*G2R 2009AR_(내지)
- 애리 임
- 6 years ago
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1 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. 주주여러분께드리는말씀 04 - 영업개황보고 2. 영업보고서 1. 회사의개황 영업의경과및성과 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태 회사가대처할과제 이사와감사의현황 대주주현황 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 주요채권자등 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 감사보고서 1. 감사위원회의감사보고서 외부감사인의감사보고서 연결외부감사인의감사보고서 결산보고서 1. 대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 포괄손익계산서 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 연결대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 연결포괄손익계산서 30 Business Report (English) 32
2 주주여러분께드리는말씀 ( 영업개황보고 ) 존경하는주주여러분! 항상지투알과지투알계열회사에변함없는관심과성원으로격려해주시는주주여러분께모든임 직원을대표하여깊은감사를드립니다. 으로예상되며, 특히디지털화에따라작년부터본격화되기시작한 스마트시대 는우리일상생활전반에엄청난변화를가져오고있고, 지난연말 4개의종편과 1개의보도채널사업자선정과민영미디어렙허용을통한광고가격규제완화, 중간및간접광고활성화등이예상되는등미디어시장은그야말로 빅뱅 이예견되고있습니다. 지난 2010년을돌이켜보면, 세계경제는글로벌경제위기를극복하면서빠른회복세를보였습니다만주요국가들의경기부양책효과감소와유로경제의심한부진, 세계경제의회복을이끌어왔던중국의성장세약화등으로 1/4분기를정점으로성장속도가점차둔화되는모습을보였습니다. 하지만, 한국경제는글로벌경제회복의영향으로수출이꾸준히늘어나고가계소비및기업투자등을통한민간부문의자생력이점차강화되면서성장세를나타냈습니다. 한편, 지난해국내광고시장규모는 8조 4,500 억원을달성하며사상최대치를나타냈습니다. 이같은성장은 2009년하반기부터회복세로돌아선광고시장에 2010년정부의경기활성화정책에따른소비심리개선과밴쿠버동계올림픽, 남아공월드컵, 광저우아시안게임등대형스포츠이벤트를마케팅에적극활용한기업들의광고마케팅비용증가가긍정적인영향을주었기때문이며, 그결과모든매체가성장세를보였습니다. 이와같은광고시장의회복세와함께저희임직원모두가회사의지속적인성장을위하여꾸준히노력한결과 2010년에는취급고 7,800 억원을돌파하는실적을거두었습니다. 또한, LG광고물량의확대뿐만아니라한국GM, 한국관광공사, STX 등중대형광고주를신규로영입하는성과를거두었습니다. 무엇보다도 LG그룹의광고회사로서 LG 광고주의한층높아진기대치에적극부응하면서, 1 등 LG 실현을위해회사의내부역량을재정비하고강화하는데많은노력을기울였습니다. 2011년은지투알이명실상부하게 LG의마케팅커뮤니케이션첨병회사로서자리잡고, 우리가목표로하는취급고 1조원시대를앞당기며, 나아가글로벌광고회사로서의도약을위한기반을확고히해야하는중요한한해입니다. 또한, 국내광고업계는하우스에이전시체제로의회귀로외부광고주수주경쟁이더욱치열해질것으로예상됩니다. 그러므로이같은경영환경변화에선도적으로대응할수있도록필요한준비와역량강화에힘쓰면서다음과같은세가지방향으로사업전략을추진하고자합니다. 첫째, LG그룹의글로벌마케팅파트너로서의체계를구축하는한해로삼겠습니다. 이를위하여 6 개법인 4개지사체제를구축하여 LG전자의주요거점에서광고활동을지원하고있으며뉴욕 Creative Hub 구축, 글로벌전문인력채용등을통해사업역량을확보하겠습니다. 둘째, 최근중요성이더욱커지고있는뉴미디어부문에서는소비자지향적 IMC 캠페인대응을위한모든역량을집중할것입니다. 또한, 해외유수파트너와의제휴를통해글로벌최고수준의디지털서비스를제공하고이를바탕으로 Social Network Service 등디지털광고역량강화및내재화를추진하겠습니다. 셋째, 광고산업의핵심역량인인적자원강화를위해분야별최고수준전문가육성을위한투자를확대하고자합니다. 최적의인재를양성하기위해서내외부경쟁시스템확립, 객관적평가및합리적성과관리를통해혁신적인개선을실행하겠습니다. 존경하는주주여러분! 지투알은차별화된커뮤니케이션서비스의제공을통해광고주의발전을최우선과제로삼는 대한민국을대표하는마케팅커뮤니케이션그룹 을지향하고있습니다. 지투알과사업자회사들의모든임직원은이와같은비전달성을위해각자에게주어진역할에최선을다하겠습니다. 앞으로도지속적인성원을부탁드리며, 주주여러분의가정에건강과행복이충만하시기를진심으로기원합니다. 감사합니다. 2011년 3월 22일 2011 년은올해보다경제성장률이다소하락할것 주식회사지투알대표이사이종석
3 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 0 7 Ⅰ. 회사의개황 1. 회사의목적 ( 정관상의사업목적 ) 지주회사업 광고업 인쇄및출판업 영업보고서 회사의개황영업의경과및성과모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등최근 3년간영업실적및재무상태회사가대처할과제이사와감사의현황대주주현황회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황주요채권자등 기타제품제조업 토목건설업 건물설비설치공사업 전기및통신공사업 건축마무리공사업 도소매및상품중개업 부동산임대, 공급및관련서비스업 시장조사및경영상담업 전문디자인업 기타사업지원서비스업 영화산업 기타오락, 문화및운동관련산업 위각호에부대되는사업 2. 영업소현황영업소의명칭 중요사업내용및제품 소재지 본사 지주회사업 서울시마포구공덕동 275 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 3. 종업원현황 [2010 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 구분임원재경인사법무기타계 인원수
4 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 주식에관한사항 1) 발행한주식의종류와수 [2010 년 12월 31일현재 ] 구분 주식수 금액 구성비 기명식보통주 16,567,409 주 17,571,493,000 원 100% 2) 자본금변동상황 년월일 주식의종류 주식수 ( 주 ) 증자액 ( 천원 ) 증자후자본금 ( 천원 ) 증자내용 보통주 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 무상증자 보통주 1,600,000-8,000,000 액면분할 보통주 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 유상증자 보통주 68, ,900 11,772,900 주식배당 보통주 11,772,900-11,772,900 액면분할 보통주 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 유상증자 보통주 1,004,084-17,571,493 이익소각 Ⅱ. 영업의경과및성과 1. 연결매출액 ( 영업수익 ) [ 단위 : 백만원 ] 구분 27기 (2010 년 ) 26기 (2009 년 ) 25기 (2008 년 ) 제작매출액 204, , ,724 수입광고대행료 56,694 44,054 40,941 기타매출액 8,118 9,021 10,813 계 269, , ,478 3) 주식사무 결산일 12월 31일 정기주주총회개최 2월또는 3월중 주주명부폐쇄기간 1월 1일부터 1월 31일까지 공고신문 한국경제신문 주권의종류 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 10,000 주권 (8종 ) 대리인의명칭 한국예탁결제원 주식업무대행기관 사무취급장소 서울영등포구여의도동 34-6 주식에대한특전 없음 5. 사채에관한사항 해당사항없음
