WDM-based Hybrid PON
- 윤재 오
- 6 years ago
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1 차세대서비스를위한 광대역액세스망기술 광통신연구센터 ETRI ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 1
2 Outlines 1. NGN Services and Requirements 2. Broadband Access Technologies -xdsl/hfc - Optical Fiber 3. FTTx Technologies - AON/TDM-PON -WDM-PON/WE-PON - Comparisons of access technologies - Convergent Access with Hybrid-PON 4. Concluding Remarks ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 2
3 NGN Services and Requirements ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 3
4 Wind of changes Change in the market 전화 / 인터넷서비스시장의포화 새로운시장개척의필요성 ( 통방, 유무선번들서비스 ) 시장경쟁가속화-전화, TV, 위성사업자 Change in user s life style PC 사용의생활화 멀티미디어서비스에친숙 인터넷의확산 네트워크에친숙 - 홈페이지, , 정보검색, 네트워크게임등의활성화 Change in demands Always on, always available information on-demand 빠른데이터액세스요구 Data, Voice 및 Video의통합 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 4
5 NGN services IP TV Video-on-Demand offer VideoTelephony on TV Unified interface for contents in all formats Terrestrial broadcast, Satellite broadcast, Pay-TV/Pay-per-View High Qualiy VoD licensing agreements from major film studios 20th Century Fox, Universal Studios, DreamWorks Digital TV quality Simple access and use Video Conference, EoD On-line 3D/VR Game Virtual VCR ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 5
6 Broadband Access Network requirements Target services with Broadband Access Network Video phone (multimedia communication), VoIP: service quality guarantee ICoD (IP-TV, EoD, VoD, etc) service: bandwidth as well as service quality guarantee Broadband Access Network functions in general QoS per flow/service/path, OAM & protection, IPv6, Multicasting Terminal Aggregation Device Aggregation Switch Metro Switch Service Edge Core Edge Resource Reservation Per hop or end-to-end QoS Flow, path, class FTTH OAM Link, VLAN or MPLS access Link protection network VLAN/MPLS protection Statistics Per Service/link, VLAN/LSP path Scheduler Class Resource Reservation Edge-to-Edge QoS Flow, path, class OAM Link, MPLS Link protection Statistics Per link, LSP path Scheduler Class Connection/Session ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 6
7 Bandwidth for NGN services to the home Bandwidth requirements Services Three DTV MPEG Video Stream(VDD) Bandwidth (Mb/s) Telecommuting/VPN 2 Video Conferencing 1 15 Web Surfing 1.5 High Definition Interactive Game 19.2 High Definition TV 19.2 Two Phone Conversations Total bandwidth > 58 ADSL/VDSL HFC < 50Mbps Needs more bandwidth Fiber solution > 100 Mbps ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 7
8 Broadband Access Technologies ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 8
9 Broadband Access Technologies WLL 주거용건물 업무용건물 전화국 전송장치 FDF MDF xdsl 동선케이블인공수공 관로 Optical Splitter ONU FTTx STB 주거용건물 동도통신구광케이블중구경관로인공 증폭및분배기 케이블모뎀 HFC 동축케이블 공동주택 증폭및분배기 광케이블 ONU 광접속함체 광중간절체함 N I 동축케이블 I U ONU ONU FTTC 용 ONU 공동주택 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 9
10 xdsl 기술 xdsl 특징 가입자수에관계없이 Dedicated Bandwidth 와 Security 확보 비대칭 / 대칭형의다양한기술에의해서비스수요에대처 기존의 POTS 서비스동시사용가능 서비스거리가길어짐에따라따라전송속도저하 xdsl 기술비교 DSL 기술 IDSL ISDN DSL SDSL Symmetric DSL ADSL Asymmetric DSL HDSL 4-wire High-Bit-Rate DSL HDSL2 2-wire High-Bit-Rate DSL VDSL Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL 최고전송속도하향 / 상향 144K Symmetric ~2Mbps Symmetric Full Rate : 8M/1M G.lite : 1.5M/640K 1.5M ~ 2M Symmetric 1.5M ~ 2M Symmetric 52M/6.4M 26M 34M or 6.5M Symmetric 도달거리특징적용분야 5.5Km 6Km 5.5Km 4.6Km 4.6Km 0.3Km 0.3 or 1.5Km ISDN 비표준 음성전화와함께사용 4 선식 2 선식 음성전화와함께사용 인터넷고속접속 중소규모기업용 인터넷초고속접속 기업용 WAN 기업용 WAN 비디오및인터넷접속 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 10
