대한정형외과학회지 : 제 37 권제 1 호 2002 J. of Korean Orthop. Assoc. 2002; 37: 51-7 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적치료 박민종 김청 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원정형외과학교실 목적 : 삼각섬유연골복합체병변으로관절경을시행한환
- 종희 금
- 6 years ago
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1 대한정형외과학회지 : 제 37 권제 1 호 2002 J. of Korean Orthop. Assoc. 2002; 37: 51-7 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적치료 박민종 김청 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원정형외과학교실 목적 : 삼각섬유연골복합체병변으로관절경을시행한환자를대상으로치료결과및예후인자에대해분석하였다. 대상및방법 : 삼각섬유연골복합체병변으로관절경적시술을받은 25명의환자를대상으로하였으며, 평균추시기간은 17개월이었다. Palmer 분류상 Type Ia 10예, Ib 5예, Ic 2예, IIb 1예, IIc 7예였고, 수술방법은관절경적변연절제술 (20예) 또는봉합술 (5예) 을시행하였으며, 임상적치료결과의분석은수술전과수술후동통정도, 관절운동범위, 파악력, 수술후직업복귀여부및만족도에따라시행하였다. 결과 : 25명의환자중 20예에서임상적증상의호전을보였으며, 수술후직업복귀가가능하였다. 병변의형태에따라비교하였을때외상성파열 17예중 16예에서, 퇴행성파열 8예중 4예에서양호한치료결과를나타냈다. 치료방법별로는관절경적변연절제술을시행한 20예중 15예에서, 봉합술을시행한 5예모두에서양호한결과를얻을수있었다. 결론 : 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적시술은임상적증상을호전시킬수있는좋은치료방법이다. 또한외상성병변이퇴행성병변보다치료결과가양호하였으며, 퇴행성병변인경우에는부가적인시술이필요할것으로사료된다. 색인단어 : 수근관절, 삼각섬유연골복합체, 관절경 서 수근관절의관절경은 1979년 Chen이처음으로기술하였고 5), 그후수근관절의병변에대한정확한진단및치료에유용한방법으로알려져있다 12,20). 특히척측수근관절동통의흔한원인중의하나인삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대해서는문진과이학적검사, 단순방사선촬영등의고식적인방법으로진단이어려운경우관절경검사는병변의소견을확대하여직접보면서정확한진단을내리고관절경적치료를동시에할수있어매우유용한방법으로알려져있다 6,19,23). 또한많은저자들에의해삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적시술이시행되어왔으며좋은결과를보고하였다 2,11,15,21,22,24). 저자들은지속적인수근관절동통으로수근관절관절경을시행하고삼각섬유연골복합체병변으로진단된환자를대상으로치료의결과를분석하고, 예후에영향을미치는인자들을살펴보고자하였다. 론 연구대상및방법 1996 년 3 월부터 2000 년 6 월까지삼각섬유연골복합체병변 통신저자 : 박민종서울시강남구일원동 50 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원정형외과 TEL: FAX: mjp@smc.samsung.co.kr * 본논문의요지는제 44차대한정형외과추계학술대회에서구연되었음. 으로관절경적시술을받은 25명의환자를대상으로하였으며남자가 11예, 여자가 14예였고, 평균추시기간은 17 (8-36) 개월, 환자의연령분포는 19세부터 65세까지평균 35세였다. 손상기전으로는수근관절의과신전에의한경우가 15예로가장많았으며, 5예에서는외상의과거력은있으나정확한손상기전을알수없었으며, 5예에서는특별한외상의과거력을찾을수없었다. 외상의과거력이있는 20예에서는유병기간이평균 20 (3-60) 개월이었으며, 외상의과거력이없는환자에서는평균 11개월의유병기간을가지고있었다. 환자의대부분은오른손잡이 (23예) 였으며, 병변부위는우측수근관절이 17예로좌측수근관절 (8예) 보다많았다. 직업을살펴보면주부 6명, 운동선수나코치 3명, 그리고전기기사나피아노교사, 학생, 디자이너등손목을많이사용하는직업이나머지를차지하였다. 수술전환자의동통정도를동통이없는경우, 경미한동통 ( 간헐적인동통 ) 이있는경우, 중등도의동통 ( 심한일을한후또는파악이나압박이작용했을때항상동통이있는정도 ) 이있는경우, 심한동통 ( 일상생활중동통이있거나진통제를필요로하는경우 ) 이있는경우로세분화하였다. 수술소견과방법은병록지뿐만아니라수술중관절경소견의녹화비디오를재검토하여분석하였다. 삼각섬유연골복합체병변은 Palmer 분류를 16) 사용하여외상성병변인 Type I이 17예로 Type Ia 10예, Ib 5예, Ic 2예였다. 퇴행성병변인 Type II는 8예로 Type IIb 1예, IIc 7예였다. 수술방법은 Type Ia, Ic와 Type II에대해서는관절경적변연절제술 (20예 ) (Fig. 1) 을시행하였고변연부가파열된 Type 51
