리니어모터의특징 Keynote of linear motor 클린룸적용가능 (Clean Room Application) 고속정밀이송용 (High speed, High precision) 독자적브랜드 (Private Technology Brand) - 고정자에자력이없는독자

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2 리니어모터의특징 Keynote of linear motor 클린룸적용가능 (Clean Room Application) 고속정밀이송용 (High speed, High precision) 독자적브랜드 (Private Technology Brand) - 고정자에자력이없는독자적브랜드로특허획득 (Self-developed and patent technology brand) - 원천기술력의확보로최적솔루션제공 (Provision of best solution using source technology) No No No 고속운전 (High Speed performance) - 최대 5m/s 속도구현 Cycle Time 단축으로생산성향상 (Maximum speed 5m/s Productivity improvement by cycle time reduction) 고정밀도 고응답성 (High Precision and response) 동력변환계가없는비접촉식위치, 속도의 closed-loop 제어를통한고정밀도, 고응답성특성구현 (High level of precision and response by accurate closed-loop control system) 전류, 속도측정시험 (Current and speed test data) 주행속도, 정밀도측정시험 (Speed and precision test) 하드웨어시스템구성도 (Hardware system diagram)

3 LINEAR MOTORS 경제적원가, CLEAN ROOM 대응 (Cost-effective, Clean room application) - 고정자에영구자석이없는구조로원가경쟁력확보 (Cost-effective structure with non-magnetic secondary section) - 비접촉구동으로 CLEAN ROOM 적용대응및내구성확보 (Clean room application and high durability with contactless operation) 장거리, 고속, 정밀이송 (Long Stroke, Precision Transfer) - 고정자에자력이없어일반산업환경대응이가능하며장거리이송용로봇주행축의고속정밀이송에적합 (High speed and high precision transfer for long-stroke application with non-magnetic stationary part of linear motor) Moving Part -Magnets -Coil -Iron-core 이동자 (Mover) Stationary Part Iron-core 고정자 (Stator) 적용분야 (Application) - 중하중, 고속, 장거리이송용리니어모듈 (Heavy load, High speed, Long Stroke Linear Module) -Gantry Robot, Track Motion, Clean Room Application Gantry Robot LCD Stocker Track Motion

4 리니어모터의종류 Type of linear motor 횡자속리니어모터 (Transverse Flux Linear Motor, TF) Magnets Moving part (Primary Section) Mover Core Stator Core Coil Stationary part (Secondary Section) 자석의흐름과이동부의이동방향이직교하는영구자석형선형동기전동기 (Magnetic flux path is perpendicular to the moving direction) 형태 (Construction) -이동자(Mover) : 이동자철심에 3상권선과영구자석을동시에취부 (coils and magnets placed on the iron core) -고정자(Stator) : 자력이없는치-슬롯구조의철심으로만구성 (only non-magnetic laminated iron-core) 종자속리니어모터 (Longitudinal Flux Linear Motor, LF) Mover Core Coil Moving part (Primary Section) Stator Core Magnets Stationary part (Secondary Section) 04 자석의흐름과이동부의이동방향이평행한영구자석형선형동기전동기 (Magnetic flux path is parallel to the moving direction) 형태 (Construction) -이동자(Mover) : 이동자철심에 3상권선과할박형영구자석을동시에취부 (coils and magnets placed on the iron core ) -고정자(Stator) : 자력이없는치-슬롯구조의철심으로만구성 (only non-magnetic laminated iron-core) 05

5 LINEAR MOTORS 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 횡자속리니어모터 (Transverse Flux Linear Motor, TF) 형번구성 (Type Designation) TF N 모터 type (Motor type) N : 표준형 (Standard) S : 주문형 (Customized) 정격추력 (F rated ) 길이 (Stator Length) * 최대 :30m (*Max.:30m) 표준형모델사양 (Standard Specifications) TF-N-500 TF-N-1000 TF-N-2000 TF-N-3000 TF-N-4000 F rated (N) I rated (Arms) V max at F rated (m/s) Repeatability (mm)

