Contents Blood Services Annual Report 213 Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ 혈액사업비전 미션 Vision & Mission of Blood Services 국제적십자운동기본원칙 The Seven Fundamental Principl

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1 Blood Services Annual Report 213 혈액사업보고서 헌혈진흥

2 Contents Blood Services Annual Report 213 Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ 혈액사업비전 미션 Vision & Mission of Blood Services 국제적십자운동기본원칙 The Seven Fundamental Principles 혈액관리본부장인사말 Message from the Director General 213 혈액사업주요활동 Major Activities in 213 Blood Services 혈액안전 Blood Safety 혈액수급 Blood Collection & Supply 헌혈문화조성 Establishment of Blood Donation Culture 조직운영 Organization Operation 국제활동 International Activities 기관별주요활동 Major Activities by Branches 혈액사업현황 The Status of Blood Services 조직도 Organization Chart 인력및시설현황 Human Resources and Facilities 혈액사업연혁 History of Blood Services 혈액사업회계보고 Financial Report 혈액사업기관주소 Blood Services Directory

3 Part Ⅰ Blood Services Annual Report 혈액사업비전 미션 Vision & Mission of Blood Services 1 Vision Vision & Mission of Blood Services 혈액사업비전 미션 국내수혈자, 헌혈자, 의료기관에세계최고수준의혈액제제와혈액서비스를제공한다. Provide world-class blood and products and services for domestic blood recipients, donors and medical institutions. 2 국제적십자운동기본원칙 The Seven Fundamental Principles 3 혈액관리본부장인사말 Message from the Director General 안전하고효과적인혈액제제를안정적, 효율적으로공급한다. Supply safe and effective blood products through secure and efficient means. 1 안전하고쾌적한헌혈환경을조성한다. Create a safe and healthy blood donation environment. 2 3 MISSION 4 헌혈자, 의료기관, 수혈자에게맞춤서비스를제공한다. Provide customized services to blood recipients, donors and medical institutions. 지속적으로발전할수있는시스템을구축한다. Establish a system that enables the sustainable develompent of blood services. 4 5

4 2 The Seven Fundamental Principles 국제적십자운동기본원칙 Neutrality ; 중립 적십자운동은지속적으로모든사람의신뢰를받기위해적대행위가있을때어느편에도가담하지않고어떤경우에도정치적, 인종적, 종교적또는이념적성격을띤논쟁에개입하지않는다. In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. 국제적십자운동기본원칙은국제적십자회의에서선포되었고, 그후대한적십자사조직법에 수용되었음을상기하며, 사랑과봉사정신에따라적십자본연의임무를수행하는데있어서아래의 제원칙을성실히준수할것을다짐한다. The Korean Red Cross pledges to faithfully observe the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, to fulfill the duties of the Red Cross with love and the spirit of volunteer work, and to remember that the principles proclaimed at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent have been embraced by the Organization of the Korean National Red Cross Act. Independence ; 독립 적십자운동은독립적이다. 각국적십자사는정부의인도주의사업에대한보조자로서국내법규를준수하지만어느때든지적십자원칙에따라행동할수있도록항상자율성을유지해야한다. The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Service ; 자발적봉사 적십자운동은자발적구호운동으로서어떤이익도추구하지않는다. Humanity ; 인도 It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. 전쟁터에서부상자를차별없이도우려는열망에서탄생한국제적십자운동은국제적, 국내적역량을발휘하여어디서든지인간의고통을덜어주고예방하기위해노력한다. 적십자운동의목적은생명과건강을보호하며인간의존엄성을존중하고보장하는데있다. 이러한적십자운동은모든사람들간의이해, 우정, 협력및항구적평화를증진시킨다. Unity ; 단일 The International Red Cross Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. 한나라에는하나의적십자사만존재할수있다. 적십자사는모든사람에게개방되어야하며, 그나라영토전역에서인도주의사업을수행해야한다. There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Impartiality ; 공평 Universality ; 보편 국제적십자운동은국적, 인종, 종교적신념, 계급또는정치적입장이다르다고차별하지않는다. 오직개개인의절박한필요에따라고통을덜어주고가장위급한재난부터우선적으로해결하도록노력한다. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. 국제적십자운동은각나라의적십자사들이동등한지위와책임과의무를가지고서로돕는범세계적인운동이다. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide. 6 7

5 3 Message from the Director General 혈액관리본부장인사말 혈액사업에따뜻한관심과도움을주신헌혈자분들과의료기관, 수혈자여러분들께감사인사를드립니다. 213년한해, 국내총헌혈자수는 2,914,483명으로전년도에비해 7% 나증가하였으며, 이는우리나라에서혈액사업이시작된이래가장많은인원이참여한것입니다. 국민헌혈률은 5.8%( 헌혈가능인구대비 7.7%) 를기록하였으며, 개인헌혈자의비율이 67% 에달하는등선진국수준의혈액사업으로발전할수있게되었습니다. 대한적십자사혈액관리본부는국민모두가언제어디서나안전한혈액을수혈받도록하기위해노력하고있습니다. 지난한해동안혈액관리본부는비예기항체검사자동화장비도입, 특정항원음성혈액데이터베이스구축, 혈액재고실시간모니터링시스템구축등혈액의안전성을높이기위한인프라를확충함으로써헌혈자와수혈자에게최고의서비스를제공하고자노력하였습니다. 학교, 기업및정부기관등과헌혈약정을지속적으로맺어헌혈을통한나눔문화확산을위해노력하였으며, 6월 14일에는 세계헌혈자의날 을기념하여국내에서처음으로 헌혈페스티벌 을개최하였습니다. 또한문화이벤트, 헌혈공모전등다양한참여프로그램을통해헌혈자들에게보다즐거운헌혈경험을제공하고감사의뜻을전하고자노력하였습니다. 앞으로도대한적십자사혈액관리본부는여러분들이헌혈하신소중한혈액이소중히쓰일수있도록최선을다하겠습니다. On behalf of the Korean Red Cross, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all blood donors, recipients and medical institutions for their boundless interest and support for our blood services. The year of 213 was noteworthy for the number of blood donations, which reached an all-time high since blood services began in South Korea, with 2,914,483 donations comprising a 7 percent increase from 212. The national blood donation rate marked 5.8 percent (7.7 percent of potential blood donors) and the proportion of individual blood donors reached 67 percent, a sign that blood services in Korea are approaching a level befitting an advanced nation. The Korean Red Cross Blood Services endeavors to guarantee safe blood transfusions for all at any time, any place in Korea. As part of the effort to provide the best blood services for both donors and recipients, the headquarters expanded the infrastructure to enhance blood safety throughout 213, have implemented projects such as the introduction of an automated unexpected antibody test, the establishment of the database for Rh subtype(e,c,c,e) and the establishment of a real-time blood inventory monitoring system. The Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters strived to expand the life-sharing culture of blood donation by continuously concluding blood donation agreements with schools, businesses and government organizations, along with the noteworthy achievement of hosting the Blood Donation Festival for the first time in Korea on June 14 to commemorate World Blood Donor Day. In addition, it held a variety of interactive programs such as cultural events and blood-donation-themed contests to present blood donation as a pleasant experience and to extend a sense of gratitude for all donors. The Blood Service Headquarters will continue to place its best efforts for the careful use of your precious blood donations. Donating blood allows lives to flourish. I look forward to your keen interest and participation in blood donation (blood donation) for love, and wholeheartedly wish you good health. Thank you. 헌혈은생명을피어나게합니다. 사랑의헌혈에여러분의많은관심과참여를기대하며, 늘건강하시기를기원합니다. 감사합니다. 대한적십자사혈액관리본부장조남선 Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters Director General Nam-Sun Cho 8 9

6 Part Ⅱ Major Activities in 213 Blood Services 213 혈액사업주요활동 1 혈액안전 Blood Safety 2 혈액수급 Blood Collection & Supply 3 헌혈문화조성 Establishment of Blood Donation Culture 4 조직운영 Organization Operation 5 국제활동 International Activities 6 기관별주요활동 Major Activities by Branches 1 11

7 1 가두및단체채혈장소일치검사 확대실시 Expansion of Donor-Blood ID Matcing System to Mobile and Group Donations 혈액관리본부는채혈혈액 검체 헌혈기록카드의뒤바뀜방지를통하여혈액의안전성을 강화하고자 213 년 6 월부터전국혈액원의모든가두및단체채혈장소에서스마트폰 ( 아 이폰 ) 을이용한일치검사를실시하였다. Major Activities in 213 Blood Services 213 혈액사업주요활동 - 혈액안전 The Blood Service Headquarters expanded the implementation of Donor- Blood ID matching system using smart terminals (including iphone) to all mobile and group doantion site starting from June 213, which is designed to contribute to blood safety by preventing collected blood, clinical specimens and/or blood donation registration cards from being misidentified and switched. The Blood Service Headquarters has completely revised the blood donation guideline and has distributed the revised manual to blood donation centers. Major contents of the 213 revised manual are as follows: 1) The guideline is divided into six parts: essential points, the blood donation process, blood donation ineligibility, the blood test, blood products and others, consisting of 31 instructions in total: 5 for essential points, 11 for the blood donation process, 6 for blood donation ineligibility, 2 for the blood test and 5 for others. 2) Instructions regarding the blood donation process (11 kinds) feature a flowchart on the left-hand side depicting the process from blood collection to transfusion, in order to match each instruction with the corresponding stage of the process, including donors identity check, blood collection and eligibility evaluation. 3) Each category is colored differently for easy identification. In order to manage previous and revised instructions, each instruction is given a serial number denoting the category, version, and date of initial draft or revision. 4) The guideline contains content regarding copyright registration. 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 11차개정 11 th Revision of Donor Selection Guidelines 혈액관리본부는 5월 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 을개정하고, 11차개정판을제작 배포하였다. 11차개정의주요내용은다음과같다. 1) 3개의대분류항목 ( 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준, 채혈판정기준표, 부록 ) 으로구분 헌혈기록카드문진항목판정기준 은필수헌혈관련안내문, 오늘몸상태등 12개의세부항목 채혈판정기준 은약물, 시술및수술등 17개세부항목 부록 은신분증활용절차, 말라리아지역기준등 12개세부항목등총 41개의세부기준으로구성 2) 대분류항목별로색상을달리하여구분 3) 저작권등록내용수록 The Blood Service Headquarters revised the guidelines for the donor-selection in May, while also producing and distributing the 11 th revisedcriteria. Maincontentsof the 11 th revision are as follows: 헌혈관련안내문 (213년) 전면개정 Complete revision of the 213 Blood Donation Guidelines 혈액관리본부는 헌혈관련안내문 을전면개정하고개정판을제작하여문진과채혈업무, 헌혈자홍보등을위해채혈현장에비치하였다. 213년판 헌혈관련안내문 의주요내용은다음과같다. 1) The guidelines are divided into three categories: guidelines for the formulation of the blood donation registration card questionnaire, table of criteria for blood collection, and appendices. The guidelines for the donor-selection consist of 12 subcategories including essential blood donation instructions and the donor s physical condition on the day of donation. The guidelines for blood collection constitute 17 subcategories including medication, medical treatment and surgeries. The appendices are comprised of 41 detailed standards including 12 subcategories regarding identification procedures and malaria-risk areas. 2) Each category is colored differently for easy identification. 3) The guidelines contain content regarding copyright registration. 1) 6개의대분류항목 ( 필수, 헌혈과정, 헌혈부적격, 혈액검사, 혈액제제, 기타 ) 으로안내문을구분하고, 대분류항목내에필수 5종, 헌혈과정 11종, 헌혈부적격 6 종, 혈액검사 2종, 혈액제제 2종, 기타 5종등총 31종의안내문으로구성 2) 헌혈과정안내문 (11종) 의경우해당안내문이전체헌혈과정 ( 신분확인, 헌혈, 부적격등 ) 중어느부분에해당하는지알수있도록헌혈에서수혈까지의흐름을왼쪽면에배치 3) 대분류항목별로색상을달리하여구분이용이하도록하고, 안내문의제 개정이력관리를위해안내문별로고유번호 ( 대분류항목, 버전, 제 개정일 ) 부여 4) 저작권등록내용수록 일시헌혈부적격자안내문 개정및표준화 Revision and Standardization of of Guideline on Temporary Ineligibility for Blood Donation 혈액관리본부는헌혈자가일시적으로헌혈하지못하는사유 ( 혈액저비중, 일시보류 ) 에대한안내문을개정하여제작 배포하였다. 일시헌혈부적격자안내문 은헌혈부적격정보를제공하고, 헌혈부적격자의헌혈유보기간내헌혈참여를방지하여헌혈자의편의와혈액의안전성을높이고자하였다. 개정안내문은책갈피형으로제작되어, 일시보류사유발생시마다헌혈부적격자에게제공되고있다

8 The Blood Service Headquarters revised the guideline on reasons for temporary inability to give blood, for example low hemoglobin level or temporary deferrals, subsequently producing and distributing the revised version. The guideline aims to provide information about for reasons for blood donation ineligibility while preventing those who are ineligible from giving blood during deferral periods, thus strengthening convenience and blood safety for donors. The revised guideline is produced in the form of bookmarks and offered to ineligible applicants when the reason for temporary deferral occurs. 비예기항체검사자동화장비도입 Introduction of Automated Unexpected Antibody Screening System Since April 213, the Blood Service Headquarters has conducted a screening test for Rh subtypes (specific antigens of C and e) among all donors using the automated blood group testing equipment, and established a database of the test results. In addition, the headquarters plans to provide medical institutions with information on Rh subtypes (C, c, E, e) for all red blood cell products via the Blood Information Sharing System (BISS) starting from August 213. As the first phase, it has started offering information on C- and e- antigen test results, while the second phase is scheduled to provide results of c- and E-antigen tests in 214. The provision of information on Rh subtypes is expected to contribute to preventing the development of immune-mediated transfusion reaction caused by Rh red-cell antigens, and also to facilitating a supply of customized blood products for recipients tested positive for Rh unexpected antibodies. 비예기항체는자연항체인 Anti-A, Anti-B와는다르게혈청내에어떤항체가존재하는지예측할수없는불규칙항체를말하는것으로, 수혈시혈관내항원 항체반응을유발시켜면역학적수혈부작용을일으킬수있다. 혈액검사센터에서는비예기항체에의한면역학적수혈부작용을방지하기위하여마이크로플레이트 (Microplate) 수기검사법을이용한비예기항체선별검사를실시해왔으며, 헌혈혈액의안전성을강화시키기위해비예기항체검사자동화장비를 213년 1월부터혈액검사센터별로도입하여비예기항체검사를실시하고있다. Unexpected antibodies refer to irregular antibodies that cannot be detected and identified in the blood serum unlike natural antibodies such as Anti-A and Anti-B, and can cause an antigen-antibody reaction in blood vessels at the time of transfusion, thereby leading to the development of an immune-mediated transfusion reaction. In order to prevent immunological side-effects caused by transfusions, blood laboratory centers have begun to conduct unexpected antibody screening tests using a manual microplate-based method, followed by the installation of new, automated equipment in October 213 to screen and identify unexpected antibodies with the purpose of enhancing blood safety. 전국혈액원혈소판혈장성분헌혈품목허가취득 Blood Centers Nationwide Acquire License for Multicomponent Apheresis: Platelet and Plasma 대한적십자사혈액관리본부는 212년서부혈액원에이어 213년 5월전국 14개혈액원의혈소판혈장성분헌혈품목허가를취득하였다. 품목허가취득이후다종성분헌혈을전국으로확대하여총 48,792유니트를채혈하였고, 이중 47,538 유니트의성분혈소판과 48,135유니트의성분혈장을공급하였다. 대한적십자사는다종성분헌혈품목허가취득으로안전하고효과적인혈소판제제의공급과외국으로부터수입하고있는의약품제조용혈장의수입률감소및자급률을높이는데큰도움을줄것으로기대하고있다. Following the precedent of the Seoul Seobu Blood Center in 212, 14 blood centers across the country acquired the license for multicomponent apheresis of platelet and plasma in May 213. Since then, the collection of multiple blood components has become available nationwide, resulting in the collection of a total of 48,792 units from which 47,538 units of platelet and 48,135 units of plasma were supplied. The Korean Red Cross hopes that the license will contribute to increasing a safe and effective supply of platelet products and a decrease in plasma imports to be used for medical products, thus raising its self-sufficiency rate. 혈액제조용노후냉장원심분리기전면교체 Replacement of Obsolete Refrigerated Blood Bank Centrifuges 특정항원음성혈액 (Rh subtype) 데이터베이스구축및의료기관정보제공 Establishment of Database for Specific-antigen-negative Blood (Rh Subtypes) and Provision of Relevant Information to Medical Institutions 혈액관리본부는 213년 4월부터모든헌혈자의 Rh subtype( 특정항원 C, e) 선별검사를혈액형자동화검사장비로실시하여결과에대한데이터베이스구축을시행하였다. 또한의료기관에공급되는모든적혈구제제에대한 Rh subtype(c, c, E, e) 정보를 213년 8월부터혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS) 를통해의료기관에제공하고있다. 우선 1단계로 C, e 항원검사정보가제공되고있으며, 214년 2단계로 c, E 항원검사정보가추가제공될예정이다. 이번 Rh subtype 정보제공으로적혈구 Rh계항원에의한면역성수혈부작용을예방하고, Rh계비예기항체양성수혈자를위한맞춤형혈액제제공급이활성화될것으로기대하고있다. 대한적십자사혈액관리본부는혈액제조용냉장원심분리기 121대중 1년이경과한노후장비 54대를신규장비로전면교체하였다. 교체비용은국고보조금 1억을포함하여총 16억이소요되었으며, 신규장비교체로노후율을 78% 에서 29% 로대폭낮추게되었다. 또한백혈구제거농축적혈구 (F-RBC) 제조가용이한장비로교체됨에따라 F-RBC 공급증가에대비할수있게되었으며, 장비표준화및안전한혈액제제를제조할수있게되었다. Out of 121 refrigerated blood bank centrifuges, the Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters replaced 54 dilapidated units of over 1 years usage with new equipment. Replacement costs amounted to 1.6 billion won, 1 billion of which was covered by state subsidies. As a result, the deterioration rate of the centrifuges fell significantly from 78 percent to 29 percent. Furthermore, due to the feature in newly-installed centrifuges that facilitates the manufacture of leukocyte-filtered red blood cells (F-RBC), the headquarters can prepare for an increase in F-RBC demands, while standardizing facilities and manufacturing safe blood products

