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1 J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 한국식품영양과학회지 43(3), 439~445(2014) 추출방법에따른인삼씨유의품질특성 김지은 1 이슬 1 유경미 2 이경혜 3 김경탁 4 이명희 4 황인경 1 1 서울대학교식품영양학과 생활과학연구소, 2 숭의여대식품영양학과 3 동남보건대학교식품생명과학과, 4 한국식품연구원공정기술연구단 Quality Characteristics of Ginseng Seed Oil Obtained by Different Extraction Methods Ji-Eun Kim 1, Seul Lee 1, Kyung-Mi Yoo 2, Kyoung-Hae Lee 3, Kyung-Tack Kim 4, Myung-Hee Lee 4, and In-Kyeong Hwang 1 1 Dept. of Food and Nutrition Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Soong Eui Women s College, Seoul , Korea 3 Dept. of Food Science & Biotechnology, Dongnam Health College, Gyeonggi , Korea 4 Processing Technology Research Group, Korea Food Research Institute, Gyeonggi , Korea ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the quality characteristics of ginseng seed oil as well as evaluate the efficacy of ginseng seed oil as a food resource. Ginseng seed oil was obtained by different extraction methods; from solvent extraction oil, supercritical fluid extraction oil, and screw pressed extraction oil. Total unsaturated fatty acids were present at 97.72~97.92%. Oleic acid (80.13~81.16%) was the highest, followed by linoleic acid (14.98~15.69%). The total phenol content (mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g oil) was higher in screw pressed extraction oil (56.32±1.47) compared to others. γ-tocopherol was only present in ginseng seed oil and screw pressed extraction oil showed the highest levels of γ-tocopherol (5.95±0.25 mg/100 g oil) among the tested samples. Screw pressed extraction oil showed the greatest oxidative stability with an induction time of hours. Acid values and peroxide values of ginseng seed oil increased with increasing storage period. The total phenol and γ-tocopherol contents were higher in screw pressed extraction oil than in other ginseng seed oils, which suggests that screw pressed extraction oil has the greatest oxidative stability. Key words: ginseng seed oil, extraction methods, quality characteristics 서 인삼 (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) 은두릅나무과다년생초본식물로대표적인우리고유의약용식물이다 (1). 인삼은예전부터순환기, 소화기, 신경계등의생체대사조절능생약재로사용되어왔으며, 면역활성증진, 항산화작용, 혈행개선, 항암효과및 phytoestrogen 등다양한건강기능성효과가알려지면서고수익장려품목으로지정되어재배되고있고시장규모도확대되고있다 (2-10). 인삼은뿌리, 잎, 열매로구성되어있으며, 일반적으로인삼제품은뿌리를제품화한것이고잎이나열매를이용한제품은적은편이다. 인삼가공제품으로는건조, 농축액, 음료, 분말, 절편등의건강기능식품으로이용되고있으며, 최근에는화장품소재로다용되고있다 (11,12). 인삼의주된생리활성물질은 ginsenoside라는사포닌으 론 Received 8 November 2013; Accepted 12 February 2014 Corresponding author. ikhwang@snu.ac.kr, Phone: 로, 이는인삼원료의건강기능식품에대한지표물질로이용되고있다 (13,14). 인삼씨에함유된 ginsenoside 함량은인삼보다높아최근에는인삼씨에대한관심이증가하고있다. 인삼씨의지방함량은약 15~26% 로비교적많이함유되어있으며, phytosterol과 squalene이함유되어있어건강기능성식품및화장품으로서의가능성도제시되고있다 (15-17). 식물자원의유지추출방법은압착법과유기용매를이용한추출법을사용한다. 유지함량이높은종자를사용할경우압착법으로추출하고남은착유박은유기용매로추출한다. 그러나추출법은유기용매를사용할경우잔류유기용매의안전성문제나추출후유기용매처리로인한환경오염이문제시되며, 압착법만사용할경우타채유법에비하여수율과유지의순도가낮은편이다. 최근초임계유체추출법은신속한추출과선택적추출이가능한친환경, 저에너지용매를사용하는녹색기술로관심의대상이되고있다 (18-21). 그러나초임계추출의생산비용이높기때문에일부에서만이용되고있다 (22).