2 52 박민종 김청 Ulnar Head Radius A B H C Fig. 1. A: Arthroscopic view from the 3-4 radiocarpal portal showing a type I-A C tear. B: Schematic drawing. C: After arthroscopic debridement, with stable rim is shown and the ulnar head (H) is seen through the partially resected site. Ib에대해서는관절경적봉합술 (5예) (Fig. 2) 을시행하였다. 퇴행성병변 (Type II) 8예중 3예에대해서는개방적원위척골부분절제술또는관절경적원위척골부분절제술 (Fig. 3) 을동시에시행하였다. 삼각섬유연골복합체병변과동반된병변으로주상-월상골간불안정 3예가있었으며이중 2예에서추가로배부관절막고정술 (1예) 과관절경하정복및경피적핀고정술 (1예) 을각각시행하였다. 치료결과의평가는수술후동통의정도, 수술후기능적상태 ( 수술전직업복귀여부 ), 관절운동범위 ( 수근관절의굴곡및신전과전완부의회내및회외전 ), 파악력 (grip strength), 수술후환자의만족도에따라시 행하였으며 4단계로분류하였다 15) (Table 1). 결과 1. 임상적결과 25명의환자중우수 (excellent) 5예, 양호 (good) 15예, 보통 (fair) 4예, 불량 (poor) 1예의치료결과를나타내총 80% 에서동통의완화및임상적증상의호전을보였다.
3 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적치료 53 Ulnar Capsule C A Probe B C Fig. 2. A: Detachment of the peripheral portion of the from the ulnar capsule (C), representing type I-B lesion. B: Schematic drawing. C: Repair of the peripheral tear using the outside-in suture technique. Table 1. Evaluation of overall clinical results 15) Grade Criteria Pain Range of motion Grip strength Return to job Patient satisfaction Excellent None Improvement or no change Improvement Yes Yes Good Mild Improvement or no change Improvement Yes Yes Fair Mild or moderate No change No change Yes or no Yes or no Poor Moderate or severe Worse Worse No No 1) 동통 25 명의환자중 19 예에서수술전중등도의동통이있었으며, 6예의환자에서는심한동통을호소하였다. 수술후에는수술전중등도의동통을보인 3예에서수술후에도호전이없었으
4 54 박민종 김청 H Ulnar Head Radius A B H C Fig. 3. A: Degenerative lesion of associated with chronic ulnocarpal impingement. The ulnar head (H) is exposed through the wear portion of the. B: Schematic drawing. C: Arthroscopic view from the 3-4 portal showing the wafer procedure for ulnocarpal impingement. After debridement of the C, burr is inserted from the 4-5 portal to remove the distal part of the ulnar head and the subchondral bone (H). 며, 나머지에서는모두동통의완화를보였다. 전체적으로는 18 명에서동통이없거나경미하였으며나머지 7명은중등도의동통을보였다. 2) 수술후기능적상태이전직업으로복귀여부는 25명의환자중 20예에서수술전직업또는활동으로복귀가가능하였으며, 복귀가불가능하였던 5명의환자중 3명의환자는수술전보다손목을적게사용하는것으로적응하였고, 2명은증상의호전은있었으나아직이전직업으로복귀하지는않는상태였다. 특히수술중관절경 소견상외상성삼각섬유연골복합체병변을보였던 17예중 16 예에서수술전직업으로복귀가가능하였으나, 퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변을보였던 8예중에서는 4예에서만수술전직업으로복귀가가능했다. 3) 관절운동범위수술전환측의관절운동범위는건측수근관절운동범위와비교하였을때굴곡과신전은평균 15도, 회내전과회외전은평균 9도의차이가나타났으나, 수술후건측수근관절운동범위와비교했을때굴곡과신전은평균 7도, 회내전과회