9 QnS Jump-Up Project 시행 Implementation of QnS(Quality and Service) Jump-Up Project QnS Jump-Up Project는혈액관리본부소속직원들이자발적이고적극적으로개선업무를제안하고실제업무에적용함으로써지속적인품질및서비스개선을통해혈액관리본부의비전을실현하는기반을마련하기위해시행된제도이다. 213년에는 18개소속기관의 19 개팀에서 211건의개선업무사례가보고되었다. 개선업무사례는분기별로소속기관에공유하고, 특히우수사례는심포지움발표와포상을통해개선업무가전국적으로선순환될수있도록독려하고있다. 2 Major Activities in 213 Blood Services - Blood Collection & Supply 213 혈액사업주요활동 - 혈액수급 The QnS (Quality and Service) Jump-Up Project is designed to encourage staff members at the Korean Red Cross Blood Services to actively and voluntarily propose potential improvements to work practices and procedures to be applied to the actual workplace, thereby laying a strong foundation for realizing the vision laid out by the headquarters through continuous improvement of quality and service. In 213, 19 teams from 18 branches reported 211 cases for improvement. All cases are to be shared with the relevant branch on a quarterly basis, with symposiums to be held to present and reward outstanding cases, so as to create a virtuous cycle of constant improvement across all branches nationwide. 213년헌혈및공급현황분석 Blood Donation and Supply in 년국내총헌혈실적은 2,914,483명으로 212년 2,722,68명에비해 191,875명 (7%) 증가했다. 213년도총인구 ( 추계 ) 5,219,669명대비국민헌혈률은 5.8% 로나타났으며, 헌혈이가능한만16세부터 69세까지인구 38,11,521명대비국민헌혈률은 7.7% 를기록했다. The total number of blood donations in 213 amounted to 2,914,483, up 7 percent (or 191,875) from 2,722,68 in 212. Based on the total population estimates in 213, the national donation rate stood at 5.8 percent while it marked 7.7 percent in the potential blood donor group aged (38,11,521). 기관간방문정보교류시행 Exchange of Imformation between Branches by Visits 혈액관리본부소속기관간방문을통해업무에대한정보를교류하고업무개선및품질향상을도모할수있도록시행한제도이다. 213년도총 1개소속기관에서기관간방문정보교류를실시하여 63건의업무를개선하였다. This program aims to exchange work practice information and seek improvement of work efficiency and product quality, through visits between branches affiliated with the Blood Service Headquarters. In 213, a total of 1 branches implemented the program, leading to 63 cases of improvement in work practices. 전체 : 적십자 + 적십자외 Total: Korean Red Cross + Others 헌혈방법별 By Donation Method 전혈헌혈실적은 212년에비해 9,875명감소 (-.5%) 한 2,168,875명으로집계되었으며, 성분헌혈실적은 21,75명증가 (37.1%) 한 745,68명을기록했다. In 213, the number of whole blood donations was 2,168,875, down.5 percent (9,875) from the previous year while the number of apheresis donations increased by 37.1 percent (21,75) to 745,68. 전혈 Whole Blood Donation ,178,75 2,168, % 성분헌혈 Apheresis Donation , , % 16 17

10 성별 By Gender 연령별 By Age Group 213년남성의헌혈실적은 2,35,857명으로 212년에비해 13,169명증가 (6.8%) 했으며, 여성의헌혈실적은 878,626명으로전년도에비해 61,76명 (7.6%) 증가했다. In 213, donations by males stood at 2,35,857, up 6.8 percent (13,169) from the previous year, while females contributed 878,626 donations, up 7.6 percent (61,76) from the previous year. 남성 212 1,95,688 Men 213 2,35, % 16~19세의헌혈실적은 1,58,74명 (36.3%), 2~29세는 1,231,995명 (42.3%) 로 1대와 2대헌혈자가전체의 78.6% 를차지하고있다. 또한 1대는전년도 1,48,434명대비 1.% 증가한반면, 2대 137,66명증가 (12.5%), 4대 17,35명증가 (1.2%), 5세이상 9,7명 (13.6%) 증가하는등 2대와 4대이상에서 1% 이상의증가율을보였다. There were 1,58,74 donations (36.3 percent) from those aged 16-19, and 1,231,995 (42.3 percent) from those aged 2-29, meaning that blood donors in their teens and 2s account for 78.6 percent of all donors. While there was only a slight increase (1. percent) in teenage donors from 1,48,434 in 212, the number of donations has risen across all other age groups, up 12.5 percent (137,66) for those in their 2s, 1.2 percent (17,35) for those in their 4s and 13.6 percent (9,7) for those in their 5s or above. Notably, the number of donations from the age groups of those in their 2s and in their 4s or older displayed a rise of over 1 percent. 여성 Women ,92 7.6% ,626 * 점유율 (%) Proportion 2~29세 (1,231,995) 42.3% 3~39세 (361,414) 12.4% 직업별 By Occupation 학생헌혈자는 213년총 1,69,872 명이헌혈에참여했으며, 전년도에비해 86,517명증가 (5.7%) 했다. 학생의헌혈실적은전체의 55.2% 로학생점유율은 28년부터전체의 5% 이상을유지하고있다. 그외전년대비군인은 13.5% 증가한 411,93명, 회사원은 9.2% 증가한 515,975명, 공무원은 5.4% 증가한 59,983명을기록했다. 36.3% 16~19세 (1,58,74) 4 ~49세 (187,295) 5세이상 (75,75) 6.4% 2.6% Students made a total of 1,69,872 donations in 213, up 5.7 percent (86,517) from 212. This figure corresponds to 55.2 percent of all donations and student donors have consistently accounted for more than 5 percent of all donations since 28. Military personnel made 411,93 donations, up 13.5 percent from the previous year, and office workers 515,975, up 9.2 percent. Public officials made 59,983 donations, an increase of 5.4 percent from 212. 장소별 By Location 헌혈의집, 가두헌혈차량등개인이헌혈에참여한헌혈실적은 1,951,946명으로전체의 67.% 를차지했으며, 학교, 군부대, 기업, 종교단체등단체헌혈실적은 962,537명으로전체의 33.% 를차지했다. 전년대비증가율은개인헌혈이 8.3%, 단체헌혈이 4.5% 를기록했다. * 점유율 (%) Proportion 회사원 (515,975) Office Worker 17.2% The number of donations by individuals at locations such as blood donation centers or street donation sites stood at 1,951,946, accounting for 67. percent of all donations. The number of group donations at schools, military bases, companies, religious organizations and other venues stood at 962,537 or 33. percent of all donations. Individual donations increased by 8.3 percent and group donations by 4.5 percent from 212. 학생 (1,69,872) Student 55.2% 군인 (411,93) Military Personnel 14.1% 개인 Individual 212 1,81, ,951, % 1.9% 기타 (316,723) 공무원 (59,983) Public Official 2.1% 단체 Group , % ,537 * 점유율 (%) Proportion 개인 Individual 단체 Group 67.% 33.% 18 19

11 적십자 Korean Red Cross 안정적혈액수급관리 Management of Stable Blood Supply ABO Friends( 등록헌혈회원 ) ABO Friends (Registered Donors) 누적등록헌혈자수는 654,124 명으로전년대비증가율 9.1% 를기록했으며, 등록헌혈자헌혈실적은 1,26,147 명으로 전년대비 1.1% 증가했다. The accumulated number of registered donor recorded at 654,124, and it increased by 9.1 percent from 212. The number of donations by registered donors pointed 1,26,147, and it increased by 1.1 percent from 212. 누적등록헌혈회원수 Accumulated Number of Registered Donors , , % 213년은혈액관리본부중심의혈액수급모니터링을강화하였다. 이를통해 5일분이상혈액적정보유일수유지를 12년 186일에서 13년 286일로대폭증가하여연중안정적으로혈액재고를확보하였다. 또한국내수혈환경의변화및국내경기침체등으로인한혈액수요감소로 5~1월 6개월간 6,551건의전혈헌혈목표를혈장목표로전환하여의약품제조용혈장자급율을전년대비 18.2% 향상시켰다. In 23, the Blood Service Headquarters led the effort to enhance blood supply monitoring, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the period over which a five-day blood supply was maintained, from 186 days in 212 to 286 in 213, thereby ensuring a stable blood stock all year round. Due to the declining demand for blood resulting from changes in the domestic conditions for blood transfusions and the national economic downturn, the whole blood donation target of 6,551 donations were replaced with plasma donations for six months from May to October, which led to an 18.2 percent increase year-on-year in the self-sufficiency rate of plasma, which is used to manufacture medical products. 등록헌혈회원헌혈실적 Donations by Registered Donors ,835 1,26, % BISS를통한의료기관만족도조사 방법개선 Improvement of Medical Institution Satisfaction Survey through BISS 혈액공급 Blood Supply 의료기관에공급된혈액제제량은총 6,186,7유니트로전년도 6,124,156유니트에비해 61,851유니트 (1. %) 증가했다. In 213, a total of 6,186,7 units of blood products were supplied to medical institutions, up 1. percent (61,851) from 6,124,156 in 212. 대한적십자사혈액관리본부는기존직접방문및우편을통해이루어지던의료기관만족도조사를혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS : Blood Information Sharing System) 을이용하여연2회실시하였다. 이를통해조사결과의신뢰도를확보하고, 의료기관욕구를적극적으로반영하여서비스향상및혈액사업정책결정을위한귀중한자료로활용할수있게되었다. The Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters conducted the medical institution satisfaction survey twice a year through the Blood Information Sharing System (BISS), instead of conventional means such as direct visit and post. The new survey tool helps ensure the reliability of survey results and reflect the demands of medication institutions, serving as a platform to provide valuable data to elevate services and formulate blood service policies ,124,156 6,186,7 1.% 24시간( 심야 ) 직접혈액공급확대 실시 Expansion of Around-the-clock Direct Blood Supply System 의료기관에서지속적으로요구해온 24 시간 ( 심야 ) 직접혈액공급을대형의료기관및권역응급의료기관을대상으로 212 년 3 개혈액원에서 213 년 2 개기관을신설하여 5 개혈액원으로확대실시하였다. 기존심야시간에의료기관이혈액원을방문 하여혈액을수령하던방식을혈액원이직접공급하는것으로개선하여신속하게혈액을공급할수있게되었다. 헌혈부적격 Ineligibility for Blood Donation 혈액관리본부는 214 년 24 시간 ( 심야 ) 직접혈액공급을전국 15 개혈액원으로확대실시할계획이다. 전체헌혈지원수 3,248,257 명 / 헌혈부적격수 54,84 명 Number of blood donation applicants: 3,248,257 / Number of ineligible applicants: 54,84 548, , % In response to a continual request from medical institutions, the Blood Service Headquarters expanded the around-the-clock direct blood supply system to five blood centers (three in 212 and two in 213), for largescale and emergency response medical institutions. Unlike the previous system, under which blood was provided by the medical institution by visiting a blood center at night, the current system ensures that the blood is supplied directly by the blood center, thereby enabling a quick and efficient supply of blood products. The Blood Service Headquarters plans to enlarge the around-the-clock direct blood supply by broadening the application of the new supply system to 15 blood centers in 214. 연도 212 년 (3) 213 년 (2) 214 년 (1) 혈액원명서울남부, 대전세종충남, 충북서울동부, 부산 서울서부, 경기, 인천, 강원, 전북, 광주전남, 대구경북, 경남, 제주, 울산 2 21

