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1 REVIEW ARTICLE J Surg Ultrasound 2017;4:12-17 JSU Journal of Surgical Ultrasound 자동유방초음파의임상적의의 전북대학교의과대학외과학교실유방ㆍ갑상선외과 강상율, 이승주, 윤현조, 정성후 Clinical Significance of Automated Breast Ultrasound Sang Yull Kang, Seung Ju Lee, Hyun Jo Youn, Sung Hoo Jung Division of Breast ㆍ Thyroid Surgery, Department of Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea Received April 17, 2017 Revised May 3, 2017 Accepted May 7, 2017 Correspondence to: Hyun Jo Youn Division of Breast ㆍ Thyroid Surgery, Department of Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju 54907, Korea Tel: Fax: yhj0903@jbnu.ac.kr Breast ultrasound is a well-established diagnostic tool that is coupled with mammography for evaluation of breast abnormalities. This technique is widely available, painless, well-tolerated and does not involve ionizing radiation. However, it has several faults. Because of its dependence on operator techniques for hand-held ultrasound (HHUS), the skill and knowledge of the operator influence the diagnostic accuracy, while poor standardization and reproducibility reduce the diagnostic yield. To overcome these problems, state-of-the-art equipment such as an automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) has been introduced. Automated breast ultrasound acquires a series of consecutive B-mode pictures and reconstructs three-dimensional datasets of the entire breast volume. These data can then be sent to a separate workstation for analysis by a radiologist. Automated breast ultrasound can produce objective and responsible images and is expected to minimize operator dependency. Several studies have demonstrated the feasibility of ABUS and shown equal performance when comparing ABUS with HHUS. Moreover, some physicians suggested that it could be used not only for follow-up of benign lesions, but also for screening of breast cancer. However, ABUS also possesses certain limitations, including difficulty in clearly visualizing tissue in the axilla and behind the nipple, corrugation artifacts, and absence of flow information. Based on these limitations, other physicians have claimed that ABUS cannot currently displace HHUS and still requires further evaluation. Here, we review previous studies of ABUS and discuss its clinical significance as it relates to breast lesions. Keywords: Automated, Hand, Breast, Ultrasonography 서론 유방암은전세계적으로여성에서가장흔한빈도로발생하는암으로치료기술의발전에도불구하고사망률은감소하지않고있다.(1) 그러나국내에서는최근유방암에대한관심증가와초음파를포함한영상기기의발전으로조기에유방암을발견하여치료하는경우가늘어나면서 생존율도증가하는추세이다.(2) 이와같이조기에유방암을발견하는것은유방암으로인한사망률을줄일뿐만아니라수술후항암화학요법등의보조요법 (adjuvant therapy) 을축소할수있기때문에매우중요하며, 따라서유방암의조기발견을위해적절한영상의학검사를시행하는것이필수적이다.(3) 유방촬영술 (mammography) 은오랜동안유방암의기 Journal of Surgical Ultrasound is an Open Access Journal. All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright c 2017 by The Korean Surgical Ultrasound Society ISSN
