CAM350 Family (I) CAM350 Family CAM CAD (Gerber, HPGL, DXF),,. CAM350 Family ACCESS Code GerberView-II, PCGerber-II, ECAM-II, CAM350,. Gerber Data Pho

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2 CAM350 Family (I) CAM350 Family CAM CAD (Gerber, HPGL, DXF),,. CAM350 Family ACCESS Code GerberView-II, PCGerber-II, ECAM-II, CAM350,. Gerber Data Photo Plotter Data Film (Aperture) Data. Photo Plotter Gerber Photo Plotter Photo Plotter Data Gerber Data. Laser Photo Plotter,. Photo Plotter Data. Aperture Aperture Aperture Aperture. X, Y X, Y X, Y Drawing Flash. X, Y inch mm Digits 5.3, 3.2 format. 3.2 format ) X abcde Y abcde X:Y, ab.cde. Zero Suppression 0 0. Leading : 0 0. Trailing : 0 0. ) X Y format Leading : X1230 Y4560 Trailing : X0123 Y0456. Drawing type Drawing Aperture Flash, 2

3 . Drawing,,,,, Flash. Aperture Aperture Photo Plotter Draw Flash (, ). Photo Plotter Aperture Photo Plotter Data plotting Aperture. Aperture D-code D10, D11... D code. CAD Photo Plotter CAM350 D10 ROUND 55mil D11 ROUND 8mil D12 Square Aperture. FLASH D10 FLASH D12 FLASH D13 Photo Plotter Data Aperture D-Code Aperture.. (). SPACE BAR.. Data,. (). ESC. 3. 3

4 Hotkeys() View (Zoom In) (Zoom Out) (All) (Pan In) (Zoom Close) Fill Edit Redraw Editing Hotkeys Window Main D-Code (Any, Diag, Orth) Snap-To-Grid Grid On/Off Layer Table Hot key Aperture Table Kill Layer Query All Undo Redo Edit Edit Edit. Edit. Edit. Dcode 4

5 Window Add/Part Mirror ( Bottom ) Add/Part Menu Bar, ALT Menu. File ALT-F. CAM350. Gerber CAM Editor, Aperture GAP Editor, (foot print) Part Editor. CAM Editor Title Bar CAM350 Family. Menu Bar CAM350. Tool Bar D-code, Layer. Edit Tool Bar. 5

6 Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Bar Layer Control Bar Status Bar Z (CAM350 ),. Z. S On/Off. S. V On/Off. V. GRID 25:25 Grid. ACTIVE Dcode D13 Round 20:20 Active Aperture. Layer L1:DEMOSOLD.GBR Active Layer. Status Bar. 6

7 Command Prompt.. (0, 0).. Layer Bar Layer. Layer. Redraw, Layer On/Off. All Off Active Layer. Redraw. Layer On/Off. Color Layer Color Color. Layer Active Layer. Draw Flash. (Workspace) CAM350,. Origin Marker CAM350 (Center). X. Cursor Shape..,. Cycle Picking Copy, Move Cycle Pick.. Edit Edit. Move, Menu. Draw Gerber Draw. Flash Gerber Flash. 7

8 Filter Window, Dcode. Dcode filter 70, 11:20, -15, 22 70, 11 20, 15, 22. Polygon Text. Prev. SelectAll Dcode... CTRL-.. W.,. CTRL-.,. Window. ESC. File New. File/New.. Ok. Open CAM350. (.PCB). CAM350. File/Open. File name, PCB Ok. Example12350 File name Ex 8

9 ..PCB Files of type *.*. Save CAM350..PCB. Gerber Plot PCB. Save As. File/Save as.. Ok. Merge.pcb. PCB (CAM350) Merge. File/Merge..pcb. PCB..pcb... Import Format. AutoImport Gerber Import\Gerber Gerber Gerber Plot. AutoImport Aperture Gerber Import. Gerber Data CAM350 Gerber (Format) Import. CAM350 RS-274 Laser Photoplotter, RS-274X, Fire 9XXX(Cymbolic Sciences) 9

10 . Import/Gerber Data.. Aperture file Aperture. Formats ECAM Gap, Others. CAD Aperture File. Aperture File Open. Aperture file. Data Format. Gerber. Gerber RS-274-X. Type Digits, Zero suppression 1page Ok. CAD Data Format. Inch mm. Layer # 1. Open. Gerber. Layer Type ECAM Layer. Component Side Signal Top Top. Layer Type. Gerber Import Layer Type Ok Gerber. Drill Data NC/Drill. Utilities/Drill/Tables. Import Drill Data. Drill Data. Layer # 1 Drill. Filename. P Plated. Digits, Zero suppression, Type, Units. Layer Legend Drill Report. Legend. Layer Yes 10

