Import Policy for Livestock Products Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Meat Products Categories of Poultry Cate

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1 Import Policy for Livestock Products Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration 2016 년 2 월 4 일부터수입축산물제도, 이렇게달라집니다 Meat Products Categories of Poultry 수입식품안전관리특별법 Q & A Categories of Meat Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products

2 Import Policy for Livestock Products Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Meat Products Categories of Poultry Categories of Meat Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products 목차 1. 축산물수입위생평가 2. 해외작업장등록및현지실사 3. 수입신고시수출위생증명서제출 붙임 1. 식약처고시 축산물의수입허용국가 ( 지역 ) 및수입위생요건 [ 별표 ] 2. 특별법시행규칙 [ 별지제 16 호서식 ] 해외작업장 ( 변경 ) 등록신청서 3. 특별법시행규칙 [ 별표 6] 해외작업장의등록취소등에관한기준

3 Import Policy for Livestock Products Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Meat Products Categories of Poultry Categories of Meat Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products Contents 1. Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products 2. Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection 3. Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Attachments 1. MFDS Notice Countries (Regions) Allowed for Import of Livestock Products and Import Health Requirements [Appendix] 2. Enforcement Rules of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management [Enclosed Form No.16] Application for Registration (Updating) of Foreign Establishments 3. Enforcement Rules of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management [Appendix 6] Standards for Cancellation of Registration of Foreign Establishments, etc.

4 01 축산물수입위생평가 외국에서우리나라로새로운축산물을수출하려는경우에는수입위생평가를통한수입허용절차를거쳐야합니다. Q1. 축산물의수입절차, 무엇이달라지나요? 식용축산물에대한수입위생평가제도가 부터시행됩니다. 축산물위생관리법 제 2조제2호의축산물을우리나라에최초로수입하고자하는경우에는수입위생평가절차를통하여수입이허용된이후에만수입이가능합니다. 식용축산물중가축질병의전파위험이있는식육, 멸균되지않은식육가공품등은 ( 가축전염병예방법에따른 지정검역물 ) 농림축산식품부에서실시하는수입위험평가와우리처에서실시하는수입위생평가절차를모두거쳐수입이허용된이후에해당축산물의수입이가능합니다. 수입식품안전관리특별법 에따른수입위생평가대상 - 식육, 원유, 식용란, 식육가공품, 유가공품, 알가공품 가축전염병예방법 에따른수입위험평가대상 ( 지정검역물 ) - 식육, 원유, 멸균처리되지않은식육가공품등 자세한사항은해당기관 ( 부서 ) 에문의하시기바랍니다. ( 수입위생평가 ) 식품의약품안전처축산물위생안전과 ( 수입위험평가 ) 농림축산식품부검역정책과및농림축산검역본부위험평가과

5 Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products When a Foreign Country Wants to Export a New Livestock Product to the Republic of Korea, It Must Go Through the Import Approval Process of Import Sanitation Assessment. Q1. What Are the Changes in Import Procedures for Livestock Products? The system of import sanitation assessment will take effect from February 4, When trying to import livestock products in Article 2, Section 2 of the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act to the Republic of Korea for the first time, import can be carried out only after they are allowed through the import sanitation assessment procedures. Among livestock products for human consumption, meat which has a risk for spreading animal diseases and unsterilized meat products, etc. ( designated quarantine objects according to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases ) shall be allowed for import after their import is approved based on both the import risk assessment conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) and the import sanitation assessment carried out by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). Items subject to import sanitation assessment pursuant to the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management - meat, raw milk,, edible eggs, meat products, milk products and egg products Items subject to import risk analysis pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases (Designated Quarantine Objects) - meat, raw milk, non-sterilized meat products, etc. Please contact relevant authorities (divisions) for further details. (Import sanitation assessment) Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Livestock Products Sanitation Division (Import risk assessment) Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Quarantine Policy Division & Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Import Risk Assessment Division

6 Q2. 축산물의 수입위생평가 란무엇인가요? 수입위생평가 란우리나라로축산물을수출하고자하는국가의축산물위생관리체계를평가하여수입허용여부를결정하는제도입니다. 수출국정부가수출하고자하는축산물에대하여최초로수입허용을요청하는경우및그외수입허용이후 CODEX 등국제기구의기준변경또는수출국의제도변화등에따라수입되고있는축산물의안전성에영향을미치는경우필요하다고판단되면수입위생평가를할수있습니다. Q3. 수입위생평가는어떤절차로진행되나요? 평가절차및그대상은아래와같습니다. 평가절차 수출국의수입허용요청 축산물위생설문서송부 수출국의답변서제출 답변서검토 현지실사 수입허용여부결정 수입위생요건및증명서식협의 해외작업장등록 평가대상 구분 축산물의종류 평가내용 평가대상 식육및그가공품 원유및그가공품 식용란및그가공품 축산물위생관리법규및조직운영, 작업장위생관리 (SSOP, HACCP 등 ), 유해잔류물질 병원성미생물등의통제시스템, 검사실험실관리등수출국위생관리체계

7 06 07 Q2. What Is Import Sanitation Assessment of Livestock Products? Import sanitation assessment is a system that determines whether an import should be permitted based on the evaluation of sanitation management system for livestock products in the country that wants to export livestock products to the Republic of Korea. The import sanitation assessment can be carried out when the government of an exporting country makes an intial request for import permission for livestock products that it desires to export, or when it is considered as necessary according to the changes in the standards of the international organizations such as CODEX Alimentarius Commission, etc. or changes made in the exporting country s system after the import has been allowed, affecting the safety of livestock products. Q3. What are the Procedures for Import Sanitation Assessment? Assessment procedures and subjects of evaluation are as follows: Request for Import Permission by the Exporting Country Send the Questionnaire on Livestock Products Sanitation Submission of Response by the Exporting Country Review of the Response Onsite Inspection Decision for Permission of Import Discussion of Import Sanitation Requirements and Certificate Form Registration of Foreign Establishment Subjects of Assessment Category Subjects of Assessment Kinds of Livestock Products Meat and its products Raw milk and its products Edible eggs and egg products Evaluation Content Operation of livestock products sanitary laws and relavant government organizations; sanitation management of establishments (SSOP, HACCP, etc.); control system for harmful residues, pathogenic microorganisms, etc., sanitation management system of the exporting country such as management of test laboratories, etc.

