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1 J. Fd Hyg. Safety 21(4), (2006) ŸŸ w» ƒ, ƒ, w ½ Á Á½ ¼Á½ Á Á½ Ášy Á» y Quantitative Analysis of Acid Value, Iodine Value and Fatty Acids Content in Sesame Oils by NIRS Jae-Kwan Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Myung-Gill Kim, Kyung-A Kim, Eun-Mi Park, Young-sug Kim, Hoan-Uck Ko, and Jin-Seok Son (ZFPOHHJEP*OTUJUVUFPG)FBMUIBOE&OWJSPONFOU 3FDFJWFE4FQUFNCFS"DDFQUFE%FDFNCFS ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of rapid and non-des tructive evalution of AV (Acid Value), IV (Iodine Value) and fatty acids in sesame oils. The samples were scanned over the range 400~2500 nm using transmittance spectrum of NIRS(Near-infrared spectroscopy). A calibration equation calculated by MPLS regression technique was developed and correlation coefficient of determination for AV, IV, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid content were , , , , , and respectively. The validation model for measuring the AV content had R of 0.989, SEP of and IV content had R of 0.944, SEP of and palmitic acid content had R of 0.924, SEP of and stearic acid content had R of 0.717, SEP of and oleic acid content had R of 0.989, SEP of and linoleic acid content had R of 0.967, SEP of and linolenic acid content had R of 0.853, SEP of by MPLS. The obtained results indicate that the NIRS procedure can potentially be used as a non-destructive analysis method for the purpose of rapid and simple measurement of AV, IV and fatty acids in sesame oils. Key words: NIRS, MPLS(Modified Partial Least Squares), AV, IV, fatty acids Á y w Á, y Á, Á, Á w w» wš Á w š w ù.» š w w ú sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin, tocopherol w y t w w wš y š oleic acid, linoleic acid sy w wš w l ù ƒ yw t wù. ù» w ƒ» y w ù, j ƒ t m z j t Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. t» w.» t q w y w» z t ƒ w. ù xw tœ 1) ƒ, ƒ x ³ ƒ š ƒ w yww» q w»ƒ k. x ¾» x ƒ sterol d w 2), sesaminw d w 3), p w 4), g w 5), k w 6), w 7-12), ŸŸ 13-15) w ƒ š ù» t.» z w š w» w ù d w w w w w d w 204
2 2VBOUJUBUJWF"OBMZTJTPG"DJE7BMVF*PEJOF7BMVFBOE'BUUZ"DJET$POUFOUJO4FTBNF0JMTCZ/* p x s w s yw w» w w. ƒ š Ÿ (NIRS), x ¾ t Ÿ 13-24) q w» t w e ƒ, ƒ, q ù d w» wš w. x» l 12 ¾» x x m š Á» 260 w 240 wš 20 w. 189 ü 71 ü 45 Á w x w w. Á Áò wš k w z 190 o C ü w z ƒ» w ƒ» Ÿ w 7 ew e k z xw. GC» w w glyceryl triundecanoate 98% t w š, methyl ester(palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid)t t 99% t(sigma Co., U.S.A.) w. yw w HPLC p (DaeJung, Korea, J.T. Baker. U.S.A., Merck. U.S.A., Wako, Japan) w.»» ŸŸ liquid analyzerƒ NIRS 6500 Spectrophotometer(FOSS NIR System Inc, U.S.A.) w ƒ m v ISI SCAN(Verson 2.71) WINISI IIITM(Ve rson 1.50E, InfraSoft International U.S.A) w. yw w ƒ (AV) ƒ(iv) manual titrator(schott, Ger many) w dry thermo bat h(mg- 2100, EYELA, JAPAN) HP-7683 injectorƒ GC HP-6890(Hew lett Pack ard, U.S.A) system w. NIR rp d rp d 8mm z w 60 o C ƒ w z 400~2500 nm 2 nm n (Transmittance) d w. ƒ 32z d w z s³e rp 1 2z d w. x» e w j» x r w w, w filter(whatman, 1.0 µm) w z w. yw w rp d w tœ x ƒ, ƒ, ƒƒ 3z w s ³e yw e w Table 1. š» rp Ÿ» w» rp Fig. 1 ùkü.» r p,, z Fig. 1. Near infrared transmittance spectra of sesame oil samples. Fig. 2. First derivative spectra of sesame oil samples.