5 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 1 Ⅲ. 모회사, 자회사및기업결합사항등 1. 모회사현황 [2010 년 12월 31일현재 ] 상호 소재지 자본금 주요업종 소유주식수 지분율 ( 주 ) 엘지 서울시영등포구여의도동 ,359 백만원 지주회사 5,798,593 주 35.0% 2. 자회사현황 [2010 년 12월 31일현재 ] 상호 소재지 자본금 주요업종 소유주식수 지분율 ( 주 ) 탐스미디어 서울시마포구공덕동 275 1,350 백만원 광고 1,350, % 1000 Sylvan Avenue GⅡR America,Inc. Englewood Cliffs, NJ 만달러 광고 % USA ( 주 ) 알키미디어 서울시강남구삼성동 백만원 광고 102,000 51% 에이치에스애드 서울시마포구공덕동 275 5,000 백만원 광고 5,000, % ( 주 ) 더블유브랜드커넥션 서울시강남구논현동 ,500 백만원 광고 1,500, % 17th Floor, West Twins Tower, Yuan Zhi Meng No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, 50만달러 광고 - 70% Chao Yang District, Beijing, China H-79, L.G.F. KALKAJI GIIR India NEW DELHI DELHI, INDIA 33,308,860 루피 광고 3,308, % One Fleet Place, London, GIIR UK EC4M 7WS 100만달러 광고 642, % ( 주 ) 지아웃도어 서울시마포구공덕동 백만원 광고 50, % ( 주 ) 엘베스트 서울시강남구논현동 117 1,000 백만원 광고 200, % 벅스컴애드 서울시마포구공덕동 백만원 광고 140,000 70% 3. 모 자회사에대한이사겸직상황 [2010 년 12월 31일현재 ] 성명 모 자회사 직위 역할 ( 주 ) 지투알 사장 대표이사 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 알키미디어 이사 기타비상무이사 이종석 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 탐스미디어 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 더블유브랜드커넥션 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 벅스컴애드 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 지투알 부사장 사내이사 /CFO ( 주 ) 알키미디어 이사 기타비상무이사 송재국 ( 주 ) 탐스미디어 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 더블유브랜드커넥션 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 벅스컴애드 이사 기타비상무이사 Yuan Zhi Meng 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 지투알 이사 기타비상무이사 황현식 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 이사 기타비상무이사 ( 주 ) 엘베스트 이사 기타비상무이사 탐스미디어는 2011 년 1 월 18 일자로청산종결등기완료되었으며, 2011 년 1 월 25 일자로 LG 그룹계열제외되었음. 더블유브랜드커넥션은 2011 년 1 월 31 일에지투알이보유하고있는더블유브랜드커넥션의주식을전량매각하여지분관계가해소되었으며, 2011 년 2 월 9 일자로 LG 그룹계열제외되었음
6 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 3 Ⅳ. 최근 3 년간영업실적및재무상태 1. 영업실적 1) 포괄손익계산서 (K-IFRS) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 27 기 제 26 기 항 목 (` ) (` ) 영업수익 15,416 14,929 영업비용 12,799 15,653 기타영업수익 1, 기타영업비용 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 3,721 (859) 금융수익 2,778 3,359 금융비용 0 0 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 6,499 2,500 법인세비용 153 1,247 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 6,346 1,252 기타포괄손익 총포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 6,975 1,607 3) 연결포괄손익계산서 (K-IFRS) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 27 기 제 26 기 항 목 (` ) (` ) 매출액 269, ,359 매출원가 188, ,235 매출총이익 ( 손실 ) 80,956 62,124 판매관리비 69,666 58,333 기타영업수익 3,727 3,628 기타영업비용 3,082 6,714 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 11, 금융수익 3,084 4,480 금융비용 1,243 1,195 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) 13,775 3,992 법인세비용 2,321 3,365 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) 11, 기타포괄손익 (235) 176 총포괄이익 ( 손실 ) 11, ) 손익계산서 (K-GAAP) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항 목 제 25 기 ( ~ ) 영업수익 11,945 영업비용 16,716 영업이익 ( 손실 ) (4,772) 영업외수익 3,032 영업외비용 58 법인세비용차감전순이익 ( 손실 ) (1,798) 법인세비용 447 당기순이익 ( 손실 ) (2,245) 주 1) 2010/2009 년도는 K-IFRS( 한국채택국제회계기준 ), 2008 년도는 K-GAAP( 기업회계기준 ) 임주 2) 회사는 2010 년회계연도부터한국채택국제회계기준 (K-IFRS) 을도입하였음 2. 재무상태 1) 대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 )(K-IFRS) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 27 기 제 26 기 항 목 ( ) ( ) 자산 1. 유동자산 56,136 45, 비유동자산 44,400 47,214 자산총계 100,536 93,160 부채 1. 유동부채 2,492 4, 비유동부채 1, 부채총계 3,577 5,074
7 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 5 재무상태표 - 계속 [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 자본 1. 자본금 17,571 17, 자본잉여금 54,582 54, 이익잉여금 31,750 26, 기타포괄손익누계액 (1,491) (2,296) 5. 기타자본항목 (5,453) (8,150) 자본총계 96,959 88,087 부채와자본총계 100,536 93,160 2) 대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 )(K-GAAP) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 항 목 제 25 기 ( ) 자산 1. 유동자산 59, 비유동자산 49,842 자산총계 108,907 부채 1. 유동부채 3, 비유동부채 105 부채총계 3,535 자본 1. 자본금 17, 자본잉여금 54, 자본조정 (5,453) 4. 기타포괄손익누계액 (2,187) 5. 이익잉여금 40,858 자본총계 105,371 부채및자본총계 108,907 3) 연결재무상태표 (K-IFRS) [ 금액 : 백만원 ] 제 27 기 제 26 기 항 목 ( ) ( ) 자산 1. 유동자산 293, , 비유동자산 24,324 27,316 자산총계 318, ,320 부채 1. 유동부채 213, , 비유동부채 4,941 3,323 부채총계 218, ,397 자본 1. 지배기업소유주지분 102,827 89,564 자본금 17,571 17,571 연결자본잉여금 54,582 54,582 연결이익잉여금 37,731 27,994 연결기타포괄손익누계액 (1,604) (2,434) 연결기타자본항목 (5,453) (8,150) 2. 비지배지분 (2,913) (2,641) 자본총계 99,915 86,923 부채및자본총계 318, ,320 주 1) 2010/2009 년도는 K-IFRS( 한국채택국제회계기준 ), 2008 년도는 K-GAAP( 기업회계기준 ) 임주 2) 회사는 2010 년회계연도부터한국채택국제회계기준 (K-IFRS) 을도입하였음
