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30 이티에스(주) 맘키드 Wellbeing Food CEO s Message ݞ ᯖᔊฮ Company Introduction We guarantee your pleasure of giving our products as gifts and receiving compliments in return. Seaweed ᩋ 제 품 설 명 Benefits of Seaweed 미역의 효능 황금물산은 청정해역의 푸른바다에서 건강한 먹거리인 해조류제품을 생산하는 기업입니다. 현재 농협 하나로마트, 우체국택배, 세이브존, 백화점 등에 납품하고 있으며, 그 품질을 미국 FDA 에서도 인정받아 수출을 통해 제품의 우수성을 세계시장에 알리고 있습니다. 앞으로 저희 황금물산은 신뢰와 성실함을 바탕으로 질 좋은 제품생산을 위해 최고의 기술과 최선의 노력을 다 하겠습니다. 1. 강압작용 : 미역에 들어있는 히스타민 및 여러가지 성분들은 혈압을 낮추어 주는 강압작용이 있어 고혈압 환자에게 도움을 줍니다. 2. 항암작용 : 미역에 들어있는 성분들은 각종 암세포의 성장을 30%이하로 억제하는 항암효과가 있다는 연구 결과가 있으며, 장운동을 원활하게 하여 직장암을 예방해 주기도 합니다. 3. 항응혈작용 : 혈액속 지방을 깨끗이 청소하여 우리몸에 유해한 LDL콜레스테롤은 감소시켜주고 신체에 유익한 HDL 콜레스테롤은 증가시켜주는 효과가 있습니다. HwangGeum Mulsan Co., Ltd. is specialized in producing a variety of processed sea vegetable products. Currently sold at Agricultural Cooperative Mart, Korea Post Office online market and nationwide chain stores such as Save Zone, our products quality has been already proved in domestic market. In addition, HwangGeum has also acquired certificate from US FDA for the safety of the products, setting to explore the global market. All the staffs at HwangGeum Mulsan pledge to do our best to provide the highest quality sea vegetable products to customers based on sincerity and advanced technology. CEO 황 현 한 Hyun Han, Hwang Products Overview ɦ ᔎ ᱺ ᮶ ᰃᱮ Differentiated Materials 원초의 차이 4. 해독작용 : 미역줄기의 효능으로 다당류와 점질물 등은 콜레스테롤, 중금속, 농약 등의 독소를 제거하는 해독작용을 합니다. 1. Depressant Effect : Seaweed is good for people with high blood pressure as histamine ingredient in the kelp lower the blood pressure. 2. Anti-cancer Effect: According to the research result, ingredients in seaweed suppress growth of cancer cells by 30%. It also helps prevent colon cancer by activating the movement of colon. 3. Anti-coagulating Effect: Seaweed cleanses the fat contained in the blood to reduce LDL (harmful cholesterol) and increase HDL (beneficial cholesterol). 4. Detoxification Effect: Polysaccharide and mucilage in the seaweed removes cholesterol, heavy metal and other chemicals accumulated in the human body. 40여 년간의 노하우로 청정해역인 완도, 하의도, 금일 등지에서 최상급 품질의 원초만을 선별합니다. ( 타사 대비 원초매입가 30%이상 높음 ) Based on 40 years of experience and know-how, we are collecting the highest quality kelps from the clean sea water near Wando, Haeudo and Geumildo that are known as the cleanest sea water belt in Korea. (Price of unprocessed sea vegetables is 30% higher than other competitors.) Certificates 인증서 Old Style Seaweed ₖ ᩋ 320g / 150g / 80g 깊은 바다의 거친 파도와 급류에서 쉴새없는 운동과 자연의 영양을 섭취하며 자란 미역으로 타 미역에 비하여 맛과 품질면에서 단연 으뜸입니다. 전라남도지사 인증과 전라남도 공동브랜드인 남도미향 인증으로 우수품질을 확인 하였습니다. Authorization from Jeonnam Province and Namdo Taste Certificate (a brand of Jeonnam Province) prove the highest quality of our products. It is by far the best seaweed in taste and quality as it grew up overcoming wild waves and taking natural nutrition of clean sea water. Expertise of processing 생산과정의 노하우 지속적인 연구와 노력을 통해 터득한 최적의 세척시간 알맞은 건조온도 를 통해 황금물산만의 우수한 제품이 생산됩니다. Based on our continuing R&D and rich experience, all products of HwangGeum are produced under optimized cleaning time and proper temperature to deliver the high quality products to the consumers. Management Philosophy 경영자 마인드 엄격한 품질관리로 최상의 제품만을 선별 생산하며, 소비자 신뢰를 위해 선도가 떨어지는 제품은 취급하지 않습니다. We select only the highest quality sea vegetables and process them under strict quality control. To give reliability to the consumers, we do not use them if they are not fresh. Consumer satisfaction 소비자가 인정 농협 하나로마트, 세이브존 등의 대형마트와 신세계, 롯데백화점 등에 납품하고 있으며, 미국 수출을 통해 우수성을 인정받은 소비자만족도가 높은 제품들입니다. HWANGGEUM (주)황금물산 Not only supplying our products to major chain stores in Korea, including Hanaro Mart, Save Zone, Shinsaege Department Store and Lotte Department Store, we also export the products to the USA. Stem Seaweed ^ ᩋ 320g 가닥이(미역줄기) 있어 국물이 진하며 철분이 다량 함유되어 산모들에게 꼭 필요한 고품질의 제품입니다. Producing thick soup thanks to its stems and rich iron, it is good for mothers who deliver the babies. Products Guide _ Seaweed 회 사 소 개