6 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section TF-N P114x4= x6-M8 TAP THRU P 114 x5= Secondary section TF P92.5x4= X-Ø9 DRILL THRU Ø C'BORE DP; ± ØH PIN HOLE X6-Ø9 DRILL THRU Air-gap = 1 mm

7 LINEAR MOTORS Primary section TF-N P118x6= X6-M8 TAP THRU Secondary section TF P92.5x4= X-Ø9 DRILL THRU Ø C'BORE DP; ± ØH PIN HOLE P118x7= X6-Ø9 DRILL THRU Air-gap = 1 mm

8 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section TF-N P120X7= X9-M10 TAP THRU p120x8= X9-Ø11 DRILL THRUZ Secondary section TF P98x3= x16-Ø11 DRILL THRU Ø18 C'BORE DP; ± ØH PIN HOLE Air-gap = 1.5 mm

9 LINEAR MOTORS Primary section TF-N P130x8= x10-M10 TAP THRU x10-Ø11 DRILL THRU p130x9= Secondary section TF P98x3= x16-Ø11 DRILL THRU Ø18 C'BORE DP; ± ØH PIN HOLE 0 52 Air-gap = 1.5 mm

10 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section TF-N P140x12=1680 P X13-M10 TAP THRU P140 p140x12= x13-Ø11 DRILL THRU Secondary section TF P98x3= x16-Ø11 DRILL THRU Ø18 C'BORE DP; ± ØH PIN HOLE Air-gap = 1.5 mm

11 LINEAR MOTORS 종자속리니어모터 (Longitudinal Flux Linear Motor, LF) 형번구성 (Type Designation) LF N 모터 type (Motor type) N : 표준형 (Standard) S : 주문형 (Customized) 이동자 1 모듈당추력 (F rated per 1 Mover Module) 이동자모듈개수 (Number of Mover Modules) 길이 (Stator Length) * 최대 :30m (*Max.:30m) 표준형모델사양 (Standard Specifications) LF-N-75-2 LF-N LF-N LF-N LF-N LF-N F rated (N) F max (N) I rated (Arms) I max (Arms) V max at F rated (m/s) V max at F max (m/s) Repeatability (mm) LF-N LF-N LF-N Force (N) LF-N-75-2 Force (N) LF-N Force (N) LF-N Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s) Speed (m/s)

12 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section LF-N M6 TAP DP10 2-Ø5H7 DP p p46x6= ( 공극 ) 76 Secondary section LF p50x5= P50 2X6-Ø5.5 DRILL THRU R Ø5.5 2-Ø6H7 PIN HOLE ± Air-gap = 0.7 mm

13 LINEAR MOTORS Primary section LF-N X7-M6 TAP DP10 2-Ø5H7 DP p46 p46x6= ( 공극 ) 106 Secondary section LF p50x5= P50 2X6-Ø5.5 DRILL THRU R Ø5.5 2-Ø6H7 PIN HOLE ± Air-gap = 0.7 mm

14 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section LF-N P114x3= P114 2X4-M8 TAP THRU P114x3=342 P114 2x4-Ø9 DRILL THRU Secondary section LF P50x5=250 P Ø ±0.02 Ø6H7 PIN HOLE 14 Air-gap = 0.7 mm

15 LINEAR MOTORS Primary section LF-N P108x6= P108 2X7-M8 TAP THRU P108x6=648 P108 2x7-Ø9 DRILL THRU Secondary section LF P50x5=250 P Ø ±0.02 Ø6H7 PIN HOLE Air-gap = 0.7 mm

16 리니어모터의사양 Specifications of linear motor 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section LF-N P114X3=342 P X5-M8 TAP THRU P114X4=456 P114 2X5-Ø9 DRILL THRU Secondary section LF P57X5=285 P57 2X24-Ø9 DRILL THRU Ø9 4x2-Ø10H7 PIN HOLE ± Air-gap = 1 mm