8 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 7 Ⅴ. 회사가대처할과제 본보고사항은 주주여러분께드리는말씀 에포함, 기재되어있습니다. Ⅵ. 이사와감사의현황 [2010 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 성명 직위 담당업무또는주된업무 회사와의거래관계 이종석 사장 대표이사 없음 송재국 부사장 사내이사 없음 황현식 이사 기타비상무이사 없음 Stuart Neish 이사 기타비상무이사 / 감사위원 없음 조인수 사외이사 사외이사 / 감사위원 없음 이경태 사외이사 사외이사 / 감사위원장 없음 Ⅶ. 대주주현황 [2010 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] 주주성명 소유주식수 소유비율 회사와의거래관계 ( 주 ) 엘지 5,798, % 없음 Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 3,766, % 없음 황순태 1,466, % 없음 Ⅷ. 회사 회사및자회사또는회사의자회사의타회사에대한출자현황 [2010 년 12 월 31 일현재 ] [ 단위 : 주 ] 타회사명칭 투자및출자회사다른회사에출자한당사에출자한타회사의 ( 당사또는자회사 ) 소유주식수소유비율소유주식수소유비율 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 ( 주 ) 지투알 5,000, % - - ( 주 ) 엘베스트 ( 주 ) 지투알 200, % - - ( 주 ) 탐스미디어 ( 주 ) 지투알 1,350, % - - GIIR America,Inc. ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - GIIR India ( 주 ) 지투알 3,308, % GIIR UK ( 주 ) 지투알 642, % ( 주 ) 알키미디어 ( 주 ) 지투알 102, % - - ( 주 ) 더블유브랜드커넥션 ( 주 ) 지투알 1,500, % - - ( 주 ) 지아웃도어 ( 주 ) 지투알 50, % - - Yuan Zhi Meng ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - ( 주 ) 벅스컴애드 ( 주 ) 지투알 140, % - - ( 주 ) 와이즈벨 ( 주 ) 에이치에스애드 400, % - - 우리투자증권 ( 주 ) ( 주 ) 지투알 148, % - - 텔레프리 ( 주 ) 지투알 30, % - - 애드클릭 ( 주 ) 지투알 30, % - - 씨크롭 ( 주 ) 지투알 % - - 신영자산운용 1,146, % 없음 Ⅸ. 주요채권자등 해당사항없음 Ⅹ. 결산기후에생긴중요한사실 해외법인설립 (1) GllR Rus LLC.( 러시아 ): 2011 년 1 월 13 일 (2) GllR Do Brasil Ltda.( 브라질 ): 2011 년 1 월 18 일 ⅩⅠ. 그밖에영업에관한사항으로서중요하다고인정하는사항 해당사항없음
9 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1 9 감사위원회의감사보고서 본감사위원회는제 27 기사업년도 (2010 년 1 월 1 일부터 2010 년 12 월 31 일까지 ) 의회계및업무에관한감사를실시하고 그결과를다음과같이보고합니다. 감사보고서 1. 감사방법의개요 회계감사를위하여회계에관한장부와관계서류를열람하고재무제표및동부속명세서를검토하였으며필요하다고 인정되는경우대조, 실사, 입회, 조회, 기타적절한감사절차를적용하였습니다. 업무감사를위하여이사회및기타중요한회의에출석하고필요하다고인정되는경우이사로부터영업에관한보고를 받았으며, 중요한업무에관한서류를열람하고그내용을검토하는등적절한방법을사용하였습니다. 감사위원회의감사보고서 외부감사인의감사보고서 연결외부감사인의감사보고서 2. 대차대조표및손익계산서의표시에관한사항 대차대조표와손익계산서는법령및정관에따라회사의재산및손익상태를적정하게표시하고있습니다. 3. 이익잉여금처분계산서에관한사항 이익잉여금처분계산서는법령및정관에적합하게작성되어있습니다. 4. 영업보고서에관한사항 영업보고서는법령및정관에따라회사의상황을정확하게표시하고있습니다 년 2 월 7 일 주식회사지투알감사위원장이경태 위원조인수 위원 스튜어트니쉬
10 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 1 외부감사인의감사보고서 외부감사인의감사보고서 본감사인은첨부된주식회사지투알의 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태표와동일로종료되는회계연도의포괄손익 다음은감사보고서이용자의합리적인의사결정에참고가될것이라고판단되는사항입니다. 계산서, 자본변동표및현금흐름표를감사하였습니다. 이재무제표를작성할책임은회사경영자에게있으며본감사인 의책임은동재무제표에대하여감사를실시하고이를근거로이재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 비교 표시된 2009 년 1 월 1 일과 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태표와 2009 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는회계연도의포괄손익 계산서, 자본변동표및현금흐름표는감사받지아니한것입니다. (1) 종속기업의사업철수및매각결의 재무제표에대한주석 33 에서설명하고있는바와같이, 회사는 2010 년 11 월 5 일이사회에서종속기업인주식회사탐스 미디어등 3 개사에대한사업철수및주식회사더블유브랜드커넥션에대한매각을결의하였습니다. 따라서, 상기 4 개사 에대한종속기업투자는기업회계기준서제 1105 호 ( 매각예정비유동자산과중단영업 ) 에따라매각예정비유동자산으로분 본감사인은한국의회계감사기준에따라감사를실시하였습니다. 이기준은본감사인이재무제표가중요하게왜곡표시 류하였습니다. 되지아니하였다는것을합리적으로확신하도록감사를계획하고실시할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는재무제표상의 금액과공시내용을뒷받침하는감사증거에대하여시사의방법을적용하여검증하는것을포함하고있습니다. 또한감사 는재무제표의전반적인표시내용에대한평가뿐만아니라재무제표작성을위해경영자가적용한회계원칙과유의적 회계추정에대한평가를포함하고있습니다. 본감사인이실시한감사가감사의견표명을위한합리적인근거를제공하 (2) 특수관계자와의거래 재무제표에대한주석 32 에서설명하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기말 현재관련채권. 채무가존재하고있습니다. 고있다고본감사인은믿습니다. 본감사인의의견으로는상기재무제표는주식회사지투알의 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태와동일로종료되는회 계연도의재무성과의변동과현금흐름의내용을한국채택국제회계기준에따라중요성의관점에서적정하게표시하고있 습니다. 기업회계기준 ( 한국채택국제회계기준이아님 ) 에따라작성되었으나이감사보고서에첨부되지아니한 2008 년 12 월 31 일 2011 년 3 월 10 일 과 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태표와 2009 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는회계연도의손익계산서, 이익잉여금처분계산 서, 자본변동표및현금흐름표는삼일회계법인이한국의회계감사기준에따라감사하였고, 동감사인은 2009 년 3 월 11 일과 2010 년 3 월 10 일의감사보고서에서적정의견을표명하였습니다. 삼정회계법인대표이사 윤성복 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2011 년 3 월 10 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점까지의기간사이에첨부된회사의재무제표에중대한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.
