대한족부족관절학회 인사말 회장박용욱 총무서진수 차기회장이상욱 차기총무이호승 평 의 원 김갑래, 배서영, 서진수, 성일훈, 송하헌, 안재훈, 양기원, 유선오, 이경태, 이근배, 이상욱, 이진우, 이호승, 정형진, 정홍근, 주인탁, 차승도, 최경진 학술위원회이근배 ( 위원
- 학표 평
- 7 years ago
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1 20 TH ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM November 4-6, Seoul Seoul St. Mary s Hospital, Catholic Research Institute of Medical Science
2 대한족부족관절학회 인사말 회장박용욱 총무서진수 차기회장이상욱 차기총무이호승 평 의 원 김갑래, 배서영, 서진수, 성일훈, 송하헌, 안재훈, 양기원, 유선오, 이경태, 이근배, 이상욱, 이진우, 이호승, 정형진, 정홍근, 주인탁, 차승도, 최경진 학술위원회이근배 ( 위원장 ), 김학준 ( 간사 ), 성일훈, 안재훈, 이진우, 이호승, 정진화, 정형진, 정홍근 편집위원회이진우 ( 위원장 ), 최우진 ( 간사 ), 곽희철, 김학준, 박현우, 성일훈, 안재훈, 양기원, 이근배, 이동연, 이상욱, 이준영, 이호승, 정형진, 정홍근, 최재혁. 한승환 보험장애판정위원회이상욱 ( 위원장 ), 배서영 ( 간사 ), 강찬, 정비오, 정진화, 최경진, 한승환 존경하는대한족부족관절학회및대한정형외과학회회원여러분! 결실의계절가을에 2011년대한족부족관절학회추계학술대회를개최하게됨을기쁘게생각합니다. 특히올해는대한족부족관절학회가창립 20주년을맞는뜻깊은해입니다. 이를기념하기위하여역대회장님들과외국인연자들을초청하여제20차대한족부족관절추계학술대회를국제학술대회로치루고자준비하였습니다. 모든회원들이한자리에모여발표하고토론하면서대한족부족관절학회가걸어온 20년을축하하고, 친목과우애를다질수있는자리를가졌으면합니다. 공사다망하시겠지만 2011년 11월 4일부터 6일까지 3일간개최되는 대한족부족관절학회창립 20주년기념국제학술대회 에여러분들을초대하오니부디여러회원분들의적극적인참여를부탁드립니다. 정보위원회 정형진 ( 위원장 ), 이준영 ( 간사 ), 김갑래, 박현우, 정현욱 특별위원회 기획위원회성일훈 ( 위원장 ), 이동연 ( 간사 ), 곽희철, 서우영 홍보위원회정홍근 ( 위원장 ), 박재용 ( 간사 ), 김범수, 유성호 국제위원회이경태 ( 위원장 ), 이영구 ( 간사 ), 곽희철, 남일현, 이준영, 정진화, 최재혁, 한승환 교육위원회이호승 ( 위원장 ), 성기선 ( 간사 ), 김상우, 문정석, 조병기, 최우진 용어위원회양기원 ( 위원장 ), 한승환 ( 간사 ), 김유미, 김응수 행정기록위원회차승도 ( 위원장 ), 김진수 ( 간사 ), 박세진, 박영욱, 서동현 개원의위원회최경진 ( 위원장 ), 송하헌 ( 간사 ), 김현철, 박의현, 유선오 2011 년 11 월 대한족부족관절학회회장박용욱 2+ 3
3 MEETING AT A GLANCE Friday November 4, 2011 (The Catholic University Institute of Medical Science 2nd Floor Auditorium) 12:55-13:00 PRESIDENTIAL WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 13:00-13:50 PAPER SESSION I : HALLUX VALGUS 1 13:50-14:30 PAPER SESSION II : HINDFOOT 14:30-14:45 SPECIAL LECTURE 1 : THIRTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE OF CALCANEAL FRACTURES 14:45-15:00 BREAK/VISIT EXHIBITS 15:00-16:15 SYMPOSIUM I : BASIC & ORTHOSIS 16:15-16:50 PAPER SESSION III : BASIC SCIENCE 1 16:50-17:30 PAPER SESSION IV : SPORTS 17:30-18:00 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 18:30-20:30 WELCOME RECEPTION Saturday November 5, :00-08:46 PAPER SESSION V : HALLUX VALGUS 2 08:46-09:20 PAPER SESSION VI : ANKLE OSTEOARTHRITIS 09:20-10:35 SYMPOSIUM II : FOREFOOT 10:35-10:50 BREAK/VISIT EXHIBITS 10:50-12:05 SYMPOSIUM III : ANKLE OSTEOARTHRITIS 12:05-12:40 PAPER SESSION VII : BASIC SCIENCE 2 12:40-13:40 LUNCH (St. Maria Hall - Seoul St. Mary s Hospital ) 13:40-14:20 PAPER SESSION VIII : ANKLE INSTABILITY & OSTEOCHONDRAL LESION OF THE TALUS 14:20-14:40 SPECIAL LECTURE 2 : THE FOOTPRINTS OF 14:40-15:55 SYMPOSIUM IV : SPORTS 15:55-16:10 BREAK/VISIT EXHIBITS 16:10-17:25 SYMPOSIUM V : ARTHROSCOPY 17:25-18:00 PAPER SESSION IX : FRACTURE 18:00-18:05 CLOSING REMARK Sunday November 6, 2011 (The Catholic University Institute of Medical Science 2nd Floor Auditorium) 개원의심포지엄 09:00-09:20 CASE Q & A 09:20-09:30 WELCOME REMARK 09:30-10:30 SYMPOSIUM VI : BASICS 10:30-10:50 BREAK/VISIT EXHIBITS 10:50-12:20 SYMPOSIUM VII: HALLUX VAGUS 12:20-13:20 LUNCH 13:20-14:20 SYMPOSIUM VIII: FOREFOOT 14:20-14:55 BREAK & QUESTIONS 14:55-15:45 SYMPOSIUM IX : ARTHROSCOPE OF FOOT AND ANKLE 15:45-16:55 SYMPOSIUM X : TRAUMA & MISCELLANEOUS 16:55-17:00 CLOSING REMARK 4+ 5
