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1 Biomaterials Research (2010) 14(1) : Biomaterials Research 7 The Korean Society for Biomaterials lp(drug-eluting Stents) w An Overview of Researches Trend in Drug-Eluting Stents Development ½ Á Á½ yá«* Soon-Joong Kim, Jae-Geun Park, Jung Ho Kim, and Il Keun Kwon* Š xfšh Še t Š Department of Maxillofacial Biomedical Engineering, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University (Received February 10, 2010/Acccepted February 16, 2010) Since A. Gruentzig performed successful balloon dilatation of coronary artery stenosis in a patient in 1977, the development of interventional treatment of coronary artery disease was truly remarkable. The percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been a great advance in the treatment of coronary artery disease since implantation of bare metal stents (BMS) decreased acute recoil and arterial shrinkage caused by balloon angioplasty. However, neointimal hyperplasia leading to in-stent restenosis after BMS implantation has been emerged a new obstacle. Recent introduction of drug-eluting stents (DES) contributes a powerful breakthrough to PCI. DES overcame restenosis, the impregnable limitation of PCI. Many large well-controlled randomized trials have shown that DES remarkably reduces restenosis and target vessel revascularization in de novo lesions when compared with BMS. Therefore the application of DES have been expanded to the complex lesions such as left main, multi-vessel, bifurcation, in-stent restenosis, or chronic total occlusion. The safety and effectiveness of DES are still under evaluation with ongoing trials. However, some problems such as very late stent thrombosis remained to be solved. In this review article, we summarize research trend in DES development. Key words: Neointimal hyperplasia, Restenosis, Thrombosis, Drug-eluting stents lœf Œ l,, l Œ, hl fš f t Š, u 10 Œ Œf Œ Œ Œ f f Š f 6 lš f f jd eff f. j Œl, Œh Œf v fš e f g f lœf lf hf. f Œ Œ lœf h e ff 1e rlš f, f d f f df f lœf x Š f hf. u d Œ h Š l v ff, f Š lœ Š x f Š t f f Šf fdš u hš f. hf x f h ˆ Œ g (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, PTCA) i l Œ e s f ~ f ˆ f f f Œg z f d f Š fd f f fd f ƒ f if f Š *sf hf: kwoni@khu.ac.kr f Š h fd ff h ˆ Œg ƒ f f hr l f. Šl ƒ f 6 e Œ fš ƒ gœref 30% h l l h f f f hf Š Š Š jdš hhf f. ƒ, ƒ gœr(in-stent restenosis, ISR)f x f ~ f fdš i d f fl fl, l 11~20% f Œ g (target-lesion revascularization) dš g h h Œhl f h h f. jg f j hhf gœrf Œ f j w f Š Œ f Š l d lf Œ ( ) f h f u if ƒ l hh(antiproliferative) hh(immunosuppressive) f Š hhš f f g l hf v Šf Œ ef h Œ g (pathologic arterial remodeling) Œ (neointimal hyperplasia)f hš gœrf Š Œ f. Šl hf gœr, Œh(late thrombosis) f h Š f f f l h f h ff f. tm, fš Š l ff h f g f x hf h d 37
2 38 já g Á hœá f l h f Š l Š late catch-up f d ff, m, Œ f f g f h f ll Œhl f f f f, m z f fš l(hypersensitivity) fš h Œ g f fš (coronary artery aneurysm) f Š f f. f u d hf lœ jgh x f h, f i ƒ, ƒf i, v ƒ(drug-eluting stent, DES)f z f eš ŠŒh Œ d ff i g d, hh Š, v ƒf Šd, z f e d g Š Š f Š. y e ƒ f x f f Charles R. Stent f f Š eš ll jœf Š ff f f f f f e. i l f 1) hf f lh jf x Š jg f 1977 e f Andreas Gruentzig fš ihššl Œr h ˆ Œg (percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty, PTCA) f hf ŠŠ ŒrlŒ x f d g f. ˆ Œg f g x f ff 2,3) hf f ƒ f f Š fd f gœref f f f hšhf. h jg (percutaneous coronary intervention, PCI)f g (revascularization) x f f f, 1983 Š f Š g fš sff ˆ Œ f Š. f Šr 4) 1986 Puel Sigwart fš ƒ sff, ƒ f, ff vh, d ŠŒ h d f fš x hf Š Š hf Š, 1993 fe f f BElgian NEtherlands STENT (BENESTENT) STent REStenosis Study (STRESS) ƒ f ˆ Œg Š gœre g f jf f f, f ƒ f lœ jx f j vf f Š j 5,6) ƒ f h hf jg f Œ, Œf fr jg (primary PCI)f Œh dšh d hf ŠŠ if hf Š fš, d 7) x Š Œ lœ, ij