2 Sang Yull Kang, et al.: Clinical Significance of Automated Breast Ultrasound 초검사로여겨졌으며선별검사 (screening test) 로써유일하게사망률을낮출수있는검사로알려져있다.(4) 그러나치밀유방 (dense breast) 에서의낮은민감도 (sensitivity), 높은위양성률 (false positive rate) 로인한불필요한조직검사와환자의불안유발, 방사선노출및검사시심한통증등의제한점으로선별검사시행을감소시킬수있는단점이있다.(5,6) 이러한유방촬영술의단점을보완하기위해유방초음파 (ultrasound) 를추가로시행하며, 유방촬영술과유방초음파를함께사용하는경우유방암을포함한유방병변 (lesion) 의발견을유의하게증가시킬수있다.(7,8) 하지만전통적인수동유방초음파검사 (hand-held ultrasound; HHUS) 의경우높은검사자 (operator) 의존도, 낮은재현성 (reproducibility), 표준화 (standardization) 의부재, 긴검사시간등의단점이존재해새로운초음파양식들의개발이요구된다.(4) 최근소개되고있는자동유방초음파 (Automated Breast Ultrasound; ABUS) 는영상의학과전문의가아닌방사선사 (radiographer) 가촬영할수있기때문에상대적으로덜숙련된인력으로표준화되고일관성있는영상을얻을수있는장점이있어 HHUS의단점을보완할수있는새로운기술로각광받고있다.(9-11) 이에저자들은문헌고찰을통해유방암을포함한유방병변의진단에있어 ABUS 의유용성을알아봄으로써실제임상적용에도움이되고자한다. 본론 1. ABUS의소개 1980 년 Maturo 등 (12) 에의해 ABUS 가처음소개된이후초창기에는주로실험적인접근방법으로연구가이루어졌다. 그후 ABUS에관한많은임상결과가발표되었고그유용성이입증되면서현재는전세계적으로세종류의기기가널리사용되고있다. 2008년 SonoCiné 가유방촬영술의보조적인사용적응증으로미국식약청 (U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FDA) 의허가를처음받았고, 이후 Siemens Healthcare 사의 Automated Breast Volume Scanner (ABVS) 가유방의 3차원입체영상을얻는시스템을구축하였다. 가장최근인 2012년에 FDA 승인을받은 U-System의 somo.v 는 ABVS 와마찬가지로 3 차원영상을제공하며치밀유방을가진무증상여성의유방암선별검사를위한기기로공식인정을받았다.(13) 본연구는이중에서현재까지가장많은임상연구가발표된 ABVS 를대상으로살펴보고자한다. 1) ABUS 의구성지금까지 ABUS에관하여발표된많은연구들은 Siemens Healthcare사의 ACUSON S200 (Siemens Medical Solution, Mountain View, CA) 을사용하였다. 이시스템은주파수 5-14 MHz, 길이 15.4 cm의탐촉자 (probe) 로 6 cm 깊이, 16.8 cm 범위영역을자동으로스캔 (scan) 하여 0.5 mm 두께의고해상도영상을만들어낸다 (Fig. 1). 최적화된영상을얻기위해 tissue harmonic imaging, advanced SieClear TM spatial compounding, dynamic tissue contrast enhancement, inferior-nipple image correction 그리고 3D image brightness auto-correction 과같은다양한기술을이용한다. 얻어진영상들은 ABUS에서작업단말기 (workstation) 로자동으로전송된후전체유방을볼수있도록 3차원영상으로변환되어다면재구성 (multiplanar reconstruction) 방식으로보여진다 (Fig. 2). 2) ABUS 의검사방법환자는편안히누운 (supine) 자세에서양손을머리위로올린상태로압박판으로유방을압박하여고정한후넓은탐촉자가압박판위를가로지르며자동으로영상을획득한다. 일반적으로양측유방의횡단면 (transverse plane), 종단면 (longitudinal plane), 관상면 (coronal plane) 의세영상을기본으로얻는다 (Fig. 3). 환자의유방크기에따라검사자는적절한스캔수를결정하며검사하는동안환자가숨을참을필요는없다. 실시간으로다면재구성을이용한 3차원적영상구성이가능하며, 한쪽유방을검사하는데약 3-5분, 한명의환자를검사하는데약 분의시간이소요된다. 3) ABUS 의장점 ABUS 는 HHUS 에비해검사자오류가적은자동화되고표준화된영상을제공하며지연판독 (delayed interpretation) 이가능하고재구성된이미지의보존과전달이용이해원격협진 (remote consultation) 이가능한장점이있다.(14,15) 또한 ABUS 는재현성이높으며전체유방을포함하는넓은영역의영상을보여주기때문에병변을간과할가능성이적다.(16) ABUS의관상면영상에서는 13
3 J Surg Ultrasound Vol. 4, No. 1, 2017 Fig. 1. Installation of the ACUSON S2000 automated breast volume scanner (ABVS). (A) The overview of ABVS system. (B) The transducer that has been designed for the ABVS. Fig. 2. Multiplanar reconstruction of the volume data displayed on the automated breast volume scanner. Fig. 3. Three standard images using automated breast volume scanner. Cononal view (left), longitudinal (right, upper) and transverse views (right, lower) are synchronously visualized on the screen. 악성 병변을 감별하는데 중요한 뒷당김 현상(retraction phenomenon) 을 좀 더 명확히 관찰할 수 있는 장점이 있 할 수 있으며 유관을 따라 스캔할 수 없다는 단점이 있다. 으며(Fig. 4), 피부부터 흉벽까지 해부학적 구조를 연속적 또한 혈류(blood flow) 정보를 얻을 수 없어 악성 병변을 이고 체계적으로 볼 수 있기 때문에 유방 수술 시 효과적인 감별하기 위해 Color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) 또는 정보를 제공해 준다.(17) Pulsed Doppler Unit (PDU)와 같은 추가 영상을 필요로 4) ABUS의 단점 한다.(18) 검사자에 의한 실시간 판독이 아닌 지연 판독을 유두 아래와 겨드랑이 병변의 명확한 관찰이 어려우며 시행하기 때문에 검사 시 문진을 통한 특정 부위의 자세한 환자가 너무 마르거나 팔을 위로 충분히 올리지 못하는 경 검사를 추가로 시행할 수 없고 의심되는 병변이 검사 이후 우 전체 유방을 완벽하게 촬영하기가 어렵다.(14) 환자의 에 발견될 경우 2차(second-look) 초음파를 요하는 빈도 호흡으로 인한 주름 결함(corrugation artifact) 이 발생 가 높다. 14
