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1 2015 G II R Annual Report
2 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. 주주여러분께드리는말씀 04 - 영업개황보고 2. 영업보고서 1. 회사의개황 영업의경과및성과 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태 회사가대처할과제 이사와감사의현황 대주주현황 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 주요채권자등 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 감사보고서 1. 감사위원회의감사보고서 감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서 독립된감사인의감사보고서 독립된감사인의연결감사보고서 결산보고서 1. 재무상태표 손익계산서 포괄손익계산서 자본변동표 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 현금흐름표 재무제표에대한주석 연결재무상태표 연결손익계산서 연결포괄손익계산서 연결자본변동표 연결현금흐름표 연결재무제표에대한주석 40 Business Report (English) 41
3 주주여러분께드리는말씀 ( 영업개황보고 ) 존경하는주주여러분! 항상지투알과지투알계열회사에변함없는관심과성원으로격려해주시는주주여러분께모든임직원을 대표하여깊은감사를드립니다 년광고업계는전년대비약 6.2% 성장한 10조 7,270 억원을기록했습니다. 이는처음으로 1조원을넘어선모바일광고시장의지속적인성장과더불어, 올연초종영된 tvn 드라마 < 응답하라 1988> 등양질의콘텐츠가큰힘을발휘한케이블TV와꾸준한성장세를보이고있는종합편성채널의도약의결과로보여집니다. 반면, 전통매체의부진은여전했습니다. 지상파 TV는방송광고총량제도입및가상광고확대등의광고제도변화가아직제힘을발휘하지못했으며, 신문광고시장의경우여느해처럼역신장이지속됐습니다. 이러한매체환경과는별개로광고시장의큰손으로자리잡은모바일게임및배달, 숙박, 부동산등의모바일생활플랫폼기업들의공격적인마케팅투자는가뭄의단비였습니다. 지투알은지난수년의성과를계승발전시켜 2015 년에도양적 / 질적성장을이어갔습니다. 업종별시장선도광고주개발에최선을다한결과, 지난해 IBK기업은행, 빙그레, 와이드앵글, 삼양그룹, 신세계 SSG.COM, 살레와, KB금융그룹, KB 손해보험, 리디북스, KFC, 일화등업종대표광고주는물론야놀자, 피키캐스트, 4:33, 유니온페이등유수의모바일광고주도영입하였습니다. 이를바탕으로 2015 년취급고는전년대비 14.6% 성장한 1조 3,353 억원을기록했습니다. 영예스런광고상수상소식도연중계속되었습니다. 우아한형제들의배달의민족캠페인은지난해초열린서울영상광고제 TVCF어워드에서그랑프리를수상한것을시작으로, 소비자가뽑은좋은광고상, 에피어워즈코리아등에서연달아광고상을수상했으며, 지난연말에는대한민국광고대상에서대상을수상하며당사에 5년연속대상수상기록을안겨주었습니다. 또한, 이러한수상결과에따라광고주께서감사의표시로당사인근택시쉘터에헌정광고를게첨해준뜻깊은일도있었습니다. 이외에도공익적성격의어플리케이션앱인 LG전자 DAYCON 이뉴욕페스티벌에서 UN 선정최고상을수상하였고 LG전자의디지털캠페인 민혁이의아이디어를응원해주세요 또한소비자가뽑은좋은광고상대상을수상하며뛰어난크리에이티브를빛냈습니다.
4 당사의미래성장동력인글로벌비즈니스또한가일층그사업위상을높였습니다. 필리핀, 남아공, 요르단, 칠레, 콜롬비아, 페루등에신규진출하며, 글로벌거점을 25개지역으로넓혔고, 북경법인은중국최대의모바일메신저인위챗을활용한마케팅채널, 한즈멍 을오픈하였습니다. 글로벌캠페인대행역량도빛을발해, LG전자 G4 글로벌런칭캠페인의마스터에이전시로서온 오프라인을망라한캠페인을성공적으로이끌었으며, 프리미엄브랜드시그니처 (Signature) 의 CES 런칭및 OLED TV 슈퍼볼광고의첫집행에도크게기여했습니다. 이밖에도광복 70주년신바람페스티벌, 괴산세계유기농산업엑스포, 유라시아친선특급, 한 중 일정상회담등에서당사만의차별화된프로모션업무역량으로국가적행사를성공적으로이끌었으며, 리테일사업은고객기반을 LG 외본죽, 토니모리, 알레르망등외부로확대했습니다. 존경하는주주여러분! 각민간경제연구기관들의발표에따르면내수소비위축과더불어중국경기불안, 북핵위협등으로인해올해국내경제는 3% 대성장마저불투명한것으로전망되고있습니다. 글로벌경제가이른바 New Normal 로일컬어지는저성장, 저소비, 저금리의장기불황시대에들어섰다는우려도일고있는상황입니다. 이와무관하지않게국내광고시장또한브라질올림픽이라는빅이벤트에도불구하고, 저성장기조가유지될것으로예상됩니다. 하지만당사는 2016 년에도 LG의혁신적인제품들이세계시장을선도할수있도록실질적인사업성과창출에기여하고, 성공적인외부광고주영입을통해시장지배력을높이고위기를기회로반전시킬수있도록창의적이고혁신적인아이디어로승부하겠습니다. 연초부터 쓱 열풍을불러일으키고있는 SSG.COM 광고의경우처럼성공캠페인을계속적으로만들어낸다면광고주의매출과주가상승에크게기여할뿐만아니라, 당사또한주식시장에서가치주로서의모습을확고히할수있을것으로믿습니다. 주주여러분의성원에진심으로감사드리며, 앞으로도당사는 고객을위한가치창조 와 인간존중의경영 이라는 LG의경영이념하에주주여러분과고객사, 협력업체및지역사회, 당사의임직원모두에게사랑받는기업이되도록노력하겠습니다. 끝으로여러분의가정에건강과행복이충만하시기를진심으로기원합니다. 감사합니다 년 3 월 18 일 주식회사지투알대표이사김종립
5 영업보고서 회사의개황영업의경과및성과모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태회사가대처할과제이사와감사의현황대주주현황회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황주요채권자등결산기후에생긴중요한사실그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항
6 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 07 Ⅰ. 회사의개황 1. 회사의목적 ( 정관상의사업목적 ) 지주회사업 광고업 인쇄및출판업 기타제품제조업 토목건설업 건물설비설치공사업 전기및통신공사업 건축마무리공사업 도소매및상품중개업 부동산임대, 공급및관련서비스업 시장조사및경영상담업 전문디자인업 기타사업지원서비스업 영화산업 기타오락, 문화및운동관련산업 위각호에부대되는사업 2. 영업소현황 영업소의명칭중요사업내용및제품소재지 본사지주회사업서울시마포구마포대로 종업원현황 [2015 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 구분임원재경인사법무트래픽기타계 인원수
7 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 주식에관한사항 1) 발행한주식의종류와수 [2015년 12월 31일현재 ] 구분 주식수 금액 구성비 기명식보통주 16,567,409주 17,571,493,000원 100% 2) 자본금변동상황년월일 주식의종류 주식수 ( 주 ) 증자액 ( 천원 ) 증자후자본금 ( 천원 ) 증자내용 보통주 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 무상증자 보통주 1,600,000-8,000,000 액면분할 보통주 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 유상증자 보통주 68, ,900 11,772,900 주식배당 보통주 11,772,900-11,772,900 액면분할 보통주 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 유상증자 보통주 1,004,084-17,571,493 이익소각 3) 주식사무 결산일 12월 31일 정기주주총회개최 2월또는 3월중 주주명부폐쇄기간 1월 1일부터 1월 31일까지 공고신문 한국경제신문 주권의종류 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 10,000 주권 (8종) 주식업무대행기관 대리인의명칭한국예탁결제원사무취급장소부산광역시남구문현금융로 40 주식에대한특전 없음 5. 사채에관한사항 해당사항없음
8 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 09 Ⅱ. 영업의경과및성과 1. 연결매출액 ( 영업수익 ) [ 단위 : 백만원 ] 구분 32기 (2015년) 31기 (2014년) 30기 (2013년) 제작매출액 401, , ,725 수입광고대행료 67,849 61,922 65,352 기타매출액 9,859 13,400 11,007 계 479, , ,084
9 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 10 Ⅲ. 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 1. 모회사현황 [2015 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 상호소재지자본금주요업종소유주식수지분율 ( 주 ) 엘지서울시영등포구여의대로 ,359 백만원지주회사 5,798,593 주 35.0% 2. 자회사현황 [2015년 12월 31일현재 ] 상호 소재지 자본금 주요업종 소유주식수 ( 주 ) 지분율 에이치에스애드 서울시마포구마포대로 155 5,306백만원 광고 5,306,750주 100% 엘베스트 서울시서초구반포대로 백만원 광고 32,801주 100% GIIR America Yuan Zhi Meng GIIR India GIIR UK GIIR Rus LLC GIIR Do Brazil GIIR Thailand GIIR Germany GIIR Ukraine 180 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ USA 90만달러 광고 900주 100% 17, Floor, West Twins Tower, No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, 50만달러 광고 - 100% Chao Yang District, Beijing, China 305 Third Floor, Copia Corporate Suites, District Centre, Jasola, 79,018,682 루피 광고 7,901,868주 100% New Delhi , India LG House, Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK 100만달러 광고 642,691주 100% 6 Floor, 4, 4 th Lesnoy per., 87만달러 광고 - 100% Moscow, , Russia LG Electronics do Brazil Av.Dr.Chucri Zaidan, andar CEP Vila 87만달러 광고 - 100% Cordeiro, Sao Paolo/SP, Brazil Richmond Bldg., 20 th floor, Sukhumvit 26, Klongton, Klongtoey, 26백만바트 광고 260,000주 100% Bangkok 10110, Thailand Berliner Strasse 93, LG Building Ratingen, Germany 70만유로 광고 - 100% 6 th Floor. 4(Lit.Z) basseynaya Str., Kiev, 01004, Ukraine 87만달러 광고 - 100%
10 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 모 자회사에대한이사겸직상황 [2015년 12월 31일현재 ] 성명 모 자회사 직위 역할 ( 주 ) 지투알 사장 대표이사 김종립 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 사장 대표이사 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 사장 대표이사 Yuan Zhi Meng 이사 기타비상무이사 윤경선 ( 주 ) 지투알 상무 사내이사 Yuan Zhi Meng 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 지투알 이사 기타비상무이사 김영민 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 이사 기타비상무이사 Ⅳ. 최근 3 년간영업실적및재산상태 1. 영업실적 1) 요약손익계산서 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 매출액 21,115 11,291 10,057 매출원가 4, 매출총이익 16,800 11,267 10,038 판매비와관리비 14,286 12,018 11,586 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 2,513 (751) (1,547) 기타수익 / 금융수익 880 1,232 1,542 기타비용 / 금융비용 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 3, (9) 법인세비용 (553) 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 2,
11 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 12 2) 요약연결손익계산서 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 매출액 479, , ,084 매출원가 344, , ,974 매출총이익 ( 손실 ) 134, , ,110 판매관리비 121, ,750 97,976 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 13,808 12,839 16,134 기타수익 / 금융수익 12,175 9,416 6,377 기타비용 / 금융비용 10,147 9,017 6,019 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 15,835 13,239 16,493 법인세비용 4,233 3,702 4,122 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 11,602 9,537 12,426 지배주주 11,602 9,671 11,961 비지배주주 - (133) 재무상태 1) 요약재무상태표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 (' ) 제 31 기 (' ) 제 30 기 (' ) 자산 1. 유동자산 50,287 48,413 50, 비유동자산 49,593 49,014 48,482 자산총계 99,880 97,427 98,945 부채 1. 유동부채 5,468 2,739 1, 비유동부채 1,068 1, 부채총계 6,536 3,951 2,338 자본 1. 자본금 17,571 17,571 17, 자본잉여금 54,582 54,582 54, 이익잉여금 26,643 26,816 30,023
12 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 13 요약재무상태표 - 계속 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 4. 기타포괄손익누계액 0 (41) (117) 5. 기타자본항목 (5,453) (5,453) (5,453) 자본총계 93,344 93,476 96,607 부채및자본총계 99,880 97,427 98,945 2) 요약연결재무상태표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 (' ) 제 31 기 (' ) 제 30 기 (' ) 자산 1. 유동자산 455, , , 비유동자산 27,771 25,489 23,117 자산총계 482, , ,525 부채 1. 유동부채 338, , , 비유동부채 9,388 8,693 4,163 부채총계 347, , ,871 자본 1. 지배기업소유주지분 134, , ,909 자본금 17,571 17,571 17,571 연결자본잉여금 55,024 55,024 54,582 연결이익잉여금 71,471 62,330 58,511 연결기타포괄손익누계액 66 (337) (546) 연결기타자본항목 (9,210) (9,210) (9,210) 2. 비지배지분 자본총계 134, , ,654 부채및자본총계 482, , ,525
13 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 자본변동 1) 요약자본변동표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 기초자본 93,476 96,607 99,659 자본의변동 (132) (3,131) (3,052) 기말자본 93,344 93,476 96,607 2) 요약연결자본변동표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 기초자본 125, , ,199 자본의변동 9,544 3,725 8,455 기말자본 134, , , 현금흐름 1) 요약현금흐름표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 영업활동으로인한현금흐름 (273) 3,712 (70) 1. 당기순이익 2, 투자활동으로인한현금흐름 3,368 (96) 3,024 재무활동으로인한현금흐름 (3,242) (3,457) (3,242) 현금의증가 (147) 159 (288) 기초현금 기말현금
14 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 15 2) 요약연결현금흐름표 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항목 제 32 기 ('15.1.1~' ) 제 31 기 ('14.1.1~' ) 제 30 기 ('13.1.1~' ) 영업활동으로인한현금흐름 17,886 6,661 6, 당기순이익 11,602 9,537 12,426 투자활동으로인한현금흐름 (5,484) 11,356 6,762 재무활동으로인한현금흐름 (2,875) (2,633) (2,680) 현금의증가 9,527 15,384 11,063 기초현금 46,394 30,578 19,846 기말현금 53,980 46,394 30,578 Ⅴ. 회사가대처할과제 본보고사항은 주주여러분께드리는말씀 에포함, 기재되어있습니다.
