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1 교회이름 (Church Name): 총회재무행정협의회등록번호 (GCFA Church #): 구역회이름 (Charge): 연회등록번호 (Conf. Church #): 지방회이름 (District): 연방세등록번호 (Federal Tax ID #): 목사 (Pastor:): 교회등록상태 (Church Type): 정식인가된교회 (Chartered Church) 선교교회 (Mission Church) 새개척교회 (New Church Start) 위성교회 (Satellite Church) 위성교회의모교회 (Parent Church of Satellite) 메 모 도표 1 1 쪽

2 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 1 전년도말까지보고된교인총숫자 (Total professing members reported at the close of last year) 작년 교인총회보고서에나온총교인숫자를기입한다. 여기에는그이전보고의정정사항은포함되지않는다. 이항목의숫자는연회통계사가제공한다. (Enter here the total membership reported in last year s Local Church Report. Do not use this line to correct the previous year s report. This line should be provided by the annual conference statistician.) 1 2a 금년도합습교인수 (Received this year by Profession of Faith through confirmation) + 2a 2b 학습세례가아닌경로로등록된교인수 (Received this year by Profession of Faith other than through confirmation) + 2b 2c 신앙고백갱신을통한교인수 (Membership restored by Affirmation of Faith) + 2c 2d 교인총회보고서정정으로추가된교인수 (Added by Correction) + 2d 교 적 부 2e 다른연합감리교회에서이명 (Transferred in from another United Methodist Church) + 2e 2f 타교단교회에서이명 (Transferred in from a non-united Methodist Church) + 2f 3a 교인총회결정으로제명 (Removed by Charge Conference Action) - 3a 3b 교인명부에서탈퇴 (Withdrawn from Professing Membership) - 3b 3c 교인총회보고서정정으로줄어둔교인수 (Removed by Correction) - 3c 3d 다른연합감리교회로이명 (Transferred out to another United Methodist Church) - 3d 3e 타교단으로이명 (Transferred out to a non-united Methodist Church) - 3e 3f 4 사망교인 (Deceased) 금년도총교인수 (Total Professing Members at the close of this year) 1 + (2a+2b+2c+2d+2e+2f) - (3a+3b+3c+3d+3e+3f) = 4 의숫자가된다. 비등록교인이나영아세례자들은해당되지않는다 (Affiliate, associate, and baptized members (who have not yet become professing members) should not be counted as professing members). - 3f = 4 도표 1 2 쪽

3 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 여기엔, 교인의인종별기록이다. 각교인은아래사항한곳에만적용된다. 따라서 5 항의총숫자는위의 4 항의숫자와같아야한다. (On the following lines, report for each member the racial/ethnic group with which she or he identifies, or to which she or he is regarded in the community as belonging. All examples should be understood as a selection and not an inclusive list. Each member should be included in only one group. The total in Line 5 must equal total membership in Line 4.) * 참고 : 이자료는교육관계자료용으로사용된다. 모든교인은그리스도안에서하나이나, 이런인종 / 인종별교인수의가급적정확한기록이중요한다. (*Note: The data gathered here is used for groups that offer educational resources and tailored ministries. While we are certainly all one in Christ, it is important to value our members racial and ethnic identities and report this information as accurately and completely as possible.) 5a 아시안계 (Asian) 5a 방글라데시, 부탄, 캄보디아, 중국, 인도, 인도네시아, 일본, 한국, 라오스, 말레시아, 몽골리아, 미얀마, 필리핀, 파키스탄, 싱가포르, 스리랑카, 타이완, 타일랜트, 티벳, 베트남 (Members with ethnic origins in East or South Asia (this includes the peoples of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam). 5b 흑인계 (Black) 5b 인종 아프리카, 혹은미흑인들. 여기에는카리비안, 남마, 북미주에서온흑인모두를포함한다. (Members with ethnic origins in Africa or those who identify themselves as African American. This includes the African Diaspora in the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America.) 5c 히스페닉 / 라틴계 (Hispanic/Latino) 5c 종족 멕시코, 중남미, 카리비안의스페인어사용나라에서온사람들로유럽과아프리카의인종혈통이다. (Members with ethnic origins in Latin America (including Mexico, Central America, and the Spanish-speaking islands of the Caribbean). This ethnicity includes persons whose racial heritage is either European or African). 별 5d 원주민계 (Native American) 어메리카대륙의원주민들로, 알레웃, 이누잇, 믹멕, 오집와, 마얀, 미스키토원주민등이포함된다. (Members with ethnic origins in indigenous America (including Aleut, Inuit, Micmac, Ojibwa, Mayan, Miskito, etc.) and/or who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition). 5d 5e 태평양섬계 (Pacific Islander) 5e 태평양섬나라출신으로피지, 괌, 하와이, 마리아나스, 마이크로네시아, 파푸아, 폴리네시아, 사모아, 솔로몬군도와통가, 바누아투, 그리고투발루 (Members with ethnic origins in the Pacific Islands (including Fiji, Guam, Hawaii, Marianas, Micronesia, Papua, Polynesia, Samoa, Solomon and Tonga, Vanuatu, and Tuvalu). 5f 백인계 (White) 유럽계출신으로그안에다양한민족이포함된다. (Members with ethnic origins in Europe, including its various ethnicities). 5f 5g 복합인종계 (Multiracial) 위에언급된집단에서 2 개이상의인종출신 (Members with ethnic origins in two or more of the other six categories). 5g 5 전체인종교인수 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP ETHNICITY (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e+5f+5g = 5 = 4) 5 도표 1 3 쪽