4 Sang Yull Kang, et al.: Clinical Significance of Automated Breast Ultrasound Fig. 4. Retraction phenomenon in standard automated breast volume scanning images. Three standard view of a right breast with an invasive ductal carcinoma lesion. Glandular tissue surrounding the lesion shows loss of its normal distribution pattern. This phenomenon (red arrow) is easier to visualize in the coronal as opposed to other planes. 성모두에서발견될수있는데특히악성석회화의경우크기가작은미세석회화가많아초음파상에서후방음향감소 (posterior acoustic shadow) 를관찰하기어려워유방촬영술에비해큰제약점으로인식되어왔다.(22) 그러나최근에는해상도가좋은초음파기기의도입과배경음영에의한발견의존도가줄어들어유방초음파의석회화병변발견정확도가증가하고있는데,(23) ABUS 는 HHUS 에비해횡단면, 종단면, 관상면뿐만아니라다양한각도의영상을선택적으로볼수있어서석회와의위치와수그리고모양을좀더정확하게알수있어유방의석회화병변을진단하는데매우유용한것으로알려져있다.(24,25) 요약하면 ABUS는병변의경계를좀더잘볼수있는관상면영상을추가로얻을수있고각각의구획단면 (sectional plane) 을관찰할수있기때문에 HHUS 에비해좀더높은정확도를보일수있다.(16,18) 2. ABUS와 HHUS의비교앞서기술한바와같이 ABUS는여러장점과단점들을가지고있기에지금까지기존의 HHUS 를대체할수있는새로운기기인지에관한많은논란이있어왔다. ABUS와 HHUS의정확도를비교한초창기예비조사 (pilot study) 의연구결과를살펴보면 Wojcinski 등 (19) 은 ABUS의 100% 민감도와 52.8% 의특이도, 66.0% 의정확도로 HHUS 와동등한유용성을보고하였고, Kim 등 (9) 은두검사방법사이에 Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 범주 (category) 2와 3에서는 66.2%, 범주 4와 5에서는 100% 의일치율을보여 ABUS 가향후유방병변을진단하는데유용한방법이될수있을것으로예상하였다. 이후 ABUS의병변발견율과진단정확도가 HHUS 와유사하거나오히려높다는연구결과가많이보고되었는데 Lin 등 (20) 은 ABUS의진단정확도로 100% 의민감도와 95.0% 의특이도를보고하였고, 5566 명의대규모환자를대상으로한 Choi 등 (21) 의보고에따르면유방암의진단정확도 (97.7% vs. 96.5%) 와특이도 (97.8% vs. 96.7%) 에서모두 ABUS가 HHUS에비해우월한결과를보였고재검률 (recall rate) 도 ABUS (2.57/1,000예) 가 HHUS (3.57/1,000예) 에비해통계적으로낮은결과를보였다. 유방에형성되는석회화를동반하는병변은양성및악 3. 판독자간의일치율 ABUS는검사자의존도를최소화할수있는장점이있지만이는병변의위치와크기그리고특징을판독자들이얼마나일관성있게판독할수있느냐는또다른중요한문제점을낳았다. ABUS와 HHUS 의판독자간의일치율 (interobserver agreement) 을비교한많은연구에서 ABUS가 HHUS 에비해병변의모양, 경계, 에코발생 (echogenicity), 후방음향과 BI-RADS 최종평가등의모든항목에서동등하거나우월한일치율을보고하였다.(26-28) 특히, Shin 등 (11) 은 ABUS 영상을다섯명의판독자가분석하였을때병변의발견율, 특징및병변의위치, 크기등을보고하는데있어판독자간의일치율이높다고보고하였다. 이러한결과는 ABUS가다양한각도의삼차원적영상을표준화된다중절편영상 (multislice imaging) 으로얻을수있고 뒷당김현상 을포함한구조적왜곡 (architectural distortion) 을좀더잘관찰할수있는장점이있기때문이다. 그러나이와달리병변의모양과경계측면에서 ABUS의판독자간일치율이낮다는보고도있었다.(29) 최근에판독자간의일치율과관련된체계적고찰 (systemic review) 을시행한 Meng 등 (30) 에따르면 ABUS 는양성과악성유방병변을감별하는민감도 (92.0%) 와특이도 (84.9%) 는높지만판독자간의신뢰도 (reliability) 는각검사마다매우이 15