15 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 16 Ⅵ. 이사와감사의현황 [2015 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 성명 직위 담당업무또는주된업무 회사와의거래관계 김종립 사장 대표이사 없음 윤경선 상무 사내이사 없음 김영민 이사 기타비상무이사 없음 로빈스승훈 이사 기타비상무이사 없음 김영욱 사외이사 사외이사 없음 이경태 사외이사 사외이사 없음 Ⅶ. 대주주현황 [2015 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 주주성명 소유주식수 소유비율 회사와의거래관계 ( 주 ) 엘지 5,798, % 없음 Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 4,961, % 없음 신영자산운용 1,146, % 없음 국민연금 1,077, % 없음
16 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 17 Ⅷ. 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 [2015 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] [ 단위 : 주 ] 타회사명칭 투자및출자회사 ( 당사또는자회사 ) 다른회사에출자한 당사에출자한타회사의 소유주식수소유비율소유주식수소유비율 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 ( 주 ) 지투알 5,306, % - - ( 주 ) 엘베스트 ( 주 ) 지투알 32, % - - GIIR America ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR India ( 주 ) 지투알 7,901, % - - GIIR UK ( 주 ) 지투알 642, % - - GIIR Rus LLC ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Brazil ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - Yuan Zhi Meng ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Thailand ( 주 ) 지투알 260, % - - GIIR Germany ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR Ukraine ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - 우리투자증권 ( 주 ) ( 주 ) 지투알 148, % - - Ⅸ. 주요채권자등 해당사항없음 Ⅹ. 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 해당사항없음 ⅩⅠ. 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 해당사항없음
17 감사보고서 감사위원회의감사보고서감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서외부감사인의감사보고서외부감사인의연결감사보고서
18 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 19 감사위원회의감사보고서 본감사위원회는제 32 기사업연도 (2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지 ) 의회계및업무에관한감사를실시하고그결과를 다음과같이보고합니다. 1. 감사방법의개요회계감사를위하여회계에관한장부와관계서류를열람하고재무제표및동부속명세서를검토하였으며필요하다고인정되는경우대조, 실사, 입회, 조회, 기타적절한감사절차를적용하였습니다. 업무감사를위하여이사회및기타중요한회의에출석하고필요하다고인정되는경우이사로부터영업에관한보고를받았으며, 중요한업무에관한서류를열람하고그내용을검토하는등적절한방법을사용하였습니다. 2. 재무제표에관한사항 재무제표는법령및정관에따라회사의재무상태, 경영성과, 이익잉여금의변동, 자본의변동및현금흐름의내용을 적정하게표시하고있습니다. 3. 영업보고서에관한사항 영업보고서는법령및정관에따라회사의상황을정확하게표시하고있습니다 년 2 월 26 일 주식회사지투알감사위원회 감사위원장이경태 감사위원김영욱 감사위원로빈스승훈
19 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 20 감사위원회의내부회계관리제도평가보고서 주식회사지투알주주및이사회귀중 본감사위원회는 2015 년 12 월 31 일현재동일자로종료하는회계연도에대한당사의내부회계관리제도의설계및 운영실태를평가하였습니다. 내부회계관리제도의설계및운영에대한책임은내부회계관리자를포함한회사의경영진에있습니다. 본감사위원회는내부회계관리자가본감사위원회에게제출한내부회계관리제도운영실태평가보고서를참고로, 회사의내부회계관리제도가신뢰할수있는재무제표의작성및공시를위하여재무제표의왜곡을초래할수있는오류나부정행위를예방하고적발할수있도록효과적으로설계및운영되고있는지의여부에대하여평가하였습니다. 본감사위원회는내부회계관리제도의설계및운영실태를평가함에있어내부회계관리제도모범규준을평가기준으로사용하였 습니다. 본감사위원회의내부회계관리제도운영실태평가결과, 2015 년 12 월 31 일현재당사의내부회계관리제도는내부회계관리제도 모범규준에근거하여볼때, 중요성의관점에서효과적으로설계되어운영되고있다고판단됩니다 년 2 월 26 일 주식회사지투알감사위원회 감사위원장이경태 감사위원김영욱 감사위원로빈스승훈
20 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 21 독립된감사인의감사보고서 우리는별첨된주식회사지투알의재무제표를감사하였습니다. 동재무제표는 2015년 12월 31일과 2014년 12월 31일현재의재무상태표, 동일로종료되는양보고기간의손익계산서, 포괄손익계산서, 자본변동표및현금흐름표그리고유의적회계정책에대한요약과그밖의설명정보로구성되어있습니다. 재무제표에대한경영진의책임 : 경영진은한국채택국제회계기준에따라이재무제표를작성하고공정하게표시할책임이있으며, 부정이나오류로인한중요한왜곡표시가없는재무제표를작성하는데필요하다고결정한내부통제에대해서도책임이있습니다. 감사인의책임 : 우리의책임은우리가수행한감사를근거로해당재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 우리는한국회계감사기준에따라감사를수행하였습니다. 이기준은우리가윤리적요구사항을준수하며재무제표에중요한왜곡표시가없는지에대한합리적인확신을얻도록감사를계획하고수행할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는재무제표의금액과공시에대한감사증거를입수하기위한절차의수행을포함합니다. 절차의선택은부정이나오류로인한재무제표의중요한왜곡표시위험에대한평가등감사인의판단에따라달라집니다. 감사인은이러한위험을평가할때상황에적합한감사절차를설계하기위하여기업의재무제표작성및공정한표시와관련된내부통제를고려합니다. 그러나이는내부통제의효과성에대한의견을표명하기위한것이아닙니다. 감사는또한재무제표의전반적표시에대한평가뿐아니라재무제표를작성하기위하여경영진이적용한회계정책의적합성과경영진이도출한회계추정치의합리성에대한평가를포함합니다. 우리가입수한감사증거가감사의견을위한근거로서충분하고적합하다고우리는믿습니다. 감사의견 : 우리의의견으로는회사의재무제표는주식회사지투알의 2015년 12월 31일과 2014년 12월 31일현재의재무상태, 동일로종료되는양보고기간의재무성과및현금흐름을한국채택국제회계기준에따라중요성의관점에서공정하게표시하고있습니다. 강조사항 : 감사의견에는영향을미치지않는사항으로서이용자는재무제표에대한주석 3과주석 33에주의를기울여야할필요가있습니다. 재무제표에대한주석 3에기술하고있는바와같이회사는당기중손익계산서의표시를성격별분류에서 매출원가 법으로변경하였습니다. 재무제표에대한주석 33에기술하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기말현재관련채권ㆍ채무가존재하고있습니다 년 2 월 23 일 삼정회계법인대표이사 김교태 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2016 년 2 월 23 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점사이에첨부된회사의재무제표에중요한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.
21 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 22 독립된감사인의연결감사보고서 우리는별첨된주식회사지투알과그종속기업들의연결재무제표를감사하였습니다. 동연결재무제표는 2015년 12월 31일과 2014년 12월 31일현재의연결재무상태표, 동일로종료되는양보고기간의연결손익계산서, 연결포괄손익계산서, 연결자본변동표및연결현금흐름표그리고유의적회계정책에대한요약과그밖의설명정보로구성되어있습니다. 연결재무제표에대한경영진의책임 : 경영진은한국채택국제회계기준에따라이연결재무제표를작성하고공정하게표시할책임이있으며, 부정이나오류로인한중요한왜곡표시가없는연결재무제표를작성하는데필요하다고결정한내부통제에대해서도책임이있습니다. 감사인의책임 : 우리의책임은우리가수행한감사를근거로해당연결재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 우리는한국회계감사기준에따라감사를수행하였습니다. 이기준은우리가윤리적요구사항을준수하며연결재무제표에중요한왜곡표시가없는지에대한합리적인확신을얻도록감사를계획하고수행할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는연결재무제표의금액과공시에대한감사증거를입수하기위한절차의수행을포함합니다. 절차의선택은부정이나오류로인한연결재무제표의중요한왜곡표시위험에대한평가등감사인의판단에따라달라집니다. 감사인은이러한위험을평가할때상황에적합한감사절차를설계하기위하여기업의연결재무제표작성및공정한표시와관련된내부통제를고려합니다. 그러나이는내부통제의효과성에대한의견을표명하기위한것이아닙니다. 감사는또한연결재무제표의전반적표시에대한평가뿐아니라연결재무제표를작성하기위하여경영진이적용한회계정책의적합성과경영진이도출한회계추정치의합리성에대한평가를포함합니다. 우리가입수한감사증거가감사의견을위한근거로서충분하고적합하다고우리는믿습니다. 감사의견 : 우리의의견으로는회사의연결재무제표는주식회사지투알과그종속기업들의 2015년 12월 31일과 2014년 12월 31일현재의재무상태, 동일로종료되는양보고기간의재무성과및현금흐름을한국채택국제회계기준에따라중요성의관점에서공정하게표시하고있습니다. 강조사항 : 감사의견에는영향을미치지않는사항으로서이용자는재무제표에대한주석 36에주의를기울여야할필요가있습니다. 재무제표에대한주석 36에기술하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기말현재관련채권ㆍ채무가존재하고있습니다 년 2 월 23 일 삼정회계법인대표이사 김교태 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2016 년 2 월 23 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점까지의기간사이에첨부된회사의연결재무제표에중대한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.