8 Q4. 수입위생평가제도는언제부터시행하나요? 수입식품안전관리특별법 ( 이하특별법 ) 의시행일인 부터축산물수입위생평가제도가시행됩니다. 따라서, 이후부터우리나라에수입이허용되지않은모든축산물은수입위생평가없이수입하실수없습니다. Q5. 특별법시행이전에수입된이력이있는축산물은신설된위생평가를다시받아야하나요? 특별법시행일 ) ( 이전에 축산물위생관리법 및 가축전염병예방법 에따라수입 이허용된국가또는지역의축산물은이법에따라수입이허용된것으로봅니다. 수입허용국가및축산물의종류는 축산물의수입허용국가 ( 지역 ) 및수입위생요건 ( 식약 처고시제 호 ) 별표로고시하였으며 축산물위생관리법 상의축산물가공품유형 (3 군 40 종 110 유형 ) 중중분류 40 종을기준으로평가합니다. * 붙임 1 : 식약처고시축산물의수입허용국가 ( 지역 ) 및수입위생요건 [ 별표 ]

9 08 09 Q4. When Will the System of Import Sanitation Assessment Take Effect? The system of import sanitation assessment will be effective from February 4, 2016, the effective date of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management (hereinafter referred to as the Special Act). Therefore, beginning February 4, 2016, livestock products that are not allowed for import to the Republic of Korea must not be imported without the import sanitation assessment. Q5. If a Livestock Product Has a History of Import Prior to the Enforcement of the Special Act, Does It Need to Receive the Newly Established Sanitation Assessment Again? Livestock products of a country or region that have been allowed for import according to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act and the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases before the effective date of the Special Act are considered to be allowed for import in this Act. Countries and kinds of livestock products that are allowed for import are noted in the Appendix Countries (Regions) Allowed for Import of Livestock Products and Import Health Requirements (MFDS Notice No ), and the assessment will be carried out based on the 40 categories in the classification of all kinds of livestock products (3 groups, 40 categories, and 110 types). * Attachment 1: MFDS Notice Countries (Regions) Allowed for Import of Livestock Products and Import Health Requirements [Appendix]

10 Q6. 기존에농림축산식품부에서실시해온수입위험평가와는어떻게다른가요? 2013 년 3월부터농림축산식품부는가축질병분야를, 식품의약품안전처는축산물위생분야를담당하고있습니다. 수입식품안전관리특별법 시행이전에는가축질병과축산물위생분야에대하여농림축산식품부의주관으로함께평가를하던것을특별법시행이후부터는농림축산식품부와식품의약품안전처에서각각해당분야를전담하여평가를실시하게됩니다. 다만, 수입위생평가는축산물의안전성에대한평가를진행하게되므로가축질병중심인수입위험평가와달리치즈, 버터등축산물가공품에대하여도평가를실시합니다.

11 10 11 Q6. What Are the Differences From the Existing Import Risk Assessment Conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs? Beginning March 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is in charge of the area for animal diseases, and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is in charge of the sanitation of livestock products. Before the enforcement of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management, areas of animal diseases and sanitation of livestock products were evaluated simultaneously under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. However, with the enforcement of the Special Act, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety will each be responsible for their corresponding areas and conduct evaluations. Because import sanitation assessment is to analyze the safety of livestock products, the assessment will be carried out for livestock products such as cheese, butter, etc. as well, unlike the import risk assessment which is focused on animal diseases.

12 02 해외작업장등록및현지실사 부터축산물을수입신고하기전에해외작업장으로등록을하여야만해당축산물의수입이가능해집니다. Q1. 해외작업장등록제도는언제부터시행되나요? 수입식품안전관리특별법에따라 부터작업장등록제도가시행됩니다. 다만, 제도의안정적인운영을위하여 까지는해외작업장으로등록을하지않아도수입신고를할수있으나 부터는해외작업장으로등록을하지않은작업장의축산물은수입신고를할수없습니다. ➊ 식육등지정검역물의경우에는식품의약품안전처와농림축산식품부에각각해외작업장으로등록 ( 또는승인 ) 을요청하여야합니다. 양부처에서모두해외작업장으로등록 ( 승인 ) 을하여야만수출이가능 ➋ 식육등지정검역물을제외한축산물가공품 ( 멸균된식육가공품, 유가공품, 알가공품 ) 은식약처에만해외작업장으로등록을요청하면됩니다. ➌ 해외작업장의명칭, 소재지, EST 번호등등록된사항을변경하거나작업상의등록을취소하는경우에도상기 ➊과 ➋와같습니다.

13 Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection Beginning February 4, 2016, Foreign Establishments Must Be Registered Before Reporting the Import of Livestock Products in Order to Allow the Import of Corresponding Livestock Products. Q1. When Will the Foreign Establishment Registration System Take Effect? The foreign establishment registration system will be effective from February 4, 2016 pursuant to the Special Act. However, to support its stable operation, import declaration without registration of foreign establishments will be allowed by August 3, But beginning August 4, 2016, livestock products from a non-registered foreign establishment will not be allowed for declaring the import. (1) For the designated quarantine objects such as meat, etc., an applicant should ask the MFDS and MAFRA for the registration(or approval) of foreign establishment independently. * Export is available only when the registration and approval of foreign establishment are completed to both the departments. (2) For livestock products such as sterilized meat products, milk products, and egg products other than the designated quarantine objects, the applicant only needs to ask the MFDS for the registration of foreign establishment. (3) Provided that the information registered such as the name of foreign establishment, location, or EST number, etc. is changed, or cancellation for the registration of foreign establishment needs to be requested, the applicant should follow the procedures in the above clauses (1) and (2).