11 xdsl 현황 ADSL2/ADSL2+, VDSL2/VDSL2+ 출현으로 20 ~ 100Mbps 가능 xdsl 구축현황 KT, 하나로텔레콤등은아파트지역을중심으로 50M 급 VDSL2 구축중 하나로텔레콤은 100M급 VDSL2+ 시범사업추진예정 유럽및미국은주로 ADSL2+ (20Mbps 급 ) 도입중 일본은공동주택지역을중심으로 VDSL2/VDSL2+ 도입중 xdsl 의핵심칩기술은주로 IKANOS, 메타링크, 인피니언등의제외국업체에의존 VDSL2 칩은국산화성공하였으나현재까지상용화실적부재 Copper 기반의 DSL 은대역폭이거리에매우의존적 NGN의궁극적인솔류션은아님 NGN 서비스초기에활용가치가높음 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 11
12 HFC 망구성 광 144~288 Core 광케이블분배망 광 10 Core ONU 1 Cell homes ONU 케이블라우터 홈랜 아파트가입자 케이블모뎀 공동주택가입자 라우터 CMTS 하나로통신 / 종합유선방송국 (SO) 증폭기 ( 능동 ) 분배기 ( 수동 ) TAP-OFF 백본망 homes 케이블모뎀 단독주택가입자 CMTS:Cable Modem Termination System ONU: Optical Network Unit ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 12
13 HFC 기술특징및현황 특징 광케이블다음으로높은대역폭, Cell Division 및채널할당이유연, 용이 증폭기의사용으로전송거리확장가능 Tree and Branch 구조 전송속도및품질이제한됨 대역폭공유로인해보안이취약 현황 HFC 기술은현재 DOCSIS 2.0 제품 ( 하향 40M, 상향 30M) 이상용화되어있으며, 최근고속의데이터전송 ( 하향 160M, 상향 120M) 이가능한 DOCSIS 3.0 규격정립되어 2006년부터상용제품출시예상 케이블모뎀의핵심칩은해외업체에의존, 해외업체의가격파괴전략에고전, CMTS는시스코가국내시장의 90% 이상독점, 국산제품이전무한실정임 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 13
14 Optical Fiber 광가입자망 (FTTx: Fiber To The x) 은가입자망의완전광케이블 (FTTH) 을목표로단계적이고부분적인광케이블화진행 광케이블의가입자까지의접근도에따라다양한솔루션가능 FTTB (Fiber To The Building) 가입자의건물 ( 대형상업건물등 ) 까지광케이블포설 전화국 + 가입자건물 FTTC (Fiber To The Curb/Cab) 인구밀집주거지역까지광케이블포설 아파트단지등, 댁내까지동선거리 0.5 ~1.5Km 이내 전화국 + Curb FTTH (Fiber to the Home) 가입자댁내까지광케이블로포설 전화국 + 가입자댁내 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 14
15 Optical Fiber provides 광대역인터넷구현 새로운서비스시장창출 유지보수문제경감 대역폭 scalability Unlimited Bandwidth Optical Fiber solution Higher quality & long reach Higher robustness ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 15
16 Fiber Solutions for NGN Services 100Mbps (2008) FTTH based on PON 아파트 LAN 국가 한국 주거형태 [ 공동 : 단독 (%)] 59 : 37 30Mbps (2006) VDSL HFC doc.1.0/2.0 ADSL PSTN/ISDN 일본 미국 38 : : 70 수백 meter 수십 km [ 자료 ] IITA ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 16
17 FTTx Technologies ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 17
18 FTTx access network : x = C/B/H/P 통신실 공동주택, 기업형 환경 - 통신실설치용이 - 근거리위치 (~1K m) 적용기술 (FTTB, FTTH) -AON Fiber+Switch+Fiber or UTP ( 광랜 ) Fiber+Splitter+ONU+VDSL2 HFC(DOCIS3.0) -PON Fiber+Spliter : TDM-PON Fiber+AWG : WDM-PON Fiber+AWG+Splitter : WE-PON 환경 -Curb 에통신실설치 - 비교적근거리에위치 (~1.5Km) 적용기술 (FTTC, FTTH) -AON Fiber+Switch+Fiber or UTP Fiber+Splitter+ONU+VDSL2 HFC(DOCIS3.0) -PON Fiber+Splitter : TDM-PON Fiber+AWG : WDM-PON Fiber+AWG+Splitter : WE-PON 단독주택 [ 밀집형 ] 환경 - 통신실설치어려움 - 원거리에위치 (~10Km) 적용기술 (FTTH) -PON Fiber+Splitter : TDM-PON Fiber+AWG : WDM-PON Fiber+AWG+Splitter : WE-PON 단독주택 [ 분산형 ] CO ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 18
19 Active Optical Network (AON) CO GE Japan IEEE802.3ah MMF: multi-mode fiber, SMF: single-mode fiber, UD: unidirectional, BD: bidirectional Type Wavelength Transmitter Medium Distance 100BASE-FX 1310nm LED MMF, UD 2km 1310nm FP-LD SMF, UD 5km 100BASE-SX 850nm VSCEL MMF, UD 0.26km, 0.55km 1000BASE-LX 1310nm FP-LD MMF, UD 0.55km, 1310nm FP-LD SMF, UD 5km TS1000(100Mb/s) 1310nm(user),1530nm(co) FP-LDs SMF, BD 7.5km 100BASE-LX nm FP-LD SMF, UD 10km 100BASE-BX nm(user), 1530nm(co) FP-LDs SMF, BD 10km 1000BASE-LX nm FP-LD MMF, UD 0.55km 1310nm FP-LD SMF, UD 10km 1000BASE-BX nm(user), 1490nm(co) FP-LD, SM-LD SMF, BD 10km ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 19
