DER W 36V 280mA A19 Buck Non-Iso LLO Dim LNK460KG

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1 제목사양애플리케이션작성자문서번호 디자인예제보고서 10W 역률보정 TRIAC 디머블비절연벅 A19 램프교체 LED 드라이버 (LinkSwitch TM -PL LNK460KG 사용 ) 90VAC 132VAC 입력, 30V - 36V, 280mA 출력 A19 램프대체용 LED 드라이버 애플리케이션엔지니어링부서 DER-328 날짜 개정 1.0 요약및기능 일체형 (single-stage) 역률보정 (PFC) 및정확한정전류 (CC) 출력 저가형, 적은부품수및소형 PCB 풋프린트솔루션 높은에너지효율, 120VAC 입력에서 >85 % 빠른스타트업시간 (<150ms) - 인지되는지연시간없음 내장된보호및신뢰성기능 무부하보호 / 하드단락보호 큰히스테리시스 (Hysteresis) 를갖고있는오토리커버리써멀셧다운기능으로부품과 PCB 모두보호 라인브라운아웃 / 브라운인상태에서손상없음 120VAC에서 PF >0.95 %ATHD <20%(120VAC) IEC 2.5kV 링웨이브, 500V 디퍼렌셜라인서지및 EN55015 전도성 EMI 충족 특허정보여기에설명한제품및애플리케이션 ( 제품의외장트랜스포머구성및회로포함 ) 은하나이상의미국및해외특허의대상이되거나파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 에서출원중인미국및해외특허신청의대상이될수있습니다. Power Integrations 의전체특허목록은 에서확인할수있습니다.Power Integrations 는고객에게 에명시된특정특허권에따라라이센스를부여합니다. Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA USA.

2 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 내용 1 소개 파워서플라이사양 회로도 회로설명 입력단 LinkSwitch-PL 디바이스를사용한벅토폴로지 출력전류피드백 부하차단보호기능 과부하및단락보호 패시브 RRCD 블리더및댐퍼 라인서지보호 PCB 레이아웃및외형 소자가장착된 PCB BOM 인덕터사양 전기적구성도 전기적사양 재료 인덕터제작구성도 인덕터구성 인덕터디자인스프레드시트 성능데이터 액티브모드효율 라인레귤레이션 역률 THD(%) 고조파성분 디밍특성 디머호환성 써멀성능 써멀스캔 파형 드레인전압및전류, 정상동작 드레인전압및전류스타트업프로파일 출력전압스타트업프로파일 입력및출력전압과전류프로파일 드레인전압및전류프로파일 : 출력단락동작실행 드레인전압및전류프로파일 : 스타트업시출력단락 부하차단동작 Power Integrations, Inc. Page 2 of 34

3 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 11.8 디밍샘플파형 라인서지파형 링서지 전도성 EMI 사용장비 EMI 테스트설정 EMI 테스트결과 개정내역 중요사항 : 이보드는비절연 LED 드라이버기준을충족하도록설계되었지만엔지니어링프로토타입은안전기관의승인을받지않았습니다. 따라서 AC 입력을프로토타입보드에제공하도록절연트랜스포머를사용하여모든테스트를수행해야합니다. Page 3 of 34 Power Integrations

4 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 1 소개 이문서는 LinkSwitch-PL 디바이스제품군의 LNK460KG 를사용하는비절연 LED 드라이버 ( 파워서플라이 ) 에대해설명하는엔지니어링보고서입니다. DER-328 는단일 10W 디머블정전류출력을제공합니다. 설계의주요목표는크기를줄이고효율을높이는것이었습니다. 결과적으로드라이버가 A19 크기의램프에부합할뿐아니라생산설계와최대한비슷하게구성할수있게되었습니다. Figure 1 PCB Assembly (54.5 mm x 16 mm). 보드는 90VAC~132VAC 의 AC 입력전압범위 (60Hz) 에서미국리딩엣지 TRIAC 디머와함께작동하도록최적화되었습니다. LinkSwitch-PL IC 기반디자인은고역률을제공합니다 (>0.95). 보드폼팩터는표준 A19 LED 교체램프에대한규제사항에부합하는것으로선택하였습니다. 출력단은비절연상태이기때문에서플라이출력단및 LED 부하를절연시키기위한인클로저기구설계가필요합니다. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 4 of 34

5 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 이문서에는파워서플라이사양, 회로도, 부품목록 (BOM), 트랜스포머규격서, 인쇄회로기판레이아웃, 설계스프레드시트및성능데이터가들어있습니다. Page 5 of 34 Power Integrations

6 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 2 파워서플라이사양 아래표는설계의최소허용성능을나타냅니다. 실제성능은결과섹션에나열되어있습니다. 설명기호최소일반최대단위설명 입력 전압 V IN VAC 2 선식 P.E. 없음 주파수 f LINE Hz 출력출력전압 V OUT V 출력전류 I OUT 280 ma 115VAC 에서 +7%/- 5% 총출력전력 연속출력전력 P OUT 10 W 효율 정격 85 % P OUT 25 o C, 115VAC 에서측정 환경 전도성 EMI CISPR22B/EN55015 충족 링웨이브 (100kHz)(7 strikes) 디퍼렌셜모드 (L1-L2) 2.5 kv 2 단락회로직렬임피던스 역률 VAC ATHD 15 % 115VAC 고조파전류 EN 클래스 D 클래스 D 제한 (P IN <25W 제한 ) Power Integrations, Inc. Page 6 of 34

7 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 2.1 회로도 Figure 2 Schematic for 36 V / 280 ma Replacement Lamp. Page 7 of 34 Power Integrations