14 Q2. 해외작업장등록절차는어떻게되나요? 해외작업장으로등록하기위하여는우선해당축산물에대하여수입이허용된국가에소재한작업장이어야합니다. 수입이허용된국가 / 품목은붙임 1. 을참고하십시오. 우리나라로축산물을수출하고자하는해외작업장은특별법시행규칙별지제16 호서식 ( 붙임 2) 을작성, 수출국정부 ( 축산물위생당국 ) 를통해우리정부 ( 식품의약품안전처 ) 에해외작업장등록을요청하시면됩니다. 붙임 2 : 해외작업장 ( 변경 ) 등록신청서 등록을위하여필요한경우아래와같은서류가요구될수있습니다. 1. 수출국정부가해당해외작업장에대하여정기적인관리 감독을실시한문서또는식약처장이정하여고시한점검기준에따라수출국정부가점검한점검표 2. 수출국정부에서인정한해당해외작업장의영업에관한인허가서류사본 3. 축산물위생관리법 에따른안전관리인증기준 (HACCP) 에상응하는기준을적용한작업장인경우그기준의운용계획서요약본및중요관리점이표시된작업공정도사본 4. 축산물위생관리법 에따른안전관리인증기준 (HACCP) 에상응하는기준을적용한작업장이아닌경우해당해외작업장의위생관리기준요약본및작업공정도사본 5. 그밖에축산물의안전성을확보하기위하여식약처장이필요하다고인정하는서류 식육등지정검역물의경우는농림축산식품부로부터해외작업장승인도함께받아야하므로, 농림축산식품부와식품의약품안전처에모두요청하여야합니다. 해외작업장등록은서류검토또는현지실사를통하여등록을결정하게되며, 국가간에별도로협의된등록방법이있는경우에는그에따른방법으로도등록할수있습니다.

15 14 15 Q2. What are the Procedures for Registering a Foreign Establishment? To register as a foreign establishment, it must be an establishment located in a country that is allowed for import of the corresponding livestock product(s). * Please refer to the Attachment 1 for countries/items that are allowed for import. Foreign establishments intending to export livestock products to the Republic of Korea must fill out the Enclosed Form No. 16 in the Enforcement Rules of the Special Act (Attachment 2) and make a request to the government of the Republic of Korea(the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) for a registration of foreign establishment through the government of the exporting country (authorities for livestock products sanitation). * Attachment 2: Application for Registration (Updating) of Foreign Establishments * If it is necessary for registration, documents such as those listed blow may be requested. 1. Document that verifies regular management and supervision of the corresponding foreign establishment by the exporting country s government, or an inspection checklist completed by the exporting country s government according to the inspection standards defined and notified by the Minister of MFDS. 2. Copy of the approval and licensing document regarding the business of foreign establishment that is certified by the exporting country s government. 3. For establishments that adopt standards corresponding to the HACCP pursuant to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, the summary of the HACCP plan and a copy of the work process chart indicating critical control points (CCP). 4. For establishments that do not adopt standards corresponding to the HACCP pursuant to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, the summary of the sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOP) in the pertinent establishment and a copy of the work process chart. 5. Any other documents considered as necessary by the Minister of the MFDS to ensure the safety of livestock products. For designated quarantine objects including meat, etc., because they also need to receive the approval of foreign establishment from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), requests must be made to both the MAFRA and the MFDS. Registration of a foreign establishment shall be determined through a review of document or onsite inspection. In case there is a separate method of registration that is agreed between the countries, registration may be carried out according to the agreed method.

16 Q3. 특별법시행전에한국으로수출하던해외작업장도등록을해야하나요? 특별법시행이전에 가축전염병예방법 에따라승인된해외작업장과 축산물위생관리법 에따라이미수입된이력이있는해외작업장은별도로작업장등록을하실필요가없습니다. 이러한작업장에대한목록은추후공개할예정입니다. 그러나, 특별법이시행되는 부터해외작업장으로등록을하지않고수입신고가가능한 기간동안처음한국으로축산물을수출한해외작업장은반드시작업장등록을하여야합니다 부터 8.3까지한국에수출한이력이있더라도특별법에따라등록이이루어진것으로보지않기때문에만약동기간중작업장등록을하지않을경우 부터는해당작업장의축산물을수입신고할수없습니다. Q4. 농림축산식품부의해외작업장승인과는어떻게다른가요? 농식품부는 가축전염병예방법 에따라가축질병에대한검역을위하여해외작업장승 인제도를운영하는반면, 식약처는 수입식품안전관리특별법 에따라식용수입축산물 의안전성확보를위하여해외작업장등록제도를운영합니다. 다만, 식육등농식품부와공통되는품목에대하여는종전에농식품부에서운영하고있 는해외작업장승인방법을그대로유지하여혼선을방지하고, 현지실사를합동으로실시 하여수출국의부담을최소화할계획입니다. 합동점검시농식품부는가축질병분야를, 식약처는축산물위생 안전분야에대하여점검하게됩니다.

17 16 17 Q3. If a Foreign Establishment Has Been Exporting to the Republic of Korea Before the Special Act Was Enforced, Does It Still Need to Register? Foreign establishments that are approved according to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases or have a history of export to the Republic of Korea pursuant to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act do not need to separately register again. * List of such establishments will be announced in a near future. However, foreign establishments exporting livestock products to the Republic of Korea for the first time between February 4, 2016, effective date of the Special Act, and August 3, 2016, a period during which import declaration can be made without registering establishments, must be registered. Even if there is a history of export to the Republic of Korea between February 4, 2016 and August 3, 2016, it would not be considered as having registered pursuant to the Special Act. Thus, if corresponding establishments are not registered during the same period, livestock products of the corresponding establishments will not be permitted to report their import from August 4, Q4. How Is It Different From the Approval of Foreign Establishment Executed By the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs? While the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) conducts the system for approval of foreign establishment to control animal diseases pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) carries out the registration of foreign establishment to ensure the safety of imported livestock products for human consumption pursuant to the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management. However, for items that are common between MAFRA and MFDS including meat, etc., existing method for approval of foreign establishment conducted by the MAFRA will be maintained to prevent confusion, and onsite inspection will be conducted jointly to minimize any burden on the exporting country. * During the joint onsite inspection, the MAFRA will inspect the areas of animal diseases, and the MFDS will inspect the areas of sanitation and safety of livestock products.

18 Q5. 검역대상이아닌축산물가공품은작업장등록대상인가요? 통조림 햄등멸균된식육가공품, 치즈 버터등유가공품, 전란분등알가공품을수출하는해외작업장은 가축전염병예방법 에따른해외작업장승인의대상은아니나, 특별법에따른해외작업장등록대상이므로해당축산물을수입신고하기전에식약처에해외작업장으로등록을하여야합니다. Q6. 해외작업장에대한규제조치에는어떤것이있나요? 등록된해외작업장에서법령위반행위가확인되는경우, 수출국정부에시정을요청하거 나축산물의수입중단또는해외작업장등록취소등의조치가취해질수있습니다. 붙임 3 : 특별법시행규칙 [ 별표 6] 해외작업장의등록취소등에관한기준 이때, 식약처가수출국정부에수입중단등조치를통보하며, 수입중단일의시작은수출 국에서의선적일이기준이됩니다. 식약처가통보한수입중단일이 인경우, 수출국에서 부터선적한제품은수입신고가불가능합니다.

