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1 Automatic Valve & Accessories w w w. a u t o m a - i n t. c o m
2 회사소개서
3 목차 1-1. 회사개요 1-2. 회사연혁 주식회사오토마인터내셔널 1-3. 회사조직도 주식회사오토마 ( 본사 ) 2-1. 회사개요 2-2. 회사연혁 2-3. 회사조직도 제품생산 / 관리 / 품질및자료 3-1. 인원구성 3-2. 생산관리 3-3. 인증서및등록정보 3-4. 해외납품실적 3-5. 제품정보 3-6. 제품사짂 홖경 / 산업용필터제품 4-1. 제품구성및내용경기도부천시원미구부천로 168 번길 35 ( 구 : 원미구원미동 45-5 )
4 1-1. 회사개요 이름 대표자 주소 : 주식회사오토마인터내셔널 : 강굮용 : 경기도부천시원미구부천로 168 번길 35 전화번호 : TEL FAX 회사등록번호 법인번호 홈페이지 법인설립일 거래은행 중요아이템 중요제품내용 : : : : kky@automa-int.com : 2014년 1월 14일 : 기업은행춖의테크노지점 : 자동밸브 / 밸브관렦부품 / 자동화 ENG / 산업용필터류 : 1) 밸브류공압엑추에이터 / 젂동엑추에이터글러브콘트롤밸브, 볼밸브, 버터플라이밸브등밸브젂동밸브류및수동밸브류리미트스위치박스등악세사리류 2) 산업용필터류 백필터및다이아프램펄스밸브류 필터프레스, 여과포등산업용필터장비및필터 매쉬 / 다양핚매쉬류
5 1-2. 회사연혁 법인설립목적 1) 국내영업 : 본사주식회사오토마제품을기본으로국내영업력확대, 고객확대국내외플랜트참여를위핚기틀마렦, 인적 / 기술적확대성장 2) 수춗 : 현재 8개국의대리점을중심으로해외영업망확대판매제품을늘려각국가별브랜드현지화를위핚영업 3) 수입 : 국내에서필요핚특수핚제품이나유통을위핚제품수입및영업 4) 엔지니어링 : 기존의생산기술과경험을바탕으로다양핚플랜트를위핚엔지니어링구성및영업 현재해외대리점 1) 싱가폴 2) 말레이시아 3) 인도네시아 4) 태국 5) 베트남 6) 필리핀 7) 대만 8) 남아공 자본금 1) 일억
6 1-3. 회사조직도 주식회사오토마인터내셔널 대표이사 해외 / 무역팀 관리팀 국내기술영업팀 수출 : 현재해외대리점관리및영업국확대 수입 : 유럽및아시아등에서수입및유통 밸브 / 자동밸브 : 본사제품및국내다양한제품영업 홖경 / 산업용필터 : 국내 / 외 OEM 제조를통한개발및판매
7 2-1. 회사개요 이름 대표자 주소 : 주식회사오토마 : 김은광 : 경기도부천시원미구부천로 회사등록번호 법인번호 : : 회사설립일 거래은행 중요아이템 중요제품내용 : : 1992년 12월 1일 : 기업은행 : 자동밸브 / 밸브관렦부품 / 자동화 ENG / 산업용필터류 : 1) 밸브류공압엑추에이터 / 젂동엑추에이터글러브콘트롤밸브, 볼밸브, 버터플라이밸브등밸브 젂동밸브류및수동밸브류 리미트스위치박스등악세사리류
8 2-2-1 회사연혁 한영자동화설립 CKD 국내대리점계약 ITALY VALIBA 국내대리점계약공압엑추에이터제조시작중국상하이지사개설오토마브랜드동록 LIMIT SWITCH BOX (ALS10) 제조시작 AD200 엑추에이터제조시작 ISO9001 인증 Limit Switch Box ALS30 방폭제품제조시작남아공 Proval 과대리점계약법인전홖 : 주식회사오토마정식등록 ISO14001 인증클린사업장등록
9 2-2-2 회사연혁 엑추에이터 CE인증획득 INNO-BIZ 등록벤처기업으로등록부천에오토마사옥준공과함께이전말레이시아에대리점개설무역협회등록한국동서 / 남부등발전에등록필리핀에대리점개설오토마 2번째사옥준공오토마 R&D 개설글러브콘트롤밸브제조시작리미트스위치박스미국 FM Approval 획득대만대리점개설베트남대리점개설주식회사오토마인터내셔널법인설립계획발표및업무변경준비주식회사오토마인터내셔널설립및업무변경시작. 국내외업무변경공포및시행
10 2-3. 회사조직도 주식회사오토마 : 본사 대표이사 글러브콘트롤사업팀관리팀생산 1팀생산 2팀품질관리팀 회계구매 / 자재 A/S 관리
11 3-1. 인적구성 인력구성 회사별 영업 디자인 제조 관리 QA/QC Total Automa HQ Automa INT 기술인력숙련도 Experience (Years) 항목 Y<5 5<Y<10 10<Y Total 엔지니어 기술자 젂자 / 젂기 QA/QC Total 건물 / 회사구조 (m2) 항목 대지 건물 Total 본사 / 1공장 1,100 m2 510 m2 1,610 m2 2공장 2,000 m2 1,000 m2 3,000 m2
12 3-2. 생산관리 A. 오토마제품은 오토마제품은자동밸브와콘트롤밸브을중심으로다양핚제품을제조하고있습니다. B. 제품사용범위 - 석유화학플랜트, 케미칼및정제, 페트로케미칼등 - On/ Off shore 부분, 조선 - 일반제조라인, 반도체, 수처리분야, 홖경설비등 - 식품, 제약등 C-1. 제품별범위 ACTUATOR SCOTCH YOKE TYPE RACK & PINION TYPE DOUBLE ACTING SINGLE ACTING DOUBLE ACTING SINGLE ACTING 공압밸브 (ON-OFF, CONTROL) BALL VALVE BUTTERFLY VALVE PLUG VALVE, Gate Valve VALVE KNIFE GATE VALVE DIVERT VALVE TANK FLUSH VALVE GLOBE VALVE
14 3-2. 생산관리 D-1. 제조장비류 Description Spec Quantity Action Year Milling Machine 3# Milling 1 Manual 2011 Machining Lathe 400 X Manual 2007 Welding Machine 300A 2 Manual / Automatic 2012 Drilling Machine Ø13 5 Automatic 2009 Cutting Machine 3HP 3 Automatic 2008 CNC Lathe 300 X Automatic 2010 Machining Center 400 X Manual/Auto 2009 Electric Testing Lathe 400 X Manual 2012 Machining Center KH50G 2 Manual 2010 Screw Compressor FORT-30 2 Manual/Auto 2009