4 PROGRAM OFFICIAL PROGRAM Friday November 4, 2011 (The Catholic University Institute of Medical Science 2nd Floor Auditorium) 12:55 Presidential Welcome and Announcements 13:00-13:50 PAPER SESSION I : HALLUX VALGUS 1 Moderators : Kyung-Tai Lee (KT Lee s Orthopedic Hospital), Jin-Wha Chung (The Catholic Univ.) 13:00 Treatment of Hallux Valgus Deformity with Modified Scarf Osteotomy Hyun-Woo Park (Dankook Univ.) In-Tak Chu; Sung-Jin Kim 13:06 Early Results of the Proximal Opening Wedge Osteotomy Combined with an Akin Osteotomy for Correction of Moderate to Severe Hallux Valgus Woo-Jin Choi (Yonsei Univ.) Gi-Won Choi; Ji-Won Kim; Jin-Woo Lee 13:12 Proximal First Metatarsal Opening Wedge Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus Ho-Jin Lee (Yonsei Sarang Hospital) Eui-Hyun Park; Young-Sang Kim; Eui-Chung Bae 13:18 Intraoperative Incidence of Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus Following Basilar First Metatarsal Osteotomy and Distal Soft Tissue Realignment Hyeok-Woo Choi (Konkuk Univ.) Hong-Geun Jung; Jae-Yon Park; Tae-Hoon Kim; Min-Seok Kang 13:24 Mid-Term Results of Triple Osteotomy in Hallux Valgus with Highly Increased Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle Hyuk Jegal (KT Lee s Orthopedic Hospital) Kyung-Tai Lee; Young-Uk Park; Ki-Won Young; 13:30 Treatment of Hallux Valgus with Triple Osteotomy 13:36-13:50 Discussion Jin-Su Kim; Yong-Hoon Kim Yoon-Chung Kim (The Catholic Univ., Seoul St. Mary s Hospital) Jae-Hoon Ahn 13:50-14:30 PAPER SESSION II : HINDFOOT Moderators : Ha-Heon Song (Jeonju Cham Hospital), Seung-Do Cha (Kwandong Univ.) 13:50 Radiologic Evaluation of the Hindfoot Alignment View Woo-Yeon Han (Ulsan Univ.) Ho-Seong Lee; Ho-Jeong Seo 13:56 Subtalar Arthrodesis with Cannulated Screws : Comparison of Two Fixation Techniques Hyeong-Won Cho (Konkuk Univ.) Hong-Geun Jung 14:02 Subtalar Distraction Double Bone Block Arthrodesis for Calcaneal Malunion Byoung-Kwon Min (Inje Univ., Sanggye Paik Hospital) Su-Young Bae; Hyung-Jin Chung 14:08 Mid-Term Results of Hindfoot Arthrodesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis 14:14 The Effect of Scarf Osteotomy on the Hindfoot Valgus Deformity 14:20-14:30 Discussion 14:30-14:45 SPECIAL LECTURE 1 Doo-Yeon Lee (Hanyang Univ.) Il-Hoon Sung Sang-Chung Lee (Pohang St. Mary s Hospital) Il-Hyun Nam Moderator : Woo-Chun Lee (Inje Univ.) Thirty-Five Years Experience of Calcaneal Intraarticular Fractures In- Heon Park (Dong-in General Hospital, Gangneung, Korea) 14:45-15:00 BREAK/VISIT EXHIBITS 15:00-16:15 SYMPOSIUM I : BASIC & ORTHOSIS Moderators : Il-Hoon Sung (Hanyang Univ.), Hong-Geun Jung (Konkuk Univ.) 15:00 Measurement Selection for Clinical Research in Foot and Ankle Surgery Nelson F. Soohoo (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) 15:15 Safe Zone for the Approach to the Posterior Sole: Cadaver Study Jin-Soo Suh (Inje Univ., Ilsan Paik Hospital, Korea) 15:30 Usefulness of Detachable and Walkable Shoe-Like Cast Masahito Hatori (Tohoku Kosai Hospital, Sendai, Japan) 6+ 7