19 18 19 Q5. Will the Establishment Producing Livestock Products That Are Not Subject to Quarantine Be Registered? Although foreign establishments exporting sterilized meat products such as canned food, ham, etc.; milk products such as cheese, butter, etc.; egg products such as whole egg power, etc. are not subject to approval of foreign establishment pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases, they are subject to registration of foreign establishment according to the Special Act. Thus, they must be registered to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety before reporting the import of corresponding livestock products. Q6. What Are the Regulatory Measures for Foreign Establishments? If an illegal act is confirmed at a registered foreign establishment, proper measures may be taken including requesting the government of the exporting country for correction, suspending the import of livestock products, cancelling the registration of a foreign establishment, etc. * Attachment 3: The Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management, [Appendix 6] Standards for Cancellation of Registration of Foreign Establishment, etc. In such cases, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety will notify the government of the exporting country the measures such as the suspension of import, etc., and the beginning date of import suspension will be based on the date of shipment from the exporting country. * If the import suspension date notified by the MFDS is February 1, 2016, products that are shipped from the exporting country beginning February 1, 2016 will not be permitted for import declaration.

20 03 수입신고시수출위생증명서제출 부터축산물 수입신고시수출위생증명서를 제출하여야합니다. Q1. 특별법시행에따라제출하여야하는증명서는무엇인가요? 부터는축산물수입신고시수출위생증명서와소해면상뇌증 (BSE) 미감염증명서를제출하여야합니다.(BSE 관련품목에한함 ) 증명서는수출국 ( 생산국 ) 정부에서발행한원본또는부본이어야하며, 영어이외자국어로표기된경우한국어또는영어로된번역공증서를첨부하도록요구할수도있습니다. 또한소해면상뇌증미감염내용이포함된수출위생증명서를제출하는경우에는소해면상뇌증미감염증명서를제출하지아니할수있습니다.

21 Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Beginning February 4, 2016, Health Certificate Must Be Submitted When Reporting the Import of Livestock Products. Q1. Which Certificates Need to Be Submitted According to the Enforcement of the Special Act? Beginning February 4, 2016, health certificate for export and the certificate for non-infection of Bovine Spongiform Entephalopathy (BSE) must be submitted when reporting the import of livestock products. The certificate must be an original or a duplicate issued by the government of the exporting (producing) country. And if it is written in the country s native language other than English, notarized translation in Korean or English may be requested to be attached. In addition, when submitting a health certificate for export that includes contents about noninfection of Bovine Spongiform Entephalopathy (BSE), the certificate for non-infection of Bovine Spongiform Entephalopathy (BSE) may not need to be submitted.

22 Q2. 특별법시행에따라제출하여야하는증명서는무엇인가요? 특별법시행이전가축전염병예방법에따라운용중인수입위생조건과수출검역증명서는특별법에따른것으로봅니다. 따라서, 수출위생증명서대신특별법시행전협의된검역증명서원본또는검역본부에제출하는검역증명서의부본을식약처에제출하여도됩니다. Q3. 특별법이전수입한이력이있는축산물가공품인데, 국가간협의된위생증명서가없는경우는어떻게하나요? 특별법이전축산물위생관리법에따라수입이허용된국가또는지역의축산물가공품을 수입신고하는경우에는수출위생증명서식협의가완료된이후 16. ( 8월예상 ) 부터수출국 정부가발급하는수출위생증명서를첨부하여야합니다.

23 22 23 Q2. For Designated Quarantine Objects, Can Quarantine Certificate Be Submitted Instead of Sanitation Certificate? Import health requirements and export quarantine certificate implemented according to the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases before the Special Act is enforced are considered to be in accordance with the Special Act. Therefore, an original copy of the quarantine certificate agreed upon prior to the enforcement of the Special Act or a copy of the quarantine certificate submitted to the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency may be submitted to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety instead of the health certificate for export. Q3. If a Livestock Product Has an Import History Prior to the Enforcement of the Special Act, but No Health Certificate That Is Agreed Upon Between the Countries, What Steps Can be Followed? When reporting the import of a livestock product from a country or region that is allowed for import pursuant to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act before the implementation of the Special Act, the health certificate for export issued by the exporting country must be submitted beginning from when an agreement is made regarding the form of health certificate for export (Expected date: August 2016).

24 Q4. 축산물수입신고시수출위생증명서또는소해면상뇌증 (BSE) 미감염증명서이외에제출하여야서류는무엇인가요? 위증명서이외제출서류는다음과같습니다. ➊ 한글표시가된포장지 ( 한글표시가인쇄된스티커를붙인포장지를포함한다 ) 또는한 글표시내용이적힌서류 ➋ 식품 의약품분야시험 검사등에관한법률 제 8 조에따른국외시험 검사기관이정 밀검사를하여발행한시험 검사성적서 ( 별표 9 제 2 호다목에따른정밀검사대상수 입식품등만해당한다 ) ➌ 구분유통증명서 [ 종자구입ㆍ생산ㆍ제조ㆍ보관ㆍ선별ㆍ운반ㆍ선적등취급과정에서유전자 재조합식품 ( 유전자재조합기술을활용하여재배ㆍ육성된농ㆍ축ㆍ수산물등으로서안전 성평가를받은식품또는이를원료로제조ㆍ가공한식품을말한다. 이하같다 ) 과구 분하여관리하였음을증명하는서류를말한다 ] 또는이와동등한효력이있음을생산 국의정부가인정하는증명서 ( 유전자재조합표시대상에해당하는식품으로서유전자 재조합식품이라는표시를하지아니한경우만해당한다 ) ➍ 수출계획서 ( 국내반입후계획이구체적으로적혀있어야하며 대외무역법 에, 따라외 화획득용으로수입하는경우만해당한다 ) ➎ 영업허가등인허가서류사본또는품목제조보고서사본 대외무역법 에 ( 따라외화 획득용으로수입하는원료나자사제품제조용원료로수입하는경우만해당하며, 전 산상으로확인되는경우는제외한다 ) ➏ 할랄인증식품 식품위생법 ( 시행규칙 제 8조제1항제 6호라목에따른기관으로부터이 슬람교도가먹을수있도록허용됨을인증받은식품을말한다. 이하같다 ) 또는할랄 인증축산물 축산물 ( 위생관리법시행규칙 제 52조제1항제 8호라목에따른기관으로 부터이슬람교도가먹을수있도록허용됨을인증받은축산물을말한다. 이하같다 ) 인증서사본 ( 할랄인증식품또는할랄인증축산물의표시ㆍ광고를하는경우만해당 한다 ) ➐ 다이옥신잔류량검사성적서, 유전자재조합안전성관련승인서류등위해정보에따 라수입식품등의안전을확보하기위하여식품의약품안전처장이필요하다고인정하는 서류

