슬라이드 1

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1 Product Portfolio Functional & Natural Ingredients 에코텍아이앤씨

2 ( 주 ) 에코텍아이앤씨는 2004년에설립된화장품및홈케어소재전문기업으로입니다. 다양한경험을바탕으로친환경원료의개발및화장품원료를수입, 공급, 유통하면서고객사와함께성장해왔습니다. - Gel nail polish 젤네일폴리쉬 - 파우더에센스 / 틴트 / 크림 - 발효오일 / 발효추출물 - 펄피그먼트, 색소 - 퍼스널케어실리콘 - 천연버터 / 왁스 / 오일 Ecotech inc. was established in We supply a variety of cosmetic raw materials to a large number of customers, and now we are a MANUFACTURER of cosmetics ingredients. Ecotech inc's technical know-how, formulation support, sales people, long-lasting partnerships with its principals, excellent market intelligence, teamwork, and an outstanding service overall are the key factors to its success. Ecotech inc's product range contains UV/LED Gel polish, pigment dispersion, fermented oil and extracts, and Magic powder (unique powder essence). Some of our suppliers are Pearl pigment, Silicone, Natural organic butter/ wax/oil, alternative Lanolin and alternative petroleum-based.

3 발효오일 & 추출물 (FERMENTATION) 발효동백오일 Camellia Japonica Seed Oil Origin : 국내산동백씨 발효마유 Horse Fat Origin : 제주산피부지질막성분인팔미톨레인산 Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) 다량함유 발효비타민나무열매오일 Hippophae Rhamnoides fruit oil 비타민 C 함유량은포도의 265 배, 사과의 176 배, 토마토의 26.5 배, 레몬의 5.8 배 발효아마인오일 Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed) Seed Oil Excellent skin absorption forc and the human body affinity, It is effective in improving anti-inflammatory, anti atopy 발효망고스틴오일 Garcinia Mangstana fruit extract Anti-Micorobial, Anti-inflammation 발효실크오일 Silkworm Chrysalis Oil 아토피, 여드름, 피부트러블, 기미증상, 화상및상처회복의촉진 발효유채씨오일 rapeseed oil 발효달팽이추출물 Snail secretion filtrate Moisturizing 발효말태반추출물 Placenta protein Anti-aging 발효돈태반추출물 Placenta protein Anti-aging 발효홍삼추출물 Red Ginseng extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-wrinkle, Whitening 발효해삼추출물 Sea Cucumber Extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-acne, Atopy 발효비타민나무열매추출물 Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-acne, Atopy 발효망고스틴추출물 Garcinia mangostana fruit extract Anti-Micorobial, Anti-inflammation 발효녹용추출물 Velvet extract Anti-aging 발효죽순추출물 Bambusa Vulgaris Shoot Extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-acne, Atopy 발효산삼배양근추출물 Panax Ginseng Cell Culture Extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-wrinkle, Whitening 발효차가버섯추출물 Inonotus Obliquus (Mushroom) Extract Anti-inflammation, Anti-wrinkle 발효울금추출물 Curcuma longa (Turmeric) root extract Anti-inflammation, Anti-wrinkle 발효동백씨추출물 Camellia japonica seed extract Anti-inflammation, Anti-acne, Atopy 발효황금추출물 Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract Anti-Oxidant, Anti-wrinkle, Whitening - 발효에의한생리활성물질들의저분자화로인첸흡수율증대. 발효추출의장점 - 낮은온도에서유효성분을추출하므로생리활성물질파괴의최소화. - 발효에의한독성물질의제거및잔류용매가존재하지않음.

