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Since 2000 www.infaith.kr www.reliability.co.kr 16950 경기도용인시기흥구흥덕중앙로 120 유타워 1711 호 Quality Up Cost Down 실시간온라인정밀진동분석 VMS(Vibration Monitoring System) QMS(Quality Management System) CDMS(Combustor Diagnosis & Monitoring) AS-7000 방문데모및상담 : 031-726-1672 솔루션팀조정현부장 (010-3104-5550)

Alta Monitoring and Analysis Advantages 1. Integration with existing plant infrastructure (Existing protection system, data export to plant historian) 기존 VMS 시스템과플랜트인프라스트럭처와의완전하고유연한결합 2. Ability to synchronize plant process data with machine dynamic data 플랜트프로세스데이터와동기화가능 설비상태및건전성평가 3. Digital event recordings allow off-line analysis without having to re-capture data 디지털레코드저장 : 제한없는저장시간, None Pre-Parameter 로재측정이필요없음 4. Real-time data collection (gap-free and simultaneous channels) 전채널실시간데이터수집 ( 데이터손실없이동시에수집 ) 5. Advanced vibration and transient analysis 고도화된진동분석기능과다양한이상현상분석기능 6. Intelligent alarming (Boolean expression, over 50 alarm criteria) 지능형알람기능 ( 사용자정의알람작성가능, 50 개이상의알람조건설정 ) 1. Integration with Existing Infrastructure 기존 VMS 시스템과플랜트인프라스트럭처와의완전하고유연한결합 VMS 시스템의데이터통합 - Existing 3300/3500 systems Reduce system training : 최소한의시스템교육시간 Import and export data with plant historian and DCS (NOT A DATA ISLAND) OSI PI Historian InStep edna Historian GE Proficy RA EMonitor Modbus RTU/TCP Email/HTTP Digital Inputs/Electronic Relay SQL Spreadsheet

2. Synchronize process data with dynamics data 플랜트프로세스데이터와동기화가능 설비상태및건전성평가 Classic protection and monitoring systems only collect vibration and transient data. It needed to externally synchronized by the vibration analyst with the plant data. With Alta systems, external plant process data can be transferred, synchronized, and stored with the vibration and transient data files. 기존설비보호및모니터링시스템은진동및과도현상데이터를수집한후별도로플랜트데이터와동기화시켜분석했지만, 알타시스템의경우외부프로세스데이터와동기화하여데이터를저장한다. 이것은분석가가가장빠르게프로세스변화에의한것인지설비의문제로인한것인지결정을할수있도록하여준다. 3. Digital recording off-line analysis without resetting 제한없는저장시간, None Pre-Parameter 로재측정이필요없음 Digital event recordings allow off-line analysis without having to re-capture data 데이터재저장및제한없는디지털레코드저장을통해오프라인분석가능. User can reprocess collected data with different analysis settings for better feature extraction 사용자는이미저장된데이터를다른설정을 통해다양한분석이가능함. Increase lines of resolution : 분해능변경가능 Increase averaging : 평균화변경가능 Add or modify alarm criteria to improve alarm thresholds : 알람통보를수정및추가하고, 이벤트를감지하기위하여알람설정변경가능

4. Real-time data collection(gap-free and simultaneous channels) 전채널실시간데이터수집 ( 데이터손실없이동시에수집 ) Real-time and powerful vibration and transient analysis generally reserved for high-end multiple channel analyzers (ADRE) 모든채널시간손실없는실시간분석및사용자정의폼으로다양한분석화면설정 Nyquist Plot (B1X) Phase Lag (deg) 0.000 67.50 135.0 202.5 270.0 337.5 405.0 472.5 540.0 Bode Plot (B1X) SR: 4.306 Mils p-p @ 257.1 90º 60º 30º 5452 5854 0º - 10.00 - - 8.00 - - 6.00 - - 4.00 - - 2.00 4354-2750 330º 300º 270º 5.000 3.750 120º 240º Mils p-p 2.500 150º 210º 1.250 180º 0.000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 RPM 5,754 RPM, Amp: 4.562 Mils p-p, Phase: 451.9 (startup) 4,354 RPM, Amp: 1.180, Phase: 333.0 (Startup) SR 2.000 Shaft Centerline Plot (Probe X-Probe Y) 1.500 Mils 1.000 3551 0.500 2802 3100 0.000 1950-1.000 Mils 1.000 0.0592, 0.0691 Mils, 1950 RPM 5. Intelligent Alarming 지능형알람구성가능 Wide Range Alarm Criteria Overall, Window, Energy Band, Phase Order Window, Order Band Total Harmonic Distortion Gap, Peak-to-Peak, Peak, Threshold Smax, Signature, Crest Factor Hilbert, Wavelet, Transfer Function Mean, Standard Deviation, Skew, Kurtosis Boolean Expression : 사용자정의함수적용으로다양한조건의알람구성이가능함. More intelligent voting logic Multiple sensors (vibration/temperature) voting Different operating parameters (Load, Valve Position)

