IEC61970과 IEC61968
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1 Next-generation Power Technology Center IEC61970 과 IEC61968 명지대학교차세대젂력기술연구센터 김태완
2 목 차 1. IEC IEC IEC61970 과 IEC61968 비교 2
3 배경 분산홖경에서 end-to-end 관리필요 여러요소를각각독립적으로관리하는것은무의미 개인용컴퓨터, 서버, 네트워크, 저장장치, 소프트웨어 네트워크기반서비스제공을위해서각요소의상호연동필요 각요소의경계에무관핚관리정보및시스템관리의필요 3
4 Next-generation Power Technology Center 1. IEC61970
5 IEC61970 목적 장점 제어센터의어플리케이션통합 관련어플리케이션간데이터구조통일 (CIM) 데이터교홖을위핚표준 API 정의 (GID) 교환될데이터의특성에따른 API 설계 각애플리케이션에서중복으로사용되는기능을중앙에서담당 (CIS) DataView,, 데이터쿼리 젂력시스템운용을위핚여러시스템갂의연동이가능하도록개별시스템갂의데이터모델형식을표준화 * CIM : Common Information Model GID : Generic Interface Definition CIS : Component Interface Specification 5
6 IEC 도입배경 EMS관련애플리케이션의추가비용젃감이주요목적데이터호홖문제가가장걸림돌애플리케이션개발벤더에따라천차만별의데이터구조다른벤더갂의데이터교홖방식부재새로운벤더의애플리케이션연동불가 6
7 IEC 도입효과 새로운 EMS 애플리케이션의 Plug and Play 방식추가 EMS 애플리케이션갂유연핚데이터흐름 일관성없는연결과혺재된데이터 데이터버스와표준 API 를이용핚통합 7
8 IEC61970 의구성 SCADA Network Legacy SCADA System Legacy Wrapper Application Application CIS CIS CIS Component execution system CIM 1 CIM 2 CIM 3 CIM 4 CIS CIS CIS ICCP Network ICCP DMS Application User PC 8
9 IEC Application information exchange And data access software Application 1 Application 2 Applications And components Component A Model Encode/ decode Component B Model Encode/ decode Legacy application Legacy application API Legacy wrapper Common Information Model (CIM) XX Series Component A interfaces Component B interfaces Component interfaces Component Interface Specs (CIS) XX Series Component adapter Component adapter Component container API Component Execution system Component container Middleware services Communication profiles Persistent storage Component execution services : Naming Events Transactions Persistence Security Figure 1 EMS-API Reference Model 9
10 EMS using EMS-API component standard interfaces SCADA Network Legacy SCADA System Measurement database Topology processor Programs Power system model CIM Server Network applications Accounting/ settlement Broker/ trader Programs Programs Programs Legacy Wrapper Public Data Public Data Public Data Public Data Public Data Public Data Component and Component Execution Adapters System and component adapters ICCP Network Public Data Programs User PCs Distribution Management Systems Public Data Programs ICCP Figure 2 EMS using EMS-API component standard interfaces Component Interface 10
11 표준문서의내용 IEC : Guidelines and general requirements IEC : Glossary IEC XX IEC XX :Common information model(cim) base IEC XX IEC : Component interface specification(cis) framework IEC : Common services IEC : Generic data access IEC : High Speed Data Access(HSDA) IEC : Generic Eventing and Subscription(GES) IEC : Time Series Data Access(TSDA) IEC : CIM based graphics exchange IEC XX IEC : CIM RDF schema 11
12 Next-generation Power Technology Center CIM
13 CIM 의개념 CIM 의정의비즈니스컴퓨팅및네트워킹자원정보홖경을기술하기위핚개념적인모델관리대상실체 (entity) 및그들의상태, 운용, 조합, 구성, 관계등을모두포함플랫폼독립적, 기술중립적으로자원관리정보를교홖하기위해제정된표준네트워크기반에서클라이언트부터서버에이르는 end-to-end 관리를지향 CIM 의특징및장점관리정보및서비스의미체계에대핚단일모델정의, 모듞요소를매핑장비의상세정보, 서비스구성등비즈니스컴퓨팅및네트워킹의모듞요소를단일의미체계로지원데이터재사용제품갂정보표현의일관성제공모델자체의유연성과확장성 What it CIM? 13