17 LINEAR MOTORS Primary section LF-N P114X8=912 P X9-M8 TAP THRU P114X8=912 P114 2X9-Ø9DRILL THRU 20 Secondary section LF P57X5=285 P57 2X24-Ø9 DRILL THRU Ø9 4x2-Ø10H7 PIN HOLE ± Air-gap = 1 mm

18 BMC BMC 리니어모터모듈 Linear motor Module 모델사양 (Linear Motor module Specifications) LFM-N-75-2 LM Guide Carriage Plate 리니어모터고정자 Secondary part (Stator) 리니어스케일 리니어모터이동자 Primary part (Mover) 알루미늄프레임 항목 LFM-N-75-2 F rated N 0 F max N 360 I rated Arms 7 I max Arms 20 V max at F rated m/s 5 V max at F max m/s 3.5 Repeatability mm 0.01 Max. Payload kg 10 Max. Acceleration m/s 2 10 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Primary section LFM-N P100x3= P100 2x4 M6 TAP THRU P Pxn=n (n+40) 이동스트로크및 Module 의길이는당사와협의필요 ( 최대 6m 까지가능 )

19 BMC 20 BMC LINEAR MOTORS 모델사양 (Linear Motor module Specifications) LFM-N LM Guide Carriage Plate 리니어모터고정자 Secondary part (Stator) 리니어스케일 리니어모터이동자 Primary part (Mover) 알루미늄프레임 항목 LFM-N F rated N 250 F max N 600 I rated Arms 7 I max Arms 20 V max at F rated m/s 5 V max at F max m/s 3.5 Repeatability mm 0.01 Max. Payload kg 10 Max. Acceleration m/s 2 10 외형치수도 (Dimensions in mm) Secondary section LFM-N P100x3= x4 M6 TAP THRU P xn=n (n+40) 이동스트로크및 Module 의길이는당사와협의필요 ( 최대 6m 까지가능 )

20 리니어서보드라이브 Linear servo drive Technical specification (B&R Drive) Models 8V1090.0xx-2 8V1180.0xx-2 8V1320.0xx-2 8V1640.0xx-2 8V128M.0xx-2 Performance data Continuous current 1) A Maximum current A Main voltage V 3 x 400 VAC to 480 VAC ± 10% DC bus capacity μf Dimensions Width mm Height mm Depth mm Weight kg ) Valid in the following conditions: Mains input voltage 3 x 400 VAC, nominal switching frequency, 40 C ambient temperature, installation altitudes < 500 m above sea level. ACOPOS 1180,1320 ACOPOS 1640,128M 20 21