20 TDMA-PON (Passive Optical Network) : A/B/E/GPON Home TDMA (Time-division multiple access) Operator building ONU time time OLT time Power splitter Burst-Mode Receiver DBA (Dynamic bandwidth allocation) time Typical specs: 155M~1.25Gbps total bandwidth, 10~20 km reach, 16~64 split Standards: BPON (ITU-T G.983.x), GPON (ITU-T G.984.x), and EPON (IEEE 802.3ah) ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 20
21 WDM-PON WDM (Wavelength-division multiplex) ONU λ λ 1 time time λ.. time OLT λ λ 2 time Wavelength MUX/DMX λ λ n time Different wavelength(s) assigned to each of users (or each of services) Unshared access Long reach and/or high bandwidth ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 21
22 PON Evolution WE-PON WDM-PON EPON = Ethernet-based PONs Emerging market, especially for Metro Ethernet (Japan) Efficiency (for voice and data) ~ 49% 1Gbps bandwidth IEEE acceptance in 2004 GPON G.984 WE-PON = EPON over WDM-PON Led by Korea WE-PON product is under test An early WDM-PON product tested and installed by KT 100Mbps~1Gbps ATM-based PONs Early BPON products tested and installed in limited quantities by carriers Supports Voice and Data 622 Mbps bandwidth with ~ 70% Efficiency (?) Adopted as ITU standard in 1999 EPON 802.3ah GPON = Gigabit PON Emerging market (USA) Led by FSAN Committee for Voice and Data in their native format 2.5Gbps bandwidth with 93% Efficiency Adopted as ITU standard in A/BPON G.983 Today ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 22
23 EPON 핵심기술 TDMA Protocol: Multi-Point Control Protocol (IEEE802.3 clause 64) EPON Logical Link (IEEE802.3 clause 65) EPON PMD : 1000BASE-PX10, 1000BASE-PX20 (IEEE802.3 clause 60) Link OAM (IEEE802.3 clause 57) Link Security : IEEE802.1ae (MACsec), IEEE802.1af (key management) ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 23
24 EPON Frame Formats Downstream 1.25Gb/s : Ethernet Frame (64~1522octets) + EPON preamble(8 octets) : idle patterns in Interframe Gap (> 12 octets) Frame Formats (Bit, time-stamp synchronization are required) Upstream Guard Time 1.25Gb/s Burst frames from ONU #i Burst frames from ONU #j ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 24
25 EPON OTRx Turn-off Time Turn-on Time CDR Lock Time Guard Time Valid Frame < 15dB Valid Frame Receiver Settling Time Ethernet preamble Item (reference BER = ) Downstream 1.25Gb/s Upstream 1.25Gb/s ODN 10km 20km 10km 20km Channel Loss db db 5-20 db db Receiver Sensitivity Average Received Power(Max) -24dBm -3dBm -24dBm -24dBm -27dBm -3dBm -1dBm -6dBm Receiver Settling Time(Max) CDR Lock Time(Max) N.A. N.A. 400 ns 400 ns Code Group Alignment Time(Max) 32 ns ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 25
26 GPON 주요특징 다양한상하향속도지원 : 1.2Gbps/2.4Gbps, 대칭 / 비대칭 ATM 및가변길이패킷 (Ethernet, IP packet) 동시지원 8KHz 동기전달, TDM 수용용이 상향 DBA 특징 8KHz로주기적인상향채널접근허용 프레임 fragmentation 허용 OTRx 특징 100 nsec 이하의 guard time : 대역폭효율성제고 OLT burst 수신기 reset 기능 ONT 송신출력제어기능 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 26
27 Comparison among TDMA-PON Types Cost Description Layer 2 Protocol Multiple Access 상 / 하향전송속도 TDM service support EPON Ethernet TDMA 1.2 Gbps Limited Low G-PON Native (ATM, Ethernet, TDM) TDMA 1.2 or 2.4 Gbps Full native and flexibility Max. reach today 20Km 37.5Km Middle Service Ethernet Ethernet, POTS, DS1/2, ATM QoS 다단분기 Video Overlay Standardization Bad 가능가능 IEEE802.3ah Good 가능가능 G.984 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 27