l Œr ƒ f Š. 8) Šl, ƒ f ˆ Œg f x hf hf f v(acute recoil) Œ r(arterial shrinkage)f j l, Œhl(subacute stent thrombosis) ƒ Œ (neointimal hyperplasia) d hhf z. f ˆ f fdš ƒ r(apposition) Š fj ŠŒ h( + } } ) fdš d f hf ƒ Œhlf d j. 9,10) v (Percutneous Coroanry Intervention, PCI) h jg f f d f Š e f(guiding catheter) f f ~ e s f fdš ˆ f, hh f, hhh f, fh f, ƒ f Œr f fy f. ˆ Œg (Balloon Angioplasty) ˆ f fdš Œr f f, g } hšhf jf l Š fš lf 5~10% h Š, Œff f, lœf h, f Œ~Šh ƒl f Š. ˆ Œg f v 11,12) (constriction) Œ (neointimal hyperplasia) f Š 6 e 30~50% gœrf Š, 13) ˆ Œg f hf Š ƒ f f ˆ Œg f j ƒ f g Š f Šj ih f ƒ f d ff Œ lœ Š f. ƒ f (Stent Implantation) Œrf Œ ~ eš dš ƒ Œ,,, d, f hd ff d j Œ ƒ ej Š ff fdš ƒ Š i Š. if ƒ f z Š f v h (local drug delivery) f v ƒ(drug eluting stent, DES) f Œ ƒ DES j ƒ d ff Œ Š eš Š z f f. 14) a. Bare Metal Stent Implantation Œr e f ƒ eh f ˆ f f ˆ f ƒ Œg ~ f, ˆ Œg f hhf Š Š f, ƒf Œg ll f vf lš gœref 20~30% z. 15,16) ƒ f f lf t ƒ ŒhŒ f h f, ˆ f ƒ Œ g f ŠŒ h(ticlopidine, cilostazol ) 1~2 e Biomaterials Research 2010
3 v ƒ(drug-eluting Stents) f u 39 d Šf Œh fš 1% f jf f. u 17) stainless steel gh f f z ƒ/} Š f ƒ f f, v ƒ(drug eluting stent)f g f bare metal stentf d } Š., ƒ h t f df hš jdš fff v ƒf ~ f d jdš. 18) b. v ƒ f (Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation) ƒ f gœref 20~30% fl,, ff Œ, Œf f ƒ gœref 30~40% f, f fš hf g f } hšhf f. jg g 19) Œrf jdš hf v Œ f. ƒ f z Š f l hh(antiproliferative) hh(immunosuppressive) hhš vš ƒ f v, f l Š f v ƒ, t f d d Š f l f hš f, f Œf ƒ 20,21) h f fl g l d f ) v ƒ f i f ƒ f r f ff gœref 15% fš, g ef 6% fšf. Š, Œ lœ,, ff Œ, f Œf gœr g ef Š h ~. f d ƒf 90% f f v ƒ rl Š f. Šl, v ƒf hšhf ƒ ŒhŒ f, ŠŒ hf i j, hl,, i hš, l, f f, ff Œ f e ff f. ef 2% f l, f Š f, e~ Š ff e ff f Œf Š jf dš. gœ (Reendothelization)f 28-30) h, f h Š (hypersensitivity) fš Š f vw, v ƒ 31) aspirin clopidogrel Š d f h 6 e f 1 l Š Š, aspirinf dš Š. g Cypher (sirolimus) ƒ TAXUS (paclitaxel) ƒ f d f. j h (Coronary Atherectomy) i f fdš j f h Š g ƒ Š d ˆ Œg f ƒ f ih f hšhf Š f. s, ee h Š Š l e f ff f Šd Š. Directional coronary atherectomy (DCA) h x f hh f fdš j f hhš f f j il f hgš h Š hf i l f f f ghf f. Œr f j f d f d, x,, l e, ij l ŠŠ f. Percutaneous coronary rotational atherectomy (PCRA) f (burr)f f h z j f d ff ff Œ f, Š Œ, f, h, l e, gœr dš f. Coronary laser angioplasty dš f Š e e f Š fh l h z j f Œ z h Š f, hœr f ƒ gœr dš f. lp ƒ Œ f Œhf fš, Œf l Œf Š g Š f, i l Œ e fš Œ f f h Œ ~ d e Œf ƒ f l h f ƒ gr f f f f ƒ e f l f r f i l e j Šf Š. f Š ft f l, Œ,,, g f Œ f f, t f eš fš eœš Œ, f f f f z Š. ƒ l i f eh f f Š f Š f Š. f i Šl t j. f ƒ h ˆ Œ f ˆ e fš f. r l fš e ƒ f ˆ f ex ~ ˆ f ˆ f ƒ f llš f f f f. ƒf glf f f jif f f. f hf ƒ Œ Œrf Š Š f ~ h f Œg Š, Œg ~ f l g ftf r f fdš f ŒgŒ(Self-Expandable) ƒ d f, l ˆ f fdš ˆ ŒgŒ(Balloon Expandable) ƒ f. wx š Œ f f fdš f g, ƒf l, jštf Š z, t l, Š Št f Š Œh f f. Š Œ t ilf lf Œ f f fd Š til l g, tissue patch fd ff, h r gl f e tf f df f. 32) Vol. 14, No. 1
4 40 já g Á hœá f Œ d ff i l f d g d ff, ƒ f l f Š,, e, ˆ Š f d d e Œ f. Œ f f f d ff, jd d ff i ƒ f f Table 1. Œ d g f d hh g Table 1 f f f d d ff ftf Ž xl Š f f. hf f d g v Š d ƒ Œ d g f hhf Table 2. lp(drug-eluting stent) v ƒf f if bare Œ ƒ f Š, f z Š f vf h Š f, f ŒŠ f. 33) f z v ƒ f lš } l Š f, f ƒ lh rš, (porous) ƒf (pores) f Š, ƒ z Š f f ŒŠŠ f f. z f v h f ƒ id, f f hf r f d Œ (diffusion) fš f v f Š f f h lš ff v h f } fš ih. f Š f f d Œ fš f v f d v h f z f fš h f. g f dš f d v ƒf Cypher Taxus f fš f v. f f ŒŠ Šf Š Š ŒŠ Šf l h f v h ihš f. fd Š f f f Š f Š dv, f z ƒ ƒ f f v f f. v ƒf f ƒ glf i, f s, f z, ff i Š d Œ Š lš ff ƒ } l fdš Š h, fff z, l f f f z Š Š f f l f. d v ƒ lœ ƒ f f l ff 15~30% ƒ gœrf h f jf eš Table 1. Œ d ff i g d l, hl f Œ Œ f Œ h shunt z ƒ td Œ ˆ, x ~ d ~ z h l PVC ~ ( ) g