4 유기농천연버터 (ORGANIC BUTTER) NAT GASCONY PLUM BUTTER PRUNUS DOMESTICA SEED OIL & HYDROGENATED PRUNUS DOMESTICA SEED OIL 자두씨버터천연향이좋음, 퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성, 약간의광택 M.P( C) : NAT PISTACHIO BUTTER PISTACIA VERA SEED OIL & HYDROGENATED PISTACIA VERA SEED OIL 피스타치오버터퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성, 무광효과 M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC APRICOT BUTTER PRUNUS ARMENIACA KERNEL OIL & HYDROGENATED APRICOT KERNEL OIL 살구씨버터무향, 유분감이있음. 유화안정제 M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC ALMOND BUTTER PRUNUS AMYGDALUS DULCIS OIL & HYDROGENATED SWEET ALMOND OIL 아몬드버터냄새없음, 퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성. 벨벳느낌, Silky feel, 유화안정제 M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC ARGAN BUTTER ARGANIA SPINOSA KERNEL OIL & HYDROGENATED ARGANIA SPINOSA KERNEL OIL 아르간버터냄새없음, 퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성드라이하고매트한 Feel, 유화안정제 M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC AVOCADO BUTTER PERSEA GRATISSIMA OIL & HYDROGENATED AVOCADO OIL 아보카도버터미세한향, 퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성소프트하며, Rich Feel M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC OLIVE BUTTER OLEA EUROPAEA FRUIT OIL & HYDROGENATED OLIVE FRUIT OIL 올리브버터냄새없음, 퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성드라이하고매트한 Feel, 유화안정제 M.P( C) : PREMIUM ORGANIC COCONUT BUTTER COCOS NUCIFERA OIL & HYDROGENATED COCONUT OIL 코코넛버터맛있는향, 매우매끄럽고영양가있는느낌을줌. 약간의광체가있고, 보습성이좋음 M.P( C) : 유기농천연오일 (ORGANIC OIL) NAT ORGANIC PLUM OIL PRUNUS DOMESTICA SEED OIL 플럼오일프랑스 Gascony 지방에서재배된자두씨를냉압착한오일유니크한 Marzipan 과일향수딩, 영양, 보습, 부드러움 Excellent feel, 피부에빠르게침투하여 Dry and Silky NAT DEODORIZED WALNUT OIL JUGLANS REGIA SEED OIL 윌넛오일프랑스남서쪽지방에서배재된호두씨사용. 천연의은은한향경피수분손실감소 (TEWL), 실키한실리콘느낌의오일 NAT HAZELNUT T. OIL CORYLUS AVELLANA SEED OIL 헤이즐럿오일프랑스남서쪽지방의헤이즐럿나무의열매사용. 피부에쉽게퍼지고기름진느낌이없는약간의반짝이는필름효과 NAT ORGANIC DEODORIZED BAOBAB OIL ADANSONIA DIGITATA SEED OIL 바오밥오일세네갈유기농바오밥열매사용. 무향, 드라이하고실키한느낌의가벼운오일이며, 약간의필름느낌. NAT ORGANIC DEODORIZED POMEGRANATE OIL PUNICA GRANATUM SEED OIL 석류씨오일냄새없음, 푸크니산 (Punicic acid > 52.0) 의효과로염증을억제하는효과약간의광택이있으며, Rich 하고영양가가높은오일 ORGANIC CHIA OIL SALVIA HISPANICA SEED OIL 치아오일퍼짐성이좋으며빠른흡수성 Anti-inflammatory 소염효과 Antioxidant 항산화보습및 emollient

5 유기농천연왁스 (ORGANIC WAX) NAT SUNFLOWER WAX HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) SEED WAX 썬플라워왁스 - 우수한오일겔링효과 - 오일의윤기를낮춤 - 이수성감소 (Lowers syneresis) 젤안정성을높임 - 강력한왁스결정체를구축하고, 완제품의강도, Stability 향상 - Carnauba and Candelilla waxes 를대체가능. M.P( C) : NAT ORGANIC APRICOT WAX HYDROGENATED APRICOT KERNEL OIL 살구왁스 hydrogenation of the organic apricot seed oil (Prunus armeniaca L.) M.P( C) : NAT ORGANIC ARGAN WAX HYDROGENATED ARGANIA SPINOSA KERNEL OIL 아르간왁스 hydrogenation of the organic argan kernel oil (Argania spinosa L.) M.P( C) : NAT PISTACHIO WAX HYDROGENATED PISTACIA VERA SEED OIL 피스타치오왁스 hydrogenation of the refined pistachio oil (Pista cia vera L.) M.P( C) : 천연스크럽 (SCRUBE) NAT GASCONY PLUM SCRUB 20: < 300µm for the face: 1-5% NAT GASCONY PLUM SCRUB PRUNUS DOMESTICA SEED POWDER NAT GASCONY PLUM SCRUB 40: 300µm - 500µm for the face: 1-5% for the body: 3-10% NAT GASCONY PLUM SCRUB 65: 500µm - 800µm the body: 3-10% We use not hydrogenated vegetable oils. Our butters are solely made with one specific oil. 버터제품은저가의수소첨가식풀성오일을사용하지않고, 하나의특정오일만을가지고생산합니다.