4 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 성 별 여기엔, 교인의성별기록이다. 각교인은아래사항한곳에만적용된다. 따라서 6 항의총숫자는위의 4 항의숫자와같아야한다. (On the following lines, report for each member the gender with which she or he identifies. The total of the numbers entered in these two spaces must equal the membership total in Line 4). 6a 여성 (Female) 6a 6b 남성 (Male) 6b 6 성별전체교인수 <6a + 6b = 6 항 = 4 항 > (TOTAL MEMBERSHIP GENDER <6a + 6b = 6 = 4> 6 7 매주예배평균참석수 (Average Attendance at all weekly worship services) 7 주별고정으로드리는모든예배의참석자수로. 어린이들도포함된다. 예 : 새벽예배, 수요예배, 금요철야예배, 주일예배등. 크리스마스전야예배처럼 출 석 7a 특별예배의온라인예배참석자는포함되지않는다. (Report average in-person attendance at all services held on a consistent weekly basis as the primary opportunity for worship. Count all persons (including children) who participate in part of any of these services. Do not include online worshippers nor attendance from irregularly held special services <i.e. Christmas Eve services>). 온라인으로예배드리는사람들의수 (Number of persons who worship online) 7a 및 세 례 온라인으로예배드리는사람들의주간평균수를기록한다. 여기에는생방송예배, 녹음된테잎혹동영상을보는사람들모두포함된다. 단지교회 웹사이트의방문자수는포함되지않는다. ( Report here average weekly number of unique viewers who access worship online. This includes those live streaming your worship service and views/downloads of recorded worship services (audio or video), sermons, and/or podcasts. Do not include generic hits/visits to your website). 8a 영아및어린이세례인수 (Number of persons baptized this year ages 0-12) 8a 8b 13 세이상의세례인수 (Number of persons baptized this year ages 13 or older) 8b 8 금년도전체세례인수 : 8a-b (Total number of persons baptized this year: sum of 8a + 8b) 8 기타참석자 9 정교인으로등록하지않는세례자수 (Total baptized members who have not become professing members) 여기에는세례는받았지만공적으로정교인으로등록되지않은경우로 4 항에포함되지않은사람인경우이다. 탈퇴했거나교인총회에서제명된사람은 포함되지않는다. (Report the cumulative total of all persons who have been baptized, but have not yet made an official profession of faith into full membership (i.e. not included in line 4 s total membership). DO NOT INCLUDE persons who have been removed from professing membership by withdrawal or charge conference action, though they remain baptized members). 10 다른범주의교회활동참석자수 (Number of other constituents of the church) 세례받지않은어린이, 교회학교참석자, 교인은아니지만 - 교회와연관을맺고있는사람들. 이들의명단은따로비교인명부에기록되어야한다. (Report the number of all unbaptized children, church school members, and others who are not members of the church but are in relationship with the congregation and for whom the local church has pastoral responsibility. These persons should be recorded in your church s Constituency Roll) 도표 1 4 쪽

