<4D F736F F F696E74202D20345FC0CC20B1E2C1BE20B8C1B0A320C7DAB5E5BFC0B9F620B1E2BCFA5FB1E8C7F6BFED2E BC8A3C8AF20B8F0B5E55D>
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1 이기종무선망간 Handover 기술 (v0.8) SK telecom, Access 기술연구원 김현욱 1
2 I. 이기종무선망 HO 개요 2
3 종류 은 3GPP, 3GPP2, IEEE 에서 I-WLAN, GAN, VCC, MIH 등 4가지방식이있음 Solution 표준화목적현황주요업체 I-WLAN (Interworking WLAN) 3GPP 3GPP(3GPP2) 와 WLAN 간의 Interworking을위한방안으로고안되었음 과금통합등초기단계는정의되었음 Seamless Handover 등은 GAN 또는IMS 방식과통합되고있음 GAN 3GPP GSM 과 WLAN 간의 Handover 를지원하기위한 UMA solution 을 3GPP 규격에통합한규격임 3GPP R6 에서규격완료됨 GSM/GPRS 용제품은출시되고있으며, WCDMA 제품은출시예상됨 Kineto wireless Alcatel Nokia VCC (with IMS) 3GPP CS domain 과 PS domain 의이동성을보장하기위한 IMS 기반솔루션 3GPP R7 에서규격정의중 ( 08 년이후에나상용화가능예상 ) 초기 VCC 규격으로상용화제품을출시하려는움직임활발함 Nortel, UTStarcom Bridgeport Cicero, FirstHand LongBoard 등 IEEE (MIH) IEEE IP 기반의다양한무선기술간의 Seamless Handover를지원하기위한기술로, 하위계층의정보를이용하여효율성및확장성을강화한기술임 IMS 또는 GAN 을보완하는기술 (HO 성능개선 ) 현재 Draft 규격상태이며, 07 년중반규격완료예상 InterDigital Intel Motorola Samsung, ETRI 등 3
4 3GPP, I-WLAN Network Architecture 3GPP 에서 I-WLAN 은 handover 보다는인증, 과금등 customer management와 관련된사항으로표준화진행중 Intranet / Internet 3GPP Visited Network WLAN UE Ww WLAN Access Network Wn WAG Wa Wg 3GPP AAA Proxy Wf Offline Charging System Wd Wu WLA AN 3GPP IP Ac ccess Wp Packet Data Gateway Wi Wm Wy 3GPP AAA Server Wz Wo OCS 3GPP Home Network Dw D' / Gr' Wf Wx SLF HSS HLR Offline Charging System 4
5 3GPP2, I-WLAN Network Architecture 3GPP2 에서 I-WLAN 에대하여 high level specification 만정의된상태이고, 특이점은일종의중계시스템 (broker system) 을사용함 cdma2000 System One or more cdma2000 Home Networks that may be administered by the same or different entity cdma2000- Broker Interworking cdma2000 Broker System Broker-WLAN interworking cdma2000-wlan interworking WLAN System One or more WLANs networks One or more Broker networks that serve one or more cdma2000 Systems and one or more WLAN systems. A Broker System enables Inter-System roaming, where the cdma2000/ WLAN Systems are administered i dby different entities. i Mobile Station (MS) 5
6 Generic Access Network Cellular 망과 UMAN 간 Seamless한서비스제공받을수있도록함 음성 + 데이터세션모두에서셀룰라와고정 IP 망사이의핸드오버가가능 3GPP에채택 ( 05.4, TS43.318), Generic Access to A/Gb Interfaces BT Fusion ( 05.9 ~) 서비스제공, 약 10만가입자확보 ( 07.2월기준 ) 그외 Telia Sonera (Home Free), Telecom Italia (Unica) 등서비스제공 Cellular l Access Network UMA enabled dual mode handset Private Network IP Access Network BSC GANC (UNC) Mobile Core Network Generic Access Network 6
7 UMA(Unlicensed Mobile Access) Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) was originally developed by the UMA Forum founded by Kineto and leading cellular companies The purpose of UMA is to allow seamless mobility between unlicensed technologies (WLAN, Bluetooth, etc.) and licensed cellular technologies UMA was adopted by 3GPP R6 in April In 3GPP, UMA renamed Generic Access Network (GAN) - Initially, GAN only supported WLAN to GSM/GPRS handovers - Lately, CR s have been written to also support WCDMA handovers 7
8 System Architecture for GAN GSM/GPRS CDMA 8