5 15:45 New Ambulatory Device for Non-Weight Bearing Emiliano B. Tablante (St. Luke s Medical Center, Quezon City, Philippines) 16:00-16:15 Discussion 17:30-18:00 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 18:30-20:30 WELCOME RECEPTION 16:15-16:50 PAPER SESSION III : BASIC SCIENCE 1 Moderators : Kyung-Jin Choi (KJ Choi s Orthopedic Hospital), Ki-Sun Sung (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) 16:15 Autonomous Zone of Sciatic Nerve for Foot and Ankle Surgery under Sciatic Nerve Block Chan Kang (Chungnam National Univ.) Deuk-Soo Hwang; Young-Mo Kim; Woo-Yong Lee; Yoo-Sun Jeon; Sun-Cheol Han 16:21 Comparison of the Result of Physical Examination with Those of Pedobarography Ho-Jeong Seo (Ulsan Univ.) Ho-Seong Lee; Jae-Hwan Kim 16:27 Assessment of Regional Plantar Shear Forces at Sub-MTH Pad/ Foot-Supporting Interface in Walking Tae-Yong Lee (Univ. of Singapore) Wen-Ming Chen; Victor P.W Shim 16:33 The Development of Safe Sustentacular Screw Guiding Plate for Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fracture 16:39-16:50 Discussion 16:50-17:30 PAPER SESSION IV : SPORTS Yeon-Soo Lee (Daegu Catholic Univ.) Jun-Young Lee Moderators : In-Tak Chu (Catholic Orthopedic Hospital), Su-Young Bae (Inje Univ.) 16:50 Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinitis in Sports Players Jun-Beom Kim (Sun General Hospital) Kyung-Tai Lee; Young-Uk Park; Hyuk Jegal 16:56 Incidence of Foot Problems among Ballet Students as Compared to General Population Tze Choong Low (Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 17:02 The Relationship Between Soccer Shoes Cleat Morphology and 5th Metatarsal Proximal Stress Fracture on Soccer Players Young-Kwan Lee (Chosun Univ.) Jun-Young Lee; Yi-Kyu Park 17:08 The Risk Factors Affecting Chronic Rupture of the Plantar Fascia 17:14-17:30 Discussion Jae-Jung Jeong (The Catholic Univ., Daejeon St. Mary Hospital) Ho-Seong Lee; Jung-Ho Seo Saturday November 5, 2011 (St. Maria Hall - Seoul St. Mary s Hospital ) 08:00-08:46 PAPER SESSION V : HALLUX VALGUS 2 Moderators : Key-Yong Kim (Inje Univ.), Ki-Won Young (Eulji Univ.) 08:00 Unilateral Hallux Valgus : Doesn t It Progress to Bilateral Valgus Deformity? Young-Uk Park (Eulji Univ., Eulji Medical Center) Ki-Won Young; Kyung-Tai Lee; Jin-Su Kim; Hyuk Jegal 08:06 A Comparison of the Contact Area after Three Different Osteotomies of the First Metatarsal for Hallux Valgus Hyong-Nyun Kim (Hallym Univ., Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital), Yong-Wook Park 08:12 