2 440 김지은 이슬 유경미 이경혜 김경탁 이명희 황인경 식품자원유지추출에있어가장중요한것은종자내에함유되어있는고유한성분의변화없이추출하는것이다. 따라서인삼씨유 (ginseng seed oil) 를추출할때인삼씨내의고유성분을가장효과적으로추출할수있는공정에대한연구가필요한실정이다. 따라서본연구에서는인삼열매로부터분리한인삼씨에용매추출 (solvent extraction), 초임계유체추출 (supercritical fluid extraction), 압착추출 (screw pressed extraction) 방법을적용하여채유한인삼씨유의품질특성을비교하여안전하고우수한추출공정을선정하고식품가치를살펴보고자하였다. 재료및방법재료본연구에서사용된인삼씨는 2011년충청남도금산에서재배, 수확된 4년근인삼씨를구입하여사용하였다. 압착추출용시료는추출하는과정에서외피부분에오일이흡유될우려가있어외피를제거하고배유부분만을 200 C에서 10 분동안볶은후추출시료로사용하였다. 용매추출과초임계유체추출에사용될시료는 200 C에서 10분동안볶은후분쇄하여분말형태로제조하였다. 각각의추출용시료는 LDPE(low density polyethylene) 필름으로포장한후 -18 C로냉동저장하면서인삼씨유추출시료로사용하였다. 인삼씨유추출및수율인삼씨에용매추출법으로추출한인삼씨유 (SEO), 초임계유체추출법으로추출한인삼씨유 (SFO), 압착추출법으로추출한인삼씨유 (SPO) 를각각얻기위하여다음과같은전처리를적용하였다. 용매추출은 200 C에서 10분동안볶은후분쇄한인삼씨에 n-hexane(1:5, w/v) 을첨가하여상온에서 3시간동안 3회반복하여교반추출하였다. 초임계추출은초임계이산화탄소추출장치 (Greentek21 Co., Ltd., Anyang, Korea) 를이용하여추출하였다. 500 ml 용량의추출조에인삼씨분말 200 g을투입하여밀봉하였으며, 초임계유체로사용한이산화탄소는 CO 2 cylinder에서나온 CO 2 gas가 condenser를거쳐액화되고 CO 2 펌프에서압축되어추출조로들어가게된다. 분쇄한인삼씨를 500 bar, 65 C 조건에서 6시간동안이산화탄소를 g/min (360 min, CO kg) 유량으로주입하여추출하였다. 추출조에서나온이산화탄소와추출물은압력이상압으로낮아지면서이산화탄소는날아가고 receiver에모인추출물을시료로하였다. 압착추출은채유기 ( 깨박사, HD-333, 현대녹색산업, 의정부, 한국 ) 를이용하여가열압착추출하였다. 각추출물들의수율은투입한인삼씨분말의중량대비, 추출된인삼씨유함량에대한백분율로나타내었다. 추출한인삼씨유는 10 g씩 screw cap tube에분주하여 60±1 C 항온기에 4주간저장하면서공시시료로사용하였다. 총폴리페놀함량추출방법을달리한인삼씨유각각의총폴리페놀함량은 Folin-Ciocalteu법 (23) 에준하여분석하였다. 인삼씨유 10 g을 n-hexane 10 ml에용해시킨뒤 80% methanol을 100 ml 넣어상온에서교반하여 3회반복진탕추출하였다. 메탄올층을분리한후 n-hexane 20 ml를추가로넣어잔존유지성분을제거하였다. 추출액은감압농축하여동결건조한후 80% methanol에 10 mg/ml 농도로용해시켜총페놀함량측정에사용하였다. 총폴리페놀함량측정은시료 0.1 ml에증류수로 10배희석한 2 N Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol(sigma-aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) 0.5 ml를첨가한후교반하며반응시켰다. 여기에 7.5% Na 2CO ml를넣어상온에서 30분간반응시켜 microplate reader(imark, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) 를이용하여 765 nm에서흡광도를측정하였다. 표준물질로사용한 gallic acid(sigma-aldrich Co.) 는시료와동일한방법으로분석하여얻은표준검량곡선을이용하여시료추출물의총폴리페놀함량을산출하였다. 총폴리페놀함량은 gallic acid를농도별로제조한후시료와같은방법으로흡광도로측정하여얻은검량곡선의추세선식인 y=ax+b를이용하여인삼씨유중의총폴리페놀함량을산출하였고, 이를 100 g에대하여환산하였다. 색도인삼씨유색도는색차계 (CM-3500D, Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) 를이용하여측정하였고, 이를 Hunter scale에의한 L(lightness), a(redness), b(yellowness) 값으로나타내었다. 시료는 3회측정한수치를평균한값으로나타내었으며, 이때사용한표준백판은 L=95.79, a=-0.12, b=-0.19이었다. 지방산분석용매추출, 초임계유체추출, 압착추출한인삼씨유의지방산분석은 AOCS 방법 (24) 에준하여실시하였다. 