6 천연 / 합성왁스 (WAX) White Beeswax BP Cera Alba CPC ( C) : England Light Yellow Beeswax BP Cera Alba CPC ( C) : England Organic White Beeswax Cera Alba CPC ( C) : England Organic Yellow Beeswax Cera Alba CPC ( C) : England Synthetic White Beeswax Synthetic beeswax 비즈왁스와합성왁스 CPC ( C) : England Substitute Beeswax Synthetic beeswax 비즈왁스를포함하지않는합성왁스 CPC ( C) : England Beeswax Vegan Substitute Synthetic beeswax 비즈왁스를포함하지않는합성왁스정제비즈왁스대치품 CPC ( C) : England Prime Yellow Carnauba Copernicia Cerifera CPC ( C) : England Organic Carnauba Wax Copernicia Cerifera CPC ( C) : England Carnauba Wax Substitute Refined Carnauba Wax Copernicia Cerifera CPC ( C) : England Copernicia Cerifera CPC ( C) : England Candelilla Euphorhia Cerifera CPC ( C) : England Ceresin Wax Ceresin CPC ( C) : penetration value CPC ( C) : penetration value England Ozokerite Wax Microcrystalline Wax & Paraffin CPC ( C) : penetration value CPC ( C) : penetration value CPC ( C) : penetration value England Rice Bran Wax Oryza Sativa CPC ( C) : England Sunflower Wax Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Cera CPC ( C) : England Shellac Wax Shellac Wax CPC ( C) : England Japan Wax Sub Synthetic Japan Wax CPC ( C) : England Sumac Wax Rhus Succedanea Fruit Wax CPC ( C) : England Castor Wax Hydrogenated Castor Oil CPC ( C) : England Rapeseed Wax Hydrogenated Rapeseed Oil CPC ( C) : England Soy Wax Hydrogenated Soybean Oil CPC ( C) : England Coconut Wax Hydrogenated Coconut Oil CPC ( C) : England

7 천연기능성원료 (FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENTS) WNC-Lipo-HF Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil* & He lianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Wax & Hydr ated Silica & Tocopherol. Vaseline 대체제품 ( 천연 ) 사용감개선, 완제품이유기농인증가능 Belgium WNC-Lipo-HB Butyrospermum Parkii Butter (Shea Butter) & Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil* & Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Cera & Opuntia Ficus-Indica Seed Oil* & Dipentaerythrityl Hexa C5-9 Acid Esters & C etyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Olivate & Sorbitan Palmitate & Tocopheryl Acetate. 바디, 립밤제품에추천보검선인장씨오일 (Opuntia Ficus-Indica Seed Oil) 함유천연제품가능, 완제품이유기농인증가능배합, 제품개발시간단축 Belgium WNC-Lipo-HBE Glyceryl Oleate & Hydroxystearic/Linolenic/Ole ic Polyglycerides & Ricinus Communis Seed Oi l* & Cocos Nucifera Oil* & Tocopherol. Lanolin 대체제품 ( 천연 ) 완제품이유기농인증가능 Belgium WNC-Hydro-FF Opuntia Ficus-Indica Stem Extract, Aqua, Pentylene Glycol. 천연 firming agents. Belgium WNC-Powder-RE Oryza Sativa (Rice) Starch*, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch*, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Flour*, Hydrated Silica. 천연파우더증점제, 부드러움과크림의 texture 향상, 완제품이유기농인증가능 Belgium Natural Hydrophilic Firming Active IN VIVO TESTING Test description - 40 volunteers with signs of skin sagging (aged between 35-68) - 5% WNC-Hydro-FF in base cream versus placebo base cream was applied EFFICACY - The results show high consistent results with dermatological evaluation, using clinical objectified method with the participation of experts (dermatologists, cosmetologists) - Skin firmness showed sharp increase by 37% after 28 days with 5% WNC-Hydro-FF cream - Skin softness improved by 48% after 28 days with 5% WNC-Hydro-FF cream