l t l } ƒ Š EVAL PMMA PVA ƒ ƒ z v Œˆ, ƒ z ˆ j f x ~ g lead f i g, f g f gil td Œ ˆ, x ~ g } x ~ Œ / Œ /, Œg Œ Œ /, Œg f, Œg Œ Œ /, Œg Œg Table 2. f d g f d Œ d g f v hf hh h Œ hš (blood compatibility) f d g f d ilhš (tissue compatibility) h Š t h (stability) Œh (thrombus) Œ d g f hh Œ (calcification) (infection) v ƒ f f h f h f Œ~f. v ƒ Š l, Šl f hf f dš gœrf ~ f Š f hf g Š Š f fdš ƒf. ƒ paclitaxelf z Š v ƒ(taxus, Express) hhf sirolimus eluting stent (Cypher) fdš f h hf v ƒ gœrf f z if bare stent tš f v f. 34) Table 3f g i f Š gœr f drug coated stent d f f ~ f. 35) v ƒf hh v ƒ f f f ƒ Š gœr jd g f jf d Š hf, v ƒf (The Era of DES) f } lœf x Š~ Œ z l, g vh r l hh f l fš. 36) a. ƒ Œhl ƒ f lf Œ v f, Š hf Œh Œ f e f l Š. f Š eš, Biomaterials Research 2010
5 v ƒ(drug-eluting Stents) f u 41 Table 3. Drug coated stent d f Paclitaxel (TaxolTM) Taxol derivative (QP-2) Antineoplastic Actinomycin D Vincristine Hirudin and iloprost Antithrombins Heparin Sirolimus (RapamycinTM) Tranilast Immunosuppressants Dexamethasone Tacrolimus (FK506) Halofuginone Propyl hydroxylase Collagen sythetas inhibitor C-proteinase inhibitor Metalloproteinase inhibitor Angiopeptin V VEGF VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. ƒ tr,, ŠŒ hh f r fd, f Œh ef 1990 t 20% u 0.2~1.8% jf Š f j f l Š f. Šl 2003 v ƒ 6j Š Œhl, Š Œhl r, v ƒf h Š f Œ. ƒ Œhlf hf 37,38) Š, jf f Š, Š df f. f tf eš,, e f f j f ff Academic Research Consortium (ARC) 2007 ƒ Œhlf hf h Š, f f j l xf f. f lx ƒ Œhlf f 39) f eff f Œ l (definite, probable, possible), f f Š hf jf early (1 e f ), late (1 f ), very late (1 f ). ~, 1 f (early, late) f ƒ v ƒ f Œhlf 0.5% d rf f. h 1 Š 40,41) very late ƒ Œ hlf, v ƒ 42) (sirolimus-eluting stent, SES; paclitaxel-eluting stent, PES) very late ƒ Œhlf f ƒ(bare metal stent, BMS) Š ff ~ f Š (0.6% vs. 0%, SES vs. BMS, p=0.03; 0.7% vs. 0.2%, PES vs. BMS, p=0.03). 43) ƒ Œhlf f, l f Š f Š d f f l f, Šl Œhl fš f 7~45% l h f. f Š v 44-48) ƒ h d 2006 e gš f v v ƒ f ƒ Š, f l ~ fš hh f, f 49) Š h, s f ff h f, f fš f f v ƒ f ƒ f efš rf f ~. 43,50,51) dy, very late ƒ Œhl f v ƒ l, f Š hf gœr g f fš f f h f Š Š f. Œhlf jf e Š f ƒ dš f d(, f Œ, lf, f, (ostial) )fl l Š, hhš ŠŒ hh Š Š Š. g lš f f f h f ff f. b. ŠŒ hh d f lœ Œf dš f e. ŠŒ hh Š f j f } f d f. Œhl Š d } d g Š j, 2005 gš / gœ l lx 12 e df f hf f f 2007 l lx v ƒ } f u Š 12 e dš Š. f Š g df vœ f l, d l, h f d f h ffz, hhš } d Š h i ŠdŠ Œf Š. c. d- h f ƒ Š v ƒf df, f d- f h. l f, f df ŒŠ f l f f fl, 52,53) f Œ g ƒf v u v ƒf f j Š Š v, t Œ Š d- f f f. lp 1 v ƒ Cypher Taxus f u l f df f e f f ƒ 10 if (Cypher Select, Taxus Liberte, Endeavor, ZoMaxx, Xicence V, BioMatrix, CoStar, Supralimus, Infinnium, Nobori, Janus, Genous ). j u f f f, j f d f fdš ƒ, t Œ jšt(bioabsorbable polymer), t ŠŒ ƒ(biodegradable stent), Œ rœ ƒ(endothelial progenitor cell capture stent)f. j d - Zotarolimus Everolimus Zotarolimus sirolimus r l mtorf f r Š hf l f, sirolimus Š il f f f f. if v Vol. 14, No. 1
6 42 já g Á hœá f ƒ Š utf Endeavor III f 436 f 8 e rš, f h fš g } rf l (6.3% vs. 3.5%, p=0.34), gœre Cypher Š Šf r (11.7% vs. 4.3%, p=0.04). 54) Everolimus sirolimus e tf. u h h fe f SPIRIT III fš, everolimuseluting stent (Xience V) Taxus gœref f f rf l (4.7% vs. 8.9%, p=0.07), 1 jd g f f jf f (6.0% vs. 10.3%, p=0.02), r v ƒ j g l g Œ Š f f. 55) f l d ƒ u KFDAf ff, Š fš. d ƒ ff v ƒ h Œhlf eff, h tf jšt ƒ ft l. f Š eš u f ƒ jšt j f Œf, t Œ jšt dš, g hf ƒ Š l Š f l f ) Š Œ h (endothelial progenitor cell)f g, ƒ f r(reendothelialization) Œ xe hf tlš ƒ ŒŠ t hf Š. 60) lp(stent) w f jg f 20,000 f, f ƒ Š 1,000 e f f. f Š, ƒf Œ h ˆŒ Š jf. f z Š ƒf d d g 2 l h Š f hf. ( Š ) fdš ƒ fh ff, l f Š fl. ƒ Š hf g Œff 15~30% e Œ f Œr g f Š, g rf lš ƒ f. 61) g r l eš ƒ a. Drug-coated stent a-1. Heparin r ƒ l gœr Œ heparin r ƒf r Š, ƒ l f hš gœrf