Comparison of the Distal and Proximal Chevron Osteotomies for the Correction of Moderate Hallux Valgus Deformity Chul-Hyun Park (Inje Univ., Seoul Paik Hospital) Ji-Yong Ahn; Jong-Hoon Jang; Woo-Chun Lee 08:18 Small Incision Fifth Metatarsal Shaft Osteotomy Combined with First Metatarsal Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Deformity with Splayed Forefoot Su-Young Bae (Inje Univ., Sanggye Paik Hospital) Hyung-Jin Chung; Byoung-Kwon Min 08:24 Incidence and Outcome of the Avulsion Fracture of the Proximal Phalanx Following the Hallux Valgus Surgery Hyuk Jegal (KT Lee s Orthopedic Hospital) Kyung-Tai Lee; Young-Uk Park; Ki-Won Young; Hun-Ki Cho 08:30 Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy for Hallux Varus Deformity Following Hallux Valgus Surgery Kyung-Jin Choi (KJ Choi s Orthopedic Hospital) Ho-Seung Lee; Young-Rock Choi 08:36-08:46 Discussion 08:46-09:20 PAPER SESSION VI : ANKLE OSTEOARTHRITIS Moderators : Eung-Shick Kang (Yonsei Univ.), Hak-Jun Kim (Korea Univ.) 08:46 Osteoarthritis of the Ankle : Is There a Role for Arthroscopic Treatment? Gi-Won Choi (Yonsei Univ.) Jin-Woo Lee; Woo-Jin Choi; Ji-Youn Kim 8+ 9
6 08:52 Calcaneal Osteotomy is Ineffective for the Correction of Early Stage of Medial Ankle Osteoarthritis Ji-yong Ahn (Inje Univ., Seoul Paik Hospital) Chul-Hyun Park; Jong-Hoon Jang; Woo-Chun Lee 08:58 Osteolysis After Primary Total Ankle Arthroplasty Young-Hoon Park (Chonnam National Univ.) Keun-Bae Lee; Nam-Young Cho; Tae-Min Lee 09:04 Heterotopic Ossification After Total Ankle Arthroplasty Gi-Won Choi (Yonsei Univ.) Wo-Jin Choi; Ji-Youn Kim; Jin-Woo Lee 09:10-09:20 Discussion 09:20-10:35 SYMPOSIUM II : FOREFOOT Moderators : Yong-Wook Park (Hallym Univ.), Jin-Soo Suh (Inje Univ.) 09:20 Scarf Osteotomy Thomas H. Lee (Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center, Ohio, USA) 09:35 Hallux Valgus and Midfoot Reconstruction Yueshuen Wong (Gleneagles Medical Center, Singapore) 09:50 Medial Column Reconstruction in Hallux Valgus Surgery Tze Choong Low (Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 10:05 Combination Joint Preserving Surgery for RA Forefoot Deformities 11:35 Results of Total Ankle Arthroplasty Keun-Bae Lee (Chonnam National Univ., Gwangju, Korea) 11:50-12:05 Discussion 12:05-12:40 PAPER SESSION VII : BASIC SCIENCE 2 Moderators : Gab-Lae Kim (Hanllym Univ.) Jun-Yong Lee (Chosun Univ.) 12:05 Adaptive In Vivo Mechanical Responses of Sub-Metatarsal Pad in Relation to Gait Tae-Yong Lee (Univ. of Singapore) Wen-Ming Chen; Victor P.W Shim 12:11 The Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma from Bone Marrow Aspirate with Added Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 on the Achilles Tendon-Bone Junction in Rabbits Hak-Jun Kim (Korea Univ.) Hyok-Woo Nam; Chang-Yong Hur; Misu Park; Jung-Ho Park 12:17 Topical Embryonic Stem Cells Enhance Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats Nam-Young Cho (Chonnam