5 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 크리스찬양성모임참석자 - 주일학교, 합습반, 그리고모든소모임사역포함 (PARTICIPANTS IN CHRISTIAN FORMATION GROUPS <CFG>, including Sunday School, educational classes, and other small group ministries) 크리스찬양육참석자 교회에서크리스챤양육을하는다양한여러모임에참석하는사람숫자를기록한다. 한개의모임이상참여하더라도한사람당한번만기입한다. 18 세이상의인도자는젊은 성인범주에포함된다. 대체로크리스찬양육모임은주일아침모임이주를이루나, 지식개발, 성경공부, 영성훈련, 양육전반을다루는다른모임들도포함한다. 만일 교회에서모이는외부모임 < 예스카웃모임 > 이교회교육부사역의일부라면포함시킨다. (Enter on the following lines the total number of persons who have been participating significantly in any and all of the church's Christian formation groups or small group ministries. Count participants only once, even if they participate in more than one group. Include leaders of each age in that category (i.e. an 18-year-old leader is counted as a young adult). Christian Formation Groups are primarily Sunday morning groups, but may also include other classes and small groups that enhance participants' knowledge and experience of the Bible, spiritual life, and Christian nurture ( 256.1a-d). Include groups sponsored by other agencies (Scouts, etc.) only if wholly integrated with the church's education ministry). 11a 11b 11c 영아 -11 세이하어린이양육에참여하는어린이와지도자수 (Number of CHILDREN CFG participants and leaders - ages 0-1) 세모임에참여하는청소년과지도자수 (Number of YOUTH CFG participants and leaders - ages 12-18) 세모임에참여하는청년과지도자수 (Number of YOUNG ADULTS CFG participants and leaders - ages 19-30) 11d 31 세이상성인모임참석수 (Number of OTHER ADULT CFG participants and leaders -ages 31+) 11d 11a 11b 11c 11 전체크리스찬양육모임참석수 11a-d (TOTAL Christian Formation Group Participants) 11 신 앙 교 육 모 임 * 여 름 성 경 12 한해의학습반등록자수 (Total enrolled in confirmation preparation classes this year) 교인이되기위한학습반에참여하는참석자수. 그들이학습을받고정교인이된경우엔그들을 2a 항에도기입한다. (Report the number of persons of all ages who have participated in confirmation preparation classes during the year. If they were confirmed and became official church members, these persons should also be reported on Line 2a) 13 주일학교와같이신앙교육목적으로모이는모든공부반의주간공부의주간평균참석수 (Average weekly attendance <all ages> in Sunday School or other weekly education classes) 주일학교로교육목적의모든모임에주별평균참석수 (Report here the average weekly attendance figures for all sessions of education classes and groups that meet in Sunday Church School groups). 14 여름성경학교참석수 (Number of participants in Vacation Bible School) 여름성경학교혹비슷한활동에참여하는수. (Report here the number of individual students attending this church s Vacation Bible School or similar activity, including Vacation Bible Schools conducted in cooperation with other churches). 15 주일학교반의수 (Number of ongoing Sunday Church School Classes offered) 연중으로매주마다하고있는주일학교반의수 (Report here the total number of classes and other small groups held each week in Sunday Church School through all or most of the year) 도표 1 5 쪽

6 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 학 교 * 소 모 임 주일학교가아닌그외의다양한소모임수 (Number of ongoing small groups, support groups, or classes offered <other than Sunday Church School>) 주일학교이외에교회나그외장소에서매주모이는소모임수. 예 : 독신 / 부부모임, 건강모임, 성경공부, 독서모임, 성가대등예배준비용모임 (Report here the total number of classes and small groups held each week at times other than Sunday Church School, including small groups that meet in places other than the church building. Examples include (but are not limited to) singles/couples groups, health ministries, Bible studies, book clubs, choirs and other musical groups that perform music in worship). 17 릅소그릅모임수 (Number of support groups or small groups offered for a short term only) 연중대부분이아닌단기모임의수.16 항기록과중복되지않게한다. 예 : 단기로하는성경공부, 건강사역, 절기별특별예배음악모임 (Report here the total number of classes or groups that meet less than all or most of the year. Do not report groups reported in Line 16. Include Covenant Bible Study classes. Examples include (but are not limited to) short-term educational series, financial classes, health ministries and support groups, and seasonal musical worship groups). 17 남선 18a 남선교회회원수 (Membership in United Methodist Men) 남선교회회장이보고한남선교회사역에참가하는수 (Report here the total number of men participating in men s ministry programs as reported by the UMM president). 18a 교 18b 남선교회의사역액수 (Amount paid for projects - UMM) 18b 회 교회와지역을위한남선교회활동비 (Report amounts paid for local church and community projects or programs, or for other projects and programs selected by the group). 여선 19a 여선교회회원수 (Membership in United Methodist Women - UMW) 여선교회회장이보고한회원수 (Report here the total number of members in the local organization as reported by the president). 19a 교회 19b 여선교회의교회와지역선교액수 (Amount paid for local church and community work - UMW) 여선교회에서교회와지역활동에사용된액수로지방회나연회로보내는선교비는포함되지않는다. (Report amounts paid for local church and community projects or programs, or for other projects and programs selected by the group. DO NOT INCLUDE money sent by UMW to the district or conference treasurer for United Methodist Women mission). 19b 도표 1 6 쪽