12 서북도서지역혈액공급체계구축 Establishment of Blood Supply System in the Northwest Island Area 대한적십자사와국방부는 1982년채혈한 군혈액공급에관한협약 에따라국방부는장병들의헌혈을장려하고대한적십자사는전시상황및응급상황에대비하여군이필요로하는혈액을무상으로공급하고있다. 21년연평도포격사건이후서북도서지역의위기상황이고조됨에따라연평도및백령도에위치한부대장병들을위해월 2회의정기교환을통해최소한의혈액을보유하게함으로써평시및전시응급환자발생시즉각적으로조치할수있게되었다. In accordance with the Agreement on Supplying Blood to the Military signed between the Korean Red Cross and the Ministry of National Defense in 1982, the Ministry encourages soldiers to participate in blood donation, while the Korean Red Cross supplies blood products to the military for free in preparation for wartime or emergency situations. As the military tension has escalated in the northwest island area after North Korea s attack on Yeonpyeong Island in ~ 21, soldiers on the front lines of Yeonpyeong Island and Baengnyeong Island which is regularly replaced with new blood twice each month, thereby enabling emergency patients to receive immediate medical treatment during in peacetime and wartime. (Seoul Seobu Blood Center), Gumi Center (Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center) and Noeun Station Center (Daejeon-Sejong-Chungnam Blood Center), and renovations across three locations: Daehangno Center and Suyu Center (Seoul Dongbu Blood Center) and Chuncheon Myeongdong Center (Gangwon Blood Center). The Korean Red Cross has opened 34 blood centers and renovated 41 centers between 25 and 213. As of December 31, 213, 136 blood donation centers are in operation, including 15 blood donation centers located within blood centers. The number of donations at blood donation centers in 213 stood at 1,76,191 (up 7.5 percent from the previous year), accounting for 69.2 percent of all blood donations through the Korean Red Cross. The project of establishing state-funded blood donation centers has not only provided opportunities for anyone to donate with ease, but also improved services for donors by providing spacious and pleasant environments for blood donation. 수도권주요의료기관방문 Visits to Major Medical Institutions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area 혈액관리본부는대내 외수혈환경변화추이를분석하여혈액사업정책에적극반영하고, 의료기관의욕구를파악하여고객만족을실현하기위해수도권지역주요의료기관 ( 삼성서울병원, 서울아산병원, 서울성모병원, 인천길병원, 서울대학교병원, 세브란스병원 ) 을직접방문하였다. 214년은수도권지역뿐만아니라전국혈액원으로확대할계획이다. 혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS) 혈액청구개선 Improvement of Blood Order System via Blood Information Sharing System The Blood Service Headquarters visited major medical institutions in the Seoul metropolitan area including Samsung Medical Center, ASAN Medical Center, Seoul St. Mary s Hospital, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Seoul National University Hospital and Severance Hospital. The visits aimed to analyze changes of internal and external blood transfusion environments and to actively reflect the findings in blood service policies, while identifying demands across medical institutions in order to enhance customer satisfaction. The headquarters plans to expand the visits to include blood centers nationwide as well as medical institutions in the Seoul metropolitan area in 년부터의료기관과대한적십자사의혈액정보공유를위해구축 운영중인혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS) 의혈액주문기능을대폭개선하여사용자의편리성과효율성을높였다. 주요개선사항은실시간혈액주문기능, 혈액주문에서출고까지의전과정을한눈에파악할수있는혈액주문상태모니터링기능, 사용자의접근성을높이기위한보안로그인방식개선, 의료기관과혈액원간정보전달의효율성을높이기위한실시간메신저프로그램구축등이다. 개선된혈액정보공유시스템은혈액주문 공급의효율성을높일뿐만아니라주문 공급시발생할수있는사무적인오류를예방할수있을것으로기대된다. 국고지원헌혈의집설치사업실시 Opening of Nationally-funded Blood Donation Centers 대한적십자사혈액관리본부는 213년국고지원헌혈의집신설 3개소와개선 3개소설치를완료하였다. 213년에는국고 6억을지원받아헌혈의집영등포역센터 ( 서울서부혈액원 ), 구미센터 ( 대구경북혈액원 ), 노은역센터 ( 대전세종충남혈액원 ) 3곳이신설되었으며, 대학로센터 ( 서울동부혈액원 ), 수유센터 ( 서울동부혈액원 ), 춘천명동센터 ( 강원혈액원 ) 이 3곳이개선되었다. 이로써대한적십자사는 25년부터 213년까지국고지원헌혈의집을 34개소신설, 41개소를개선하여운영하고있다. 213년 12월 31일기준헌혈의집수는총 136개소 ( 원내헌혈의집 15개소포함 ) 에달한다. 213년헌혈의집헌혈실적은 1,76,191건으로 ( 전년대비 7.5% 증가 ) 적십자헌혈실적의 64.9% 를차지하고있다. 국고지원헌혈의집설치사업을통해누구나쉽게헌혈에참여할수있는기회를제공하였을뿐만아니라넓고쾌적한공간에서헌혈할수있는환경을제공하는등헌혈자서비스측면도크게개선하였다. The Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters completed the establishment and renovation of six state-funded donation centers. State funding in 213 amounting to 6 billion won allowed the opening of Yeongdeungpo Station Center Customer convenience and efficiency was enhanced through significant improvements to the blood ordering function within the Blood Information Sharing System (BISS), which was developed and implemented since 25 in order to share blood information between medical institutions and the Korean Red Cross. Major improvements include functions such as real-time blood ordering, blood order monitoring with concise overviews of the entire process from order to dispatch, secure login method for better and easier user accessibility, and real-time messenger program designed to increase the efficiency of information delivery between medical institutions and blood centers. The enhanced BISS is expected not only to raise efficiency in blood order and supply but also prevent from clerical errors that can be made in the ordering or supplying process

13 헌혈약정단체및헌혈실적통계관리 Management of Blood Donation Participation Groups and Blood Donation Statistics in Bims 헌혈약정단체및헌혈실적관리프로그램은약정단체체결계획과실적, 약정단체정보를관리해주는시스템으로, 기존단체 관리의한계를극복하여체계적인약정단체관리의기틀을마련하였다. 또한약정단체의지속적인헌혈을유도할수있도록약 정단체헌혈실적및순위등의기초자료를제공하여약정단체의헌혈활성화및약정단체체결확대에기여할예정이다. The management program regarding groups signing the blood donation agreement and their Status of blood donations is a system designed to manage plans for agreement contracts, donation records, and information of donation groups, thus overcoming the limits of the previous management regime and paving the way for the systematic supervision of donation groups. In addition, basic data including the performance and ranking of donation groups are presented, to ensure continued and active blood donations, and to conclude agreements with more organizations. 법규및지침문서관리시스템개발 Development of Management System for Regulation and Guideline Documents 법규및지침의제 개정본을통합관리하기위하여개발된 법규및지침문서관리시스템 은문서별로제 개 정본에대한이력관리로문서의체계적관리및조회가가능하며, 연관검색어찾기기능등을구현하여신속한검색을통한효율적인문서관리가가능하다. 문서관리시스템은 213년상반기에혈액관리업무지침을이관하였으며, 하반기에혈액원및혈액검사센터의표준업무절차서를추가이관하여확대실시하였다. 혈액재고실시간모니터링시스템구축 Establishment of Real-time Blood Inventory Monitoring System The management system for regulation and guideline documents was developed for the integrated management of original regulations and guidelines, including subsequently revised versions. This system allows the systematic and efficient management and search of documents through the maintenance of records regarding original and revised versions of each document, and an efficient search function including features such as searching by related keywords. Guidelines on blood management practices were transferred to the management system in the first half of 213, followed in the latter half of the year by guidelines on standard operating procedure of blood centers and blood laboratory centers. 213년 5월구축된 혈액재고실시간모니터링시스템 은혈액재고와의료기관의주문량을실시간으로파악할수있는프로그램으로, 기존의수작업방식을개선하여혈액제제별 / 혈액형별실시간재고량과주문량확인이가능하게구성하였다. 혈액재고실시간모니터링시스템의개발로혈액재고량이부족한시기에계획채혈을위한분석시스템으로의활용을기대된다. The real-time blood inventory monitoring system is a program established in May 213 that provides users with real-time updates on blood stocks and orders from medical institutions. This new system is an improvement on the previous manual method by allowing the real-time confirmation of the total stocks and volume of orders by blood product or blood type. The system is also expected to serve as an analysis system for planned blood collections during times of insufficient blood stocks

14 3 Major Activities in 213 Blood Services - Establishment of Blood Donation Culture 213 혈액사업 주요활동 - 헌혈문화 조성 헌혈 페스티벌 개최 students and 386 family members, attracting interest in blood donation from future blood donors and their accompanying families. Meanwhile, around 12, attendants participated in a variety of programs during the three-day festival at the Cheonggye Plaza: a virtual blood donation zone, a photo zone for taking pictures with blood donation campaign characters, and events such as a face-painting event and straw polls. A survey conducted at the plaza showed that the number of participants in favor of blood donation rose by 6.6 percent. The festival was publicized through 22 reports by major broadcasts and newspapers, coupled with exposure through SNS including blogs (1,243 posts), Facebook (57,437 posts), and Twitters (12, tweets), thereby contributing to greater public attention. Continuing the tradition set in 213, N Seoul Tower was lit and decorated with red lamps symbolizing blood in celebration of WBDD. The festival was organized as an interactive event to spread a culture of blood donation to appeal to female and middle-aged donors, and future donors, providing an opportunity to become familiar with blood donation. Blood Donation Festival 혈액관리본부는 제1회 세계헌혈자의 날 을 맞이하여 3일간의 헌혈 페스티벌 을 개최하였다. 213년 6월13일부터 15일까지 3일간 서울 청계광장에서 진행된 헌혈 페스티벌 은 세계헌혈자의날(WBDD: World Bood Dnor Day)슬로건인 헌혈, 세상에서 가장 따뜻한 선물(Give the gift of life : donate blood) 을 주제로 진행되었으며, 3 일간 매일 다른 소주제로 진행되었다. 첫째 날인 13일은 13일 헌혈의 날 을 주제로 KBS 1TV와 연계하여 특별생방송으로 진행하였다. 여의도 스튜디오를 비롯하 여 대전, 춘천, 광주, 대구, 부산등 전국에 중계차와 연계하여 진행된 이날 방송캠페인에는, 인기 아이돌 B1A4 공연을 비롯 하여 한국철도공사, 한국방송광고진흥공사 등 약정 단체의 헌혈캠페인과 최단기간 최대인원 헌혈참여로 한국기네스기록을 달 성한 새마을금고 인터뷰 등 헌혈 페스티벌에 대한 소개가 이어졌다. 14일은 세계 헌혈자의 날을 주제로 진행되었다. 이날 열린 기념식에는 보건복지부 장관, 국회보건복지위원장 등 내 외빈 45여명이 참석하였으며, 인기 TV 프로그램 개그콘서트 출연진에 대한 헌혈홍보대사 위촉식도 마련되었다. 15일은 미래 헌혈자의 날 을 주제로 헌혈은 선물 이라는 주제로 초등학생 T셔츠 그리기 대회 를 진행하였다. 이 행사에는 초 등학생 143명과 가족 386명이 참여하여 미래헌혈자와 동반가족들의 헌혈에 대한 관심을 유도하였다. 한편, 3일간의 운영기간 동안 행사장인 청계광장에서는 헌혈가상체험존, 헌혈 캐릭터 포토존, 페이스페인팅, 즉석투표 등 다 채로운 상설 프로그램이 진행되었으며, 1만2천여명이 참여하였다. 또한 행사장 설문조사에서 참여자의 헌혈에 대한 선호도가 6.6% 상승하는 결과를 보였고, 주요 TV와 신문에 22건 보도, 블로그 1,243건, 페이스북 57,437건, 트위터 12,건 등 SNS에서도 여러 차례 노출이 되어 국민들의 높은 관심을 받았다. 서울 N타워에서도 작년에 이어 붉은색으로 N타워를 점 등하여 세계 헌혈자의 날을 기념하였다. 헌혈 페스티벌 은 참여형 페스티벌 형식으로 새롭게 기획되어 중장년층 및 여성헌혈자, 미래헌혈자에게 친근한 헌혈문화를 제공하여, 헌혈에 보다 친숙해질 수 있는 계기를 마련하였다. The Blood Service Headquarters hosted the Blood Donation Festival over three days to commemorate the 1th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day(WBDD). The Blood Donation Festival was held throughout June 13 to 15 in 213 at the Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul under the WBDD slogan Give the Gift of Life: Donate Blood with each day following a different theme. On June 13, the first day of the festival, the Blood Service Headquarters and KBS 1TV produced a special live broadcast under the theme, The 13th Day of Every Month is Blood Donation Day. The broadcasting campaign was aired from the main studio of KBS1 TV in Yeoui-do, Seoul as well as outside broadcasting vans stationed in Daejeon, Chuncheon, Gwangju, Daegu, and Busan. A variety of events took place, including a concert by K-pop idol group B1A4, group blood donation by blood donation participation groups, including the Korea Railroad(KORAIL) and the Korea Broadcasting Advertisement Corporation(KOBACO), an interview with MG Community Credit Cooperatives, which achieved a Guinness World Record with the biggest number of blood donors in the shortest time, and the introduction of the Blood Donation Festival. On June 14, the theme of the festival was WBDD. The celebration ceremony was attended by 45 distinguished guests from Korea and abroad including the Minister of Health and Welfare and the chairperson of the Health & Welfare Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The ceremony included the appointment of honorary blood donation ambassadors, comprised of comedians appearing in KBS 2TV s popular comedy show Gag Concert. On June 15, a T-shirt drawing contest for elementary school students took place under the dual themes, Every Blood Donation is a Gift of Life and Future Blood Donor Day. The drawing contest was joined by

15 헌혈 기부권 시행 Implementation of Donation Voucher Scheme 사랑의 헌혈과 연계한 기부 문화 확산을 위해 헌혈자가 기념품 대신 그 금액을 기부할 수 있는 헌혈 기부권 제도가 211년부 터 3년째 진행되고 있다. 213년 3월부터 12월까지 진행된 헌혈 기부권을 통해 12만 6428명이 기부에 참여하여 4억 6651 만55원을 모금했다. 이는 같은 기간 헌혈자 212만7천여명 중 5.9%가 헌혈 기부권을 선택한 것으로, 전년도 모금액인 2 억8849만75원보다 61.7% 증가한 것이다. 기부된 금액은 물부족 국가 우물 및 위생시설 지원사업, 장애인 및 의료소외층 치과진료 지원사업, 백혈병 소아암 치료 및 가족 힐링캠프 지원사업 등 총 5곳의 사업에 기부되었다. Since 211, the donation voucher scheme offers the choice for the donor to forego the usual souvenir in favor of donating the monetary equivalent to aid charity projects, with the greater aim of expanding the donation culture in association with the Blood Donation. Between March and December, 126,428 donors opted to donate to aid projects, raising the sum of 466,515,5 won, meaning that 5.9 percent of 2,127, donors opted for donation vouchers, while the collection amount increased by 61.7 percent from 212 (288,497,5 won). The funds were conveyed to five aid projects including aid projects for drilling wells and building sanitary facilities in countries with water shortages, giving financial aid for the dental care expenses of the disabled and the medically marginalized, and giving financial aid for the medical expenses of children with leukemia and family relaxation camps. 사업명 Project Name 기부처 Organization 모금액 Donated Funds (Won) 기부자수 No. of Donors 물부족 국가 우물 및 위생시설 지원사업 Drilling wells and building sanitary facilities in countries with water shortages 대한적십자사 서울지사 Korean Red Cross, Seoul Chapter 1,73, 27,173 1,21,5 27,29 한국백혈병소아암협회 Korean Association for Children with Leukemia and Cancer (KACLC) 1,15, 27,165 한국백혈병환우회 Korea Leukemia Patient Group 12,529,5 27,547 대한적십자 희망풍차 Korean Red Cross Windmill of Hope 63,661,527,173 17,334 취약계층 장애인, 의료소외층 치과진료 지원사업 Financial aid for the dental care expenses of the disabled and the medically marginalized 백혈병 소아암 치료 및 가족 힐링캠프 지원사업 Financial aid for medical expenses of children with leukemia and family relaxation camps 헌혈자와 함께하는 저소득층 백혈병환자 치료비 지원사업 Financial aid for the medical expenses of low-income patients with leukemia with support from blood donors 헌혈 송년회 희망풍차 기부권사업 End-of-year Windmill of Hope donation voucher program 계 28 인천적십자병원 Incheon Red Cross Hospital 466,615,5 126,428 29