15 3-2. 생산관리 D-2. 테스트장비류 Description Spec Quantity Application Year Water Pressure 300 X 600l 2 Valve Water Pressure testing 2009 Automatic Testing Machine - 1 Actuator Testing 2010 Tester - 2 Electric checking 2009 Valve Torque Tester 500kg 2 Valve Torque 2010 Vernier Calipers Cylinder Gauge 0-150mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 2 Standard /size 2012 Standard / size 2012 Electric flow checking 4-20mA DC 2 Valve Operation 2009 Intensity Testing 2 Valve body Inner size 2011
16 3-3 인증서및등록서류 A. 등록및인증현황 날짜타이틀항목인증기관 Approval Type ISO 9001 The Quality Management System for Control Valves ICR Quality Assurance System ISO The Environmental Management System for the Control Valves ICR Environmental Assurance System CE Mark The Certificate for the Design and Construction of Actuator T U V Safety System CE Mark The Certificate for the Design and Construction of Limit Switch Box T U V Safety System FM Approval Hazardous ( Classified ) location electrical equipment FM Approval in USA Safety sysetm Venture Business Technology Evaluation Assured Company Small and medium enterprise New Technology R & D Center Permission of R&D center Inno-Biz New Technology Company Korea Industrial Technology Association Small and medium enterprise Research & Development New Technology SIL 인증현재짂행중 2014 년 10 월경마무리 API 6D 현재짂행중
17 3-3. ISO9001 Certificate / ISO14001 Certificate
19 3-3. (NNO-BIZ Certificate / R&D Center Certificate
20 3-3. Venture company / FM Approval
21 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Vietnam agent PROJECT Meiko Electronic Vietnam Delivery Jul. 24 th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL BALL 80A WCB/SS304 JIS 10K RF AGE model 12 Customer Vietnam agent PROJECT Dung Quat Bio - Ethanol Delivery Jun. 11th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 80A AL JIS 10K RF AD80 and more 78
22 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Philippines agent PROJECT Invictus Foods Product Corp. Delivery Dec. 14 th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL BALL 50A SCS13/METAL + TC COATING ANSI 150# RF AS80-50F-S/V 10 Customer Philippines agent PROJECT Nutri-Asia Foods Delivery Nov. 21th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL HBF 150A SCPH2/SUS410C ANSI 300# Wafer AS HBF 144
23 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Philippines Agent PROJECT Majestic Seafood Corp Delivery Jul. 21 th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Ball 80A WCB + 316SS ANSI 150# RF AD80-80F-S/V 62 Customer Philippines Agent PROJECT Cagayan Corn Products Corp. Delivery Jun. 21th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL 3Way 80A 316SS ANSI 150# RF AS100-80F3W 71
24 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Taiwan Agent PROJECT Export Delivery Mar. 15 th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL ALS30 sevaral AL ALS30 72 Customer Taiwan Agent PROJECT Drying Machine Delivery Apr. 12th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 50 AL AL AD50 80
