Micronas Company Profile TDK 의그룹의일원으로서의 Micronas 는센서와제어용제품에있어가장선호되는파트너로인정받고있습니다. Micronas 는전세계유수의자동차전장제품을주력으로하는고객사들과함께하고있으며지속적인성공을위한장기적인파트너쉽을유지하고있습니다.
- 건우 여
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1 자동차어플리케이션을위한홀센서선택가이드 Linear and Multi-Axis Hall-Effect Sensors
2 Micronas Company Profile TDK 의그룹의일원으로서의 Micronas 는센서와제어용제품에있어가장선호되는파트너로인정받고있습니다. Micronas 는전세계유수의자동차전장제품을주력으로하는고객사들과함께하고있으며지속적인성공을위한장기적인파트너쉽을유지하고있습니다. Micronas 는스위스취리히에지주회사그리고독일의프라이브루크에실질적인운영본부를갖고있으며 900 명정도의직원이함께하고있습니다. Micronas 와제품군들에대한자세한정보를원하시면 을방문해주시기바랍니다. 30 억개이상의홀센서판매 선형홀센서판매 1 위 (IHS 2013) Global Presence Production + R&D Marketing, Sales, FAE Design-Centers Freiburg Germany Munich Germany Production Sites Freiburg Germany Glenrothes UK Order No. PR E First published in April 2016 Hall_Switch_Selection_Guide_for_Automotive_and_Industrial_Applications_ohne_526_final_V2.indd :49:29
3 Packages Package Marking Code Reel MOQ / MSQ Quantity Ammopack 1), Bulk Package Drawing RoHS compliant SOIC8 DJ 7,000 Yes TO92UA UA 2,000 2,000 Yes TO92UP UP 2,000 Yes TO92UP with caps CV 2,000 2,000 Yes TO92UT UT 2,000 2,000 Yes SOT89 SF 2,000 Yes TSSOP14 GP 8,000 Yes TO92UF UF 7,000 Yes For additional information please read or ask for our documentation Sensors and Controllers Ordering Codes, Packaging, Handling 1) Pin configuration inline, spread Pin configuration inline, not spread Micronas Contact Contact (registration needed) support_sensor@micronas.com Information available General Data sheets, application notes, programming guides, software Technical support Micronas GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19 I Freiburg I Germany Phone I Fax info@micronas.com
4 개발지원툴 HAL APB 1.5 Application & Programming Board Supported Sensors: HAL 1820 HAL 37xy HAL 28xy HAL 242x in combination with Extension Board v.4.0 HAL APB 5.1 Application & Programming Board Supported Sensors: HAL 8xy standalone tool HAL USB Programming Tool v.1.0 Supported Sensors: HAL 1820 HAL 24xy HAL 37xy in combination with Extension Board v.4.0 Micronas Extension Board v.4.0 Connectable Sensor Packages: TO-92 (3-pin) package TO-92UP (4-pin) package SOT-89 (4-pin) package SOIC-8 (8-pin) package Connectable Programming Tools: HAL-APB V1.x Programmer Board HAL USB-Kit Micronas Extension Board TSSOP-14 Connectable Sensor Packages: TSSOP-14 (14-pin) package Connectable Programming Tools: HAL-APB V1.x Programmer Board HAL USB-Kit
5 1. 어플리케이션에따른센서선택가이드 추천제품제품설명대치품 Accelerator Pedal HAL 835 페달공회전위치 (0 ) 에서최소한의에러 HAL 3725 HAR 2425 페달공회전위치 (0 ) 에서최소한의에러추가적인센서출력기능 Adaptive Frontlight System HAL 835 온도변화대비높은신뢰성보장 Adaptive Suspension System / Chassis Position HAL 3715 Brake Pedal Position HAL 2455 HAR 2455 모듈로 90 기능을이용하여유연한설계가능 작은각도에서우수한성능및선형측정용센서 HAR2455 는듀얼다이 ( 추가센싱및출력기능 ) Clutch Cylinder HAL 37xy 40mm 의선형측정이필요한 어플리케이션에서매우높은정확도가 요구될때 HAL37 시리즈추천 EGR / Cut-Off Valve / Waste Gate Actuator HAL 2850 HAL 3736 / HAL 3737 HAL 855 HAL 37xy 1% 이내의선형에러가요구되는경우 HAL 835 Fuel Level Detection HAL 835 가격대비합리적이며아날로그출력의 인터페이스가필요한경우 Gear Shift Selector HAL 37xy 사용범위가 120 를넘고매우 정밀한정확성이요구될때 Steering