25 24 25 Q4. When Reporting the Import of Livestock Products, Which Documents Need to Be Submitted in Addition to the Health Certificate For Export and the Certificate for Non-Infection of Bovine Spongiform Entephalopathy (BSE)? Documents that need to be submitted in addition to the documents mentioned above are as follows: (1) Wrapping paper with a labelling in Korean (including a wrapping paper that has a sticker printed with a Korean labelling) or a document that indicates the Korean labelling. (2) Test and inspection report issued from a detailed examination by an overseas test/inspection organization pursuant to the Article 8 of the Act on Test, Inspection, etc. of Food and Drugs. (Applies to imported foods, etc. that are subject to a detailed examination pursuant to Clause 2, C in Appendix 9.) (3) Separate distribution certificate [Refers to a document which verifies that the product was classified and managed separately from genetically modified food (Among agricultural, livestock, and fishery products that are grown and cultivated with GMO technology, food products that are tested for safety. The same applies below.) during the handling procedure including seed purchase, production, manufacture, storage, selection, transportation, shipping, etc.]. or a certificate issued by the government of the producing country recognizing an equivalent effect (Only applies to food that is subject of a GMO label but does not have a GMO food label). (4) Export Plan (Specific plan after bringing the product into the Republic of Korea must be recorded, and only applicable to cases when the purpose of import is to obtain foreign currencies.) (5) Copy of an approval and licensing document including business license, etc. or a copy of manufactured items report (Only applies when importing as an ingredient to obtain foreign currencies or to manufacture the company s own product pursuant to the Foreign Trade Act. Not applicable when verification can be made electronically.) (6) Copy of certificates for Halal certified food (refers to food that is certified by an institution in accordance with the Article 8, Section 1, Clause 6, D of the Enforcement Rules of the Food Sanitation Act as a food which may be eaten by the Islam followers. The same applies below.), or Halal certified livestock products (refers to livestock products that are certified by an institution in accordance with the Article 52, Section 1, Clause 8, D of the Enforcement Rules of the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act that may be eaten by the Islam followers. The same applies below.) (Only applies when labelling or advertizing Halal certified food or Halal certified livestock products.) (7) Document that is recognized as necessary by the Minister of the MFDS per hazard information to ensure safety of imported food, etc. such as the test report for dioxin residues, document related to GMO safety, etc.

26 * 붙임 1 식약처고시 축산물의수입허용국가 ( 지역 ) 및수입위생요건 [ 별표 ] 축산물의수입허용국가 ( 지역 ) 및수입위생요건 [ 별표 ] 수출국가또는지역별수입허용축산물 ( 제 3 조관련 ) 1. 가축전염병예방법 제 31 조에따른지정검역물에해당되는축산물로서 수입식품안전관리특별법 시행전에 가축전염병예방법 제 32 조제 1 항에따라수입이금지되지아니한국가또는지역에서생산된축산물 2. 제 1 호에해당되지아니하는축산물로서 수입식품안전관리특별법 시행전에 축산물위생관리법 에따라수입이허용된국가또는지역의축산물은다음과같다. 가. 식육가공품 국가또는지역종류비고 네덜란드 뉴질랜드 덴마크 독일 멕시코 몽골 미국 베트남 벨기에 벨라루스 북한 브라질 스웨덴 스페인 싱가포르 아르헨티나 영국 우루과이 이탈리아 인도 인도네시아 일본 중국 칠레 캐나다 콜롬비아 태국 파라과이 폴란드 프랑스 핀란드 필리핀 헝가리 호주 나. 유가공품 베이컨류, 햄류 건조저장육류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식용우지, 식육추출가공품, 양념육류 건조저장육류, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식육추출가공품, 햄류 소시지류 식육추출가공품, 포장육 건조저장육류, 분쇄가공육제품, 식육추출가공품 갈비가공품, 건조저장육류, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식용돈지, 식용우지, 식육추출가공품, 양념육류, 포장육, 햄류 식육추출가공품 햄류 식육추출가공품, 양념육류 식육추출가공품 분쇄가공육제품, 식육추출가공품, 햄류 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식육추출가공품 건조저장육류, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 양념육류, 햄류 햄류 건조저장육류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식육추출가공품 분쇄가공육제품 식육추출가공품, 햄류 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 햄류 식육추출가공품 식육추출가공품, 햄류 식육추출가공품, 햄류 갈비가공품, 건조저장육류, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 양념육류, 포장육, 햄류 소시지류, 햄류 건조저장육, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 양념육류, 햄류 식육추출가공품 분쇄가공육제품, 식육추출가공품, 양념육류, 햄류 식육추출가공품 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 햄류 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식육추출가공품, 양념육류, 포장육, 햄류 소시지류 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 양념육류, 햄류 베이컨류, 소시지류 갈비가공품, 건조저장육류, 베이컨류, 분쇄가공육제품, 소시지류, 식용우지, 식육추출가공품, 양념육류, 포장육, 햄류 * 쇠고기, 산양 면양고기, 사슴고기를원료로하는식육가공품은원료가되는식육의수입이허용된국가또는지역에한함. 국가또는지역종류비고 그리스 남아프리카공화국 네덜란드 노르웨이 뉴질랜드 대만 덴마크 독일 라트비아 러시아 룩셈부르크 가공치즈, 발효유류, 아이스크림류, 자연치즈 아이스크림류 가공치즈, 농축유류, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 아이스크림분말류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 가공치즈, 분유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공치즈, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림분말류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 가공유류, 아이스크림류 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 분유류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 가공유류, 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 아이스크림분말류, 우유류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 저지방우유류, 조제유류 유청류 버터류, 분유류, 유당, 아이스크림류 유크림류

