도레이첨단소재는 IT소재, 폴리에스터필름, 폴리에스터원사, 수지, 생분해성시트등일상생활과산업전반에필수적인중핵소재를공급하는화학소재기업입니다. 창조하는경영을통해서사회에공헌한다 는기업이념아래다양한소재의공급을통해소비자들에게풍요롭고편리한삶을제공해온도레이첨단소재는글로벌네트워크구축
- 진 여
- 6 years ago
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1 Materials Information Technology IT 소재
2 도레이첨단소재는 IT소재, 폴리에스터필름, 폴리에스터원사, 수지, 생분해성시트등일상생활과산업전반에필수적인중핵소재를공급하는화학소재기업입니다. 창조하는경영을통해서사회에공헌한다 는기업이념아래다양한소재의공급을통해소비자들에게풍요롭고편리한삶을제공해온도레이첨단소재는글로벌네트워크구축, 과감한구조개혁, 신성장동력발굴에집중하여매년지속적으로성장하는견실한기업으로자리매김했습니다. 최고의소재로내일을만들어가는혁신파트너 가되겠다는의지아래탄소섬유사업, 수처리사업, 태양광소재사업, 이차전지사업등에과감히투자하고 R&D강화를통해 2020 년매출 4조원대의글로벌종합소재기업으로도약해나갈것입니다. Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. affiliate of Toray Group, is a synthetics material company, which supplies the core materials of industries, from various base materials to advanced technology materials. Under the principle of creating a new value, and providing the quality products and services, Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. is constantly devoting efforts to strengthen the global competitiveness in cooperation with the newest technologies and global marketing of Toray. Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. is spreading its business field to carbon fibers, PV related materials, secondary battery related materials, water treatment and expecting to become a leading company in the world with sales of 4 trillion won until 기존사업 (Current Business) - 폴리에스터필름 (Polyester Films) - IT소재 (IT Related Materials) - 2층 FCCL (Metaloyal) - 스펀본드부직포 (Spunbond Nonwoven Fabrics) 신규사업 (New Business) - 탄소섬유 (Carbon Fibers) - 수처리 (Water Treatment) - 태양광관련소재 (PV Related Materials) - 2차전지 (Secondary Battery Related Materials) - 폴리에스터원사 (Polyester Filament) - 폴리에스터수지 (Polyester Resins) - 생분해성시트 (Polylaticacid Sheet)
3 IT 소재사업본부 IT Related Materials Division IT 소재사업본부는 20여년동안축적해온화학소재와베이스필름가공기술을기반으로첨단기능의 IT소재를개발, 공급해왔습니다. 특히 IT소재기술의밑거름이되는필름고차가공기술 ( 메탈라이징, 코팅, 라미네이션 ) 은도레이첨단소재의핵심기술력과일본도레이의첨단기술력을결합한것으로관련소재와부품산업의글로벌경쟁력을높이고있습니다. IT소재사업본부는현재이형필름, 광확산필름, 점착필름등디스플레이소재와함께회로재, 반도체소재등다양한전자정보소재를생산하고있습니다. 앞으로도연구개발에대한투자를강화하는한편 IT관련산업, 학계와의지속적인협력을통해 IT산업의발전에기여하는종합 IT소재전문메이커로성장해나갈것입니다. Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. has been producing synthetic materials and base films over two decades, and this processing technology is now being applied to develop and produce IT related materials with sophisticated functions. The most advanced film processes (metalizing, coating and laminating) are the basis for IT related materials technology. Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. and Toray Industries Inc. of Japan collaborate in this area to elevate the global competitiveness of IT related materials parts and materials. In the display segment, IT related materials division is producing diffusion film, release film and PSA film. The division is supplying makers of electronic and information products with materials for semiconductors and circuit board. The division plans to advance as an IT material maker, increasing R&D investment and promoting cooperation between universities and the IT industry as a whole. Display Materials FPCB & Semiconductor Materials 2Layer FCCL 지속성장중인디스플레이관련산업에적극대응하여첨단소재공급기지의역할을담당하고있습니다. 소재의국산화와미래소재개발강화를통해시장의변화를선도하고고객의요구에대응하고있습니다. 축적된광학및이형필름생산기술을기반으로점착, Hard Coating 제품등신규영역으로의확대를추진할것입니다. 전자정보소재및반도체분야에서다양한소재개발과양산화를통하여 IT 소재국산화에기여하고있습니다. 연성회로기판 (FPCB) 원소재인동박적층필름 (CCL) 및 Coverlay 제품을최초로국산화하였으며다양한용도의반도체제품에적합한최적의소재를자체개발하여시장개척에적극나서고있습니다. 또한다양한기술제휴를통해경쟁력을강화해나갈것입니다. 대형액정표시장치 (LCD), 노트북, 휴대폰등의액정패널과고밀도커넥터기기등에광범위하게사용되는 2 층 FCCL(Metaloyal) 은도금층과베이스필름의밀착성이높습니다. 또한가공성과내굴곡성, 내열성등이우수한소재로디스플레이및모바일분야의소재국산화에기여하고있습니다.