Angle HAL 의각도범위필요및디지털출력 인터페이스필요시 HAL 3725 HAL 2425 Steering Torque HAL 283x 작은각도측정용의 SENT 출력이필요시 ( 듀얼다이제품은준비중 ) Throttle Position HAL 37xy 120 각도에서매우높은정밀도와 간단한회로요구시 Transmission Neutral Detection Sensor Dual-Clutch Transmission Position with Integrated ECU Dual-Clutch Transmission Position without Integrated ECU Transmission Range Sensor HAL 835 HAL 18xy HAL 373x HAL 373x 온도변화에높은안정성을갖고센서출력이유연 ( 아날로그, PWM) 대부분의보상이 ECU 측에서이루어진다면저사양및가격고려시 40mm 의선형측정이필요한어플리케이션에서매우높은정확도가요구될때 HAL37 시리즈추천 40mm 의선형측정이필요한어플리케이션에서매우높은정확도가요구될때 HAL37 시리즈추천 Neutral Gear Position HAL 373x 2D 센서가필요하며 180 를넘는 각도측정이필요시 HAC 830 HAL 24xy HAL 83x HAL 387x HAL 387x HAL 835 Turbo Charger Actuator HAL 37xy 1% 이내의선형에러가요구되는경우 HAL 835
6 2. 센서타입에따른가이드 (T J = C) Product Family Product Variant Field Component Measurement Redundancy Integrated Caps Package Linear Angular Leaded SMD End of Off-Axis Shaft up to 60 up to 180 up to 360 HAL 8xy HAL 830 Z TO92UT HAL 835 Z HAL 85x 1) Z HAC 830 Z TO92UP HAL 18xy HAL 1820 Z TO92UA SOT89 HAL 24xy HAL 2420 Z TO92UT SOIC8 HAL 2425 Z HAL 2455 Z HAR 2425 Z TSSOP14 HAR 2455 Z HAL 28xy HAL 283x Z TO92UT HAL 2850 Z HAL 37xy HAL 3715 X-Y TO92UP SOIC8 HAL 3725 X-Y HAL 3726 Y-Z HAL 3727 X-Z HAL 3735 X-Y HAL 3736 Y-Z HAL 3737 X-Z HAR 37xy HAR 3715 X-Y SOIC8 HAR 3725 X-Y HAR 3726 Y-Z HAR 3727 X-Z HAR 3735 X-Y HAR 3736 Y-Z HAR 3737 X-Z HAC 37xy HAC 3715 X-Y TO92UF HAC 3725 X-Y HAC 3726 Y-Z HAC 3727 X-Z HAC 3735 X-Y HAC 3736 Y-Z HAC 3737 X-Z 1) 2-wire version available
7 Analog Modulo Output Setpoints Error at Full Temperature Range PWM Sent SAE J 2716 V 2010 Resolution Response Time Min. Max. Remark Typ. 2 4% 4% 2 1% 1% 32 1% 1% 2 4% 4% 2 6% 6% 12 bit 0.9 ms 0.9 ms 0.9 ms 0.9 ms 10 bit 0.5 ms 2 1% 1% 12 bit 0.5 ms % 1% 12 bit N/A 2 up to 16 bit N/A ) up to 12 bit Error in magnetic sensitivity 3) Angle error after CORDIC, valid for ideal sine and cosine magnetic components 0.5 ms
8 3. 자석선택가이드 End of Shaft Type Direct Angle 360 HAL 3725 HAL 3735 D = 10, H = 2.5, Z = 4 NL <±0.25% RT Off-Axis Type Angle Magnet HAL 8xy <70 D = 15, H = 6, Z = 2.5 HAL 24xy <180 D = 15, H = 6, Z = 2.5 HAL 37x6 HAL 37x7 360 D = 15, H = 6, Z = 2.5 Parallel Type 12 mm Distance 20 mm Distance 40 mm Distance HAL 8xy D = 8, H = 26, Z = 4 HAL 24xy D = 8, H = 12, Z = 4 D = 8, H = 43, Z = 4 D = 8, H = 20, Z = 4 D = 8, H = 86, Z = 4 D = 8, H = 40, Z = 4 D H Z HAL 37x6 HAL 37x7 D = 6, H = 4, Z = 4 D = 12, H = 4, Z = 4 D = 16, H = 8, Z = 4 Orthogonal Type 12 mm Distance 20 mm Distance 40 mm Distance HAL 8xy D = 31, H = 6, Z = 4 HAL 24xy D = 12, H = 6, Z = 4 D = 52, H = 6, Z = 4 D = 20, H = 6, Z = 4 D = 103, H = 6, Z = 4 D = 40, H = 6, Z = 4 H D Z HAL 37x6 HAL 37x7 D = 6, H = 3, Z = 4 NL <± 0.2% RT D = 10, H = 4, Z = 4 D = 25, H = 6, Z = 4 Magnets SmCo, NeFeB, AlNiCo Br = mt All dimensions are given in mm. D: Diameter,, H: Height, Z: Distance between magnet and the Hall sensor, NL: Non-Linearity, RT: Room Temperature
Micronas Company Profile TDK 의그룹의일원으로서의 Micronas 는센서와제어용제품에있어가장선호되는파트너로인정받고있습니다. Micronas 는전세계유수의자동차전장제품을주력으로하는고객사들과함께하고있으며지속적인성공을위한장기적인파트너쉽을유지하고있습니다.