5 J Surg Ultrasound Vol. 4, No. 1, 2017 질적 (heterogeneous) 이라고보고해 ABUS 의판독자간의일치율에관해서는잘고안된좀더많은전향적연구가필요할것으로생각한다. 4. 유방암선별검사로서 ABUS의유용성우리나라를포함한여러나라에서유방암의선별검사방법으로 40세이상의여성에서 1-2년간격의유방촬영술을권고하고있다.(31) 유방촬영술은유방암의사망률을낮추는유일한선별검사방법으로알려져있지만유방암발생위험도가높고젊은여성에서많이관찰되는치밀유방에서는정확도가떨어지는단점이있다.(4,5) 이러한제한점은외국에비해젊은여성에서의유방암발생률이높은우리나라에서더욱중요한문제이다.(32) 유방초음파는유방병변의진단정확도를높이기위한유방촬영술의보완적인영상검사로여겨져왔으며아직논란은있지만최근에는특히치밀유방에서유방암선별검사로서의유용성에관하여많이보고되고있다.(7,33) ABUS가 HHUS와비교해동등한진단정확도를보인다는연구결과들이보고된이후양성병변들의추적관찰뿐만아니라유방암의선별검사로서 ABUS의유용성을알아보려는연구가많이이루어졌다. Zang 등 (15) 은 ABUS가 HHUS 에비해검사자의존도가낮고검사시간이짧아선별검사로서유리하다고하였고, Kelly 등 (34) 은특히치밀유방을가진여성에서유방암의선별검사로유방촬영술에 ABUS를추가하면정확도를높이고재검률을낮출수있다고보고하였다. ABUS 는특히유방촬영술의민감도가떨어지는치밀유방조직을갖는여성에서유방암선별검사로서유방촬영술과함께시행한다면기존의 HHUS 보다더욱정확한결과를보일것으로예상된다. 5. ABUS의미래지금까지 ABUS의정확성및유용성에관한많은보고에도불구하고기존의 HHUS를대체할수있는방법으로 ABUS를권고하고있지는않다.(14) 즉, HHUS를대신해 ABUS를사용함으로써유방암의발견율을높이거나불필요한조직검사를줄일수있다는명확한연구결과는아직보고되지않았다. 그러나앞으로영상기술이더욱발전하고명확한진단기준이표준화된다면 ABUS의유용성은훨씬향상될것으로예상된다. 향후대규모의다기관, 전 향적연구를통한타당성검토가이루어진다면 ABUS의적절한임상적응증을확립할수있을것이다. 결 론 ABUS는일관성있고재현성이우수하며검사자의존도가낮은고화질의 3차원영상을제공한다. 판독자간의높은일치율이입증된다면 ABUS는유방암을포함한유방병변의정확한관찰을위한기존의유방촬영술과 HHUS 의효과적인보조기기가될수있다. ABUS가기존의 HHUS 를대체할수있는지에대해서는향후좀더많은연구가필요할것으로생각한다. REFERENCES 1. Youlden DR, Cramb SM, Dunn NA, Muller JM, Pyke CM, Baade PD. The descriptive epidemiology of female breast cancer: an international comparison of screening, incidence, survival and mortality. Cancer Epidemiol 2012;36: Park EH, Min SY, Kim Z, Yoon CS, Jung KW, Nam SJ, et al. Basic facts of breast cancer in korea in 2014: the 10-year overall survival progress. J Breast Cancer 2017;20: Chow LW, Yip AY, Ng EL. Prevention of oncological diseases: primary and secondary prevention. Int J Biol Markers 2012;27:e Drukteinis JS, Mooney BP, Flowers CI, Gatenby RA. Beyond mammography: new frontiers in breast cancer screening. Am J Med 2013;126: Kolb TM, Lichy J, Newhouse JH. Comparison of the performance of screening mammography, physical examination, and breast US and evaluation of factors that influence them: an analysis of 27,825 patient evaluations. Radiology 2002;225: Feig SA. Adverse effects of screening mammography. Radiol Clin North Am 2004;42:807-19, v. 7. Berg WA, Blume JD, Cormack JB, Mendelson EB, Lehrer D, Böhm-Vélez M, et al. Combined screening with ultrasound and mammography vs mammography alone in women at elevated risk of breast cancer. JAMA 2008;299: Flobbe K, Bosch AM, Kessels AG, Beets GL, Nelemans PJ, von Meyenfeldt MF, et al. The additional diagnostic value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Arch Intern Med 2003;163: Kim YW, Kim SK, Youn HJ, Choi EJ, Jung SH. The clinical utility of automated breast volume scanner: a pilot study of 139 cases. J Breast Cancer 2013; 16:
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Does Real-time Compound Imaging Improve Evaluation of reast Cancer Compared to Conventional Sonography? o Kyoung Seo, M.D., Yu Whan Oh, M.D., Kyu Ran Cho, M.D., Young Hen Lee, M.D., Hyung Joon Noh, M.D.,
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317 318 319 320 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 321 : 1.,,,,, 06 2. X-ray beam penetration (density) (contrast) 03 3. patch coating, precipitation, flaking 03 4. centering 03 5. Esophagus, cardia, fundus, body, angle, antrum,