25 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Taiwan Agent PROJECT Drying system Delivery Nov. 14 th 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 65 AL AD65 75 Customer Taiwan Agent PROJECT Drying system Delivery Oct. 12 th, 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Limit Switch Box 10 Al AlS10(S1) 180
26 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Canada Distributor PROJECT PowerPlant Delivery Nov ~ Dec TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 200 AL AS50 ~ AS Customer Canada Distributor PROJECT Powerplant Delivery Jul. ~ Nov TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Limit Switch Box 30 Al AlS30 400
27 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Singapore Agent PROJECT Shipbuilding project Delivery Nov. ~ Dec 2013 TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 200 AL AS800 ~ AS Customer Singapore Agent PROJECT Shipbuilding project Delivery Sep ~ Nov TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Limit Switch Box 30 Al AlS30 255
28 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Malaysia Agent PROJECT Oil & Gas project Delivery Jul ~ Sep TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 250 AL AD50 ~ AS Customer Malaysia Agent PROJECT Process project Delivery Mar ~ May TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 40 Al AD
29 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer USA distributor PROJECT Processs project Delivery May ~ Dec TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 40 AL AD Customer USA distributor PROJECT Process project Delivery Mar ~ Aug TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Limit Switch Box 30 Al ALS30 750
30 3-4. 해외납품실적 ( 간략 ) Customer Middle East project PROJECT Oil & Gas Al-Calige project Delivery Aug, 2012 ~ Mar TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Actuator 160 AL ADR/ASR/AD/AS 120 Customer Middle-East project PROJECT Powerplant maraqio project Delivery Mar ~ Aug TYPE SIZE MATERIAL RATING END CONN MODEL TOTAL Ball 50A A18Gr.F # RF AS14 50F 26
31 3-5. 제품정보 A-1. 공압엑추에이터 ( Scotch Yoke 더블타입 ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Scotch Yoke type Double Acting AD32 / AD40 / AD50 / AD65 / AD80 AD100 / AD125 / AD140 / AD160 / AD200 / AD250 ISO 5211 IDN 3337 Body : Aluminum Alloy Piston : Aluminum Alloy O-Ring : NBR Cover : Aluminum Alloy Ball Valve Butterfly Valve Plug Valve Damper Globe Valve Gate Valve
32 3-5. 제품정보 A-2. 공압엑추에이터 ( Scotch Yoke 싱글타입 ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Scotch Yoke type Single Acting AS40 / AS50 / AS65 / AS80 AS100 / AS125 / AS140 / AS160 / AS200 / AS250 ISO 5211 IDN 3337 Body : Aluminum Alloy Piston : Aluminum Alloy O-Ring : NBR Cover : Aluminum Alloy Ball Valve Butterfly Valve Plug Valve Damper Globe Valve Gate Valve
33 3-5. 제품정보 A-3. 공압엑추에이터 ( Rack & Pinion 더블타입 ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Rack & Pinion type Double Acting ADR32 / ADR40 / ADR50 / ADR65 / ADR80 /ADR100 / ADR125 / ADR140 / ADR160 / ADR200 ISO 5211 IDN 3337 Body : Aluminum Alloy Piston : Aluminum Alloy O-Ring : NBR Cover : Aluminum Alloy Ball Valve Butterfly Valve Plug Valve Damper Globe Valve Gate Valve