efš ~ f rš ff, f gœr Š h flšl Š. Heparin dexamethasone f Œ Œ f l f hš. BENESTENT-II r Palmaz-Schatz ƒ f Œf ƒ Œh Œ fš Š l f f, 6 e vh r BENESTENT-If i ƒ Š Š f h ief vh i gœ re 20% 13% efš Š. h hf Šf d f r ƒ elš h hf Šf d f Š ŠŠ f Š f, f h h gœre rf fl f, r ƒ vœf Š lf fl. u f ŒhŒ h hf f l h Š f f. a-2. Rapamycin (Sirolimus)-coated stent gf f gf d Š hhf rapamycin (sirolimus)f Œ smooth muscle f l f f hš f l f, f Š Œ lš Sousa f 32 f f rapamycin-coated stent Š 8 e vh r Š 3 f 15% f f l f r x Š Š f edge stenosis Œh Œ f, jd g Š Šl Š rapamycinf gœrf hff Š. a-3. Paclitaxel-coated stent Paclitaxelf llxœ (lipophilic)f Š Šl fd f f f hš microtubule hœ h e,, f Œ d. Š fdf ~ Œj 100 h ~ paclitaxelf Œ Œ f f PDGF fš l f hšf hf, f f fdš hf h paclitaxelf gœrf Š fff h. de la Fuente f 32 f Œf f paclitaxelf r ƒ 1 r jd g f i f Œ t f gœrf Š f. g ASPECT trialf ELUTE trialf lš f. a-4. ReoPro-coated stent f l fš ReoPro r ƒ Š l gœr Œ Š rš f. ReoPro r ƒ(i : ReoPro-coated stent) r l f ƒ l Œg f Š Š 4j vh i ilšh f Š. ƒ Œhf Šl f, 4j ilšh Œr f ReoPro r ƒ efš. l, Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blocker r ƒ i ƒ Š l f hš ƒ gœrf Š fff f. Biomaterials Research 2010
7 v ƒ(drug-eluting Stents) f u 43 b. Radioactive stent u brachytherapy ƒ gœrf Š f f ff 2000 FDA gamma beta radiationf ƒ gœr Š hf PCIf f ff Š. Iridium-192 gamma radiationf f dš SCRIPPS (Scripps Coronary Radiation to Inhibit Proliferation Post Stenting Trial) i f 54% gœr Š 17%f gœref ƒ l f 66% f. x } lf h f f x~ fdš hf f f f i Š ƒ fdš hf f g i Š f, i f i x~, ee coating ˆ f ƒ, ee solution-filled balloon f ff f f f. f i diffuse formf f Š hf f. WRIST (Washington Radiation for In-Stent restenosis Trial) Ir-192 fdš ƒ gœr Š 6 e vh r Š i Š jd g (major adverse cardiac events) h. WRIST gœr x f ef f edge stenosis (candy wrapper effect) h f d. f x e g f ŠŒ x f ƒ gœr Š ŠdŠ. i gœrf x Š f ff l Š l Š f Œh Œ (late thrombosis), unhealed dissection, late stent malapposition f. c. Drug-eluting stent ƒf gf f gœrf. Šl ƒf u h f l f ƒ gœrf d x ~. g ƒ f f f Œff 20~40% ƒ gœrf f f. ƒ gœr d f f d Šdf f ŒŠ f j f f h v v ƒf. f f ƒ g Œrf h ~ f. v ƒ hˆf i i y(johnson & Johnson medical) Á z (Cordis corporation) f Cypher (sirolimus-eluting coronary stent) f. h v z j u g Œ Š f f Š h hh f v Š l f lh h ~ ~ff ƒ. f Š ~ f j g j f sirolimus paclitaxelf. Sirolimus f Œff ff hš hh. j g f d f (f f hd). Paclitaxelf f i f f x Š fd Š h g h f. d. r f ƒ - t self-expanding stent h Œ (PTCA) ƒ fd l 20 f ff, g PTCAf 60% f f. g f hf d ƒ g h f t f h f h f lh f. t ƒf f ff, f f Š f ~f f A.Z. ƒ- d e Œ d g } Š ƒ h Œ h il f f 9:1f e f gx 1jf~10 f Œ fš 60f h l ƒ Š (2005 1e). Šd Šd l f jf f } Š f. ƒ Š f Š Œ s jf eš Š ff, f Œ lœfl, eff Š f Š Š ef ŠŠ, hhš v f, f g iš ƒ d e fœ Œ f rš l ŒgŠ f f f. ƒ Š f d Š t Š f. i h f f f. f hf t Œ~ Š Œ~ Œ Š ff, gl ft ŠŠ, h f f Ni-Ti Š, z f Œ f l hf hf Š f. lp(stent) w Šd g a. g Œ h ƒ i i y(johnson & Johnson medical) sf f f, df lš, ƒ fdš Œ Œ % f l Š. jd t f (Bostnon Scientific Corp.), f ƒ(guidant Corp.), i i yf, Wall Street Journal (2004 5e), 2003 f t f Œ Œ d wires, Ballons, Catheters, ƒf g 60 f l Š. Table ƒ ˆ Š g hee f j f. f, i i y, ƒ f f jg Œ f f fy f gœ l f x Š g Vol. 14, No. 1
8 44 já g Á hœá f Table 4. f ghee hˆ jg 62,845 f g (24.4%) ƒ i i y (64.2%) PCTA ˆ x 37,580 f g (38.9%) PCTA e x 4,145 i i y (39.6%) PCTA e j 5,270 f ƒ g (52.8%) hi f ghee i i y (23.2%) ƒ g (21.9%) f ƒ g (14.1%) f f (13.8%) f f (22.8%) f ƒ g (15.1%) z ~ (13.9%) i i y (11.4%) Œfh (10.3%) g (8.9%) [ e : ] ƒ g, g, fh (37.3%) - g, Œfh, (35.6%) f g, f ƒ g (36.3%) f g, i i y (15.5%) f : Medical Equipment Almanac 1998, R&D, Inc Table ~2011 v ƒf g Œ h [ e :m$] CAGR(%) g 2, , , , , f : Global Industry Analysts Inc. Drug-Eluting Stents, e Œ Š ex f f f f rlš g jf f. g Šd ƒ gf hf f i i y, f ƒ f f. i i y z ƒ f tf, f ƒ f f ƒ x gh ƒlhf gh f fff Š