28 WDM-PON Very high bandwidth (100Mbps ~ 1Gbps) Protocol transparency (Ethernet, ATM etc) High security (Point to Point) High link budget High cost need to develop low-cost light sources CO λ WDM-PON AWG ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 28
29 Wavelength Options Original Band Extended Band Short Band Conventional Band Long Band O-band E-band S-band C-band L-band nm CWDM (20 nm spacing) WWDM (4-5 nm spacing) DWDM (1.6/0.8 nm spacing) UDWDM (less than 0.4 nm spacing) ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 29
30 Transmitter Options Commercial Light Sources DFB-LD (Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode) good modulation, high cost VCSEL low cost, single mode, good modulation on-going development for 1550 nm Others Spectrum-Sliced ASE Source expensive external modulator needed Injection Locked FP-LD using Broadband Light Source External Cavity Laser RSOA ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 30
31 Issues in WDM-PON Avoid Inventory Problem Color-free by wavelength tunable source Colorless by wavelength-independent source Reduce Optical Cost Toward Passive Alignment Packaging Down to the range not far away from $[VDSL] Reliable against Temperature Changes ONT light sources Athermal AWG at RN ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 31
32 WDM-PON Link Types Injection-locking Tunable PLC-ECL Central Office R-LD PD filter C-band BLS L-band BLS subscribers filter R-LD PD Central Office PLC-ECL PD filter filter subscribers PLC-ECL PD T-PON: Tunable PON CW-RSOA Central Office R-SOA filter PD DFB-LD 1310 nm band DFB-LD subscribers filter R-SOA PD DFB-LD 1550 nm band DFB-LD Wavelength-reuse RSOA Central Office subscribers DFB-LD RSOA PD PD R-PON: Reflective PON ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 32
33 Wavelength-Tunable PLC-ECL optical tap (90:10) mpd V-groove R-LD Tunable Bragg grating spot-size converter R-LD (Reflective LD) Straight SSC waveguide Far-field angle: 15 deg WBG (Waveguide Bragg Grating) WBG by phase-mask WBG material: Low Visco-Elastic, high index Δ Polymer ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 33
34 PLC-ECL Sample ( ) Specifications Output power > -3 dbm 1.25 Gbps direct-modulation 26nm tunable (32channel, 100GHz spacing) Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 40 oc Low-cost butterfly package ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 34
35 Tunable WGB of PLC-ECL ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 35
36 PLC-ECL Wavelength Tuning 26 nm tuning ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 36
37 Wavelength-reuse RSOA SML PD CO RSOA: Reflective Semiconductor Amplifier USER RSOA PD RSOA module OUPUT POWER Saturated Down stream Down stream Modulated Up stream Saturation point INPUT POWER Amplitude Squeezing ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 37
38 TRx with Wavelength-reuse RSOA RSOA Monitor PD Data PD Up/Down Signal Specifications 1.25 Gbps direct modulation SSC-RSOA far-field angle < 25 deg to improve fiber-coupling efficiency Optical tap coupler Monitoring output power Receiving downstream signal ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 38
39 Improvement in Wavelength-reuse RSOA OLT output pattern: ER 8.2dB RSOA output pattern (saturation only) FFCI into Two-Section RSOA Control Current Upstream Modulation Input RSOA output pattern (FFC) Section 1 Section 2 SSC Output ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 39