34 3-5. 제품정보 A-4. 공압엑추에이터 ( Rack & Pinion 싱글타입 ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Rack & Pinion type Single Acting ASR40 / ASR50 / ASR65 / ASR80 /ASR100 / ASR125 / ASR140 / ASR160 / ASR200 ISO 5211 IDN 3337 Body : Aluminum Alloy Piston : Aluminum Alloy O-Ring : NBR Cover : Aluminum Alloy Ball Valve Butterfly Valve Plug Valve Damper Globe Valve Gate Valve
35 3-5. 제품정보 B-1. 자동밸브 - Ball Valve ( Screw type ) Item Actuator Type Valve Size Standard Valve Material Standard Rating Remark One Piece Screwed Ball Valve Single Acting Actuator Type 10A / 15A/ 20A / 25A / 32A / 20A Double Acting Actuator Type / 50A SCS14 / Body SUS316 / Ball PTFE / Seat 1000psi Kinds of Option items Three Piece Screwed Ball Valve Single Acting Actuator Type Double Acting Actuator Type 10A / 15A/ 20A / 25A / 32A / 20A / 50A SCS14 / Body SUS316 / Ball PTFE / Seat 1000psi Kinds of Option items
36 3-5. 제품정보 B-2. 자동밸브 - Ball Valve ( Flanged type ) Item Actuator Type Valve Size Standard Valve Material Standard Rating Remark Double Acting Actuator Type 15A ~ 250A SCS13( SCS14) / Body JIS 10K / 20K Flanged Ball Valve Single Acting Actuator Type 15A ~ 200A SUS304(SUS316)/ Ball PTFE (RTFE, PEEK,, Metal) / Seat /40K ANSI 150# / 300# / 600# Kinds of Option items
37 3-5. 제품정보 C. 자동밸브 - Butterfly Valve Item Actuator Type Valve Size Standard Valve Material Standard Rating Remark Double Acting Actuator Type 40A ~ 600A Butterfly Valve Single Acting Actuator Type 40A ~ 500A FC(SCS13) / Body SCS13 ( SCS14) / Disc EPDM ( PTFE ) / Seat JIS 10K Wafer ANSI 150# Wafer Kinds of Option items
38 3-5. 제품정보 D. 자동밸브 - 플라스틱밸브 ( Ball Valve / Butterfly Valve ) Item Actuator Type Valve Size Standard Valve Material Standard Rating Remark Ball Valve Double Acting Actuator Type 15A ~ 150A PVC / PP / PPG / C-PVC / PVDF JIS 10K ANSI 150# Kinds of Option items Butterfly Valve Double Acting Actuator Type 50A ~ 400A
39 3-5. 제품정보 E. 자동밸브 - Globe Valve ( Manual type ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Globe Valve Manual operated Single Acting type 25A / 32A / 40A / 50A / 65A / 80A JIS 10K ANSI 150# SCS13 / Body ANSI Class V / Leakage Kinds of option valves
40 3-5. 제품정보 F. 자동밸브 - Y-Type ( Manual type ) Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Y-Type Valve Single Acting type 15A / 20A / 25A / 32A / 40A / 50A Thread type/ Socket Welding type SCS134 / Body ANSI Class VI / Leakage Kinds of option valves
41 3-5. 제품정보 G. 자동밸브 - Knife Gate Valve Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Knife Gate Valve Double Acting type 50A ~ 500A JIS 10K ANSI 150# SCS13 / FCD 45 : Body Kinds of option valves
42 3-5. 제품정보 H. 자동밸브 - Tank Bottom Flush Valve Item Item / Model Standard Material Application Tank Bottom Flush Valve Double Acting type 25A ~ 250A JIS 10K ANSI 150# SCS13 / SCPH2 : Body Asbestos + Teflon : Packing Kinds of option valves
43 3-5. 제품정보 I. 자동밸브 - Tank Bottom Ball Valve Item Item / Model Standard Material Application JIS 10K Tank Bottom Ball valve Double Acting type / Single Acting type 25A ~ 150A ANSI 150# Ferrule Type End / Screw type End / Tank Bottom Assemble Flange SCS13 / SCS14 : Body SUS304 / SUS316 : Ball PTFE : Seat Kinds of option valves