9 System Arch. For Voice Call Continuity A/Iu VCC UE Gm VMSC CAP P-CSCF IP Multimedia PLMN/ Networks PSTN gsm SCF V3 ISUP Unspecified interface GMSC CAMEL Service Domain Selection Function Sh VCC Application ISUP CS Adaptation Function Domain Transfer Function Sh HSS Ma Ma ISC ISC ISC MGCF Mg I-CSCF Mw S-CSCF Cx Mw PLMN/ PSTN 3GPP 에서정의하는 VCC 는 CS의 MAP과 PS의 IMS 기반호처리수행 9
10 CS call origination from the VCC user UE-CS UE-IMS VMSC MGCF I-CSCF S-CSCF gsmscf CAMEL Svc VCC Application CSAF DTF 1. Setup (B-Party DN) 2. IDP ( ) 3.Rerouting to IMS Determination 4. Connect ( IMRN ) 5. IAM ( IMRN ) 6. INVITE ( IMRN ) 7a1. INVITE ( IMRN ) 7b. INVITE ( IMRN ) 7a2. INVITE ( IMRN ) 8.CS-Origingation processing 9.Session Anchoring 10. INVITE ( B-Party DN ) 11. Service Control Logic 10
11 Signal Path Between VCC UE and IMS UE 11
12 II. IEEE802.21(MIH) 21(MIH) 기술 12
13 MIH Positions VCC 3GPP/2 I-WLAN SAE-LTE Inter-working & Handover Signaling IEEE r e IEEE Horizontal Handovers NETLMM MIP SIP DNA HIP IETF FMIP MIPSHOP IP Mobility & Handover Signaling Provides 802 component to other Handover Standards d 13
14 Standard Services (Entities or APIs) 14
15 MIH Network and Terminal Architecture Events Events Events Events E/C/I L LC IS/CS/ES 15
16 MIH Convergence Function Users Mobility Policy Mobile IP Other Mobility Protocols Events Commands Information Convergence Function (MIHF) Information flow is bi-directional Events flow from lower layers to upper layers Commands flow from upper to lower layers Cellular Link Link 802.x Link 16
17 MIH Scope Handover Handover Handover Initiation Preparation Execution Scope of Search New Link Setup New Link Transfer Connection Network Discovery Layer 2 Connectivity it Network Selection IP Connectivity Handover Negotiation Handover Signaling Context Transfer Packet Reception IEEE helps with Handover Initiation, Network Selection and Interface Activation 17
18 Key Functionality for MIH Applications (VoIP/RTP) Connection Handover Management Policy Handover Management Mobility Management Protocols IE ETF Link Layer Triggers State Change Predictive Network Initiated MIH Function Smart Handover Information Ti Triggers Messages Service L2 Triggers Handover Information and Events Messages Service WLAN Cellular WMAN IEEE Handover Commands Client Initiated Network Initiated Vertical Handovers Network Information Available Networks Neighbor Maps Network Services Protocol and Device Hardware uses multiple services to Optimize Vertical Handovers 18
19 MxN Mixed-Network Client Use Case Operating on 3G WWAN Zone 1 Zone 2 3G WWAN Zone 3 Wakeup Wi-Fi Plug into power jack Wakeup Wi-Fi Continue over Wi-Fi Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Airport Wi-Fi Link Going Down. Radio State t 3G WWAN Connect to Wi-Fi Continue session on Wi-Fi Home Operator initiated switch to WiMAX Continue session on WiMAX Shutdown Wi-Fi Continue session on 3G WWAN Battery level low Shutdown WiMAX Switch to 3G WWAN Wi-Fi WiMAX GPS Zone 7 WiMAX Zone 8 WiMAX Zone 9 IEEE , SIP, IEEE VCC, IMS, for for Network Network it it Discovery Selection and Service , VCC, SIP, SIP, IMS IMS for for Call Service Continuity Continuity (3G (Wi-Fi WWAN WiMAX) Wi-Fi) Continuity across multiple radios (3G WWAN Wi-Fi WiMAX) 19
20 Ex #1 : Network Detection 20