11 Layer, No. Drill Target. Mill Data. Import Mill Data. Mill Data..ROU. Layer # 1 Mill. Filename. Digits, Zero suppression, Type, Units. Mill. Layer Yes Layer, No. HPGL HPGL(Hewlett-Packard pen plotter) CAM350. HPGL pen #1 Dcode 10. Import\HPGL HPGL. Select Layer HPGL File Ok. Layer File name. Import. Gerber HPGL. Yes Layer HPGL. IPC-D350 IPC-D350 Format CAM350 Import. ECAM dsn ECAM ECAM Design file Import. Netlist CAD Format. Netlist X:Y Reference\Designator, Pin number. Netlist Import. Import\netlist. Netlist Format. CAM350 Netlist Import Board Net(X, Y) Refdes, Pin Number. CAD Netlist Import. Aperture Aperture. Import\Gerber Aperture 11

12 Aperture. Import/Aperture. Aperture. Aperture. Gerber Aperture Gerber. Gerber Aperture Aperture. Edit Aper Conv CAM350 Aperture Aperture, CAD Aper Rule Files(.ARL) Aperture. CAD Data CAD PCB Import. CAM350 Family CAM350 Option. Export. Import. Gerber Data Photo Plotter. Composites Positive + Negative Tables/Composites,. Drill Data Gerber Drill Data NC Drill format Export. Mill Data Mill Utilities/Mill. IPC-D350 IPC-D350 Format. Netlist Netlist. Aperture Table Aperture. CAD Data Gerber CAD PCB. Print Setup Printer Windows. CAM350 Windows. Print Display Setup Printer. 1 View Window, All, In, Out. 12

13 Print Print Display. Plot Scale. Plot Scale Ok. Print. Print Print. Print., Center Layer. Plot. Plot. All Layer. Portrait Landscape. Header.. Setup Printer. Port. Layer. Tile Layer. Tile. Layer. Layer Layer. Rotate 90. Center. Layer Align. Fit to Page. Scale. Draws, Flashes.. Output All Data In Black Block. Separate Sheets Layer Plot. Filled FeaturesLine, Polygon, Flash Fill,. PenPlotter Check. Plot. 13

14 Setup Preferences. Paths. Files Extensions. Colors Color. FilmBox PhotoPlotter. Origin. PhotoPlotter PhotoPlotter. Router Router. Drill Machine Drill. Save Default Setup. Access Code Serial key Access Code Product. Exit Exit. Edit,. Undo. Redo. Move. Copy Copy. Delete 14

15 . Rotate Mirror. Mirror Axis Tool Bar,. Layers Layer. Add Layer Layer. Align. Gerber. Reorder Layer. Scale (Target) Layer Layer. Remove Layer.. Change. Refdes. Device Netname. Netname. Padstack Padstack Padstack ID. Dcode Dcode Dcode. Edit Change/Dcode. Flash, Trace Change Dcode. Dcode Ok. Dcode. Text. Change/Text. Text. Change Text., Ok. Fit Text Mirror. 15

16 Text Fit Text Mirror. Explode Aperture Part. Edit/Explode. Aperture Group Explode. Draws/Flash. Aperture.. Negative Explode Padstack. Sectorize Photoplotter Thru Circle. Circle Arc Thru Circle. Change/Sectorize. Circle, Arc. Sectorize. Angle. 10. Ok.,. Origin (0,0). Space Origin Layer (0, 0). Grid Origin point. (0, 0). Move Vtx/Seg. Edit/Move Vtx/Seg Add Vertex. 16

17 Delete Vertex. Delete Segment. Delete Delete Segment. Add Flash Flash. Tool Bar Active Dcode Gerber Flash. Line. Tool Bar Active Dcode. Polygon Polygon. CAM350 Pour Vector, Raster. Copper Pour Fill. Polygon Copper. Copper Layer Layer Trace, Pad Text Pour. Copper Pour(Polygon) (). Copper Fill Area Fill. Polygon Net Polygon Void. Polygon Tool Bar Netname Netname. Polygon Netname Netname Clearance. Polygon Void, Add, Move, Delete Vertex. Polygon Net name. Gerber Import Utilities Netlist Extract Trace Net name. Add\Polygon. Polygon Settings. 17