44 3-5. 제품정보 J. 자동밸브 - High Performance Butterfly Valve Actuator type Actuator Size Valve Size Standard Valve Material Standard Rating Remark Double Acting Type Single Acting Type AD50 ~ AD160 AS50 ~ AS200 40A ~ 450A FCD450 / SCPH2 / SCS13 / SCS14 : Body RTFE./ PTFE / MTFE / 316SS : Seat JIS 10K / 20K ANSI 150# / 300# Kinds of Option items SCS13 / SCS14 : Disc
45 3-5. 제품정보 K- 글러브콘트롤타입 Valve Type Valve Material Valve Size Rating Plug Option Seating material Bonnet 1 ) Cage Guide 2) Top Guide 1) SCPH2 / WCB 216 2) CF8 / SCS13 3) CF8M / SCS14 4) CF3M / SCS16 15 ~ 250A JIS 10K RF JIS 20K RF ANSI 150# RF ANSI 300# RF PN 10 RF PN16 RF EQ% Linear Modified Parabolic Metal Seat ; / 316 STL STL Soft Seat : PTFE PEEK Plane Bonnet Bellows Bonnet Fin Bonnet Insulation Fin Bonnet Extension Bonnet
46 3-5. 제품정보 L. 전동엑추에이터 Actuator Item / Model Electric Operating type Remark 로타이타입 ATM0040 ~ ATM3000 AC110V / 220V / AC380V / 440 On / OFF, Modulating Kinds of Option items 리니어타입 AGE-10 / 20 / 35 / 55 / 100 / 250 AC110V / 220V / AC24V On / OFF, Modulating Kinds of Option items
47 3-5. 제품정보 M. 전동밸브 Actuator Item / Model Electric Operating type Valve type Remark 로타리타입 ATM0040 ~ ATM3000 AC110V / 220V / AC380V / 440 On / OFF, Modulating Ball / Butterfly Valve Kinds of Option items 리니어타입 AGE-10 / 20 / 35 / 55 / 100 / 250 AC110V / 220V / AC24V On / OFF, Modulating Globe Valve Kinds of Option items
48 3-5. 제품정보 N. 리미트스위치박스 제품종류 Model Standard type/ Option type Switch Type Cable Entry Rating Power ALS10 Stand are type 2 SPDT 일반 ALS11 ALS12 ALS13 Option type Proximity sensor 3 SPDT 4 SPDT PT/PF/NPT ½ inch M20 x 1.5P PG13.5 IP68 AC250V 16A, 125V 16A ALS30 Standard type 2SPDT 방폭 ALS31 ALS32 ALS33 Option Type Proximity Sensor 3SPDT 4SPDT PF/PT/NPT ¾ inch M20 x 1.5P PG 13.5 Exd IIC T6 IP 68 FM Approval DC:250V, 0.2A, 25V 0,.4A, 30V 4A ALS34 2 DPDT
49 3-5. 제품정보 O. 포지셔너 모델 Enclosure Input Signal Pneumatic Connection Air Supply Feed back Remark EPL EPR Exmd II B T6, Exmd II C ( H2) Ts, IP66, Exia II BT6 4 ~ 20mA DC NPT / PT ¼ inch Max 100 Psi Lever Type Feedback type Kinds of Option items
50 3-6. 샘플사짂
51 3-6. 샘플사짂
52 3-6. 샘플사짂
53 3-6. 샘플사짂
54 필터백 1.Snap-ring Type 2.Flange Type 3.Ring Type 4.Band TypeⅠ 5.Band TypeⅡ 6.Band Type Ⅲ 저온용 -Polyester(PE), Polypropylene(PP) Acrylic 고온용 -Nomex, P-84, Glassfiber PTFE(Teflon) PPS(Ryton)
55 CAGE DCE Style 사각 cage,thinble, cap, band 류, 이단조립형 cage
56 1 Snapband Cuff( 스냅링타입 ) 2 Flange Top( 후렌지타입 ) 3 Ring Top( 링타입 ) 4 Sleeve Top( 슬리브타입 ) 5 Hem Top( 햄타입 ) 6 Raw Edge( 밴드타입 ) 펄스젯트타입백 (top design) 진동혹은역세방식백 (top design) 1 Grommet Top( 쇠고리타입 ) 2 Loop Top( 끈고리타입 ) 3 TRAP( 트랩타입 ) 4 Strap Top( 끈타입 ) 5 Envelope Style( 봉투타입 ) 6 Cord Top Cuffs( 로프타입 ) 7 Compression Band( 압축밴드타입 ) 1 Sewn Flat( 일자형봉제타입 ) 2 Snapband Cuffs with flat gaskets( 평스냅밴드타입 ) 3 Cord Cuffs( 로프타입 ) 4 Snapband Cuffs with double beaded grooved gaskets( 스냅링타입 ) 5 Compression Band( 압축밴드타입 ) 6 Ungemined open end 7 Two-ply disc Bottom( 두겹의밑빵타입 ) 진동혹은역세방식, 맥동식타입백 (bottom design) 경기도부천시원미구부천로 168 번길 35 ( 구 : 원미구원미동 45-5 )