11 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 3 연결외부감사인의감사보고서 외부감사인의감사보고서 본감사인은첨부된주식회사지투알과그종속기업의 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재의연결재무상태표와동일로종료되는회 다음은감사의견에는영향이없지만감사보고서이용자의합리적인의사결정에참고가되는사항입니다. 계연도의연결포괄손익계산서, 연결자본변동표및연결현금흐름표를감사하였습니다. 이연결재무제표를작성할책임은 회사경영자에게있으며, 본감사인의책임은동연결재무제표에대하여감사를실시하고이를근거로이연결재무제표에대하여의견을표명하는데있습니다. 다만, 2010 년 12월 31일현재주식회사지투알과그종속기업의자산총액의 5.09% 및동일로종료되는회계연도의동회사들의매출액총액의 12.06% 를차지하는 Beijing Yuanzhimeng Advertising Co., Ltd. 외 2개종속기업의재무제표에대해서는타감사인의감사보고서를의견표명의기초로이용하였 (1) 종속기업의사업철수및매각결의로인한중단영업표시연결재무제표에대한주석 39에서설명하고있는바와같이, 회사는 2010 년 11월 5일이사회에서종속회사인주식회사탐스미디어등 3개사에대한사업철수및주식회사더블유브랜드커넥션에대한매각을결의하였습니다. 따라서, 당기및비교표시된전기연결재무제표는기업회계기준서제1105 호 ( 매각예정비유동자산과중단영업 ) 에따라작성되었습니다. 습니다. 비교표시된 2009 년 1 월 1 일과 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재의연결재무상태표와 2009 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는회계 연도의연결포괄손익계산서, 연결자본변동표및연결현금흐름표는감사받지아니한것입니다. (2) 특수관계자와의거래 연결재무제표에대한주석 38 에서설명하고있는바와같이회사는당기중특수관계자와의거래가발생하였으며, 당기 본감사인은한국의회계감사기준에따라감사를실시하였습니다. 이기준은본감사인이연결재무제표가중요하게왜곡 말현재관련채권. 채무가존재하고있습니다. 표시되지아니하였다는것을합리적으로확신하도록감사를계획하고실시할것을요구하고있습니다. 감사는연결재무제표상의금액과공시내용을뒷받침하는감사증거에대하여시사의방법을적용하여검증하는것을포함하고있습니다. 또한감사는연결재무제표의전반적인표시내용에대한평가뿐만아니라연결재무제표작성을위해경영자가적용한회계원칙과유의적회계추정에대한평가를포함하고있습니다. 본감사인이실시한감사가감사의견표명을위한합리적인근거를제공하고있다고본감사인은믿습니다. 본감사인의감사와타감사인의감사보고서를기초로한본감사인의의견으로는상기연결재무제표가주식회사지투 알과그종속기업의 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재의재무상태와동일로종료되는회계연도의재무성과의변동과현금흐름의 2011 년 3 월 10 일 내용을한국채택국제회계기준에따라중요성의관점에서적정하게표시하고있습니다. 기업회계기준 ( 한국채택국제회계기준이아님 ) 에따라작성되었으나이감사보고서에첨부되지아니한 2008 년 12 월 31 일 과 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재의연결재무상태표와 2009 년 12 월 31 일로종료되는회계연도의연결손익계산서, 연결자본변 동표및연결현금흐름표는삼일회계법인이한국의회계감사기준에따라감사하였고, 동감사인은 2009 년 4 월 7 일과 삼정회계법인대표이사 윤성복 2010 년 3 월 25 일의연결감사보고서에서적정의견을표명하였습니다. 이감사보고서는감사보고서일 (2011 년 3 월 10 일 ) 현재로유효한것입니다. 따라서감사보고서일이후이보고서를열람하는시점까지의기간사이에첨부된회사의재무제표에중대한영향을미칠수있는사건이나상황이발생할수도있으며이로인하여이감사보고서가수정될수도있습니다.
12 대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 제 27 기 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재 / 제 26 기 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 결산보고서 대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 포괄손익계산서이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 연결대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 연결포괄손익계산서 과목 제 27( 당 ) 기기말 제 26( 전 ) 기기말 자산 Ⅰ 유동자산 56,136,008,934 45,946,613,357 현금및현금성자산 2,569,646,232 4,457,384,973 금융기관예치금 50,000,000,000 39,000,000,000 미수금및기타채권 2,515,804,237 2,227,690,454 기타유동자산 1,050,558, ,537,930 Ⅱ 비유동자산 44,400,207,770 47,213,556,913 장기금융기관예치금 2,500,000 2,500,000 매도가능금융자산 3,507,608,619 2,476,061,819 장기미수금및기타채권 327,799,716 6,460,686,230 종속기업투자 36,918,796,936 36,881,965,871 유형자산 430,212, ,785,811 무형자산 1,637,771, ,888,490 이연법인세자산 774,074,897 - 기타비유동자산 - 24,668,692 매각예정비유동자산 801,443,749 - 자산총계 100,536,216,704 93,160,170,270 부채 Ⅰ 유동부채 2,492,058,711 4,483,760,261 미지급금및기타채무 1,787,890,296 3,339,955,540 기타유동부채 704,168,415 1,143,804,721 Ⅱ 비유동부채 1,085,153, ,850,930 장기미지급금및기타채무 336,325, ,668,278 확정급여채무 526,290, ,278,166 이연법인세부채 - 60,704,971 기타비유동부채 222,537,638 38,199,515 부채총계 3,577,212,271 5,073,611,191 자본 Ⅰ 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ 자본잉여금 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ 이익잉여금 31,749,912,020 26,378,896,840 Ⅳ 기타포괄손익누계액 (1,491,399,964) (2,296,006,468) Ⅴ 기타자본항목 (5,453,336,648) (8,150,160,318) 자본총계 96,959,004,433 88,086,559,079 부채및자본총계 100,536,216,704 93,160,170,270
13 포괄손익계산서 제 27 기 2010 년 1 월 1 일부터 2009 년 12 월 31 일까지제 26 기 2009 년 1 월 1 일부터 2008 년 12 월 31 일까지 이익잉여금처분계산서 ( 안 ) 제 27 기 2010 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지처분예정일 2011 년 3 월 22 일제 26 기 2009 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지처분확정일 2010 년 3 월 19 일 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 27( 당 ) 기 제 26( 전 ) 기 Ⅰ 영업수익 15,416,280,387 14,929,151,051 Ⅱ 영업비용 12,798,853,871 15,646,726,759 Ⅲ 기타수익 1,104,000,150 48,612,940 Ⅳ 기타비용 251, ,242,282 Ⅴ 영업이익 ( 손실 ) 3,721,175,218 (859,205,050) Ⅵ 금융수익 2,777,538,985 3,358,792,170 Ⅶ 금융비용 118,591 10,478 Ⅷ 법인세비용차감전순이익 6,498,595,612 2,499,576,642 Ⅸ 법인세비용 152,580,487 1,247,256,578 Ⅹ 당기순이익 6,346,015,125 1,252,320,064 XI 기타포괄손익매도가능금융자산의공정가치변동 804,606, ,659,952 보험수리적손익 (175,446,095) (120,303,033) XII 총포괄순이익 6,975,175,534 1,606,676,983 XIII 주당이익기본주당순이익 392원 78원 희석주당순이익 392원 78원 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제27 기 제26 기 Ⅰ 미처분이익잉여금 9,217,570,095 (12,473,489,700) 1. 전기이월미처분이익잉여금 3,047,001,065 1,013,788, 중간배당액 - (13,290,268,080) 3. 중간배당으로인한 이익준비금적립액 - (1,329,026,808) 4. 보험수리적손익 (175,446,095) (120,303,033) 5. 당기순이익 6,346,015,125 1,252,320,064 Ⅱ 임의적립금등의이입액 - 23,900,000, 임의적립금이입액 - 23,900,000,000 Ⅲ 이익잉여금처분액 2,674,261,260 8,379,509, 이익준비금 243,114,660 79,955, 임의적립금 - 7,500,000, 배당금가. 현금배당 2,431,146, ,553,850 { 주당배당금 : 당기 150 원 (15%) 전기 50원 (5%)} Ⅳ 차기이월미처분이익잉여금 6,543,308,835 3,047,001,065
14 연결대차대조표 ( 재무상태표 ) 제 27 기 2010 년 12 월 31 일현재제 26 기 2009 년 12 월 31 일현재 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 9 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 27( 당 ) 기기말 제 26( 전 ) 기기말 자산 Ⅰ 유동자산 293,867,672, ,004,163,576 현금및현금성자산 18,502,108,701 31,782,453,235 금융기관예치금 52,846,500,000 43,705,954,873 당기손익인식금융자산 54,723,166 - 만기보유금융자산 7,500,000 38,765,000 매출채권및기타채권 214,454,044, ,686,200,984 기타유동자산 6,869,624,278 7,790,789,484 매각예정자산 1,133,170,970 - Ⅱ 비유동자산 24,323,695,824 27,315,927,573 장기금융기관예치금 21,500, ,050,000 매도가능금융자산 4,108,045,749 2,950,825,649 만기보유금융자산 861,715, ,915,000 장기매출채권및기타채권 2,502,115,405 8,752,587,867 유형자산 2,294,205,973 1,936,438,501 무형자산 11,567,875,671 10,909,283,034 이연법인세자산 2,750,749,791 1,492,574,498 기타비유동자산 - 180,253,024 매각예정자산 217,488,235 - 자산총계 318,191,367, ,320,091,149 부채 Ⅰ 유동부채 213,335,847, ,074,512,244 당기손익인식금융부채 293,233 18,159,323 매입채무및기타채무 190,001,432, ,844,649,244 단기차입금 341,670,000 15,210,496,804 기타유동부채 22,132,795,546 26,001,206,873 매각예정부채 859,657,113 - Ⅱ 비유동부채 4,940,974,565 3,322,809,605 장기매입채무및기타채무 - 92,886,900 장기차입금 - - 이연법인세부채 - 9,046,902 기타비유동부채 1,065,868, ,112,256 확정급여채무 3,702,663,486 2,923,763,547 매각예정부채 172,442,927 - 부채총계 218,276,822, ,397,321,849 연결대차대조표 - 계속 [ 단위 : 원 ] 과목 제 27( 당 ) 기기말 제 26( 전 ) 기기말 자본 Ⅰ 지배기업소유주지분 102,827,073,240 89,563,838,428 자본금 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 연결자본잉여금 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 연결이익잉여금 37,730,921,482 27,994,306,959 연결기타포괄손익누계액 (1,604,340,619) (2,434,137,238) 연결기타자본항목 (5,453,336,648) (8,150,160,318) Ⅱ 비지배지분 (2,912,527,866) (2,641,069,128) 자본총계 99,914,545,374 86,922,769,300 부채및자본총계 318,191,367, ,320,091,149