16 캠페인 및 이벤트 Campaigns and Events 13일 헌혈의 날 캠페인 Blood Donation Day Campaign 212년 7월에 제정된 13일 헌혈의 날을 맞아 213년에도 매월 13일에 헌혈캠페인이 전국적으로 전개되었다. 생명나눔인 KBS 헌혈특별생방송 캠페인 헌혈의 중요성과 참여의 필요성을 널리 알리기 위해 각 지역에서는 가장 유동인구가 많은 곳을 중심으로 헌혈봉사회원 및 적십 KBS Blood Donation Live Specials Campaign 자 봉사원, 헌혈서포터즈 및 레드캠페이너 등이 다양한 이벤트와 헌혈캠페인을 실시하였다. KBS 1TV 특별 생방송 헌혈, 생명을 나눕시다 를 통해 2차례 전국적으로 방송 캠페인을 실시했다. 1차 방송 캠페인은 213 헌혈 페스티벌 의 일환으로 13일 헌혈의 날 에 맞추어 진행되었다. KBS스튜디오와 서울청계광장 등 전국 6곳 헌혈현 장에서 열린 1차 헌혈 특별생방송은 헌혈체험존, 헌혈아트존, 희망풍차존, 헌혈전시존 등 다양한 공연과 체험을 통해 생명나 눔인 헌혈의 필요성과 중요성을 국민들에게 알리는 통로가 되었다. 12월 13일에 진행된 2차 방송캠페인에서는 헌혈자와 수혈자에 대한 사연 소개와 헌혈전화예약 등을 실시하여 동절기 혈액 The blood donation campaign continued to be held across the country on the 13th of every month to commemorate the June 212 establishment of Blood Donation Day. To promote public awareness of the value and necessity of blood donation, a variety of blood donation events and campaigns were staged by blood donation volunteers, Red Cross volunteers, Blood Donation Supporters, and Red Campaigners at locations that has the largest floating population. 수급 불균형 개선에 일조하였다. 또한, 대전, 광주, 춘천, 창원, 제주 등 전국 6곳 헌혈현장에 중계차를 연결하여 전국적인 생 명나눔 헌혈캠페인에 개인과 단체들이 적극 참여하는 계기가 되었다. The Blood Service Headquarters and KBS 1TV collaborated to produce two sessions of the special live broadcast, Share Life Through Blood Donation. The first session was broadcast on June 13 to coincide with the monthly Blood Donation Day as part of the 213 Blood Donation Festival. Staged at six blood donation sites across the country including the KBS main studio and the Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul, the first session hosted a variety of events and performances including a virtual blood donation zone, a blood donation art zone, a Windmill of Hope zone, and blood donation exhibition zone, which contributed to raising public awareness towards the importance and necessity of blood donation, the act of sharing life. The second session, broadcast December 13, introduced stories of blood donors and recipients and received blood donation registrations via phone, contributing to resolving the imbalance between supply and demand of blood in winter seasons. It was broadcast from outside broadcasting vans stationed at six blood donation places in Daejeon, Gwangju, Chuncheon, Changwon, and Jeju, providing individuals and groups with an opportunity to participate actively in the nationwide campaign for blood donation. ABO friends 문화이벤트 ABO Friends Cultural Event 등록헌혈회원인 ABO friends의 자부심을 고취하고 회원들에게 상시 이벤트를 제공하기 위해 29년도부터 진행되어온 문화이벤트가 5년째를 맞이하였다. 213년은 보다 다채롭고 의미있는 행사로 진행되었다. 최신 영화를 관람하는 시네마피크 닉, 작가와 대화를 나누고 다양한 공연을 감상하는 콘서트피크닉, 축제 및 문화행사 티켓을 증정하는 기프트피크닉, 통영과 남이섬 등 유명관광지를 함께 여행하는 투어피크닉 및 매달 신간 도서를 제공받는 북피크닉 으로 구성되었다. 이렇게 다양한 프로그램으로 진행한 문화이벤트에는 1만 3천여명의 등록헌혈회원이 참여하여 ABO friends로서의 우의를 다졌다. The cultural event of ABO friends, registered blood donors, has provided cultural events for five years since 29 as a means of building solidarity among this group of registered blood donors and to offer the opportunity for cultural enjoyment. The year 213 saw greater diversity and significance in the events held, which included the following: Cinema Picnic, featuring screenings of the latest movies; Concert Picnic, where ABO friends could talk with authors and enjoy a variety of concerts; Gift Picnic, offering tickets to festivals and cultural events; Tour Picnic, featuring trips to famous tourist destinations including Tongyeong and the Nami Island; and Book Picnic, offering new books every month. Approximately 13, ABO Friends enjoyed a variety of cultural programs, promoting close friendships among members. 3 31

17 헌혈공모전 & 서포터즈 Blood Donation Promotion Contest & Supporters activities 헌혈공모전 & 서포터즈 프로그램은 13일 헌혈의날 홍보 및 여성 중장년층 헌혈자 유치 를 주제로 진행되었다. 213년 5 년째를 맞이하는 헌혈공모전에는 아이디어 UCC 두 부문에서 총 224개의 작품이 접수되었다. 초등학생 티셔츠 그리기대회는 헌혈페스티벌과 연계하여 헌혈은 선물 이라는 주제로 진행되었다. 초등학생 143명과 학부모 포함 345명이 참가였으며 19명의 학생이 대한적십자사 총재상과 혈액관리본부장상을 수상하였다. 헌혈 서포터즈는 전국 1팀, 5명의 팀원으로 구성되어 7월부터 12월까지 여성 및 중장년층 헌혈자 유치를 위한 온 오프라 인 홍보활동을 펼쳤다. 특히 대한적십자사 대내외 행사에 적극 참여하였으며, 각 지역별 헌혈 홍보 및 캠페인과 혈액원 연계활 동을 실시하였다. 또한, 활동기간동안 레드밴드; 5,명에게 헌혈약속받기 캠페인 을 실시하여 총 9,778명의 헌혈 약속을 받았으며, 매월 13일 헌혈의 날 홍보 및 건강한 중장년층을 대상 헌혈 홍보를 위해 기획한 13개의 산을 물들여라; 전국 13개 의 산 거점 홍보 캠페인은 한라산 등반을 시작으로 전국 총 26개의 산을 방문하여 중장년층에게 헌혈의 중요성을 알렸다. 캠페 인 자체 기획 및 홍보, 언론매체 기사화, KBS, JTBC 등 방송출연, 헌혈나눔콘서트 개최 등을 진행하였다. 12월 28일 서울적십자병원 강당에서 진행된 서포터즈 수료식에서는 우수한 활동을 한 5개 팀에게 보건복지부장관 표창 및 대한적십자사 총재 표창과 상금을 수여했다. 또한 개인 우수활동자 2명에게는 214년 IFBDO(국제헌혈자조직연맹)의 IYC( 국제청소년위원회) 포럼 참가자격이 주어졌다. 수료식 이후에는 제1회 홈커밍데이를 개최하여 전 기수가 참여한 가운데 서울 적십자병원 환우 방문 봉사활동과 서포터즈 선후배간의 화합을 다지는 시간을 가졌다. The blood donation Promotion contest and supporters program took place under the themes of promoting the 13th day of every month as Blood Donation Day and encouraging female and middle-aged donors. The5th Blood Donation Promotion Contest received a total of 224 submissions along the two contest categories of ideas and user-created content. A T-shirt drawing contest for elementary school students took place under the theme, Every Blood Donation is a Gift of Life in association with the Blood Donation Festival. At the contest, 143 students participated along with 345 others including the students parents. Nineteen students received commendations from the Korean Red Cross President and the Director General of the Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters. Blood Donation Supporters, which consists of 5 individuals in 1 teams across the country, engaged in online and offline Promotion activities to recruit female and middle-aged donors from July to December. In particular, the supporters actively participated in the domestic and overseas events of the Korean Red Cross, while organizing regional Promotion activities and campaigns on blood donation in association with local blood centers. In addition, the supporters staged a campaign titled Red Bands: 5, Pledges for Blood Donation and exceeded expectations by receiving 9,778 donation pledges. Another campaign was titled Color 13 Mountains: Promotion Campaign from Mountains Nationwide to promote Blood Donation Day and encourage the middle-aged group to donate blood. The campaign involved mountaineering expeditions to 26 locations in Korea, starting from the Halla Mountain in Jeju, with the purpose of promoting the importance of blood donation to the middle-aged group. Blood Donation Supporters self-organized and publicized the campaign, published articles about the campaign, appeared in KBS and JTBC broadcasts, and held a concert for promoting blood donation. A completion ceremony for Blood Donation Supporters was held in the Seoul Red Cross Hospital auditorium on December 28. Five teams received commendations from the Minister of Health and Welfare, along with commendations and prize money from the Korean Red Cross President for their outstanding performances. Two distinguished supporters were granted the opportunity to participate in the 214 International Youth Forum of the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations. After the completion ceremony, the 1st Homecoming Day was held, where all former and current supporters visited patients at the Seoul Red Cross Hospital and spent their time on developing solidarity and friendship among members

18 레드 캠페이너 운영 헌혈홍보대사 위촉 Operation of the Red Campaigner Appointment of Honorary Blood Donation PR Ambassadors 청소년들에게 헌혈에 대한 긍정적인 인식을 심어주고, 헌혈의 중요성과 안전성에 대한 지속적이고 체계적인 홍보를 위해 고 등학생들로 구성된 레드 캠페이너(2기)를 운영하였다. 6월 1일 본사 강당에서 진행된 발대식을 시작으로 각 혈액원에서는 헌 혈액관리본부는 213년 1월 28일 가수 JK 김동욱 씨를 헌혈홍보대사로 위촉했다. 위촉식에서 JK 김동욱 씨는 생명을 살 리는 헌혈을 동참하게 하는 일에 도움을 줄 수 있는 기회가 주어져 기쁘다 고 밝혔다. 혈 관련 교육을 실시하고, 6월부터 11월까지 6개월간 캠페인을 진행하였다. 15개 혈액원이 모두 참가하여 29개팀, 298명이 또한 6월 14일 세계헌혈자의 날에는 개그콘서트팀(김재욱, 이상민, 이상호, 안소미, 오나미, 송준금, 이동윤)을 헌혈홍보대 지역 혈액원과 연계하여 13일 헌혈의날 홍보, 거리 캠페인, UCC 제작, SNS 홍보 등 다양한 캠페인을 활발히 진행하였다. 사로 위촉해 앞으로 건강한 웃음을 통한 헌혈 홍보 활동을 진행할 예정이다. 이 외에도 헌혈홍보대사로 슈퍼주니어(27~현 우수한 활동을 한 레드 캠페이너 1개 팀에게는 대한적십자사 총재 및 혈액관리본부장 표창과 상금을 수여했다. 재)와 f(x)(21~현재), 배수빈, 한채영(21~현재)씨가 사랑과 생명 나눔 활동을 함께 하고 있다. The second group of Red Campaigners, consisting of high school students, was organized to inspire teenagers with a positive understanding of blood donation and to carry out continuous and organized publicity of its importance and safety. Beginning with a kick-off ceremony at the Red Cross Headquarters auditorium on June 1, each blood center began training campaigners in regard to blood donation, and the campaign was held for six months from June to November. A variety of campaigns were staged, including the promotion of Blood Donation Day, street campaigns, production of user-created contents, and promotion through SNS, with the participation of 298 individuals in 29 teams in association with all 15 regional blood centers. Ten Red Campaigner teams were awarded commendations and cash prizes from the Korea Red Cross President and the Director General of the Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters for their outstanding performance. The Blood Service Headquarters appointed singer JK Kim Dong Wook as an blood donation PR ambassador on January 28. In the appointment ceremony, Mr. JK Kim Dong Wook said, It s a pleasure to be given the opportunity to contribute as an PR ambassador to the life-saving act of donating blood. On June 14, World Blood Donors Day, the Blood Service Headquarters appointed a group of PR ambassadors, consisting of comedians featuring in KBS 2TV comedy show, Gag Concert, Mr. Kim Jae-uk, Mr. Lee Sang-min, Mr. Lee Sang-ho, Ms. An So-mi, Ms. O Na-mi, Mr. Song Jun-geun, and Mr. Lee Dong-yun, who were given the task of promoting blood donation through the healthy gift of laughter. In addition, celebrities such as Super Junior (27-present), f(x) (21-present), Mr. Bae SooBin and Ms. Han Chae-young (21-present) continue the activities of sharing love and life as PR ambassadors. 혈액관리본부 블로그, 페이스북 운영 Blog and Facebook Page of the Blood Service Headquarters 대한적십자사는 소통과 스토리텔링을 통한 온라인 홍보 강화를 위해 212년부터 혈액관리본부 공식 블로그와 페이스북을 운영 중이다. 나눔을더하다-삶을 나누고, 생명을 나누고, 이야기를 나누는 레드스토리 라는 주제로 네이버 블로그(blog.와 페이스북 페이지( 운영하고 있다. 213년 한해 동안 블로그는 누적방문자수 32,373명과 구독자수(블로그 이웃) 3,913명을 기록했고, 페이스북은 6,713명이 좋아요 를 선택하여 전년 대비 1%가 넘는 달성률을 기록했다. 혈액관리본부는 블로그와 페이스북을 통해 헌혈에 대한 올바른 정보를 제공하고 혈액수급 상황 악화시 헌혈 참여 요청, 헌혈 관련 질의 답변 등 헌혈자와의 소통의 창구로 활용하고 있으며, 매월 13 일마다 헌혈의 날을 기념하는 다양한 이벤트를 실시 중이다. Since 212, the Korean Red Cross has operated its official blog ( and Facebook page ( of the Blood Service Headquarters with the theme of Sharing More: Red Story of Sharing Life and Stories to expand the channel for interactive communication with donors and to promote further online publicity through storytelling. In 213 alone, the blog attracted 32,373 visits and 3,913 subscribers. The Facebook page attracted 6,713 likes, up more than 1 percent from 212. Through its blog and Facebook page, the Blood Service Headquarters provides accurate information on blood donation, appeals for more donations when facing a shortage of blood supplies, communicates with donors by answering relevant questions, and holds a variety of events celebrating Blood Donation Day on the 13th day of every month

19 4 Major Activities in 213 Blood Services - Organization Operation 213 혈액사업주요활동 - 조직운영 213년도직원친절도조사실시 213 Staff Friendliness Survey 혈액관리본부주관으로진행된 213년도직원친절도조사 에서혈장분획센터가최고등급인 E (excellent) 등급을받았다. 이번친절도조사는혈액관리본부를포함한 21개기관과헌혈의집및혈액공급소 26곳을대상으로 2회가진행되었으며, 고객응대모니터링을통한평가방식으로진행되었다. 향후고객응대취약분야에대한중점교육을실시할예정이며 214년도에도고객응대모니터링을연 1회이상실시할예정이다. 헌혈증서사용활성화를위한활동전개 Activities to Promote the Use of Blood Donation Certificates 213년헌혈환급적립금의사용활성화를위해다각적인홍보활동을실시하였다. 9월 1일부터 9월 2일까지 MBC라디오를통해헌혈증서사용과기부를권장하는광고를총 2회송출하였다. 또한기증헌혈증서제도의활성화를위해서혈액원담당자들이관할지역대형의료기관을중심으로 5여개의병원을방문하여기증헌혈증서제도에대해설명하고, 수혈이필요한환자들이많이이용할수있도록협조를요청하였다. 더불어기증헌혈증서제도홍보를위한포스터 4,6매를제작하여의료기관및혈액사업유관기관에게시를요청하였다. 또한지난 9월 9일부터 1월 31일까지서울소재의대형의료기관주변지하철스크린도어광고를게시하였으며, 지역언론홍보도활발하게이루어져제도홍보와관련된내용의보도가 TV뉴스 2건을포함해총 35건보도되었다. A variety of Promotion activities was conducted to facilitate the use of blood donation certifiacte. From September 1 to September 2, an advertisement to encourage donations and the use of blood donation certificates was broadcast 2 times via MBC Radio. In addition, to promote the donation of blood donation certificates, staff members of blood centers visited approximately 5 hospitals, mainly large-scale medical institutions, to introduce the policy and requested help from the hospitals to assist patients in need of transfusions to use blood donation certificates. In addition, 4,6 posters promoting the system were printed and requested to be posted throughout medical institutions and organizations related to blood services. From September 9 to October 31, advertisements on the system were installed on platform screen doors at subway stations nearby large medical institutions in Seoul, in addition to active local media publicity, which featured 35 cases of news coverage to promote the policy, including two televised news pieces. The 213 survey conducted by the Blood Service Headquarters on staff friendliness awarded the Plasma Fractionation Center with the highest grade of E, for Excellent. The survey, conducted over two sessions, evaluated the attitude of staff members at 21 organizations including the Blood Service Headquarters and 26 blood donation centers and blood supply stations by monitoring responses to clients. The intensive training on vulnerable areas in terms of client reception will be carried out and client reception monitoring will be conducted more than once in 214. 수혈수수료비용환수실시 Redemption of Transfusion Expenses 혈액관리본부는 21년부터 212년까지의료기관의부당청구에의해과다지급된수혈비용보상금 11억9천여만원을전국 127개병원으로부터환수를실시하였다. 환수된모든금액은헌혈환급적립금으로재환입되어관리되며, 수혈비용보상등헌혈환급적립금사용목적에맞게사용될계획이다. 혈액관리본부는환수를통해의료기관에의한수혈비용의부당청구를원천적으로차단하는방침을마련하는등수혈비용보상처리체계를대대적으로정비하였다. The Blood Service Headquarters redeemed a total of 1.19 billion won from 127 hospitals across the country by collecting overcharged compensation for transfusion expenses from 21 to 212. The redeemed money will be put into blood transfusion subsidy fund and used accordingly to compensate transfusion expenses The Blood Service Headquarters used the redemption policy to prevent medical institutions from imposing excessive charges for transfusion expenses, and overhauled the system of compensation for transfusion expenses. 혈액사업핵심가치공유과정진행 Sharing Core Values of Blood Services 혈액사업비전실현을위해혈액관리본부소속기관장및부서장, 책임간호사를대상으로 6차례의 혈액사업핵심가치공유 과정을진행하였다. 이과정을통해혈액사업의핵심가치의개념을조직구성원이공유하고, 거시적이고공통된방향의목표설정과실행을유도할수있도록하였다. 과정에참가했던직원들의긍정적반응으로 214년에도지속적으로혈액사업핵심가치공유과정을운영할예정이다. To realize the vision of blood services, an educational course named Sharing the Core Values of Blood Services was offered over six classes, to heads of departments and head nurses along with heads of organizations affiliated to the Blood Service Headquarters. The course helped participants to share the key concepts of blood services and to establish and achieve macroscopic and common goals. The course received positive feedback from the participants and continues to be offered in 214. 혈액관리본부직원봉사활동실시 Staff Volunteering Event at Blood Service Headquarters 혈액관리본부는 11월 23일과 12월 14일양일에걸쳐서울시성동구금호동에위치한 성모보호작업장 에서직원 5여명이함께하는봉사활동을실시했다. 이번봉사활동은적십자인도주의를실천하고, 혈액관리본부의사회적책무를다하기위해직원들의자발적참여로진행되었으며, 장애인직업재활훈련활동지원및시설정돈등을하였다. 직원들중에는가족과함께봉사에참여하는등뜻깊은시간을가졌고, 매년지역사회와함께하는봉사활동을실행할계획이다. The Blood Service Headquarters hosted a volunteering event with 5 of its staff members at Our Lady of Mercy Career Center for the Disabled in Geumho-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul on November 23 and December 14. The staff members voluntarily participated in the event to practice the humanitarianism of the Red Cross and fulfill social duties of the Blood Service Headquarters, by supporting occupational rehabilitation training for the disabled and cleaning the center. Some of the staff members added extra meaningfulness to the event by accompanying their families to the event. The Blood Service Headquarters plans to organize volunteering events to help communities every year