5 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적치료 55 외전은평균 4도로각각평균 8도, 5도의향상을보였다. 4) 파악력수술전건측과환측의평균파악력은 36/27 kg ( 건측 / 환측 ) 였으며, 수술후환측의파악력은평균 31 kg으로 4 kg의향상을나타냈다. 5) 수술후환자만족도및합병증 25명의환자중 20예에서수술후동통의호전및임상증상의호전을보여환자가만족하였으나 5예에서는수술전과비슷한정도의지속적인동통과관절운동의제한을호소하였고, 이전직업으로복귀가불가능하여불만족을나타냈다. 수술을시행한 25예의환자모두에서특별한합병증은발견할수없었다. 2. 손상형태와수술적치료방법에따른결과삼각섬유연골복합체병변의분류에따른결과의차이를비교해보면외상성삼각섬유연골복합체병변 17예중 16예에서, 퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변 8예중 4예에서양호이상의치료결과를나타냈다. 퇴행성병변중 3예에대해서는원위척골부분절제술을동시에시행하여 2예에서양호한결과를얻을수있었다. 관절경적치료방법에따른결과의차이를비교해보면, 관절경적변연절제술을시행한 20예중 15예에서, 관절경적봉합술을시행한 5예중모두에서양호이상의결과를얻을수있었다. 삼각섬유연골복합체병변과동반된병변으로주상 -월상골간불안정소견이관찰된 3예중관절경하정복및경피적핀고정술을시행한 1예에서양호한결과를얻었다. 고찰삼각섬유연골복합체는원위척골과척측수근골사이에존재하는복합적인구조물로중앙의편평한연골성무혈성부위와가장자리의인대성유혈성부위로나눌수있다 3,4,18). 삼각섬유연골가장자리의인대성유혈성부위는혈행이풍부하여파열이있을때봉합에의해치유가되는조직이나, 중앙의연골성무혈성부위는봉합에의해치유가되지않아변연절제술을시행하여안정된상태를만들어주어야한다 1,3,11). 삼각섬유연골복합체의외상성혹은퇴행성병변은손상된삼각섬유연골복합체조직으로인해수근관절의염증을야기하여만성수근관절동통의원인이되며, 특히척측종축부하시동통의악화를야기하게된다 17,18). 이러한염증을야기하는파열된삼각섬유연골복합체조직과염증조직을관절경적시술을통하여제거하고안정된삼각섬유연골복합체를만들어주었을때동통의완화및임상증상의호전을기대할수있다. 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적수술방법에대 해 John 등 14) 과 Minami 등 15) 은삼각섬유연골의병변부위에관계없이관절경적변연절제술만으로좋은결과를보고하였으나, 삼각섬유연골의혈행분포가풍부한가장자리부위에대해서는많은저자들이봉합술을시행하여좋은결과를보고하였다 7,21,22,24). Palmer의분류에따라 type Ia는삼각섬유연골중요골의 S형절흔 (sigmoid notch) 경계부에서 1-2 mm 떨어진곳에전후방으로종파열 (longitudinal tear) 또는판파열 (flap tear) 이생기는것으로, 관절경적변연절제술을기술적으로어렵지않게시행할수있으며, 저자들은주로 3-4와 4-5 입구를번갈아사용하면서전동소파기 (shaver) 와바스켓겸자, 펀치등을이용하여남은삼각섬유연골의가장자리부분이안정화될때까지불안정한판 (flap) 을충분히절제해주었다 2,8) (Fig. 1). 척측변연부가파열된 type Ib에대해서는모두관절경하에서봉합을시행하였는데저자들은관절경은주로 4-5 입구로삽입하고, 먼저봉합위치에맞게피부절개를가한후외- 내기술 (outside-in technique) 을이용하여바깥에서안쪽으로봉합용바늘을넣어삼각섬유연골의파열된가장자리를뜬후 2-0 PDS 집어넣고, 이실은다시관절막바깥쪽으로실을잡을수있는도구를이용하여빼낸후관절막에봉합하였다 2,7,24) (Fig. 2). 장측척수근인대 (volar ulnocarpal ligament) 부위가파열된 type Ic는관절경으로봉합하는것은기술적으로어려움이있고척수근관절의불안정성이관찰되지않아변연절제술만시행하였다. 수술후결과를비교해보면봉합술을시행한 5예모두에서양호한결과를얻을수있었으며, 나머지 20예에서는삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대해관절경적변연절제술을시행하여 15 예에서양호한결과를얻을수있었다. 그러나이것이삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한수술방법으로봉합술이변연절제술보다좋다는것을의미하는것은아니다. 관절경적변연절제술을시행한환자에서불량한결과를나타낸 5예를분석해보면, 4예에서는척골양성변이소견과함께퇴행성삼각섬유연골병변으로, 이중 3예는변연절제술만시행한경우였고, 나머지 1예는불안정성소견이동반되었으나적절한치료를시행하지못한경우였다. 즉, 삼각섬유연골파열에대한수술적치료방법으로봉합술또는변연절제술을선택하느냐보다는퇴행성삼각섬유연골병변, 척골양성변이소견의유무및수근골간불안정소견등이치료결과에보다큰영향을미치는것으로판단된다. 삼각섬유연골복합체의퇴행성병변은파열이일어나는외상성과달리척골두와월상골의척측부위의충돌이계속해서일어남으로써섬유연골이얇아지고더진행되면천공이생기는일종의마모현상으로, 임상적으로척골수근골충돌증후군 (ulnocarpal impingement syndrome) 에속하는질환으로생각할수있다. 따라서손상된부위의변연절제술만으로는일시적으로염증을완화시킬수는있으나근본적으로충돌현상을고쳐주지는못하므로좋은결과를얻을수없다 15). 충돌현상을