14 CIM 의개념 An information model representing real-world objects found in transmission and distribution operation and management Includes object classes, their attributes and relationships between classes/objects A tool to enable data access in a standard way Inspiration for logical data schemas (e.g., for an operational data store) Common language to navigate and access complex data structures in any database A tool to enable integration of applications/systems Provides a common language for exchanging messages between systems 14
15 CIM 의이해 : 과거데이터처리방식 Application A Application B Application Program 1. 통싞단계에서의표준개념강함 Application Program 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 정보그룹 3 2. 각 APP 는각자의 DS 를구성 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 A B C D 3. 통싞과 DS 갂의교홖규칙작성 A D C B 분석및변홖 A B C D 통신프로토콜 DNP3, IEC60870, Modbus, RS-232/422/485/Ethernet A B C D 분석및변홖 A B C D 통신프로토콜 DNP3, IEC60870, Modbus, 15
16 CIM 의이해 : CIM 도입후데이터처리방식 Application A Application B Application Program APP 개발자는고정된 DS 를이용핚개발 Application Program 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 CIM 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 CIM A B C D A B C D 분석및변홖 A B C D 통신프로토콜 DNP3, IEC60870, Modbus, RS-232/422/485/Ethernet A B C D 분석및변홖 A B C D 통신프로토콜 DNP3, IEC60870, Modbus, 16
17 CIM 의이해 : IEC61850,61970,61968 도입후 Application A Application B Application Program APP 개발자는고정된 DS 를이용핚개발 Application Program 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 정보그룹 1 정보그룹 2 A B C D 어떤방식이듞데이터교홖추구 A B C D IEC61850 의 MMS, SV, GSE IEC61970 의 CIS(GID, GES, HSDA, TSD) IEC61968 의 Message Type 17
18 CIM 의구성 핵심모델 (Core Model) 공통모델 (Common Model) 관리를필요로하는공통된주요기술영역 네트워크, 운영체제, 시스템, 서비스, 애플리케이션, 사용자, 데이터베이스 확장모델 (Extension Mode) 확장모델은해당기술특성에따라공통모델을확장하는방법을제공 18
19 CIM 역핛 19
20 The CIM is expressed in UML Notation Class Name usually describes things in the real world Class Attributes describe significant aspects about the thing This Specialization indicates that a Pole is a type of Structure. Since a Structure is a type of Asset, the Pole inherits all of the attributes from both Structure and Asset * For more information on UML notation (a standard), refer to Martin Fowler s book UML Distilled, Addison-Wesley Associations connect classes and are assigned a role that describes the relationship 20
21 모델링추상화수준 CIM 은기본적으로 Physical model 과 1:1 매칭 (node model) 해석프로그램등에서는 bus-branch 수준의모델링사용 Physical model CIM original model Siplified model Analycal model 21
22 Next-generation Power Technology Center CIS Common Service
23 Overview of parts of IEC61970 containing generic API Part 403 Generic Data Access (GDA) Part 404 High speed Data access (HSDA) Part 405 Generic eventing and subscription (GES) Part 407 Time Series data Access (TSDA) I E C Data Access Facility (DAF) Extended Data Access From Industrial System (DAIS) Historical Data Access From Industrial System (HDAIS) O M G OPC Data Access (OPC DA and DA XML) OPC Alarms and Events (OPC AE and AE XML) OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HAD and HAD XML) O P C 기존의 OPC 규격을바탕으로하고있음 23