22 결산보고서 재무상태표손익계산서포괄손익계산서자본변동표이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 현금흐름표재무제표에대한주석연결재무상태표연결손익계산서연결포괄손익계산서연결자본변동표연결현금흐름표연결재무제표에대한주석
23 재무상태표 제 32 기 2015 년 12 월 31 일현재제 31 기 2014 년 12 월 31 일현재 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 자산 I. 유동자산 50,286,857,751 48,412,841,036 현금및현금성자산 153,326, ,973,313 단기금융상품 5,000,000,000 10,900,000,000 금융기관예치금 34,000,000,000 33,500,000,000 매출채권및기타채권 9,649,772,316 3,527,539,436 기타유동자산 1,483,758, ,328,287 II. 비유동자산 49,592,683,252 49,014,263,813 장기금융기관예치금 452,500,000 2,500,000 매도가능금융자산 1,499,082,400 1,521,346,000 장기매출채권및기타채권 192,786, ,786,000 종속기업투자 42,611,703,233 42,611,703,233 유형자산 1,269,105,300 1,196,511,346 무형자산 1,860,917,294 1,963,697,735 이연법인세자산 1,686,546,342 1,476,845,450 기타비유동자산 20,042,683 48,874,049 자산총계 99,879,541,003 97,427,104,849 부채 I. 유동부채 5,467,612,204 2,739,098,188 매입채무및기타채무 4,783,998,430 2,580,977,851 기타유동부채 346,908, ,172,424 미지급법인세 336,705,103 34,947,913 Ⅱ. 비유동부채 1,068,198,051 1,211,984,818 장기매입채무및기타채무 20,042,683 48,874,049 확정급여부채 734,613, ,301,883 기타비유동부채 313,542, ,808,886 부채총계 6,535,810,255 3,951,083,006 자본 I. 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ. 자본잉여금 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ. 이익잉여금 26,643,238,371 26,816,049,218 Ⅳ. 기타포괄손익누계액 - (40,519,752) Ⅴ. 기타자본 (5,453,336,648) (5,453,336,648) 자본총계 93,343,730,748 93,476,021,843 부채와자본총계 99,879,541,003 97,427,104,849
24 손익계산서 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 매출액 21,115,190,926 11,291,174, 경영관리용역수입 12,366,063,066 10,694,186, 제작매출액 5,863,868, ,987, 수입광고대행료 319,977, 배당금수익 ( 종속기업 ) 2,565,282,000 0 Ⅱ. 매출원가 4,315,518,817 24,100, 제작원가 4,315,518,817 24,100,000 Ⅲ. 매출총이익 16,799,672,109 11,267,074,561 Ⅳ. 판매비와관리비 14,286,228,747 12,018,307, 급여및상여 7,366,495,695 5,513,508, 퇴직급여 642,091, ,545, 복리후생비 1,083,229, ,062, 접대비 170,623, ,083, 감가상각비 497,408, ,353, 무형자산상각비 748,726, ,733, 세금과공과 40,939,146 33,882, 광고선전비 7,330,000 7,120, 지급수수료 392,208, ,450, 교육훈련비 88,680, ,853, 보험료 3,022,100 3,725, 수도광열비 285,111, ,476, 여비교통비 207,566, ,991, 통신비 71,203,168 73,780, 소모품비 31,568,256 39,127, 도서구입비 130,971, ,284, 수선비 66,420,381 61,185, 차량유지비 108,599, ,075, 임차료 359,074, ,937, 복구충당부채전입액 545, , 복구충당부채환입액 (236,405) 기타의판매비와관리비 1,984,648,395 1,828,589,208 Ⅴ. 영업이익 2,513,443,362 (751,232,796) Ⅵ. 금융수익 862,357,105 1,132,196, 이자수익 836,748,655 1,124,674, 외화환산이익-영업외 1,860, , 주식배당금수익 23,747,840 7,421,200 Ⅶ. 금융비용 74,273, 매도가능증권감액손실 74,212, 이자비용 61,873 Ⅷ. 기타수익 17,702,469 99,740, 외환차익 11,997,361 3,653,404 2 외화환산이익 3,919,300 27,538,870
25 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 26 손익계산서 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 3. 유형자산처분이익 269, , 잡이익 1,516,081 68,028,219 Ⅸ. 기타비용 17,139,563 58,216, 외환차손 5,197,529 8,007, 외화환산손실 11,250,000 10,170, 유형자산처분손실 2, 잡손실 690,034 40,038,822 Ⅹ. 법인세비용차감전순이익 3,302,089, ,488,573 Ⅺ. 법인세비용 310,448,504 95,206,196 Ⅻ. 당기순이익 2,991,640, ,282,377
26 포괄손익계산서 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 당기순이익 2,991,640, ,282,377 Ⅱ. 기타포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 117,596,709 (216,774,907) 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되는포괄손익 매도가능금융자산평가손익 40,519,752 76,408,675 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는포괄손익확정급여제도의재측정요소 77,076,957 (293,183,582) Ⅲ. 총포괄손익 3,109,237, ,507,470
27 자본변동표 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 자본금 자본잉여금 이익잉여금 기타포괄손익누계액 기타자본 합계 ( 전기초 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 30,023,479,223 (116,928,427) (5,453,336,648) 96,607,043,173 총포괄손익 당기순이익 327,282, ,282,377 매도가능금융자산평가손익 76,408,675 76,408,675 보험수리적손익 (293,183,582) (293,183,582) 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래배당금지급 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) ( 전기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,816,049,218 (40,519,752) (5,453,336,648) 93,476,021, ( 당기초 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,816,049,218 (40,519,752) (5,453,336,648) 93,476,021,843 총포괄손익 당기순이익 2,991,640,996 2,991,640,996 매도가능금융자산평가손익 40,519,752 40,519,752 보험수리적손익 77,076,957 77,076,957 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래배당금지급 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) ( 당기말 ) 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,643,238,371 0 (5,453,336,648) 93,343,730,748
28 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지처분예정일 2016 년 3 월 18 일제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지처분확정일 2015 년 3 월 13 일 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 미처분이익잉여금 3,144,735,019 3,117,545,866 전기이월미처분이익잉여금 76,017,066 3,083,447,071 보험수리적손익 77,076,957 (293,183,582) 당기순이익 2,991,640, ,282,377 Ⅱ. 임의적립금등의이입액 100,000, ,000,000 임의적립금이입액 100,000, ,000,000 Ⅲ. 이익잉여금처분액 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 가. 현금배당 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 주당배당금 : 당기 : 200원 (20%) 전기 : 200원 (20%) Ⅳ. 차기이월미처분이익잉여금 3,206,219 76,017,066
29 현금흐름표 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 영업활동현금흐름 (273,067,714) 3,712,457, 영업에서창출된현금 (1,018,433,698) 2,390,238,039 (1)`당기순이익 2,991,640, ,282,377 (2)`조정 (1,147,318,660) 746,293,822 법인세비용 310,448,504 95,206,196 퇴직급여 642,091, ,545,539 감가상각비 497,408, ,353,525 외화환산손실 11,250,000 10,170,000 이자비용 61,873 유형자산처분손실 2,000 무형자산상각비 748,726, ,733,406 매도가능금융자산손상차손 74,212,000 복구충당부채전입액 ( 환입액 ) 308, ,296 외화환산이익 (5,779,910) (27,639,651) 이자수익 (836,748,655) (1,124,674,833) 배당금수익 (2,589,029,840) (7,421,200) 유형자산처분이익 (269,727) (520,456) (3)`자산및부채의증감 (2,862,756,034) 1,316,661,840 매출채권의감소 ( 증가 ) (2,779,763,461) (472,837,970) 미수금의감소 ( 증가 ) (924,867,417) 1,647,834,738 미청구공사의감소 ( 증가 ) (1,284,478,651) 기타유동자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (28,988,285) 85,372,096 매입채무의감소 ( 증가 ) 1,612,752,458 15,531,800 미지급금의증가 ( 감소 ) 31,697, ,914,166 미지급비용의증가 ( 감소 ) 945,695, ,149,154 초과청구공사의증가 ( 감소 ) 86,850,000 기타유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 136,886,247 14,717,973 퇴직금의지급 (351,044,358) (373,160,600) 관계사전입 ( 전출 ) 액 (52,918,922) 13,526,197 퇴직연금운용자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (292,999,993) (201,871,838) 기타비유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 38,424,276 89,486, 이자의수취 911,503,037 1,188,562, 배당금의수취 23,747,840 7,421, 법인세의환급 ( 지급 ) (189,884,893) 126,235,880 Ⅱ. 투자활동현금흐름 3,368,089,327 (96,252,618) 1. 투자활동으로인한현금유입액 8,200,272,727 57,003,028,291 금융기관예치금의감소 2,300,000,000 57,000,000,000 단기금융상품의감소 5,900,000,000 매각예정자산의처분 2,492,835 유형자산의처분 272, ,456
30 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 31 현금흐름표 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 2. 투자활동으로인한현금유출액 (4,832,183,400) (57,099,280,909) 당기손익인식금융자산의증가 ( 감소 ) 10,900,000,000 금융기관예치금의증가 3,250,000,000 45,500,000,000 유형자산의취득 571,717, ,120,909 무형자산의취득 1,010,466, ,160,000 Ⅲ. 재무활동현금흐름 (3,241,528,800) (3,457,168,800) 1. 재무활동으로인한현금유입액 재무활동으로인한현금유출액 (3,241,528,800) (3,457,168,800) 배당금의지급 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 종속기업주식의취득 215,640,000 Ⅳ. 현금의증가 ( 감소 )(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) (146,507,187) 159,036,131 Ⅴ. 기초의현금 297,973, ,836,401 Ⅵ. 외화표시현금의환율변동효과 1,860, ,781 Ⅶ. 기말의현금 153,326, ,973,313
31 재무제표에대한주석 `- 목차 No. 항목 No. 항목 1 회사의개요 17 기타비유동부채 2 재무제표작성기준 18 우발부채와약정사항 3 유의적인회계정책 19 자본금과자본잉여금 4 금융위험관리 20 이익잉여금 5 현금및현금성자산 21 배당금 6 단기금융상품 22 기타포괄손익누계액 7 금융기관예치금 23 기타자본항목 8 매출채권및기타채권 24 매출액및매출원가 9 기타유동자산과기타비유동자산 25 판매관리비 10 매도가능금융자산 26 금융수익및금융비용 11 종속기업투자 27 기타영업외수익과기타영업외비용 12 유형자산 28 비용의성격별분류 13 무형자산 29 법인세비용 ( 수익 ) 14 매입채무및기타채무 30 주당이익 15 기타유동부채 31 금융상품 16 종업원급여 32 특수관계자
32 연결재무상태표 제 32 기 2015 년 12 월 31 일현재제 31 기 2014 년 12 월 31 일현재 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 자산 I. 유동자산 455,067,713, ,947,467,628 현금및현금성자산 61,714,839,169 47,262,649,842 금융기관예치금 36,000,000,000 34,500,000,000 통화선도자산 100,839,663 18,655,477 만기보유금융자산 - 499,300,000 매출채권및기타채권 335,276,962, ,788,311,908 선급법인세 886,850, ,079,308 기타유동자산 21,088,221,263 20,004,471,093 Ⅱ. 비유동자산 27,770,944,638 25,488,890,624 장기금융기관예치금 489,655,284 38,230,890 매도가능금융자산 1,903,701,821 1,925,965,421 만기보유금융자산 786,120, ,560,000 장기매출채권및기타채권 3,800,607,302 3,673,108,219 유형자산 3,909,323,699 3,480,332,739 무형자산 11,744,981,859 11,797,475,004 이연법인세자산 5,136,554,673 4,067,218,351 자산총계 482,838,657, ,436,358,252 부채 I. 유동부채 338,527,481, ,364,372,353 통화선도부채 51,846,784 10,201,337 매입채무및기타채무 279,362,994, ,740,270,499 단기차입금 10,631,099,595 3,825,938,195 미지급법인세 4,168,996,240 3,334,396,368 기타유동부채 44,312,544,692 34,453,565,954 Ⅱ. 비유동부채 9,387,667,146 8,692,926,115 장기매입채무및기타채무 44,957, ,058,337 장기차입금 10,000,000 10,000,000 기타비유동부채 2,370,117,659 1,719,722,116 확정급여부채 6,962,591,553 6,859,145,662 부채총계 347,915,148, ,057,298,468 자본 I. 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ. 자본잉여금 55,024,455,374 55,024,455,374 Ⅲ. 이익잉여금 71,471,118,894 62,329,639,054 Ⅳ. 기타포괄손익누계액 66,229,309 (336,739,798) Ⅴ. 기타자본항목 (9,209,787,846) (9,209,787,846) 지배주주지분 134,923,508, ,379,059,784 비지배주주지분 0 0 자본총계 134,923,508, ,379,059,784 부채와자본총계 482,838,657, ,436,358,252
33 연결손익계산서 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 매출액 479,291,300, ,598,132, 제작매출액 401,583,094, ,276,001, 수입광고대행료 67,849,174,033 61,921,650, 기타매출액 9,859,031,906 13,400,480,941 Ⅱ. 매출원가 344,459,641, ,008,469, 제작원가 335,646,631, ,641,103, 기타원가 8,813,010,004 12,367,366,132 Ⅲ. 매출총이익 134,831,659, ,589,662,851 Ⅳ. 판매비와관리비 121,023,872, ,750,319, 급여및상여 73,816,340,624 62,536,813, 퇴직급여 4,578,601,950 3,763,646, 복리후생비 12,772,572,545 11,180,920, 접대비 1,909,553,342 1,888,143, 감가상각비 1,702,824,859 1,763,056, 무형자산상각비 931,981, ,173, 세금과공과 505,264, ,055, 광고선전비 604,913, ,704, 연구조사비 4,188,778,873 4,457,820, 지급수수료 2,961,063,974 2,886,485, 교육훈련비 1,024,043,350 1,018,191, 보험료 30,477,834 31,493, 수도광열비 1,866,399,737 1,751,049, 여비교통비 1,859,350,088 2,408,005, 통신비 905,538, ,701, 소모품비 511,496, ,079, 도서구입비 239,805, ,412, 수선비 414,933, ,984, 차량유지비 933,422, ,192, 임차료 6,257,034,506 5,976,486, 대손상각 245,189,781 11,890, 기타의판매비와관리비 2,354,212,673 2,173,857, 복구충당부채전입액 410,307,490 6,155, 복구충당부채환입액 (236,405) 0 Ⅴ. 영업이익 13,807,787,395 12,839,343,427 Ⅵ. 금융수익 3,328,449,154 2,766,209, 이자수익 1,122,356,926 1,521,726, 외화환산이익 869,054, ,139, 외환차익-영업외 8,867,719 7,971, 배당금수익 25,627,840 7,421, 매매목적파생상품처분이익 1,220,357, ,294, 매매목적파생상품평가이익 82,184,186 18,655,477
34 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 35 연결손익계산서 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 Ⅶ. 금융비용 5,774,660,335 1,940,999, 이자비용 678,089, ,236, 매도가능금융자산손상차손 74,212, 외화환산손실 3,415,469, ,572, 외환차손-영업외 6,429,925 2,445, 매매목적파생상품처분손실 1,558,813, ,544, 매매목적파생상품평가손실 41,645,447 10,201,337 Ⅷ. 기타수익 8,846,141,084 6,650,280, 외환차익 6,402,792,103 2,891,506, 외화환산이익 2,319,420,224 3,209,803, 유형자산처분이익 26,010,164 3,182, 잡이익 97,918, ,788,102 Ⅸ. 기타비용 4,372,760,059 7,075,852, 외환차손 3,610,738,956 3,801,901, 외화환산손실 506,951,484 2,918,425, 유형자산처분손실 48,379,415 3,973, 무형자산처분손실 22,000, 기타의대손상각비 1,543 2,291, 잡손실 200,671, ,710, 기부금 6,016,680 22,550,522 Ⅹ. 법인세비용차감전순이익 15,834,957,239 13,238,982,088 Ⅺ. 법인세비용 4,232,604,535 3,701,527,831 Ⅻ. 당기순이익 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 ⅩⅢ. 당기순이익의귀속지배지분순이익 11,602,352,704 9,670,789,118 비지배지분순이익 - (133,334,861)