40 WDM-PON Market Status Service A few tens Mbps BW would be OK for the present services 1Gbps BW with W-PON is too much Cost WPON is still too expensive for general users VDSL : E-PON : W-PON = $100 : $200 : $500 WDM-PON is not cost-competitive yet with other types Symmetric 100Mbps VDSL starts to be deployed in 2006 Optical LAN (AON) deployment has been on a rapid increase WDM based hybrid PONs can be good candidates as cost-effective solutions for providing 100Mbps/user with higher multiplexing density ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 40
41 WDM based Hybrid Network f1 f2 FDM over WDM CO λ1 fm λ1 λn λn λ2 tk t1 t2 TDM over WDM WDM WDM MUX/DeMUX + Optical Power Splitter TDM over WDM FDM (SCM) over WDM ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 41
42 SCM over WDM λ 1 f 1 ONT 11 WDM/SCM TRx 1 λ 1 λ N f K ONT 1K WDM/SCM TRx N λ N λ 1 f 1 ONT N1 λ N f K ONT NK Key issues High quality optical source Broadband tunable RF up/down-converter to eliminate RF inventory ONT λ 1 f 1 f K Optical Beat Interference (OBI) ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 42
43 WE-PON WDM-Ethernet-PON 16 wavelengths are multiplexed into a fiber (WDM) Each wavelength is shared by multiple users on different times (TDMA) AWG is followed by Splitter to user s side Flexible configuration is possible by varying split numbers of splitters 32 split (Apartment users), 16 split (SOHO), without split (Enterprise) LD CO λ 1 WDM 10 ~ 40 km WDM splitter TS 1 TS 32 λ 1 TS1 TS 32 ONU ONU LD λ N λ 1 λ N TS 1 TS 1 TS 32 TS 32 splitter TS1 ONU TS 1 TS 32 λ N TS 32 ONU WDM TDMA TS: Time Slot ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 43
44 ETRI WE-PON Solutions WE-PON based on wavelength-reuse RSOA 16 channel WDM, 16 split E-PON (G-PON) per wavelength Double split Star structure: first at AWG, second at splitter Available in 2006 (Optical Link by ETRI, System by industries) WE-PON based on wavelength-tunable PLC-ECL 16 channel WDM, 32 split E-PON (G-PON) per wavelength Double split Ring structure: first at OADM, second at splitter Available in 2006 (Optical Link by ETRI, System by industries) WE-PON with RSOA WE-PON with PLC-ECL Central Office Central Office LD PD AWG splitter subscribers RSOA PD LD PD AWG splitter subscribers PLC-ECL PD ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 44
45 WE-PON Target Networks - FTTC 북대전전화국 1 동 UTP ONU Splitter OADM MDF 2 동 λ16 한울아파트 16 동 λ15 λ14 λ13 WE-PON16: 16 wavelength WDM x 16 TDMA (E-PON/G-PON) x 24 FE ports = 6144 users on a fiber 1 동 ONU λ1 Splitter MDF 2 동 OADM 16 동 λ2 32 동 UTP ONU Optical Fiber 1 동 Splitter λ3 MDF OADM 청구아파트 엑스포아파트 ONU 2 동 16 동 ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 45
46 WE-PON Target Networks - FTTH 기업가입자 단독주택가입자 λ1 λ2 AWG λ16 8 분기 Splitter 16 분기 Splitter λ2 λ1 AWG λ16 WE-PON16: 256 FTTH users on a fiber WE-PON8: 128 FTTH users on a fiber 전화국 FTTH with Double Star Topology 16 ~ 32 split (general users) 4 ~ 8 split (SOHO) Without split (enterprise) λ1 AWG 아파트가입자 λ2 λ16 32 분기 Splitter WE-PON32: 512 FTTH users on a fiber ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 46
47 WE-PON Target Networks Business Ring Business Network with Ring Wireless (DMB, WiBro) Wired (CATV, FTTH) Dedicated networks ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 47