6. Real-Time Machinery Monitoring 실시간설비진동모니터링 VMS System AS-410 Vibration Analyzer Advanced Analysis AS-7000 Acquisition Hardware AS-250 SpectralMon Dynamics Data Dynamic Signals Streaming Data Dynamic Data and Trend Data VibDash Web-Based Monitoring SQL Database Data WEB 기반 7. Integrated Existing Protection System 기존 VMS System 의데이터통합및정밀분석기능 AS-410 Vibration Analyzer Advanced Analysis AS-7000 Acquisition Hardware AS-250 SpectralMon Existing Protection System (B/N 3500) Buffered Output Dynamic Signals Dynamic Signals Streaming Data Dynamic Data and Trend Data Dynamics Data VibDash Web-Based Monitoring SQL Database Data WEB 기반

8. AS-410 Machinery Analyzer Transient processing Waterfall Bode Orbit Nyquist Easy to learn drag and drop interface Channel/Phase Marker Plots Locks Real-time machinery monitoring Event Logging Digital recorder Snapshot Alarm Log Alarm Notification Ethernet Modbus Relays OSI PI Web-Based Monitoring Open architecture - SQL database Web interface - Customer requirements

AS-7000 Dynamic Signal Acquisition Advanced API-670 Machinery Protection +Analysis Designed for Real-time Rotating Machinery Protection & Analysis Up to 64 Dynamic Signal Up to an industry high 18 modules Parallel sampling, 24 bit A/D per channel DC to 20kHz frequency response, per channel High speed Ethernet connection to PC (Real-time Data Streaming on the desk) Gapless data streaming to PC Provide +24v or -24v transducer power, IEPE power 19 Full Rack or Half Rack or Dual System available Control and historian interfaces including - Modbus TCP and OSI soft PI, SQL, etc. Connect to Monitoring(AS-250), Analysis(AS-410), Web-based(VibDash) Machinery Analysis Customers Power Generation Monitoring (Steam & Gas Turbine monitoring) AES / APS / Altura / Ameren UE / Calgary Energy Center / Calpine / Constellation Energy / Cogentrix / Dynegy Florida Power and Light (FPL) / Progress Energy / Nevada Power / New York Power Authority / Southern Company OEM Customer Gas Turbine monitoring Alstom (GE) / Solar Turbine / Siemens Power / Mitsubishi Power Systems Industrial Compressor Controls Corporation / Gas Turbine Effiicency / Shinkawa / Power systems Manufacturing / Woddgroup Industrial Monitoring US Steel chatter and mill monitoring USS POSCO chatter monitoring, spindle monitoring, roll-grinder monitoring South Feather hydro-turbine monitoring Machinery Design (R&D) General Electric (GE) Pump underwater sea pump test cell General Electric (GE) Power gas turbine combustion development Siemens Power gas turbine development

1. Integration to Existing Plant Infrastructure Alta System & B/N System 특장점비교 Native Interface to OSI PI YES NO NO InStep edna YES NO NO Rockwell emonitor YES NO NO SQL YES(Open) YES(Proprietary) NO HTML (Web) YES YES NO Spreadsheet (Excel) YES YES NO Ability to Customize Interfaces YES NO NO 2. Data Collection and Digital Recording Real-Time Data Collection YES NO YES Gap-Free Digital Recording YES YES NO Data Collection Hardware 24 bit 16 bit 24 bit Ability to Add Analysis Capability to Existing -3300 YES NO YES 3. Advanced Machinery Analysis Real-Time Spectral Analysis YES NO YES Block Size Capability 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, and 12800 800 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, and 6400 Ability to Change Analysis After Data Collection YES NO NO Advanced Annotation of Spectral Plots (Peak, Harmonics, Order, Side-Band, Delta Frequency) YES NO NO Real-Time Transient Analysis (Startup/Shutdown) YES NO YES 4. Alarming Criteria Modal Analysis YES(Open) NO NO Basic Vector Alarming (amplitude and phase) YES YES YES Advanced Intelligent Alarms (demodulation/envelope alarms, statistical based, transfer function, signature) Alarming Based Vibration and Operation Mode via External Control Data (load, valve position etc) YES NO NO YES NO NO Ability to Create Customized Alarms YES NO NO User-Defined Boolean Expressions YES NO NO 5. Rich Set of Displays Real-Time Displays YES NO YES Demodulated Spectrum YES NO NO Transfer Function (Magnitude Spectrum, Phase, Coherence, Real, and Imaginary) YES NO NO Waterfall Profile, Waterfall Order YES NO NO