18 . Border Type. Draw Border Polygon, Select Border Polygon Line. Area Fill.. Fill Mode. Outline Only draws Fill. Raster Fill Convert. Vector Fill Dcode. Vector Fill Dcode Solid, Hatch. Outline/Fill Dcode. Polygon Clearance. Active layer Polygon Layer Target Layer. Hatched Dcode Fill Type Open.PAT Import Edit Pattern. Hatched Pattern 3 Line. Open, New, Save, Save As Pattern. Polygon Ok. Text. Font Setting. Padstack Padstack Tables ID PadStack. Padstack ID. Rectangle 18

19 . Dcode. Wire CAD Wire. Netname DRC. Via Flash Layer Signal Layer Via. Part Part Editor Utilities/Buired Part. View. Window.. All. Redraw. In. Out. Pan.. Film Box 19

20 Setup/Preference Film Box. View/Film Box. On/Off. View/Film Box. Composite Tables/Composite On/Off. Tool Bar Tool Bar On/Off. Status Bar Status Bar On/Off. Layer Bar Layer Bar On/Off. Panoramic Windows.., Window. Info Query. All,. Find. Tool Bar Dcode Dcode Dcode Zoom Center. Measure.. Point - Point.. Object-Object. Report. 20

21 Status. Utilities Gap Editor CAM Editor Gap Editor. Gap Editor Aperture. Draws Flash Line Flash. Line Round Line Data. Automatic Window Draw type Pad Flash type. Maximum Draw Size. Maximum Size Draw Flash convert. height() width() Draw. Selection Limits. Min Width, convert. Min Width convert. 1mil. Tolerance Draw. 2. Automatic Conversion (round, oblong, rectangle) Draw Dcode Filter Flash. User Check Rejected Draw convert. Draw size. User Check All. View All PCB Zoom Out. Maintain View Graphics. 21

22 Exclude Existing Flashes Draw Flash convert. Ignore Single Stroked Lines Draw. Minimum Width. Dcode Filter Dcode. Interactive Draw type Pad Dcode. Netlist Extract Netlist. Gerber HPGL. Export Netlist, CAM350 Gerber Netlist. Netlist Electrical DRC. Netlist Extract Layer type Top, Bottom, Internal, Plane Tables\Layer Layer Type. Center Line [Fast] Netlist.., PAD Center point. True Shape [Slow] Netlist. True Shape Part. AutoCAD PCB True Shape. Utilities/Extract. Center Line True Shape Ok. Pads Padstack Flash Layer Flash Padstack. Gerber Import Pad Padstack. Padstack Drill. Layer Top, Internal, Plane, Bottom Pad Stack 22

23 . SMT Pad Padstack. Clear Silkscreen Silkscreen Pad. Clear Silkscreen. Silkscreen Solder Mask Layer. Layer Type. Dcode Filter Clear Dcode. Clear. Clear Silkscreen Flash Pad Draw to Flash. Via Clear Dcode Filter - Dcode. Ok Silkscreen Clear. Pad Removal Trace Pad. Layer Pad. Pad Removal Layer Pad. Pad To Padstack. Isolated Pads. Window. Pad. Top Layer Pad. Ok, No. No Layer Bottom Bottom Layer Pad. Ok. Redundant Pads. Dcode Pad. Dcode Ok. Teardrop. Trace Pad. 23

24 Over/Under Size Layer Layer. Solder Mask layer, Paste Mask layer, Copper Clearance. Drill NC/Drill. Table Tool Number Dcode Hole Size. Dcode. Custom aperture. Tool. Export Tool Number. File\Import\Drill Drill Import. Drill Table.. Tool #. Export. Export Order. Load Drill. Hole size Legend Dcode typing labeled "..." Dcode. Tool Add Add Tool. Drill Tool. Drill Table Tool Number, Hole Size, Legend Dcode. Drill. Drill table Add Add Tool. Tool Delete Tool. Export Order Reorder Exported Drill Sequence. Tool Number. Drill Table Save. Ok Tool. Create NC Format Drill Export. Drill\Create. Drill\Table. Padstack Tool. Padstack Top Bottom 24

25 Drill. Active Tool Tool Table. Padstack Tool. Padstack Hole size Tool. Padstack Tool 2. Plated Drill Layer Plated Layer Unplated Layer. Ok Layer Drill. Sort Drill Tool Path. Sort Panelization. Gerber To Drill Single Gerber Layer Drill. Drill\Table Hole size Legend Dcode. Drill\Gerber To Drill. Layer. Gerber Flash. Drill Layer. Drill Tool Legend Dcode. Plated Unplated hole. Ok Layer. Layer Pad Dcode, Legend size. Mill. Net Check. DRC DRC(Design Rule Check). Trace Trace Trace, 1 Layer. Round Flash Drill Data Mask Data, Drill Point, Pad Pad, Drill Pad Rule. DRC Rule Check. Clearance Area Layer. Board Layer. 25