6 56 박민종 김청 해결하기위해서척골두의높이를낮추어월상골과의간격을넓혀주는원위척골부분절제술, 일명 wafer수술이나척골단축술을시행해주어야하는데, 원위척골부분절제술은마모에의해천공이존재하는 type IIc 이상에서 3 mm 이내의척골두절제가필요한경우에시행할수있으며, 척골단축술에비해수기가쉽고, 관절경적수기가가능하며, 합병증의빈도도낮은것으로보고하고있다 8-10). 이에비해척골단축술은관절외수기로원위요척관절에영향이적으며, 3 mm 이상의많은절제를시행할수있으며, 천공이존재하지않은 type IIa, b에시행할수있고, 월상-삼각골간불안정 (lunotriquetral instablity) 이동반된경우에척-수근인대 (ulnocarpal ligament) 의장력을증가시킴으로써불안정을개선시키는효과가있다. 하지만수술의범위가커지며내고정및추후제거술이필요할수있고, 불유합등합병증의빈도가관절경적원위척골부분절제술보다높은것으로보고되고있다 8,9,13,25). 저자들의경우 17예의외상성삼각섬유연골복합체병변과 8예의퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변중각각 16예와 4예에서양호한치료결과를나타내, 관절경적시술의효과가퇴행성병변이외상성병변보다나빴다. 초창기에는기술적어려움때문에척골양성변이 (ulnar positive variance) 가존재하는퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변중 3예에서만선택적으로원위척골부분절제술을시행하였으며, 2예에서양호한결과를나타냈다. 이는퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적변연절제술만으로는충분하지않으며, 척골부분절제술이나척골단축술과같은부가적인치료가필요함을의미하는것으로사료되어, 최근에는척골양성변이가존재하는모든퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대해서원위척골부분절제술또는척골단축술을시행하고있다. 결론수근관절에서관절경은관절내삼각섬유연골복합체병변을정확하게진단할수있으며, 관절경적변연절제술이나봉합술을시행하여관절내에서염증을일으키는부위를제거하고, 삼각섬유연골복합체를안정화시켜수근관절의동통과임상적증상을호전시킬수있는좋은치료방법이다. 또한외상성삼각섬유연골복합체병변이퇴행성삼각섬유연골복합체병변보다치료결과가양호하였으며, 동반된인대손상이나척골수근골충돌 (ulnocarpal impingement) 등이존재하는경우에는부가적인시술이필요할것으로사료된다. 참고문헌 1. Adams BD: Partial excision of the trianguar fibrocartilage complex articular disk. A biomechanical study. J Hand Surg, 18A: , Bednar JM: Arthroscopic treatment of triangular fibrocartilage tears. Hand Clin, 15: , Bednar JM, Arnoczky S and Weiland A: The microvasculature of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. Its clinical significance. J Hand Surg, 16A: , Botte MJ, Cooney WP and Linscheid RL: Arthroscopy of the wrist. Anatomy and technique. J Hand Surg, 14A: , Chen YC: Arthroscopy of wrist and finger joints. Orthop Clin North Am, 10: , Chung KC, Zimmerman NB and Travis MT: Wrist arthrography versus arthroscopy. A comparative study of 150 cases. J Hand Surg, 21A: , Corso SJ, Savoie FH, Giessler WB, Whipple TL, Jimmenez W and Jenkins N: Arthroscopic repair of peripheral avulsions of the triangular fibrocartilage complex of the wrist. A multicenter study. Arthroscopy, 