Moldflow Barium
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1 Autodesk Moldflow 2012 new features ED&C 기술지원팀
2 DVD Content Autodesk Moldflow Insight Autodesk Moldflow Adviser Autodesk Moldflow Communicator Autodesk Moldflow Design link Autodesk Moldflow CAD Doctor Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 Autodesk Network license manager 언어 : English & Japanese 문서 : Material database 변화 인스톨가이드
3 User Interface
4 ASM integration to AMDL/Mesh Direct AMI / AMA 모두 AMDL 을통해서 *.ipt, *.iam 및 SAT (v4-v7) 파일사용가능 주요기능 Inventor 의단품및 assemblies 파일을 Direct import 및 meshing 가능 AMDL license 없이 *.ipt, *.iam 및 sat format import 가능 SAT 지원하는어떠한 CAD 모델도 export 할수있고, SAT version 7 로 save 가능 기능변경 초기 Default Mesh matching 초기조건이 ignore contact 으로변경 Solvers 가 non matching mesh 가제대로해석가능한지에대하여검토합니다. AMI and AMA
5 ASM integration to AMDL/Mesh Direct Installation Inventor 에대한 AMDL install 은 serial number 및 product code 가필요없음 Inventor Fusion 과의 Link 를사용하기위해서는인스톨이필요 Inventor 및 sat file 불러오기 : Inventor 또는 inventor viewer 를 Install 할필요없음 Assembly 파일 Import 가능 Body 로된모델을 AMI 에서 Import 가능 AMI and AMA
6 AMDL 이지원하는 Format File AMDL license required Products Autodesk Inventor 2012 parts None AMA, AMI Autodesk Inventor 2012 assemblies None AMI Sat (V4-V7) None AMA, AMI Iges Parasolid or parametric AMA, AMI Step Parasolid or parametric AMA, AMI Catia V5R20 parts Catia AMA, AMI, AMCD Catia V5R20 assemblies Catia AMI Pro Engineer WF 5 parts Parametric AMA, AMI, AMCD Pro Engineer WF 5 assemblies Parametric AMI Solidworks 2011 parts Parasolid AMA, AMI, AMCD Solidworks 2011 assemblies Parasolid AMI Parasolid V22 Parasolid AMA, AMI, AMCD AMI, AMA and AMCD
7 Help 창변경 Tutorial movies 추가, link wiki help accessible Getting started tab 으로부터접근할수있는 Link wiki help 추가, Show me 버튼추가. 주요특징 : Movies 내용의주요기능들 Sound 가능 Getting started 에서접근, show me 버튼사용 Autodesk wiki help 사용자가평가할수있으며코멘트가능 User 의 contribute 가능 AMI and AMA
8 Inventor Fusion 과의호환성 Inventor Fusion 은 Moldflow 로 direct 모델링을불러들임. 주요특징 Bi Directional Geometry exchange in AMI One-way trip from Inventor Fusion to AMA Fusion 은모델링을손쉽게수정이가능함. Required AMDL2012 to be installed and Inventor Fusion 2012 SP1 Limitation Fusion 으로수정후에는 remesh 가필요하다. Process settings, runners, cooling channel 은유지된다. Can export to Inventor Fusion only studies containing a CAD file AMI and AMA
9 Inventor FUSION 과의상호호환성 Inventor Fusion 2012 installer on DVD SP1 과함께인스톨 Inventor Fusion 2012 is a young product, sending eventual CER report will help to get it mature quicker! AMI and AMA
10 Inventor FUSION 의상호호환성 Workflow AMI 에서 CAD 모델 Import Mesh, Runners, Cooling channel, Process settings, Run analysis 수정하기원하는 Body 선택 Modeling menu 에서 Inventor Fusion 으로 Export Inventor fusion 에서수정된형상을 open 할수있음 수정완료시 return to Moldflow
11 Fill preview 유동선단과웰드라인위치추정. 주요기능 AMA 및 AMI 에서단일부품으로사용가능 AMI and AMA
12 Fill preview 의원리 얇고적은 Cavity Pack the mold cavity with tiny small (cubic) cells the cell connectivity and Hele-Shaw 유동이적용된다. the cells in the cavity는 full 3D 유동을나타낸다. Fill pattern은 3D 유동과매우유사 특허권이있음. AMI and AMA
13 Fill preview 해석의 issues Fill preview 해석은 geometry 를불러와서해석 (Mesh 필요없음 ) Fill preview depends of graphic capacity of the machine On low end machine, 유동선단이끊기게됨 AMI and AMA