fš Š jf. ƒ f ƒ (Cook) f Šf f gf Š gf j f. f Š ƒ gf 40 f f gš f, Š ƒ f hœ f l gef d l Š f l. Table 5 Figure 1f v ƒf g Œ h f ~ f. v ƒ ,032 m$ gf Œ Š f, ,459 m$ gf Œ, 2011 vf 10,598 m$ gf f f, CAGR( h g ) 19.5% gš f w Š f. b. l v ƒ g Œ h v ƒf 2003 ~2011 l l g Œ h f Table 6 Figure 2 ~. l f }, f, e, d l f v( e :m$)f v Š. g } v ƒ gf f f ,517 m$ gf Œ Š ff, Š CAGR 17.5% l Š ,309 m$ f gf Œ Š f h. f f m$ f v ƒ Figure ~2011 v ƒf g Œ h. gf Œ Š, CAGR 24.68% } f gš f v ,565 m$ f gf Œ Š e g } gf f ff } v ƒ gf gš f h Š f. e f m$ f f v ff, CAGR 18.2% gš ,102 m$ f g f Œ Š f. d l Š CAGR 25.14% } g f gf l Š ,531 m$ f gf Œ Š f Global Industry Analysts Inc. h Š f. Table 7f l v ƒf g hee Œ ~ f %, e 13%, d l Biomaterials Research 2010
9 v ƒ(drug-eluting Stents) f u 45 Table ~2011 v ƒf l g Œ h [ e :m$] CAGR(%) US 1, , , , , Japan , , Europe , Rest of World , , f : Global Industry Analysts Inc. Drug-Eluting Stents, e Table 7. l v ƒ g hee Œ [ e : %] US Japan Europe Rest of World f : Global Industry Analysts Inc. Drug-Eluting Stents, e Figure ~2011 v ƒf l g Œ h. f 12% g Œ Š f f, f f l g f Œ Šl Š %, f 15%, e 10%, d l f 14% ff f f v ƒ gf Œ Š f h Š f. Figure 3f 2011 l v ƒ g heef ~ f. c. jd t v ƒ g Œ c-1. jd t v ƒ g Œ v ƒ hiš Š jd t i i y, f, f ƒ, ƒ, f i i y v ƒ g f 47.3% rlš f, ff, ff f } g f i i y f vf v Š f. f v ƒ gf 32.6% rlš f. c.2 jd tf v ƒ gˆ c-2-1. f (Boston Scientific), gœ rf j } ~ (paclitaxel) ƒ v ƒ dš ~ gœr(restenosis), Taxus } ~ (paclitaxel) v ƒ dš jf f The New England Journal of Medicine. Taxus f f glf Œ ƒf. f, Taxus f ƒ Š Œ f f Š Šd f j j. df g, Œ (Lenox Hill Heart and Figure v ƒ l g hee. Vascular Institute)f Gregg W. Stone lf 1314 f Œ gœrf f Œf l f Taxus f ƒ Š. l f Š f. 4 f 1f f f f, ef f Š. Œf d ƒ f Š. ef Œ f Taxus Š d 3% ~ f 11.3% Š hš f x ~., Œ gœre 7.9% ~ f ƒf 26.6% Š. f ihf, f ƒ Œhlf fš f ƒ f } rf ~ l. g Taxus ƒ hš f hl, g f h Œ v ƒ f eš lš Š. c-2-2. f ƒ(guidant) Š ƒ FDA f ˆf ˆ h f f f j dš f d i f ƒ hˆf fš. f hˆf fdš f l jd Œ f f f x Š f vœf f Vol. 14, No. 1
10 46 já g Á hœá f Table 8. d f d vf i [ e : e] jdˆ v 1,976 3,012 3,263 5,238 5,674 l, j, Œ, z, zƒ l, Œ ƒ f 6,723 5,325 6,870 9,202 11,254 f h, x, ƒ, f g d hf 4,747 2,313 3,607 3,964 5,580 f vs : Š f Œ Š ff f l f. f ƒ f Š x l Š, f 80% f vœf Š Œf d f utf hˆf. ˆf ˆ h gf Lester M. Crawford ƒ if h e if f f x Š f d f f. f hˆ df ff Š vœf Š f Š f f Œ. ƒ ff f l f f Š f g f f x Š f d f. g f f x Š eš f e f h Š Œ f f lh h Š hh f f f Š d Œf h w. f x j ~} f f ƒ(guidant) fš f ƒ hˆf Œff ~ e f f Š l f Š f Œ Œ f Š h ƒ fš. f h Œf w d. f ƒ d s tl ff Š f Š f, ƒ f h Œ f Œh f vœf e Š f f Š fdš Œhf h Š. ˆf ˆ h f f ƒ fš f Š h x e f lš f f. wf ŠŠ f 45 f e vœf Š f j Š f f 581 f Œf f f ƒ f f ŠŠ. d ƒ hˆf Š, Œf jf 92% h f f hf f f ~. fš Š f f Š, if f Š f f Œf f d 30f ~ f, vœ g f f Š l f 15%f ƒ f f f Œf f d f Š Š lf ~ f 10%f f ~. Š ƒ fšl 2 f Š ef Œ f f h eœš h. g ˆf ˆ h f f ƒ f Œf f f ƒ f h Š, ƒ f Š vœf Š g hf f l Š ŠŠ f d Š f. f d Š 20 h f Œf f hh f f v f. g a. vf ƒ f hˆ f Šd Š g ff f. Œ Œ hh Œ, Œ Œ f Œf f Œ, glœ f h f Œff 25% f l Š f. ƒ gf g f if ˆ f g g f ŠŠ 30% f f l ef f. d ƒ ŠŠ f d f ihf w hf j l l Š Š j f. f l f f u 21 f f d f h h Š f Œ hf f Š x f f. ƒ ŠŠ f d gf g f vf Œ f. f Š gf f hˆ ŠŠ Œ gf ƒ f f t f jf hr ŒŠ f f Š. Table 8 f l l jd fˆ f f l h f rlš f ƒ d f 2 f, x d ƒ 250 e f hf Š 5 e f gf. Š, g ƒ gf gef if ˆ f g g f ŠŠ 30% f gf f f, hh Œ f Œ Œf Œ Œ Œ Œ f f glœ Œff 25% f l Š f v Š ƒ gf gef hf l Š f l. b. jd hˆ Œ ef f f h fš f d ƒ hˆf hiš t l f,,, ff ff, d ƒf Œ e ut Biomaterials Research 2010
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20, 30, 40 20, 30, 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 6.3 9.4 12.6 15.7 18.8 22.0 25.1 28.3 31.4 2.4 4.7 7.1 9.4 11.8 14.1 16.5 18.8 21.2 23.6 7.1 14.1 21.2 28.3 35.3 42.4 49.5 56.5 63.6 70.7 5.9 11.9 17.8 23.7