7 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 1: 교인수와신앙활동통계 (TABLE 1: MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION) 20a 연합감리교회선교자원팀수 (Number of UMVIM teams sent from this local church) 연합감리교회선교자원프로그램에만해당된다. (Report ONLY those teams affiliated with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission.) 20a 20b 연합감리교회선교자원프로그램참석자수 (Number of persons sent out on UMVIM teams from this local church) 연합감리교회선교자원프로그램에만해당된다. (Report ONLY those persons sent out with teams affiliated with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission). 20b 선교사역 다음은교회선교와관련된사항이다. 21a-21b 는연합감리교회가지정한네가지초점선교에관한것이다. 교회의선교사역이두개의초점이다포함되면숫자를두번 계산한다. (The following lines intend to gauge your church's mission involvement. For Lines 21a-21b, refer to the UMC's Four Areas of Focus if you need help determining the focus of a ministry. Please note that these numbers do not total. If a ministry fits into more than one category, count it twice). 예 : 지역의조찬기도모임을교회가주관하여 50 명의교인들이음식준비등에봉사하여 500 명의사람들이모였다가정하자. 이경우 22 항엔 50, 23 항엔 500, 21 항, 21a, 21b 엔 1 을적는다. (Note the following example for Lines 21-23: Your church hosts a prayer breakfast for the community. Fifty church volunteers serve on teams to prepare and serve food, advertise the event, and drive attendees; 500 people from the community attend. In this case, you would record 50 in Line 22, 500 in Line 23, 1 in Line 21, 1 in Line 21a, and 1 in Line 21b). 21 지역을위한전도, 정의, 자비사역의수 (Total number of community ministries for outreach, justice, and mercy offered by church) 지역을위한사역의숫자를기입하는데, 부흥회, 무숙자봉사, 법률상담, 간호, 감옥전도등이모두포함된다. (Enter the total number of different ministries sponsored by your church (i.e. revivals, community events, food banks, homeless shelters, legal services, community nurse, prison ministry) that are offered to the community as a means of outreach, social justice, and/or mercy) a 21b 21 항가운데건강복지에해당하는사역의수 (Of the ministries counted in Line 21, how many focus on global/regional health?) 21 항가운데빈곤과사회적으로소외된사람들을위한사역의수 (Of the ministries counted in Line 21, how many focus on engaging in ministry with the poor/socially marginalized?) 21a 21b 선교사역 22 지역과세계선교사역에참가한교인수 (Number of persons from your congregation serving in mission/community ministries) 여기엔모든국내와해외선교사역에해당된다. 교회가지원하는무료급식, 선교팀, 재난구호등세상을변화시키는모든선교가다포함된다. 20b 항에보고된사람을포함해서개인의숫자가중복되지않도록한다. (Report the number of individual persons who participated on behalf of your church in ministries that intend to transform people in your local community, the region, and the world. This number should include those involved in any ministry the congregation officially supports, including local food programs, mission teams, disaster response, and/or other mission efforts. Count each person only once. Include persons reported in Line 20b). 23 전도, 정의, 자비선교사역의수혜자수 (Number of persons served by community ministries for outreach, justice, and mercy) 21 항에기록한사역들의수혜자총수 (Enter the total estimated number of persons served by or who attended ministries counted in Line 21) 도표 1 7 쪽

8 교회이름 (Church Name): 총회재무행정협의회등록번호 (GCFA Church #): 구역회이름 (Charge): 연회등록번호 (Conf. Church #): 지방회이름 (District): 연방세등록번호 (Federal Tax ID #): 목사 (Pastor:): 교회등록상태 (Church Type): 정식인가된교회 (Chartered Church) 선교교회 (Mission Church) 새개척교회 (New Church Start) 위성교회 (Satellite Church) 위성교회의모교회 (Parent Church of Satellite) 도표 2: 자산과지출 TABLE 2: ASSETS AND EXPENSES 메 모 자산과지출부채 24 교회소유의땅, 건물, 차량, 장비의시세가 (Market value of church-owned land, buildings, vehicles, and equipment) 교회건물, 사택, 교회소유차량, 그외비품총시세. 만일건물이여러교회소유로되어있으면교인수에비례해서시세를배정한다. 시세예상액을 정하는데교인들이건물가결정을추진할필요는없다. (Enter the estimated market value of buildings, parsonages, vehicles, and equipment plus the value of parsonage-related assets. If a parsonage is in a charge of more than one church, list parsonage-related assets only on the report of the church where parsonage is located. If property is held by a multi-church charge in common (rather than by an individual church) a share of the value should be assigned to each church according to its percentage of total professing membership within the charge unless a specific percentage of commonly-held property has been otherwise designated. Congregations are not obligated to initiate property appraisals in order to provide this estimate). 25 유동자산의시세가 (Market value of financial and other liquid assets) 교회명의로된현금, 주식, 보험, 투자액의시세가로건축기금이나특정목적기금으로다른항목에기입안된모든기금. (Enter the estimated market value of cash, stocks, bonds, trusts, securities, investments (including endowments) belonging to the church, including money raised or donated and held for future building programs or any other special purposes, and all property and other investments not included elsewhere. Include any liquid reserve funds in this line). 26 교회자산을담보로한부채 (Debt secured by church physical assets) 모기지와같이교회가지불해야할융자금 (Enter the amount of debt currently held by the church that is secured by church property and assets, such as mortgages). 27 기타부채 (Other debt) 교회부동산을담보로한부채가아닌부채. 예 : 신용카드, 담보현금 항의총액수는교회의총부채이다. (Enter the total of all debt currently held by the church that is not secured by church property assets, such as credit cards, lines of credits, and lease-to-purchase agreements. The sum of Lines 26 and 27 should equal the total debt currently held by the church) 도표 2 1 쪽