35 연결포괄손익계산서 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 당기순이익 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 Ⅱ. 기타포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 1,183,625,043 (2,355,276,720) 매도가능금융자산평가손익 40,519,752 76,408,675 해외사업환산손익 362,449, ,943,853 보험수리적손익 780,655,936 (2,610,629,248) Ⅲ. 총포괄손익 12,785,977,747 7,182,177,537 Ⅳ. 총포괄손익의귀속지배지분순이익 12,785,977,747 7,320,625,033 비지배지분순이익 (138,447,496)
36 연결자본변동표 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목자본금연결자본잉여금연결이익잉여금 ( 제 31 기기초 ) 총포괄손익 연결기타포괄손익누계액 연결기타자본항목 비지배지분 자본총계 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 58,511,007,984 (545,675,256) (9,209,787,846) 744,677, ,654,051,047 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 0 0 9,670,789, (133,334,861) 9,537,454,257 매도가능금융자산평가손익 확정급여제도의재측정요소 ,408, ,408, (2,610,629,248) (2,610,629,248) 해외사업환산손익 ,056,488 0 (5,112,635) 178,943,853 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래 배당금지급 0 0 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) 비지배주주와의자본거래이익 ( 제 31 기기말 ) ( 제 32 기기초 ) 총포괄손익 442,119,349 (51,529,705) (606,229,644) (215,640,000) 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 62,329,639,054 (336,739,798) (9,209,787,846) 0 125,379,059,784 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 62,329,639,054 (336,739,798) (9,209,787,846) 0 125,379,059,784 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) ,602,352, ,602,352,704 매도가능금융자산평가손익 ,519, ,519,752 보험수리적손익 ,655, ,655,936 해외사업환산손익 ,449, ,449,355 자본에직접반영된주주와의거래 배당금지급 0 0 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) ( 제 32 기기말 ) 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 71,471,118,894 66,229,309 (9,209,787,846) 0 134,923,508,731
37 연결현금흐름표 제 32 기 2015 년 1 월 1 일부터 2015 년 12 월 31 일까지제 31 기 2014 년 1 월 1 일부터 2014 년 12 월 31 일까지 주식회사지투알과그종속기업 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 32 기 제 31 기 I. 영업활동현금흐름 17,886,170,248 6,660,616, 영업에서창출된현금 21,925,911,845 10,616,003,335 (1)`당기순이익 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 (2)`조정 12,759,824,748 8,970,470,089 법인세비용 4,232,604,535 3,701,527,831 퇴직급여 4,578,601,950 3,763,646,322 감가상각비 1,702,824,859 1,763,056,559 무형자산상각비 931,981, ,173,321 대손상각비 ( 환입 ) 245,191,324 11,890,887 기타의대손상각비 1,543 2,291,058 유형자산처분이익 (26,010,164) (3,182,248) 무형자산처분손실 0 22,000,000 유형자산처분손실 48,379,415 3,973,288 복구충당부채전입 ( 환입 ) 액 410,071,085 6,155,136 외화환산이익 (3,188,474,909) (3,922,943,582) 외화환산손실 3,922,421,467 3,093,997,962 파생상품평가손실 41,645,447 10,201,337 파생상품거래손실 1,558,813, ,544,214 파생상품거래이익 (1,220,357,798) (497,294,870) 파생상품평가이익 (82,184,186) (18,655,477) 매도가능금융자산손상차손 74,212,000 0 이자비용 678,089, ,236,084 배당금수익 (25,627,840) (7,421,200) 이자수익 (1,122,356,926) (1,521,726,533) (3)`자산및부채의증감 (2,436,265,607) (7,891,921,011) 매출채권의감소 ( 증가 ) (62,350,044,027) 7,068,006,544 미수금의감소 ( 증가 ) (130,098,994) 815,345,222 기타유동자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (1,257,248,854) (5,554,359,456) 매입채무의증가 ( 감소 ) 49,886,531,367 (9,607,898,056) 미지급금의증가 ( 감소 ) (975,773,387) (294,105,489) 미지급비용의증가 ( 감소 ) 6,250,155,306 2,897,144,079 기타유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 9,438,654,473 (672,016,269) 기타비유동부채의증가 ( 감소 ) 180,976, ,108,676 퇴직금의지급 (2,755,017,184) (2,309,277,301) 관계사전입 ( 전출 ) 액 (81,440,670) 14,762,093 퇴직연금운용자산의감소 ( 증가 ) (642,960,505) (817,631,054)
38 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 39 연결현금흐름표 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 2. 이자의수취 1,221,260,297 1,586,005, 이자의지급 (669,077,044) (745,711,994) 4. 법인세의지급 (4,617,552,690) (4,803,102,344) 5. 배당금의수취 25,627,840 7,421,200 Ⅱ. 투자활동현금흐름 (5,484,091,987) 11,356,360, 투자활동으로인한현금유입액 9,168,670,355 70,059,085,327 금융기관예치금의감소 6,483,392,360 68,120,641,000 당기손익인식금융자산의감소 1,220,357, ,516,537 장기보증금의감소 832,887, ,671,163 유형자산의처분 132,732,778 6,266,627 무형자산의처분 0 1,000,000,000 만기보유금융자산의처분 499,300, ,990, 투자활동으로인한현금유출액 (14,652,762,342) (58,702,725,257) 금융기관예치금의증가 8,434,547,709 53,545,172,447 당기손익인식금융부채의감소 1,558,813, ,013,046 장기보증금의증가 948,884, ,099,549 매도가능금융자산의취득 0 50,668,740 만기보유금융자산의취득 279,560, ,070,000 유형자산의취득 2,193,798,358 1,432,416,279 무형자산의취득 1,237,158,200 1,797,285,196 Ⅲ. 재무활동현금흐름 (2,875,498,725) (2,633,437,544) 1. 재무활동으로인한현금유입액 5,041,558,290 14,837,569,321 단기차입금의증가 5,041,558,290 14,827,569,321 사채의발행 0 10,000, 재무활동으로인한현금유출액 (7,917,057,015) (17,471,006,865) 단기차입금의상환 4,675,528,215 14,013,838,065 종속기업주식의취득 0 215,640,000 배당금의지급 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Ⅳ. 현금의증가 ( 감소 )(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) 9,526,579,536 15,383,538,581 Ⅴ. 기초의현금 46,393,949,842 30,578,045,692 Ⅵ. 외화표시현금의환율변동효과 (1,940,110,513) 432,365,569 Ⅶ. 기말의현금 53,980,418,865 46,393,949,842
39 연결재무제표에대한주석 `- 목차 No. 항목 No. 항목 1 회사의개요 20 종업원급여 2 재무제표작성기준 21 기타비유동부채 3 유의적인회계정책 22 우발부채와약정사항 4 금융위험관리 23 자본금과연결자본잉여금 5 종속기업 24 연결이익잉여금 6 비지배지분 25 배당금 7 현금및현금성자산 26 연결기타포괄손익누계액 8 금융기관예치금 27 연결기타자본항목 9 파생상품 28 주당이익 10 만기보유금융자산 29 매출액및매출원가 11 매출채권및기타채권 30 판매비와관리비 12 매도가능금융자산 31 금융수익및금융비용 13 기타유동자산과기타비유동자산 32 기타영업외수익과기타영업외비용 14 유형자산 33 성격별비용 15 무형자산 34 법인세비용 16 매입채무및기타채무 35 금융상품 17 차입금 36 특수관계자 18 장기차입금 37 영업부문 19 기타유동부채
40 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. To Our Shareholders Business Report 1. General condition of the Company Progress and results of operation Parent company, subsidiary company and interlocking directorate of 48 the Company etc. 4. Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years Assignment of the Company Present state of directors and auditor Present state of major shareholder Investment state for the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary 55 company of the Company 9. Main creditor etc Important matters occurred after the accounting period Other matters acknowledged important related to operation Audit Report 1. Audit report by Audit Committee of GIIR Inc Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System Financial Statements 1. Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of changes in Equity Statement of Appropriations of Retained Earnings(proposal) Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements Balance Sheet(Consolidated) Statement of Income(Consolidated) Statement of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated) Statement of Changes in Equity(Consolidated) Cash Flows(Consolidated) Notes to Financial Statements(Consolidated) 76
41 To Our Shareholders (Business report) Dear Shareholders! On behalf of our entire staffs, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your constant interest and support to GIIR and GIIR s affiliated companies. The advertisement industry has grown by about 6.2% and recorded 10 trillion 727 billion won in Such achievement seems to be resulted from the cable TV s big success through high-quality contents including <Answer Me 1988> of tvn early this year, and a leap of general service broadcasters with decent growth, along with continuous growth in mobile advertisement market which just passed 1 trillion won this year for the first time. On the other hand, the traditional media was struggling again. Public TV does not capitalize from the recent changes in advertisement system including the introduction of Advertising Regulation for Total Amount and the expansion of virtual advertisement. The newspaper advertisement market finally escaped from minus growth which lasted for several years, but the magazine advertisement market continued to decline. Aside from media environments, the market has been boosted up greatly by aggressive marketing investments from mobile game firms and companies for mobile life-style platforms including delivery, accommodation, real estate etc. As GIIR succeeded and developed the achievements from previous years, our growth continued in both of quality and quantity in As GIIR has focused on to develop leading advertisers of industry last year, we have newly hosted the most prestigious advertisers in each industry such as IBK(Industrial Bank of Korea), Bingrrae, W.ANGLE, Samyang Group, Shinsegae SSG.COM, Salewa, KB Financial Group, KB Insurance, RIDI Books, KFC, and Ilhwa. Also we have successfully recruited major mobile advertisers including Yanolja, Pikicast, 4:33, and UnionPay. Based on such efforts, GIIR achieved 1 trillion billion won of billings which means 14.6% growth to last year. Honorable award winning news has been delivered all year long. The Baemin campaign of Woowa Borthers & Sisters won the Grand Prix of TVCF Awards early last year and then continued to win Good CF Award Selected by Consumers, Effie Awards and finally, at the end of last year, won the Grand Prix of Korean Advertising Awards which is 5th consecutive years for GIIR. As a result of such extraordinary achievement, the advertiser placed a tribute advertisement in taxi shelter near our company to show appreciation to us. In the New York Festival, a public application DAYCON of LG Electronics won the highest award selected by UN. A digital campaign by LG Electronics Support Good Ideas from Min Hyeok received the Grand Prix of Good CF Award Selected by Consumers and demonstrated excellent creativity.