대한내과학회지 : 제 75 권제 4 호 2008 특집 (Special Review) - Perspectives of DES 약물용출스텐트시대의스텐트혈전증 서울대학교의과대학내과학교실, 서울대학교병원순환기내과, 심혈관센터 박경우 김효수 Stent thrombosis in the DES era Kyung Woo Park, M.D., PhD. and Hyo-Soo
대한내과학회지 : 제 75 권제 4 호 2008 특집 (Special Review) - Perspectives of DES 약물방출스텐트의최근동향 울산대학교의과대학, 서울아산병원심장내과 김성환 홍명기 Current status of drug-eluting stents Sung-Hwan Kim, M.D. and Myeong-Ki Hong, M.D., PhD.
Original Articles Korean Circulation J 1998;28 6 : 항혈소판요법을이용한관동맥내 Stent 삽입술의조기결과 손지원 김영준 손민수 오세진 안태훈 최인석 신익균 Initial Results after Implantation
Original Articles Korean Circulation J 1998;286:939-946 항혈소판요법을이용한관동맥내 Stent 삽입술의조기결과 손지원 김영준 손민수 오세진 안태훈 최인석 신익균 Initial Results after Implantation of Coronary Artery Stents with Antiplatelet Agents Ji-Won
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w wz 16«1y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 16, No. 1. 2006 x w$btf3fqpsu'psn û w m w Department of Statistics, Chonnam National University Eunsik Park College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University
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Original Articles Micro-Ⅱ Stent 의초기결과 류종철 장양수 김건영 이승환 김종현 전동운 심원흠 조승연 Abstract 조홍근 Immediate Results of AVE Micro- Stent Jong Cheol Ryu, M.D
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Case Report : Asan Medical Center Cardiac Rehabilitation AACVPR (http://www.aacvpr.org/) KACVPR (http://www.kacvpr.com/) Backgrounds PCI 2,395 consecutive patients in Minnesota (Mayo Clinic) Between1994
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Original ORIGINAL Article ARTICLE Korean Circulation J 2006;36:121-125 ISSN 1738-5520 c 2006, The Korean Society of Circulation 스텐트내재협착에시행한 Sirolimus 약물방출스텐트삽입의임상적결과 : 관상동맥조영술에의한정량적연구 건양대학교의과대학심장내과학교실
대한내과학회지 : 제 89 권제 3 호 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.3904/kjm.2015.89.3.282 종설 (Review) 관상동맥스텐트의최근현황 울산대학교의과대학울산대학교병원심장내과 신은석 Current Status of Coronary Stent Eun-Seok Shin Department of Cardiology, Ulsan University
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Original Articles Korean Circulation J 2000;30 8 : 경요골동맥중재술에서심좌법의유용성에관한연구 최해종 김무현 양창호 차광수 김혜진김성근 이수훈 김상곤 김영대 김종성 Usefulness of Deep Seating Tec
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Biomaterials Research (2006) 10(4) : 187-195 Biomaterials Research 7 The Korean Society for Biomaterials DNA Chip w The Market Analysis of DNA Chip 1Á 1 Á 1 Á 1 *Á 2 * Jong-Ku Son, Young Seo Park,
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Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 362~367, 2007. Material Design and Analysis of Coronary Artery Stents JoongGwun Park, TaeWon Kang, Kee Sung Lee, and Tae-Woo Kim School of Mechanical
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
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ICRP 간행물 113 진단 및 중재 절차를 위한 방사선방호 교육훈련 Education and Training in Radiological Protection for Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures 대한방사선방어학회 이 번역본 발간은 2011년도 원자력안전위원회 방사선안전기술 개 발사업 과제 지원(한국동위원소협회로 부터
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Cardiovascular Disease in Metabolic Syndrome 김상현 보라매병원내과 서울대학교의과대학내과학교실 Contents Metabolic syndrome and Cardiovascular system CVD Mortality Coronary artery disease Heart failure Atrial fibrillation Management
ECG & EP CASES Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea A case of
北 韓 및 共 産 圈 接 觸 交 流 를 通 한 政 治 心 理 의 展 關 方 向 國 土 統 - 綜 이 報 告 書 는 國 土 統 一 院 73 年 度 下 半 類 學 術 f 役 에 關 한 畢. 終 報 告 書 로 理 出 합니다 l 9 7 3 년 il원 긴 硏 究 機 關 京 鄕 諒 間 社 安 保 統 - 硏 究 委 員 會 硏 漆 養 員 責 任 者 : 료 國 植 委 員
Exercise - Cantilever Beam
인체적용스텐트 Prof. Dong-Wook HAN Department of Nanomedical Engineering, College of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Pusan National University 스텐트 (stent) 란? 스텐트 (stent) : 혈관및비혈관의협착된부위를확장시켜주는그물망형태의이식물 스텐트분류 1)