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42 Part 4 C.I / B.I & Etc.

43 Share good design Cerart Edison Korea Cuisine Powerful Design Solution On Windows since 1990 Refresh Brain Edison SAMIK DALRY & FOOD CO.,LTD.

44 APPLES Seven Apples, LLC

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46 ASSOCIATION OF ASIA PACIFIC AIRLINES 9/F Kompleks Antarabangsa Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ASSOCIATION OF ASIA PACIFIC AIRLINES 9/F Kompleks Antarabangsa Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur Malaysia


48 Share good design INVITATION 10am~5pm March 12(Tue.)~15(Fri.), 2013 Hall 1&2, KINTEX, KOREA Schedule during HARFKO 2013 Event Date & Time Event opening ceremony 10:30. 3/12(Tue.) in front of Hall 3 12:00. 3/12(Tue.) Grand Ballroon HVAC/R Award 14:00. 3/13(Wed.) Semminar Room On-Site B2B Meeting 3/13(Wed.)~14(Thu.) Semminar Room IIR Symposium Deadline for the Pre-Registration : 18:00 March 8, 2013 Seminar Schedule Date Time Company name 14:00~16:00 BITZER 14:00~16:00 Air-Tech Engineering Co.,Ltd. 3/12 (Tue.) 14:00~16:00 Hitech R&H Ltd. 14:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 15:00~16:00 ebm-papst Korea Co., Ltd. 10:00~12:00 10:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 3/13 (Wed.) 11:00~12:00 ebm-papst Korea Co., Ltd. 13:00~15:00 Alfa Laval Korea Ltd. 14:00~16:00 Hitech R&H Ltd. 10:00~12:00 3/14 (Thu.) 10:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 14:00~16:00 sntech The Seminar schedule is subject to change. For more information, please refer to Company Name Booth NO INVITATION Company Name Booth NO. 10am~5pm March 12(Tue.)~15(Fri.), 2013 Hall 1&2, KINTEX, KOREA You are Cordially invited to HARFKO Schedule during HARFKO 2013 Event Date & Time Event opening ceremony 10:30. 3/12(Tue.) in front of Hall 3 12:00. 3/12(Tue.) Grand Ballroon HVAC/R Award 14:00. 3/13(Wed.) Semminar Room On-Site B2B Meeting 3/13(Wed.)~14(Thu.) Semminar Room IIR Symposium Deadline for the Pre-Registration : 18:00 March 8, Seminar Schedule Date Time Company name 14:00~16:00 BITZER 14:00~16:00 Air-Tech Engineering Co.,Ltd. 3/12 (Tue.) 14:00~16:00 Hitech R&H Ltd. 14:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 15:00~16:00 ebm-papst Korea Co., Ltd. 10:00~12:00 10:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 3/13 (Wed.) 11:00~12:00 ebm-papst Korea Co., Ltd. 13:00~15:00 Alfa Laval Korea Ltd. 14:00~16:00 Hitech R&H Ltd. 10:00~12:00 3/14 (Thu.) 10:00~16:00 Shinsung Engineering 14:00~16:00 sntech The Seminar schedule is subject to change. For more information, please refer to


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