42 Global business, the future growth engine of GIIR, also has moved on and promoted its status. We have opened up new markets in the Philippines, South Africa, Jordan, Chile, Columbia and Peru thus global strategic strongholds have been increased to 25. The Beijing corporation has opened Hanzmung utilizing WeChat which is the biggest mobile messenger in China. The capability as a global campaign agency also flourished. As the master agency for G4 global launching campaign of LG Electronics, we successfully managed the campaign throughout both of on-line and off-line. We also played a huge role in CES launching of a premium brand Signature and the very first Super Bowl advertisement of OLED TV. Based on our own differentiated promotion capacity, we have successfully led several nationallevel events such as Liberation 70th Anniversary Festival Sinbaram, ISOFAR 2015 Goesan, Eurasia Express, and South Korea-China-Japan-Summit. In terms of retail business, we expanded customer base from LG to the outside including Bonjuk, Tonymoly, Allerman etc. Honorable shareholders! According to the forecast from private economic research institutes, even 3% of economic growth in Korea is gloomy in this year, due to decrease of domestic consumption, uncertainty of Chinese market, North Korean nuclear threat etc. Many people are concerned that global economy is already entered to a long term depression phase so-called New Normal which is represented by low-growth, low-consumption, and low interest. In connection with such trend, domestic advertisement market is expected to maintain low-growth economic condition in spite of the big event of Brazil Olympics. However, GIIR is going to overcome all the difficulties with creative and innovative ideas in year We will try our best to turn crisis into opportunity by increasing market power through attracting external advertisers and by contributing to create and promote substantial business value, in order to innovative products of LG can lead global market. I believe GIIR can greatly contribute to high revenue and stock price for our advertisers if we constantly generate successful campaigns like SSG.COM CF which already aroused SSG syndrome early this year. Through that, GIIR s stock also will take a high ground in stock market as a prominent value stock. I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our shareholders constant concerns. Under management ideology of Value Creation for Customers and Humanism Management GIIR will put every effort to be an enterprise to be loved from all of shareholders, advertisers, partners, local communities and employees of our own. March 18 th, 2016 Representative Director of GIIR Inc., Jong Ripp Kim
43 Business Report General Condition of the Company Progress and Results of Operation Parent Company, Subsidiary Companies, Interlocking Directorate, and etc. Operation Results and Financial Conditions for the Past Three Years Assignment of the Company Directors and Auditor Major Shareholders Company and Subsidiary Companies Investment Status Major Creditors Occurrence of Significant Events After the Accounting Period Other Important Matters Related to Operation
44 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 45 Ⅰ. General condition of the Company 1. Objectives of the Company (Business object from the Articles) To engage in holding company business To engage in agency business for domestic and overseas advertisement for promotion of sales To engage in printing and publishing work To manufacture other products To engage in construction work To engage in construction work involving building equipment To engage in construction work involving electricity and telecommunication To engage in construction finishing work To engage in trade, agency business for goods To engage in real estate business To conduct research and consulting services To engage in designing work To engage in any other supporting business To engage in movie industry To engage in entertainment, culture and sports related business Any and all businesses which are incidental to any of the forgoing objects 2. State of business office Name of business office Main Business & Products Location Main office Holding company LG Mapo Bldg., 155 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul 3. State of employees [As of December 31, 2015] Classification Executive Finance HR Legal Traffic Others Total Number
45 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Matters about stocks 1) Class and number of issued stock [As of December 31, 2015] Class Number Amount Ratio Common shares in non-bearer form 16,567,409 shares KRW 17,571,493, % 2) Fluctuation state of the paid-in capital Date Class Number (share) Additional amount (KRW 1,000) Capital after increase (KRW 1,000) Common stock 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 Increasing contents Capital increase without consideration Common stock 1,600,000-8,000,000 Stock split Common stock 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 68, ,900 11,772,900 Stock allotment Common stock 11,772,900-11,772,900 Stock Split Common stock 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 1,004,084-17,571,493 Cancellation 3) Stock affairs Closing date December 31 Convening of the General Shareholders Meeting Suspension period of the register of shareholders Public Notice newspaper Denominations of share certificates Transfer Agent Privilege for stock February or March January 1 ~ January 31 The Korea Economic Daily 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, stockholders right (8 kinds) Name Address Korea Securities Depository Nam-gu, Munhyeongeumyung-ro 40, Busan None 5. Matters about bonds Not relevant
46 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 47 Ⅱ. Progress and results of operation 1. Sales(Consolidated) [Unit: KRW Million] Classification 32nd (2015) 31st (2014) 30th (2013) Production 401, , ,725 Media planning and Buying commission 67,849 61,922 65,352 Other 9,859 13,400 11,007 Total 479, , ,084
47 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 48 Ⅲ. Parent company, subsidiary, and interlocking of the Company etc. 1. State of parent company [As of December 31, 2015] Name Location Capital Main Business Number of Shares Ratio LG Corp. 128 Yeoui-daero, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul KRW 879,359m Holding Company 5,798, % 2. State of subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2015] Subsidiary Relation with the Company Name Location Paid-in capital Main business Number of stock Ratio HS Ad Inc. LBEST LTD. GIIR America, Inc. Yuan Zhi Meng GIIR India GIIR UK GIIR Rus LLC GIIR Do Brazil GIIR Thailand GIIR Germany GIIR Ukraine 155 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul 235 Banpo-daero, Kangnam-gu, Seoul 180 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ USA 17, Floor, West Twins Tower, No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, China 305 Third Floor, Copia Corporate Suites, District Centre, Jasola, New Delhi , India LG House, Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK 6 Floor, 4, 4 th Lesnoy per., Moscow, , Russia LG Electronics do Brazil Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, andar CEP Vila Cordeiro, Sao Paolo/SP, Brazil Richmond Bldg., 20 th floor, Sukhumvit 26, Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Berliner Strasse 93, LG Building Ratingen, Germany 6 th Floor. 4(Lit.Z) basseynaya Str., Kiev, 01004, Ukraine KRW 5,306m KRW 164m USD 0.9m Advertising Advertising Advertising 5,306,750 Shares 32,801 Shares 900 shares 100% 100% 100% USD 0.5m Advertising - 100% INR 79,018,682 USD 1.0 m Advertising Advertising 7,901,868 shares 642,691 shares 100% 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100% Baht 26m Advertising 260,000 shares 100% 0.7m Advertising - 100% USD 0.87 m Advertising - 100%
48 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Concurrent position state of parent and subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2015] Name Company Position Duty GIIR Inc. President CEO Jong Ripp Kim HS Ad Inc. President CEO LBEST LTD. President CEO Yuan Zhi Meng Director Non-Standing Director Kyung Sun Yun GIIR Inc. CFO Director Yuan Zhi Meng Director Non-Standing Director GIIR Inc. Director Non-Standing Director Yung Min Kim HS Ad Inc. Director Non-Standing Director LBEST LTD. Director Non-Standing Director Ⅳ. Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years 1. Operation Results 1) Statement of Income [unit: KRW million] Classification 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' Sales 21,115 11,291 10, Cost of Sales 4, Gross Profit 16,800 11,267 10, Selling general administrative expenses 14,286 12,018 11, Operating Profit 2,513 (751) (1,547) 6. Other & Financial Income 880 1,232 1, Other & Financial Expenses Profit(Loss) Before Tax 3, (9) 9. Income Taxes Expenses (553) 10. Net Income 2,
49 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 50 2) Statement of Income(Consolidated) [unit: KRW million] Classification 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' Sales 479, , , Cost of Sales 344, , , Gross Profit 134, , , Selling general administrative expenses 121, ,750 97, Operating Profit(Loss) 13,808 12,839 16, Other & Financial Income 12,175 9,416 6, Others & Financial Expenses 10,147 9,017 6, Profit(Loss) Before Tax 15,835 13,239 16, Income Taxes Expense 4,233 3,702 4, Net Profit(Losses) 11,602 9,537 12,426 Controlling interest 11,602 9,671 11,961 Non-controlling interest - (133) Financial condition 1) Balance Sheet(Statement of Financial Position) [unit: KRW million] Assets Classification 32nd ' st ' th ' Current assets 50,287 48,413 50, Non-current assets 49,593 49,014 48,482 Total assets 99,880 97,427 98,945 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 5,468 2,739 1, Non-current liabilities 1,068 1, Total liabilities 6,536 3,951 2,338 Equity 1. Issued capital 17,571 17,571 17, Capital surplus 54,582 54,582 54,582
50 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 51 Balance Sheet - Continued 3. Retained earnings 26,643 26,816 30, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 5. Elements of other stockholder's equity 0 (41) (117) (5,453) (5,453) (5,453) Total equity 93,344 93,476 96,607 Total equity and liabilities 99,880 97,427 98,945 [unit: KRW million] 2) Statement of Financial Position(Consolidated) [unit: KRW million] Assets Classification 32nd ' st ' th ' Current assets 455, , , Non-current assets 27,771 25,489 23,117 Total assets 482, , ,525 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 338, , , Non-current liabilities 9,388 8,693 4,163 Total liabilities 347, , ,871 Equity 1. Equity attributable to owners of parent 134, , ,909 Issued capital 17,571 17,571 17,571 Capital surplus 55,024 55,024 54,582 Retained earnings 71,471 62,330 58,511 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Elements of other stockholder's equity 66 (337) (546) (9,210) (9,210) (9,210) 2. Non-controlling interests Total equity 134, , ,654 Total equity and liabilities 482, , ,525
51 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Changes in Equity 1) Statement of Changes in Equity [unit: KRW million] Classification 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' Equity at beginning of period 93,476 96,607 99,659 Changes in Equity (132) (3,131) (3,052) Equity at end of period 93,344 93,476 96,607 2) Statement of Changes in Equity(Consolidated) [unit: KRW million] Classification 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' Equity at beginning of period 125, , ,199 Changes in Equity 9,544 3,725 8,455 Equity at end of period 134, , , Cash Flows 1) Cash Flows [unit: KRW million] Classification Cash Flows from Operating Activities 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' (273) 3,712 (70) 1. Net Profit 2, Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities 3,368 (96) 3,024 (3,242) (3,457) (3,242) Net increase(decrease) in cash (147) 159 (288) Cash at beginning of period Cash at end of period