20 5 Major Activities in 6 Major Activities in 213 Blood Services 213 Blood Services - International Activities - Major Activities by Branches 213 혈액사업주요활동 - 국제활동 213 혈액사업주요활동 - 기관별주요활동 중동국가혈액사업관계자방문 Visits from Blood Services Personnel from the Middle East 서울서부혈액원 Seoul Seobu Blood Center 혈액관리본부는 창조경제실현을위한보건복지산업육성전략 을추진하고있는보건복지부와함께혈액사업을통한창조경제실현을모색하고있다. 특히 213년에는사우디아라비아를비롯한중동각국과의협력을확대하기위한활동들이이루어졌다. 혈액정보관리시스템 (BIMS : Blood Information Management System) 의중동진출을위한소개자료작성등의사전준비작업이이루어졌으며, 12월에는리비아보건부장관을비롯한대표단이혈장분획센터와서울서부혈액원, 중앙혈액검사센터를방문했다. 리비아대표단은한국혈액사업의발전된모습과 BIMS를통한혈액사업관리역량에놀라움을표했다. 헌혈의집영등포센터개소 Opening of Yeongdeungpo Blood Donation Center 서울서부혈액원은 1월 14일헌혈의집영등포센터를개소하였다. 영등포우체국바로옆 3층단독건물에위치하여접근이편리하며편안한분위기로헌혈자를맞이한다. 운영시간은월 ~ 토요일 1시 ~2시, 일요일및공휴일 1시 ~18시이다. The Blood Service Headquarters seeks to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and Welfare in realizing the creative economy through blood services, by pursuing the promotion strategy for health and welfare projects towards the realization of the creative economy. Particularly in 213, activities were conducted to expand cooperation with countries in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia. Preparatory works took place, such as the completion of introductory material on the Blood Information Management System (BIMS) for its export to the Middle East, while Libyan representatives including the Minister of Health of Libya visited the Plasma Fractionation Center, the Seoul Seobu Blood Center, and the Central Blood Labaratory Center in December. Libyan representatives were amazed by Korea s advanced blood services and the management of blood services through BIMS. The Seoul Seobu Blood Center opened the Yeongdeungpo Blood Donation Center on October 14. The Yeongdeungpo Blood Donation Center, located at a separate, three-floor building next door to the Yeongdeungpo-gu Post Office, is easy to access and welcomes blood donors in a comfortable environment. The center is open from 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Mondays to Saturdays, and from 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays and national holidays. 서울서부혈액원여성가족부장관표창수상 Seoul Seobu Blood Center Awarded by the Minister of Gender Equality and Family 서울서부혈액원은 12월 2일서울특별시립청소년활동진흥센터로부터 213년청소년자원봉사포털사이트 (Dovol) 운영최우수기관으로선정되어여성가족부장관표창을수상하였다. On December 2, the Seoul Seobu Blood Center was selected as the most outstanding organization in 213 by the Korea Youth Work Agency of the Seoul Metropolitan Government for operating a youth volunteering portal and won the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award

21 서울남부혈액원 Seoul Nambu Blood Center 서울동부혈액원 Seoul Dongbu Blood Center 아빠 엄마와함께하는생명나눔축제 헌혈페스티벌 개최 Blood Donation Festival for Sharing Life with Mom and Dad 서울특별시교육청과대한적십자사혈액관리본부가공동으로주최하고, 서울남부혈액원이주관한생명나눔헌혈축제 213 헌혈페스티벌 이 11월 8일서울송파구석촌초등학교에서열렸다. 헌혈, 세상에서가장따뜻한선물 이라는주제로초 중 고등학생들에게생명존중과생명나눔인식을주기위해실시된이번축제는인근석촌초 배명중 배명고학생들을비롯해학부모및지역주민등 3,여명이참석하였다. 이날행사에서는헌혈가상체험존, 헌혈이미지페이스페인팅, 혈액형 DNA팔찌제작, 생명존중교육, 생명나눔교육등을진행하였다. 또한백혈병어린이, 수혈환우를위한희망의메시지적기, 사랑의헌혈행사도있었다. 이행사는헌혈에대한인식개선을통해미래헌혈자로발돋움할수있는계기가마련되어좋았다는긍정적인평가를받았다. The 213 Blood Donation Festival took place on November 18 at Seokchon Elementary School in Songpagu, Seoul. This event was jointly organized by the Korean Red Cross Blood Service Headquarters and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education under supervision by the Seoul Nambu Blood Center. Under the theme, Give the Gift of Life: Donate Blood, the festival aimed to raise the awareness of the importance of respecting and sharing life among elementary, middle and high school students, with the participation of approximately 3, people including students and parents at the neighboring Seokchon Elementary School, Baemyung Middle School, and Baemyung High School, as well as local residents. Events at the festival included a virtual blood donation zone, a face-painting event with blood donationrelated pictures, a crafts session to make bracelets resembling DNA patterns for ea ch blood type, and educational talks on respecting and sharing life. Further events included sending messages to children with leukemia and young transfusion recipients, and a Blood Donation of Love event. The festival received positive feedback by raising awareness for b lood donation by providing attendees with an opportunity to become future blood donors. 헌혈의집의정부2센터개소, 대학로센터및수유센터이전개소 Uijengbu-2 Blood Donation Center Opens and Blood Donation Centers of Daehakro and Suyu Relocated 서울동부혈액원은헌혈자에게보다쾌적하고안전한환경을제공하기위해의정부2센터 (3.29) 를개소했다. 또한대학로센터 (1.22) 와수유센터 (12.16) 를이전개소했다. 운영시간은모두평일 9시 ~2시, 토요일 1시 ~2시, 일요일 1시 ~18시이다. On March 29, the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center opened the Uijeongbu-2 Blood Donation Center to provide donors with a comfortable and safe environment. The Center relocated and reopened the Daehangno Blood Donation Center on October 22 and the Suyu Blood Donation Center on December 16. The blood donation centers are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays, 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. 동부혈액원헌혈왕박승섭님 4회헌혈 The Greatest Donor of the Dongbu Blood Center 9월 12일헌혈의집구리센터에서 4회헌혈자가탄생했다. 주인공은박승섭님으로지난 1986년부터 28년간꾸준히헌혈에참여하여 1999년 1회, 24년 2회, 29년 3회헌혈기록을갱신하였다. On September 12, the Guri Blood Donation Center of the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center welcomed a donor making his 4 th donation. Mr.Park Seung-seoph as continued to donate for 28 years since 1986 and broke his own donation records by achieving his 1 th donation in 1999, 2 th donation in 24, and 3 th donation in

22 부산혈액원 Busan Blood Center 공군5전술공수비행단, 새해 첫 헌혈 동참 ROKAF 5th Air Mobility Wing Participates in New Year s First Blood Donation 대구 경북혈액원 Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center 헌혈의집 구미센터 개소 Gumi Blood Donation Center Opens 국고지원 헌혈의 집 구미센터가 9월 5일 문화로거리에 신설 개소하였다. 공군5전술공수비행단은 1월 3일~4일 양일간 483명의 군인이 헌혈 에 참여하였다. 매년 정기적으로 헌혈에 동참하는 공군5전술공수비행 On September 5, the state-funded Gumi Blood Donation Center opened on Munhwaro Street. 단은 213년에 총 2,244명이 헌혈에 참여하였다. On January 3 and 4, 483 airmen from the ROKAF 5th Air Mobility Wing participated in blood donation. The ROKAF 5th Air Mobility Wing has made regular blood donations every year, with a total of 2,244 airmen providing donations in 213. 부산지역 대학교 사랑의 헌혈릴레이 개최 Blood Donation Relay of Love Held by Universities in Busan 213청소년자원봉사 최우수터전 수상 Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center Wins the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award 대구경북혈액원은 213년도 조윤선 여성가족부장관으로부터 청소년봉사활동의 활성화에 크게 이바지한 공로를 인정받아 청 소년자원봉사부문 최우수기관으로 선정, 213년 1월 26일 최우수터전상을 수상하였다. On October 26, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Blood Center was recognized for its active contribution in promoting local youth volunteer efforts, and won the Best Foundation of Life category for the 213 Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award. 부산지역 24개 대학교와 함께하는 사랑의 헌혈릴레이 행사를 통해 약 7,2명의 학생들이 헌혈에 참여하였다. 또한 매학기 동의대학교와 동의과학대학교에서 실시되는 사랑의 헌혈 릴레이 행사를 통해 약 4,7명의 학생들이 헌혈에 동참했다. The Blood Donation Relay of Love campaign was joined by 24 universities in Busan and successfully encouraged around 7,2 students to participate in blood donation. In addition, the semesterly event of Blood Donation Relay of Love held at Dong-eui University and Dong-eui Institute of Technology encouraged about 4,7 students to donate blood. 213 레드캠페이너 활동 구미 경구고등학교 RCY, 전국 1위 RCY Students in Gyeonggu High School of Gumi Wins Top Prize for the Performance of the 213 Red Campaigner 213년 레드 캠페이너 활동에서 경구고등학교 RCY가 최우수상(전국 1위)을 수상하였다. 경구고 RCY 학생들은 지난 6월 부터 11월 말까지 6개월 동안 헌혈의 가치를 알리고 자발적 헌혈문화를 확산하기 위해 헌혈인식 설문조사, 지역사회 거리캠페 인활동, 헌혈팩 채우기 운동, SNS홍보, UCC제작 등 다양한 방법을 통한 캠페인 활동을 전개했다. RCY students in Gyeonggu High School of Gumi earned the top prize in the 213 Red Campaigner Performance Awards. In order to promote the importance of blood donation and encourage voluntary participation, Gyeonggu RCY students conducted a variety of campaigns over six months from June to November, including surveys on blood donation awareness, street campaigns, promotional activities to fill blood packs, promotion through SNS, and production of user-created contents. 헌혈약정 신규체결 New Blood Donation Agreements Signed 부산혈액원은 11월 6일 동주대학교를 시작으로 기술보증기금, 동의대학교, 기장군도시관리공단, 구덕고등학교, 이사벨고등학교, 한국 폴리텍대학동부산캠퍼스, 좋은문화병원, 국제금융고등학교, 부산정보관광고등학교, 연제고등학교, 금정고등학교와 헌혈약정을 체결하였다. 부산혈액원과 헌혈약정을 신규체결한 12개 단체들은 사랑의 헌혈운동에 정기적으로 동참하고 나눔문화 확산에 기여할 것을 약속했다. On November 6, the Busan Blood Center signed a blood donation agreement with Dongju College, followed by the signing of agreements with Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Dong-eui University, Gijang City Management Corporation, Gudeok High School, Isabelle High School, Korea Polytechnic s Dong Busan Campus, Good Moonhwa Hospital, International Finance High School, Busan Information Tourism School, Yeonje High School, and Keumjeong High School. By signing the agreement with the center, the 12 organizations and schools promised regular participation in the Campaign for Blood Donation of Love and their contribution to spreading the culture of sharing

23 인천혈액원 Incheon Blood Center 울산혈액원 Ulsan Blood Center 대학신입생오리엔테이션헌혈홍보 Blood Donation Awareness Campaigns at University Freshmen Orientation Sessions 인천혈액원은관내인천대학교외 13개대학교신입생을대상으로헌혈의집알리기및단체헌혈참여를위한다양한이벤트및헌혈홍보활동을전개하였다. The Incheon Blood Center held various events and publicity campaigns for blood donation to publicize blood donation centers and encourage group blood donations among freshmen at Incheon University and other 13 universities in its jurisdiction. 자원봉사연계연중헌혈캠페인진행 Year-round Blood Donation Campaigns with Volunteer Collaboration 헌혈홍보대사 JK 김동욱 UBC 파워토크출연 헌혈독려 Blood Donation PR Ambassador JK Kim Dong Wook Appears on UBC Power Talk to Promote Blood Donation 3월 31일오전 7시 3분, UBC 울산방송프로그램 파워토크 에헌혈홍보대사인가수 JK 김동욱님이출연하여사랑나눔인헌혈에대한이야기를나누었다. JK 김동욱홍보대사는이날방송에서 헌혈홍보대사를하게되면서저를비롯한가족들이솔선수범하여주기적으로헌혈을하게되었다. 저의건강한이미지를여러분들에게전달해서헌혈독려에많은도움이되길바란다. 라고하며생명을살리는사랑의실천, 헌혈에대한보다많은관심을당부했다. At 7: 3 a.m. on March 31, singer JK Kim Dong Wook appeared on UBC Power Talk to promote the blood donation in his capacity as an PR ambassador. On the broadcast, Kim requested more support for blood donation, saying, Since I became an Blood donation PR Ambassador, my family and I have regularly donated blood. I hope my healthy appearance will encourage the viewers to participate in blood donation as well. 인천혈액원은청소년자원봉사진흥센터및사회복지자원봉사인증관리를통하여자원봉사자를모집하여헌혈의집을중심으로매주토 일요일에헌혈캠페인을실시하고있다. 213년헌혈캠페인을 25회이상실시하고, 자원봉사자 2,635명이참여하였다. The Incheon Blood Center recruited volunteers through youth volunteer enhancement centers and the Volunteer Management System to conduct blood donation campaigns at designated blood donation centers every weekend. In 213, the Incheon center carried out more than 25 blood donation campaigns with 2,635 volunteers participating. 헌혈의집울산대센터이전개소 Ulsan University Blood Donation Center Relocated 5월 13일헌혈의집울산대센터가울산대학교종합서비스센터내로이전하여새로운모습으로헌혈자분들을맞이하였다. On May 13, the Ulsan Blood Center relocated the Ulsan University Blood Donation Center into the university s Student Service Center and welcomed donors to the remodeled donation center. 논현고등학교레드캠페이너우수활동 Nonhyeon High School Awarded for Outstanding Red Campaigner Performance 혈액관리본부주관의레드캠페이너활동평가에서 212년최우수상, 213년우수상을 2년연속수상한논현고등학교레드캠페이너는인천광역시의전역에헌혈에대한긍적적인인식을전파하는캠페인활동을펼쳐자발적인헌혈문화를확산하는데크게기여하였다. Red Campaigners at Nonhyeon High School were recognized for their outstanding performance in the assessment led by the Blood Service Headquarters, being awarded for the second consecutive year (top prize in 212 and honor prize in 213). The student group made enormous contributions in promoting a culture of voluntary blood donation by conducting campaigns to heighten positive awareness toward blood donation in the Incheon metropolitan area. 울산나눔문화대축제헌혈홍보부스운영 Promotion Booth at the Ulsan Culture of Sharing Grand Festival 1월 5일, 울산대공원남문광장및 SK 광장에서열린 213 울산나눔문화대축제 에서생명나눔 헌혈 문화확산을위해헌혈버스및헌혈홍보부스를동시에운영하였다. On October 5, the Ulsan Blood Center staged a blood donation campaign in the 213 Ulsan Culture of Sharing Grand Festival held at the South Gate Square (or SK Square) of the Ulsan Grand Park. The blood center celebrated the event by providing a blood donation bus and promotion booth to expand the lifesharing culture of blood donation. 울산여자고등학교 레드캠페이너장려상수상 Ulsan Girls High School Wins Participation Prize for Outstanding Red Campaigner Performance 울산여자고등학교 가 213년레드캠페이너우수활동학교중장려상을수상하였다. Ulsan Girls High School was awarded the participation prize in recognition for outstanding performance among the 213 Red Campaigner schools