14 Fill preview 해석의 issues Fill preview doesn t start on some models 측정불가 대칭형상에대해지원이어려울수있음. Fill preview may create the UI to hang or to crash Graphic card and drivers 에의존한다. AMI and AMA
15 AIRLook integration and AutoCAM Integration of Autodesk standards. 주요기능 Steerings Wheels 구현 ViewCube 사용가능 Ribbon UI 가 default 로 Install 됨 Clean reg will not make the UI return to classic Space ball 을통해 3D 와의연결지원추가 Walk, Fly mode Default keys assigned to space ball Changed model default visualization to isometric Orient part by facing AMI, AMA and AMC
16 Import from AIT of mold geometry AIT 는 AMI 에 mold geometry 를가져올수있다. Cooling 해석에대한 AMI 안에 Mold base 를완벽한 import 가가능. 주요특징 AMI 를쉽게불러올수있음. Supports Standard Cool 에대한구조지원 (BEM) Transient Cooling 지원 Defeaturing of Small features such as threads Runners and channels 의자동생성시 Curve 가 필요함. Inventor 2012 필요함.
17 Mesh statistics 의개선 Mesh statistics 에서 model mesh type 독립적으로바뀜. 3D mold mesh 를만들때 surface mesh 에대한 check 가유용해짐 주요특징 Mesh statistics by element type Visible entities를제한할수있음 Example of usage : 3D mold mesh의 2 steps 을만들때 Surface mesh를 check 가능
18 Job Manager Worked on improving robustness and reliability of job manager 주요특징 : Visual은바뀌지않았음. Fixing the mechanics under the hood! DOE or Linux 가 issues Re-launching전에 a DOE analysis failed시 temp directory가삭제됨.
20 CAD Doctor 향상기능 체험판용추가 단순화기능향상 일반적인 Hole 발견 / 제거 (not round) Hole 의형상에따른발견 / 제거 (Through hole, blind ) Detect/removal of steps Fillet 발견향상 Visualization 향상 Zebra 단면 Layers
21 Solver
22 새로운기능 이전버전의 Study 파일에대하여새로운 Parameter 를빈공간에보여줍니다. Expected as this information wasn t existing when study was created Solver will use default 제외 : Fiber rsc midplane / dual domain 메시지와함께중단됨
23 최적화설계 광범위한최적설계를심플한 DoE 를통해서모든해석에대한 Sequence 를통하여최적화를위해수락합니다 주요기능 모든해석 Type 지원 모든형상에대해지원 3D Response Surface Plots 표준 Workflow 를거친제품의최적화
24 DoE program 이란.. Moldflow runs 60 % Influences on result Mold Temperature [+60,+80] C Melt temperature [+120,+160] C {+60, +120, +25} {+60, +120, +30} {+60, +160, +25} {+60, +160, +30} {+80, +120, +25} {+80, +120, +30} {+80, +160, +25} Optimum Solution {+80, +160, +30} Flow rate [+25,+30] cm3/s - Single analysis 24/23
25 AMI DoE 해석종류 1. Influence 해석 ( 변동의영향력 ) Orthogonal design에기초한 Factorial and Taguchi 방법 각각의변동에대한영향력 % Influences on quality criteria 2. Response 해석 (One 변동 and 변동에대한응답 ) Cubic design 을중심으로나타낸다. Surfaces 의품질응답을나타냄 최적변동값을나타내줌. Optimum Solution 3. Influence then Response 해석의조합 (Variable influences then Responses) Filter N most influential variables before determination of the quality responses. { Response analysis supports up to 10 variables = 1045 runs} 25/23
26 DoE 설정
27 Special 구성요소 변동에대해 Dimension scale factor Midplane and dual-domain meshes 에대한 beam 지름과 shell 두께의영향력. layers 를기초로하여 elements 를선택할수있음. Element types 의 mixing 이가능 품질에대해 New Warp 기준 Quality 기준을 Nodal warpage deflections 에기초하고있음. Critical dimension Distance between two nodes Node list With custom axis & anchor plane Boundary conditions menu Mesh menu Save list 27/23
28 AMI DoE log 결과 Quality 기준으로한변동의영향력 최적화의 Quality 범위와추정 (using the response equation) 28/23