National Univ.) Keun-Bae Lee; Jin Choi; Seoung-Beom Cho; Ho-Jae Han 12:23 In Situ Recruitment of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Articular Cartilage Regeneration Jin-Woo Lee (Yonsei Univ.) Min-Sung Park; Yun-Hee Kim 12:29-12:40 Discussion 12:40-13:40 LUNCH 10:20-10:35 Discussion Hisateru Niki (St. Marianna Univ. School of Medicine, Kawasaki) 13:40-14:20 PAPER SESSION VIII : ANKLE INSTABILITY & OSTEOCHONDRAL LESION OF THE TALUS Moderators : Duck-Yun Cho (CHA Univ.), Sun-O You (MS Jaegeon Hospital) 10:35-10:50 BREAK / VISIT EXHIBITS 10:50-12:05 SYMPOSIUM III : ANKLE OSTEOARTHRITIS Moderators : Kyoung-Duck Kwak (Dong Kang General Hospital), Jin-Woo Lee (Yonsei Univ.) 10:50 Indication for Supramalleolar Osteotomy of Ankle Osteoarthritis 11:05 Clinical Results of Distal Tibial Oblique Osteotomy 11:20 Total Ankle Arthroplasty : Making an Evidence-Based Decision Woo-Chun Lee (Inje Univ., Seoul Paik Hospital, Seoul, Korea) Tsukasa Teramoto (Nagasaki Yuai Hospital, Nagasaki, Japan) Nelson F Soohoo (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) 13:40 Comparison of the Results of Preoperative Stress Radiography and MRI with the Outcome of Modified Brostrom Operation for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability Bi-O Jeong (Kyunghee Univ.) Duke Whan Chung; Hwan-Jin Kim 13:46 Modified Brostrom Procedure using Suture Bridge Technique for Chronic Ankle Instability in High-Demand Athletes - A Comparison with Bone Tunnel Technique Byung-Ki Cho (Chungbuk National Univ.) Yong-Min Kim; Dong-Soo Kim; Hyun-Chul Shon 13:52 Arthroscopic ATFL repair for Chronic Ankle Instability with Suture Anchor Technique Eung-Soo Kim (Saeum Hospital) Ju-Pyung Kim 13:58 Fibrin Matrix-Mixed Gel-Type Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation for Talus Cartilage Defect Jin-Su Kim (Eulji Univ., Eulji Medical Center) Kyung-Tai Lee; Ki-Won Young
7 14:04 A Posterior 2-Portal Approach for the Treatment of Posteromedial Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus in a Hanging Position Hyong-Nyun Kim (Hanllym Univ., Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital) Hee-Joon Lim, Yong-Wook Park 14:10-14:20 Discussion 14:20-14:40 SPECIAL LECTURE 2 Moderator : Kyoung-Duck Kwak (Dong Kang General Hospital) The Footprints of The Korean Foot and Ankle Society Yong-Wook Park (President of KFAS, Hallym Univ., Seoul, Korea) 14:40-15:55 SYMPOSIUM IV : SPORTS Moderators : Jong-Chul Ahn (Yeungnam Univ.), Jae-Hoon Ahn (The Catholic Univ.) 14:40 Ankle Sprain Bavornrit Chuckpaiwong (Mahidol Univ., Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand) 14:55 Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability Hong-Geun Jung (Konkuk Univ., Seoul, Korea) 17:25-18:00 PAPER SESSION IX : FRACTURE Moderators : Chong-Il Yoo (Pusan National Univ.), Hyung-Jin Chung (Inje Univ.) 17:25 The Evaluation of the Lisfranc Injuries: The Rare Traumatic Injury of Single Surgeon s Experiences