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SonoEye TM 소개 유방초음파영상검색시스템 2005. 2. 캐드임팩트 www.cadimpact.com 내용 1. 유방암동향및진단 2. 제품소개 2 선진국시장에서상업화된 CAD 시스템들 R2 Mammography ( 유방암 ) 1,500 systems until 2004. 10. (about 200,000$) icad Mammography R2 & icad
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Arising from Axillary Accessory Breast Tae Wan Kim, Sang Wook Kang, Ji Young Park 2, Seung Sang Ko 1, Min Hee Hur 1, Hae Kyung Lee 1, Sung Soo Kang 1, and Jee Hyun Lee 1 Department
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
593 Table 1. ACR BI-RADS US Lexicon, Simplified for This Study 1. Masses Shape Oval Round Irregular Orientation Parallel Not parallel Margin Circumscribed Not circumscribed Indistinct Angular Microlobulated
975_983 특집-한규철, 정원호
Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
533 Fig. 1. Dead zone. Nine echoes are positioned 2-10 mm below the scan surface with 1 mm distance. All nine echoes are clearly visualized. 534 Fig. 2. Vertical and horizontal measurement. 10 cm distance
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
제14권 1호 통권 제23호 www.kagp.or.kr 발행인 : 정인과 / 편집인 : 이동우 / 발행처 : 정인과 (152-703) 서울특별시 구로구 구로동 80번지 고려대학교 구로병원 정신과 / TEL : 02-818-6608 / FAX : 02-852-1937 발행일 : 2008년 4월 30일 / 제 작 : (주)엠엘커뮤니케이션 140-846 서울특별시
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Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering 한국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.) Vol. 19, No. 2 : 258~264 Feb. 2015 ID3 알고리즘 기반의 귀납적 추론을 활용한 모바일 OS의 성공과 실패에 대한
Recent Changes in Summer Precipitation Characteristics over South Korea Changyong Park* JaYeon Moon** Eun-Jeong Cha*** Won-Tae Yun**** Youngeun Choi***** 1958 2007 6 9 6 9 10 10 10 10 10 Abstract This
자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 A B Fig. 1. High-contrast spatial resolution in phantom test. A. Slice 1 with three sets of hole arr
Original Article pissn 1738-2637 J Korean Soc Radiol 2012;67(2):129-134 The Survey of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality according to in Korea 1 자기공명영상장치(MRI) 자장세기에 따른 MRI 품질관리 영상검사의 개별항목점수 실태조사 1 Hyun-Hae
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering 한국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.) Vol. 19, No. 5 : 1031~1039 May. 2015 정보보호 산업의 경제적 파급효과 및 기여도 분석 김방룡 1 홍재표 2* Economic
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
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Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2004 Objective: Ultrasonography (USG) of joints has a unique position for the diagnosis of joint diseases. Bone surface, cartilage, periarticular soft tissue and their pathologic
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 16 Jul.; 27(7), 64662. http://dx.doi.org/./kjkiees. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226 (Online) 2D Microwave Image
Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