29 AMI DoE CSV result file The CSV file 은 project folder 에위치함. Default 는체크되어있지만 turned off 할수있음 : DoE Builder / Options, uncheck: Save results in CSV files 포함되는파일 : 모든정리되지않은결과 (variable design pattern, quality values) Quality 응답방정식 최적화범위와결과 실행된파일이 save될때의개별적인파일의위치 DoE Builder / Options, check: Keep analysis result in temporary folder Note 1: The CSV format (Comma Separated Values) 은 Microsoft Excel 과호환이 가능하다. Note 2 : The file 은부분적인번역이가능. Quality & variable names only 29/23
30 AMI DoE UI results response graphs 2D 1 개의변동 3D 2 개의변동 Result property window 를통하여가능, the user can: Axis 의값을바꿀수있음 변동값의수정이가능함 30/23
31 AMI DoE UI results contour 목적 : 변동에따른영향력의결과를관찰하기위함 Mold surface temperature = 20 C Mold surface temperature = 60 C The result property window 를사용함으로변동값을 바꿀수있다. 31/23
32 Short-shot 의처리 DoE solver 는자동적으로변동의범위를줄일려고함. Short-shot detected Original design Modified design The number of retry / range reduction 은 control할수있음 : DoE Builder / Options, Fill : Max number of relaunch 32/23
33 Temperature Temperature Transient cool Cool FEM 3D mesh 에대한 cooling 능력개선 Cycle 동안의금형온도의변화 내부금형온도의시각화 Process start-up 동안의온도의안정화 Mold temp within a cycle Mold temp distribution Mold temp stabilization Time (sec) Time (sec)
34 Transient cool 주요특징 : 3 types of analysis : Averaged within cycle Transient within cycle Transient from production startup 열흐름의계산 : Conduction solver : faster solver는온도와열유동에대한해석으로플라스틱수지가금형에모두채워져있는상태로가정하고열전도효과만고려되었음. Parallelized Heater cartridge
35 Mesh UI 변경 Mold block(3d) and mold insert (3D) 의 mesh 생성 CAD or mold region 의전체적으로나타낼수있는 option Possibility to stop after surface mesh to inspect and correct the mesh Guidelines on methodology included in the GUI
36 Transient cool : Create 3D mold mesh Limitations Section other than circular will be treated as circular with equivalent diameter. Synergy 에서금형전체모델 Mesh 생성 요구사항 : 3D Part mesh 냉각채널및 Runner curve 가필요 Wizard 를통한 mold block region 생성 Benefit : 간편한 Mesh 생성 setup Limitation : Insert 추가불가능, 1 개의 Mold 만가능
37 Transient cool : Create 3D mold mesh 2 nd path : Mold model fully created in CAD Requirements : Part geometry Mold block(s) with holes for channel and runner system, insert (optional) Curves to mesh the channel and runner system (can use iges) Benefit : Can deal with complex mold with insert and more than 1 mold block Limitation : More manipulation to set different mesh sizes
38 Transient cool : Mesh requirement Cooling lines Ratio of 2.5 between diameter and beam length is appropriate Can be smaller, solver more tolerant than BEM Mold block or insert versus part mesh Better accuracy if mesh size is similar at interface part/mold. Appropriate ratio is 2 to 4 between part edge length and mold edge length External mold surface versus internal mold surface A ratio of 3 should be a good compromise for mesh quality and number of elements
39 Transient cool : Create 3D mold mesh Tips for mesh size : Set selection to CAD face(mesh-selection) Setup a global edge length equal to the desired edge length for internal surfaces Select the 6 external faces of the mold and put a larger edge length(ratio of 2 to 3) Use chord angle in CAD tab of the mesher, for nicer mesh around circuit s holes.