Seung-Mok Oh (Korea Univ.) Hak-Jun Kim; Jong-Keon Oh 17:31 Imaging Features of Insufficiency Fracture of the Calcaneus Masahito Hatori (Tohoku Kosai Hospital, Sendai, Japan) 17:37 Comparison of Surgical Outcomes of Ankle Fracture With or Without Internal Fixation of Posterior Malleolar Fragment Yong-Serk Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) Ki-Sun Sung; Sang-Hoon Chae; Joon-Young Lee 17:43 The Evaluation of Posterior Malleolar Fracture in Ankle Fracture Dislocation Jae-Kwang Song (Inje Univ., Ilsan Paik Hospital) Jin-Soo Suh, ViveK Mahajan 17:49-18:00 Discussion 18:00-18:05 CLOSING REMARK 15:10 Sinus Tarsi Syndrome Xiangyang Xu (Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, China) 15:25 Fifth Metatarsal Stress Fracture Kyung-Tai Lee (KT Lee s Orthopedic Hospital, Seoul, Korea) 15:40-15:55 Discussion 15:55-16:10 BREAK / VISIT EXHIBITS 16:10-17:25 SYMPOSIUM V : ARTHROSCOPY Moderators : Woo-Chun Lee (Inje Univ.), Keun-Bae Lee (Chonnam National Univ.) 16:10 Advancement of Foot & Ankle Arthroscopy Yasuhito Tanaka (Nara Medical Univ., Nara, Japan) 16:25 Development of Subtalar Arthros copy Jae-Hoon Ahn (The Catholic Univ., Seoul, Korea) 16:40 Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus Thomas H. Lee (Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center, Ohio, USA) 16:55 Intra-Articular Lesions in Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability Jin-Woo Lee (Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea) 17:10-17:25 Discussion Sunday November 6, 2011 (The Catholic University Institute of Medical Science 2nd Floor Auditorium) 개원의심포지엄 09:00 접수및 Case Q & A Moderators : 성일훈 ( 한양의대 ), 양기원 ( 을지의대 ) 09:20 환영사회장 : 박용욱 ( 한림의대 ) 09:30-10:30 SYMPOSIUM VI : BASICS Moderators : 주인탁 ( 가톨릭정형외과 ), 이근배 ( 전남의대 ) 09:30 족부족관절환자의 Simple Radiography 시꼭확인해야할것은? 정진화 ( 가톨릭의대, 여의도성모병원 ) 09:45 족부영역에서진단시중요한 Ultrasonography 시행방법및다양한시술 송하헌 ( 전주참병원 ) 10:00 족부족관절질환에대한 MRI Interpretation 박현우 ( 단국의대 ) 10:15-30 Discussion
8 10:30-10:50 BREAK / VISIT EXHIBITS 10:50-12:20 SYMPOSIUM VII : HALLUX VALGUS Moderators : 이경태 ( 이경태정형외과 ), 곽희철 ( 인제의대 ) 10:50 Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy 로교정가능한정도는? 이호승 ( 울산의대 ) 11:05 Proximal Osteotomy 수술중 Low Profile Plate 수술의술기및장단점 김학준 ( 고대의대 ) 11:20 Metatarsal Shaft Osteotomy 수술중 Ludloff, Mao 수술의술기및장단점 배서영 ( 인제의대, 상계백병원 ) 11:35 변형이심한무지외반증, 무지강직증, 류마티스에사용하는 이진우 ( 연세의대 ) First MP Joint Arthrodesis 술기및장단점 11:50 Hallux Valgus 수술환자는결과에만족하는가? 성일훈 ( 한양의대 ) 12:05-12:20 Discussion 12:20-13:20 LUNCH 13:20-14:20 SYMPOSIUM VIII : FOREFOOT Moderators : 이상욱 ( 대구가톨릭병원 ), 유선오 (MS재건병원 ) 13:20 다양한 Lessor Toe Deformity Treatment 원칙및교정술의 Technique 최경진 ( 최경진정형외과 ) 14:55-15:45 SYMPOSIUM IX : ARTHROSCOPE OF FOOT AND ANKLE Moderators : 성일훈 ( 한양의대 ), 차승도 ( 관동의대 ) 14:55 Ankle Arthroscopy 시필요한준비기구, 견인방법및 Portal 김응수 ( 서울새움병원 ) 15:10 Diagnostic Ankle Arthroscopy 시꼭확인해야할것은무엇인가? 이준영 ( 조선의대 ) 어떤경우에관절경을하나? 