시료를 BF 3-methanol 용액으로 methyl ester화시킨후 n-hexane으로추출하여 gas chromatography 6890(Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) 을사용하여분석하였다. Injector는 split mode(split ratio 50:1) 로 240 C로하였고, detector는 flame ionization detector(fid: 280 C) 를사용하였다. Carrier gas는 helium을사용하였고, flow rate는 1.3 ml/min이었다. Column은 DB-23(capillary, 30.0 m 250 μm 0.25 μm, J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA) 을사용하였다. 오븐온도는초기 50 C에서 2분간정치하고 25 C/min으로 175 C까지온도를올린후, 230 C까지 4 C/min으로올려 5분간정치하였다. 그리고후에 25 C/min으로 250 C까지올려 3분간정치하였다. 분석된각지방산은표준지방산 (F.A.M.E mix C14-C22, Grain Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mix, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA)

3 추출방법에따른인삼씨유의품질특성 441 과검출시간을비교하여분석하였다. 인삼씨유의지방산동정및정량은표준지방산의 gas chromatogram의머무름시간과피크면적을통해계산하였다. 토코페롤분석인삼씨유의토코페롤분석을위하여추출방법을달리한각각의시료 120 mg을 1 ml의 2-propanol에용해시켜사용하였다. 2-Propanol에녹인시료는 0.2 μm hydrophobic PTFE syringe filter(whatman, Piscataway, NJ, USA) 로여과하여 HPLC(Ultimate3000, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) 분석시료로사용하였다. 칼럼은 C18 Inno column( mm, Innopia, Seongnam, Korea) 을사용하였으며, 이동상은 acetonitrile : methanol(1:1, v/v%) 을 1 ml/min 유속으로흘려주었다. 시료는 20 μl 주입하여여기파장 295 nm, 형광파장 325 nm(ex/em) 에서분석하였으며, 표준물질은 α, γ, δ-tocopherol(sigma-aldrich Co.) 을사용하였다 (25). 토코페롤함량은오일 100 g당 mg 함량으로나타내었다. Rancimat test 인삼씨유의가열시산패정도를확인하기위해 Cha와 Choi의방법 (26) 에따라 Rancimat 743(Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland) 을이용하여산화유도시간 (induction time) 을측정하였다. 추출방법을달리하여제조한각각의인삼씨유를 3 g씩취한후 120 C에서시간당 20 L의여과된공기를주입하여산화시켰다. 모든시료에대하여 3회반복하여산패정도를측정하였다. 산가, 과산화물가측정추출방법을달리한인삼씨유의화학적인품질특성을알아보기위하여산가 (AV) 와과산화물가 (POV) 를측정하였다. 인삼씨유를 60 C 항온기에서 4주간저장하면서 3회반복측정하였으며, 각각의실험방법은 AOCS에제시된방법 (27,28) 에의하여실험하였다. 통계처리모든결과는평균 ± 표준편차로나타내었고, 자료의통계분석은 SPSS Ver. 18.0(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) 프로그램을이용하여분산분석 (ANOVA) 을실시하였으며, 시료간유의성검정은 Duncan의다중범위검정법 (Duncan s multiple rage test) 으로 P<0.05 수준에서실시하였다. 결과및고찰수율추출방법에따른인삼씨오일의수율은 Table 1과같다. 인삼씨유의수율은용매추출오일 19.2±1.09%, 초임계유체추출오일 20.2±1.15%, 압착추출오일 9.4±1.24% 를나 Table 1. Extraction yield and total polyphenol content and induction time by rancimat test of ginseng seed oils from the different extraction methods Sample 1) mg GAE 2) / Induction Yield (%) 100 g oil time (hr) SEO 19.2±1.09 b3) 30.65±0.48 c 9.84±0.47 b SFO 20.2±1.15 a 34.11±1.98 b 3.51±0.22 c SPO 9.4±1.24 c 56.32±1.47 a 16.58±0.68 a 1) SEO: solvent extraction oil, SFO: supercritical fluid extraction oil, SPO: screw pressed extraction oil. 2) GAE: gallic acid equivalents. 3) Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. Different superscripts in the same column (a-c) indicate significant differences at P<0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test. 타내어추출방법에따라서유의적으로차이를나타낸것을확인하였다 (P<0.05). 인삼씨오일의수율은압착추출방법을적용한경우다른추출방법에비하여상대적으로낮은결과를보였는데, 이는압착추출공정상배유부분만을추출에사용하였고수율산출에인삼종자외피의무게를포함하였기때문에차이를나타낸것으로판단되었다. Zhu 등 (17) 은인삼씨오일을용매추출한결과, 16.64~22.30% 의수율을나타냈으며이는본연구에서용매추출한인삼씨오일의수율과유사한결과를나타냈다. 총폴리페놀함량폴리페놀은식물에광범위하게분포하며항산화, 항염증, 항암효능등의생리활성을나타내는물질로알려져있으며, -OH를갖고있어다른화합물과결합이용이한특성을갖고있다 (29,30). 특히유리라디칼 (free radical) 을소거하는항산화활성이높은것으로알려져있다 (31). 오일에함유된페놀성물질은지질산화의연쇄과정에서수소원자의 donate 역할을하며오일의산화를방지시켜주는중요한물질이다 (32). 인삼씨유용매추출오일, 초임계유체추출오일, 압착추출오일의총폴리페놀함량을측정한결과는 Table 1과같다. 압착추출오일의총폴리페놀함량은 56.32±1.47 mg GAE/100 g으로가장높은함량을보였고, 용매추출오일과초임계추출오일의경우각각 30.65±0.48 mg GAE/100 g, 34.11±1.98 mg GAE/100 g으로나타나추출조건에따라서총폴리페놀함량은큰차이를보였다 (P<0.05). 이러한결과는초임계및용매추출과정중열에약한폴리페놀물질의특성에기인한것으로판단되었다. 색도인삼씨유의색도를측정한결과를 Table 2에나타내었다. 명도 L값은각각 8.70~11.38의범위로측정되었으며, 용매추출오일의수치가가장높았고초임계유체추출오일의경우는가장낮았으며, 용매추출오일, 초임계유체추출오일, 압착추출오일간에유의적인차이를보였다 (P<0.05). 적색도 a값은초임계유체추출방법으로얻은초임계유체추

4 442 김지은 이슬 유경미 이경혜 김경탁 이명희 황인경 Table 2. Hunter color value of ginseng seed oils Color 2) Sample 1) SEO SFO SPO L a b 11.38±0.17 a3) -0.57±0.12 b 1.24±0.11 b 8.70±0.17 c -0.12±0.14 a 0.63±0.15 c 9.63±0.14 b -0.69±0.17 b 1.73±0.17 a 1) Samples are the same as in Table 1. 2) L, lightness; a, redness; b, yellowness. 3) Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. Different superscripts in the same row (a-c) indicate significant differences at P<0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test. 출오일이가장크게나타나상대적으로붉은색을나타냄을알수있었고, 용매추출오일과압착추출오일간에는유의적인차이를나타내지않았다. 황색도 b값은압착추출오일에서가장크게나타났으며, 용매추출오일, 초임계유체추출오일, 압착추출오일간에유의적인차이를보였다 (P<0.05). 이로볼때인삼씨유의색도는초임계추출과용매추출방법순으로추출할때양호한색도를지닌인삼씨유를얻을수있을것으로판단되었다. 지방산조성용매추출, 초임계유체추출, 압착추출한인삼씨유의지방산조성분석결과는 Table 3과같다. 용매추출, 초임계추출및압착추출방법으로각각추출된인삼씨유의불포화지방산함량은 97.72~97.92% 로지방산조성중대부분을차지했으며, 단일불포화지방산인 oleic acid(c18:1) 의함량이 80.13~81.16% 로가장많았고 linoleic acid(c18:2) 가 14.98~15.69% 를차지했다. Oleic acid 함량은초임계유체추출오일에서유의적으로높게나타났으며, linoleic acid (C18:1) 함량은압착추출오일에서유의적으로높게나타났 Table 3. Fatty acid composition of ginseng seed oils Fatty acids C 16:0 C 16:1 C 18:1t C 18:1 C 18:2t C 18:2 C 18:3 C 20:1 Content (%) SEO 1) SFO SPO 2.19±0.01 b2) 0.25±0.00 c ND 3) 80.94±0.04 b 0.71±0.01 a 15.11±0.01 b 0.12±0.00 a 0.68±0.02 a SFA 4) 2.19±0.01 USFA 5) 97.81± ±0.00 c 0.38±0.00 a ND 81.16±0.01 a 0.63±0.00 b 14.98±0.00 c 0.12±0.00 a 0.65±0.01 b 2.08± ± ±0.02 a 0.36±0.01 b ND 80.13±0.01 c 0.71±0.02 a 15.69±0.01 a 0.12±0.00 a 0.70±0.00 a 2.28± ±0.02 1) Samples are the same as in Table 1. 2) Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. 3) Not detected. 4) SFA: saturated fatty acid. 5) USFA: unsaturated fatty acid. Different superscripts in the same row (a-c) indicate significant differences at P<0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test. 다 (P<0.05). Linoleic acid와 oleic acid의함량은서로반대의경향을나타냈다. 인삼씨유의포화지방산으로는유일하게 palmitic acid(16:0) 만검출되었다. 이와같은결과는 Zhu 등 (17) 의연구와비슷한결과를나타내었다. 인삼씨유지방산조성은 oleic acid가대부분으로나타나올리브유의지방산조성과유사한경향을보였고 (33), 인삼씨유의불포화지방산함량이올리브유와비교하여훨씬높게나타난것을확인할수있었다. 올리브유의경우포화지방산인 palmitic acid 함량이 10.9~15.0%, 다가불포화지방산인 linoleic acid는 5.30~10.43% 였고 (34), 인삼씨유는올리브유에비해 palmitic acid 함량은더낮은반면 linoleic acid 함량은더높게나타났다. 인삼씨의지방함량은약 15~26% 로비교적많은지방을함유하고있다 (15). 인삼씨유는다른식물성오일과마찬가지로불포화지방산이 97.5~97.87% 로대부분이라보고되고있다. 지방산조성은단일불포화지방산인 oleic acid (18:1) 가 61.19~87.5% 로주된지방산이었고, 그다음으로다가불포화지방산인 linoleic acid(18:2) 가많이함유되어있다고보고되었다 (17). 이와같이 oleic acid(18:1) 의함량이높다는것은유지의자동산화시유도기간이지연되어산화안정성이다른식용유지에비하여높다고하였다 (35-37). 또한인삼씨유에는 phytosterol과 squalene이함유되어있어건강기능성식품및화장품으로서의가능성도제시되고있다 (16). 토코페롤함량토코페롤은지용성식품의지질산패를저해시키는항산화활성을갖고있으며, 이는지질유리지방산에수소원자의 donate 역할을하고지질의자동산화과정을지연시키기때문에나타난다 (38). 추출공정에따른인삼씨유의토코페롤함량을측정한결과는 Fig. 1과같다. 인삼씨유에서는 γ-토코페롤만검출되었으며, 추출방법을달리하여채유한인삼씨오일중압착추출오일의 γ-토코페롤함량이 5.95±0.25 mg/100 g으로가장높았다. 또한용매추출오일과초임계유체추출오일은저장기간에따라 γ-토코페롤의양이유의적으로감소하였으며, 저장 28일에는검출되지않았지만압착추출오일은저장기간에따라유의적인차이를나타내지않았다 (P<0.05). 토코페롤과같은항산화성물질의경우대부분열에약한특성을지니고있는데열이가해지는추출방법에따라토코페롤의함량에차이가있는것을알수있었다. 또한저장중토코페롤함량이낮은처리구일수록유의적으로감소하는것을알수있었다. 산화안정성일반적으로유도시간이지난유지는산소흡수속도및산화생성물의양이급격하게증가되고, 이에따라유지에서여러가지물리화학적변화가일어나산패가일어나게된다.

5 추출방법에따른인삼씨유의품질특성 443 γ-tocopherols (mg/100 g oli) Storage period (days) SEO SFO SPO Fig. 1. Changes in tocopherol content of ginseng seed oil during storage at 60 C. Samples are the same as in Table 1. Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. Values with different capital letters (A,B) among ginseng seed oil of same storage day of different extraction method are significantly Values with different small letters (a,b) among ginseng seed oil of same extraction method during storage days are significantly POV (meq/kg oil). 