40 외부열전도계수 Applies only on free surface of tetra Faces of tetra not in contact with another tetra Can be use to simulate insulator on mold No differences between mold block and insert for the solver Using different properties is just easier for post processing
41 External heat transfer coefficients Can be used to simulate conformal cooling : Get a CAD model with the conformal cooling holes Mesh it Assign to all mold a high HTC(100000) and water temperature Assign to external faces air coefficient (easy to select with viewcube)
42 Other cool enhancement Automatic 냉각시간옵션해석강화 No change in algorithm, UI 변경 (AMI) AMI 2011 AMI 2012 Geometric influence parameter 지원됨 Solver didn t change, 단지 Ideal with mesh aggregation ON 옵션이고정됨
43 Other cool enhancement 3D - Cool BEM 해석이강화됨 HTC 제품의 stiffness matrix 사용됨 Heat flux 계산이 HTC boundary condition 에서제품의 boundary condition 계산으로변경됨 FEM 해석의정확도가향상됨
44 새로운 Fiber- 모델 RSC(The Reduced Strain Closure) and ARD(Anisotropic Rotary Diffusion) 모델의추가 주요특징 Reduced Strain Closure (RSC) Autodesk 의독점권리 초기 Fiber 모델해석보다정확성향상 3D, DD, and Mid-plane 에대해적용가능 RSC model 은기본적으로 Fiber 모델에는적용이안됨 제약조건 RSC 모델은 AMA 에는적용불가 기본모델보다는해석의속도는느려진다.
45 새로운 Fiber- 모델 Fiber parameters dialog Mid/DD 3D Fiber 모델에대한 default option 기본 default : Folgar -Tucker model RSC and ARD produces wider core and slower change in fiber orientation than the default fiber model RSC (CRIMS 모델포함됨 ) Solver 는 RSC 모델을선택하면 RSC CRIMS 가자동으로선택됨 UI 의 CRIMS 모델옵션을바꿀필요가없음 Beam 에대한 Fiber 의 orientation 계산 새로운 UI 옵션 : Gate or Injection Location
46 새로운 Fiber- 모델 Long fiber Fiber의길이가 1mm이상이면 AND에서 RSC-ARD 모델로전환 수지에 Long fiber가얼마있지않더라도 Long fiber로정의한다. Fiber의길이는초기 Fiber의길이로부서지지않는다고정의한다. RSC and ARD는열경화성수지에대한압축성형해석에도구동이된다.(Mid-plane and DD) RSC and ARD 모델은 AMA에서는사용되지않는다.
47 열가소성수지의 Venting Vents, Vacuums 에대한 location 및 size 분석을통해 air vents 또는 vacuum 에대한위치및크기를알수있다. 주요특징 Vents 에따른유동패턴의영향 vacuum and vents 에대한 Vent 의경계조건의위치분석 New results Air venting 이포함된 Air traps Vent 부분의압력
48 열가소성수지의 Venting Workflow Venting 해석은 Fill or Fill + Pack 을할때열가소성사출성형과 Overmolding 3D 에대한분석가능 «Venting analysis locations» 에대한경계조건추가 Solver parameters dialog 에서 venting analysis 확인가능 Limitations Melt temperature 의 air- 온도의영향력은고려하지않는다. 해석시간은 non-venting analysis 와비교하여 1.3~1.8 배길어질것이다.