15 연결포괄손익계산서 제 27 기 2010 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지제 26 기 2009 년 1 월 1 일 ~12 월 31 일까지 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 3 1 주식회사지투알 [ 단위 : 원 ] M E M O 과목 제 27( 당 ) 기 제 26( 전 ) 기 Ⅰ 매출액 269,788,161, ,359,114,124 Ⅱ 매출원가 188,832,108, ,234,748,823 Ⅲ 매출총이익 80,956,053,396 62,124,365,301 Ⅳ 판매비와관리비 69,666,088,090 58,332,680,002 Ⅴ 기타영업수익 3,726,638,038 3,628,433,211 Ⅵ 기타영업비용 3,081,856,133 6,713,552,305 Ⅶ 영업이익 11,934,747, ,566,205 Ⅷ 금융수익 3,083,524,228 4,480,433,916 IX 금융비용 1,243,389,502 1,195,088,794 X 법인세비용차감전순이익 13,774,881,937 3,991,911,327 XI 법인세비용 2,321,072,011 3,364,601,886 XII 계속사업당기순이익 11,453,809, ,309,441 XIII 중단영업손익 ( 법인세효과차감후 ) 27,928,887 (412,476,155) XIV 당기순이익 11,481,738, ,833,286 XV 기타포괄손익 (235,332,559) 175,879,670 매도가능금융자산의공정가치변동 804,606, ,659,952 해외사업환산손익 35,586,233 (214,026,796) 보험수리적손익 (1,075,525,296) (84,753,486) XVI 총포괄이익 11,246,406, ,712,956 XV 당기순이익의귀속 11,481,738, ,833,286 지배기업의소유주 11,611,693, ,710,867 비지배지분 (129,954,856) (283,877,581) XVI 총포괄이익의귀속 11,246,406, ,712,956 지배기업의소유주 11,365,964, ,486,563 비지배지분 (119,558,738) (359,773,607) XVII 주당이익 ( 손실 ) 1. 기본주당순이익 계속사업이익 중단영업이익 ( 손실 ) 15 (15) 2. 희석주당순이익 계속사업이익 중단영업이익 ( 손실 ) 15 (15)
16 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 1. To Our Shareholders Business Report 1. General condition of the Company Progress and results of operation Parent company, subsidiary company and interlocking of the Company etc Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years Assignment of the Company Present state of directors and auditor Present state of major shareholder Investment state for the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary company of the Company Main creditor etc Important matters occurred after the accounting period Other matters acknowledged important related to operation Audit Report 49 - Audit repot by audit committee of GIIR Inc. 4. Financial Statements 1. Balance Sheet Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of Appropriations of Retained Earnings(proposal) Balance Sheet(Consolidated) Statement of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated) 56
17 To Our Shareholders (Business report) Dear Shareholders! On behalf of our entire staffs, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your continued interest and support to GIIR and GIIR s affiliated companies. Looking back 2010, notwithstanding global economy has recovered rapidly with overcoming the global economic crisis, growth has processed at a slower pace after reaching the peak in Q1 since the impact of major countries economic stimulus plan has become milder, severe recession of Euro economy and China s growth who have led the global recovery has undermined. However, under the influence of global recovery, Korean economy has been logging growth with the increase of export and continuous enhancement of own ability in private sector through household consumption and corporate investment. On the other hand, last year domestic advertising market hit 8 trillion 450 billion won in volume, which is the largest amount in history. The historical record was brought from recovering advertising market since the second half of 2009, improving consumer sentiments in 2010 accompanied by the government s revitalization measures, and increasing advertising marketing expenditures of the corporate sector utilizing major sports events such as Vancouver Winter Olympics, the World Cup, and Guangzhou Asian Games in their marketing tactics. Thus, as a result, growth prevailed in all mediums of advertising in In line with the recovering advertising market, GIIR s billings recorded 780 billion won in This was a result of the efforts of all executives and staffs of GIIR in order to achieve sustainable growth in the company. Moreover, great achievements in clientele were attained as not only the advertising volume grew in LG clients, but also Non-LG clients of large and medium size such as GM Korea, Korea Tourism Organization, STX, etc., were newly brought into the clientele. Overall, as LG group s house agency, meeting the ever growing expectations of the LG clients, GIIR put many efforts in reorganizing and strengthening internal core competencies of the company to achieve the No.1 LG which is the group s slogan. Economic growth rate in 2011 is expected to be slightly decreased compared to Especially, the already Smart Era due to the digitalization is bringing us a lot of changes in our daily lives and moreover, the media market is expecting a Big Bang followed by last year s events such as the selection of 4 general service channels and 1 news channel, deregulation of advertising price by allowing private media labs, and growing expectations of activating commercial break and indirect advertisement, etc. The year 2011 is a very important year for GIIR; we have to position ourselves as the main LG s Marketing Communication Company, bring forward the 1 trillion won billings era, and establish the platform for reaching out to the world as a global advertising company. Moreover, since domestic advertising market trend is going back to the house agency system, it is expected that there will be more severe competition in winning a project with the Non-LG clients. Therefore, to be a pioneer in the era of changes in business environment, while preparing for what is needed and strengthening our competencies, we are focusing on below 3 points to lead our business strategy. First, we will make this year to set up the competitive structure as the Global marketing partner of LG Group. To achieve this, we will secure global business competencies by establishing 6 subsidiaries and 4 branch offices to support advertising activities of LG Electronics major bases, establishing Creative Hub in New York, and recruiting foreign specialists, etc. Second, in the area of new media sector, the evermore important part, we will focus on strengthening capability in all respect to deal with consumer oriented IMC Campaign. Also, we will provide World s best digital service by joint business with globally renowned partners in overseas and based on this we will strengthen and internalize digital advertising capabilities such as Social Network Service, etc. Third, we will expand HR-related investments to foster top class experts to strengthen our HR competencies. Also, we will execute innovative improvement in order to raise optimum talent by establishing internal and external competition system, setting up objective evaluation and comprehensive performance management, etc. Honorable Shareholders! We aim at GIIR s Vision to become Korea s leading marketing communication group by offering high value-adding communication services to our clients. To this end, everyone at GIIR and our affiliated companies will do the best to fulfill our corporate goals. We look forward to your continuous support and wish all of our shareholders good health and happiness. Thank you. March 22 nd, 2011 Representative Director of GIIR Inc., Chong S. Lee, Ph.D.
