PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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1 ( IBM, )

2 Question 1 /,.

3 NO Question 1, (RTO).

4 Question 2.

5 NO Question 2,.

6 Question 3 (BIA),. Dual System.

7 YES Question 3 Dual, Compliance.

8 ISSUE BRCS Why IBM? Reference Case

9 ISSUE. Most Critical Factors to Corporate Survival 대고객서비스 / 기대 42% 주주이익 / 만족 2% 대외이미지 16% 비교우위 17% Immediate Response Brand Image Evaluation through experience 법규준수 12% 계약의무조항 11% Source: Contingency Planning Management Customer loyalty is dependent on customer satisfaction.. Senior VP of Electronic Brokerage Technology

10 ISSUE. Cost of downtime per hour for companies surveyed 4.0% 4.0% Business Operation Brokerage operations Credit card/sales authorization. Downtime (Average Cost per Hour) $6.5 million $2.6 million 9.0% 9.0% 13.0% 46.0% $50,000or less $50,000 to $100,000 $100,000 to $250,000 $250,000 to $500,000 $500,000 to $1,000,000 $1M to $5M Over $5M 15.0% Online Survey Results: Cost of Downtime, Contingency Planning Research and Contingency Planning and Management Magazine, Eagle Rock Alliance, LTD. All Rights Reserved.

11 ISSUE : ( ), 9.11 : Basel II : : IT :,, / / / ( ) /

12 ISSUE BRCS Why IBM? Reference Case

13 High Availability Load Balanced (2Sites) Warm Site & Mobile Recovery High Availability Warm Site & Mobile Recovery Quick Ship 2000 Quick Ship 2004 Source: Gartner Group

14 / (RTO) :

15 ( Log Mirroring ) (RTO) : 24~

16 DB ( DB Mirroring ) Global (RTO) :

17 (Node Balancing Dual System) (RTO) : Dual System

18 ISSUE BRCS Why IBM? Reference Case

19 IT. Governance, Financial, Risk Management, Biz Continuity Strategy R&R, Structure, Skill, Crossorganizational cooperation / Financial, CRM, BPR, Biz Control / / Data Security, Storage, Appl. Architecture and design HW architecture, SW, Middleware, N/W / Safeguard access, Power protection, / Physical security

20 IBM. High Continuous Operations Data Mirroring Complexity Multi-Vendor IT Hot Site Data Vaulting Data Shadowing Low Cold Site Quick Ship Mobile Option High Availability/ Rapid High Weeks Days Minutes Hours Low

21 / /, Compliance, Compliance

22 (Save) Ci Ca Recovery Window ( ) Before After Transformation Transformation ta ( ) ( ) Before After Transformation Transformation Illustrative Only ( ) : ) IBM SO

23 Compliance IT,,,,. Sarbanes-Oxley Act : NYSE (proposed) : 3 Rule, 446 : - : 24 BCP - Business continuity, risk management and appropriate internal - controls for companies listed on the New York Stock (2004) : Exchange. NASD has required all of its members to implement risk management and business continuity programs. - 'Sarbanes-Oxley Act'

24 Business Leveling ( ) (BIA) ( ) Illustrative only Illustrative only 100% 80% 60% 40% 20%

25 Case Study 1: ½, (HOST ) Dual System 1

26 Case Study 1: (1 ) 1 CF (HOST ) ICF DWDM DWDM 1 Optical Fiber


28 Case Study 1: (3 ) 3 ½ Dual System 1 HOST PROD DB SVR HACMP DWDM Optical Fiber DWDM 2 HOST LPAR

29 Case Study 2: Crossing Back up TrueImage, HDD ( CD-RW, DVD-RW ) 3 Back up Back up TrueImage File TrueImage Server Back up DNS Total Back up HDD

30 ISSUE BRCS WHY IBM? Reference Case

31 Why IBM? 76 15,000, 5-30, (Hurricane Floyd ) -, ISO IBM BRCS (Business Resilience & Continuity Services)

32 Why IBM? IBM. Challengers Leaders Ability to Execute Dell NEC Stratus HP FTSI SUN Unisys IBM "IBM's leadership position reflects strong results in many aspects of its vision and ability to execute. IBM has the world's largest services organization and the widest array of services dedicated to high availability, from business and IT consulting services through to directly delivered business-continuity services. IBM's history of providing high-availability services, and the maturity of the processes and technologies it uses to deliver them, make it a leader in this sphere of activity. Bull FTSI = Fujitsu Technology Solutions, Inc. Niche Players Visionaries Source: Gartner Research Completeness of Vision

33 ISSUE BRCS Why IBM? Reference Case

34 Reference Case 1 DR DR DR Bank of America NewYork, NY Sterlingforest, NY 50 RTO: 3 hrs RPO: Disaster Occurred RCO: 3 hrs IBM Mainframe IBM RS/6000 IBM Mainframe XRC/PPRC Wells Fargo Minneapolis MN, Tucson AZ, Sacramento CA, Des Moines IA Tucson, AZ IBM Mainframe Open servers IBM Mainframe Open servers

35 Reference Case 2 P, IT. Server Group

36 IBM. (Business Resilience & Continuity Services)

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