70 SEO 60 SFO SPO ca 30 cb da db cc ea dc Storage period (days) Fig. 3. Changes of the peroxide value of ginseng seed oils during storage at 60 C. Samples are the same as in Table 1. Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. Values with different capital letters (A-C) among ginseng seed oil of same storage day of different extraction method are significantly Values with different small letters (a-e) among ginseng seed oil of same extraction method during storage days are significantly 따라서유도시간이길게나타날경우산화안정성이우수하다고할수있다 (39). 인삼씨유의저장중산화안정성을평가하고자 rancimat test를통해산화유도시간을측정하였다. 산화유도시간은전기전도도커브가 inflection point에도달했을때를말한다. 인삼씨유의산화유도시간을측정한결과 (Table 1) 추출공정에따른유의적인차이를나타냈으며 (P<0.05), 압착추출오일의유도시간이 16.58시간으로가장길게나타나산화안정성이가장우수한것으로나타났다. 유지의산화안정성지표로과산화물가를측정함으로써유지의산패와관련된중요한정보를얻을수있다 (40). 추출공정을달리하여추출한인삼씨유를각각 60 C에서 4주 AV (mg KOH/g oil) ca db dc cb cc bc a abc Storage period (days) SEO SFO SPO Fig. 2. Changes in the acid value of ginseng seed oils during storage at 60 C. Samples are the same as in Table 1. Values are mean±standard deviation of triplicate determination. Values with different capital letters (A-D) among ginseng seed oil of same storage day of different extraction method are significantly Values with different small letters (a-d) among ginseng seed oil of same extraction method during storage days are significantly different at P<0.05 based on Duncan's multiple range test. 간저장하여산가의변화를측정한결과를 Fig. 2에나타내었다. 저장 0일에는용매추출오일의산가가 2.81 mg KOH/ g oil로초임계유체추출오일과압착추출오일에비해유의적으로가장작게나타났고 (P<0.05), 초임계유체추출오일이 3.95 mg KOH/g oil로유의적으로가장크게나타났다. 인삼씨유는추출방법에관계없이저장기간에따라산가가증가하는경향을나타냈다. 추출공정을달리하여추출한인삼씨유를 60 C에서 4주간저장하여과산화물가의변화를측정한결과는 Fig. 3에나타내었다. 저장 0일에는추출방법에관계없이인삼씨유의과산화물가가 0.03 meq/kg oil로거의생성되지않았으며, 저장기간에따라용매추출오일, 초임계유체추출오일, 압착추출오일모두과산화물가가증가하는경향 (P<0.05) 을나타냈다. 저장 28일째용매추출오일, 초임계유체추출오일, 압착추출오일의과산화물가는각각 61.06, 61.02, meq/kg oil로압착추출오일이가장낮은과산화물가함량을나타냈다. 유도시간이가장길게나타나고저장중과산화물가의양이가장낮았던압착추출오일의경우총페놀함량과 γ-토코페롤함량이가장높게나타났고, 이들의항산화활성에의해산화안정성이우수하게나타난것으로사료된다. 요약본연구에서는추출방법에따른인삼씨유 (ginseng seed oil) 의이화학적품질특성과저장중산화안정성을살펴보았다. 인삼씨유를용매추출, 초임계유체추출, 압착추출방법으로추출한결과초임계추출한인삼씨유의수율이가장높았다. 인삼씨유의 L값은 8.70~11.38의범위였고, a값은초임계유체추출오일처리구에서, b값은압착추출오일에서유