18 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 3 7 I. General condition of the Company 1. Objectives of the Company (Business object from the Articles) To engage in holding company business To engage in agency business for domestic and overseas advertisement for promotion of sales To engage in printing and publishing work B u s i n e s s R e p o r t To manufacture other products To engage in construction work To engage in construction work involving building equipment To engage in construction work involving electricity and telecommunication To engage in construction finishing work To engage in trade, agency business for goods General Condition of the Company Progress and Results of Operation Parent Company, Subsidiary Companies, Interlocking Directorate, and etc. Operation Results and Financial Conditions for the Past Three Years Assignment of the Company Directors and Auditor Major Shareholders Company and Subsidiary Companies Investment Status Major Creditors Occurrence of Significant Events After 27th Fiscal Year Other Important Matters Related to Operation To engage in real estate business To conduct research and consulting services To engage in designing work To engage in any other supporting business To engage in movie industry To engage in entertainment, culture and sports related business Any and all businesses which are incidental to any of the forgoing objects 2. State of business office Name of business office Main Business & Products Location Main office Holding company LG Mapo Bldg., 275 Kongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 3. State of employees [As of December 31, 2010] Classification Executive Finance HR Legal Others Total Number
19 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t Matters about stocks 1) Class and number of issued stock [As of December 31, 2010] Class Number Amount Ratio common shares in non-bearer form 16,567,409 shares KRW 17,571,493, % 2) Fluctuation state of the paid-in capital Number Additional amount Capital after increase Increasing Date Class (share) (KRW 1,000) (KRW 1,000) contents Capital increase Common stock 300,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 without consideration II. Progress and results of operation 1. Sales [unit : KRW million] Classification 27th (2010) 26th (2009) 25th (2008) Production 204, , ,724 Media planning and Buying commission 56,694 44,054 40,941 Other 8,118 9,021 10,813 Total 269, , , Common stock 1,600,000-8,000,000 Stock split Common stock 686,000 3,430,000 11,430,000 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 68, ,900 11,772,900 Stock allotment Common stock 11,772,900-11,772,900 Stock split Common stock 5,798,593 5,798,593 17,571,493 Capital increase with consideration Common stock 1,004,084-17,571,493 Cancellation 3) Stock affairs Closing date December 31 Convening of the General Shareholders' Meeting Suspension period of the register of shareholders Public Notice newspaper Denominations of share certificates February or March January 1 ~ January 31 The Korea Economic Daily 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, stockholders right (8 kinds) Transfer Agent Privilege for stock Name Address Korea Securities Depository 34-6, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul None 5. Matters about bonds Not relevant
20 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 1 III. Parent company, subsidiary, and interlocking of the Company etc. 1. State of parent company [As of December 31, 2010] Name Location capital Main business Number of share Ratio LG Corp. Yeiodo-dong, M KRW Holding Youngdeungpo-gu 20, Seoul 879,359 Company 5,798, % 2. State of subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2010] Subsidiary Relation with the Company Name Location Paid-in capital Main business Number of stock Ratio Tams Media 275 Kongdeok-dong, KRW Mapo-gu, Seoul 1,350 m Advertising 1,350, % 1000 Sylvan Avenue USD GIIR America,Inc. Englewood Cliffs, NJ USA 0.9 m Advertising % Alchemedia Inc Samsung-dong, KRW Kangnam-gu, Seoul 200 m Advertising 102,000 51% HS Ad Inc. 275 Kongdeok-dong, KRW Mapo-gu, Seoul 5,000m Advertising 5,000, % W brand Nonhyun-dong, KRW connection Inc. Kangnam-gu, Seoul 1,500 m Advertising 1,500, % 17th Floor, West Twins Tower, USD Yuan Zhi Meng No:12, Jian Guo Men Wai Road, 0.5 m Chao Yang District, Beijing, China Advertising 70% GIIR India GIIR UK G Outdoor Inc. LBest LTD. H-79, L.G.F. KALKAJI INR Advertising 33,308, % NEW DELHI DELHI, INDIA 33,308,860 One Fleet Place, London, USD EC4M 7WS 1.0 m Advertising 642, % 275 Kongdeok-dong, KRW Mapo-gu, Seoul 50 m Advertising 50, % 117 Nonhyun-dong, KRW Kangnam-gu, Seoul 1,000 m Advertising 200, % BugsCom Ad 275 Kongdeok-dong, KRW Advertising 140,000 70% Inc. Mapo-gu, Seoul 100 m 3. Concurrent position state of parent and subsidiary company [As of December 31, 2010] Name Company Position Duty Chong Suk Lee GIIR Inc. President Representative Director HS Ad Inc. Director Non-standing Director Alchemedia Inc. Director Non-Standing Director LBest LTD. Director Non-Standing Director Tams Media Inc. Director Non-Standing Director W Brand Connection Inc. Director Non-Standing Director BugsCom Ad Inc. Director Non-Standing Director Jae Kook Song GIIR Inc. Vice President Director/CFO Alchemedia Inc. Director Non-Standing Director Tams Media Inc. Director Non-standing Director W Brand Connection Inc. Director Non-Standing Director BugsCom Ad Inc. Director Non-Standing Director Yuan Zhi Meng Director Non-Standing Director Hyeon Sik Hwang GIIR Inc. Director Non-Standing Director HS Ad Inc. Director Non-standing Director LBest LTD. Director Non-standing Director Liquidation process for Tams Media was completed, that completion date is registered as the date of January 18th, 2011 and separated from LG affiliates as the date of January 25th, Since 100% w brandconnection shares owned by GIIR is sold on the date of January 31st, 2011, GIIR s relationship with this company has been formally dissolved and separated from LG affiliates as the date of February.9th, 2011
21 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 3 IV. Operation results and financial condition for recent 3 years 1. Operation Results 1) Statement of Comprehensive Income(K-IFRS) [unit : KRW million] Classification 27th ' ' th ' ' Operating Revenue 15,416 14,929 Operating Expenses 12,799 15,653 Other Operating Revenues 1, Other Operating Expenses Operating Profit 3,721 (859) Non Operating Revenues 2,778 3,359 Non Operating Expenses 0 0 Income Loss Before Income Taxes Expenses 6,499 2,500 Income Taxes Expenses 153 1,247 Net Income 6,346 1,252 Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 6,975 1,607 2) Statement of Income(K-GAAP) [unit : KRW million] Classification 25th ' ' Operating Revenue 11,945 Operating Expenses 16,716 Operating Profit (4,772) Non Operating Revenues 3,032 Non Operating Expenses 58 Income Loss Before Income Taxes Expenses (1,798) Income Taxes Expenses 447 Net Income (2,245) 3) Statement of Comprehensive Income(K-IFRS, Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification 27th ' ' th ' ' Sales 269, ,359 Cost of sales 188, ,235 Gross profit 80,956 62,124 Selling general administrative expenses 69,666 58,333 Other gains 3,727 3,628 Other expense 3,082 6,714 Operating Profit 11, Non Operating Revenues 3,084 4,480 Non Operating Expenses 1,243 1,195 Income Loss Before Income Taxes Expenses 13,775 3,992 Income Taxes Expenses 2,321 3,365 Net Income 11, Other comprehensive income (235) 176 Total comprehensive income 11, Financial condition 1) Balance Sheet(Statement of Financial Position)(K-IFRS) [unit : KRW million] Assets Classification 27th ' th ' Current assets 56,136 45, Non-current assets 44,400 47,214 Total assets 100,536 93,160 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 2,492 4, Non-current liabilities 1, Total liabilities 3,577 5,074 * FY 2010/2009 is K-IFRS and 2008 is K-GAAP