8 실리콘 (SILICONES) BRB CM 50 Cyclopentasloxane D5 순도 99% 이상 Netherlands BRB CM 60 Cyclohexasiloxane Netherlands BRB CM 56 Cyclopentasiloxane and Cclohexasiloxane D5 : D6 = 7 : 3 Netherlands BRB DM 0.65 Disiloxane -고휘발성. 용제성 Netherlands BRB DM 1 Trisiloxane Netherlands BRB DM 1.5 Dimethicone - 디메치콘고휘발성 Netherlands BRB DM 2 Dimethicone Netherlands BRB DM 55 Dimethicone (D5 alternative) - D5 휘발성대치품 Netherlands BRB DM 66 Dimethicone (D5/D6 alternative) - D5/D6 휘발성대치품 Netherlands BRB DM 5 Dimethicone Netherlands BRB DM 6 Dimethicone -저점도저자극성의사용성이우수 Netherlands BRB DM 10 Dimethicone Netherlands BRB DM 20 Dimethicone Netherlands BRB DM 100 Dimethicone -소포기능. Netherlands BRB PTM 20 Phenyltrimethicone - 광택성, 이형성, 상용성우수 Netherlands BRB 1855 Cyclopentasiloxane & Dimethiconol Viscosity : 6,000 Netherlands BRB 1018 Dimethiconol & TEA dodecylbenzenesulfonate Anionic Netherlands BRB 1282S Amodimethicone & Trideceth-12 & Cetrmonium Chloride Cationic Netherlands BRB 5446 Silicone Quaternim-17 & Trideceth-7 & Trideceth-5 Non-ionic Netherlands BRB 9719 Dimethicone & Laureth-4 & Laureth-23 & Salicylic acid Non-ionic Netherlands BRB SG 106 Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Creosspolymer - Silicone Gel - 용매 : D5 Netherlands BRB SG 506 Dimethicone (and) Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Creosspolymer - Silicone Gel - 용매 : Dimethicone 6cs Netherlands BRB 6373 Cyclopentasiloxane &PEG/PPG18/18 Dimethicone Netherlands BRB 523 PEG/PPG-18/18 Dimethicone HLB : 8 Netherlands BRB 526 PEG-12 Dimethicone HLB : 13 Netherlands BRB 6341 PEG-10 Dimethicone HLB : 4.5 Netherlands BRB 423 Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone HLB : 5 Netherlands TMS 30D Dimethicone and Trimethylsiloxysilicate Film Former Netherlands TMS 50C Trimethylsiloxysilicate and Cyclopentasiloxane Film Former Netherlands TMS Trimethylsiloxysilicate Film Former (100% resin) Netherlands Caprylyl Methicone Caprylyl Methicone Netherlands