21 Ex #2 : HO Initiation and Preparation Home MIH Multi-Mode M Terminal (MMT) WLAN AN WiBro AN POS MIH user L3 (MIP)(DM) MIH (AM) WLAN MAC WiBro MAC AP MIHF (WLAN POA) Old AR MIIS Server RAS MIHF (WiBro POA) New ACR MIH_Handover_Initiate.request MIH_Handover_Initiate REQUEST FRAME MIH_Handover_Initiate RESPONSE FRAME MIH_Handover_Initiate.response MIH_Handover_Prepare REQUEST FRAME MIH_Handover_Prepare RESPONSE FRAME Decision to handover from WLAN to WMAN MIH_Switch.request C-NEM-REQ (ranging) RNG_REQ Handov ver Initiation and P reparation C-NEM-RSP (ranging) M-NEM-REQ (register) RNG_RSP SBC_REQ SBC_RSP Authentication & Key Exchange REG_REQ MIH_Link_UP.indication Link_Up.indication REG_RSPRSP DHCP Link_Handover_Complete. indication MIH_Switch.response DSA_REQ DSA_RSP 21
22 Ex #3 : Handover Execution Handove Execution r n 22
23 III. MIH + SIP Approach 23
24 Protocol Layering for MIH Typical Examples of Mobility Protocols SIP User or session mobility between different terminals Application 7 Presentation 6 Session 5 Mobile IP Terminal mobility across IP networks Cross layer support for terminal mobility when moving across different technologies Transport Network Data Link Physical
25 MIH Client and Server WCDMA FA P-CSCF IMS PBNA Node-B RNC SGSN GGSN Dual-Mode Terminal FA BcN MIH Server RAS ACR WiBro Edge Router AAA MIP HA DHCP/ DNS Internet 25
26 MIH Message Transmission IP Packet UDP Datagram MIH Message (MIHF Frame Format-IEEE ) a newly defined port number Lower layer(l1, L2) : MIH IP layer : Mobile IP 관련 server discovery 과 managing : SIP 26
27 Authentication Examples Two authenticators belong to the sa me AAA domains The handover can be intra-technol ogy or inter-technology Home AAA domain AAA server MN would need to run EAP all the wa y to the home AAA server Alternatively visited domain s AA A server may yperform authenticati on if it has MN s credentials trans ferred from the home AAA server EAP may performed either proacti vely or reactively Authenticator1 WiFi, WiMAX and/or Cellular AP/ AP/ BS BS AAA domain 2 AAA server MN Authenticator2 WiFi, WiMAX and/or Cellular AP/ BS AP/ BS 27
28 Handover Failure Case Mobile Node Serving Network Other Network Candidate Network 1 Candidate Network n Other Network UP Entity MIH User MIHF MAC-S MAC-C PoA-S PoS-S MIH User MIIS Server PoA-C1 PoS-C1 MIH User PoA-Cn PoS-Cn MIH User UP Entity Traffic flow between MN and Serving Network Handover decision made and candidate network discovered MIH_Net_HO_Candidate_Query.request MIH_Net_HO_Candidate_Query Request MIH_Net_HO_Candidate_Query.indication MIH_N2N_HO_Query_Resources.request MIH_N2N_HO_Query_Resources Request MIH_N2N_HO_Query_Resources Response MIH_N2N_HO_Query_Resources.confirm MIH_ Net_ HO_ Candidate_ Query.response MIH_Net_HO_Candidate_Query Response (HandoverAck=1: Initiate Handover) MIH_Net_HO_Candidate_Query.confirm MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit.request MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit MN HO C it Request MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_commit.indication MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit.confirm MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit Request MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit Response MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit MN HO Commit Response (HandoverStatus=0: Abort Handover) MIH_MN_HO_Candidate_Commit.confirm Handover failed and intitiate another handover 28