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The Study on the Grid Size Regarding Spatial Interpolation for Local Climate Maps* Cha Yong Ku** Young Ho Shin*** Jae-Won Lee**** Hee-Soo Kim*****.,...,,,, Abstract : Recent global warming and abnormal
기관고유연구사업결과보고 작성요령 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2010 1 2/3 2 1 0 2 3 52 0 31 83 12 6 3 21 593 404 304 1,301 4 3 1 8 159 191 116 466 6 11 (`1: (1: 16 33 44 106
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
농업생명과학연구 49(4) pp.31-37 Journal of Agriculture & Life Science 49(4) pp.31-37 Print ISSN 1598-5504 Online ISSN 2383-8272 http://dx.doi.org/10.14397/jals.2015.49.4.31 국가산림자원조사 자료를 적용한 충남지역 사유림경영율 추정 서연옥
High Resolution Disparity Map Generation Using TOF Depth Camera In this paper, we propose a high-resolution disparity map generation method using a lo
High Resolution Disparity Map Generation Using TOF Depth Camera In this paper, we propose a high-resolution disparity map generation method using a low-resolution Time-Of- Flight (TOF) depth camera and
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원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현
원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 지도김석원교수 이논문을석사학위논문으로제출함
Treatment and Role of Hormaonal Replaement Therapy
Treatment and Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy Chung-Ang University Hospital Chee Jeong Kim 7.2 5.3 6.4 5.6 7.3 5.5 1 1 2 3 4 10 11 7 34 49 122 123 1.0 - - 10. 2001 1998 1998 Improvement of postmenopausal
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in University & 2 Kang Won University [Purpose] [Methods]
A Spatial Location Analysis of the First Shops of Foodservice Franchise in Seoul Metropolitan City Younghee Lee* 1 1 (R) 0 16 1 15 64 1 Abstract The foodservice franchise is preferred by the founders who
Review Article Randomization, What is the Proper Method? Jin Ho Hong, M.D., Jae Chul Yoo, M.D. Shoulder & Sports medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Purpose: Among the numerous
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2 139 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.139 2 Received : 10. 04. 08 Revised : 10. 04. 26 Two Case Report on Wrist Ganglion Treated with Scolopendrid Pharmacopuncture Accepted : 10. 05. 04 Key Words: Wrist Ganglion,
지원연구분야 ( 코드 ) LC0202 과제번호 창의과제프로그램공개가능여부과제성격 ( 기초, 응용, 개발 ) 응용실용화대상여부실용화공개 ( 공개, 비공개 ) ( 국문 ) 연구과제명 과제책임자 세부과제 ( 영문 ) 구분 소속위암연구과직위책임연구원
지원연구분야 ( 코드 ) LC0202 과제번호 1110550 창의과제프로그램공개가능여부과제성격 ( 기초, 응용, 개발 ) 응용실용화대상여부실용화공개 ( 공개, 비공개 ) ( 국문 ) 연구과제명 과제책임자 세부과제 ( 영문 ) 구분 1 2 3 소속위암연구과직위책임연구원 성명류근원전공외과 세부과제명 세부과제책임자 성명 소속 ( 직위 ) 전공 총연구기간 2011
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Difference of Fistula Maturation Degree and Physical Property by the Types of Tube Material: An Experimental Study Sang Koo Kang, M.D. 1, Hee Chul Yu, M.D. 1,4, Woo Sung Moon, M.D. 2,4, Ju Hyoung Lee,
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 20-40대 여성의 외모만족도가 미용관리태도에 미치는 영향 홍수남 1, 김효숙 2 * 1 건국대학교 뷰티사이언스디자인학과, 2 건국대학교 의상디자인과 Effects of Extrinsic Body Satisfaction on Beauty Management Behavior of