48 WE-PON Target Networks - Convergent Access W-LAN AP FA HA WiBro Transport Network AAA Router PuBlic IP Network W-LAN AT FMC-PON AP FMC-PON RI AT AT AP RI Mux /Demux Splitter HPi-AP IP-STB ONT... HDTV-STB Splitter Mobile IP FMC-PON AP ONU ONU A/D Splitter... ONT ONU IP-STB... Splitter A/D AP HDTV-STB AT PC HDTV House/Apartment 주택 / 아파트 School/business 학교 /Business 학교 School/business /Business PC HDTV House/Apartment 주택 / 아파트 Inter AP H/O Inter OLT H/O ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 48
49 Equipment Cost Deployment cost (based on 1000 channel deployment) US$ per channel US$ per Mbps Electrical Cost per ch (E) Optical Cost per ch (O) Total Cost per ch (Total) Total Cost per Mbps (Mb) E-PON Min 31Mbps 32 ch/fiber 135 $/E 77 $/O 212 $/Total 6.8 $/Mb ETRI WPON 1Gbps 32 ch/fiber 154 $/E 350 $/O 504 $/Total 0.5 $/Mb WE-PON16 Min 62Mbps 256 ch/fiber 147 $/E 157 $/O 304 $/Total 4.86 $/Mb WE-PON32 Min 31Mbps 512 ch/fiber 137 $/E 135 $/O 272 $/Total 6.8 $/Mb ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 49
50 Total Cost (Equipment + OSP) OSP cost takes 50% of the total cost, OSP costs for feeder and trunk take 50% of the total OSP cost OSP cost for fiber distribution is assumed to be equal to the types with BiDi structure OOP cost is assumed to be the same as the equipment cost for EPON US$ per channel Equipment Cost (S) OSP Cost (O) Total Cost (Total) 100 E-PON Min 31Mbps 32 ch/fiber 212 $/S 212 $/O 424 $/Total ETRI WPON 1Gbps 32 ch/fiber 504 $/S 212 $/O 716 $/Total WE-PON16 Min 62Mbps 256 ch/fiber 304 $/S 119 $/O 423 $/Total WE-PON32 Min 31Mbps 512 ch/fiber 272 $/S 109 $/O 381 $/Total ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 50
51 Summary AON TDMA-PON WDM-PON WE-PON Real time video Χ streaming video Security Χ BW Expendability OAM Convenience Χ Cost : good, : medium, Χ : not enough WE-PON may be most practical, suitable for current broadband services. ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 51
52 Concluding Remarks Broadband applications will continue to increase Demands for broadband services over 100 Mbps rises in a few years We definitely need something better than DSL shortly Reliable full bundle services have been shown already Full-digitally convergence services (Full Digitalized Home) available DSL would not be able to provide them economically WDM based Hybrid PONs can be good candidates Bandwidths around 100Mbps seem OK for the time being Can cost-effectively provide 100Mbps/user with higher multiplexing density ETRI/BcN/ 광통신센터 52
FTTH 기술발표
2 3 xdsl /UTP FTTH / 2002 2005 2010 2 Mbps 6 Mbps 100Mbps * 10 Mbps 45Mbps 155Mbps FTTO / FTTD / Digital (DBS) 53Mbps/4km LMDS ADSL : Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line HDSL : High speed Digital Subscriber
Ethernet in the First Mile http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/3/efm/ Overview Issue Support subscriber access network topologies: Point to multipoint on optical fiber(pon) Point to point on optical fiber
21 WDM * OADM MUX/DEMUX EDFA Er + Doped Fiber Isolator Isolator GFF WDM Coupler 1.48 um LD 1.48 um LD Transmitter Receiver MUX EDFA OADM DEMUX Switch Fiber Optics Micro Optics Waveguide Optics Isolator,
Cable Modem 2004.10 sgkwon@empal.com 1.... 1 2. CABLE MODEM?... 2 2.1.... 2 2.2. /... 3 2.3.... 4 3.... 5 3.1.... 5 3.1.1. TV, 2009 4 3... 5 3.1.2. TV Broadband... 5 3.1.3. NGNA... 6 3.2.... 7 3.2.1. TV
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슬라이드 제목 없음
21 ETRI 2001. 9. 12. jwyang@etri.re.kr .. (2002.2 ), (, 2002 ). 1 : 2 : 3 : 9 15. ( ) 1 ( download) 1 (2002.2 ), 1 1 ( ) ( ) 1 ( ) 1 (TOEIC, TOEFL, TEPS ) 1 ( ) 305-350 161 E-mail : eakang@etri.re.kr Tel