21 LINEAR MOTORS edrive D4 HCS03 ompact converters Technical specification (KEBA Drive) Models HCS02.1E-W0028 -A-03-NNNN-AA HCS02.1E-W0054 -A-03-NNNN-AA HCS02.1E-W0070 -A-05-NNNN-AA HCS02.1E-W0100 -A-05-NNNN-AA HCS02.1E-W0210 -A-05-NNNN-AA Performance data Converters odels Continuous current 1) A 11.3 HCS03.1E HCS03.1E- 45 HCS03.1E- 73 HCS03.1E- 145 Maximum current A 28.3 W W W W th integrated control voltage supply -A-05-NNNV-AA -A-05-NNNV-AA -A-05-NNNV-AA -A-05-NNNV-AA Main voltage V 3 AC , 1 AC (±10%) 3 AC (+10%/-%) th integrated control voltage supply and brake chopper Converters -A-05-NNBV-AA -A-05-NNBV-AA -A-05-NNBV-AA -A-05-NNBV-AA th integrated control HCS02.1E-W0012 DC voltage bus capacity supply, brake HCS02.1E-W0028 chopper μf and HCS02.1E-W0054 -A-05-LNBV-AA HCS02.1E-W A-05-LNBV-AA 940 -A-05-LNBV-AA 1,440 -A-05-LNBV-AA 4,700 n control -A-03-NNNV-AA -A-03-NNNV-AA -A-03-NNNV-AA -A-03-NNNV-AA Dimensions -A-03-LNNN-AA -A-03-LNNN-AA -A-03-LNNN-AA -A-03-LNNN-AA -A-03-NNNN-AA Width, W -A-03-NNNN-AA mm -A-03-NNNN-AA 65 -A-03-NNNN-AA rformance data Height, H mm ntinuous current 1) A aximum current Depth, D mm A A bus continuous A power Weight 11.5 without/with choke 28.3 kg 3.8kW54 13/ / / /8538 aximum output kw without/with 2.1/2.1 choke 5.1/5.1 kw7/10 20/40 9/14 33/59 54/89 68/124 ains voltage kw All data 5/5 apply to nominal 8/10 rating at 3 AC 40012/16 V mains voltage and 14/19 4 khz switching 3 AC 400 frequency (+10 %/ %) 1) ntinuous Vinput mains In current case of output 3 AC frequency , less 1 AC than Hz 250 A the (±10 output %) current 50 will be reduced pendence Aof output mains 6 voltage at 30 ULN < 400 V: 1 % power reduction per 4 V decrease in voltage at ULN < 400 V: 1 % power reduction per 4 V bus terminal 2) at ULN > 400 V: 1 % power gain per 5 V bus capacity µf 940 1,440 1,880 4,700 HCS02 HCS03 ake chopper µf ntinuous brake power kw aximum brake powerinternal internal internal/external kw 42internal/external ntrol voltage kws data ntrol voltage, kw internal /3.8 V 0.5/5.5 DC 24 (not for supply of motor holding brake) ntrol voltage, kw external 4 10 V18 DC ±20 % (DC 24 ±5 % when supplying motor holding brake) wer consumption without control unit and motor brake W V DC 24 (not for supply of motor holding brake) ntinuous current without control unit and motor brake A V DC 24 ±20 % (DC 24 ±5 % when supplying motor holding brake) echanical data ke W idth W e A mm ight H mm 440 pth D mm mm ass mm kg data apply mm to nominal rating at 3 AC 400 V mains voltage and 4252 khz switching frequency case of output kg frequency less 2.9 than 4 Hz the output current 3.8 will be reduced r khz the connection switching frequency of additional units, such as HMS, HCS, HLB, HLC ill be reduced HLC

22 리니어모터적용분야 Linear motor application Application Clean Room Application Gantry Robot & Track Motion Linear motor 고속이송으로인한내구성이요구되는구동부 (High durability with high speed and contactless operation) 중하중, 고속, 고정밀, 장거리 (Long Stroke) 이송용리니어모듈 (Heavy load, high speed, high precision, long stroke linear module) Track Motion 500N 1000N 2000N 3000N 4000N 리니어모터고정자 Secondary part (Stator) Carriage Plate Cableveyor 리니어모터이동자 Mover 22 Guideway Rail Main Frame Bearing 23

23 LINEAR MOTORS 6-Axis Robot Up-Down Beam 리니어모터고정자 Secondary part (Stator) Heavy duty Roller 주행 Beam 리니어모터이동자 Mover 전후 Beam 관절 3 축 3-axis joint 4-Axis Gantry Robot Carriage Plate 리니어모터이동자 Mover (Primary part) Guideway Rail 리니어모터고정자 Stator (Secondary part)

24 LINEAR MOTORS High Speed / High Accracy / Long Life Time 1 공장 : 경남함안군칠원읍용정 1 길 1 (52021) 1, Yongjeong 1-gil, Chilwon-eup, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do 52021, Korea 2 공장 : 경남함안군칠원읍운무로 (52016) , Unmu-ro, Chilwon-eup, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do 52016, Korea TEL. 055) FAX. 055) / TEL FAX Rev


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