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
고위험군유두상갑상선암환자에대한방사성옥소최대허용선량측정법및치료법의검증 Verification of Measurement Methods and Therapeutic Efficacy of Maximum Permissible Dose of I-131 in High Risk Patients with Differentiated Papillary Thyroid Cancer
대한수혈학회지:제권 제호, 0 한 대학병원의 혈액 폐기 분석 김병철ㆍ서영익ㆍ채금란ㆍ신정원ㆍ최태윤 = Abstract = 순천향대학교 의과대학 서울병원 진단검사의학교실 Analysis of Discarded Blood Components at a University Hospital in Korea Byung Chul Kim, Young Ik Seo, Gum Ran
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Continuing Education Column Imaging Findings of Missed reast Cancer: Retrospective nalysis oo -Kyung Han, MD Department of Radiolgy, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine E - mail : bkhan@skku.edu
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2013. 2. 2 대한간암연구학회 7차 심포지움 및 학술대회 Indication and Clinical Outcomes of Metachronous HCC Metastasectomy Shin Hwang Division of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asan
Clinical Correlation of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Patients with Breast Cancer Sung Yong Kim, Tae Yoon Kim, Jae Jun Kim, Chang Ho Kim, Ok Pyung Song, Min Hyuk Lee, Eui Han Kim 1, and Moo Sik Cho Departments
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering 한국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.) Vol. 18, No. 11 : 2593~2599 Nov. 2014 오픈소스 모바일 UI컴포넌트 선정 절차 프레임워크 손효정 1 이민규 2 성백민
J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med 2013;32: pissn / eissn Original Article 초음파 BI-RADS 를이용한유방복합낭종의평가 손
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The recent (2001-2010) changes on temperature and precipitation related to normals (1971-2000) in Korea* Kyoungmi Lee** Hee-Jeong Baek*** ChunHo Cho**** Won-Tae Kwon*****. 61 (1971~2000) 10 (2001~2010).
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Study on the Shadow Effect of 3D Visualization for Medical Images ased on the Texture Mapping D.Y. Kim, D.S. Kim, D.K. Shin, D.Y. Kim 1 Dept. of iomedical Engineering, Yonsei University = bstract = The
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1) KIGAS Vol. 16, No. 5, pp 21~27, 2012 (Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas) http://dx.doi.org/10.7842/kigas.2012.16.5.21 실험실의 사례 분석에 관한 연구 이근원 이정석 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 (2012년 9월 5일 투고, 2012년 10월 19일
Purpose: Delayed massive hemorrhages from pseudoaneurysm rupture of the peripancreatic large arteries, after pancreaticoduodenectomy, are fatal. We reviewed the clinical course and outcome of bleeding
공급 에는 3권역 내에 준공된 프라임 오피스가 없었다. 4분기에는 3개동의 프라임 오피스가 신규로 준공 될 예정이다.(사옥1개동, 임대용 오피스 2개동) 수요와 공실률 2014년 10월 한국은행이 발표한 자료에 따르면 한국의 2014년 경제성장률 예측치는 3.5%로 지
Savills World Research 브리핑 서울 프라임 오피스 사진 : Yeouido, Seoul 개요 삼성SDS가 지난 2분기 준공한 잠실 사옥 주변으로의 이전을 지속하고 증권업계의 임차면적 감소가 계속되어 GBD와 YBD 의 수요는 감소하였고 에서는 소폭의 수요 증가가 나타났다. 의 수요 회복에도 불구하고 GBD, YBD의 수요 감소로 서울프라임오피스의
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