27 국가또는지역종류비고 리투아니아 말레이지아 멕시코 미국 방글라데시 벨기에 불가리아 브라질 사우디아라비아 사이프러스 스웨덴 스위스 스페인 슬로바키아 싱가포르 아랍에미리트 다. 알가공품 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유당, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류 버터류, 아이스크림류, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 농축유류, 발효유류, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 아이스크림분말류, 우유류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 저지방우유류, 조제유류 버터류 가공유류, 가공치즈, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 저지방우유류 자연치즈 가공치즈, 아이스크림류, 자연치즈 가공치즈 유크림류, 자연치즈 분유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 가공유류, 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈 유크림류 가공유류, 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유청류 버터류 아루바분유류 * 네덜란드령 아르헨티나 아일랜드 에스토니아 에쿠아도르 영국 오스트리아 우루과이 우크라이나 이스라엘 이탈리아 인도 일본 중국 체코공화국 칠레 카자흐스탄 캐나다 크로아티아 태국 터키 파키스탄 포르투갈 폴란드 프랑스 핀란드 필리핀 헝가리 호주 홍콩 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 우유류, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림믹스류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 버터류, 분유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 자연치즈 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 우유류, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈 가공치즈, 발효유류, 분유류, 유당, 유청류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 버터류, 분유류, 우유류, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈 분유류, 유당, 유청류, 농축유류 유당 가공유류, 가공치즈, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 아이스크림분말류, 우유류, 유당, 유크림류, 자연치즈 버터류, 분유류, 유당, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 농축유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 가공유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유크림류 가공치즈, 분유류, 유청류 농축유류, 분유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 자연치즈 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 조제유류 자연치즈 아이스크림류 아이스크림류, 유당, 유청류, 자연치즈 버터류, 분유류 우유류 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 우유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 발효유류, 버터류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림믹스류, 아이스크림분말류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 저지방우유류, 조제유류 가공치즈, 분유류, 유청류, 자연치즈 가공유류, 가공치즈, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 유크림류 가공치즈 가공치즈, 농축유류, 발효유류, 버터류, 버터유류, 분유류, 아이스크림류, 아이스크림분말류, 우유류, 유단백가수분해식품, 유당, 유청류, 유크림류, 자연치즈, 저지방우유류, 조제유류 아이스크림류 * 자연치즈중살균되지아니한원유및유가공품으로제조한것은 축산물의가공기준및성분규격 별표 1 에고시된경우에한하여수입허용 국가또는지역 종류 비고 네덜란드 난백분, 난백액, 난황분, 전란분 대만 피단 덴마크 난백분, 난황분, 전란분 독일 난백분, 난백액, 난황분 라트비아 난황액 말레이시아 닌백액, 난황액, 전란액 멕시코 난황액 미국 난백분, 난황분, 난황액, 알가열성형제품, 전란분 벨기에 난백분, 난백액, 난황분 스웨덴 난백분, 난황분, 전란분 스위스 난황액 국가또는지역종류비고 스페인 우크라이나 이탈리아 인도 일본 중국 캐나다 태국 페루 프랑스 난백분 난백분, 난황분, 전란분 난백분, 난황분, 전란분 난백분, 난황분, 전란분, 전란액 난백분, 난황분, 난황액 난백분, 난황분, 난황액, 알가열성형제품, 염지란, 전란분, 전란액, 피단 난백분, 난황분, 난황액, 전란분, 전란액 난황액, 피단 난백분 난백분, 난백액, 난황분, 난황액, 전란분

28 * Attachment 1. MFDS Notice Countries (Regions) Allowed for Import of Livestock Products and Import Health Requirements [Appendix] [Appendix] Countries (Regions) Allowed for Import of Livestock Products and Import Health Requirements Livestock Products Allowed for Import from Each Exporting Country or Region (Regarding Article 3) 1. As a livestock product corresponding to the designated quarantine objects pursuant to the Article 31 of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases, it refers to livestock products produced in a country or region that is not prohibited for import according to the Article 32, Section 1 of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases before the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management was enforced. 2. Among livestock products that do not correspond to Clause 1, livestock products from a country or region that are allowed for import pursuant to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act prior to the implementation of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management are as follows: A. Meat products Country or Region Product types Note Netherlands New Zealand Denmark Germany Mexico Mongolia U.S.A Vietnam Belgium Belarus North Korea Brazil Sweden Spain Singapore Argentina United Kingdom Uruguay Italy India Indonesia Japan China Chile Canada Colombia Thailand Paraguay Poland France Finland Philippines Hungary Australia * For meat products that use beef, goat and sheep meat, and venison as a raw material, the raw materials should be imported from countries or regions allowed for import. B. Milk products Bacons, Hams Dry stored meats, Ground meat products, Sausages, Edible beef tallow, Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Meat extracted products, Hams Sausages Meat extracted products, Packaged meats Dry stored meats, Ground meat products, Meat extracted products Rib products, Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Edible pork tallow, Edible beef tallow, Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats, Packaged meats, Hams Meat extracted products Hams Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats Meat extracted products Ground meat products, Meat extracted products, Hams Ground meat products, Sausages, Meat extracted products Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Seasoned meats, Hams Hams Dry stored meats, Ground meat products, Sausages, Meat extracted products Ground meat products Meat extracted products, Hams Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Hams Meat extracted products Meat extracted products, Hams Meat extracted products, Hams Rib products, Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Seasoned meats, Packaged meats, Hams Sausages, Hams Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Seasoned meats, Hams Meat extracted products Ground meat products, Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats, Hams Meat extracted products Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Hams Ground meat products, Sausages, Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats, Packaged meats, Hams Sausages Ground meat products, Sausages, Seasoned meats, Hams Bacons, Sausages Rib products, Dry stored meats, Bacons, Ground meat products, Sausages, Edible beef tallow, Meat extracted products, Seasoned meats, Packaged meats, Hams Country or Region Product types Note Greece South Africa Netherlands Norway New Zealand Taiwan Denmark Germany Latvia Russia Luxembourg Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Ice creams, Natural cheese Ice creams Processed cheese, Concentrated milks, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Ice cream powder types, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Processed cheese, Milk powders, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed cheese, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream powder types, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Processed milks, Ice creams Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Milk powders, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Processed milks, Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Ice cream powder types, Milks, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Low-fat milks, Infant formulas Wheys Butters, Milk powders, Lactose, Ice creams Milk creams