24 경기혈액원 Gyeonggi Blood Center 경기도청벚꽃축제행사 Blood Donation Campaign Held at the Cherry Blossom Festival 경기혈액원은경기도청벚꽃축제기간 (4.19~21) 동안경기도청구관앞에서헌혈행사를진행했다. 수원하이텍고등학교 RCY 단원및의왕고등학교학생들은 13일헌혈의날 헌혈홍보캠페인을실시하였다. 5회째를맞는이행사에서 희망의메시지적기, 헌혈자즉석사진찍기 등체험행사를준비하여수원시민들의눈길을끌었다. The Gyeonggi Blood Center held a blood donation campaign during the three-day Cherry Blossom Festival (April 19 to 21) hosted by Gyeonggi Provincial Government. RCY students from Suwon High-tech High School and Uiwang High School carried out a street campaign to promote Blood Donation Day. This was the fifth time the campaign has been held in the region, and the students attracted the attention of citizens in Suwon by offering experiences such as sharing messages of hope and having instant photographs taken after donation. 헌혈홍보관운영 Blood Donation Promotion Booths at Local Festivals RCY 6주년기념행사 (5.25) 를시작으로삼성드림락서 (6.27), 청소년희망나눔페스티벌 (8.1), 용인시민사랑나눔기아체험 (8.17), 풍생창의축전 (9.13) 까지청소년대상헌혈홍보관을운영하여미래헌혈자들에게헌혈과대한적십자사를알렸다. 홍보관에서는혈액형검사와헌혈관련퀴즈맞추기등체험행사를운영하였다. The Gyeonggi Blood Center ran a blood donation promotion booth for the youth in a wide variety of local festival s to publicize blood donation and the Korean Red Cross among future donors. Events included the RCY 6 th Anniversary Event (May25), 213 Samsung Dream Concert(June27), Youth Hope Sharing Festival(August1), Love-Sharing Famine Camp for Yong in Citizens(August17), and Pungsaeng Creativity Festival(September13). The center s promotion booth held hands-on events including blood type tests and quiz games about blood donation. On December 2, the Buckwheat Flower Service Group, a volunteer group affiliated with the Gyeonggi Blood Center, awarded a scholarship of 5, won to a student at Suwon Information Science High School. The group, consisting of housewives in their 5s and 6s, has carried out various volunteer efforts since The group convenes on Wednesdays and Fridays for tasks such as sorting blood test notifications and folding promotional leaflets. 강원혈액원 Gangwon Blood Center 강원대학교헌혈활성화를위한장학금제도실시 Kangwon National University Offers Scholarships to Encourage Blood Donation 강원혈액원은강원대학교헌혈센터활성화및재학생들의헌혈에대한관심과참여를유도하기위하여 21년부터헌혈인성장학금을지급하고있다. 대상자는강원대학교재학생중헌혈 1회이상자로서학업성적이우수하고자원봉사활동에솔선수범하고있는학생으로, 대학학생처에서선발추천하여매년 6명에게 5만원씩의장학금을수여한다. Since 21, the Gangwon Blood Center has been offering a scholarship to vitalize the blood donation center at Kangwon National University (KNU) and to attract interest and participation from students. The scholarship is offered to KNU students who have contributed more than 1 blood donations, with strong records in academic prowess and leadership in volunteer efforts. Six students are granted 5, won every year on the recommendation of the Office of Student Affairs at Kangwon National University. 헌혈의집춘천명동센터개소 Chuncheon Myeongdong Blood Donation Center Opens 강원혈액원은국고증진기금을지원받아 12월24일헌혈의집춘천명동센터를개소했다. 춘천명동센터는평일 토요일 1시 ~2시, 일요일공휴일 1시 ~18시까지운영한다. On December 24, the Gangwon Blood Center opened the Chuncheon Myeongdong Blood Donation Center with the support of government subsidies (including National Health Promotion Fund). The blood donation center is open 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, and 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays and national holidays. 메밀꽃봉사회장학금전달 Buckwheat Flower Service Group Offers Scholarship 12월 2일경기혈액원소속메밀꽃봉사회는수원정보과학고교재학생에게장학금 5만원을전달했다. 5~6대주부들로이루어진메밀꽃봉사회는 1993년부터활동하여현재는경기혈액원에서매주수, 금요일헌혈자들의검사결과통보서분류작업, 홍보물접지작업등의봉사활동을주로하고있다

25 충북혈액원 Chungbuk Blood Center 공군제17 전투비행단, 맹추위속혈액수급안정화에기여 ROKAF 17 th Fighter Wing Contributes to Stable Blood Supply Against Severe Cold 213년 1월 7~11일공군제17전투비행단 1,22명의장병들이헌혈에참가하였다. 공군제17전투비행단은헌혈자가감소하는동절기에단체헌혈을통해혈액수급안정화에큰도움을주고있으며지난 21년 ~213년헌혈참가인원이 6,8명에이른다. From January 7 to 11, 1,22 airmen from the ROKAF 17 th Fighter Wing participated in blood donation. The fighter wing regularly contributes to maintaining a steady supply of blood through group donations against wintertime drops in donations. A total of 6,8 airmen from the fight wing have donated blood between 21 and 213. 충북고등학교, 3년연속최다헌혈 Chungbuk High School Records Highest Number of Blood Donations for Three Consecutive Years - 이병규회원 (54세, Lee Byeong-Gyu) 3회헌혈 213년 2월 13일, 청주시에위치한청대앞센터에서충북도내다섯번째 3회헌혈자가탄생했다. 주인공은아세아제지에근무하는이병규 (54세, 남 ) 회원이며 1995년부터지속적으로헌혈에참가해 3번째헌혈을했다. - 3 th Blood Donation by Lee Byeong-gyu On February 13, North Chungcheong Province saw the fifth blood donor to reach a total of 3 donations. Lee Byeong-gyu (aged 54), an employee of Asia Paper Manufacturing Co., has continued donations since 1995 and gave his 3th blood donation at the Cheongdae-ap Blood Donation Center in the city of Cheongju. - 공군제29전술개발훈련비행전대정비대상사오종규회원 (38세, Oh Jong-Gyu) 3회헌혈오종규회원은 1995년처음헌혈을시작으로꾸준히헌혈에참여해 213년 1월 24일청대앞센터에서 3번째생명나눔을실천하였다. - 3 th Blood Donation by Oh Jong-gyu On October 24, Oh Jong-gyu, a senior master sergeant of the maintenance unit in the ROKAF 29 th Tactical Development and Training Group, made his 3 th donation at the Cheongdae-ap Blood Donation Center. The 38-year-old airman has constantly practiced the sharing of life through blood donation since 충북고등학교는 211년 (652명), 212년도 (614명), 213년 (566명) 단체헌혈참가로 3년연속충북도내최다헌혈고등학교이다. 213년충북고등학교의 RCY는 11명, 희망나눔천사회원은 94명으로, 헌혈뿐만아니라다양한봉사활동을하고있다. Chungbuk High School recorded the highest number of blood donations for three consecutive years among high schools in North Chungcheong Province. In 211, 652 students at the high school participated in group donations followed by 614 in 212 and 566 in 213. Chungbuk High School has 11 RCY members and 94 members of Hope Sharing Angels, who have engaged in various volunteer activities including blood donation. 충북헌우회회원들, 헌혈캠페인뿐만아니라헌혈에서도으뜸! Donor Group Members Show Leadership in Blood Donation and Blood Donation Campaign 충청북도헌혈봉사회인 헌우회 회원으로층북지역헌혈참여에앞장서고있다. A local blood donation service group called Heonuhoe is taking the lead in blood donation to encourage participation from local residents. - 프로야구시구자로나선충북헌혈왕송득준회원 (61세, Song Deuk-Jun) 프로야구가출범한 1982년첫헌혈을시작한이래현재까지총 449회의헌혈을한충북도내최다헌혈자, 송득준 (61) 회원이 13일청주야구장에서열린프로야구경기에서시구를했다. - Song Deuk-jun, Donation King of North Chungcheong Province, Throws First Pitch at Baseball Game On August 13, Song Deuk-jun, the 61-year-old known as the most frequent donor in the region, threw the first ball at a baseball game held in the Cheongju Stadium. Song has made 449 donations in total since his first donation in 1982, the year when professional baseball first began in Korea. 충북대학교헌혈장학생선발 Scholarships Granted to Blood Donor Students of Chungbuk National University 충북혈액원은 4월 17일, 충북대센터에서충북대학교헌혈장학생들에게장학금을지급하고, 장학증서를수여했다. 헌혈장학금은지난 1년동안헌혈의집충북대센터를통해다회헌혈을기록한충북대재학생을대상으로소정의심사절차를거쳐선정된 6명의학생에게지급된다. 장학금규모는 1인당 5만원이며, 앞으로도매년장학금을지급할예정이다. On April 17, the Chungbuk Blood Center awarded scholarships and certificates to blood donor students at Chungbuk National University. Following a selection process, scholarships are granted to six students among those who donated blood multiple times over the previous year at the Chungbuk University Blood Donation Center. Each student is granted 5, won and scholarships will continue to be awarded on an annual basis. 헌혈의집청대앞센터이전개소 Cheongdae-ap Blood Donation Center Relocated 28년청주대학교앞사거리에개설되어매년 14,명에가까운헌혈자가찾았던헌혈의집이 213년 8월 8일새로운보금자리를마련했다. 28년 1월이래현재까지청대앞센터를통해헌혈에참가한도민은 6만여명에달한다. On August 8, the Cheongdae-ap Blood Donation Center was reopened at a new location. The center opened in 28 at the intersection in front of Cheongju University and was visited by nearly 14, donors every year. The center has received blood donations from more than 6, residents since its establishment in October

26 전북혈액원 Jeonbuk Blood Center 헌혈홍보관운영 Blood Donation Awareness Booth 전북혈액원은제1회희망풍차와아름다운동행행사 (5.4), 어린이날기념큰잔치 (5.4), 213 찾아가는청소년박람회 (5.11) 에서헌혈홍보관부스운영을통해헌혈지식을알리고다채로운체험프로그램을진행함으로서학생및시민들에게큰호응을얻었다. The Jeonbuk Blood Center ran promotion booths at local festivals including the First Windmill of Hope Walking Festival (May 4), Children s Day Festival (May 4) and 213 Youth Outreach Exposition (May 11). The center s promotion booth served as a platform to raise awareness of blood donation and offered a variety of hands-on events, receiving great responses from students and citizens. 헌혈의집덕진센터개선완료 Deokjin Blood Donation Center Renovated 전북혈액원은 12월 11일헌혈의집덕진센터환경개선을완료하였다. 하고쾌적한환경에서헌혈자를맞이하고있다. On December 11, the Jeonbuk Blood Center finished the renovation of the Deokjin Blood Donation Center. The remodeled blood donation center provides a pleasant environment for blood donation. 마라톤클럽및철인클럽홍보용티셔츠전달 Promotional T-shirts Presented to Marathon and Triathlon Clubs 정읍내장산마라톤클럽회원들이고창마라톤대회를비롯한각종대회에헌혈로고가새겨진마라톤복을입고경기에참가하였으며, 익산철인클럽에서도헌혈로고가새겨진방풍자켓을입고경기에참여해헌혈홍보에앞장섰다. Members of Naejangsan Marathon Club, based in Jeongeup, North Jeolla Province, ran in Gochang Marathon and other races while wearing marathon uniforms imprinted with the blood donation logo to promote blood donation. Members of Iksan Triathlon Club also participated in their races while wearing windbreakers imprinted with the blood donation logo. 전북지역 3회헌혈자탄생 The greatest donor of the Jeonbuk Blood center 강동렬님은 213년 1월 21일 3회헌혈을했다. 강동렬님은정헌모 ( 정읍헌혈을사랑하는모임 ) 를만들어지역내헌혈인구확대를위해자발적으로홍보활동을전개해오고있다. Gang Dong-ryeol made his 3 th donation on October 21, 213. Having voluntarily organized the Jeongeup Blood Donors Group to encourage blood donors, he organizes publicity activities to promote blood donation in his area. 정기영님는만 28세에처음으로헌혈을시작하여 213년 12월 19일헌혈의집군산센터에서 3회헌혈을하였다. 최근군산시헌혈왕으로선발되어헌혈자들의모범이되고있다. Since his first blood donation at the age of 28, Jeong Gi-yeong made his 3 th donation on December 19, 213 at the Gunsan Blood Donation Center. He was recently selected for the title of Donation King, serving as an example for other blood donors. 배창호님주변인과직장동료들의헌혈참여를이끄는모범적인다회헌혈자. 배창호님은 213년 9월 29일 3회헌혈을하였다. Bae Chang-ho made his 3 th blood donation on September 29, 213. As a model regular blood donor, he encourages his acquaintances and co-workers to participate in blood donation. 광주전남혈액원 Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center 헌혈의집개선및전대용봉센터신설 Blood Donation Centers Renovated and Opened 광주전남혈액원은안정적인헌혈자모집과쾌적한채혈장소확대를위해 6월 28일광주서구광천동에헌혈의집터미널센터 ( 구. 전남대센터 ) 를이전개소했다. 또한 8월 27일남구주월동에헌혈의집주월센터 ( 구. 금남로센터 ) 를개소했으며, 9월 13 일북구용봉동에헌혈의집전대용봉센터를신설하였다. The Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center relocated and opened blood donation centers to secure a steady influx of donors and to expand comfortable spaces for blood donation. On June 28, the former Jeonnam University Blood Donation Center was relocated and opened as the Terminal Blood Donation Center in Gwangcheon-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju. On August 27, the former Geumnamno Blood Donation Center was relocated and opened as the Juwol Blood Donation Center in Juwoldong, Nam-gu, Gwangju. On September 13, Jeondae-Yongbong Blood Donation Center was opened in Yongbong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju. 프로야구, 프로축구연계헌혈이벤트및홍보 Promotional Events for Blood Donation in Collaboration with Professional Baseball and Soccer Clubs 광주전남혈액원은 213년지역프로스포츠구단과연계한이벤트및홍보활동을활발히진행했다. 적십자와함께하는 KIA 타이거즈올드유니폼데이 (8.11) 행사에서는 KIA타이거즈선수들이해태타이거즈시절의유니폼등뒤 + 헌혈 이라는패치를붙이고경기에참여하여광주지역및전국야구팬들에게헌혈을홍보하였다. 이날시구는대한적십자사광주전남지사최상준회장, 시타는광주혈액원봉사회김성희부회장이하였으며 Rh(-) 봉사회소속초등학생회원 1여명이애국가를제창하였다. 또한 6월 13일광주전남지역최다단체헌혈기업체인포스코광양제철소단체헌혈행사에전남드래곤즈의골기퍼김병지선수가참여하고, 12월 13일에는 KIA 타이거즈양현종, 임준섭선수가헌혈의집충장로센터에서팬사인회를열고 KBS1 전국생방송 헌혈, 생명을나눕시다 인터뷰에참여하여광주시민들의헌혈참여를호소하였다. 5 51