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Special Issue Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Coronary Artery Disease Myung Ho Jeong, M.D. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Chonnam Nation
Special Issue Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Coronary Artery Disease Myung Ho Jeong, M.D. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Chonnam National University Medical School & Hospital E mail : myungho@chollian.net
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
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2007 년도대한췌담도학회추계학술대회 Session IV: Recent Updates in Pancreatobiliary Diseases 약물방출스텐트 인하대학교의과대학내과학교실 이돈행 서론위암, 식도암, 대장암, 담도암및췌장암등과같은소화기암은우리나라에서매우흔한암이며조기발견하여수술적절제가가장좋은치료법이나적지않은예에서는수술이불가능한상태로발견된다. 진행된소화기암은위장관또는담관을막아연하곤란,
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Peripheral Arterial Disease Yong Bok Koh, M.D. Department of General Surgery The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : ybkoh@catholic.ac.kr Abstract Peripheral
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2.대상 및 범위(계속) 하천 하천 등급 하천명 연장 (km) 연장 (km) 시점 금회수립현황 종점 지방 하천 함안천 8.40 9.06 경남 함안군 여항면 내곡리 경남 함안군 함안면 함안천(국가)기점 검단천 7.00 3.34 경남 함안군 칠북면 검단리 칠원천 6.70
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레이아웃 1
대한위장관기질종양연구회 01 GIST 06 02 11 03 Imatinib 14 04 05 06 07 Sunitinib 32 40 44 48 GIST 6 01 7 GIST Guide book GIST 8 01 9 GIST Guide book GIST (CT) MRI FDG-PET 10 02 11 GIST Guide book 12 02 (Imatinib)
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k ƒ! YWXZ º º t rzyywxzhzyw k ep k Dynamic Behavior of Bridge considering Various Light Weight Rail Vehicles Õ äø ÐãäÕò ãã Sang-Su Kim, Yong-ul Park *, Man-Cheol Kim ** Abstract The purpose of this paper
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Biomaterials Research (2000) 4(3) : 100-106 Biomaterials Research 7 The Korean Society for Biomaterials ü l p Properties of Orthodontic Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Wires k 1* Áy 2 Á½ û 1 Keun-Taek
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
w wz 15«1y Kor. J. Clin. Pharm., Vol. 15, No. 1. 2005 $MPQJEPHSFM y x y z e w ½ Á w w w w p q ƒ Effects of Drug Interaction with Clopidogrel on Cardiovascular Events and Side Effects Sung Hee KimG and
317 318 319 320 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 321 : 1.,,,,, 06 2. X-ray beam penetration (density) (contrast) 03 3. patch coating, precipitation, flaking 03 4. centering 03 5. Esophagus, cardia, fundus, body, angle, antrum,
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388 The Korean Journal of Hepatology : Vol. 6. No COMMENT 1. (dysplastic nodule) (adenomatous hyperplasia, AH), (macroregenerative nodule, MR
6 3 2000 ; 387-392 (3) Dysplastic Nodule Young Nyun Park, M.D., Chanil Park, M.D. Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine BRIEF HISTORY 56. AST/ALT 72/73 IU/L, total bilirubin 0.7
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Original ORIGINAL Article ARTICLE Korean Circulation J 2005;35:591-596 ISSN 1738-5520 c 2005, The Korean Society of Circulation 스텐트재협착환자에서커팅벌룬성형술후 166 Ho-DTPA 액체풍선도자를이용한방사선근접조사법의치료효과 (BRAHMS 연구 ) 동아대학교의과대학순환기내과학교실,
1. 서론 1-1 연구 배경과 목적 1-2 연구 방법과 범위 2. 클라우드 게임 서비스 2-1 클라우드 게임 서비스의 정의 2-2 클라우드 게임 서비스의 특징 2-3 클라우드 게임 서비스의 시장 현황 2-4 클라우드 게임 서비스 사례 연구 2-5 클라우드 게임 서비스에
IPTV 기반의 클라우드 게임 서비스의 사용성 평가 - C-Games와 Wiz Game 비교 중심으로 - Evaluation on the Usability of IPTV-Based Cloud Game Service - Focus on the comparison between C-Games and Wiz Game - 주 저 자 : 이용우 (Lee, Yong Woo)
< DC1A4C3A5B5BFC7E22E666D>
¼ (Jeong, Jung Chae)*, ý (Kim, Yoon Soo), (Shin, Woo Young), Þ Ñ (Park, Jong Man) ò ý ƒ Ð (Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology) (Shin, Jae-Heyg) Š æ (Ministry of Knowledge Economy) 1. :
