예방치과의 7 Actions 1. Mechanical plaque control toothbrush, dental floss, interdental brush, oral irrigatior, PMTC, toothpaste 2. Chemical plaque control antimicrobial agent, Toothpaste, oral rinse 3. Fluoride use 4. Sugar discipline 5. Polymer application (Pit and fissure sealant, Glass ionomer) 6. Oral health education 7. Risk assessment of oral disease Mechanical Plaque control using Electric/Powered toothbrush 부산대학교예방치과조교수정승화 학습목표 1. 초창기전동칫솔의운동방식에대해설명할수있다. 2. 칫솔모의운동방식에따라전동칫솔을분류할수있다. 3. 수동칫솔과대비하여전동칫솔의장점과단점을설명할수있다. 4. 주요전동칫솔의특징, 사용법, 사용시의주의사항에대해설명할수 있다. 5. 주요전동칫솔의특장점을비교하여설명할수있다. 6. 전동칫솔을이용하여치면세균막을제거할수있다. First use of electric toothbrush 1886. 2. 13 Harpers weekly 1
전동칫솔의발전의역사 전동칫솔의발명 Innovator Dr. Philippe-Guy Woog (Switzerland, 1954) 전동칫솔의상품화 Broxodent (E. R. Squibb and Sons Pharmaceuticals, USA, 1959) Up and down reciprocating motion 칫솔모의운동방식에따른발전역사 1. Reciprocating(up and down) motion 2. Rotating motion 3. Counter rotating motion 4. Vibrating motion 5. Oscillating motion 6. Pulsating motion 7. Sweeping motion Reciprocating motion 2
Broxodent Introduction of battery-powered toothbrush General Electric Automatic Toothbrush General Electric (GE) Automatic Toothbrush In the early 1960s Ni-Cad battery. Charging stand 전동칫솔의부피가커짐 Rotating motion 3
Counter rotating motion Ad click Vibrating motion (side to side action, sonic action) Sonicare Oral B sonic complete 1987 년처음소개됨 분당 31,000 회진동 음파전동칫솔 Dynamic fluid forces 야기 4
Oral B Oscillating motion 1 세대 oscillating motion 분당 8,800 번운동, 20,000 번진동 Oral B Oscillating & pulsating motion 1 세대 oscillating motion 2 세대 oscillating + pulsating motion 분당 8,800 번운동, 40,000 번진동 Colgate Motion Sweeping motion 5
Oral B 주요전동칫솔의부가기능 1 세대 oscillating motion 2 세대 oscillating + pulsating motion 3 세대 sweeping motion Sonicare Quad facer & Smart timer East start Mini size brush head Mode Clean Gum care Refresh Sensitive Massage Polish white Oral B SmartGuide displays timer, brushing areas and modes Brushing Pressure Control for gentle clean Mode Sensitive Mode: Lower speed for a gentle clean Whitening Mode: Polishes to remove surface stains Deep Clean Mode: Three minute mode for extended cleaning Massage Mode For a gentle massage Comparison of each motion Rotation, Vibration, Oscillation Spectrum of sound MHz Diagnostic/ therapeutic ultrasound 100 khz Ultrasonic alarms 50 khz Ultrasonic sound Ultrasonic scaler 20~45 khz 20 khz 20 khz Audible wave Oral-B 670 Hz Sonicare 520 Hz 20 Hz 20 Hz Infrasonic wave 전동칫솔의효과 1 2 2005 3 4 5 6 7 6