52 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 53 2) Cash Flows(Consolidated) [unit: KRW million] Classification Cash Flows from Operating Activities 32nd '15.1.1~' st '14.1.1~' th '13.1.1~' ,886 6,661 6, Net Profit 11,602 9,537 12,426 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities (5,484) 11,356 6,762 (2,875) (2,633) (2,680) Net increase(decrease) in cash 9,527 15,384 11,063 Cash at beginning of period 46,394 30,578 19,846 Cash at end of period 53,980 46,394 30,578 Ⅴ. Assignment of the Company The reporting matters were included in and stated in To Our Shareholders.
53 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 54 Ⅵ. Present state of director and auditor [As of December 31, 2015] Name Position Duty Transaction with the Company Jong Ripp Kim President CEO None Kyung sun Yun CFO Director None Yung Min Kim Director Non-standing Director None Robbins Sung Hun Director Non-standing Director None Yeong Ook Kim Director Outside Director None Kyung Tae Lee Director Outside Director None Ⅶ. Present state of major shareholder [As of December 31, 2015] Name Number of shares Ratio Transaction with the Company LG 5,798, % None Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 4,961, % None Shinyoung IM 1,146, % None National Pension Service 1,077, % None
54 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 55 Ⅷ. Investment state of the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary company of the Company [As of December 31, 2015], [Unit: Share] Name Investment company (The Company or subsidiary company) Investment to other company Other company invest to the company Number Ratio Number Ratio HS Ad Inc. GIIR Inc. 5,306, % - - LBEST LTD. GIIR Inc. 32, % - - GIIR America, Inc. GIIR Inc % - - GIIR India GIIR Inc. 7,901, % - - GIIR UK GIIR Inc. 642, % - - GIIR Rus LLC GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Brazil GIIR Inc % - - Yuan Zhi Meng GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Thailand GIIR Inc. 260, % - - GIIR Germany GIIR Inc % - - GIIR Ukraine GIIR Inc % - - Woori I&S GIIR Inc. 148, % - - Ⅸ. Main creditor etc. Not relevant Ⅹ. Important matters occurred after the accounting period Not relevant Ⅺ. Other matters acknowledged related to operation Nothing to report
55 Audit Report Audit report by Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System
56 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 57 Audit Report Audit Committee report the following audit result on accounting and business of the 32nd fiscal year from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 as an Audit Committee member of GIIR Inc. 1. Outline of the Audit Method Audit Committee inspected the accounting book and the relevant documents and investigated the financial statements and attached specification for examination. Audit Committee examined by applying the contrast, actual inspection, session, inquiry and other proper audit procedures in case of need in executing the audit. Audit Committee received the report on the business from directors if necessary to attend the Board of Directors and other major meetings for the business inspection, inspected the important related business documents by using the proper method like inspection of the contents. 2. Matters on Indication of Financial statement The assets, profit and loss, change of retained earnings, change of equities and cash flows of the Company are stated adequately according to law and the Articles in the financial statement. 3. Matters on Business Report The general condition of the Company is indicated accurately in the business report under law and the Articles. February 26 th, 2016 Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Chairman of the Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Kyung Tae Lee Yeong Ook Kim Robbins Sung Hun
57 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 58 Evaluation report of the Internal Accounting Management System To : Board of Directors of GIIR Inc. The Internal Accounting Controller and accounting division have been appointed and organized according to the Regulations on the Internal Accounting Management of the Company and their corresponding functions are being performed efficiently. The division in charge of accounting management handles accounting information in a bona fide manner in accordance with Korean GAAP and the Regulations on the Internal Accounting Management of the Company in order to prevent any errors in the book-keeping process. In addition, the Internal Accounting Controller checks the reliability of the accounting information through internal audits and audits by external auditors on a regular basis or as the occasion arises. The Statutory Auditor s Opinion is that GIIR s Internal Accounting Management System in 2015 is being operated in an efficient manner. February 26 th, 2016 Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Chairman of the Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Audit Committee Member of GIIR Inc. Kyung Tae Lee Yeong Ook Kim Robbins Sung Hun
58 Financial Statements Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Appropriations of Retained Earnings(Proposal) Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements Balance Sheet(Consolidated) Statement of Income(Consolidated) Statement of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated) Statement of Changes in Equity(Consolidated) Cash Flows(Consolidated) Notes to Financial Statements(Consolidated)
59 BALANCE SHEET 32nd FY As of December 31, st FY As of December 31, 2014 GIIR Inc. Assets Account 32nd FY 31st FY [Unit: Korean Won] I. CURRENT ASSETS 50,286,857,751 48,412,841,036 Cash and cash equivalents 153,326, ,973,313 Short term Financial Asset 5,000,000,000 10,900,000,000 Deposit in Financial Institutions 34,000,000,000 33,500,000,000 Account Receivable 9,649,772,316 3,527,539,436 Other Current Assets 1,483,758, ,328,287 Ⅱ. NON-CURRENT ASSETS 49,592,683,252 49,014,263,813 Long term Deposit in Financial Institutions 452,500,000 2,500,000 Available-for-sale securities 1,499,082,400 1,521,346,000 Long-term Receivables 192,786, ,786,000 Subsidiaries' equity 42,611,703,233 42,611,703,233 Property and Equipment Tools 1,269,105,300 1,196,511,346 Other Intangibles 1,860,917,294 1,963,697,735 Deferred income taxes 1,686,546,342 1,476,845,450 Other Non-Current Assets 20,042,683 48,874,049 TOTAL ASSETS 99,879,541,003 97,427,104,849 LIABILITIES I. CURRENTS LIABILITIES 5,467,612,204 2,739,098,188 Trade and other current payables 4,783,998,430 2,580,977,851 Other current liabilities 346,908, ,172,424 Payments of Income taxes payable 336,705,103 34,947,913 II. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 1,068,198,051 1,211,984,818 Long-term trade and other payables 20,042,683 48,874,049 Provisions for Retirement and Severance Benefits 734,613, ,301,883 Other non current liabilities 313,542, ,808,886 TOTAL LIABILITIES 6,535,810,255 3,951,083,006 SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY I. CAPITAL STOCK 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ. CAPITAL SURPLUS 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ. RETAINED EARNINGS 26,643,238,371 26,816,049,218 Ⅳ. ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME V. ELEMENTS OF OTHER STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY - (40,519,752) (5,453,336,648) (5,453,336,648) TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 93,343,730,748 93,476,021,843 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 99,879,541,003 97,427,104,849
60 STATEMENT OF INCOME 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. Account 32nd FY 31st FY [Unit: Korean Won] I. SALES 21,115,190,926 11,291,174, Management fee 12,366,063,066 10,694,186, Production 5,863,868, ,987, Media planning and Buying commission 319,977, Dividend Income 2,565,282,000 0 II. COST OF SALES 4,315,518,817 24,100, Production 4,315,518,817 24,100,000 III. GROSS PROFIT 16,799,672,109 11,267,074,561 IV. OPERATING EXPENSES 14,286,228,747 12,018,307, Payroll 7,366,495,695 5,513,508, Provision for severance indemnities 642,091, ,545, Fringe benefits 1,083,229, ,062, Entertainment 170,623, ,083, Depreciation 497,408, ,353, Amortization 748,726, ,733, Taxes and dues 40,939,146 33,882, Advertising 7,330,000 7,120, Commission 392,208, ,450, Training 88,680, ,853, Insurance 3,022,100 3,725, Water and heating 285,111, ,476, Travel 207,566, ,991, Communication 71,203,168 73,780, Supplies 31,568,256 39,127, Books 130,971, ,284, Repair 66,420,381 61,185, Car maintenance 108,599, ,075, Rent 359,074, ,937, Provisions for Restoration 545, , Recovery of Provisions for Restoration (236,405) Others 1,984,648,395 1,828,589,208 V. OPERATING PROFIT 2,513,443,362 (751,232,796) VI. FINANCIAL INCOME 862,357,105 1,132,196, Interest income 836,748,655 1,124,674, Gain on Foreign Currency Translation 1,860, , Dividend income(other) 23,747,840 7,421,200 VII. FINANCIAL EXPENSES 74,273, Impairment loss for available-for-sale financial assets 74,212, Interest expense 61,873 Ⅷ. OTHER REVENUES 17,702,469 99,740, Gain on Foreign Currency Transactions 11,997,361 3,653, Gain on Foreign Currency Translation 3,919,300 27,538,870
61 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 62 GIIR Inc. (Statement of Income-Continued) Account 32nd FY 31st FY 3. Gains on disposal of property and equipment 269, , Others 1,516,081 68,028,219 IX. OTHER EXPENSES 17,139,563 58,216, Losses on Foreign currency transactions 5,197,529 8,007, Losses on Foreign currency translation 11,250,000 10,170, Loss on disposal of property and equipment 2, Others 690,034 40,038,822 [Unit: Korean Won] X. INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE 3,302,089, ,488,573 XI. INCOME TAX EXPENSE 310,448,504 95,206,196 XII. NET INCOME 2,991,640, ,282,377
62 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. Account 32nd FY 31st FY I. NET INCOME 2,991,640, ,282,377 II. OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 117,596,709 (216,774,907) Comprehensive Income reclassifed as net income Gain and Losses on valuation of available for sale financial assets Comprehensive Income not reclassifed as net income 40,519,752 76,408,675 Revlaution of Defined Benefit Plan 77,076,957 (293,183,582) [Unit: Korean Won] Ⅲ. TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 3,109,237, ,507,470
