Since 1974 Based on 40 years of history, We offer superior medical products to our client! 지나온 40 년을바탕으로, 인류건강을위한앞으로의 100 년을향하여! Table of Contents Com
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1 CASTING LINE UP For The Leading Medical Practitioner Since 1974
2 Since 1974 Based on 40 years of history, We offer superior medical products to our client! 지나온 40 년을바탕으로, 인류건강을위한앞으로의 100 년을향하여! Table of Contents Company History / CEO Message... 3P Domestic and Overseas Products Cast... 4P~5P Splint... 6P~8P Casting Room Accessory... 9P Brace... 10P~11P Domestic Products Accessory... 12P Back2life... 13P Imoove... 14P~15P Duk-In System... 16P~17P Certificates...18P Packages... 19P 2
3 Company History 2010s 2000s 1990s Participated in MEDICA 2013~2015 MEDICA 전시회참가 Participated in Arab Health 2013~2015 Arab Health 전시회참가 Selected as a promising small and medium company 경기도유망중소기업선정 Participated in KIMES 2005~2015 KIMES 전시회참가 R & D center certified 기업부설연구소인증 Present: Newly constructed and moved factory to Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do 경기도화성공장신축이전 Certified as a venture firm 벤처기업인증 Duk-In MediMax established (subsidiary company) 덕인메디맥스설립 ( 자회사 ) Medical machine KGMP certified 의료기기 KGMP 인증 Selected as a promising small and medium export company and for turning the company into an export company 수출유망중소기업선정, 수출기업화업체선정 Acquired ISO 13485, 9001:2001, 9001:2000, and certificates ISO 13485, 9001:2001, 9001:2000, 인증 Certified CE MARK certificate CE MARK 인증 Certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration U.S. FDA 인증 Developed plaster splint 석고 Splint 개발 Developed and launched synthetic cast 합성 Cast 개발, 수출개시 Developed synthetic splint 합성 Splint 개발 1980s Started exporting plaster bandage 석고붕대수출개시 1970s Acquired a permit as a manufacturing company (plaster bandage) 제조업허가획득 ( 석고붕대 ) Established company (1974) 회사설립 (1974 년 ) CEO Message Duk-In, established in 1974 as a manufacturer of casts and splints used to treat external fixation in orthopedics, is working hard under the corporate ideologies of passion, creation, and challenge, to lead the business based on technological development and the steady quality improvements carried out in the last 40 years. The excellent quality of Duk-In products has already been acknowledged in major countries where our products are exported to, such as the United States, Japan, Australia, Iran, Taiwan, Thailand, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, as well as major university hospitals in Korea. We promise to continue launching new products in diverse fields based on the know-how we have accumulated in the last 40 years and current technology. In addition, we are working hard to become a company trusted by people worldwide by building global partnerships. Thank you. 열정, 창조, 도전의경영이념으로정형외과외고정치료재인 Cast & Splint 제조업을시작한 덕인은 1974 년부터 40 년간꾸준한품질향상과기술개발을통하여동종업체보다한걸음앞서미래로나아가고있습니다. ( 주 ) 덕인은국내의주요대학병원은물론미국, 일본, 호주, 이란, 대만, 태국, 쿠웨이트, 사우디등주요국가에수출을하면서품질의우수성을인정받고있습니다. 지난 40 년의노하우를바탕으로신기술을통한다양한분야의신제품은꾸준히출시될것입니다. 또한글로벌협력관계를통하여지구상어느곳에서나신뢰받는 ( 주 ) 덕인이되도록최선을다하고있습니다. 감사합니다. 대표이사안영원 C.E.O Tony Ahn 3