9 에스터오일 (ESTERS OIL) Item Specifications Product INCI Name Appearance Color (APHA) A.V S.V S.G Country CEH Cetyl Ethylhexanoate Clear Liquid 20max 1max 150± ±0.01 CP Cetyl Palmitate flake 50max 1max 120± ±0.01 DGIS Polyglyceryl-2 Triisostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 3max 170± ±0.01 DISM Diisostearyl Malate L.Yellow Liquid 70max 1max 170± ±0.01 DOS Diethylhexyl Sebacate L.Yellow Liquid 60max 0.1max 260± ±0.01 GDIS Glyceryl Diisostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 3max 175± ±0.01 GTC Caprylic/Capric acid Triglyceride L.Yellow Liquid 50max 0.1max 340± ±0.01 GTE Triethylhexanoin L.Yellow Liquid 40max 1max 350± ±0.01 GITS Triisostearin L.Yellow Liquid 200max 2max 180± ±0.01 ININ Isononyl Isononanoate Clear Liquid 20max 1max 190± ±0.01 IOIN Ethylhexyl Isononanoate Clear Liquid 25max 1max 200± ±0.01 IOP Ethylhexyl Palmitate Clear Liquid 25max 0.5max 150± ±0.01 IOS Ethylhexyl Stearate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 0.5max 147± ±0.05 ISP Isostearyl Palmitate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 3max 110± ±0.01 ISIS Isostearyl Isostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 2max 100± ±0.01 NDC Neopentyl Glycol Dicaprate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 1max 270± ±0.01 NDEH Neopentyl Glycol Diethylhexanoate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 1max 310± ±0.01 NDIS Neopentyl Glycol Diisostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 3max 150± ±0.01 ODIS Octyldodecyl Isostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 3max 100± ±0.01 ODM Octyldodecyl Myristate L.Yellow Liquid 30max 1max 105± ±0.05 ODS Octyldodecyl Stearate L.Yellow Liquid 30max 3max 100± ±0.01 PEH Pentaerythrityl Tetraethylhexanoate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 1max 350± ±0.01 PIS Pentaerythrityl Tetraisostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 1max 190± ±0.01 TDIN Isotridecyl Isononanoate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 1max 155± ±0.01 TDL Isotridecyl Laurate L.Yellow Liquid 50max 1max 147± ±0.01 TDTM Tridecyl Trimellitate L.Yellow Liquid 60max 0.5max 224± ±0.01 TTIS Trimethylolpropane Triisostearate L.Yellow Liquid 200max 2max 310± ±0.01

10 천연마이카펄안료 (NATURALMICA PEARLPIGMENTS) No Brand Name Code Size ( μm ) 1 Helios Super White EN o o Mica TiO 2 SnO 2 Fe 2O 3 Carmine Ferric Ferrocyanide The Other Ingredients 2 Super White DE EN 100 DE o o Dimethicone 3 Sparkle White ENS o o 4 Sparkle White DE ENS 100 DE o o Dimethicone 5 Fine White ENT o o 6 Fine White DE ENT 100 DE 5-25 o o Dimethicone 7 Lucid Gold EL o o o 8 Lucid Gold DE EL 100DE o o o Dimethicone 9 Lucid Red EL o o o 10 Lucid Red DE EL 200 DE o o o Dimethicone 11 Lucid Violet EL o o o 12 Lucid Violet DE EL 300 DE o o o Dimethicone 13 Lucid Blue EL o o o 14 Lucid Blue DE EL 400DE o o o Dimethicone 15 Lucid Green EL o o o 16 Lucid Green DE EL 500 DE o o o Dimethicone 17 Helios Silver ES o o Ti/TiO 2 18 Rich Silver ES o o Ti/TiO 2 19 Pure Yellow EP o o o Yellow #5 lake 20 Pure Scarlet EP o o o Red #40 lake 21 Pure Pink EP o o o Red #27 lake 22 Pure Vermilion EP o o o Yellow #6 lake 23 Pure Violet EP o o o Red #7 lake 24 Helios Yellow Red ER o o o o 25 Prima Red ER o o o o 26 Violet Red ER o o o o 27 Blue Red ER o o o o 28 Green Red ER o o o o 29 Silk Red ER o o o o o 30 Wine Red ER o o o o o 31 Helios Skin Sienna EO o o o o 32 Prima Bronze EO o o 33 Prima Copper EO o o 34 Prima Russet EO o o 35 Coral Pink EO o o o o o 36 Prima Orange EO o o o o o 37 Dark Copper EO o o Ti/TiO 2 38 Helios Prima Gold EY o o o o 39 Sand Gold EY o o o o 40 Silk Gold EY o o o o o 41 Peach Gold EY o o o o o 42 Classic Gold EY o o o o o o 43 Dark Lucid Gold EY o o o Ti/TiO 2 44 Dark Bronze EY o o Ti/TiO 2 45 Helios Aqua Marine EG o o o o 46 Prima Green EG o o o o o 47 Deep Green EG o o o o o 48 Olive Green EG o o o o o 49 Silk Green EG o o o o o 50 Classic Green EG o o o o o o 51 Helios Berry Blue EB o o o o o 52 Reddish Blue EB o o o o 53 Violet Blue EB o o o o 54 Prima Blue EB o o o o 55 Deep Blue EB o o o o 56 Cosmica Blue EB Cosmica Blue 57 Sky Blue EB o o o o 58 Classic Blue EB o o o o o o 59 Helios Prima Violet EV o o o o o 60 Deep Violet EV o o o o o 61 Pansy Violet EV o o o o o 62 Silk Violet EV o o o o o 63 Silk Purple EV o o o o o 64 Classic Purple EV o o o o o o 65 Classic Violet EV o o o o o o 66 Deep Orange EC o o Cosmica Orange