29 QoS Mapping Between Different Radios QoS Class Applications Data Delivery Services QoS Parameters Scheduling Services Packet Scheduling Discipline/Algorithm Hard QoS -T1/E1 -VoIP without silence suppression UGS - Tolerated jitter - SDU size - Min. reserved traffic rate - Max. latency - Request/Transmission policy - Unsolicited grant interval UGS Round-robin (Periodic/fixed assignment) -VoIP with silence suppression - Streaming Video - Video Phone RT-VR - Maximum latency ertps Round-robin - Min. reserved traffic rate (Periodic/dynamic assignment) - Max. sustained traffic rate - Traffic priority - Request/Transmission policy RT-VR - Unsolicited polling Interval rtps Round-robin (Dynamic assignment with delay constraint) Soft QoS - FTP (Download) NRT-VR - Min. reserved traffic rate - Max. sustained traffic rate - Traffic priority - Request/Transmission policy nrtps Max C/I PF Scheduling - HTTP - Instant Messenger BE - Max. sustained traffic rate - Traffic priority - Request/Transmission policy BE 29
cwseo@netsgo.com Si-Hong Lee duckling@sktelecom.com SK Telecom Platform - 1 - 1. Digital AMPS CDMA (IS-95 A/B) CDMA (cdma2000-1x) IMT-2000 (IS-95 C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - 2 - 2. QoS Market QoS Coverage C/D
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User-centric Communication Technology for Guaranteed QoE in Heterogeneous Networks This paper proposes a framework for the user-cetric communication. First, we introduce the concept of usercentric communication
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SIP IMS Release 6 2004. 6 숭실대학교김영한 ( yhkim@dcn.ssu.ac.kr ) I. 3GPP Overview II. III. IV. 3GPP IMS Architecture IM Subsystem Procedure Difference of CSCF and RFC3261 SIP V. IMS Service All-IP 네트워크의필요성 Enables
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논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
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HSN2005 Portable Internet, WLAN, Cellular 망간의연동 장영민 국민대학교전자정보통신공학부 yjang@kookmin.ac.kr Contents 통신방송인터넷융합망 국제표준화동향 휴대인터넷과무선 LAN/Cellular간연동 Seamless Vertical Handover 방안 결론 -2- 통신방송인터넷융합망 광대역통합서비스 4G Networks
, N-. N- DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance).,. DLNA DLNA. DLNA,, UPnP, IPv4, HTTP DLNA. DLNA, DLNA [1]. DLNA DLNA DLNA., [2]. DLNA UPnP. DLNA DLNA.
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1.LAN의 특징과 각종 방식
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2 1) 1. 5 2. 6 2.1 6 2.2 7 2.3 13 2.4 16 2.5 19 2.6 25 2.7 28 3. 32 3.1 33 3.2 42 46 1.,,,. 2004 13 4,841 0.6%. 2004,,. *, (02) 570 4491, sky@kisdi.re.kr( : ) * *, (02) 570 4164, milip@kisdi.re.kr( :,
The Intranet Data Warehouse Richard Tanler Ch4 : Online Analytic Processing: From Data To Information 2000. 4. 14 All rights reserved OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP is a label, rather than a technology