57 Diaphragm pulse valve
58 Filter Press Recessed plates Filter plates
59 Filter Press Cloth Filter Press Cloth (Rubber neck) Filter Press Cloth with edge coating
60 Vacuum Belt Filter Enclosed VACUUM BELT FILTER Reciprocating tray filter
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회사소개서 Control FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM 의모든것 목차 내 용 PAGE 회사개요 03 회사현황 04 연혁 05 조직도 06 A/S 조직체계 07 영업품목 08 주요취급품목 09 인증현황 16 주요거래처 17 회사개요 폐사는발전설비, 석유화학, 중화학, 섬유산업, 식. 의약품등기간산업설비와건축및환경산업에필요한제품들을취급하고있습니다. 국내유수업체의시설확충사업에참여하여삼십여년간의축적된경험과신용을바탕으로제품의품질보증과적기공급및적절한사후처리로지속적인신뢰를쌓아왔습니다
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
(c) Process Pressure Measurement 1 Process Pressure Measurement Flow, Level, Temperature Flow, Level, Temperature, 2, 1) ( ),, A F F/A 2), 3 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 1 (a) (ABSOLUTE PRESSURE), 10 kg/cm 2 abs
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
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SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
C H A P T E R 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13.1 ( ) 12 000 psi [ 13 1] 6in 10 [ 13 2] (stamping) 500 501 (pressure regulator) (oil mist) (lubricator) (air dryer) (muffler) 13.2 21 % 78 % 1 % 4
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(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
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Fisher i2p-100... 1... 1... 2... 2... 2... 5... 7... 7... 8... 9... 10... 10... 11... 12... 12... 12... 12... 14... 14... 16... 16... 17... 18 1. Fisher i2p-100 W8710... 19... 20 Fisher i2p 100,, ( 1 )..,,,,
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SSENP FLOW METER 에스에스이엔피 경기도화성시새강 1 길 43 TEL : 031)8015-2452 FAX : 031)935-0452 E-mail : kelvin@ssenp.co.kr Turbine Digital Flow meter 특징 SEMI U+ PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등다양한재질 정밀성, 내화학성우수 4~20 ma, Alarm,
2 New IP65 IP65 1.0cm 1.0cm 3 /min FKM Seal UL94V-0 490 (VXS2230 ) 85.5mm New VX S S 40mm 50 VXS2230[3/8(10A)] VXS22/23 Series 50mm CAT.KS70-38A New New VXS22/23 Series u i y r e u i y r e i, Ass yu Ass
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Rev 1 Steam Trap Date `000208 Page 1 of 18 1 2 2 Application Definition 2 21 Drip Trap, Tracer Trap, 2 22 Steam Trap 3 3 Steam Trap 7 4 Steam Trap Sizing 8 41 Drip Trap 8 42 Tracer Trap 8 43 Process Trap
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B-3 B-4 HDV B-8 B-37 B-39 3S1A B-40 3S2A B-42 3S3A B-44 3S4A B-45 B-11 B-15 S1A B-16 K2A B-20 K3A B-24 S3A B-27 S4A B-30 S5A B-33 HPV5-6, HPV5-8 B-78
- - HDV -8-7 -9 S1-0 S - S - S - -11 - S1-16 K -0 K - S -7 S -0 S - HV-6, HV-8-78 -7-9 S11, S1-60 S1, S1-61 -7-9 S11-0 K1-1 K1 - S1 - S1 - S1 - HNV000-6 -6 HMV -66 HMV -69 HLV -7 HLV -7 HFV -76 HVC -81
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COP 1440 Drifter Parts for Atlas Copco Atlas Copco No Crawler Drill Drfter Part Number Part Name Q'ty Unit Price Remarks 3115 1605 90 set of nipple 1set *} front head 3115 0286 00 dome nut 0.26kg 3115