4 CAST Purpose of Using Casting Tape 1. Reduction and Fix of fracture ( 골절정복및고정 ) 2. Prevention and Fix of deformation ( 변형의예방및고정 ) 3. Support and Stabilization of joint ( 관절의지지와안정 ) 4. Effective solution of pain ( 통증의효과적해소 ) Kind of Cast 1. Short arm cast 2. Long arm cast 3. Hanging arm cast 4. Body cast 5. Spica cast 6. Short leg cast 7. Long leg cast 8. Cylinder cast 9. Foot cast Kind of Base material 1. Plaster of Paris (Duk-In Cast) 2. Fiberglass (Duk-In Lite S ) 3. Polyester (Duk-In Lite Poly ) Using Method ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ CAST 4
5 DUK-IN PRODUCTS Duk-In Lite S (Fiberglass) 라이트에스 ( 유리섬유 ) Duk-In Lite Poly (Polyester) 라이트폴리 ( 폴리에스터 ) SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Higher Strength, Less Use / 높은강도, 사용의경제성 Excellent Conformability / 우수한성형성 Superb See-Through By X-Ray / 완벽한투시성 Anti-Humidification / 우수한내수성 Various Colors / 다양한색상 Color Available SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Convenient Treatment / 시술의편리성 Good X-Ray See-Through / 우수한 X-Ray 투과성 Environment Friendly (Burnable) / 환경친화적 ( 소각기능 ) Excellent Flexibility / 우수한신축성 Color Available Duk-In Lite Soft (Fiberglass) 라이트소프트 ( 유리섬유 ) Duk-In Cast (Plaster of Paris) 석고붕대 SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Ductility And Elasticity Of The Material / 유연성과탄력성 Excellence In Molding / 우월한몰딩성 Convenience In Cutting / 커팅의용이성 Sufficient Ventilation / 시원한통기성 Environmental Friendliness / 환경친화성 Color Available SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Uniform Quality / 품질의균일성 Applicable Economy / 사용의경제성 Special Products Charateristics / 제품의전문성 5
6 SPLINT Purpose of Using Splint 1. Fix The Joint ( 관절의고정 ) 2. Minimize The Movement Of Bone Splinters ( 골절의골편의움직임최소화 ) 3. Decrease The Risk Of Additional Damage ( 추가적손상의위험감소 ) 4. Decrease The Risk Of Bleeding ( 출혈위험의감소 ) 5. Prevent Vascular Under Pressure ( 혈관압박방지 ) 6. Prevent Skin Laceration ( 피부열상방지 ) 7. Prevent Complications And Quick Recovery ( 합병증예방및빠른회복 ) Kind of Splint 1. Short Arm Splint 2. Long Arm Splint 3. Volar Splint 4. Thumb Spica Splint 5. Ulnar Gutter Splint 6. Short Leg Splint 7. Long Leg Splint 8. Sugar Tong Splint Kind of Base material 1. Plaster of Paris (Duk-In P-Splint) 2. Fiberglass (Duk-In S-Splint) 3. Non-Woven Fabric (Duk-In N-Splint) 4. Polypropylene (Duk-In W-Splint) Using Method Pre-cut Type ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ Roll Type ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ SPLINT 6
7 DUK-IN PRODUCTS Duk-In S-Splint (Fiberglass) 스프린트프리컷타입 (Pre-cut Type) / 스프린트롤타입 (Roll Type) SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Easy Application/ 사용의신속성 Antibiotic & Deodorization Effect / 항균, 방취효과 Go Back To Daily Routine In 20 Minutes After Treatment / 시술 20 분후활동가능 Easy To Keep / 보관의용이성 Duk-In N-Splint (Non-Woven Fabric) 스프린트프리컷타입 (Pre-cut Type) / 스프린트롤타입 (Roll Type) SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Smooth Cutting Side / 매끄러운재단면 Smart Shape By Ultrasonic / 초음파처리로깔금해진가장자리 Better X-Ray-See-Through / 향상된 X-Ray 투과성 An Environmental (Combustibility) / 친환경제품 ( 강연성재질 ) Lighter Than S-Sp / S-Sp 에비해 3/4 정도무게 Duk-In P-Splint (Plaster of Paris) 석고스프린트 SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Quick Operation / 시술의신속성 Excellent Touch / 우수한촉감 Minimun Dust / 석고분진의최소화 High Strength / 높은강도 7