15:25 Ankle Impingement Syndrome 시관절경적치료 성기선 ( 성균관의대 ) 15:35-15:45 Discussion 15:45-16:55 SYMPOSIUM X : TRAUMA & MISCELLANEOUS Moderators : 김현철 ( 서울유나이티드병원 ), 양기원 ( 을지의대 ) 15:45 Painful Accessory Navicular 의수술방법 주인탁 ( 가톨릭정형외과 ) 16:00 내가 Ankle Fracture Surgery 를제대로하고있나? 정비오 ( 경희의대 ) 16:15 Ankle Sprain 을후유증없이치료하기위한치료원칙및 정홍근 ( 건국의대 ) Broström 수술및기타 Anatomical Reconstruction 의 Technique 16:30 Foot Paresthesia 를호소하는환자를어떻게치료해야하나? 정형진 ( 인제의대, 상계백병원 ) 16:45-16:55 Discussion 16:55-17:00 CLOSING REMARK 13:35 Bunionette 을교정하기위한수술수기 안재훈 ( 가톨릭의대, 서울성모병원 ) 13:50 Callus 및 Corn의원인과치료방법 이호승 ( 울산의대 ) 14:00 Ingrowing Toe Nail의수술수기 김갑래 ( 한림의대, 강동성심병원 ) 14:10-14:20 Discussion 14:20-14:55 BREAK & QUESTIONS Forefoot 이경태 ( 이경태정형외과 ), 안재훈 ( 가톨릭의대 ) Hindfoot and Deformity 이근배 ( 전남의대 ), 이호승 ( 울산의대 ) Sports and Trauma 이진우 ( 연세의대 ), 정홍근 ( 건국의대 )
9 등록안내 등록마감 : 2011 년 10 월 30 일 ( 일 ) WELCOME RECEPTION 안내 등록비 : 사전등록 등록 정회원 ( 전문의 ), 전공의, 군의관 비회원 ( 전문의 ) 간호사, 외국인 학술대회 (4 일 +5 일 ) 30,000 원 40,000 원 10,000 원 심포지엄 (6 일 ) 70,000 원 90,000 원 90,000 원 학술대회 (4 일 +5 일 ) + 심포지엄 (6 일 ) 90,000 원 110,000 원 90,000 원 일시 : 2011 년 11 월 4일 ( 금 ), 오후 6시 30분 장소 : JW 메리어트호텔강남 ( 미팅룸 II) 연락처 : Tel 형식 : 전야제 ( 칵테일파티 + 스탠딩부페 ) 옷차림 : 정장또는세미정장 참석비 : 본인 6만원, 부부동반 10만원 입금계좌 : 신한은행 ( ), 대한족부족관절학회 ( 박용욱 ) 현장등록시 10,000 원추가 ( 단, 비회원은학술대회 + 심포지엄은 20,000 원추가 ) 입금계좌 : 신한은행 ( ) 대한족부족관절학회 ( 박용욱 ) 신청서보내실곳 : (hyos@hmc.hanyang.ac.kr) 또는 FAX ( ) 문의처 : 박미자 , 서진수교수 sjs0506@paik.ac.kr
10 오시는길 INVITED INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS Xiangyang Xu CHINA Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Seoul St. Mary's Hospital Main Building CRIMS* (Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science) Cafeteria St. Maria Hall** Yasuhito Tanaka JAPAN Nara Medical University, Nara Tsukasa Teramoto JAPAN Nagasaki Yuai Hospital, Nagasaki Hisateru Niki JAPAN St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki Masahito Hatori JAPAN Tohoku Kosai Hospital, Sendai Tze Choong Low MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Center, Kuala Lumpur Emil Tablante PHILIPPINE St. Luke s Medical Center, Quezon City Yue Shuen Wong SINGAPORE Gleneagles Medical Center and Mount Alvernia Hospital Bavornrit Chuckpaiwong THAILAND Mahidol Univ., Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok * Catholic Research Institutes of Medical Science : 금요일, 일요일행사 ** St. Maria Hall : 토요일행사 오시는길지하철 2, 3, 7, 9 호선이용 - 2호선 : 서초역 (7번출구) - 3호선 : 고속터미널역 ( 가톨릭의과대학방면 / 2, 7번출구 ) - 7호선 : 고속터미널역 ( 가톨릭의과대학방면 / 3, 4번출구 ) - 9호선 : 고속터미널역 ( 가톨릭의과대학방면 / 7호선 3, 4번출구 ) 지하철이용시해당출구로나오시면병원셔틀버스를이용하실수있습니다. Thomas H. Lee USA Orthopedic foot & ankle center, WESTERVILLE, OH Nelson F. Soohoo USA UCLA Orthopedic Center, CA
Suseong gu Council Daegu Metropolitan City www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr Contents SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY 10 www.suseongcouncil.daegu.kr 11 SUSEONG GU COUNCIL DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY
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