Review Article Korean Circulation J 2000;30 8 : 심부전증의최신개념과치료 김재중 New Concepts and Treatment of Heart Failure Modulation of Neurohormonal Syst
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1 Review Article Korean Circulation J 2000;308: 심부전증의최신개념과치료 김재중 New Concepts and Treatment of Heart Failure Modulation of Neurohormonal System Jae-Joong Kim, MD, PhD Asan Medical Center, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea Activation of Neurohormnal Systems in Heart Failure 1045
2 Fig. 1. Activation of neurohormonal system in heart failure. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) Table 1. Adverse effects of angiotensin in congestive heart failure Left ventricular structural and functional effects Increased transmural wall stress Dilation caused by increase of end-diastolic and endsystolic volumes Decreased coronary flow in epicardial and transmural vessels Hemodynamic effects Increased vascular resistance Positive Inotropic stimulation Neurohormonal and paracrine effects Increased tissue effects of angiotensin Stimulation of aldosterone production, with sodium and volume retention Increase of circulatory catecholamines, impaired baroreceptor function, and abnormal Sympathetic-parasympathetic balance Increased bradykinin degradation Stimulate the secretion of arginine vasopressin Mitogenic and growth effects Myocardial hypertrophy Vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy Cell protein enhancement Angiotensin con-verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor 1046 Korean Circulation J 2000;308:
3 Table 2. Effects of Ace inhibitors in patients with congestive heart failure Study No. Age CAD EF Class Drugs F/U Mortality reduction CONSENSUS % N/A Enalapril 1 88 days 27%p0.003 V-HeFT % 29%, Enalapril 2.5 years 28%p0.002 SOLVD treat % 25%, Enalapril 41.1 mos. 16%p0.004 SOLVD prev % 28%, Enalapril 37.4 mos. 8%p0.30 Evaluation of ACE inhibitor dose in CHF Angiotensin Ⅱ receptor blocker 1047
4 Fig. 2. Cascades of RAS and mechanism of action of ACE inhibitors and AT1 receptor antagonists. ATAngiotensin receptorst-patissue plasminogen activatorsnssympathetic nervous systemgrowth Fgrowth factorspaiplasminogen activator inhibitor. Table 3. Angiotensin receptor subtypeeffect Angiotesin R subtype Angiotensin R subtype Fibrosis Vasoconstriction Matrix growth PA-I synthesis Endothelial dysfunction 1048 Nitric oxide release Antiproliferative effect Apoptosis Korean Circulation J 2000;308:
5 Fig. 3. Stimuli generating aldosterone. Aldosterone antagonist Fig. 4. The results of RALES. 1049
6 Fig. 5. Harmful effect of prolonged sympathetic stimulation on cardiac myocytes Sympathetic System Harmful effect of prolonged sympathetic stimulation in heart failure Effects of β-blockers in heart failure Korean Circulation J 2000;308:
7 Clinical use of β-blocker in heart failure 1051
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