49 GPU 지원의 update 와 3D warp 의추가지원 GPU 분석과해석최적화를지속적으로향상시키고있다. 주요특징 향상된해석시간 Nvidia hardware 의최신지원 (Fermi) flow3d 는 15%, warp 3D 는 30% 정도의 speed 향상이기대된다. Warp 3D 에대해서는기본적으로 off 되어있다. Limitation : Linux 는지원하지않음 Nvidia website 에서 Nvidia drivers 의업데이트필요.
50 Support GPU card 분당 1.3Ghz 의처리능력이필요 See Quadro 600, 2000, 4000, 5000, 6000 은 Fermi 세대이다. Geforce 계열그래픽카드인식이어려움 On latest processor, GPU 는 1 or 2 threads 가주어진다. 효율성은 models 에의존한다. AMI and AMA
51 Flow 3D wall clock time
52 Warp 3D wall clock time
53 Parallelization on Linux Linux 의 multi core machine 을이용하면 Flow 3D, warp 3D and cool transient solvers 시효과적임 Limitation Automatic option : 1-CPU 만사용함 Solver 에대한기본옵션변경은신중히고려해보아야함.
54 3D Warp 에대한 Model Capacity 증가 warpage analysis 에대한최대 elements 의수가증가하였다. 주요특징 최대모델사이즈의증가 Version Mesh Aggregation (original mesh: 6-layer) Mesh Aggregation (original mesh: 20-layer ) 4-Node Element Option ** 10-Node Element Option AMI2011 5,000,000 tets* 20,000,000 tets* 20,000,000 tets 2,800,000 tets AMI ,000,000 tets* 50,000,000 tets* 50,000,000 tets 7,000,000 tets * Can depend on geometry ** recommended only for chunky part AMI and AMA
55 Large Deflection 3D Warpage Large deflection 분석에서정확한변형결과를예상하는것이향상되었다. 주요특징 Large deflection 분석은정확한변형예상을위한필수적인사항이다. (1) Small deflection분석과함께 Large deflection분석은중요한변형값 (2) Post-buckling 형태는잔류응력하에있는매우얇거나긴제품
56 Large Deflection 3D Warpage 주요특징 Warp advanced options 으로부터적용가능 Limitations 해석시간이길어질수있다. (no mesh aggregation + iteration) Buckling 해석불가능 clock time
57 Non-zero displacement BC for Warp Allow use of a non zero displacement boundary conditions to simulate the effects of mounting a part during an assembly operation. 주요특징 Assembly 모델 - Linear elastic 해석시 deformation 과 stress 해석가능 Midplane, dual domain and 3D 에대해적용가능 Limitation Small deflection analysis 에만사용할수있음.
58 Non-zero displacement BC for Warp 요구사항 Mold cavity 를원하는최종조립위치에고정하기를원한다면제약조건을적용하라. Body motion 을휘지않게고정할수있다. 반드시 6 개의자유도를고정시켜야한다. 부분적으로 constrain 할수도있다. Fix nodes, or displacement at nodes Displacement values should consider the underformed part as references Automatic correction on those constrains will be applied on warp part to be equivalent to the constrains on the undeformed part
59 변형시 Part Elements 의제외 변형해석에서 Element 들을제외시킬수있다. Cavities, insert, or some feature 을제외할수있다. 주요특징 3D and Midplane 에대해적용가능 Element property 의 checkbox 가추가됨. 해석시간과메모리요구량을줄인다. Help to diagnose warpage investigate potential structural modification Limitations Cool/flow analysis 의 elements 제외옵션이새롭게출시되어야한다.