8 SPLINT Duk-In W-Splint (Polypropylene) 스프린트프리컷타입 (Pre-cut Type) / 스프린트롤타입 (Roll Type) SPECIFICATIONS / 특징 Use of Innovative Materials / 혁신적인재질사용 Excellent Conformability / 편안한밀착성형성 Soft Cutting Side / 부드러운절단면 High Strength and Light Weight / 높은강도와가벼운무게 Environmental-Friendly Material / 친환경소재 W-SPLINT 8
9 Casting Room Accessory DUK-IN PRODUCTS Cast Shoe (Hobble Free) 하블프리 Cast Cutter 캐스트절단기 Round Bottom Allows Right And Comfortable Walking Thanks To Light Material It Does Not Put Burden On The Ankle Better Durability Compared With Existing Cast Shoes 라운드형바닥으로인한바르고편안한보행가능 가벼운소재로인해발목에무리를주지않음 기존캐스트슈즈에비해내구성이뛰어남 Size : S, M, L, XL Oscillating Frequency : 11,400cpm Rotation Angle : 5.6 Dimension : Ø70 x L283mm Power : AC 220V, 50/60Hz, 0.25A AC 110V, 50/60Hz, 0.5A Net Weight : 1.86kg Saw Blade : Ø51.0mm, Ø63.5mm Dust Suction System (optional item) : Hood : 1ea, Hose : 1ea Cast Shoes (PVC Type) 칼라슈즈 Stockinette 스타키넷 Size : S, M, L, XL Size : 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 x 10m Cast Shoes (Leather Type) 캐스트슈즈 Undercast Padding (Cotton Bandage) 솜붕대 Size : S, M, L, XL Size : 3, 4, 6, 8 x 2.7m 9
10 BRACE DR-127 Cervical collar Reduces skin irritation with its latex-free, non-toxic and hypoallergenic foam Supports limit movement with its anterior and posterior rigid plastic reinforcement 비고무, 무독성및저자극성폼성분을사용함으로써피부자극최소화 전 / 후방단단한플라스틱강화지지대로인해움직임을제한 Indication / 적용증상 - Provides immobilization for extrication & rehabilitation / 경추부염좌 - Post-operative discectomy & cervical pain / 경추부추간판탈출증 IST-01 Back Brace plastic panel that can be thermoformed following the body curve is applied in back plate area, thereby providing strong bearing power. Made of combination of light, breathable elastic polyester material 등판부에인체굴곡에따라열성형이가능한인체공학적디자인의플라스틱판넬을적용하여강력한지지력을제공 가볍고통기성이뛰어난메쉬원단을사용하여쾌적한착용감을제공하며안정감유지 Indication / 적용증상 - Post-operative thoracic lumbar fusion Laminectomy or discectomy / 요부용해 ( 레이저 ) 수술후추궁절제수술및추간판제거후 - Compression fractures / 요부압박골절 DR-W021/ DR-W022 Wrist Splint Palmer aluminum & back two side plastic stays for maximum support & immobilization in a neutral position Made of durable, breathable cotton for maximum fit & comport 알루미늄손바닥지지대및 2 개의후방지지대가있어고정력제공 밀착감및편안함을위한내구성과통기성이있는면소재원단사용 Indication / 적용증상 - Carpal tunnel syndrome / 수근관증후군발생시 - Sprains & strains of the wrist / 손목부위급성및만성질환 10