63 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. Account (Equity at beginning of period) COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Accumulated other Comprehensive Income Elements of other stockholder's equity Total shareholder's equity 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 30,023,479,223 (116,928,427) (5,453,336,648) 96,607,043,173 Net income 327,282, ,282,377 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities 76,408,675 76,408,675 Actuarial gains and losses (293,183,582) (293,183,582) TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS DIRECTLY REFLECTED IN THE CAPITAL Dividend Paid (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) (Equity at end of period) (Equity at beginning of period) COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,816,049,218 (40,519,752) (5,453,336,648) 93,476,021,843 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,816,049,218 (40,519,752) (5,453,336,648) 93,476,021,843 Net income 2,991,640,996 2,991,640,996 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities 40,519,752 40,519,752 Actuarial gains and losses 77,076,957 77,076,957 TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS DIRECTLY REFLECTED IN THE CAPITAL Dividend Paid (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) (Equity at end of period) [Unit: Korean Won] 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 26,643,238,371 0 (5,453,336,648) 93,343,730,748
64 STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS(PROPOSAL) 32nd FY From to (Expected Date of Appropriation: ) 31st FY From to (Date of Appropriation: ) GIIR Inc. I. RETAINED EARNING BEFORE APPROPRIATION Account 32nd FY 31st FY 1. Unappropriated earnings carried over from previous year 3,144,735,019 3,117,545,866 76,017,066 3,083,447, Actuarial gains and losses 77,076,957 (293,183,582) 3. Net Income 2,991,640, ,282,377 II. TRANSFER FROM VOLUNTARY RESERVES 100,000, ,000, Transfer from Voluntary Reserves 100,000, ,000,000 Ⅲ. APPROPRIATIONS OF RETAINED EARNINGS 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 A. Cash Dividends 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Dividends(ratio) FY2015: KRW 200( 20%) FY2014: KRW 200( 20%) Ⅳ. UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO SUBSEQUENT YEAR [Unit: Korean Won] 3,206,219 76,017,066
65 CASH FLOWS 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. Account 32nd FY 31st FY Ⅰ. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (273,067,714) 3,712,457, Cash flows from operating activities (1,018,433,698) 2,390,238,039 (1)Net Profit 2,991,640, ,282,377 (2)Adjustments (1,147,318,660) 746,293,822 Income tax expense 310,448,504 95,206,196 Provision for severance indemnities 642,091, ,545,539 Depreciation 497,408, ,353,525 Losses on Foreign currency translation 11,250,000 10,170,000 Interest Expense 61,873 Losses on disposal of property and equipment 2,000 Depreciation 748,726, ,733,406 Impairment loss for available-for-sale financial assets 74,212,000 (Recovery of) Provisions for Restoration 308, ,296 Losses on Foreign currency translation (5,779,910) (27,639,651) Interest income (836,748,655) (1,124,674,833) Dividend income (2,589,029,840) (7,421,200) Gain on disposal of property and equipment (269,727) (520,456) (3)Decrease(increase) of Assets and Liabilities (2,862,756,034) 1,316,661,840 Decrease(increase) in trade accounts receivable (2,779,763,461) (472,837,970) Decrease(increase) in other receivables (924,867,417) 1,647,834,738 Decrease(increase) in gross amount due from customers for contract work as an assets (1,284,478,651) Decrease(increase) in other current assets (28,988,285) 85,372,096 Decrease(increase) in accounts payables 1,612,752,458 15,531,800 Decrease(increase) in payables 31,697, ,914,166 Decrease(increase) in accrued expenses 945,695, ,149,154 Decrease(increase) in gross amount due to customers for contract work as a liability Decrease(increase) in other current liabilities 86,850, ,886,247 14,717,973 Payment of severance benefit (351,044,358) (373,160,600) Move in(out) from(to) affiliate companies (52,918,922) 13,526,197 Decrease(increase) of pension operation assets Decrease(increase) in other non current liabilities (292,999,993) (201,871,838) 38,424,276 89,486,124 [Unit: Korean Won]
66 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 67 GIIR Inc. (Cash Flows-Continued) Account 32nd FY 31st FY 2. Interest received 911,503,037 1,188,562, Dividends received 23,747,840 7,421, Income Tax Paid(refund) (189,884,893) 126,235,880 Ⅱ. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 3,368,089,327 (96,252,618) 1. Cash inflows from investing activities 8,200,272,727 57,003,028,291 Decrease of financial institution deposits 2,300,000,000 57,000,000,000 Decrease of short-term loans 5,900,000,000 Proceeds from held-for-sale assets 2,492,835 Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 272, , Cash outflows from investing activities (4,832,183,400) (57,099,280,909) Increase of realized financial asset 10,900,000,000 Increase of financial institution deposits 3,250,000,000 45,500,000,000 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 571,717, ,120,909 Purchase of intangible assets 1,010,466, ,160,000 Ⅲ. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (3,241,528,800) (3,457,168,800) 1. Cash inflows from financing activities Cash outflows from financing activities (3,241,528,800) (3,457,168,800) Dividends paid 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Investment in Subsidiaries 215,640,000 Ⅳ. NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS(Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ) Ⅴ. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD Ⅵ. EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH Ⅶ. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD [Unit: Korean Won] (146,507,187) 159,036, ,973, ,836,401 1,860, , ,326, ,973,313
67 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS-CONTENTS No. Item No. Item 1 Overview of Company 17 Other Non-Current Liabilities 2 Standards of Financial Statements 18 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities 3 Significant Accounting Policies 19 Capital Stock and Surplus 4 Financial Risk Management 20 Retained Earnings 5 Cash and Cash Equivalent 21 Dividend 6 Short-term in Financial Institutions 22 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 7 Deposit in Financial Institutions 23 Elements of Other Stockholder s Equity 8 Trade receivable and Other Receivables 24 Operating Revenue 9 Other Current/non-current Assets 25 Operating Expenses 10 Available-for-sale Securities 26 Financial Income and Expenses 11 Investment in Subsidiaries 27 Other Revenues and Expenses 12 Property and Equipment 28 Cost Classification by the Nature 13 Intangibles 29 Income Tax Expense 14 Trade payable and other payable 30 Earning per Share 15 Other Current Liabilities 31 Financial Instruments 16 Projected Benefit Obligations 32 Related Parties
68 BALANCE SHEET(CONSOLIDATED) 32nd FY As of December 31, st FY As of December 31, 2014 GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries ASSETS Account 32nd FY 31st FY I. CURRENT ASSETS 455,067,713, ,947,467,628 Cash and cash equivalents 61,714,839,169 47,262,649,842 Deposit in Financial Institutions 36,000,000,000 34,500,000,000 Fair value financial asset 100,839,663 18,655,477 Financial assets held to maturity - 499,300,000 Account Receivable and Other Receivables 335,276,962, ,788,311,908 Prepaid Income Taxes 886,850, ,079,308 Other Current Assets 21,088,221,263 20,004,471,093 II. NON-CURRENT ASSETS 27,770,944,638 25,488,890,624 Long term Deposit in Financial Institutions 489,655,284 38,230,890 Available-for-sale securities 1,903,701,821 1,925,965,421 Held-to-maturity financial assets - non current 786,120, ,560,000 Long-term Receivables 3,800,607,302 3,673,108,219 Property and Equipment 3,909,323,699 3,480,332,739 Intangibles 11,744,981,859 11,797,475,004 Deferred income taxes 5,136,554,673 4,067,218,351 TOTAL ASSETS 482,838,657, ,436,358,252 LIABILITIES I. CURRENTS LIABILITIES 338,527,481, ,364,372,353 Fair value financial asset 51,846,784 10,201,337 Trade and other current payables 279,362,994, ,740,270,499 Short-term Borrowings 10,631,099,595 3,825,938,195 Payments of Income taxes payable 4,168,996,240 3,334,396,368 Other current liabilities 44,312,544,692 34,453,565,954 II. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 9,387,667,146 8,692,926,115 Long-term trade payables and others 44,957, ,058,337 Long-term borrowings 10,000,000 10,000,000 Other non current liabilities 2,370,117,659 1,719,722,116 Non Current provisions for employee benefits 6,962,591,553 6,859,145,662 TOTAL LIABILITIES 347,915,148, ,057,298,468 SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY I. CAPITAL STOCK 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 II. CAPITAL SURPLUS 55,024,455,374 55,024,455,374 Ⅲ. RETAINED EARNINGS 71,471,118,894 62,329,639,054 Ⅳ. ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME V. ELEMENTS OF OTHER STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 66,229,309 (336,739,798) (9,209,787,846) (9,209,787,846) Equity attributable to owners of parent 134,923,508, ,379,059,784 Non-controlling interests 0 0 TOTAL SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 134,923,508, ,379,059,784 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY [Unit: Korean Won] 482,838,657, ,436,358,252
69 STATEMENT OF INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries Account 32nd FY 31st FY I. SALES 479,291,300, ,598,132, Production 401,583,094, ,276,001, Media planning and Buying commission 67,849,174,033 61,921,650, Others 9,859,031,906 13,400,480,941 II. COST OF SALES 344,459,641, ,008,469, Production 335,646,631, ,641,103, Others 8,813,010,004 12,367,366,132 Ⅲ. GROSS PROFIT 134,831,659, ,589,662,851 IV. SELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 121,023,872, ,750,319, Payroll 73,816,340,624 62,536,813, Provision for severance indemnities 4,578,601,950 3,763,646, Fringe benefits 12,772,572,545 11,180,920, Entertainment 1,909,553,342 1,888,143, Depreciation 1,702,824,859 1,763,056, Amortization 931,981, ,173, Taxes and dues 505,264, ,055, Advertising 604,913, ,704, Research Expenses 4,188,778,873 4,457,820, Commission 2,961,063,974 2,886,485, Training 1,024,043,350 1,018,191, Insurance 30,477,834 31,493, Water and heating 1,866,399,737 1,751,049, Travel 1,859,350,088 2,408,005, Communication 905,538, ,701, Supplies 511,496, ,079, Books 239,805, ,412, Repair 414,933, ,984, Car maintenance 933,422, ,192, Rent 6,257,034,506 5,976,486, Bad debts expense 245,189,781 11,890, Others 2,354,212,673 2,173,857, Provisions for Restoration 410,307,490 6,155, Recovery of Provisions for Restoration (236,405) 0 V. OPERATING INCOME 13,807,787,395 12,839,343,427 VI. FINANCIAL INCOME 3,328,449,154 2,766,209, Interest income 1,122,356,926 1,521,726, Gain on Foreign Currency Translation 869,054, ,139, Gain on Foreign Currency Transactions 8,867,719 7,971, Dividend income 25,627,840 7,421, Gain on disposition of held-for-trading derivative assets 6. Gain on valuation of held-fortrading derivative assets 1,220,357, ,294,870 82,184,186 18,655,477 [Unit: Korean Won]