4 HISTORY IT 소재사업연혁 이형필름전용라인증설 Expand release film line 층 FCCL 전용라인증설 Expand 2layer FCCL line LED BLU 용색조절필름개발 ( 세계최초 ) Develop color shift diffusion film for LED BLU(The world s first) 01. 이형필름전용라인증설 Expand release film line 첨단재료연구센터설립 Found Advanced Materials Research Center(AMRC) 07. 이형필름전용라인증설 Expand release film line 04. 광학필름전용라인증설 Expand optical film line 01. 2층 FCCL 전용라인증설 Expand 2layer FCCL line AR필름품질승인 ( 국내최초 ) Acquire AR Film qualification(the frist in Korea) 10. 2층 FCCL 사업진출 Start 2layer FCCL(Metaloyal) business 01. AR필름전용라인증설 Expand AR film line 이형필름전용라인증설 Expand release film line 층 FCCL 전용라인증설 Expand 3layer FCCL line 광학필름전용라인증설 Expand optical film line 층 FCCL 자체양산 Mass production 3layer FCCL TORAY 3 층 FCCL 기술도입 Transfer TORAY 3layer FCCL technology 01. 반도체용 Lead Lock Tape 양산 Mass production Lead Lock Tape for QFP package IT 소재사업진출 ( 이형, 광학, 반도체재료 ) Start IT related materials business (Release film, Diffusion film, Semiconductor related materials) 본사 서울특별시마포구공덕동 275 LG 마포빌딩 16, 17 층 Seoul Headquarter 16, 17FI., LG Mapo Bldg., 275, Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul , Korea 첨단재료연구센터 서울성북구안암동고려대이공대캠퍼스창의관 703 호 AMRC(Advanced Materials Research Center) Changeui Hall Rm. 703, Korea University, College of Engineering, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul , Korea 구미1 공장 경상북도구미시임수동 93-1 Gumi Plant , Imsu-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do , Korea 구미 2 공장 경상북도구미시공단동 287 Gumi Plant 2 287, Gongdan-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do , Korea 구미 3 공장 경상북도구미시구포동구미국가산업제 4 단지 24 블럭 Gumi Plant 3 24Bl., Gumi National Industrial Complex 4, Gupo-dong, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do , Korea
5 제품구성 Product Line Up 구분 (Classification) 용도 (Application) 대표품종 (Model) Display 소재판매팀 (Display Materials Sales Team) LCD Diffusion Film LCD BLU 용상, 하확산필름 TPL TDA / TDF / TDH LCD Reflection Film LCD BLU 용반사필름 TZV / TZC / TEC LCD Functional Film LCD 기능성필름 TSM / TBM / TPM / TLN MLCC 제조용이형필름 Release Film LCD 편광판용이형필름 LCD 편광판용보호이형필름 RML / RPK / RPS PSA Film 가전용점착필름 NTA / NTB / NTR 전자정보소재판매팀 (Electronics & Information Related Materials Sales Team) Halogen-free CCL 연성회로기판용동박적층필름 D-Type Halogen-free Coverlay 연성회로기판용보호필름 C-Type Halogen-free White Coverlay Lead Lock Tape Lead Lock Tape QFN Masking Tape QFN Masking Tape 연성회로기판용보호필름 LED BLU용반도체 Lead Frame 고정용내열테이프 QFP 패키지용반도체 Lead Frame 고정용내열테이프 Alloy Lead Frame 용 QFN 제조용내열점착테이프 Hot Press Type QFN 제조용내열점착테이프 Roll, Dambar Press Type C-Type RF - 351ES HL TQ - 128P EX-RE Spacer Tape Stack Die 패키지제조용 Spacer 테이프 TP Series Carrier Film for FPCB 공정용, 완제품용점착테이프 RCF Series 메탈로얄판매팀 (Metaloyal Sales Team) Metaloyal COF 용 2 층 FCCL MTL
LCD Functional Diffusion Film 대표물성 General Properties Item TSM TBM TPM TLN Thickness( μm ) Haze(%) 7, 15 3
LCD Functional Diffusion Film 기능성확산필름은 BLU 용광학시트로서프리즘및렌즈시트배면에형성되어확산, 차폐, 대전방지, 밀착방지등의기능을구현하기위한용도로설계되었습니다. Functional diffusion film is an optical sheet for LCD/LED BLU which is formed on the back side
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