3 206 +,,JNFUBM w k yƒ w» w rp»ƒ.» w w. Fig. 2» rp 1, 4, 4, 1(1st derivative, 4 nm gap, 4 point smooth, 1 point second smooth) w w AV, IV, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid w.» rp r 400~700 nm, 1140~1250 nm, 1350~ 1450 nm, 1630~1860 nm, 2100~2200 nm w ƒ Ÿ» p w. wr 1600~1800nm 2100~2200 nm w y ƒ w š š» q» y y ƒ w. Table 1. Analysis condition of GC Detector FID(Hewlett Packard, U.S.A) Column Gas Flow Rate Temperature SP TM capillary column (100m 0.25 mm, id, 0.20 µm film) Split ratio : 1/50 Carrier gas(n 2 ) : 1 ml/min Air : 450 ml/min H2 : 40 ml/min Injector : 230 o C Detector : 230 o C Oven : 200 o C for 7 min increasing by 5 o C/min 230 o C for 15 min Table 2» AV, IV, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid linolenic acid x m.table 2. Characteristics of reference data obtained by chemical analysis for the calibration group and validation group. Item Calibration Group Validation Group Min. Max. Mean SD Min. Max. Mean SD Acid value Iodine value Palmitic acid Stearic acid Oleic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid SD : Standard Deviation Min. : minimum Max. : maximum Table 3. Results of MPLS analysis for determining the acid value, iodine value and fatty acids. Item Calibration Validation R SEC SECV R SEP SEPC Bias Acid value Iodine value Palmitic acid Stearic acid Oleic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid R : Coefficient of determination MPLS : Modified Partial Least Squares SEC : Standard Error of Calibration SEP : Standard Error of Prediction SECV : Standard Error of Prediction Corrected for bias SEPC : Standard Error of Cross Validation
4 2VBOUJUBUJWF"OBMZTJTPG"DJE7BMVF*PEJOF7BMVFBOE'BUUZ"DJET$POUFOUJO4FTBNF0JMTCZ/* w ùkü AV 0.52~4.68, s³ IV 104.6~142.7 š s³e 113.1, palmitic acid 6.79~11.35%, s ³ 9.11%, stearic acid 4.07~6.52%, s³ 5.12 %, oleic acid 29.52~43.45% s³ 38.61%, linoleic acid 33.98~ 50.26%, s³ 45.39%, linole nic acid 0.31~24.41%, s ³ 0.73% w» w s. AV 0.76~3.04, s³ 1.61 IV 105.2~119.9, s³e Palmitic acid 7.58~10.61% s³ 9.36%, Stearic acid 4.76~5.90% s³ 5.28%, Oleic acid 32.79~40.17% s³ 38.07%, Linoleic acid 43.76~49.23% s³ 46.66%, Linolenic 0.32~ 2.67% s³ 0.63% s. yw mw x q 400~ 2500 nm (MPLS regr ession) ww Table 3 AV R , SEC(Standard Error of Calibration) , SECV(Standard Err or of Prediction Corrected for bias) ùkû w sw AV dw R 0.989, SEP(Standard Error of Prediction) 0.058, SEPC(Standard Error of Cross Validation) 0.060, bias û. IV R , SEC , SECV ùkû IV dw R 0.944, SEP 0.562, SEPC 0.570, bias ùkû. GC w d w palmitic acid R , SEC , SECV ùkû palmitic acid dw R 0.924, SEP 0.194, SEPC 0.191, bias ùkû. Stearic acid R , SEC , SECV ùkû stearic acid dw R 0.717, SEP 0.168, SEPC 0.180, bias Oleic acid R , SEC , SECV ùkû oleic acid dw R 0.989, SEP 0.221, SEPC 0.212, bias ùkû. Linoleic acid R , SEC , SECV ùkû, linoleic acid dw R 0.967, SEP 0.297, SEPC 0.298, Fig. 3. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for acid value using MPLS. Fig. 4. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for iodidevalue using MPLS.