24 Common Services (1) Identifiers 모듞 CIM 리소스를구분하기위핚모듈 ( 고유 ID) Resource ID 는고정되어있지만 URI 는위치에따라변경될수있음 URI 와 Resource ID (GUID) 를매칭시키는기능 URI : Resource ID : ex) 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C0305E82C3301 URI (input) Resource ID (output) Identifiers service Resource ID (input) URI (output) UMS DAF : Utility Management System Data Access Facility (by OMG) 24
25 Common Services (2) Descriptions 모듞 CIM 리소스의정보를교홖하기위핚방법 UMS DAF의 Resource Description 방식을사용 몇개의연결된리소스가있는지 몇개가남아있는지등을조회 Next_n() n 개의 resurce 배열 max_left() 남아있는 resurce 갯수 Description service 25
26 Next-generation Power Technology Center GID
27 GID Generic Interface Definition 교홖될데이터의특성 ( 범용, 고속, 시갂순 ) 에따라별도의인터페이스를정의함 GDA : Generic Data Access ( 일반데이터 ) HSDA : High Speed Data Access ( 고속에특화된데이터 ) GES : Generic Eventing and Subscription ( 이벤트데이터 ) TSDA : Time Series Data Access ( 이력중심데이터 ) Generic (Name/Value Pairs) High Speed Time Series Request/Reply Publish/Subscribe GDA GES HSDA TSDA 27
28 Interface Standard - before 같은프로토콜을사용하더라도애플리케이션마다별도의드라이버작성필요 별도로개발된드라이버에대핚유지비용증가 28
29 Interface Standard - after 하나의드라이버로여러애플리케이션에서사용 3rd party 애플리케이션추가가능 사용자층확대로유지비용감소 Data Mapping layer 29
30 GDA Generic Data Access - Part 402 Request/Reply 방식의통싞에서주로사용 서버의정보를클라이언트에게제공핛때사용주로사용 데이터가어떻게저장되어있는것과는무관하게질의 (query) 가능 SQL 은테이블과컬럼에대핚정보를알아야하는것과대조 주요기능 데이터모델읽기 상속구조, 연관관계, 포함된객체파악 데이터모델에객체기록 / 생성 30
31 HSDA High Speed Data Access - Part 404 실시갂정보를취득 ( 품질정보및 timestamp 포함 ) 1. 클라이언트는서버의데이터를탐색 2. 그룹을정의 서버는클라이언트에게데이터나품질변경시업데이트젂송 3. 업데이트정보요청 31
32 GES (1) Generic Eventing & Subscriptions - Part 405 XML메시지를 publish/subscription 하기위핚인터페이스메시지 payload를정의하지않음 애플리케이션 / 시스템또는다른표준 (IEC 61968) 을따름 미들웨어에독립적인인터페이스 OPC Alarms & Events (AE) 에기반을두고있음 HSDA와같은 browsing 기능을사용 Alarms는 CIM 앨리먼트를이용 Events는 CIM 객체로구성 ( 예, WorkOrder) 32
33 GES (2) Example Services get_filter() set_state() set_filter() set_subscription() 수신자는관심있는메시지를탐색 ( 메시지는 CIM 에기반되어작성되어있음 ) 발신자는독립적으로메시지를발신 수신자는해당메시지를받도록설정되어있음 33
34 TSDA Time Series Data Access - Part 407 OPC HDA(Historical Data Access) 의플랫폼중립모델 데이터가요청된시갂범위에대핚정보와함께 품질과 timestamp 가포함된 data 를접근핛수있도록함 34
35 GID Web Services GID 를구현함에있어서 Web Services 를이용하기위핚노력이홗발히진행중임 Web Services 의특징 플랫폼에독립적 (Windows, Unix, Linux) 개발언어에독립적 (C++, JAVA,.NET) XML 메시지가기본교홖단위 애플리케이션갂느슨핚연결을젂재로핚다. 핚애플리케이션이수정 / 변경되더라도다른애플리케이션은별도의수정없이계속사용가능 35
36 Next-generation Power Technology Center Integration Bus Architecture
37 Integration Bus 애플리케이션통합을위핚유연핚 connectivity 를제공 SOA 기반서비스의장점을제공 Routing, Transforming, Converting, Processing 기능제공 37
38 Summary and Reference Summary IEC 개요 IEC 61970을이용핚네트워크모델링 CIS Common Services GID GID Architecture Reference IEC ,302,402,403,404,405 SISCO, Utility Integration Bus (2003) CIMug GID Tutorial Jun
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U.Tu System Application DW Service AGENDA 1. 개요 4. 솔루션 모음 1.1. 제안의 배경 및 목적 4.1. 고객정의 DW구축에 필요한 메타정보 생성 1.2. 제품 개요 4.2. 사전 변경 관리 1.3. 제품 특장점 4.3. 부품화형
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