/ TV 80 () DAB 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010 Analog/Digital CATV Services EPG TV ( 60 ) TV ( Basic, Tier, Premiums 60 ) VOD Services Movies In Demand ( 20 ) Education N- VOD (24 ) Digital Music
KAIST 00-03-03 / #1 1. NGN 2. NGN 3. NGN 4. 5. 00-03-03 / #2 1. NGN 00-03-03 / #3 1.1 NGN, packet,, IP 00-03-03 / #4 Now: separate networks for separate services Low transmission delay Consistent availability
% 100 50 1 * Lightwave 98/4, M. Shariff, Cisco systems Inc. 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 = * APT Office Home MAN POP POP MAN APT Office Home Access Network Access Network?! DWDM OXC MPLS, MPLamdaS ADSL
슬라이드 1
WDM-PON 2005. 1. 27. 김병휘 2 Contents FTTH WDM-PON T-PON with PLC-ECL R-PON with RSOA UCL (TO-CAN with TEC) WDM/SCM-PON FTTH Perspectives 3 C&B Type Technology 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 AON
The Overall Architecture of Optical Internet ETRI ? ? Payload Header Header Recognition Processing, and Generation A 1 setup 1 1 C B 2 2 2 Delay line Synchronizer New Header D - : 20Km/sec, 1µsec200 A
AV PDA Broadcastin g Centers Audio /PC Personal Mobile Interactive (, PDA,, DMB ),, ( 150km/h ) (PPV,, ) Personal Mobile Interactive Multimedia Broadcasting Services 6 MHz TV Channel Block A Block
2006 중국 무선 브로드밴드 시장 현황 및 전망 분석 보고서 2006 년 9 월 정책연구 06-06 2006 중국 무선브로드밴드 시장 현황 및 전망 분석 보고서 연구책임자 노재천 (ipark 북경 소장) 연구수행자 Wang Hai Xin (ipark 북경 마케팅매니저) 연구수행자 Ye Jian Feng (Analysys International) 본문 목차
: CableXpert TM TEL:02-576-0471 / E-mail : lab@dakos.net 1. (CableXpert TM :CME1100 ) (PSTN) 100,. (CableXpert TM ).,,.... : : 324-1 2 : 02-576-0471 : 02-576-0474 : (E-mail : jangpo@dakos.net) 3. 1) S/W
2004년 12월 31일 주관연구기관 : 한국전파진흥협회 연구 책임자 : 정 신 교 참여 연구원 : 정 성 진 안 준 오 우 현 주 김 선 영 이 영 란 서 지 영 High Data Rate WPAN 기술 UWB / W1394 PDA 지능형에이젼트기술 방범 전력검침 RF ZigBee 수도검침 802.15.3 Web PAD UWB/무선1394
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1.LAN의 특징과 각종 방식
0 Chapter 1. LAN I. LAN 1. - - - - Switching - 2. LAN - (Topology) - (Cable) - - 2.1 1) / LAN - - (point to point) 2) LAN - 3) LAN - 2.2 1) Bound - - (Twisted Pair) - (Coaxial cable) - (Fiber Optics) 1
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2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Security Surveillance Ubiquitous Infra Internet Infra Telematics Security Surveillance Telematics Internet Infra Solutions Camera Site (NETWORK) Monitoring & Control
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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CLEBO PM-10S / PM-10HT Megapixel Speed Dome Camera 2/39 3/39 4/39 5/39 6/39 7/39 8/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 10/39 ON ON 1 2 3 4 11/39 12/39 13/39 14/39 15/39 Meg gapixel Speed Dome Camera
() Aloha Netowrk ether(,, )network Ehternet, DEC, ( DIX(DEC, Intel, Xerox) IEEE(, ) 5 9,, (Xerox) (Bob Metcalfe), (, ) A
1 2 3 4 1960 1973 () Aloha Netowrk ether(,, )network Ehternet, DEC, ( DIX(DEC, Intel, Xerox) IEEE(, http://wwwieeeorg/, ) 5 9,, (Xerox) (Bob Metcalfe), (, ) Aloha Network 1960 / IEEE CSMA/CD IEEE () 30
슬라이드 1
상호접속 표준과 무선메쉬네트워크를 위한 참조모델 (Interconnection Standard and Reference Model for Wireless Mesh Network) 2009. 6. 27 국민대학교 김영만 교수 (ymkim@kookmin.ac.kr) Krnet 2009 목 차 2008년 무선메쉬네트워크 표준화 활동 1. 연구반 개요 및 활동 목적
정보화정책 제12권 제4호 인하여 서비스를 제공하는데 소요되는 제반 투자비 용도 급격히 감소할 것으로 예상되며, 시장의 여건에 따라 상당히 경제적인 가격으로 서비스를 공급할 수 있는 가능성이 매우 높다고 할 수 있다. 현재 위성선진국에서는 광대역 위성 멀티미디어 시장의
연구논문 정보화정책 제12권 제4호, 2005년 겨울, pp.57~74 차세대 이동 위성서비스의 특성 분석 홍정식* 안재경** 김지표*** 1990대에 본격적으로 시작된 위성에 대한 연구를 바탕으로 국내에서는 무궁화 위성이 3호까지 성공적으로 운용 요약 되고 있으며, 곧 무궁화위성 5호도 발사될 예정에 있다. 현재 이러한 위성들은 통신, 방송용으로 지상망을