대한안과학회지 제 49 권 제 5 호 2008 J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 49(5):727-731, 2008 DOI : 10.3341/jkos.2008.49.5.727 다초점 소프트콘택트렌즈의 노안의 시력보정에 대한 유용성 평가 김현경 1 김효명 2 정성근 1 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모병원 안과학교실 1, 고려대학교 의과대학 안암병원 안과학교실
.. Q.... M M : M Q : Q M : //Q.,.. I FG FE F FG, HG EH H HG F G FG ;!;_F _FG ;!;_G _F ;!;_'_;!; F F... 5. 5. 6. 5 7. 0 8. 7 9. ' FG, HG H G, H F E G H '. FG HG F, H. FH ' FH ' ' {} +{} -(') cos h -;!;
Fluoroscopic anatomy for supraventricular tachycardia ablation Hui-Nam Pak, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Yonsei Cariovascular Center and Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yonsei University College
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
Review Article Randomization, What is the Proper Method? Jin Ho Hong, M.D., Jae Chul Yoo, M.D. Shoulder & Sports medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Purpose: Among the numerous
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May 10~ Hotel Inter-Burgo Exco, Daegu Plenary lectures From metabolic syndrome to diabetes Meta-inflammation responsible for the progression fr
May 10~12 2012 Hotel Inter-Burgo Exco, Daegu Plenary lectures From metabolic syndrome to diabetes Meta-inflammation responsible for the progression from obesity to metabolic syndrome originates in the
당뇨병 치료제 개발 연구 (무병장수를 위한 신약개발연구) Jin Hee Ahn 2008. 09. 26 한국화학연구원 KBS YTN TJB MBC 대덕 특구 기술 사업화 연구원부문 대상 2007년 12월 14일 당뇨병 치료제 개발 연구 (무병장수를 위한 신약개발연구) 생체기능조절물질개발사업단 신약연구단 화학연구원 신약연구단 글로벌 신약 글로벌 신약 전임상 후보물질의
1 1 x + # 0 x - 6 x 0 # x # 2r sin2x- sin x = 4cos x r 3 r 2r 5 r 3r
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Vol.5, No.5, October (2015), pp.471-479 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ajmahs.2015.10.50 스마트온실을 위한 가상 외부기상측정시스템 개발 한새론 1), 이재수 2), 홍영기 3), 김국환 4), 김성기 5), 김상철 6) Development of Virtual Ambient Weather Measurement
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
제14권 1호 통권 제23호 www.kagp.or.kr 발행인 : 정인과 / 편집인 : 이동우 / 발행처 : 정인과 (152-703) 서울특별시 구로구 구로동 80번지 고려대학교 구로병원 정신과 / TEL : 02-818-6608 / FAX : 02-852-1937 발행일 : 2008년 4월 30일 / 제 작 : (주)엠엘커뮤니케이션 140-846 서울특별시
Original Articles 관상동맥스텐트시술전에실시한 국소 Nitric Oxide Donor 전달요법효과 Abstract 정명호 * 박종철 차광수 배열 안영근박주형 조정관 * 박종춘 * 강정채 * The Effects of Local Nitric
Original Articles 27 6 1997 관상동맥스텐트시술전에실시한 국소 Nitric Oxide Donor 전달요법효과 Abstract 정명호 * 박종철 차광수 배열 안영근박주형 조정관 * 박종춘 * 강정채 * The Effects of Local Nitric Oxide Donor Delivery in Stented Patients Myung Ho
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Recent Changes in Summer Precipitation Characteristics over South Korea Changyong Park* JaYeon Moon** Eun-Jeong Cha*** Won-Tae Yun**** Youngeun Choi***** 1958 2007 6 9 6 9 10 10 10 10 10 Abstract This
국립국어원 2011-01-28 발간 등록 번호 11-1371028-000350-01 신문과 방송의 언어 사용 실태 조사 연구 책임자: 남영신 국립국어원 2011-01-28 발간 등록 번호 11-1371028-000350-01 신문과 방송의 언어 사용 실태 조사 연구 책임자: 남영신 2011. 11. 16. 제 출 문 국립국어원장 귀하 2011년 신문과 방송의
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대한내과학회지: 제 76 권 제 2 호 2009 의학강좌-개원의를 위한 모범처방(Current Clinical Practice) 간기능검사의 이해와 적용 인제대학교 의과대학 일산백병원 내과학교실 김 경 아 Understanding and application of liver function tests Kyung-Ah Kim, M.D. Department of
975_983 특집-한규철, 정원호
Focused Issue of This Month Gyu Cheol an, MD Department of Otolaryngology ead & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of College Medicine E - mail : han@gilhospital.com Won-o Jung, MD Department of Otolaryngology
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YWXY º º t rzyywxyhx^y v s k v A Study on the Development of Traction Jig for Bimodal Tram ã äø Ñ ã ä ãã Hee-Taek Yoon *, Young-Kon Park *, Se-Hyun Cho ** ) Abstract The bimodal tram ahead of practical
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