5 208 +,,JNFUBM Fig. 5. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for palmitic acid using MPLS. bias Linolenic acid R , SEC , SECV ùkû linolenic acid dw R 0.990, SEP 0.072, SEPC 0.073, bias ùkù» AV, IV, w ww sƒ. Fig. 3~Fig. 10 yw k MPLS w w w d AV, IV palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. yw Table 4 Ÿ w tœ ww k w AV x 0.004, 0.139, IV 0.02, 1.53, Palmitic acid 0.019%, %, Stearic acid 0.004%, 0.552%, oleic acid 0.04%, 0.482%, linoleic acid 0.017%, 0.717%, linolenic acid 0.004%, Fig. 6. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for stearic acid using MPLS % ùkû. wr x s³ w x AV 0.001, ƒ 0.11, Palmitic acid 0.053%, Stearic acid 0.027%, Oleic acid 0.078%, Linoleic acid 0.063%, Linolenic acid 0.004% ùkù ƒƒ ƒ s³ ùkû. tœ AV x w x ù œ x, kw, x q x ƒ š IV x x wš. w GC w x ¼š, w ƒ. w w j ü AV, IV, fatty acids w d w y q» t sƒw» x w» x w y ƒeƒ. Table 5» yw
6 2VBOUJUBUJWF"OBMZTJTPG"DJE7BMVF*PEJOF7BMVFBOE'BUUZ"DJET$POUFOUJO4FTBNF0JMTCZ/* Fig. 7. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for linoleic acid using MPLS. Table 4. Minimum and maximum errors with the NIR spectrum data and chemical assay data. Item Min Max Acid value Iodine value Palmitic acid(%) Stearic acid(%) Oleic acid(%) Linoleic acid(%) Linolenic acid(%) w» ƒ x w t 0.52~3.97 ùkû. t 1.12~3.97 s³ 2.40, 0.52~3.58 s³ 1.67 t ƒƒ ùkû. x t 0.73~4.68 s³ 1.41 ùkû 49 1 tœ ³» (4.0) w ùkù m t ƒ w 0.46% ùkû. wr w» 0.51~3.15 s³ 1.51 ùkû. Fig. 8. Relationship between calibration curve from NIR and validation curve from chemical analysis for linolenic acid using MPLS. ƒ ƒ w ƒ y y ù» q w q w v w. x w t ƒ 104.6~142.7 s³ ùkû, t 109.2~116.6 s³ 113.8, 104.6~ s³ ùkû. x t 109.9~ s³ ùkû w» 108.4~115.2 s³ ùkû. m t x w ( 6.4%), x t 49 7 ( 14.3%)» e w m» 7.4%ƒ ƒ w t q. w q t ƒƒ ù š ƒ» w m k œ k w ù ƒ. Palmitic acid x w t 7.58~11.35% ùkû. t 7.85~8.96 % s³ 8.37%,
7 210 +,,JNFUBM Table 5. The Comparison of AV, IV and fatty acids by purchasing place Acid value Iodine value Item palmitic acid (%) stearic acid(%) oleic acid(%) linoleic acid(%) linolenic acid(%) The Large Market Domestic Imported The Small Market (imported) Self-manfacturing Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean ~11.35% s³ 9.37% ùkû. x t 8.45~10.52 % s³ 9.29% ùkû w» 8.22~9.05%, s³ 8.60% t w Palmitic acid w û ùkù x ¾ š w. Stearic acid x w t 4.07 ~6.49% ùkû t 4.67~5.42% s³ 4.96%, 4.07~6.49% s³ 5.33% s³ t û ùkû ùkû. x t 4.49~6.52%, s³ 5.07 % ùkû w» 4.71~5.40 % s³ 5.11% ùkû. Oleic acid x w t 29.52~43.45% ùkû t 36.56~41.15% s³ 38.33%, 29.52~43.45% s³ 38.35% ùkû. x t 35.39~43.15%, s³ 38.27% w» 39.12~40.83%, s³ 40.01% ùkû. m t oleic acid s³ w j ƒ w» s ³ ùkû. w w t Oleic acidƒ û ùkû ƒƒ e ùkù» ƒ yw. Linoleic acid x w t 33.98~50.26% ùkû t 43.11~47.58%, s³ 45.59%, 33.98~50.26% s³ 45.11% ùkû. x w t linoleic acidƒ x ¾ š û ùkù ƒ w q ù ƒ yw w. x