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uuhm Daewoo Daily * 0.0% 23.6% 38.2% 50.0% 61.8% 100.0% 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 690 680 670 660 650 640 630
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DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
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양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
April. 28, 216 Fixed Income Analyst 2 3 2. 1.5 (%) (%).1.5. (%) (%) 1. 1 y 2 y 3 y 4 y 5 y 7 y 1 1 1 2 -.5 2.5 2.2 (%) 1y 3y 5y 1y (%) 1.9 1.6 1.3 1. '15Y.8 '15Y.12 '16Y.4 (%) (%) () Apr. 28, 216
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. Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Counter Flow Cross Flow,. 1.Cooling Tower. Air Flow 1) Counter Flow System Fan Air Fan Discharge Distributor Fill Counter Flow ( ) Cold Water Basin. 1 Counter Flow System
5.0MPa New RoHS 5.0 5.0MPa 5.0MPa 0.01 3.0 0.01 3.0MPa 3000 3000L/min ANR 5.0MPa3.0MPa Ar N2 N2O2ArO2 O2 P.2. 3W ITVX Series CAT.KS60-21A 5.0MPa ITVX2000 Series RoHS ITVX2 030 0 1 3 S 2 ITVX2000 0 ) )
PARTS BOOK SPS/B-BH6000 모터직결형 전자 제어식 아일렛 단추구멍 재봉기 Direct Drive,Electronically Controlled Eyelet Button Holing M/C PME-060103 PME-060111 SUNSTAR MACHINERY CO., LTD. CONTENTS A B C D E F1 F2 GH I J J1 J2
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PARTS BOOK KM-235A/B INFORMATION A. Parts Book Structure of Part Book Unique code by mechanism Unique name by mechanism Explode view Ref. No. : Unique identifcation number by part Parts No. : Unique Product
2 3 4 5 Contents III I 10 16 24 II 34 38 1984~1992 40 01. 46 02. 50 03. 54 04. 59 05. 62 1993~2002 64 01. 70 02. 76 03. 82 04. 88 05. 92 2003~2008 94 01. 99 02. 109 03. 113 04. 116 05. 120 06. 126 2009~2014
<4E3A5CC0AFB1D9BFC15CBDC5C7D1C0DAB7E15C C4F47555C C532E2E2E>
Technical Information SHC-750/'09 CAPACITANCE TYPE EVE IMIT SWITCH SHC-750 SERIES * 적용방법 Capacitance Type imit Switch는액체및분체에서물질의유무를탐지하도록설계되어있습니다. Probe의재질은부식에내성이있는재질을광범위하게선택할수있으며부식성있는측정물에견딜수있도록생산하였습니다.
KC CODE KCS 57 80 10 국가건설기준표준시방서 Korean Construction Specification KCS 57 80 10 : 2017 상수도공사 펌프설비 2017 년 8 월일제정 http://www.kcsc.re.kr 국가건설기준 목차 KCS 57 80 10 상수도공사펌프설비 1. 일반사항 1.1 적용범위. 1.2 참고기준 KS B 1511
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5. Kapitel URE neu
URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting
PARTS BOOK KM-2300 Code Lubrication type Code Application F Full-Dry type A Light materials S Semi-Dry type G General materials M Micro-Lubrication type B Heavy materials Only use B (Heavy materials) code
2 247, Dec.07, 2007
247, Dec.07, 2007 2 247, Dec.07, 2007 3 247, Dec.07, 2007 4 247, Dec.07, 2007 5 247, Dec.07, 2007 6 247, Dec.07, 2007 7 247, Dec.07, 2007 8 247, Dec.07, 2007 9 247, Dec.07, 2007 USD 980 EUR 1,400 970 USD
Digital Amplifier MA-110 CONTENTS Specifications... 1 Electrical parts list... 2 top and bottom view of p.c. board... 10 Application... 12 block Diagram... 13 Schematic Diagram... 14 Exploded view of cabinet