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CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
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신후랑 팀장, 디디오넷 (010-8752-4952, hrshin@dideonet.com) 05/20/2009 BIZ in a box - Solution for Enterprise IPTV 2 UNIX vs. x86 Non-x86 UNIX 2008 2007 0% Y/Y Total x86 2008 2007-25.3% Y/Y 0 200 400 600 800 3 Why
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www.keit.re.kr 2011. 11 Technology Level Evaluation ABSTRACT The Technology Level Evaluation assesses the current level of industrial technological development in Korea and identifies areas that are underdeveloped
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FMC Service Case Analysis: UMA and Femtocell In this paper, we explain UMA(Unlicensed Mobile Alliance) and Femtocell as a key driving factor for FMC(Fixed Mobile Convergence) and QPS(Quadruple Play Service).
(JBE Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2015) (Special Paper) 20 1, 2015 1 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2015.20.1.16 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) UHD MMT a),
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Nov.; 26(11), 978 984. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2015.26.11.978 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Transceiver
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ Abstract Terrestrial Broadcasters Strategies in the Age of Digital Broadcasting Wha-Jin Lee The purpose of this research is firstly to investigate the
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5 2004. 3. . 5.. Input. Output . 5 2004 7,, 1,000 5,. 40 2004.7 2005.7 2006.7 2007.7 2008.7 2011. 1,000 300 100 50 20 20 ( ) 0.01% 0.08% 0.36% 0.96% 3.07% 100% ( ) 5.3%(10.7%) 12.2%(17.3%) 21.9%(26.4%)
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IT 부품정보 FTTH 기술및시장동향 1. 개요광케이블을사용하는 FTTH 통신망은이론상데이터전송속도에제한이없으며, 구리선을이용하는기존초고속인터넷 (ADSL) 보다최소 10~50 배가량전송속도가빨라진다. 대용량데이터를전송할때시간의제약을받지않게되면인터넷이용방식이획기적으로변화하게될것이다. 즉, 전화, 인터넷, 케이블방송통신망을개별적으로설치하지않고 FTTH 하나로방송과통신을포함한모든서비스를처리할수있게된다.
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Smartphone Technical Trends and Security Technologies The smartphone market is increasing very rapidly due to the customer needs and industry trends with wireless carriers, device manufacturers, OS venders,
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(JBE Vol. 23, No. 6, November 2018) (Special Paper) 23 6, 2018 11 (JBE Vol. 23, No. 6, November 2018) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2018.23.6.790 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) ATSC 3.0 UHD
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2013.02.12 YUHWA Securities Research 유비쿼스 (A078070) 꿈의 네트워크 SDN 시대의 주도주 BUY(재개) 목표주가(원) 8,300 현재주가(원) 5,810 상승여력(%) 42.9 KOSPI 지수 1,950.90 KOSDAQ 지수 504.94 시가총액(억원) 1,232 자본금(억원) 106 액면가(원) 500 발행주식수(만주)
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
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Standard and Technology of Full-Dimension MINO Systems in LTE-Advances Pro Massive MIMO has been studied in academia foreseeing the capacity crunch in the coming years. Presently, industry has also started
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초고층 주거 건축물의 디자인과 건설 현황 초고층 주거건축물과 디지털홈 Super High-rise Residential Building and Digital Home 林 美 淑 / 정회원, 대한주택공사 주택도시연구원 수석연구원 Yim, Misook/ Research Associate, Korea National Housing Corporation Housing