9 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 2: 자산과지출 TABLE 2: ASSETS AND EXPENSES 목사와교회직원 (CLERGY AND STAFF) 목사와직원을위해교회가지불한모든금액 (Please include all amounts paid directly to clergy and staff, as well as amounts paid on behalf of the church for clergy and staff). 연 금 * 건 강 보 험 항목엔감독이파송한목사가아닌사람들에게지불한것은포함되지않는다. (For 39 and 40, DO NOT INCLUDE any monies paid for the benefits of church staff not serving as a pastor, including those appointed by the bishop to specialized ministries. DO NOT INCLUDE any amounts deducted from clergy salaries and paid on their behalf). 39 목사의연금을위해지불된금액 (Total paid for direct-billed and/or non-apportioned clergy pension and other non-health benefits) 건강보험이외에교회가지불한모든금액 (This amount should include the total paid by the local church for ministerial benefits, excluding health). 40 목사의건강보험으로지불된금액 (Total paid for direct-billed and/or non-apportioned clergy health benefits) 교회가건강보험으로지불된총금액 (This amount should include the total amount paid by the local church for ministerial health benefits) 기 본 사 례 비 목사에게지불된총사례비로교회에서세금지연저축은물론지방회나연획에서지원된액수도포함된다. 연회나지방회에서의지원금은도표 3 에추가로보고한다. 세법 107 < 주거용경비제외법 > 에상관없이사례비를줄여기록하지않는다. 사택이없어주거비를지불하는경우 42a-42c 에기록한다. (For the following lines, enter the total amount of compensation paid, including funds provided by the district or conference, including tax-deferred amounts and/or any cafeteria plan contributions. Funds received (income) by the church from the conference or district shall additionally be reported on Table 3. Do not reduce the compensation by the utility exclusion that is elected by the pastor under Internal Revenue Code 107. Do not include housing allowance paid in lieu of providing a parsonage. Include this amount on Lines 42a-42c). 41a 41b 담임목사에게지불된기본사례비. (Base compensation paid to/for the Senior Pastor or other person assigned or appointed in the lead pastoral role to the church) 교회의담임목사의역할을하는전도사, 은퇴목사, 대체목사모두해당. (This person could be an elder, deacon, supply pastor, local pastor, etc., as long as he/she is assigned or appointed to the lead pastor role). 파송된모든부목사와목사직분의특수교역자에게지불된기본사례비 (Base compensation paid/for to all Associate Pastor(s) and other pastoral staff assigned or appointed to the church. Include deacons and other clergy in this role). 파송된모든부목사와목사직분의특수교역자에게지불된기본사례비 (Base compensation paid/for to all Associate Pastor(s) and other pastoral staff assigned or appointed to the church. Include deacons and other clergy in this role). 41a 41b 41c 41a-42b 에개해당되지않은파송자에게지불된기본사례비 (Base compensation paid to/for any Deacons not included in 41a or 41b) 41c 도표 2 2 쪽

10 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 2: 자산과지출 TABLE 2: ASSETS AND EXPENSES 주 거 비 혜 택 주거비와그외주거용경비 ( 전기, 난방, 가구, 차고세, 뜰관리, 청소등 ) 과사택관리경비의총금액을기입한다. 교회사택관련부채, 땅구입, 건축, 재건축, 장비사용비는 여기에포함되지않고 항에기입한다. (Enter here the total amount paid to/for the following for housing allowances and other housing and utility-related allowances including those for light, heat, furniture, garage rental, service costs (yard work, cleaning, etc.), and any normal expenditures incurred to maintain the parsonage. DO NOT INCLUDE payments on parsonage-related debts, purchase of land, building, remodeling, and major equipment expenditures here. Report those expenses on lines 48 and 49). 42a 42b 41a 항명시된담임목사를위한주거비 (Housing benefits paid to/for Lead Pastor or person in lead pastoral role as described in 41a). 모든부목사와기타교회에파송된사역자에게지불된주거비 (Housing benefits paid to/for all Associate Pastor(s) and other pastoral staff assigned or appointed to the church. Include deacons and other clergy in this role). 42a 42b 42c 41a-b 항에해당되지않은파송자에게지불된주거비 (Housing benefits paid to/for any Deacons not included in 41a or 41b). 42c 기타혜택비 43 41a-41c 항에해당하는모든목사에게서면동의된경비의차후지불총금액 (Total amount paid to/for all persons included in Lines 41a-41c for accountable reimbursements) 교회와목사의서면동의에따라합당한서류를제출한후에교회가지불한경비는계속교육, 서적, 여행및기타 사역을지원하는경비를포함해야한다.. 교회프로그램의비용과운영경비는나중에 절에서지급될 것입니다. (This includes any reimbursements of expenses incurred by the pastor(s) based upon a written policy and/or agreement of the church and pastor(s) in which expenses are substantiated through receipts or other documentation and must be presented prior to payment by the church. These include expenses for travel, continuing education, books, publications and other expenses related to supporting the ministry and development of the pastor. Reimbursements of expenditures made by the individual for local church programs and operating expenses should be reported on Lines 46 and 47) a- c 항에해당하는모든목사에게서면동의없이사용된경비의차후지불총금액 (Total amount paid to/for all persons included in Lines 41a-41c for any other cash allowances (non-accountable) 직 원 영수증등증거서류없이목사에게갱비사용후지불총금액 (Enter here the total amount paid to/for all pastors for other cash allowances that are not substantiated through receipts or other documentation presented prior to payment by the church) 45 그외교회직원과전문직사역자에게지불된사례비와혜택비총금액 (Total amount paid in salary and benefits for all other church staff and diaconal ministers) 평신도직원, 특수사역자등에게지불된사례비, 주택, 혜택비, 세금이포함되며이금액은 항에포함되지않는다. (Report the amounts paid by the local church as salaries, housing, benefits, expense reimbursements, taxes, and allowances for any lay employees, diaconal ministers, or other staff leaders. DO NOT INCLUDE amounts reported on Lines 39 through 44). 45 도표 2 3 쪽