11 글라스펄안료 (BOROSILICATE PEARL PIGMENTS) No Brand Name Code Size ( μm ) Calcium Aluminium Borosilicate 1 Tiara Sparkle Super White TN o o 2 Sparkle Lucid Gold TL o o 3 Sparkle Lucid Red TL o o 4 Sparkle Lucid Violet TL o o 5 Sparkle Lucid Blue TL o o 6 Sparkle Lucid Green TL o o TiO 2 Fe 2O 3 Carmine Ferric Ferrocyanide The Other Ingredients 7 Sparkle Silver TS o o Ti/TiO 2 Tiara 8 Sparkle Rich Silver TS o o Ti/TiO 2 9 Sparkle Pure Yellow TP o o Yellow #5 lake 10 Sparkle Pure Scarlet TP o o Red #40 lake 11 Sparkle Pure Pink TP o o Red #27 lake 12 Sparkle Pure Vermilion TP o o Yellow #6 lake 13 Sparkle Yellow Red TR o o o 14 Sparkle Prima Red TR o o o 15 Tiara Sparkle Violet Red TR o o o 16 Sparkle Blue Red TR o o o 17 Sparkle Green Red TR o o o 18 Sparkle Aqua Marine TG o o o Tiara 19 Sparkle Prima Green TG o o o o 20 Sparkle Reddish Blue TB o o o 21 Sparkle Violet Blue TB o o o 22 Sparkle Prima Blue TB o o o Tiara 23 Sparkle Deep Blue TB o o o 24 Sparkle Sky Blue TB o o o 25 Sparkle Sky Deep Blue TB o o o 26 Tiara Sparkle Prima Violet TV o o o o No Brand Name Code Size ( μm ) Calcium Aluminium Borosilicate 1 Tiara Glitter Super White TNG o o 2 Glitter Lucid Gold TLG o o 3 Glitter Lucid Red TLG o o 4 Glitter Lucid Violet TLG o o 5 Glitter Lucid Blue TLG o o 6 Glitter Lucid Green TLG o o TiO 2 Fe 2O 3 Carmine Ferric Ferrocyanide The Other Ingredients 7 Glitter Silver TSG o o Ti/TiO 2 Tiara 8 Glitter Rich Silver TSG o o Ti/TiO 2 9 Glitter Pure Yellow TPG o o Yellow #5 lake 10 Glitter Pure Scarlet TPG o o Red #40 lake 11 Glitter Pure Pink TPG o o Red #27 lake 12 Glitter Pure Vermilion TPG o o Yellow #6 lake 13 Glitter Yellow Red TRG o o o 14 Glitter Prima Red TRG o o o 15 Tiara Glitter Violet Red TRG o o o 16 Glitter Blue Red TRG o o o 17 Glitter Green Red TRG o o o 18 Glitter Aqua Marine TGG o o o Tiara 19 Glitter Prima Green TGG o o o o 20 Glitter Reddish Blue TBG o o o 21 Glitter Violet Blue TBG o o o 22 Glitter Prima Blue TBG o o o Tiara 23 Glitter Deep Blue TBG o o o 24 Glitter Sky Blue TBG o o o 25 Glitter Sky Deep Blue TBG o o o 26 Tiara Glitter Prima Violet TVG o o o o