First published in Oct. 2015 차량용 소형모터구동 구동을 위한 Order No. PR-2029-1E 원칩 솔루션 Embedded Motor Control www.micronas.com with HVC 4223F HVCF Embedded Motor Control_final4.indd 3 07.09.2016 15:37:06 Micronas
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양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
TABLE OF CONTENTS [ENGINE] 3B83-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP........................... 3B83-E020 OIL PAN GROUP................................... 3 3B83LW-E030 CYLINDER HEAD GROUP............................
취급설명서 주요 특징 새로워진 COSM 앰프 지금까지 축적해 온 톤 워크의 노하우를 담아 리모델링 했습니다. 기존의 빈티지 앰프 모델링을 넘는 더욱 진화한 COSM 앰프입니다. 투명한 클린 사운드로부터, 익스트림 하이 게인 사운드까지 앰프의 다이내믹스와 세세한 뉘앙스까지 피킹 하나로 마음대로 조정할 수 있습니다. 테이블탑용 소형 사이즈 USB 오디오 인터페이스
CRM CRM (CRM : Customer Relationship Management ). CRM,,.,,.. IMF.,.,. (CRM: Customer Relationship Management, CRM )., CRM,.,., 57 45 (2001 )., CRM...,, CRM, CRM.. CRM 1., CRM,. CRM,.,.,. (Volume),,,,,,,,,,
종합물가정보 2016년 4월호
April 21 26 28 30 34 38 40 42 46 53 54 56 58 60 61 61 62 62 63 64 66 69 397 523 617 695 875 929 959 1 19 157 069 070 071 071 072 072 073 074 075 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 084 085 086 088
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210 212 213 214 215 218 219 223 224 226 4 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 238 240 241 244 245 _ April 1 210 1946 1970 211 _ April 212 1946 1970 _ April 4 213 _ April 3. 3 214 1946 1970 _ April 5 215 216 1946
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The 11th Korea Test Conference June 29, 2010 TEL : (02) 313-3705 / FAX : (02) 363-8389 E-mail : info@koreatest.or.kr http://www.koreatest.or.kr 02 _ The 11th korea Test Conference The 11th korea Test Conference
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
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/..... 1) 2012, /.,. 1.1% (2010).,..,......, 1%.., (HEV), (EV). 2-4),,., 90 [(BH) max]60.,. Fig. 1. N48 Nd-Fe-B 50 Alnico 9 1/54., Nd-Fe-B. HEV, EV,,... Dy Fig. 2. 5-7) Dy, Fig. 1.. Fig. 2....,,.,. Nd-Fe-B
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전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2006. 12. 7. 특허청전기전자심사본부유비쿼터스심사팀 장기정 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 1 Omnidirectional Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2 With Fisheye Lens 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 3 With Multiple Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 4 With Mirrors 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇
TABLE OF CONTENTS [ENGINE] 3A39LW-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP........................... 3A50E-E00 OIL PAN GROUP................................... 3 3A39LW-E030 CYLINDER HEAD GROUP............................
Installation Area : Baseball Stadium Lighting Sajik Baseball Stadium Busan, Korea 시애틀 구단이 조명 시설을 이벤트 기능으로 활용하는 모습이 좋았고, 선수들의 반응도 괜찮았습니다. 우리도 이를 접목시킨다면
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TABLE OF CONTENTS [ENGINE] 3A65LX-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP........................... 3A50E-E00 OIL PAN GROUP................................... 3 3A65LW-E030 CYLINDER HEAD GROUP............................