11 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 2: 자산과지출 TABLE 2: ASSETS AND EXPENSES 프 로 그 램 * 운 영 경 비 교회의프로그램과운영비 (Please include amounts paid by the church, as well as amounts paid on behalf of the church, for all program and operating expenses). 46 프로그램총경비 (Total amount spent for local church program expenses) 47 교육, 전도, 선교, 홍보, 예배, 그외사역에사용한모든경비. 연합감리교회가아닌곳에지원금은포함되지않고, 38 항에기입한다. (Report the total of all amounts spent on local church program for the purposes of education, witness, outreach, mercy, communication, worship, and other ministries. DO NOT INCLUDE amounts given to support local or national non-umc groups and agencies in their programs. Those amounts should be reported on Line 38). 교회운영총경비 (Total amount spent for other local church operating expenses) 사무실, 건물유지, 보험, 교회시설유지비의총경비를기입한다. 이미보고된경비는제외된다. (Enter the total of current operating expenses, such as office expenses, expenses for property maintenance and insurance, utilities for the church, etc. DO NOT INCLUDE any expenditures already reported on previous lines) 부채자본지출경비 48 융자, 모게지등에대한원금과이자지불총금액 (Total amount paid for principal and interest on indebtedness, loans, mortgages, etc). 모든융자, 모게지등에지불된내용을보고한다. 돈을빌린같은해에원금과이자를갚았다면포함시키지않는다. 대신돈을빌리게된목적이있는난에 기입한다. (Report here all payments on all loans, mortgages, etc. DO NOT INCLUDE principal and interest on money borrowed and repaid within the current fiscal year. This should be reported on lines corresponding to the purpose for which the money was borrowed.) 49 건축, 보수, 주장비구입과같은자본경비로지불된총액수 (Total amount paid on capital expenditures for building, improvements, and major equipment purchases) 융자가아닌헌금 / 기부금에서지불된액수만기입한다 항엔남아있는부채금액을기입한다. 기부되었으나앞으로사용하려고남겨둔금액은지 않은 25 항에기입한다. 새부지 / 건물과새장비구입, 오르간, 악기구입, 냉온장부억시설, 음향시설처럼크게경비를지불한액수, 그리고건물 보수비가여기에해당된다. 또한단기렌트경비지출도포함한다. (Enter here only amounts paid from contributions, not from loans. Enter any outstanding indebtedness on Lines 26 or 27. Amounts contributed but not paid out (retained for use in future years) should be included on Line 25. Report what was paid for new property and buildings, major purchases of new equipment or furnishings (organs or other musical instruments, heating and cooling equipment, kitchen equipment, audio visual equipment, furnishings) and major renovation. Also include short term rent) 교회의프로그램과운영에지불된총금액 (29a -49 항의합계 ) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY THE LOCAL CHURCH ON ALL EXPENDITURES (SUM OF LINES 29a through 49) 50 도표 2 4 쪽