27 In 213, the Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center held a variety of promotional events for blood donation in collaboration with local professional sports clubs. In an event held on August 11 titled, Kia Tigers Old Uniforms Day with the Korean Red Cross, the Kia Tigers aimed to promote blood donation among baseball fans in Gwangju and nationwide by playing a game while wearing the old uniforms when the team was known as Haitai Tigers, with the logo +Blood Donation sewn on the back. At the game, Choe Sang-jun, chairman of the Korean Red Cross Gwangju-Jeonnam chapter, threw the first pitch and the first bat was swung by Kim Seong-hui, vice president of the Gwangju B lood Donation Volunteer Service Group. The national anthem was sung in unison by around ten schoolchildren members of the Rh-negative Volunteer Service Group. Furthermore, on June 13, the group donation event led by POSCO Gwangyang Steelworks, the biggest group donor in the region, was joined by Kim Byung-ji, a goalkeeper of Jeonnam Football Club. On December 13, Yang Hyeon-jong and Im Jun-seop of Kia Tigers held a signing event at the Chungjangno Blood Donation Center and gave an interview on KBS 1TV s Share Life Through Blood Donation, broadcast live throughout the country, to encourage Gwangju residents to participate in blood donation. 경남혈액원 Gyeongnam Blood Center 경상대학교헌혈을통한봉사사랑실천 Gyeongsang National University Shares Love through Blood Donation 국립경상대학교는 1월 7,8일 213년하반기 ACTIVE GNU헌혈봉사 행사를실시하였다. 경상대학교는 212년부터교직원및학생참여헌혈봉사활동을대대적으로실시했으며경남을대표하는거점국립대학으로서헌혈문화확산에앞장서고있다. Gyeongsang National University hosted an event titled Second-half 213 ACTIVE GNU Voluntary Blood Donation over two days, on October 7 and 8. The university began to organize extensive efforts towards blood services since 212 with participation from both faculty and students, and as the foremost national university in the Gyeongsang area, GNU is a leader in fostering the culture of blood donation. 경남은행, 경남혈액원과사랑의헌혈약정체결 Kyongnam Bank Signing Blood Donation of Love Agreement with Gyeongnam Blood Center 정읍내장산마라톤클럽회원들이고창마라톤대회를비롯한각종대회에헌혈로고가새겨진마라톤복을입고경기에참가하였으며, 익산철인클럽에서도헌혈로고가새겨진방풍자켓을입고경기에참여해헌혈홍보에앞장섰다. 헌혈캠페인활성화및 213년도청소년자원봉사최우수터전 표창수상 Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center Continues Commitment to Blood Donation Campaigns and Wins Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award 광주전남혈액원은청소년자원봉사활동정보서비스 ( 를이용하여 2,명이넘는청소년들이헌혈캠페인활동을펼쳐지역청소년봉사활동증진에기여한공로를인정받아 11월 21일여성가족부장관으로부터 213년도청소년자원봉사최우수터전 표창을수상하였다. On November 21, the Gwangju-Jeonnam Blood Center was selected for the Best Foundation of Life of 213 category, winning the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Award. The award was granted in recognition of the center s contribution in enhancing local youth volunteer services by inviting more than 2, teenagers in the region to participate in volunteer activities through a youth volunteering portal. On September 24, the Gyeongnam Blood Center signed the Blood Donation of Love agreement with Kyongnam Bank. The bank pledged its commitment to the nationwide spread of the blood donation campaign and active participation in advancing and solidifying the culture of blood donation while continuously working towards mutual growth with the blood center. In addition, the bank s staff members donated 162 blood donation certificates to the Gyeongnam Blood Center, adding more meaning to the event. 레드캠페이너재능기부헌혈캠페인 Red Campaigners Campaign for the Blood Donation with Talent their Donation 경남애니메이션고등학교레드캠페이너들이창원헌혈의집과용호동거리에서헌혈캠페인을실시하였다. 레드캠페이너들은특기를살려헌혈자들에게캐리커쳐를그려증정하는캐리커쳐선물이벤트를진행하였다. 이번이벤트는레드캠페이너가추진한감성적인선물증정이벤트로서, 대상자의만족도가높았다. Red Campaigners from Gyeongnam Animation High School carried out a blood donation campaign on the streets of Yongho-dong, along with the Changwon Blood Donation Center. Making use of their talent, the students held a caricature portrait event, in which they drew pictures of blood donors to be presented as a souvenir. This event was a successful attempt by Red Campaigners to give out more personal gifts, and resulted in highly positive feedback from donors

28 제주특별자치도혈액원 Jeju Blood Center = 직원봉사회혜정원아가의집에세탁기기증 Staff Volunteer Service Group Donates a Washing Machine to Hyejeongwon Aga House 제주혈액원직원봉사회회원들이 9월 14일혜정원아가의집에세탁기 1대를전달했다. 제주혈액원직원봉사회는장애인복지시설인혜정원아가의집에서환경미화봉사활동과생필품지원등을지원해오고있다. 212년에는생필품 125만원상당을지원했으며, 213년세탁기 1대를전달했다. The contest aimed to raise positive awareness towards the donation of hematopoietic stem cells by disseminating accurate information, placating emotional aversion against the donation among potential donors and their family, increasing the rate of consent for hematopoietic stem cell donation, and gathering ideas from the public. One grand prize winner, two best prize winners, four honor prize winners and eight prize winners were selected to receive the Minister of Health and Welfare Awards and commendations of the Korean Red Cross President and the Director General of the Blood Service Headquarters. Prize-winning works were used in the production of promotional materials, subway advertisements (screen doors and video advertisements) and the Blood Service Headquarters blog, thus effectively promoting the hematopoietic stem cell donation program. On September 14, the Staff Volunteer Service Group at the Jeju Blood Center presented a washing machine to Hyejeongwon Aga House, a welfare facility for the disabled. The service group carries out voluntary work at the welfare facility, cleaning the facility and the surrounding area while providing daily necessities. In 212, it donated daily necessities worth approximately 1.25 million won and a washing machine in 213. 제16회헌혈과수혈심포지엄 The 16 th Blood Donation and Transfusion Symposium 대한적십자사혈액수혈연구원은제16회 헌혈과수혈심포지엄 이 213년 12월 13일 12여명이참석한가운데동부혈액원강당에서개최하였다. The Blood Transfusion Research Institute of the Korean Red Cross organized the 16 th Blood Donation and Transfusion Symposium on December 13 at the hall of the Seoul Dongbu Blood Center with the participation of approximately 12 people. 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute 혈액수혈연구원은 213년도에총 15개의내 외부연구과제를수행하면서세계최고수준의혈액서비스를제공하기위한기반을제공하였다. 특히 213년에는채혈혈장업무개선과헌혈자를위한서비스개선을위한연구를다수수행하였다. 혈액수혈연구원은국내유일의혈액 수혈관련전문연구기관으로써그책임과의무를다하고있다. The Blood Transfusion Research Institute conducted 15 independent and joint research projects in 213, there by laying the foundation for the provision of world-class blood services. In particular, several 213 research projects dealt with potential improvements to plasma collection practices and the provision of better services for blood donors. The institute continues to fullfil its responsibilities and duties as the only research center in Korea dedicated to studying blood and blood transfusions. 213 대한적십자사희망나눔미디어공모전 213 Korean Red Cross Media Conte aring Hope 혈액수혈연구원특수혈액관리팀에서는 제2회 213 대한적십자사희망나눔미디어공모전 을실시했다. 이공모전은 213 년 7~8월전국 1,여개고등학교및대학교, 137개헌혈의집에포스터부착, 공모전전문사이트광고, 관련단체및커뮤니티홍보를통해이루어졌다. 이번공모전은조혈모세포기증에대한올바른전달을통한긍정적인식확대, 기증희망자및가족의기증반대감소, 조혈모세포기증동의율향상과아이디어를확보하기위해시행됐다. 대상 1팀, 최우수상 2팀, 우수상 4팀, 입선 8팀을선정했으며, 당선된팀에게보건복지부장관상, 대한적십자사총재표창, 혈액관리본부표창을수여했다. 또한당선된작품을활용하여, 홍보물제작및지하철광고 ( 스크린도어, 동영상광고 ), 혈액관리본부블로그등에소개함으로써조혈모세포기증사업에대한홍보를효과적으로하였다. The Stem Cell & Rare Blood Team hosted The 2 nd Korean Red Cross Media Contest for Sharing Hope. This contest was publicized from July through August 213 in various ways such as posters placed throughout 1, high schools and universities nationwide as well as 137 blood donation centers, advertisement on contest websites, and promotion through relevant groups and communities. 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 일본혈액제제기구방문 Visits from Japan Blood Products Organization 1월 22일일본혈액제제기구 (Iapan Blood products Organization, 이하 JBPO) 관계자네명이혈장분획센터를방문했다. JBPO는일본적십자사혈장분획센터와베네시스사 (Benesis Corporation) 가합병한회사로교토와훗카이도두곳에서혈장분획시설을운영하고있다. 이들은한적혈장분획시설의체계적이고효율적인제조공정에높은관심을보였고, 향후양사의긴밀한협력과친선을도모하고자하였다. 이외에 213년혈장분획센터견학은리비아보건부차관대표단방문외 11건이있으며, 총방문자는 174명이다. On October 22, three representatives from the Japan Blood Products Organization (JBPO) visited the Plasma Fractionation Center. The JBPO was established as a result of a merger between the Japanese Red Cross Plasma Fractionation Center and Benesis Corporation, and now operates two plasma fractionation facilities at Kyoto and Hokkaido. The Japanese guests visited the Plasma Fractionation facilities and expressed keen interest in the systemic and efficient production process. This visit aimed to promote close cooperation and friendship between the two organizations. Furthermore, the Plasma Fractionation Center received 12 visits from 174 visitors in total, including the deputy health minister of Libya

29 Part Ⅲ The Status of Blood Services 혈액사업현황 1 혈액사업현황 The Status of Blood Services 조직도 Organization Chart 인력및시설현황 Human Resources and Facilities 2 혈액사업연혁 History of Blood Services 3 혈액사업회계보고 Financial Report 4 혈액사업기관주소 Blood Services Directory 56 57

30 1 The Status of Blood Service 2 - Organization Chart 혈액사업현황 - 조직도 The Status of Blood Service - Human Resources and Facilities 혈액사업현황 - 인력및시설현황 총재 President 사무총장 Secretary General 인력 213 Human Resources 의사 Medical doctors 31 혈액관리본부장 Blood Service Headquarters Director General 간호사 Nurses 885 임상병리사 Medical technicians 4 사무직 Officers 269 연구직 Researchers 32 기술직 Technicians 237 기능직 Assistants 6 기획관리국 헌혈증진국 혈액안전국 정보관리실 기타 Others 18 Blood Planning Bureau Blood Promotion Bureau Blood Safety Bureau Information Management Office 합계 Total 2,22 기획조정팀 Planning and Coordination Team 총무팀 General Affairs Team 노사협력팀 Labor Cooperation Team 경영관리팀 General Management Team 수급관리팀 Blood Inventory Management Team 고객만족팀 Customer Satisfaction Team 헌혈진흥팀 Blood Donor Promotion Team 안전관리팀 Safety Management Team 품질관리팀 Quality Management Team 전산지원팀 Information Management Team 혈액전산팀 Information Technology Development Team 시설 213 Facilities 혈액관리본부 Blood Service Headquarters 1 혈액원 Blood Centers 15 헌혈의집 Blood Donation Centers 136 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 1 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute 1 혈액검사센터 Blood Laboratory Centers 3 합계 Total 157 헌혈의집 : 혈액원헌혈실도포함 혈액원 (15 개 ) 헌혈의집 (136 개소 ) Blood Centers(15) Blood Donation Centers (136) 혈장분획센터 Plasma Fractionation Center 혈액수혈연구원 Blood Transfusion Research Institute 혈액검사센터 (3 개 ) Blood Laboratory Centers(3) ( 기준 As of December 31, 213) ( 기준 As of December 31, 213) 58 59

31 3 혈액사업 History of Blood Services 연혁 제 6 차아태지역적십자혈액사업회의서울개최 ( 참가국 : 18 개국 ) 6 th Asia-Pacific Red Cross Conference on Blood Services held in Seoul (with 18 participating nations). 전헌혈자에게 HIV 항체검사실시 Initiation of HIV antibody testing for all blood donors 전국혈액원에헌혈자관리를위한전산시스템도입 Introduction of computerized system to blood centers nationwide for blood donor management 제 17 차국제적십자회의에서각국적십자사의혈액사업전개를권장하는결의사항채택 Adoption of a resolution encouraging the operation of blood services by each National Red Cross Society at the 17 th International Red Cross Conference. 대한적십자사, 국립혈액원을인수하여혈액사업시작 Initiation of blood services as the Korean Red Cross takes over the National Blood Center 혁명피해자를위한최초적십자헌혈실시 (62 명 ) First Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donations (VNRBD) through the Red Cross (62 donors) for victims of the April 19 Revolution. 성분제제생산및공급개시 ( 적혈구농축액, 신선세척적혈구등 ) Commencement of production and distribution of blood products (packed red blood cells, washed red blood cells, etc.) 연간헌혈인구 1 만돌파 Number of annual blood donors exceeds one million. HBV 간염검사법 RPHA 법에서 EIA 법으로전환, 성분헌혈실시 HBV hepatitis testing is switched from the RPHA method to the EIA method. First apheresis donations begins. C 형간염항체검사 (EIA) 실시, 32ml 와 4ml 헌혈병행실시 First screenings for hepatitis C antibodies (EIA) and commencement of blood donations in both 32ml and 4ml units. 혈액제제연구소준공 ( 현, 혈장분획센터 ) Completes the Blood Components Research Center (currently known as Plasma Fractionation Center). 정부로부터혈액분획제제수급과관리를위탁받음 Entrusted with the collection and supply of blood fractionation components by the government. 국가골수기증사업을위탁받음 Entrusted with the national bone marrow donation program 우리나라최초로헌혈운동전개 Launch of first VNRBD blood donation campaign in Korea. 정부에서혈액관리법제정공포 ( 법률제 2229 호 ) Korean government proclaims the Blood Management Act (Act No. 2229). 대통령이제공한헌혈차 1 대로최초가두헌혈시작 Launch of the first street blood donation with one bloodmobile provided by the President. 국산플라스틱채혈백 ( 더블백 ) 생산으로성분제제공급본격화 Commencement of supply of blood components with the production of domestic plastic blood collection bags (double bags) in earnest 연간헌혈인구 2 만돌파 ( 국민헌혈률 4.5%) The number of annual blood donors exceeds two million (national donation rate : 4.5%). 혈액관리온라인통신망개통 Launch of online communication network for blood management. HCV 확인검사실시 ( 전국혈액원 ), HIV 항체확인검사실시 ( 혈액수혈연구소 ) Beginning of screenings for HCV (at blood centers nationwide) and HIV antibodies (at the Blood Transfusion Research Institute) 연간국민헌혈률 5% 달성 Annual national blood donation rate reaches 5% 혈액관리법시행령개정 ( 대통령령제 1285 호 ) Amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Blood Management Act (Presidential Decree No.1285) 혈액관리법개정으로혈액원설치자율화 The amended Blood Management Act liberalizes the establishment of blood centers 대통령령제 1285 에의해정부로부터국가혈액사업을위탁받음 Korean Red Cross entrusted with the national blood services by the government according to Presidential Decree No 등록헌혈제전국실시 / 혈액원검사기능통합화완료 (16 개 7 개 ) Launch of nationwide Blood Donor Registry. Completes the consolidation of the testing function of blood centers 국방부와 군혈액공급에관한협약 체결 Agreement on Supplying Blood to the Military with the Ministry of National Defense 최초의헌혈의집개설 ( 대전역센터 ) Opening of first blood donation center in Korea(Dae-jeon blood donation center). 6 61