13(1): 78-84, Dailey SW and Palmer AK: The role of arthroscopy in the evaluation and treatment of triangular fibrocartilage complex injury in athletes. Hand Clin, 16: , Deitch MA and Stern PJ: Ulnocarpal abutment. Treatment option. Hand Clin, 14: , Feldon P, Terrono AL and Belsky MR: Wafer distal ulna resection for triangular fibrocartilage tears and ulnar impaction syndrome. J Hand Surg, 17A: , Gan BS, Richard RS and Roth JH: Arthroscopic treatment of triangular fibrocartilage tear. Orthop Clin North Am, 26(4): , Hanker GJ: Diagnostic and operative arthroscopy of the wrist. Clin Orthop, 263: , Hulsizer D, Weiss AP and Akelman E: Ulnar shortening osteotomy after failed arthroscopic debridement of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. J Hand Surg, 22A: , John GW, Gregoris M, Panayotis NG and Dean GS: Wrist arthroscopy for the treatment of ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex injury. Arthroscopy, 14(5): , Minami A, Jun II, Suenaga N and Kasashima T: Clinical result of treatment of triangular fibrocartilage complex tear by arthroscopic debridement. J Hand Surg, 21A: , Palmer AK: Triangular fibrocartilage complex lesion. A classification. J Hand Surg, 14A: , Palmer AK, Glission RR and Werner FW: Relationship between ulnar variance and triangular fibrocartilage complex thickness. J Hand Surg, 9A: , Palmer AK and Werner FW: The triangular fibrocartilage complex of wrist. Anatomy and function. J Hand Surg, 6A: , Pederzini L, Luchetti R, Soragni O, Alfarano M and Cerofolini E:
7 삼각섬유연골복합체병변에대한관절경적치료 57 Evaluation of the triangular fibrocartilage complex tear by arthroscopy, arthrography and magnetic resonance imaging. Arthroscopy, 8(2): , Pianka G: Wrist arthroscopy. Hand Clin, 8(4): , Sagerman SD and Short W: Arthroscopic repair of radial-sided triangular fibrocartilage complex tears. Arthroscopy, 12(3): , Skie MC, Mekhail AO and Deitrich DR: Operative technique for inside-out repair of the triangular fibrocartilage complex. J Hand Surg, 22A: , Terrill BQ: Use of arthroscopy in the evaluation and treatment of chronic wrist pain. Hand Clin, 10(4): , Trumble TE and Vedder N: Isolated tear of the triangular fibrocartilage. Management by early arthroscopic repair. J Hand Surg, 22A: 57-65, Trumble TE, Vedder N and Gilbert M: Ulnar shortening combined with arthroscopic repairs in the delayed management of triangular fibrocartilage complex tears. J Hand Surg, 22A: , Abstract Arthroscopic Treatment for Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Lesion Min Jong Park, M.D. and Chung Kim, M.D. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Purpose : We analyzed the results and prognostic factors for patients with triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions who underwent arthroscopic surgery. Materials and Methods : According to Palmer classification, there were 10 type Ia, 5 Ib, 2 Ic, 1 IIb and 7 IIc lesions. Twenty patients received arthroscopic debridement and 5 patients arthroscopic repair. To assess the clinical outcomes, the degree of pain, range of motion, grip strength, returning to previous job and patient s satisfaction were investigated. Results : Among 25 patients, 20 showed pain relief and improved clinical symptoms after the operation. Sixteen of the seventeen traumatic lesions showed excellent or good results, while 4 of the 8 degenerative lesions showed good results. Among 20 patients who received arthroscopic debridement, 15 patients showed good results, while all 5 patients who underwent arthroscopic repair produced good results. Conclusion : Wrist arthroscopy allows accurate diagnosis of triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions, and arthroscopic debridement or repair produces good clinical outcomes. Traumatic triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions tend to have better results than degenerative lesions. Key Words : Wrist, Triangular fibrocartilage complex, Arthroscopy Address reprint requests to Min Jong Park, M.D. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine 50 Ilwon-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : , Fax : mjp@smc.samsung.co.kr
8 58 공지사항 1. 제 46 차춘계학술대회일정및등록안내 일 시 : 2002년 4월 19일 ( 금 ), 20일 ( 토 ) 장 소 : 충남대학교국제문화회관 평 점 : 6평점 사전등록마감 : 2002년 3월 30일 ( 토 ) 등록비 등록시기 정회원 준회원 3월 30일이전 50,000원 30,000원 3월 30일이후 55,000원 35,000원 등록비는학회사무실또는서울은행으로송금바랍니다. 서울은행 , 예금주 -대한정형외과학회 은행으로송금하실경우개원의께서는꼭본인이름으로송금하여주시고, 동명 2인이신경우의사면허번호를 기입하여주시기바랍니다. program 4월 18일 ( 목 ) 15:00-18:00 등록 4월 19일 ( 금 ) 07:00- 등록 08:00-16:20 조조강좌 I, 특강 I, II, 심포지움 I, II, III, IV 4월 20일 ( 토 ) 07:00- 등록 08:00-13:00 조조강좌 II, 특강 III, IV, 심포지움 V, VI 자세한일정은별도로발송될안내서를참조하시기바랍니다 년도대한정형외과학회학술상은대한정형외과학회지의비중을높이기위하여학술본상 2편 ( 상금각 3,000,000원 ), 장려상 6편 ( 상금각 700,000원 ) 총 8편의시상중 4편은대한정형외과학회지에수여하기로이사회에서통과된바회원님들께서는대한정형외과학회지에많은논문투고를바랍니다.