12 교회이름 (Church Name): 총회재무행정협의회등록번호 (GCFA Church #): 구역회이름 (Charge): 연회등록번호 (Conf. Church #): 지방회이름 (District): 연방세등록번호 (Federal Tax ID #): 목사 (Pastor:): 교회등록상태 (Church Type): 정식인가된교회 (Chartered Church) 선교교회 (Mission Church) 새개척교회 (New Church Start) 위성교회 (Satellite Church) 위성교회의모교회 (Parent Church of Satellite) 도표 3: 수입 TABLE 3: INCOME 메 모 헌금자수 51 헌금자수 (Number of giving units) 1 년예산안과분담금과같은선교비를위해헌금하는교우개인혹은가구수 (Report here the number of households or individual persons recorded by name as contributors for the year in support of the annual budget/spending plan and benevolence giving.) 51 교 회수입 * 지출예산안 이항목안에는, 1 년예산안책정에필요한수입을보고한다. 자본증가나취득에관한항목이교회연예산안에들어가있지않으면 53a -53d 항에보고한다. 개체교회가아닌 곳, 곧연회나교단내다른기관에서받은수혜금은여기에기록하지않고, 대신 54a-54c 항에기입한다. 또한특정한목적으로지정된헌금수입은 54d 항에보고한다. 저축과 유산기금이나장기재정용도로들어오는수입도포함시키지않는다. (In this section, report income for funds used exclusively in support of the annual budget/spending plan. DO NOT INCLUDE funds intended for capital improvements or acquisitions (report these on Lines 53a to 53d) unless they are provided for within the annual budget/spending plan of the local church. DO NOT INCLUDE funds received from connectional or institutional sources and grants outside of the local church (report these on Lines 54a to 54c). DO NOT INCLUDE income designated for specific benevolent/charitable causes (report these on Line 53d). DO NOT INCLUDE funds put in savings, endowments, or other long-term financial instruments). * 참고 : 자산을팔아교회년예산에포함시킬의도가있다면 52a-b 항에포함시킨다. 다른목적이라면 53a-d 항에기입한다. * (Note the intent of a sale of assets. If designated for church budget, include in Lines 52a to 52g. If planned for other use, report in Lines 53a to 53d). 도표 3 1 쪽

13 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 3: 수입 TABLE 3: INCOME 52a 약정헌금 (Amount received through pledges) 52a 교회 수입 * 지출 예산안 52b 52c 교회연예산안의수입원에해당되는약정헌금과예상된헌금액수를기록한다. 만일교회가년예산책정을위해약정헌금방식을택하지않는다면이항목을건너뛴다. (Enter here receipts of funds received toward the payment of pledges, estimates of giving, or other commitments establishing a level of giving toward annual budget/spending plan of the church - for example, a member s payments toward an annual pledge). If your church does not conduct financial stewardship campaigns using pledges, please skip this line). 약정한헌금은아니지만기부자가알려진헌금수입 (Amount received from non-pledging, but identified givers) 약정은하지않았으나기부자의이름을알고헌금액수를추측할수있어연예산에책정된헌금액수 - 예 : 약정카드는없지만수표기부자이기에이름이확인된다. (Enter here this year s receipts from identifiable individuals who have not pledged or provided an estimate of giving in support of the annual budget/spending plan (for example, personal check from a member who did not submit a pledge card in response to the church s stewardship campaign)). 미확인기부자로부터의헌금수입 (Amount received from unidentified givers) 52b 52c 기부자는확인되지않으나연예산에포함되는헌금 - 예 : 현금으로들어온기부금 (Enter here receipts from unidentifiable individuals used in support of the annual budget/spending plan (for example, loose currency or coins placed in the offering plate). 52d 이자, 배당금, 유동자산의이전으로의수입 (Amount received from interest and dividends and/or transferred from liquid assets) 이자, 배당금, 혹은주식매각수익이연예산에포함된액수.. 매각되지않은주식가의차액은 25 항에보고한다. (Enter here funds allocated toward the annual budget/spending plan earned through interest on deposits or dividends (for example, interest gained on reserve funds invested in money market accounts used to support the annual church budget) or sale of stocks. Any change in the value of existing stocks (not sold) should be reflected in Line 25). 52d 52e 교회소유자산판매로들어온수입 (Amount received from Sale of Church Assets) 52e 교회소유자산 - 교회가구, 차량, 컴퓨터, 장물시장 - 의판매수입을기입한다. 교회운영예산에사용되는수입은 52e항, 다른목적사용이면 53c에기록한다. (Enter here funds allocated toward the annual budget/spending plan from the sale of church-owned assets (for example, the sale of discarded church furniture, vehicles, computer equipment, yard sales, etc.). If proceeds from a sale are designated for the church s operating budget, report in Line 52e. If proceeds are intended for other use, report in Line 53c). 52f 교회건물사용으로들어오는기부금, 임대료수입 (Amount received through building use fees, contributions, and rentals) 연예산에포함된건물사용료수입으로예로결혼, 장례식사용기부 (Enter here funds allocated toward the annual budget/spending plan from building use fees and related contributions and rentals (for example, fees collected from weddings for building use). 52f 52g 기금모음활동과그외수입 (Amount received through fundraisers and other sources) 연예산에포함된기금활동수입 - 예 : 음식판매 - 를기입한다. (Enter here funds received in support of the annual budget/spending plan from special fundraisers and any other sources (for example, net receipts from a pancake breakfast used to support the annual budget). 52g 52 연예산안의총수입 (Total income for annual budget/spending plan) 52 52a -g 항의총합계를기입한다. (Enter here the total sum of 52a + 52b + 52c + 52d + 52e + 52f + 52g) 도표 3 2 쪽

