 바람, 버림 (3) 치질, 지령, 지친, 지진 17. Read the following Korean words aloud to practice your pronunciation. (1) 껌, 꿈, 꾸중, 까치 (2) 땀, 따로, 땅, 때 (3) 뺨, 빵, 빨래, 뿔 HOMEWORK (4) 씨, 싸우다, 쑥, 썰물 57

58 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 18. Sound out syllables with the following consonant and vowel sounds. Write them down accordingly. ㅅ + ㅗㅈ + ㅣㅊ + ㅓㅇ + ㅓ + ㄴㄲ + ㅜ + ㅁㅌ + ㅡ + ㄹㄷ + ㅗ + ㄹㅌ + ㅏ + ㅂ 19. Listen and pronounce the following Korean words aloud. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 13 - M1L1HW19) HOMEWORK 얹어라, 닮아라, 값을, 읊어라, 싫으니?, 앉아라, 핥은다 20. Rearrange the following groups of words in alphabetical order. (1) 매, 란, 국, 죽 (2) 동, 서, 남, 북 (3) 쥐, 소, 호랑이, 토끼 (4) 사과, 배, 대추, 감 58

59 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 21. Listen to the following clip and check the syllable you heard in each group below. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 14 - M1L1HW21) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (a) 바 (b) 버 (c) 보 (d) 비 (a) 감 (b) 갈 (c) 강 (d) 갑 (a) 축 (b) 죽 (c) 중 (d) 쭉 (a) 지 (b) 주 (c) 쥐 (d) 죄 (a) 동 (b) 도 (c) 둥 (d) 돔 HOMEWORK 59

60 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 22. Fill in each blank with the word given and the object marker. (1) 선생님이 읽어요. ( 책 ; book) (2) 톰은 좋아해요. ( 사과 ; apple) (3) 사자는 먹어요. ( 고기 ; meat) 23. When a syllable-final consonant " ㅎ " is blended with another consonant, it makes the non-aspirated consonant aspirated. Practice pronouncing the following words with a syllable-final consonant " ㅎ ". 하얗다파랗다그렇다그렇지만파랗지만 HOMEWORK 24. The Korean alphabet is highly phonetic. Still, you cannot transcribe words as they sound for various reasons. Try correcting the following misspelled words below. Example: 하야타 (It is white.) Answer: 하얗다 (1) 그러타 (That is the case.) (2) 파라타 (It is blue.) (3) 그러쿠나 (I see.) 60

61 Korean SOLT I Module 1 Lesson 1 Sound & Script 25. In Korean, the relative order between a subject and an object is flexible as long as both of them precede a verb. However, when an object precedes a subject, the object marker must always be used. 나는영어를 / 영어공부한다. 영어를나는공부한다. Read the following sentences and try reversing the order between the subject and the object. (1) 선생님이신문을읽어요. (2) 나는점심을먹어요. (3) 사자는고기를좋아해요. 26. Read the following and circle the suitable subject marker. (1) 내 ( 이 / 가 ) 간다. (I am going.) (2) 수미 ( 이 / 가 ) 간다. (Sumi is going.) HOMEWORK (3) 내아들 ( 이 / 가 ) 최고다. (My son is the best.) (4) 새 ( 이 / 가 ) 듣는다. (A bird might hear. Be careful lest someone might overhear!) (5) 빵 ( 이 / 가 ) 맛있다. (The bread is delicious.) 61

62 Sound & Script Module 1 Lesson 1 Korean SOLT I 27. Listen to the following and insert correct object markers in the blanks. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 15 - M1L1HW27) (1) 아빠 사랑한다. (I love Dad.) (2) 물 마신다. (I am drinking water.) (3) 숙제 한다. (I am doing my homework.) (4) 동생 만난다. (I am meeting my younger brother/sister.) (5) 백화점 좋아한다. (I like department stores.) 28. Fill in the sentences below with the correct subject marker and object marker. (1) 동수 과자 먹어요. (Dong-soo is eating cookies.) HOMEWORK (2) 선생님 책 읽어요. (The teacher is reading a book.) (3) 학생 공 차요. (The student is kicking a ball/playing soccer.) (4) 언니 빨래 해요. (My older sister is doing the laundry.) (5) 고양이 생선 먹어요. (The cat is eating a fish.) 62

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