29 Country or Region Product types Note Lithuania Malaysia Mexico U.S.A Bangladesh Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Saudi Arabia Cyprus Sweden Switzerland Spain Slovakia Singapore United Arab Emirates Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Lactose, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams Butters, Ice creams, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Concentrated milks, Fermented milks, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Ice cream powder types, Milks, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Low-fat milks, Infant formulas Butters Processed milks, Processed cheese, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Low-fat milks Natural cheese Processed cheese, Ice creams, Natural cheese Processed cheese Milk creams, Natural cheese Milk powders, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Milk powders, Ice creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Processed milks, Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese Milk creams Processed milks, Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Wheys Butters Aruba Milk powders *Netherlands territory Argentina Ireland Estonia Ecuador United Kingdom Austria Uruguay Ukraine Israel Italy India Japan China Czech Chile Kazakhstan Canada Croatia Thailand Turkey Pakistan Portugal Poland France Finland Philippines Hungary Australia Hong Kong Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Milks, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice cream mixes, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Butters, Milk powders, Wheys, Natural cheese Natural cheese Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Milks, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Milk powders, Lactose, Wheys, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Butters, Milk powders, Milks, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese Milk powders, Lactose, Wheys, Concentrated milks Lactose Processed milks, Processed cheese, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Ice cream powder types, Milks, Lactose, Milk creams, Natural cheese Butters, Milk powders, Lactose, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Concentrated milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Processed milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Milk creams Processed cheese, Milk powders, Wheys Concentrated milks, Milk powders, Wheys, Natural cheese Natural cheese Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Infant formulas Natural cheese Ice creams Ice creams, Lactose, Wheys, Natural cheese Butters, Milk powders Milks Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Milks, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Fermented milks, Butters, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream mixes, Ice cream powder types, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Low-fat milks, Infant formulas Processed cheese, Milk powders, Wheys, Natural cheese Processed milks, Processed cheese, Milk powders, Ice creams, Milk creams Processed cheese Processed cheese, Concentrated milks, Fermented milks, Butters, Buttermilks, Milk powders, Ice creams, Ice cream powder types, Milks, Hydrolyzed milk protein products, Lactose, Wheys, Milk creams, Natural cheese, Low-fat milks, Infant formulas Ice creams * Of natural cheeses made from unpasteruized raw milk or milk products, the product specified in the Appendix 1 of the Processing Standards and Ingredient Specifications for Livestock Products shall be only allowed to import. C. Egg products Country or Region Netherlands Taiwan Denmark Germany Latvia Malaysia Mexico U.S.A Belgium Sweden Switzerland Product types Egg white powder, Liquid white, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder Pidan Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder Egg white powder, Liquid white, Yolk powder Liquid yolk Liquid white, Liquid yolk, Whole egg liquid Liquid yolk Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Liquid yolk, Heat-formed products, Whole egg powder Egg white powder, Liquid white, Yolk powder Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder Liquid yolk Country or Region Spain Ukraine Italy India Japan China Canada Thailand Peru France Egg white powder Product types Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Whole egg powder, Whole egg liquid Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Liquid yolk Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Liquid yolk, Heat-formed products, Salted egg, Whole egg powder, Whole egg liquid, Pidan Egg white powder, Yolk powder, Liquid yolk, Whole egg powder, Whole egg liquid Liquid yolk, Pidan Egg white powder Egg white powder, Liquid white, Yolk powder, Liquid yolk, Whole egg powder

30 * 붙임 2 수입식품안전관리특별법시행규칙 [ 별지제 16 호서식 ] 해외작업장 [ ] 등록신청서 Application for Registration of Foreign Establishment [ ] 변경등록신청서 Application for Updating Registration of Foreign Establishment [ ] 에는해당되는곳에표를합니다. Check the applicable brackets. ( 인터넷으로구매를대행하여수입하는경우는제외 Business of online purchasing of imported food, etc by proxy is excluded from registration) ( 앞쪽 Front page) 접수번호 Receipt number 접수일자 Date of receipt 년 year 월 month 일 day 등록번호 ( 변경등록인경우 ) Registration number (For update of registered information or cancellation of registration) 작업장명칭 Name of Establishment 대표자 Representative 일반정보 General Information 등록번호 EST No. or Registration Number 소재지 Address 승인일자 Date of approval 등록유형 Type of Registration [ ] 최초등록 Initial registration [ ] 변경등록 Update of registered information 이름 Name 위생책임자 Person in charge of sanitation 연락처 Phone Number including area code 전자우편 작업장현황 Status of Establishment 업종 Type of business 식품안전에관한관리시스템적용여부 Whether a food safety management system applies to the item information below, If applicable [ ] 도축장 Slaughterhouse [ ] 식육포장처리장 Meat cutting and packaging plant [ ] 식용란포장처리장 Shell egg packaging plant [ ] 식육가공장 Meat processing plant [ ] 유가공장 Milk processing plant [ ] 알가공장 Egg processing plant [ ] 식육보관장 Meat storage house [ ] 적용안함 No [ ] 적용 Yes 적용하면그시스템을선택 If "Yes", check as applicable or specify the system [ ] HACCP [ ] ISO [ ] 기타 Other ( ) 인증기관의인증여부 Whether to be certified by a certification body [ ] 없음 No [ ] 있음 Yes 인증기관의인증을받았다면그정보를제공 If "Yes", provide the following information 인증명 Title of certification ( ) 인증일 Certification date ( ) 인증기관 Certification body ( ) 만료일 Expiration date ( ) 축종또는주원료 Species of livestock or main ingredients 210mm 297mm[ 백상지 (80g/ m2 ) 또는중질지 (80g/ m2 )]