1 1 5 1 5 2 6 2 8 1 8 1. 8 2. 10 3. 11 2 12 1. 3 12 2. 13 3. IP 14 4. IP 14 3 15 1. 15 2. 16 4 17 1. ICT 17 2. 21 3. 21 2 3 22 1 22 2 22 4 24 1, IP 24 1. 24 2. MVNO 26 3. 28 4. 30 5. 32 2 36 1. 36 2. 38
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Future Direction of Network and Service Management : Telco s Perspective 2006.10.19~20 Jae Hyoung Yoo KT Network Technology Laboratory Page No. - 1 Page 1 Overview 1. The Need for More Advanced Network
Interstage5 SOAP서비스 설정 가이드
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차례 1. 채널 메뉴 채널 정보 보기... 4 채널 메뉴 사용하기... 4 선호 채널 설정하기... 7 채널 기억하기... 7 기타 기능... 8 2. 기본 기능 화면 모드 변경하기... 9 화면 조정값 설정하기... 9 화면 크기 변경하기... 9 부가 설정 변경하기
E-설명서 BN81-06841A-04 본 제품은 대한민국에서만 사용하도록 만들어져 있으며, 해외에서는 품질을 보증하지 않습니다. (FOR KOREA UNIT STANDARD ONLY) "안전을 위한 주의사항" 사용자의 안전을 지키고 재산상의 손해 등을 막기 위한 내용입니다. 반드시 읽고 올바르게 사용해 주세요. 사용설명서 상의 그림은 설명을 위해 그려진 것으로
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네트워크 안정성을 지켜줄 최고의 기술과 성능 TrusGuard는 국내 최초의 통합보안솔루션으로서 지난 5년간 약 4천여 고객 사이트에 구축 운영되면서 기술의 안정성과 성능면에서 철저한 시장 검증을 거쳤습니다. 또한 TrusGuard는 단독 기능 또는 복합 기능 구동 시
네트워크 보안도 안철수연구소입니다 통합 보안의 No.1 파트너, AhnLab TrusGuard 네트워크 환경을 수호하는 최고의 통합 보안 시스템 고성능 방화벽ㆍVPN Security 기술과 고품질 Integrated Security 기술의 강력한 결합 네트워크 안정성을 지켜줄 최고의 기술과 성능 TrusGuard는 국내 최초의 통합보안솔루션으로서 지난 5년간
북한 IT산업 기술수준 분석 및 남북 협력방안 Ⅰ. 북한 IT산업의 개황 Ⅱ. 북한 IT산업의 기술수준 분석 Ⅲ. 북한 IT산업 발전을 위한 남북 협력방안 Ⅰ 북한 IT산업의 개황 정보기술 산업 북한은 정보기술 산업을 관련 설비를 생산하고, 정보의 수집, 처리, 봉사를 제공하는 산업으로 정의 - 정보기계 설비(하드웨어) : 컴퓨터, 사무용 기계,
2004년 12월 31일 주관연구기관 : 한국전파진흥협회 연구 책임자 : 정 신 교 참여 연구원 : 정 성 진 안 준 오 우 현 주 김 선 영 이 영 란 서 지 영 High Data Rate WPAN 기술 UWB / W1394 PDA 지능형에이젼트기술 방범 전력검침 RF ZigBee 수도검침 802.15.3 Web PAD UWB/무선1394
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H2-3 B3G Network Based Multimedia Core Network 2004.6. 임병근 bklim@lge.com LG 전자 / 시스템연구소 1/ 49 요약 3G 시스템이후의 B3G/4G 서비스를위한기술개발과표준화작업이진행되고있는데, 차세대서비스의특징은다양한방식의광대역접속기술이하나의통합 망에연동되는쌍방향멀티미디어통신이라고볼수있다. 이들광대역멀티미디어통신서비스를제공하기위한
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1. IMS 개요 2. IMS 관련프로토콜 SD 본부 / 기반서비스개발담당 / 기업솔루션개발팀 2013. 6. 1. IMS 의개요 1.1 IMS 란무엇인가? 1.2 IMS 의기본 1.1. IMS 란무엇인가? 1. IMS 의배경 IMS 란 IP 망위에서 Multimedia 서비스를제공하기위한 Framework Access Network Independent 를제공하여,
TTA Journal No.157_서체변경.indd
표준 시험인증 기술 동향 FIDO(Fast IDentity Online) 생체 인증 기술 표준화 동향 이동기 TTA 모바일응용서비스 프로젝트그룹(PG910) 의장 SK텔레콤 NIC 담당 매니저 76 l 2015 01/02 PASSWORDLESS EXPERIENCE (UAF standards) ONLINE AUTH REQUEST LOCAL DEVICE AUTH
[발표자료]기업용모바일 활성화를 위한 제언(박종봉)
2003. 2 ATLAS Research Group 2002 Atlas Research Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution in any form without the prior written permission of Atlas Research Group is expressly prohibited.
2 : MMT QoS (Bokyun Jo et al. : Adaptive QoS Study for Video Streaming Service In MMT Protocol). MPEG-2 TS (Moving Picture Experts Group-2 Transport S
(JBE Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2015) (Special Paper) 20 1, 2015 1 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2015.20.1.40 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) MMT QoS a),
웹과 인터넷 활용 및실습 () (Part I) 문양세 강원대학교 IT대학 컴퓨터과학전공 강의 내용 전자우편(e-mail) 인스턴트 메신저(instant messenger) FTP (file transfer protocol) WWW (world wide web) 인터넷 검색 홈네트워크 (home network) Web 2.0 개인 미니홈페이지 블로그 (blog)