11 DUK-IN PRODUCTS DR-A017-2 Air walker / Air Walker with Adjustable Hinge Reduces shock loads particularly in the forefoot & hinder foot, leg length difference up to approx. 1cm 발바닥및발뒤꿈치부위에충격으로인한하중을감소시킴 Indication / 적용증상 - Moderate to severe ankle sprains & strains / 중증도및중증발목근긴장및관절염좌 - Stable foot and/or ankle fractures / 발목및발골절 DR-K012 Hinges Knee Support (MCL) Two metal hinges in both sides provides limitation of movement & helps flexion & extension Adjustable X type strap suitable for MCL & LCL 두개의힌지가정착되어움직임시안정성제공 내측부인대 (MCL) 손상에적합한 X 자형태조절끈부착 Indication / 적용증상 - MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) damage / 내측부인대의손상 - Knee sprains & articular strains / 무릎근긴장및관절염좌 - Damage of Osteoarthritis & cartilage / 골관절염및연골손상 DR-K105 Knee Immobilizer (Long) Contoured four aluminum stays for good adjustable immobilization Soft sponge pad in inner stays for better fit & comfort 4 개의알루미늄지지대가삽입되어, 증상에맞춘고정력제공 안쪽지지대가닿는부분은부드러운나이렉스스폰지패드사용으로쿠션감과편안함부여 Indication / 적용증상 - Mild to severe knee injuries / 경증및중증부상 - Post operative immobilization / 수술후고정 DR-A016-1 Air / Gel Ankle Brace Anatomically contoured plastic shell provides support and stability to injured ankle Gel bladder provides additional support and cold therapy 인체해부학적모양의셀부위가있어부상입은발목부위의지지및안정감제공 젤팩이내장되어있어부수적지지및냉요법을제공 Indication / 적용증상 - Acute & chronic ankle sprains / 급성및만성발목근긴장관절염좌 - Osteoarthritis / 발목골관절염 DR-A002 Ankle Support Lateral & medial two plastic splints prevent inflammation & sprains of introversion & extroversion of the ankle joint and minimizing its re-injury Open-heel style support & non-slip in taking some walk or exercise & can be put inside shoes properly 내 외측 2 개의플라스틱지지대를부착하여발목부위의유연한고정및족관절내반및외반염과시재발방지 Open Heel Style 로운동이나보행시미끄러지지않으며신발안에착용가능 Indication / 적용증상 - Acute & chronic ankle sprains / 급성및만성발목근긴장관절염좌 - Ankle rehabilitation / 발목재활 11
12 Coad Band, Aluminum Splint, Cool Bandages Coad Band 자착식붕대 사용목적 / Purpose 1. To prevent blood gathering / 혈액이괴는것을방지 2. To press a part of a body with elasticity / 신체일부분을탄력으로압박 3. To fix sprain and parts / 염좌및부분고정 4. To fix the part after surgery / 수술후수술부위고정 제품특징 / Specification 1. No latex causes no allergic reaction / 라텍스성분이없어알레르기반응이없음 2. It is light weight and air permeability allows skin to breath providing comforts to the user / 가볍고, 통기성이좋아피부가숨을쉴수있게하여사용자에게편리함. 3. It is soft but strong material / 부드러우면서강인한소재 Size : 1, 2 x 1.1y 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 x 5y Aluminum Splint 사용목적 / Purpose Equipment that presses, fixes or supports a part(back, knee, neck, etc.) of a body / 신체 ( 허리, 무릎, 목등 ) 의일부분을압박, 고정하는지지기능이있는기구 제품특징 / Specification 1. Light / 가벼움 2. Portable / 휴대가용이함 3. Quick and simple use / 사용이빠르고간편함 4. Re-usable / 재사용가능 5. Waterproof / 방수 Size : 1. Finger / 손가락용 (1.875 x 3.75 ) 2. General / 일반 (4.25 x 36 ) 3. Splint Kit / 스프린트키트 Cool Bandage 사용목적 / Purpose Equipment that presses, fixes or supports a part(back, knee, neck, etc.) of a body / 신체 ( 허리, 무릎, 목등 ) 의일부분을압박, 고정하는지지기능이있는기구 제품특징 / Specification 1. Effective cooling treatment can be given in the case of bruise, infection, sprain or sports injury / 타박상, 염증, 염좌및스포츠손상과같은상황에서효과적인냉각치료가능 2. Quick pain relief / 빠르게통증완화 3. Ice is maintained for a long time / 오랫동안냉각유지가능 4. No additional icing equipment is required / 추가적인냉각장치필요없음 5. Convenient use / 손쉬운사용 12