70 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 71 GIIR Inc. (Statement of Income-Continued) Account 32nd FY 31st FY [Unit: Korean Won] Ⅶ. FINANCIAL EXPENSES 5,774,660,335 1,940,999, Interest expense 678,089, ,236, Impairment loss for available-for-sale financial assets 74,212, Gain/Loss on Foreign currency translation 3,415,469, ,572, Gain/Loss on Foreign currency transactions 5. Gain/Loss on disposition of held-fortrading derivative assets 6. Gain/Loss on valuation of held-fortrading derivative assets 6,429,925 2,445,502 1,558,813, ,544,214 41,645,447 10,201,337 VIII. OTHER REVENUES 8,846,141,084 6,650,280, Gain on Foreign Currency Transactions 6,402,792,103 2,891,506, Gain on Foreign Currency Translation 2,319,420,224 3,209,803, Gain on disposal of property and equipment 26,010,164 3,182, Others 97,918, ,788,102 IX. OTHER COSTS 4,372,760,059 7,075,852, Losses on Foreign currency transactions 3,610,738,956 3,801,901, Losses on Foreign currency translation 506,951,484 2,918,425, Loss on disposal of property and equipment 48,379,415 3,973, Impairment loss for intangible assets 22,000, Others bad debts expense 1,543 2,291, Others 200,671, ,710, Donations 6,016,680 22,550,522 X. INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX EXPENSE 15,834,957,239 13,238,982,088 XI. INCOME TAX EXPENSE 4,232,604,535 3,701,527,831 XII. NET INCOME 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 XIII. INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO Income attributable to controlling interest 11,602,352,704 9,670,789,118 Income attributable to non controlling interest - (133,334,861)
71 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries Account 32nd FY 31st FY I. NET INCOME 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 II. OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1,183,625,043 (2,355,276,720) Gain and Loss on valuation of available for sale financial assets Gain and Loss on Foreign Currency Translation 40,519,752 76,408, ,449, ,943,853 Actuarial gain and loss 780,655,936 (2,610,629,248) III. TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 12,785,977,747 7,182,177,537 IV. TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO [Unit: Korean Won] Controlling Interest 12,785,977,747 7,320,625,033 Non-Controlling Interest (138,447,496)
72 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY(CONSOLIDATED) 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries Account (Equity at beginning of period) Comprehensive Income Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Accumulated other Comprehensive Income Elements of other stockholder's equity Non controlling interst Total shareholder's equity 17,571,493,000 54,582,336,025 58,511,007,984 (545,675,256) (9,209,787,846) 744,677, ,654,051,047 Net income 0 0 9,670,789, (133,334,861) 9,537,454,257 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities ,408, ,408,675 Actuarial gains and losses 0 0 (2,610,629,248) (2,610,629,248) Gain/Loss on Foreign currency translation adjustments (Transactions with shareholders directly reflected in the capital:) ,056,488 0 (5,112,635) 178,943,853 Dividend Paid 0 0 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) Loss on capital trade with non-controlling interest (Equity at the end of period) (Equity at beginning of period) Comprehensive Income 442,119,349 (51,529,705) (606,229,644) (215,640,000) 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 62,329,639,054 (336,739,798) (9,209,787,846) 0 125,379,059,784 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 62,329,639,054 (336,739,798) (9,209,787,846) 0 125,379,059,784 Net income ,602,352, ,602,352,704 Losses/Gain on Valuation of Available for Sale Securities ,519, ,519,752 Actuarial gains and losses ,655, ,655,936 Gain/Loss on Foreign currency translation adjustments (Transactions with shareholders directly reflected in the capital:) ,449, ,449,355 Dividend Paid 0 0 (3,241,528,800) (3,241,528,800) (Equity at the end of period) [Unit: Korean Won] 17,571,493,000 55,024,455,374 71,471,118,894 66,229,309 (9,209,787,846) 0 134,923,508,731
73 CASH FLOWS(CONSOLIDATED) 32nd FY From to st FY From to GIIR Inc. and subsidiaries Account 32nd FY 31st FY Ⅰ. CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 17,886,170,248 6,660,616, Cash flows from operating activities 21,925,911,845 10,616,003,335 (1)Net Profit 11,602,352,704 9,537,454,257 (2)Adjustments 12,759,824,748 8,970,470,089 Income tax expense 4,232,604,535 3,701,527,831 Provision for severance indemnities 4,578,601,950 3,763,646,322 Depreciation 1,702,824,859 1,763,056,559 Amortization 931,981, ,173,321 Recovery of Bad debts expenses 245,191,324 11,890,887 Recovery of other Bad debts expenses 1,543 2,291,058 Gains on disposal of property and equipment (26,010,164) (3,182,248) Impairment loss for intangible assets 0 22,000,000 Impairment loss for investment assets 48,379,415 3,973,288 Provisions for Restoration 410,071,085 6,155,136 Gain on Foreign currency translation (3,188,474,909) (3,922,943,582) Loss on Foreign currency translation 3,922,421,467 3,093,997,962 Loss on valuation of derivative instruments 41,645,447 10,201,337 Loss on trading of derivative instruments 1,558,813, ,544,214 Gain from revaluation of derivatives (1,220,357,798) (497,294,870) Gain from transaction of derivatives (82,184,186) (18,655,477) Loss on disposition of held-to-maturity financial assets 74,212,000 0 Interest expenses 678,089, ,236,084 Dividend income (25,627,840) (7,421,200) Interest income (1,122,356,926) (1,521,726,533) (3)Decrease(increase) of Assets and Liabilities (2,436,265,607) (7,891,921,011) Decrease(increase) in trade accounts receivable (62,350,044,027) 7,068,006,544 Decrease(increase) in other receivables (130,098,994) 815,345,222 Decrease(increase) in other current assets (1,257,248,854) (5,554,359,456) Decrease(increase) in trade accounts payable 49,886,531,367 (9,607,898,056) Decrease(increase) in payables (975,773,387) (294,105,489) Decrease(increase) in accrued expenses 6,250,155,306 2,897,144,079 Decrease(increase) in other current liabilities 9,438,654,473 (672,016,269) Decrease(increase) in other non current liabilities 180,976, ,108,676 Payment of severance benefit (2,755,017,184) (2,309,277,301) Move in(out) from(to) affiliate companies (81,440,670) 14,762,093 Decrease(increase) of pension operation assets (642,960,505) (817,631,054) [Unit: Korean Won]
74 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 75 GIIR Inc. (Cash Flows-Continued) Account 32nd FY 31st FY 2. Interest received 1,221,260,297 1,586,005, Interest paid (669,077,044) (745,711,994) 4. Dividends received (4,617,552,690) (4,803,102,344) 5. Income taxes paid 25,627,840 7,421,200 Ⅱ. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES [Unit: Korean Won] (5,484,091,987) 11,356,360, Cash inflows from investing activities 9,168,670,355 70,059,085,327 Decrease of financial institution deposits 6,483,392,360 68,120,641,000 Decrease from sales of fair value financial asset 1,220,357, ,516,537 Decrease of long-term guarantee deposits 832,887, ,671,163 Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 132,732,778 6,266,627 Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 0 1,000,000,000 Proceeds of held-to-maturity financial assets 499,300, ,990, Cash outflows from investing activities (14,652,762,342) (58,702,725,257) Increase of financial institution deposits 8,434,547,709 53,545,172,447 Decrease from sales of fair value financial liabilities 1,558,813, ,013,046 Increase of long-term guarantee deposits 948,884, ,099,549 Acquirement of financial asset available for sale 0 50,668,740 Purchase of financial assets held to maturity 279,560, ,070,000 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 2,193,798,358 1,432,416,279 Purchase of intangible assets 1,237,158,200 1,797,285,196 Ⅲ. CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (2,875,498,725) (2,633,437,544) 1. Cash inflows from financing activities 5,041,558,290 14,837,569,321 Increase fo short term borrowings 5,041,558,290 14,827,569,321 Increase fo long term borrowings 0 10,000, Cash outflows from financing activities (7,917,057,015) (17,471,006,865) Repayments of short term borrowings 4,675,528,215 14,013,838,065 Acquirement of subsidiary equity 0 215,640,000 Dividends paid 3,241,528,800 3,241,528,800 Ⅳ. CASH INCREASE(DECREASE) FROM CHANGE OF CONSOLIDATED RANGE Ⅴ. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD Ⅵ. EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH Ⅶ. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD 9,526,579,536 15,383,538,581 46,393,949,842 30,578,045,692 (1,940,110,513) 432,365,569 53,980,418,865 46,393,949,842
75 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS(CONSOLIDATED)-CONTENTS No. Item No. Item 1 Overview of Company 20 Projected Benefit Obligations 2 Standards of Financial Statements 21 Other Non-Current Liabilities 3 Significant Accounting Policies 22 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities 4 Financial Risk Management 23 Capital Stock and Surplus 5 Investment in Subsidiaries 24 Retained Earnings 6 Non controlling interest 25 Dividend 7 Cash and Cash Equivalent 26 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 8 Deposit in Financial Institutions 27 Elements of Other Stockholder s Equity 9 Derivative Assets 28 Earning per Share 10 Held-to-maturity Financial Assets 29 Operating Revenue 11 Trade receivable and Other Receivables 30 Operating Expenses 12 Available-for-sale Securities 31 Financial Income and Expenses 13 Other Current/non-current Assets 32 Other Revenues and Expenses 14 Property and Equipment 33 Cost Classification by the Nature 15 Intangibles 34 Income Tax Expense 16 Trade payable and other payable 35 Financial Instruments 17 Borrowings 36 Related Parties 18 Long-term Borrowings 37 Class of Business 19 Other Current Liabilities
76 MEMO G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 77
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