t 37.90~48.92%, s³ 46.40% ùkû w» 42.33~49.05%, s³ 45.93% ùkù y ƒ wš» š w. Linolenic acid x w t 0.31~24.41% s³ 0.74% ùkû t 0.35~0.96% s³ 0.48%, 0.31~24.41% s³ 0.76% ùkû. x t 0.31~2.37%, s³ 0.98% ùkû, w» 0.31~0.42%, s³ 0.35% ùkû.» linolenic acidƒ 0.5% w»,,, y w»,,, yww xw» 1~2%,, 10%ü Linolenic acid w 0.5~1% w ùk ù y q w. ù Linolenic acid w û y q w» š w ùkû. k y w x w t ~1% ùk ù 11.5% t k ƒ y % w ùkû 0.5~1% ƒ 5 ùkù 12.1% t k ƒ y. x t % w ùkû 4 0.5~1% ùkù 30.6% k ƒ y. m t 16.3%ƒ w t ùkû. x Linolenic acid w ùkù ƒ ùkù w» y w. wr x q t Linolenic acidƒ 1» w»» w» w w t w w w w w. w d ù
8 2VBOUJUBUJWF"OBMZTJTPG"DJE7BMVF*PEJOF7BMVFBOE'BUUZ"DJET$POUFOUJO4FTBNF0JMTCZ/* GC w»» q x z s v» ù 2 ü w» j x y w ƒ»» w. ŸŸ» w» Acid value, Iodine value, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid linolenic acid q w w ƒ w. rp d n w 400~2500nm d w. MPLS w Acid value, Iodine value, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid linolenic acid ƒƒ , , , , , , š w ƒƒ 0.989, 0.944, 0.924, 0.717, 0.989, 0.967, SEP 0.058, 0.562, 0.194, 0.168, 0.221, 0.297, ùkù» w ù x y w w. w w» t sƒ q w w w» t v w x x y w xy z». š x 1. t t : tœ, x, :» Sterol w, w wz, 13(4), 159~166 (1980). 3. x, :» p w w ( 1 ) - Sesamin Sterol - w wz, 16(2), 107~114 (1983). 4. : p w»» y q w, w t wz, 8(3), 151~155 (1993). 5.,»k : g w yw» q, w t wz, 35(4), 64 8~652 (2003). 6. w y, x, y : k w» y k, w t wz, 25(4), 345~350 (1993). 7. e,,,,, w, y : ü»» w, w t wz, 31(1), 17~20 (2002). 8. y, x, û, :» q, w ywz (w yw z ), 26(3), 157~162 (1983). 9. e,,,,, w, y : ü»» w, w t wz, 31(1), 17~20 (2002). 10.,», «y :» yw yw p y, w t wz, 13(1), 2 4~28 (1998). 11.,, :» y» w, w t wz, 7(1), 29~36 (1992). 12., ½,», «y : w Á l w», w t wz, 11(3), 215~220 (1996). 13. y y,, x,,,, ½Ÿ,, ½, w,, Ÿ : Ÿ w, q, ƒ, ƒ, yƒ d, t t, 1, 123~129 (1997). 14.,,,, ½ : (NIR) ŸŸ w» q w, w t wz, 36(4), 527~530 (2004). 15. Jaeho Ha, Minseon Koo and Hyunee Ok : Determination of the constituents of sesame oil by near infrared spectroscopy, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 6, 371?373 (1998). 16. Sato T, Kawano S, Iwamoto M : Near infr ared spectral pattrens of fatty acid analysis from fats and oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 68, 827~833 (1994). 17. Sato T : Application of principal-component analysis on nearinfrared spectroscopic data of vegetable oils for there classification. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 71, 293~298 (1994). 18. Hitoshi Takamura, Noriko Hyakumoto, Naoko Endo and Teruyoshi Matoba : Determi nation of lipid oxidation in edible oils by nearinfrared spectroscopy, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc. 3, 219~225 (1995). 19. Seung-Yong Cho, Jee-Young Kim and Chul Rhee : Determination of rancidity of soybean oil by near infrared
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