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Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
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Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2004 Objective: Ultrasonography (USG) of joints has a unique position for the diagnosis of joint diseases. Bone surface, cartilage, periarticular soft tissue and their pathologic
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Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
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직장암환자의전직장간막절제술의 예측인자분석 : 불완전절제와절제시간에영향을미치는인자에관한연구 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Degree of Difficulty in Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: Investigation of the Factors Affecting Incomplete
Received : 2015. 12. 09 Reviewed : 2015. 12. 16 Accepted : 2015. 12. 16 Sternal Fracture occurred after Thai Massage : A Case Report Young-Il Song, K.M.D. 1, Dong-Eun Kim, K.M.D. 1 1 Department of Rehabilitation
종골 부정 유합에 동반된 거주상 관절 아탈구의 치료 (1예 보고) 정복이 안된 상태로 치료 시에는 추후 지속적인 족부 동통의 원인이 되며, 이런 동통으로 인해 종골에 대해 구제술이나 2차적 재건술이 필요할 수도 있다. 2) 경종골 거주상 관절 탈구는 외국 문헌에 증례
CSE REPORT 대한족부족관절학회지 제16권 제4호 2012 J Korean Foot nkle Soc. Vol. 16. No. 4. pp.270-275, 2012 종골 부정 유합에 동반된 거주상 관절 아탈구의 치료 (1예 보고) 인제대학교 의과대학 일산백병원 정형외과 차성무 장보훈 서진수 Treatment of Talonavicular Subluxation
454 Dong-Hee Kim, et al. 도로감소되어있었다. 초기방사선검사상에서월상골의경화와함몰및측면방사선검사에서월상골의붕괴소견을보였다. 척골변위는중성을보였으며수근골높이비율도 0.5로정상범위였다 (Fig. 1). 이후불유합또는무혈성괴사와의감별을위해시행한컴퓨터단층촬영
453 pissn : 1226-2102, eissn : 2005-8918 Case Report J Korean Orthop Assoc 2018; 53: 453-457 https://doi.org/10.4055/jkoa.2018.53.5.453 www.jkoa.org 소아에서발생한진행성 Kienbock 병 김동희 어일주 정민 성균관대학교의과대학삼성창원병원정형외과학교실
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J Korean Orthop Assoc 2006; 41: 871-876 유경혈관화골이식술을이용한주상골불유합의치료 박민종 이재성 * 신성기 Treatment of Scaphoid Nonunion using a Pedicled Vascularized Bone Graft Purpose: This study examined the clinical usefulness
Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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J Korean Orthop Assoc 2006; 41: 197-203 비구이형성증환자의관절경적소견과술전 Labral Test 의유용성 유명철 조윤제 김강일 전성욱 박경준 Arthroscopic Findings of Dysplastic Hip & Usefulness of Preoperative Labral Test Purpose: To report the arthroscopic
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
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Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
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Biliary Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma of the Liver Jae Hoon Lee, M.D., Dong Ho Choi, M.D. 1, Kyeong Geun Lee, M.D., Hwon Kyum Park M.D. and Kwang Soo Lee, M.D. Department of Surgery, College of Medicine,
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Review on Conservative Treatment of Spinal Scoliosis Moon-kyu Lee, O.M.D., Gil-jae Lee, O.M.D., Yun-kyung Song, O.M.D., Hyung-ho Lim, O.M.D. Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine College of Oriental
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Surgical Extent and Types in Pancreatic Cancer Song Cheol Kim, M.D. Department of Surgery, Ulsan University College of Medicine & Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Pancreatic cancer continues to pose a
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
수근부골융기의수술적치료 639 Carter 2) 는초기에는절제술을시행하더라도재발을한다고하여수술적방법에대해회의적인결과를발표하였다. Cuono and Watson 4) 은재발을막기위해골융기를완전히절제하고정상연골이나올때까지 2, 3번째수근중수관관절의퇴행성관절돌기부분에배형성형
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J Korean Orthop Assoc 2007; 42: 91-97 변형 Brostrom 술식을이용한만성족근관절외측불안정성의치료 안재훈이영근정세현최원식 Treatment of Chronic Ankle Lateral Instability using Modified Brostrom Procedure Purpose: To analyze the results of
Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
대한골절학회지제25권, 제2호, 2012년 4월 Journal of the Korean Fracture Society Vol. 25, No. 2, April, 2012 증례보고 주관절후내측탈구를동반한동측원위요골및주상골골절 - 증례보고 - 김진완ㆍ고영철ㆍ정철용ㆍ은일수ㆍ김영준ㆍ김창규 부산의료원정형외과 낙상이나교통사고와같은고에너지에의한상지의수상은수근관절과주관절의손상을동시에일으킬수있다.