13 BACK2LIFE DUK-IN PRODUCTS 12 Minute Back Pain Solution Lie Back and Relax, and Let the Back2Life Release the Pressure to Relieve the Pain 12분동안편안하게누워있으면 Back2Life 가자동으로리드믹컬한움직임을주어허리에느껴지던압박과통증을완화시켜줍니다. Back2Life Releases the Pressure to Relieve the Pain! 사용방법 베개를뒤에받친뒤, 다리를벌려다리사이에 Back2Life 를두고천천히바닥에앉습니다. 장비하단의구멍을사용하여최대한몸에가까이장비를가져옵니다. 부드러우면서도리듬미컬한허리의전후좌우의움직임이바로척추사이의압박을완화시켜주는효과를갖게됩니다. 즉어떠한고통스러운스트레칭이나운동을하지않고도획기적으로통증이완화될수있는방법이라고할수있습니다. Tight, spasmed muscles Back2Life Releases the Pressure to Relieve the Pain. Back2Life 를몸에가까이가져온뒤, 다리를 Back2Life 의다리지지대에올려놓습니다. 무릎뒤쪽부터다리지지대에잘놓여졌는지확인한후편안한자세로눕습니다. Back2Life 하단의전원버튼을누르면 12 분동안스스로동작합니다. 허리의압박을줄이는것이만성적인요통에있어서중요한열쇠가되는데바로 Back2life 가환자로하여금유연한근육을갖게끔도와주며환자의척추골을적절한해부학적배열로자리잡아줍니다. 13
14 IMOOVE IN PRACTICE Cervicalgias Cervicobrachial neuralgias Cephaleas-Vertigo Scapulohumeral periarthritis, Capsulitis, Tendinitis Rotator cuff Cervico-scapulalgias Chronic low backpain Kyphosis Scoliosis Postural reprogramming (Diaphragm-Thorax) Pelvic Coxarthrosis Discation of the hip joint Muscular chains strategies Sprains and Achilles tendinitis Prosthesis on J+3 Tendinopathy Chondropathy Imoove Range IMOOVE 100 IMOOVE 200 IMOOVE 300 IMOOVE 600 (FTM) IMOOVE
15 DUK-IN PRODUCTS ELISPHERIC MOVEMENTS Touch Screen with Functions Fixed Grips Technical Specification Size W1.25 L1.74 H2.3 (m) Weight 150kg Voltage 220V AC Frequency 60Hz 출력 500W 발판지름 900mm 회전속도 0~60g회 / 분 대칭진폭 0~10도 비대칭진폭 +/- 25 경사가속및감속 Mobile Grips Support Area Working Plate with Indicator Positioning Included Mobile and Fix Grips Anti-Slippig Mat USB ipad Foam Mat Stool 15
16 DUK-IN System Synthetic Orthopedic Casting Tape & Splint The most advanced technologies DUK-IN System for the production of Casting Tape & Splint is operated by a touch panel, which is over 90% automated so less manpower is required and it is easy to control an uniform quality. Cast Production Machine Splint Production Machine P.O.P Production Machine 16
17 DUK-IN PRODUCTS Casting Tape Production System Production Capacity Max 2,000 rolls/day (10hours) Machine Dimension 2.2m x 1.15m x 2.5m (Width x Length x Height) Utility Consumption Electricity : 200kw, Air Pressure : 40hp Required Site Raw Material Storage : 180m2 Production Area (for 2 machine) : 100m2 Products Storage : 150m2 * Additional spaces for office, laboratory, etc. should be considered. System Components Casting Tape Production Machine Agitator & Acrylic Chamber Dehumidifying System (Main Machine, Chiller, Air Compressor) Electric Oven, Band Sealer & Packer, Pan Scale, Electronic Scale Mechanical-type Universal Testing Machine Required Manpower 3 Persons (Operator - 1, Packer - 1, Inspector -1) Splint Production System Production Capacity Max 1,000m/day (10hours) Machine Dimension 8.7m x 1.2m x 3.2m (Width x Length x Height) Utility Consumption Electricity : 200kw, Air Pressure : 40hp Required Site Raw Material Storage : 180m2 Production Area : 200m2 Products Storage : 150m2 * Additional spaces for office, laboratory, etc. should be considered. System Components Splint Production Machine Agitator & Acrylic Chamber Dehumidifying System (Main