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Shadow Copy? Snapshots point-in in-time copy. Write some data Data is written to the disk t 0 t 1 t 2 Create a shadow copy Backup the static shadow copy while 2

Shadow Copy Methods Split Mirror Method Copy-on on-write Method SQL Server Backup Application VSS Provider 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Volume 3 Diff Area

VSS Components Volume Shadow Copy Service. Requestors VSS. Writers (Shadow copy). (., SQL, Exchange, AD ) Differentiates VSS from competitors (Shadow copy). Providers (shadow copies). System provider Hardware shadow copy providers 4

Windows Server 2003 Storage Stack User Mode Kernel Mode Writers Disk Writers Multipath I/O SCSIPort Requestors Volume Shadow Copy Service (Point-in in-time copies) SW Provider HW Providers File Systems Shadow Copy Provider Volume Management DSM Tape Storport DSM Applications Virtual Disk Service (RAID, disk access, Enclosures) SW Provider HW Providers DSM Changer iscsiprt IDEPort WMI MS MPIO Class Port Microsoft Partners Miniport(s) iscsi Initiator Miniport 5


VSS Requestors Backup Requestors Shadow Copy Management Applications Aelita CommVault Shadow Explorer 1.3 BakBone NetVault 7.1 Datacore SANmelody CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup v11 Datacore SANsymphony CA BrightStor Enterprise Backup v10.5 EMC Replication Manager/Local 2.1.1 CommVault Galaxy EMC Replication Manager/SE 2.1 CommVault Qinetix Dantz EMC Snapview Integration MS Exchange FalconStor Snapshot Agent for VSS EMC Legato Networker 7.1 HP Fast Recovery Solutions IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.2 HP Data Protector 5.1 Microsoft NTBackup StBernard Open File Manager 9.1 Ultrabac Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 Microsoft Vrfydsk (Resource Kit) NetApp Xiotech/CA 7

VSS Writers Windows Server 2003 service writers (in-box) COM+ Certificate Server Cluster Server DHCP Server Event Log Removable Storage Terminal Server File Replication Service Active Directory WINS WMI IIS SFP Registry SQL / MSDE Application writers with increased functionality Exchange 2003 (SP1 Oracle (SP1 Incr/Diff) SQL / MSDE (in (in-box) 8

VSS Providers EMC CLARiiON EMC Symmetrix FalconStor (iscsi) EqualLogic (iscsi) HP EVA HP VA HP XP (32 & 64-bit) IBM ESS IBM FastT Intransa (iscsi) LSI Logic NetApp NEC StorageTek SVA XIOtech 3D XIOtech Magnitude Hardware Providers Datacore Microsoft StorageCraft Software Providers Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows 9

VSS Backup Data Transport Shadow Copy Restore Volume Shadow Copy Service 10

Shadow Copies For Backup VSS? :. API.. : ( ). : Agent. 11

Shadow Copies For Backup?. BAD!.? BAD! Shadow Copies! 1. Freezing 2. Shadow Copy. 3. Thaw 4. Shadow copy 5. 12

VSS Usage Models Backup Data Transport Shadow Copy Restore Volume Shadow Copy Service 13

Shadow Copy Transport Hardware Shadow Copies VSS Hardware Provider VSS Requestor? Data mining on another server Offload backups to another server Fast Recovery solutions 14

HEWLETT PACKARD NetServer LH 3r pentium... SD ProCurve 8000 HP J4110A SD HEWLETT PACKARD NetServer LH 3r pentium... SD Shadow Copy Transport Production Server Backup Server Storage Arrays DBs 1TB Logs 200 GB DBs 1TB Logs 200 GB 15

Comparative Analysis DAS vs. SAN Windows Server 2003 results from actual testing on a 19 Million object AD at a large Financial Institution AD DB Size Backup Time Restore Time DC Promo Time Forest Recovery Windows Server 2003 Direct Attached Storage 165 GB 4.75 Hours more than 4.75 hours 5 Min. 2-33 Sec DB Freeze 10 minutes 2 to 3 days 59 minutes 3+ days Windows Server 2003 SAN 165 GB 1h + ~ 20 minutes/dc 16

Shadow Copies For Transport?.... 17

VSS Usage Models Backup Data Transport Shadow Copy Restore Volume Shadow Copy Service 18

Shadow Copy Restore Client Side Server Side 19

2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 20