31 ( 뒤쪽 Back page) 품목정보 Item Information 식육및그부산물 Meat and meat by-products [ ] 쇠고기및부산물 Beef,veal, and beef or veal by-products [ ] 돼지고기및부산물 Pork and pork by-products [ ] 말고기및부산물 Horse meat and horse by-products [ ] 면양육및부산물 Mutton,lambmutton,and mutton by-products [ ] 산양육및부산물 Goat meat and goat by-products [ ] 사슴고기및부산물 Venison and venison by-products [ ] 당나귀고기및부산물 Donkey meat and donkey by-products [ ] 토끼육및부산물 Rabbit meat and rabbit by-products [ ] 닭고기및부산물 Chicken and chicken by-products [ ] 오리고기및부산물 Duck meat and duck by-products [ ] 칠면조육및부산물 Turkey meatandturkey by-products [ ] 거위고기및부산물 Goose meatandgoose by-products [ ] 메추리고기및부산물 Quail meatandquail by-products [ ] 꿩고기및부산물 Pheasant meat and pheasant by-products 알 Shell eggs [ ] 계란 Chicken eggs [ ] 오리알 Duck eggs [ ] 메추리알 Quail eggs 축산물가공품 Processed livestock products [ ] 식육가공품 Processed meat products [ ] 유가공품 Processed milk products [ ] 알가공품 Processed egg products [ ] 식품의약품안전처장이필요하다고판단하는경우에업소를방문하여점검할수있다는것에대한동의 The applicant agrees that if the Minister of Food and Drug Safety deems it necessary, he/she may visit and inspect the applicant's establishment. [ ] 상기정보가사실과다르지않다는것을확인 The applicant certifies that the above Information is true and accurate. 수입식품안전관리특별법 제 12 조및같은법시행규칙제 12 조제 1 항및제 13 조제 1 항에따라위와같이등록 ( 변경등록 ) 을신청합니다. In accordance with Article 12 of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control and Articles 12 (1) and 13 (1) of the same Act, I hereby apply for registration (update of registered information) of registration. 년 year 월 month 일 day 신청인 Applicant ( 서명또는인 ) signature or seal 식품의약품안전처장귀하 To the Minister of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea 처리절차 Procedure 등록신청 Application 접수 Receipt of documents 서류검토또는현지실사 Review of documents or onsite inspection 승인 Approval 등록통보 Notification of registration 신청인 Applicant 식품의약품안전처 Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

32 * 붙임 3 특별법시행규칙 [ 별표 6] 해외작업장의등록취소등에관한기준 해외작업장의등록취소등에관한기준 ( 제 14 조제 1 항관련 ) 위반사항근거법조문처분기준 1. 거짓이나그밖의부정한방법으로등록을한경우법제 13 조제 1 항제 1 호등록취소 2. 법제 12 조제 1 항후단에따른변경등록을거짓으로한경우법제 13 조제 1 항제 2 호등록취소 3. 법제 12 조제 2 항에따른현지실사를거부하는경우법제 13 조제 1 항제 3 호수입중단 4. 법제 12 조제 2 항에따른현지실사결과부적합하다고판단되는경우로서 그정도가중대하다고인정되는경우 법제 13 조제 1 항제 3 호 수입중단 5. 식품의약품안전처장이정하여고시한금지약품등의잔류물질기준을위반하는등 수입위생요건을심각하게위반한경우로서식품의약품안전처장이정하여고시한 수입중단조치대상잔류물질이검출된경우 법제 13 조제 1 항제 4 호 수입중단 6. 해외작업장에서생산된축산물이위해가있는것으로밝혀졌거나위해의우려가 있다고식품의약품안전처장이인정하는경우로서 축산물위생관리법 제 3 조의 2 에 따른축산물위생심의위원회심의결과수입중단조치가필요하다고인정되는경우 법제 13 조제 1 항제 5 호 법제 13 조제 1 항제 6 호 수입중단 7. 법제 12 조제 1 항후단에따른변경등록을하지아니한경우법제 13 조제 1 항제 2 호시정명령 8. 법제 12 조제 2 항에따른현지실사결과부적합하다고판단되는경우로서 그정도가경미하다고인정되는경우 법제 13 조제 1 항제 3 호 시정명령 9. 제 7 호및제 8 호의위반행위를하여시정명령을받은날부터 60 일이내 (1 회에한하여 30 일의기간을연장할수있다 ) 에그내용을시정하지않은경우 법제 13 조제 1 항제 2 호 법제 13 조제 1 항제 3 호 수입중단

33 * Attachment 3. The Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management, [Appendix 6] Standards for Cancellation of Registration of Foreign Establishment, etc. Standards for Cancellation of Registration of Foreign Establishment, etc. (Regarding Article 14, Section 1) Violation Relevant Law Measures to be taken 1. Registration is made through a false or other illegal methods. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Act Cancellation of registration 2. Registration of changes according to the latter part of the Article 12, Section 1 of the Act is carried out falsely. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Act Cancellation of registration 3. Refuses onsite inspection pursuant to Article 12, Section 2 of the Act. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Act Suspension of import 4. Result of the onsite inspection pursuant to Article 12, Section 2 of the Act is determined to be inappropriate, and its degree is significant. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Act Suspension of import 5. Import health requirement is seriously violated including violating the residue limits for prohibited drugs designated and notified by the Minister of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, etc., and a residue of a material that is designated as suspension of import and notified by the Minister is detected. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 4 of the Act Suspension of import 6. Livestock products produced in a foreign establishment is found to be harmful, or considered to have a risk by the Minister of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. And it is determined that suspension of import is necessary based on a review by the committee of livestock products sanitation pursuant to Article 3, Section 2 of the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Act Article 13, Section 1, Clause 6 of the Act Suspension of import 7. Changes are not registered pursuant to the latter part of the Article 12, Section 1 of the Act. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Act Correction order 8. The result of the onsite inspection pursuant to Article 12, Section 2 of the Act is determined to be inappropriate, and its degree is minimal. Article 13, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Act Correction order 9. Correction is not made within 60 days from the notification date for correction order resulting from a violation of Clauses 7 and 8 (30-day extension can be requested for one time). Article 13, Section 1, Clause 2,3 of the Act Suspension of import

34 펴낸날 2016 년 2 월 4 일 펴낸곳 식품의약품안전처축산물위생안전과 검사실사과


36 Import Policy for Livestock Products Submitting Exporting Country s Health Certificate for Import Declaration Meat Products Categories of Poultry Categories of Meat Registration of Establishment and Onsite Inspection Import Sanitation Assessment for Livestock Products

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