22 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 5 Balance Sheet(Continued) Equity 1. Issued capital 17,571 17, Capital surplus 54,582 54, Retained earnings 31,750 26, Other Comprehensive income /loss accumulated amount (1,491) (2,296) 5. Elements of other stockholder's equity (5,453) (8,150) Total equity 96,959 88,087 Total equity and liabilities 100,536 93,160 [unit : KRW million] 2) Balance Sheet(Statement of Financial Position)(K-GAAP) [unit : KRW million] Assets Classification 25th ' Current assets 59, Non-current assets 49,842 Total assets 108,907 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 3, Non-current liabilities 105 Total liabilities 3,535 Equity 1. Issued capital 17, Capital surplus 54, Capital Adjustment (5,453) 4. Other Comprehensive income /loss accumulated amount (2,187) 5. Retained earnings 40,858 Total equity 105,371 Total equity and liabilities 108,907 3) Statement of Financial Position (K-IFRS, Consolidated) [unit : KRW million] Classification 27th 26th ' ' Assets 1. Current assets 293, , Non-current assets 24,324 27,316 Total assets 318, ,320 Liabilities 1. Current liabilities 213, , Non-current liabilities 4,941 3,323 Total liabilities 218, ,397 Equity 1. Equity attributable to owners of parent 102,827 89,564 Issued capital 17,571 17,571 Capital surplus 54,582 54,582 Retained earnings 37,731 27,994 Other Comprehensive income /loss accumulated amount (1,604) (2,434) Elements of other stockholder's equity (5,453) (8,150) 2. Non-controlling interests (2,913) (2,641) Total equity 99,915 86,923 Total equity and liabilities 318, ,320 V. Assignment of the Company The reporting matters were included in and stated in To Our Shareholders. * FY 2010/2009 is K-IFRS and 2008 is K-GAAP
23 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 7 VI. Present state of director and auditor [As of December 31, 2010] Name Position Duty Transaction with the Company Chong Suk Lee President Representative Director None Jae Kook Song Vice President Director None Hyeon Sik Hwang Director Non-standing Director None Stuart Neish Director Non-standing Director None In Soo Cho Director Outside Director None Kyung Tae Lee Director Outside Director None VII. Present state of major shareholder [As of December 31, 2010] Name Number of shares Ratio Transaction with the Company LG Corp. 5,798, % None Cavendish Square Holding B.V. 3,766, % None Soon-Tae Hwang 1,466, % None Shinyoung IM 1,146, % None VIII. Investment state of the Company and subsidiary company or subsidiary company of the Company [As of December 31, 2010], [unit : share] Investment company Investment to Other company Name (The Company or other company invest to the company subsidiary company) Number Ratio Number Ratio HS Ad Inc. GIIR Inc. 5,000, % - - LBest LTD. GIIR Inc. 200, % - - Tams Media GIIR Inc 1,350, % - - GIIR America, Inc. GIIR Inc % - - GIIR India GIIR Inc 3,308, % - - GIIR UK GIIR Inc 642, % - - Alchemedia Inc. GIIR Inc 102, % - - W brand connection Inc. GIIR Inc 1,500, % - - G Outdoor Inc. GIIR Inc 50, % - - Yuan Zhi Meng GIIR Inc % - - BugsCom Ad Inc. GIIR Inc 140, % - - Wisebell Inc. HS Ad Inc. 400, % Woori I&S GIIR Inc 148, % - - Telefree GIIR Inc 30, % - - Ad Click GIIR Inc 30, % - - Cecrop GIIR Inc % - - IX. Main creditor etc. Not relevant X. Important matters occurred after the accounting period Establishment of overseas entities (1) GllR Rus LLC.(Russia): January 13th, 2011 (2) GllR Do Brasil Ltda.(Brazil): January 18th, 2011 XI. Other matters acknowledged important related to operation Nothing to report
24 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 4 9 Audit Report Audit Committee of GIIR reports the following audit result on accounting and business of the 27th fiscal year from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 as an audit Committee member of GIIR Inc. 1. Outline of the Audit Method A u d i t R e p o r t We inspected the accounting book and the relevant documents and investigated the financial statements and attached specification for examination. We examined by applying the contrast, actual inspection, session, inquiry and other proper audit procedures in case of need in executing the audit. We received the report on the business from directors if necessary to attend the Board of Directors and other major meetings for the business inspection, inspected the important related business documents by using the proper method like inspection of the contents. by Audit Committee of GIIR Inc. 2. Matters on Indication of Balance Sheet and Income statement The assets and profit and loss state of the Company are stated adequately according to law and the Articles in the balance sheet and income statement. 3. Matters on the Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings The statement of appropriation of retained earnings is made out adequately under law and the Article. 4. Matters on Business Report The general condition of the Company is indicated accurately in the business report under law and the Articles. February 7th, 2011 Chairman of the Audit Committee Kyung Tae Lee Member of Audit Committee Member of Audit Committee In Soo Cho Stuart Neish
25 BALANCE SHEET 27th FY As of December 31, th FY As of December 31, 2009 F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS(PROPOSAL) BALANCE SHEET(CONSOLIDATED) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) ASSETS I CURRENT ASSETS 56,136,008,934 45,946,613,357 Cash and cash equivalents 2,569,646,232 4,457,384,973 Financial institution deposits 50,000,000,000 39,000,000,000 Other accounts receivable 2,515,804,237 2,227,690,454 Other current assets 1,050,558, ,537,930 II NON-CURRENT ASSETS 44,400,207,770 47,213,556,913 Long-term financial institution deposits 2,500,000 2,500,000 Available-for-sale financial assets 3,507,608,619 2,476,061,819 Long-term other receivables 327,799,716 6,460,686,230 Investments in subsidiaries 36,918,796,936 36,881,965,871 Property, Plant, and Equipment 430,212, ,785,811 Intangible assets 1,637,771, ,888,490 Deferred tax assets 774,074,897 - Other Non current assets - 24,668,692 Held-for-sale assets 801,443,749 - TOTAL ASSETS 100,536,216,704 93,160,170,270 LIABILITIES I CURRENT LIABILITIES 2,492,058,711 4,483,760,261 Other accounts payable 1,787,890,296 3,339,955,540 Other current liabilities 704,168,415 1,143,804,721 II NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,085,153, ,850,930 Long-term other accounts payable 336,325, ,668,278 Projected Benefit Obligations 526,290, ,278,166 Defferred income tax liabilities - 60,704,971 Other long-term liabilities 222,537,638 38,199,515 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,577,212,271 5,073,611,191 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY I SHARE CAPITAL 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Ⅱ CAPITAL SURPLUS 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Ⅲ RETAINED EARNINGS 31,749,912,020 26,378,896,840 Ⅳ ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (1,491,399,964) (2,296,006,468) [in Korean Won] Ⅴ OTHER CAPITAL ITEMS (5,453,336,648) (8,150,160,318) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 96,959,004,433 88,086,559,079 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 100,536,216,704 93,160,170,270