26 Track-Track Trace. Track-Pad Trace Pad. Pad-Pad Pad Pad. Outline Board Outline. Min Trk Width Trace. Min Pad Pad. Redundant Pad. Layer To Test Layer. Passes Area Pass. Pass. Annular Ring Area. Pad-Mask Test Pad Mask. Drill-Mask. Drill-Pad. Special Checks Area.,. Remove All Violations DRC. DRC Histogram DRC. DRC Histogram. DRC Histogram. Utilities\DRC Histogram... Ok Window... Panelization 26

27 . Autoflim Layer Gerber Layer. Autofilm Layer Gerber Layer. Panelization\Autofilm. Target Layer Film Layer. Layer. X, Y. Border. Layer Center Image. Image Spacing X, Y. Space Between Image Spacing Layer Offset. Ok. Panelization. Cancel Autofilm. File\Setup\Film Box View\Film Box. Panelize Panelize File\Setup\Preferences Origin. Origin Center Negative Positive Plane. Layer Edit\Change\Explode\Panel.. Utilities\ Panelize\Rotate Edit\Rotate. Gerber Layer Import. Layer Tag. Tables\Layers Tag. Layer Edit\Layers\Reorder Layer Number. Template Layer. Edit\Layers\Remove Panelize Layer. Board Layer. Border Layer. Center Center Dcode Draw 27

28 Board Import. Panelization\Panelize. Panelization. Merge Panel. Template. Panel PCB. Merge Panel PCB Panelize. Generate Board/Vent Outline. PCB Board. Layer Border Generate Board/Vent Outline. Dcode Layer. Border Layer Tag Layer Generate Board/Vent Outline. Border Image Step Off. Film Size File\Setup\Preferences Film. Ok.. Edit\Undo Panelization Unpanelization. Board Unpanelization Venting. Venting Fill. Layer Vent Board. Add\Polygon Raster, Vector Fill Venting. Utilities Venting. Venting Fill. Add Polygon Fill. Border Layer Border Layer Text Border Layer. Board Layer Board Layer Type. Vent Layer 1 Vent Layer Number. Vent Layer 2 Vent Layer Number. Galvanic Venting Border. Robber Bar. Galvanic Venting Fill Image. Offset Data Open. 28

29 Polygon. Ok. Build Part Gerber Component Part Library. Tables Menu Aperture Aperture Tables Aperture. Tables\Apertures.. Aper/Pen # Cad Aperture Photo Plotter Dcode 10. Go To Dcode Dcode. *. Next Undefined Dcode. Dcode Flash. 7 Customer Gap Editor. Size. Dcode Through-Hole Smt Pad. Ok. Aperture. Padstacks Gerber Single Layer Pad Pad To Padstack Through Hole Padstack. Padstack. Tables\Padstacks. Padstack Id Padstack.. Padstack Padstack. Blind, Buried Via MCM Layer. 29

30 Layer Name Layer Name. Aperture Id Aperture Padstack Aperture. Layer #. Aperture List. Layer Aperture Ok. Add, Delete, Padstack Padstack List Remove. Padstack *. Ok. Layers Layer Draw, Flash Colors Active Layer. Tables\Layers. # Layer Number, Name Layer Name. Layer Name. Type Layer Type. Layer Type CAM350 Layer Type. Draw Layer. Draw Color. Flash Flash Layer. Flash Color. Status Layer 3. On Edit, Off. Ref Edit. Act Active Layer. Active Layer On. Top Layer Layer. All On/All Active Layer Layer On/Off. Add Layer Layer. Layer Set Tables Layer Sets On/Off Layer. Ok. Tables Layer 30

31 Sets Blind And Buried. Hybrid Microchip Module Board Tables Layer Sets MCM. Composites Positive Negative Plane Positive Negative. 32 Composite. Tables\Composites. Add Composite. Bkg Dark/Clear. Positive Dark(), Negative (). Layer number Layer. Ok Composite Composite View/Composite. Layer Mapping Top Bottom. Tables\Layers Gerber Layer type. Tables\Mapping. Layer Mapping For Mirrored Parts. Top Layer Bottom. Top Layer Bottom Silk Top Silk Bot. Default Layer. OK Mapping. Macro Basic. 31

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