6 444 김지은 이슬 유경미 이경혜 김경탁 이명희 황인경 의적으로크게나타났다. 지방산조성은불포화지방산이대부분을차지했으며, oleic acid(c18:1) 의함량이 80.13~ 81.16% 로가장많았고 linoleic acid(c18:2) 는 14.98~ 15.69% 를차지했다. 인삼씨유의포화지방산으로는유일하게 palmitic acid(16:0) 만검출되었다. 총폴리페놀함량은압착추출오일이 56.32±1.47 mg GAE/100 g oil로가장높게나타났다. 인삼씨유에서는 γ-토코페롤만검출되었으며, 압착추출오일의 γ-토코페롤함량이 5.95±0.25 mg/ 100 g oil로가장높았다. 인삼씨유의토코페롤산화유도시간은압착추출오일이 16.58시간으로가장길게나타났다. 인삼씨유의산가와과산화물가는저장기간에따라모두증가하는경향을나타냈다. 결과적으로압착추출오일의산화안정성이가장우수하게나타났으며, 이는항산화활성을지닌총페놀함량과 γ-토코페롤함량이초임계유체추출오일과용매추출오일에서보다압착추출오일에서가장높게나타났기때문이라판단된다. REFERENCES 1. Kim HJ, Yoo KM, Lee S, Kim KT, Hwang IK Physicochemical characteristics of various ginseng seeds. Korean J Food Sci Technol 45: Hong HD, Eom MN Research on ginsenoside characteristics of Gyeonggi ginseng. Bulletin of Food Technology 25: Kim GH, Soung BJ, Dim SI, Han SH, Dim HH, Lee KS Yield and quality characteristics of ginseng's first by products. Korean J Medicinal Crop Sci 19: Hah SY Recent studies on identification of ginsenoside interaction sites with cell membrane ion channels and receptors. The Korean Ginseng Research and Industry 3: Cui Y, Shu XO, Gao YT, Cai H, Tao MH, Zheng W Association of ginseng use with survival and quality of life among breast cancer patients. Am J Epidemiol 163: Vogler BK, Pittler MH, Ernst E The efficacy of ginseng. A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 55: Yun TK, Choi SY, Yun HY Epidemiological study on cancer prevention by ginseng: are all kinds of cancers preventable by ginseng? J Korean Med Sci 16: S19-S Lee YJ, Jin YR, Lim WC, Park WK, Cho JY, Jang S, Lee SK Ginsenoside-Rb1 acts as a weak phytoestrogen in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Arch Pharm Res 26: Chan RY, Chen WF, Dong A, Guo D, Wong MS Estrogen-like activity of ginsenoside Rg1 derived from Panax notoginseng. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87: Lee Y, Jin Y, Lim W, Ji S, Choi S, Jang S, Lee S A ginsenoside-rh1, a component of ginseng saponin, activates estrogen receptor in human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 84: Kim SJ, Kang BY, Cho SY, Sung DS, Chang HK, Yeom MH, Kim DH, Sim YC Compound K induces expression of hyaluronan synthase 2 gene in transformed human keratinocytes and increases hyaluronan in hairless mouse skin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 316: Lee JH, Lee BS, Yang MS, Byun BS, Kim WG, Kim BH, Lee SJ Prevention of photoaging and wrinkle formation in hairless mice dorsal skin by AP3-03. Korean J Food Sci Technol 37: Lee SW, Kim CG, Yeon BY, Hyun DY, Shin YS, Kang SW, Cha SW Varietal difference in growth response and ginsenoside contents of two-year-old ginseng grown in paddy field with different drainage conditions. Korean J Crop Sci 53: Han JS, Tak HS, Lee GS, Kim