Machine, Chiller, Air Compressor) Electric Oven, Band Sealer & Packer, Pan Scale, Electronic Scale Mechanical-type Universal Testing Machine Required Manpower 4 Persons (Operator - 1, Packer - 2, Inspector & Helper -1) Plaster of Paris Bandages Production System Production Capacity Max 3,360 rolls/day (10hours) Machine Dimension 15.5m x 2.1m x 3.0m (Width x Length x Height) Utility Consumption Electricity : 200kw, Air Pressure : 40hp Required Site Raw Material Storage : 200m2 Production Area : 300m2 Products Storage : 300m2 * Additional spaces for office, laboratory, etc. should be considered. System Components Plaster of Paris Bandages Production Machine Plaster of Paris Bandages Cutting Machine Boiler, Air Compressor, Vinyl Bonding Machine Pan Scale, Electronic Scale Mechanical-type Universal Testing Machine Dust Collector (Optional) Required Manpower 6 Persons (Operator - 1, Cutting - 1, Packer & Inspector - 4) 17
18 CERETIFICATION ISO ISO FDA CE Japan Certificate CFDA 유망중소기업 18
19 PACKAGES DUK-IN PRODUCTS Duk-In Cast Duk-In Lite S Duk-In Lite Poly Duk-In Lite 'Soft' Duk-In P-Splint (Roll) Duk-In S-Splint (Pre-cut) Duk-In S-Splint (Roll) Duk-In N-Splint (Pre-cut) Duk-In N-Splint (Roll) Duk-In W-Splint (Pre-cut) Duk-In W-Splint (Roll) Item No. Size Packing / Carton C y (5cm 270cm) C y (7.5cm 270cm) 10 Bo es / Carton 12 Rolls / Bo C y (10cm 360cm) C y (15cm 360cm) 6 Bo es / Carton L y (5cm 360cm) L y (7.5cm 360cm) L y (10cm 360cm) 10 Rolls / Bo 10 Bo es / Carton L y (12.5cm 360cm) L y (5cm 360cm) L y (7.5cm 360cm) L y (10cm 360cm) 10 Rolls / Bo 10 Bo es / Carton L y (12.5cm 360cm) L y (5cm 360cm) L y (7.5cm 360cm) L y (10cm 360cm) 10 Rolls / Bo 10 Bo es / Carton L y (12.5cm 360cm) S y (5cm 730cm) S y (7.5cm 730cm) 6 Bo es / Carton S y (10cm 730cm) 1 Roll / Bo 5 Bo es / Carton S y (12.5cm 730cm) S y (15cm 730cm) 4 Bo es / Carton S (5cm 25.5cm) S (7.5cm 30.5cm) S (7.5cm 89cm) S (10cm 38cm) S (10cm 76cm) 5 EA / Bo 8 Bo es / Carton S (12.5cm 76cm) S (12.5cm 114cm) S (15cm 114cm) S y (5cm 450cm) S y (7.5cm 450cm) 10 Bo es / Carton S y (10cm 450cm) 1 Roll / Bo S y (12.5cm 450cm) 8 Bo es / Carton S y (15cm 450cm) S (5cm 25.5cm) S (7.5cm 30.5cm) S (7.5cm 89cm) S (10cm 38cm) S (10cm 76cm) 5 EA / Bo 8 Bo es / Carton S (12.5cm 76cm) S (12.5cm 114cm) S (15cm 114cm) S y (5cm 450cm) S y (7.5cm 450cm) 10 Bo es / Carton S y (10cm 450cm) 1 Roll / Bo S y (12.5cm 450cm) 8 Bo es / Carton S y (15cm 450cm) S (5cm 25.5cm) S " (7.5cm 30.5cm) S (7.5cm 89cm) S (10cm 38cm) S (10cm 76cm) 5 EA / Bo 8 Bo es / Carton S (12.5cm 76cm) S (12.5cm 114cm) S (15cm 114cm) S y (5cm 450cm) S y (7.5cm 450cm) 10 Bo es / Carton S y (10cm 450cm) 1 Roll / Bo S y (12.5cm 450cm) 8 Bo es / Carton S y (15cm 450cm) 19
20 Seoul Office : 4Fl. Hwanhee Bldg., 12, Juheung-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel : Fax : Factory : (Hwanam Industrial Complex 3-8), 134 Hwanamgongdan-ro, Seosin-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Website : Blog : Printed in Nov. 2015
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