12 표면처리체질안료 (PIGMENTS SURFACE TREATMENT) Product Name Coating Agents Hydro phobic Hygro scopic Emolliant Softness Binding Ablility Skin Affinity Talc DE NF Dimethicone 2% Talc DE A Dimethicone 3% Talc EM A Methicone 1.5% Mineral oil 1.5% Talc TE M Triethoxycaprylylsilane 3% Talc ME A Methicone 3% Talc LL Lauroyl lysine 3% Talc SE N Dimethiconol stearate 2% Talc SE M Dimethiconol stearate 3% Talc SE A Dimethiconol stearate 2% Talc WB Bees wax 5% Talc HL A Hydrogenated lecithin 1.5% Sericite SE Dimethiconol stearate 3% Sericite LL Lauroyl lysine 3% Sericite TE Triethoxycapryltlsilane 3% Sericite WB Bees wax 5% Sericite HL M Hydrogenated lecithin 1.5% Sericite JE H8 Dimethicone 2% Jojoba Ester Mica DE Dimethicone 3% Mica LL Lauroyl lysine 3% Mica SE Dimethiconol stearate 3% Mica HL M Hydrogenated lecithin 1.5% Titan TE Triethoxycapryltlsilane 3% Titan DE T Dimethicone 3% Titan DE S Dimethicone 3% Zinc DE Dimethicone 3% Zinc ME I Methicone 3% Iron-y HK M Hydrogenated Lecithin 1.5% Iron-R HK M Hydrogenated Lecithin 1.5% Iron-S HK M Hydrogenated Lecithin 1.5%

13 효모에센스 (YEAST ESSENCE) Ferment Essence FG01 Galactomyces fermentation filtrate & Water - 갈락토미세스발효여과물 China Yeast Essence E100 Saccharomyces ferment filtrate & Water - 사카로미세스발효여과물 China Ferment Essence FC01 Saccharomyces/rice ferment filtrate & water - 사카로미세스쌀발효여과물 China Yeast Essence Z20 Saccharomyces/Zinc ferment & water - 사카로미세스징크발효여과물 China Yeast Essence C90 Sodium carboxymethyl beta-glucan & water - 베타글루칸 1% China Yeast Essence N80 Adenosine & guanosine & thymidine & uridine water - Anti-inflammation, Anti-wrinkle China Yeast Essence G3 Saccharomyces Lysate Extract & water - Anti-inflammation, Anti-wrinkle, Whitening China 미백주름기능성 (WHITENING, ANTI-WRINKLE) Tranexamic Acid Tranexamic Acid - 기미, 미백 China Niacinamide Niacinamide - 미백기능성 India Adenosine Adenosine - 주름기능성 China MAP Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate - 비타민C 유도체 China D.P.G Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate HPLC75%/UV98% Antiinflammatory and Anti-allergy China Glabridin Glabridin 40% (Reddish Brown) China 40% (White Powder) China 90% China 98% China Glycyrrhizic acid 98% Glycyrrhizic acid Antiinflammatory China Phloretin 98% Phloretin Skin whitening China Portulaca Oleracea Extract Portulaca Oleracea Extract Acne treatment, Anti-allergy China Totarol 1% Totarol Acne treatment and antibacterial China