P L A I N L A N G U A G E S U M M A R Y Manual versus powered toothbrushing for oral health 2010 When compared to manual toothbrushes, powered toothbrushes with a rotation oscillation action provide protection against gum inflammation in the long and short term and better plaque removal in the short term. Removing dental plaque by toothbrushing helps prevent gum inflammation (gingivitis). Toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste prevents tooth decay. Powered toothbrushes simulate manual toothbrushing in different ways (such as moving side to side or circular motions). The review of trials found that only rotation oscillation (where brush heads rotate in one direction and then the other) is better than manual toothbrushes at removing plaque and reducing gum inflammation, and is no more likely to cause injuries to gums. Long- term benefits of this for dental health are unclear. 7
전동칫솔의효과 1. 치아및치은에대한안전성에있어서수동칫솔과차이는없다. 2. 치면세균막제거능력에있어서전동칫솔과수동칫솔의차이는불분명하 다. 3. 다만, 다수의연구에서 rotation oscillation action의전동칫솔이수동칫 솔보다치면세균막제거및치은염완화효과를보이고, 다른 action의전 동칫솔보다효과적이라보고되었다. 4. 하지만, 이방식이임상적으로보다우월하다고는판단할수없다. 5. 전동칫솔이건수동칫솔이건올바르고정확하게사용하는것이중요하다. 전동칫솔과수동칫솔의비교 전동칫솔의수동칫솔과비교시, 장점 운동방식에따른전동칫솔의비교 전동칫솔의장단점비교 Oscillation type vs side to side type 전동칫솔의수동칫솔과비교시, 단점 전동칫솔의올바른사용법 1. 칫솔모를잇몸선에대고긴칫솔모는치간에위치시킨다 2. 몸체를약간기울여서칫솔모가잇몸선에경사지게위치시킨다 3. 몸체를손가락으로가볍게잡고 Sonicare를켠다 4. 긴칫솔모가치간에위치하도록진동하는브러쉬헤드를부드럽게움직인다 5. 몇초가지나면칫솔모를다음치아로이동한후멈춰서다시부드럽게움직인다 6. 칫솔을가볍게누르고너무세게문지르지않는다 7. 각도를조절하여가급적칫솔모가치아에많이닿도록한다 8. 윗니바깥쪽, 윗니안쪽, 아랫니바깥쪽, 아랫니안쪽으로 4등분하여양치한다. 30초마다 경고음이울리면이동한다 9. 2분이지나면 Sonicare가자동으로꺼지므로필요할경우에는칫솔을다시켜고사용한 10. Sonicare를켜거나끈상태로혀를닦을수도있다 8
Braun Oral-B 전동칫솔사용에대한권고사항 Swiss Dental Society, 2001 전동칫솔은치아의절단면에대해 45, 90도로위치시킨다. 칫솔을위치한후에스위치를누른다. 입은가볍게다문다 칫솔은한부에 3-5초정도머물면서천천히이동하며, 모든치면 ( 협설근원심면 ) 과치간부위를청결히하도록한다. 칫솔머리는치간부의접근을위해근심과원심으로기울여준다. 칫솔은항상한개의치아에놓여있어야한다. 치면과의접촉시부드러운압력을가한다. 구강을 4분악으로나누고상악후방부터한치아씩순서대로닦는다. 전동칫솔사용시주의사항 전동칫솔사용시주의사항예 1. 만3세이상부터사용한다 2. 목욕하면서사용하지않는다 3. 잇몸에과도하게누르지않도록한다 4. 본체는칫솔모와분리후타올로닦는다 5. 물이나기타액체에빠지지않도록주의한다 6. 칫솔모는반드시구강내에서 on/off 하여야한다 7. 손상된칫솔모는양치중부서질수있으므로주의한다 8. 미백치약은모터연결부위를부식시킬우려가있으므로삼간다 9. 완전히충전시킨후사용하고, 완전히방전될때가지사용한다 Sonicare 전동칫솔선택시고려사항 수동칫솔질숙련도 대상자특성 ( 연령, 장애인 ) 사용장소 운동방식 디자인 가격 안전성 브랜드인지도, 선호도 AS( 수리와소모품교체의용이함 ) 추천여부 ( 사용자, 전문가 )? 실습진행방법 1. 치면세균막착색및기록 2. Sonicare( 우측, 60초 ), 수동 ( 좌측, 60초 ) 칫솔을이용한칫솔 질, 각 1분간 3. 잔여치면세균막기록 4. Sonicare 전동칫솔의수동칫솔질과비교한장단점에관한토 의후조별보고서작성 5. 3( 금토일, 월화수 ) 간전동칫솔사용후, 소감문작성 9