60 Microchip: Wire effects on Flow Include wire effect in flow into the simulation without using detail wire sweep analysis (impractical when number of wires is greater than 100). Drag force calculation will be modified to account for the effects of adjacent wires. Key Features Include the effects of wires on flow. Modify the drag force value to account for the effects of adjacent wires. Add new results Maximum wire sweep XY plot Maximum wire deflection xy plot Wire number plot Wire pairs within critical clearance plot Distance to the closest wire plot Add number of wire pairs within critical tolerance in screen output Change type of constrains supported
61 Accuracy: Runner Balance AMA Adviser 에서런너시스템의추가적인 thermal effects 에대한 Runner Balance 계산이향상되었다. 주요특징 Runner Balance 예상이향상. Less short shot predictions in extreme cases. AMA only
62 Accuracy: Gate Location Part 모델이대칭일때게이트위치에서의불균형적인충전을개선함. Features: 정확도향상 (gate 가많을때 ) Threaded the Gate Location Algorithm to improve speed AMI and AMA
63 Accuracy: 2D Strip Solver Improve the accuracy of Automatic Injection Time (AIT), Moulding Window (MW) by improving the underlying 2D Solver technology. Features Improve accuracy of the Automatic strip generation in models where there are large thickness changes or mesh size variation Improved the numerical calculations to improve pressure predictions used to determine injection time Improves accuracy of results particularly at very fast and very slow flow rates AMI and AMA
64 Accuracy: 3D Flow Temperature 3D Flow 에서의 the Flow Front Temperature 의정확도향상. 특징 3D and Fusion Results 의차이를줄임. Flow Front Temperature Results 에서의 Spottiness 를줄였음. 변형의정확도향상 Limitations Only 열가소성수지에만해당함. AMI and AMA
65 3D filling 의개선 General fill improvements mostly related to gas assisted injection molding (GAIM) 특징 부드러운유동으로인해 Weld lines과 Air traps찾는것이개선되었다. Mass balance를통해 GAIM이더욱정확해졌다. Fixed several support issues related to flow front valve gates Results show less gas penetration than 2010-R2
66 각각의 Solver 에대한일관성향상 Pressure at end of fill 결과는 Mid/DD and 3D 모두거의동일하다. AMA : Pressure at end of fill 에서 Injection pressure 로바뀌었음 Injection pressure result is based on maximum pressure at the node during filling for DD and 3D AMI : 3D is now identical to DD/Mid, that is snapshot of pressure at end of fill Previously was maximum pressure at the node during filling for 3D AMI and AMA
67 Volumetric shrinkage at ribs in midplane Midplane 의 Ribs 부분의보다정확한두께계산의향상. 이전에는모든 element 의평균두께로부터두께를계산했지만 2012 에서는 ribs 부분은제외가되었다. 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 2 mm 2 mm 1.5 mm 2 mm Geometry 2011 midplane 2012 midplane Dual domain 의경우 ribs 확인의어려움때문에개선하지않았음.
68 Optimization 툴지원 Provide a set of tools to allow easier integration with 3 rd party optimization systems 주요특징 Text based interface Add the ability to modify study data : studymod.exe Change boundary conditions, process parameters Configuration through xml Add the ability to extract result data : studyrlt.exe From screen output or result Min, max, average deviation, standard deviation At specific node/elements Documentation on demand Might be added on
69 Materials
70 Materials Database 매년 Plastics Material Database Release notes 참조 DVD 참조 주요특징 CRIMS 계수의업데이트 표준 표준 + RSC Weblink 를통한수지제공을추가함 Only a few have data AMI and AMA
71 Lab release? Autodesk lab 을추천합니다.
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
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Stability and Frequency Compensation (Ch. 10) 김영석충북대학교전자정보대학 2010.3.1 Email: 전자정보대학김영석 1 Basic Stability 10.1 General Considerations Y X (s) = H(s) 1+ βh(s) May oscillate at ω if βh(jω)
example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시 주의사항... 5 2.2 설치 권고 사양... 5 2.3 프로그램 설치... 6 2.4 하드웨
최종 수정일: 2010.01.15 inexio 적외선 터치스크린 사용 설명서 [Notes] 본 매뉴얼의 정보는 예고 없이 변경될 수 있으며 사용된 이미지가 실제와 다를 수 있습니다. 1 목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시
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펑션베이 는 첨단의 공학기술을 함수의 형태로 제품에 담아 세상에 선보입니다. 펑션베이라는 이름은 함수의 function, 만의 bay의 합성어 인데, 이 이름에는 함수(function)들로 세상과 소통하는 만(bay)이 되고자 하는 의미가 있습니다. 펑션베이 로비는 이
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