EMCA-EC-67-... ko STO Safe torque off (STO) 8080389 2017-10a [8080384] EMCA-EC-S1-KO Tyco Electronics ( ). : :, : 1. / 2 Festo EMCA-EC-67-... 2017-10a ... 4... 4... 4 1... 6 1.1... 6 1.1.1 STO (Safe torque
ph 2-Point (Probe) ph (Probe) ON/OFF ON ph ph ( BUFFER ) CAL CLEAR 1PT ph SELECT BUFFER ENTER, (Probe) CAL 1PT2PT (identify) SELECT BUFFER ENTER, (Probe), (Probe), ph (7pH)30 2 1 2 ph ph, ph 3, (,, ) ON
TABLE OF CONTENTS [ENGINE] 4A0A-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP........................... 4A0LX-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP...........................3 4A0-E00 OIL PAN GROUP................................... 5
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제품설명서 BC6DX * 제품의성능개선을위하여예고없이사양이변경될수있습니다. * 무단복제금지 제품의특징 - 운영프로그램 - 이중입력전원회로 - 방전중개별셀전압평균화 - 최대한의안전장치들 - 사이클충전 / 방전 (Cyclic charging/discharging) - USB 를이용한 PC 통신 - 2 - 외부장치들 -, 버튼 - DEC, INC 버튼 - START/
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제품설명서 * 제품의성능개선을위하여예고없이사양이변경될수있습니다. * 무단복제금지 제품의특징 - 운영프로그램 - 이중입력전원회로 ( 주의!, 두개의입력전원을동시에사용하지마십시요.) - 방전중개별셀전압평균화 - 최대한의안전장치들 - 사이클충전 / 방전 (Cyclic charging/discharging) - USB 를이용한 PC 통신 - 2 - 기기외부장치들 -,
Redundancy Adding extra bits for detecting or correcting errors at the destination Types of Errors Single-Bit Error Only one bit of a given data unit is changed Burst Error Two or more bits in the data
(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
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Slide 1
Clock Jitter Effect for Testing Data Converters Jin-Soo Ko Teradyne 2007. 6. 29. 1 Contents Noise Sources of Testing Converter Calculation of SNR with Clock Jitter Minimum Clock Jitter for Testing N bit
R Non-Insulated Solderless Terminals Ring Tongue R0.3-2 R0.3-3 R0.3-3.5 R0.3-4 R0.5-2 R0.5-3 R0.5-3.5 R0.5-4 R0.5-5 R1.25-2 R1.25-3 R1.25-M3 R1.25-V3
Solderless Terminals R Non-Insulated Solderless Terminals Ring Tongue R0.3-2 R0.3-3 R0.3-3.5 R0.3-4 R0.5-2 R0.5-3 R0.5-3.5 R0.5-4 R0.5-5 R1.25-2 R1.25-3 R1.25-M3 R1.25-V3 R1.25-3.5 R1.25-S3.5 R1.25-M3.5
내용 q Introduction q Binary passand modulation Ÿ ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) Ÿ FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Ÿ PSK (Phase Shift Keying) q Comparison of
6 주차 통과대역디지털변조 q 목표 Ÿ Digital passand modulation 이해 Ÿ ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM의특성비교 - Error proaility - Power spectrum - Bandwidth efficiency ( 대역효율 ) - 그외 : implementation 디지털통신 1 충북대학교 내용 q Introduction q
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B B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.1 2 (Boolean algebra). 1854 An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which to Found the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities George Boole. 1938 MIT Claude Sannon [SHAN38].
VOL.76.2008/2 Technical SmartPlant Materials - Document Management SmartPlant Materials에서 기본적인 Document를 관리하고자 할 때 필요한 세팅, 파일 업로드 방법 그리고 Path Type인 Ph
인터그래프코리아(주)뉴스레터 통권 제76회 비매품 News Letters Information Systems for the plant Lifecycle Proccess Power & Marine Intergraph 2008 Contents Intergraph 2008 SmartPlant Materials Customer Status 인터그래프(주) 파트너사
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, Analyst, , Table of contents 2
_ 3 November 2016 World Auto WatchWatch, Analyst, 3774 3763, inwoo.park@miraeasset.com , Analyst, 3774 3763, inwoo.park@miraeasset.com Table of contents 2 , Analyst, 3774 3763, inwoo.park@miraeasset.com
1 1.1,,.,. (solid mechanics)., (kinematics), (statics), (kinetics). ( d y n a m i c s ).,,. ( m e c h a n i s m ). ( l i n k a g e ) ( 1.1 ), (pin joint) (revolute joint) (prismatic joint) ( 1.2 ) (open
(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)