14 보습제 / 방부제 (Emulsifier/Preservative) PG Propylene Glycol ㆍ Emollient, Emulsifier Dow DPG DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL ㆍ Emollient, Emulsifier Dow InnoDiol 5 Pentylene Glycol ㆍ Good Emollient and Humectant InnoDiol 6 1,2-HEXANEDIOL ㆍ Preservative Free Ingredient InnoDiol 8 Caprylyl Glycol ㆍ Paraben Free and Phenoxyethanol Free 1,3 BG 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL ㆍ Emollient, Emulsifier Propanediol 1,3-PROPANEDIOL ㆍ Good Emollient and Humectant MPO METHYL PROPANEDIOL ㆍ Perfect Replacement to 1,3-BG Hydroxyacetophenone 4'-Hydroxyacetophenone ㆍ Excellent Antimicrobial EHG Ethylhexylglycerin ㆍ Excellent Emollient and Antimicrobial Ingredient Chlorphenesin Chlorphenesin ㆍ Preservative India Caprylhydroxamic Acid Caprylhydroxamic Acid ㆍ Preservative China DHA Dihydroxyacetone ㆍ셀프테닝 China Erythrulose Erythrulose ㆍ셀프테닝 China AC-VBE Vanillyl Butyl Ether ㆍ Warming Agent ㆍ clear light yellow liquid, Dosage: % China AC-ML Menthyl Lactate ㆍ Cooling Agent and fragrance component for cosmetics. Dosage: % China 안료분산물 (PIGMENTS DISPERSION) Ecosun Z50W Zinc Oxide & Water & Glycerin & Butylene Glycol & Polysorbate-60 & Oleth- 10 & Triethoxycaprylylsilane & 1,2 Hexandiol Dispersion of ZnO for SPF ㆍ ZnO : 47% 징크옥사이드수분산 Ecosun-T40W Titanium Dioxide & Water & Glycerin & Butylene Glycol & Polysorbate-60 & Oleth- 10 & Stearic acid & 1,2 Hexandiol Dispersion of Tio2 for SPF ㆍ Tio2 : 33% 티타늄디옥사이드수분산 Ecolor-CB25W Black2 & Water & Glycerin & Butylene Glycol & Polysorbate-60 & Oleth-10 & 1,2 Hexandiol Dispersion of Carbon Balck for Eyeliner ㆍ Carbon Balck : 25% 카본블랙수분산 Ecolor-CB20D Black2 & Dimethicone & Dipropylene glycol& Polydydroxystearic acid & Oleth- 10 Dispersion of Carbon Balck for Eyeliner ㆍ Carbon Balck : 20% 카본블랙실리콘분산 ( 고휘발디메치콘 )

15 UV 젤네일베이스원료 (UV GELPOLISH MATERIAL) INCI Name Function Characteristics Country ECOGEL 100 series Base gel No need to buffer or file nature nail before use, keep super strong. ECOGEL 200 series Color gel Glliter gel No shrinkage, No wrinkles, No bubbles ECOGEL 300 series Top gel Top gel (Non wipe) No yellowish after 3weeks, Brilliant shine, Scratch Protect ECOGEL 400 series One step gel All in one gel No base coat, No primer, No top coat needed ECOGEL 500 series Sculpture Gel Functinal Gel Sculture gel may be used on nature nails or tips!. Odorless and harmless to health Long lasting gel with a high shine up to days Easy to Soak off in any kind of gel remover or acetone minutes Package : 20KG/190KG 매직파우더 (MAGIC POWDER) INCI Name Function Characteristics Country Powder Essence Essence 외관은파우더상이며, 압력을가하면액상의에센스제형 Powder Cream Powder Tint Cream Tint 외관은파우더상이며, 압력을가하면에멀전의크림제형 외관은칼라파우더이며, 압력을가하면피부에착색되는틴트제형 Powder Eye Shadow Eye Shadow 외관은칼라파우더이며, 압력을가하면피부에펄안료가발리는새도우 ㆍ고객요청에따라원하는컵셉에제품가능 ( 예 : 갈락토미세스매직파우더에센스 ) ㆍ매직파우더비타민 C 에센스ㆍ갈락토미세스매직파우더에센스ㆍ매직파우더새도우ㆍ매직파우더파운데이션

16 Ecotech Inc. Tel : Fax : ecotech12@gmail.com Web : Ssangyong 3cha # , 397 Seokcheon-ro, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 경기도부천시오정구석천로 397, 202동 1105호 ( 부천테크노파크쌍용3차 )

슬라이드 1

슬라이드 1 Product Portfolio Functional & Natural Ingredients 에코텍아이앤씨 Ver. 2.0 ( 주 ) 에코텍아이앤씨 ECOTECH INC. Ecotech inc. was established in 2004. We supply a variety of cosmetic raw materials to a large number of customers,

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