JS, Choi JE Comparison of ginsenoside content according to age and diameter on Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer cultivated by direct seeding. J Medicinal Crop Sci 21: Matsumoto T, Akihisa T, Soma SI, Takido M, Takahashi S, Yamanouchi S Composition of unsaponifiable lipid from seed oils of Panax ginseng and P. quiquefolium. J Am Oil Chem Soc 63: Beveridge THJ, Li TSC, Drover JCG Phytosterol content in American ginseng seed oil. J Agric Food Chem 50: Zhu XM, Hu JN, Shin JA, Lee JH, Hong ST, Lee KT Comparison of seed oil characteristics from Korean ginseng, Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.). J Food Sci Nutr 15: Yin JZ, Wang AQ, Wei W, Liu Y, Shi WH Analysis of the operation conditions for supercritical fluid extraction of seed oil. Sep Purif Technol 43: Kim KJ, Lee YW Supercritical fluid technology for green food processing. Food Sci Industry 43: Ari K, Smith RJ, Aida TM Decetralized chemical prcesses with supercritical fluid technology for sustainable society. J Supercritical Fluids 47: Reverchon E Supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation of essential oils and related products. J Supercritical Fluids 10: Hedrick JL, Mulcahey LJ, Taylor LT Supercritical fluid extraction. Microchim Acta 108: Satue MT, Huang SW, Frankel EN Effect of natural antioxidants in virgin olive oil on oxidative stability of refined, bleached, and deodorized olive oil. J Am Oil Chem Soc 72: AOCS Official methods and recommended practices. 15th ed. American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, USA. Cd 3d Gliszczyńska-Świgło A, Sikorska E Simple reversedphase liquid chromatography method for determination of tocopherols in edible plant oils. J Chromatogr A 1048: Cha GS, Choi CU Determination of oxidation stability of perilla oil by the rancimat method. Korean J Food Sci Technol 22: AOCS Official methods and recommended practices. 15th ed. American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, USA. Ca 5b AOCS Official methods and recommended practices. 15th ed. American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, USA. Cd Naczk M, Shahidi F Phenolic compounds in plant foods: chemistry and health benefits. Nutraceuticals & Food 8: Lu Y, Foo LY Antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of polyphenols from apple pomace. Food Chem 68:

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