26 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009 DATES OF APPROPRIATIONS: MARCH 22, 2011 AND MARCH 19, 2010 STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATION OF RETAINED EARNINGS(PROPOSAL) 27th FY From to Expected Date of Appropriation : th FY From to Date of Appropriation : GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) [in Korean Won] I OPERATING REVENUE 15,416,280,387 14,929,151,051 II OPERATING EXPENSES 12,798,853,871 15,646,726,759 Ⅲ OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 1,104,000,150 48,612,940 Ⅳ OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 251, ,242,282 Ⅴ OPERATING INCOME 3,721,175,218 (859,205,050) Ⅵ FINANCIAL INCOME 2,777,538,985 3,358,792,170 Ⅶ FINANCIAL EXPENSES 118,591 10,478 Ⅷ INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 6,498,595,612 2,499,576,642 Ⅸ INCOME TAX EXPENSES 152,580,487 1,247,256,578 Ⅹ NET INCOME 6,346,015,125 1,252,320,064 ⅩⅠ OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Fair Value change of Available-for-sale 804,606, ,659,952 Actuarial gains and losses (175,446,095) (120,303,033) ⅩⅡ TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 6,975,175,534 1,606,676,983 ⅩⅢ EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic Earnings per share KRW 392 KRW 78 Diluted Earnings per share KRW 392 KRW 78 GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) [in Korean Won] I RETAINED EARNING BEFORE APPROPRIATION 9,217,570,095 (12,473,489,700) 1. Unappropriated earnings carried over from previous year 3,047,001,065 1,013,788, Interim Dividend - (13,290,268,080) 3. Earned surplus reserve (Interim Dividend) - (1,329,026,808) 4. Actuarial gains and losses (175,446,095) (120,303,033) 5. Net Income 6,346,015,125 1,252,320,064 II TRANSFER FROM VOLUNTARY RESERVES: 23,900,000, Transfer from Voluntary Reserves - 23,900,000,000 III APPROPRIATIONS OF RETAINED EARNINGS 2,674,261,260 8,379,509, Earned surplus reserve 243,114,660 79,955, Voluntary Reserves - 7,500,000, Dividends A.Cash Dividends 2,431,146, ,553,850 {Dividends (ratio) FY2010 : KRW 150(15%) FY2009 : KRW 50(5%)} IV UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS TO BE CARRIED 6,543,308,835 3,047,001,065 FORWARD TO SUBSEQUENT YEAR
27 BALANCE SHEET(CONSOLIDATED) 27th FY As of December 31, th FY As of December 31, G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 5 GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) ASSETS [in Korean Won] I CURRENT ASSETS 293,867,672, ,004,163,576 Cash and cash equivalents 18,502,108,701 31,782,453,235 Financial institution deposits 52,846,500,000 43,705,954,873 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 54,723,166 - Held-to-maturity financial assets 7,500,000 38,765,000 Trade receivable and Others 214,454,044, ,686,200,984 Other current assets 6,869,624,278 7,790,789,484 Held-for-sale assets 1,133,170,970 - II NON-CURRENT ASSETS 24,323,695,824 27,315,927,573 Long-term financial institution deposits 21,500, ,050,000 Available-for-sale financial assets 4,108,045,749 2,950,825,649 Held-to-maturity financial assets 861,715, ,915,000 Trade receivable and Others 2,502,115,405 8,752,587,867 Property, Plant, and Equipment 2,294,205,973 1,936,438,501 Intangible assets 11,567,875,671 10,909,283,034 Deferred tax assets 2,750,749,791 1,492,574,498 Other Non current assets - 180,253,024 Held-for-sale assets 217,488,235 - TOTAL ASSETS 318,191,367, ,320,091,149 LIABILITIES I CURRENT LIABILITIES 213,335,847, ,074,512,244 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 293,233 18,159,323 Trade payable and other payable 190,001,432, ,844,649,244 Short term borrowings 341,670,000 15,210,496,804 Other current liabilities 22,132,795,546 26,001,206,873 Held-for-sale Liabilities 859,657,113 - II NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 4,940,974,565 3,322,809,605 Trade payable and other payable - 92,886,900 Long-term borrowings - - Defferred income tax liabilities - 9,046,902 Other long-term liabilities 1,065,868, ,112,256 Projected Benefit Obligations 3,702,663,486 2,923,763,547 Held-for-sale Liabilities 172,442,927 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 218,276,822, ,397,321,849 GIIR Inc. (Balance Sheet-Continued) ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY [in Korean Won] I Controlling interest 102,827,073,240 89,563,838,428 Share capiital 17,571,493,000 17,571,493,000 Capital surplus 54,582,336,025 54,582,336,025 Retained earnings 37,730,921,482 27,994,306,959 Accumulated other comprehensive income (1,604,340,619) (2,434,137,238) Other capital items (5,453,336,648) (8,150,160,318) Ⅱ Non controlling interest (2,912,527,866) (2,641,069,128) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 99,914,545,374 86,922,769,300 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 318,191,367, ,320,091,149
28 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME(CONSOLIDATED) FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 AND 2009 DATES OF APPROPRIATIONS: March 22, 2011 AND MARCH 19, G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 7 GIIR Inc. ACCOUNT 27th(2010) 26th(2009) [in Korean Won] I SALES 269,788,161, ,359,114,124 Ⅱ COST OF SALES 188,832,108, ,234,748,823 Ⅲ GROSS PROFIT 80,956,053,396 62,124,365,301 Ⅳ SELLING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 69,666,088,090 58,332,680,002 V OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 3,726,638,038 3,628,433,211 VI OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 3,081,856,133 6,713,552,305 Ⅶ OPERATING INCOME 11,934,747, ,566,205 Ⅷ FINANCIAL INCOME 3,083,524,228 4,480,433,916 Ⅸ FINANCIAL EXPENSES 1,243,389,502 1,195,088,794 Ⅹ INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 13,774,881,937 3,991,911,327 ⅩI INCOME TAX EXPENSES 2,321,072,011 3,364,601,886 ⅩII PROFIT (LOSS) FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 11,453,809, ,309,441 ⅩⅢ PROFIT (LOSS) FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 27,928,887 (412,476,155) ⅩⅣ NET INCOME 11,481,738, ,833,286 ⅩV OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (235,332,559) 175,879,670 Fair Value change of Available-for-sale financial assets 804,606, ,659,952 Gain on Foreign currency translation adjustments 35,586,233 (214,026,796) Actuarial gains and losses (1,075,525,296) (84,753,486) ⅩⅥ TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 11,246,406, ,712,956 ⅩⅦ PROFIT (LOSS), ATTRIBUTABLE TO 11,481,738, ,833,286 Owners of parent 11,611,693, ,710,867 Non-controlling interests (129,954,856) (283,877,581) ⅩⅧ COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO 11,246,406, ,712,956 Owners of parent 11,365,964, ,486,563 Non-controlling interests (119,558,738) (359,773,607) ⅩⅨ EARNINGS PER SHARE 1. Basic Earnings per share Profit (loss) from continuing operations Profit (loss) from discontinued operations 15 (15) 2. Diluted Earnings per share Profit (loss) from continuing operations Profit (loss) from discontinued operations 15 (15) M E M O
29 G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t G I I R A n n u a l R e p o r t 5 9 M E M O M E M O
포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) Ⅵ. 중단영업이익 (Net income from discontinued operations ) Ⅶ. 당기순이익 (Net Income) , ,298 ( 대손준비금반영후
포괄손익계산서 (Statements of comprehensive income) 주식회사우리은행 Ⅰ. 영업이익 (Operating income) 1. 순이자이익 (Net interest income) (1) 이자수익 (Interest income) (2) 이자비용 (Interest expense) 2. 순수수료이익 (Net fees and commissions
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