32 혈소판성분헌혈전면실시 Expands platelet pheresis donations to the entire nation. 매독검사법전환 (GAST 수기법 TPPA 법 ) Change of syphilis antibody testing method (from the GAST manual method to the TPPA method). 우수원료의약품제조및품질관리기준 (BGMP) 인증획득 ( 혈장분획센터 ) Plasma Fractionation Center obtains the accreditation of Bulk Good Manufacturing Practices (BGMP) 혈액검사센터통합완료 ( 중앙, 중부, 남부 3 개혈액검사센터 ) 신종인플루엔자대유행대비혈액안전위기대응매뉴얼개발 Integration of blood laboratory centers (Central, Jungbu, and Nambu blood laboratory centers) completed. Development of risk management manual for blood safety against pandemics of new strains of influenza. 인체 T 림프영양성바이러스 (HTLV) 항체검사실시 Full implementation of HTLV testing. 헌혈예약제실시 Start of Blood Donation Reservation System 헌혈자지문인식시스템도입 Introduction of fingerprint recognition system 방사선조사혈액제제공급실시 First supply of irradiated blood components. HIV 항원 항체동시검사실시 / 혈액사업본부발족 / 혈액사업홈페이지 ( 개설 Initiation of simultaneous testing for AIDS antigens and antibodies. Launches Blood Services Bureau and opens the blood services website ( 전자문진시스템실시 Start of electronic medical examination system on a full scale. Implementation of blood donationappointment system. 헌혈봉사시간인정, 중앙 서부혈액원통폐합 ( 서부혈액원 ) Blood donation Recognized as Volunteer hours. Merging 4 Blood Centers in Seoul into 헌혈자모집사업지원협약체결 ( 캄보디아적십자 ) Signs an agreement to support a blood donor recruitment project with the Cambodian Red Cross 혈액공급차량긴급자동차로지정 Vehicles for Blood Supply Designated as Emergency Vehicles 혈액정보관리시스템 (BIMS) 실시 Expands the Blood Information Management System (BIMS) to the entire nation Rh(-) 혈액수급시스템구축 Operation of Rh-negative Blood Supply System 헌혈자혈액검체보관실시 (1 년 : 혈액원 1 년 / 혈장분획센터 9 년 ) Blood centers begin the storage of blood specimens and plasma 스마트폰헌혈어플리케이션 스마트헌혈 출시 Launching of the Smartphone App for Blood Donation, Smart Blood Donation 핵산증폭검사 (NAT) 실시 ( 인체면역결핍바이러스, C 형간염바이러스 ) Begins full implementation of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT) 혈액관리본부페이스북 SNS 개설 Open SNS platform(facebook, Blog etc) of the Korean Blood Service 혈액사업본부, 혈액관리본부로조직개편대한적십자혈액사업본부기관명칭변경 ( 대한적십자혈액관리본부 ) The Blood Services Bureau is reorganized into the Blood Service Headquarters 혈액사업비전및미션선포 Revised Ceremony to Clarify Vision and Mission of Blood Services ISO 91 품질경영시스템인증획득 ( 혈액관리본부및 16 개혈액원 ) The Blood Service Headquarters and 16 blood centers obtain accreditation of ISO 91 Quality Management System (QMS) 단체채혈현장헌혈환경개선실시 Improve the environment for group blood donations QnS Jump-up Project (Quality and Service Jump-up Project) 운영 Launch QnS(Quality and Service) Jump-up Project 혈액정보공유시스템 (BISS) 실시 Completion of development of Blood Information Sharing System (BISS). 면역검사자동화장비 1 차도입및실시 (B 형간염바이러스 ) Completion of first-phase introduction of the Automated Viral Marker Testing System (Hepatitis B) 신규핵산증폭검사 (NAT) 시스템실시 (B 형간염검사추가 ) Install new NAT system (added detection of the hepatitis B virus) 제 9 회세계헌혈자의날지구촌이벤트주관 Organize the 9 t h World Blood Donor Day(WBDD) Global Event 고객만족 (CRM) 시스템구축 Opreration of Customer Relationship Management System 매월 13 일헌혈의날 제정 Designate every 13 th as Blood Donation Day 혈액매개전염병및헌혈금지약물정보조회시스템개발 Development of Information Inquiry System for transfusion-transmitted diseases and drugs prohibited for blood donors. 혈액정보관리시스템 (BIMS) 특수기능특허취득 BIMS special function patented 스마트폰을이용한가두및단체채혈장소일치검사실시 Implementation of Donor-Blood ID Matiching System to Mobile and Group Donation Sites Using Smart Phone 비예기항체검사자동화장비도입 ( 중부, 남부검사센터 ) Introduction of Automated Unexpected Antibody Test (Jungbu, Nambu center) 면역검사자동화실시 Second-phase introduction of the Automated Viral Market Testing System completed 헌혈약정단체관리시스템구축완료 Establishment of Function for Management of Blood Donation Paticipatation Groups in Bims 62 63

33 왼쪽에서 혈액형 검사가 진행되고 있고, 오른쪽에서 미군 간호요원이 채혈하는 모습이 보인다. On the left, blood type testing 1 is performed; on the right a US Army nurse 2 collects blood 박정희 대통령이 3 적십자 총재에게 보내 준 이동 채혈차에 서 한 남학생이 헌혈을 하고 있다. A student is donating blood in the bloodmobile the President Jeong-Hee Park provided to the Red Cross 당시 대통령 영부인 육영수 여사가 적십자 혈액원에서 헌혈하고 있다. First Lady Young-Soo Yook donates blood at the Red Cross Blood Center 한국헌혈협회 부산지부가 사용한 헌혈차와 임원들 Bloodmobiles used by the Busan branch of the Korean Blood Services, and staff members 대한적십자사 중앙혈액원 1차 개원(대통령이 준6헌혈차와 보사부에서 지원해 준 헌혈차 등 대의 헌혈차량으로 시작) Opening of the Central Blood Center of the Korean Red Cross (began with two bloodmobile received by the Ministry of Health & Social Affairs, and the president) 대한혈액관리협회 발족, 적십자혈액원에 사무실을 빌 어 현판식을 거행한 대한혈액관리협회(왼쪽부터 이호 적십자사 총재, 김기홍 회장, 고재필 보사부 장관 Inauguration of the Korean As4 5 Association of Blood Management is holding 6 sociation of Blood Management. The Korean a nameplate-hanging ceremony in an office borrowed from the Red Cross Blood Center (from the left, Ho Lee, President of the Korean Red Cross; Ki-Hong Kim, President of the Korean Association of Blood Management; and Jae-Pil Ko, Minster of Health and Social Affairs) 농촌 일손 돕기를 위해 모내기에 나선 협회 직원들 Staff of the Korean Association of Blood Management participate in rice-planting to help rural communities 보사부장관과 직원, 연예인, 적십자부녀봉사회, 청소년봉사대 등 25여 명이 서울시내에서 헌혈 캠페인 실시 Blood donation campaign held in Seoul. About 25 people including staff of the Ministry of 4 5 the Red Cross Women Volunteer group participates. 6 Health and Social Affairs, popular entertainers, 제6차 아시아, 태평양지역 적십자 혈액사업 회의(롯데호텔, 중앙적십자혈액원)가 18개국 대표 32명과 적십자사연맹 관계자 등이 참석한 가운데 적십자 혈액사업의 기술 향상과 관리 개선이라는 주제로 서울에서 개최되었다. The 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Red Cross Blood Service Meeting (Lotte Hotel, Central Red Cross Blood Center) is held in Seoul and deals with methods to improve technical and managerial aspects of the Red Cross Blood Service. 32 representatives of 18 countries and officials from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) participate 류관순 기념관에서 열린 헌혈권장 박성태 독창회. 박남열 보사부 기획관리 실장이 장관축사를 대독하고 있고, 이화여고 합창단이 헌 혈의 노래를 준비하고 있다. Tenor, the Sung-Tae Park Vocal Recital for promoting blood donations held at the Ryu Gwan-Sun Memorial Hall. The ministerial congratulatory address is read by Nam-Yeol Park, Planning and Management General Manager of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, while the Ewha Girl s High School Choir prepares to sing 지하철역에 설치 된 헌혈홍보광고(광고물은 77 년에 들어서면서부터 지하철, 버스, 각종 대중잡지에 실리기 시작하여 헌혈에 대한 인식이 많이 호전되었다.) Blood donation publicity advertisement installed at a subway station (starting in 1977, through advertisement at places of public transportation (subways, bus and train) and in popular magazines, recognition for blood donation is markedly improved. According to a blood donor survey conducted by the korean Association of Blood Management, 1.2% of the donors answered that the these advertisements were their motivations for giving blood 제6회 보건의 날 행사 6th World Health Day Event 적십자 간호학교에서 열린 전국 혈액원 개설자 회의(이 회의를 정점으로 혈액의 안전한 관리와 원활한 유통관리, 혈액수 급을 완전한 헌혈로 전환시키는 사업을 개시하였다.) Nationwide Blood Center establishment meeting held at the Red Cross Nurs7 School 임상병리사 연수 8 교육(간염검사, 매독의 혈청학적 검사 실습광경) 9 ing Training Course for Medical Technicians. (seen is training for the hepatitis test and the serological test for syphilis) 세종문화회관 강당 보건의 날 행사에 서 유명연예인(이정길, 정혜선, 김용림, 박규채, 강부자 등 당대의 유명한 연예인 참석)이 행사장에 들어서는 모든 사람들의 앞가슴에 헌혈 리본을 달아주었다. On World Health Day at the Sejong Grand Theater, star entertainers (Jeong-Gil Lee, Hye-Seon Jeong, YongLim Kim, Kyu-Chae Park and Boo-Ja Kang) pin blood donation ribbons on participants 춘천 세종호텔에서 열린 강원도 헌혈촉진협의회 회의 Gangwon-do Blood Donation Promotion Conference held at Seojong 현수막 Placard for the Promoting 1 Hotel Chuncheon 보건사회부,2 대한혈액관리협회에서 전국 시도에 설치한 헌혈계몽 3 Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donation set up by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Korean Association of Blood Management 한국 연예인 새마음봉사대 1여명 헌혈계몽 전개 About 1 Korean popular entertainers of the Volunteer group run a blood donation campaign 방송대 사랑의 헌혈 잔치(잠실운동장에서 열린 헌혈홍보 행사에 정주영, 김대중, 김영삼 당시 대선후보가 참석했다.) Korean National Open University s Blood Donation festival (for the blood donation PR event held at the Jamsil Sports Complex, Presidential candidates, Joo-Young Jeong, Dae-Jung 7 8 Kim and Young-Sam Kim are present) SOS 사랑의 호출 캠페인 삐삐 기증식 SOS Calling for Love Campaign Beeper Donation Ceremony LG화학 직원이 혈장성분헌혈에 참여하고 있다. Staff of LG Chemical participate in plasma apheresis blood donation 내무부 헌혈캠페인 Blood Donation Campaign held by the Ministry Interior 중앙혈액원 이전 개 원식(서울시 중구 서소문동 소재) Opening Ceremony of the Central Blood Center (located at Seosomun-dong Jung-gu Seoul) 혈액수혈연구소 준공식(서울시 중구 남산동 소재) Ceremony for the completion of Blood Transfusion Research Institute (located at Namsan-dong Jung-gu Seoul). 65

34 대검찰청 사랑의 헌혈행사 Blood Donation Event Held by the Supreme Public Prosecutors office IMF시절 한 라건설(주)에서 실시한 회사 살리기 나라 살리기 헌혈행사 Save the Company, Save the Country Blood Donation Event carried out by Halla Engineering and Construction Crop. at the time of the IMF crisis 중앙대학교에서 실시한 나라사랑, 사람 사랑 헌혈 운동 Love for Event held at the Chung-Ang University. 3 3 of1 the Country, Love for People Blood Donation 년 7월 5일 Veterans Affairs Medical Center에서 골수 이식을 받은 성덕바우만이 대한적십자사를 방문, 적십자사 총재를 만 나고 있다. Sung Duk Bau-man who received a 5 5bone marrow transplant at the Veterans Affairs 6 Medical Center in July 5, 1996, visits the Korean Red Cross and meets the President of the Korean Red Cross 사단 헌혈 Blood Donation by the 2nd Divisions of the ROK Army 혈소판성분헌혈 시작(2년 1월부터 시범적으로 실시되어 21년 1월부터는 전국 16개 혈액원에서 혈소판성분헌혈 을 실시하고 있다.) Start of the plateletpheresis donation (from January 2, trial-run of the system conducted and from January 21, 16 Blood Centers nation wide operate plateletpheresis donation) 화이트데이를 맞이하여 초콜릿보다는 헌혈로 사랑을 나누고 싶다는 미혼 남녀를 대상으로 사랑의 헌혈 미팅이 이루어졌다. To celebrate White Day, unmarried people give blood in this Blind Date Event 성모와 마리아가 함께하는 사랑의 헌혈 행사에 인기가수 조성모와 팬클럽 회원들이 함께 참여 A popular singer, Seong-Mo Jo, and his fan club members participate in the Blood Donation Event 서울고 학생들의 헌혈참여 Seoul high School students participate in blood donation 단국대학교부속고등학교 학생들의 헌혈 참여(이 날은 골수이형성 증후군을 앓고 있는 친구를 돕기 위해 많은 학생들이 헌혈에 동참 하였다.) Participation in blood donation by student of the Senior high school attached to the College of Education of Dankook University (many Students participate to help a friend who has myelodysplastic syndrom). & 서울남부혈액원의 지역주민을 위한 무료 혈 액검사 Free Blood Test for local residents run by Seoul Nambu Blood Center LG트윈스와 함께하는 사랑의 헌혈 캠페인(헌혈자에게 사은품으로 경기관람권을 제공) Blood Donation Campaign with LG Twins (KRC provides baseball game ticket as a gift for donors). & UN 세계자원봉사자의 해 맞이 헌혈 캠페인 Blood Donation Campaign celebrating the UN International Year of Volunteers ~ 2 포스코, 마이크로소프트 백혈병 어린이 돕기 사랑의 헌혈 캠페인 (헌혈자에게 광마우스와 영화 무료관람권을 주는 이벤트 실시) The Blood Donation Campaign helping Children with Leukemia run by Posco and Microsoft (free optical mouses and free movie tickets were given to donors). 2 백혈병을 앓고 있는 한인 여교사인 재미교포 린다 김(28세)을 위한 골수 기증 캠페인(린다 김을 돕기 위한 캠페 인은 하였다. 하지만 린다 김은 조직적합성항 1 미국 워싱턴주 시애틀에서 시작되어 한국에까지 2 이어졌으며, 1,7여 명의 골수기증 희망자가 등록을 3 원(HLA)을 찾는데 실패하여 9월 3일 시애틀 스웨디시병원에서 끝내 숨졌다.) To help a Korean female teacher in America who has leukemia, Linda Kim (28 years old), a campaign for donating bone marrow is run. The campaign to help Linda Kim started in Seattle, Washington and continued in Korea. About 1,7 bone marrow donor applicants were registered. However, Linda s matched HLA (histocompat-ibility antigen) failed and she died at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Seattle on September 대한적십자사와 함께하는 국방부 사랑 의 헌혈 Love Blood Donation run by the Ministry of National Defense with the Korean Red Cross 혈액사업 심포지엄 Blood Services symposium 헌혈홍보 포스터 공모전 심사 Evaluation of Blood donation promotion poster contest 대한적십자사 창립 1주년 및 세계헌혈자의 날 기념 헌혈자 대축제 Korean Red Cross 1th anniversary / World Blood Donor Day Event ~ 21 전국 초 중 고등학생들을 대상으로 한 헌혈필요성 강조를 위한 계기수업 시행 Implementation of nationwide education for elementary, middle and high school Students on the importance of donation 보건복지부에서 실시된 헌혈홍보대 사 이영아 헌혈 캠페인 Blood Donation Campaign in Ministry of Health and Welfare with Blood Donation Ambasaddor Lee, Yeongah 한양대학교 헌혈나눔 대축제 7일의 기적 Hanyang Univ. holds 7 Days of Blood Donation Miracle 스마트폰 헌혈 어플리케이션 스마트 헌혈 실시 Lanching of the Smartphone App for Blood Donation, Smart Blood Donation 혈액사업 비전. 미션 선포 Ceremony to reclarify Vision and Mission of Blood Services 제9회 세계헌혈자의 날 지구촌 이 벤트 주관 Hosting the 9th World Blood Donor Day(WBDD) Global Event, and won Guiness World Record (the largest human blood drop) 매월 13일 헌혈의 날 제정 Designate every 13th as Blood Donation Day ~15 제1회 헌혈페스티벌 개최 Hosting the 1st Blood Donation Festival 제 1회 헌혈서포터즈 홈커밍데이 실시 Hosting the 1st Blood Donation Supporters Homecoming day 67


歯1.PDF 200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)

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