14 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 3: 수입 TABLE 3: INCOME 자 본 기 금 및 지 다음항목에는자본과관계된수입만기입한다. 그러므로여기에바로위 52a-g 항에기입된수입액수는기금은포함되지않는다. (In the lines below, report income for those funds that are designated exclusively for capital campaigns and other special projects. DO NOT INCLUDE funds reported on Lines 52a to 52g above). 53a 53b 자본관계모금수입 (Capital campaigns) 건축기금과같은자본모금수입과자본금에대한전년도이자수입을기입한다. ( 예 : 건물보수를위한기금수입 (Enter here funds received from capital campaigns and this year s interest from previous campaign balances (for example, receipts from a building renovation capital campaign). 추모금및유산기금수입 (Memorials, endowments, and bequests) 금년도에추모금, 유산으로받은수입 ( 가치액도포함 ) 만을기입한다. 전년도에보고된추모금과유산수입으로생긴이자나임대수입이경상비예산에포한되면 52d항이나 54f항에기입하고. 이자와배당금이자본금에재투자를한경우의총자본가는 24항이나 25항에기입된다. (Enter here funds received this year designated for memorials, endowments, and bequests (i.e., enter the total value initially given only this year). Any rent payments, interest, or dividends earned on previously reported memorials, endowments, or bequests should be recorded in Line 52d or 52f if allocated for budget. Total market value of assets (including reinvested interest or dividends) should be reflected in Lines 24 or a 53b 정헌금 53c 교회건물판매를포함해서다른자원으로의기금수입 (Funds from other sources and projects, including sale of buildings) 자본기금과관계되어다른방식으로들어온수입을기입한다. 예 : 교회소유외땅과건물, 그리고차후에쓸목적의자산 (Enter here funds received from other sources in support of capital campaigns and special projects (for example, sale of church-owned land, buildings, and/or other assets held as deposits for future use). 53c 수입 53d 특별주일헌금, 특별지정선교헌금, 세계선교특별헌금, 연회특별지정선교헌금, 그외지정된헌금. (Amount received for Special Sundays, General Advance Specials, World Service Specials, Conference Advance Specials and other forms of directed benevolent -charitable- giving) 53d 내역 특별주일헌금, 특별지정선교헌금, 세계선교특별헌금, 연회특별지정선교헌금, 그외지정헌금으로개인이헌금하여교회이름으로드린모든헌금을기입한다. (Enter here funds received for benevolent causes including Special Sunday offerings, General Advance and World Service special gifts, Conference Advance Specials and other forms of designated donations given by individuals and forwarded by the local church). 53 건축기금과그외특별기금으로모아진총수입 (Total income for designated causes including capital campaign and other special projects) 53a-d 항의합계를기입한다. (Enter here the total sum of 53a + 53b + 53c + 53d). 53 도표 3 3 쪽

15 교회이름 (Church Name): 재무행정협의회지정교회번호 (GCFA Church #): 도표 3: 수입 TABLE 3: INCOME 기 타 연 에 서 받 은 수 입 다음항목에, 지방회나연회, 지역회총회, 개체교회가아닌다른기관으로받은기금을기입한다. 이기금은 52a-g 항에보고되지않은경상비로사용될수있다. 이기금에서 도표 2 에지출된액수를빼지않는다. 예 : 목사보조기금은 41a 항인교역자사례비에포함시켜야한다. (In the lines below, report funds received from District(s), Annual Conference(s), Jurisdictional Conference(s), General Church and/or other institutional sources outside the local church. These funds can be used towards operating and benevolence budgets not reported on Lines 52a to 52g above. DO NOT subtract these funds from their corresponding expenses on Table 2. (I.e. equitable compensation funds should be included in amount paid for pastor compensation on Line 41a.) 교단 54a 의 대 54b 관계 54c 54 교회나목사가받은 < 교역자최저임금기금 > (Equitable Compensation Funds received by Church or Pastor) 교회나목사가 < 교역자최저임금기금 > 을연회에서받는경우그액수를기입한다. (Enter here equitable compensation funds received by church or pastor). 특별지정선교헌금, 분담금, 교회가받은교단내기금수입 (Advance Special, apportioned, and connectional funds received by church) 여기엔특별지정선교헌금이나교단과연회를통해받은기금 - 예 : < 교역자최저임금기금 > 을제외하고연회에서교역자생활비로받은기금이있다면기입한다. (Enter here advance special funds or apportioned funds received by church (for example, pastor salary support from annual conference funds beyond equitable compensation funds). 그외기관에서받은재정지원금 (Other grants and financial support from institutional sources) 예로교회가운영하는식품은행이외부재단에서지원을받으면그액수를기입한다. (Enter here funds received from other sources (for example, grants received from a foundation in support of the church food bank). 교단내와그외타기관에서받은모든수입 (Total income from connectional and other institutional sources outside the local church) 54a-c 항의총합계 (Enter here the total sum of 54a + 54b + 54c.) 54a 54b 54c 개체교회가받은총수입 (TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED BY THE LOCAL CHURCH ) 항의충수입 (SUM OF LINES ) 55 도표 3 4 쪽

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