제5회 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 심포지엄 Program 1 ANESTHESIA (Room 2층 대강당) >> Session 4 Updates on PNB Techniques PNB Techniques for shoulder surgery: continuou
제5회 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학교실 심포지엄 (Room 2층 대강당) >> Session 4 Updates on PNB Techniques PNB Techniques for shoulder surgery: continuous vs single injection, interscalene vs supraclavicular approach 의정부성모병원
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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Physical Examination of the Wrist & Hand * 손은일상생활의거의모든동작을완수하는기능을지님. * 손상의빈도가높은곳. * 손자체의병변유무검진. Wrist joint 의기능해부학 (functional anatomy) 1) 손목관절을구성하는뼈 - 요골원위부 - 척골의관절판 - 수근골 (carpal bone) 근위열 (proximal row)
2 2 8 17 18 22 23 24 Heinrich Wecker 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 예정된 이벤트 증례2 : 세라믹-폴리에틸렌 고관절 치환술후 발생한 비구-대퇴 해리로 세라믹-세라믹 관절면을 사용하여 재수술 진단 : 고관절 통증으로 내원한 65세 여자환자, 20년전 세라믹-폴리에틸
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Abstract Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Related Factors for Nurses and Radiological Technologists Wearing a Lead Apron for Radiation Pro t e c t i o n Jung-Im Yoo, Jung-Wan Koo 1 ) Angio Unit, Team of Radiology,
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:237~251 Received: 2016/11/20, Accepted: 2016/12/24 Revised: 2016/12/21, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] Recently, there is an increasing
NO. 2155 Since 1969 2016. 06. 15 www.catholicfound.org www.cmc.or.kr blog.naver.com/cmc_health twitter.com/cmcmedicalnews www.facebook.com/cmcmedicalnews 02 CATHOLIC MEDICAL TIMES Vol.2155 2016.06.15 03
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
The Journal of the Korean Society of Fractures Vol.11, No.3, July, 1998 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine Chungnam National Unive
The Journal of the Korean Society of Fractures Vol11, No3, July, 1998 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine Chungnam National University Hospital, Taejon, Korea and Taejon Sungshim General
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Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
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고위험군유두상갑상선암환자에대한방사성옥소최대허용선량측정법및치료법의검증 Verification of Measurement Methods and Therapeutic Efficacy of Maximum Permissible Dose of I-131 in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer
대한수부외과학회지제 13 권제 3 호 The Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand VOLUME 13, NUMBER 3, September 2008 아주대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 Surgical Treatment of Transolecranon Fracture-Subluxation of the Elbow
갑상선의 Poorly Differentiated (Insular) Carcinoma Insular Carcinoma: An Aggressive Subtype of Differentiated Thyroid Neoplasms Seok-Jin Nam, M.D., Sang-Dal Lee, M.D., Hal-lin Park, M.D., Young-Ryun Oh, M.D.
Expression of bcl-2 and Apoptosis and Its Relationship to Clinicopathological Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer - A Study with Long Term Follow-up correlated with the survival rate.(journal of Korean
A Spatial Location Analysis of the First Shops of Foodservice Franchise in Seoul Metropolitan City Younghee Lee* 1 1 (R) 0 16 1 15 64 1 Abstract The foodservice franchise is preferred by the founders who
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Sang Jun Kim, MD, PhD Application of 3D Printing in the Orthotic Fields Hallux Valgus, Charcot Marie Tooth, ADL Kit, Foot Insole, Wrist Pain, Foot Drop Development of Automated Program for Ankle Foot Orthosis
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Clinical Article The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine 2013;31(2):45-50 http://dx.doi.org/10.5763/kjsm.2013.31.2.45 주관절의외반신전과부하증후군야구선수에서시행한관절경하주두골극절제술 건국대학교의학전문대학원, 건국대학교서울병원정형외과학교실 1, 건국대학교충주병원정형외과학교실
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A study on the characteristic of land use in subcenter of Seoul. - Cases of Yeongdeungpo and Kangnam Ok Kyung Yuh* Yong-Bae Lee**,. 2010,,..,.,,,,.,,.,,.,,,, Abstract : This study analyzed the land use
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Continuing Education Column Shoulder Operation Sang -Hoon Lhee, MD Duk-Hwan Kho, MD Jin-Young Park, MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery/Shoulder, Elbow and Sports Service, Konkuk University College of
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J KMA Special Issue Myelodysplastic Syndrome June Won Cheong, MD Yoo Hong Min, MD Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine E mail : jwcheong70@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr minbrmmd@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
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