8 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 3 회로설명 LinkSwitch-PL(U1) 제품군은 LED 드라이버애플리케이션에사용하도록설계된고집적파워 IC 입니다. LinkSwitch-PL 은일체형 (single-stage) 토폴로지에서고역률출력전류레귤레이션을제공합니다. 이기능을제어하는모든컨트롤회로와고전압파워 MOSFET 이본 IC 에통합되어있습니다. 3.1 입력단 퓨즈 FR1 은부품불량발생시보호기능을제공합니다. 디퍼렌셜라인서지중에는최대입력전압이 RV1 에의해클램핑됩니다. AC 입력은 U1 에흐르는스위칭전류에대한디커플링을제공하는 C6 과 BR1 에의해정류된전파입니다. 커패시터 C4, C11 과디퍼렌셜초크 L1 및 L3 은 EMI 필터를구성합니다. 높은역률을유지하기위해필터커패시턴스가제한됩니다. 입력다중 L 필터네트워크와 LinkSwitch- PL 의주파수지터링기능을통해클래스 B 노이즈규정을준수할수있습니다. 저항 R4 및 R9 는필요시 EMI 필터의공진점을댐핑하고시스템 ( 드라이버 + 인클로저 ) 에서측정할경우 EMI 스펙트럼에서피크를방지합니다. 3.2 LinkSwitch-PL 디바이스를사용한벅토폴로지 벅파워트레인은 U1( 파워스위치 + 컨트롤 ), D3( 프리휠링다이오드 ), C5 및 C9( 출력커패시터 ), T1( 인덕터 ) 로구성되어있습니다. 다이오드 D2 는스위치오프타임중 U1 의전압이그라운드아래에서링잉되는경우전위전류가역류하지않도록이를차단합니다. 바이패스커패시터 C1 은 U1 에전압을공급하고처음에는스타트업시 IC 의내부공급원을통해충전됩니다. C1 은효율을높이는데는물론딥디밍작동을수행하는데에도중요한역할을하며, 정류기 D1 및 D5 와평활커패시터 C10 을통해충전된상태로유지됩니다. 다이오드 D4 는스타트업시 C10 이로드되지않도록하는데사용되며 R1 은 BYPASS(BP) 핀으로흘러들어가는전류를제한합니다. 3.3 출력전류피드백 출력전류는저항 R6/R7 을통해간접적으로센싱되며센싱저항전체에나타나는신호는실제로스위치오프타임에발생하는인덕터전류입니다. 이전류는정상동작시평균 FEEDBACK(FB) 핀전압 290mV 를얻도록로우패스필터 (R3 및 C2) 를통해필터링됩니다. 바이패스커패시터 C3 은 R6/R7 에서전력소모를줄여효율을높이는데사용됩니다. 3.4 부하차단보호기능 드라이버는무부하동작시 VR1 을통해보호됩니다. 제너다이오드 VR1 은출력전압이 VR1 의애벌란치기준값을초과할경우단락됩니다. 이를통해 U1 이오토 - 리스타트 Power Integrations, Inc. Page 8 of 34

9 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 모드로전환되며입력에서전력을과도하게끌어오지않게됩니다. 또한부하가차단될경우이러한동작을통해회로가보호됩니다. 3.5 과부하및단락보호 LinkSwitch-PL U1 은통합된전류제한보호기능을통해과부하와회로단락으로부터보호합니다. 단락이발생하면 1 차측전류가전류한도에도달하여 IC 가오토 - 리스타트모드로강제로전환될때까지축적됩니다. 3.6 패시브 RRCD 블리더및댐퍼 저항 R10, R11 및 C11 은블리더네트워크를형성하는데, 블리더네트워크는특히딥디밍시 (TRIAC 도통각이작을때 ) TRIAC 래칭및유지전류요구사항을충족할만큼초기입력전류를충분히높게유지하는역할을합니다. FR1 및 FR2 의총네트워크저항은댐핑동작을통해 TRIAC 가 ON 상태가될때마다입력전류를네거티브링잉으로부터보호합니다. 3.7 라인서지보호 MOV RV1 은서지이벤트발생시 IC 파워 MOSFET 의최대드레인전압보다낮게입력전압을클램핑합니다. Page 9 of 34 Power Integrations

10 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 4 PCB 레이아웃및외형 Figure 3 Top and Bottom Printed Circuit Layout. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 10 of 34

11 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 5 소자가장착된 PCB Figure 4 Populated Circuit Board (Top Side). Figure 5 Populated Circuit Board (Bottom Side). Page 11 of 34 Power Integrations

12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 6 BOM Item Qty Ref Des Description Mfg Part Number Mfg 1 1 BR1 600 V, 0.5 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, MBS-1, 4-SOIC MB6S-TP Micro Commercial 2 1 C1 10 F, 16 V, Ceramic, X5R, 0805 GRM21BR61C106KE15L Murata 3 1 C2 1 F, 25 V, Ceramic, X5R, 0805 C2012X5R1E105K TDK 4 1 C3 4.7 F, 10 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 C0805C475K8PACTU Kemet 5 1 C4 100 nf, 400 V, Film ECQ-E4104KF Panasonic 6 1 C5 220 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 42 m, (10 x 16) EKZE500ELL221MJ16S Nippon Chemi-Con 7 1 C6 68 nf, 400 V, Film ECQ-E4683KF Panasonic 8 1 C9 100 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Gen. Purpose, (8 x 11.5) KME50VB101M6X11LL Nippon Chemi-Con 9 1 C F, 50 V, Ceramic, Y5V, 1206 GRM31MF51H225ZA01L Murata 10 1 C nf, 250 V, Film ECQ-E2224KF Panasonic 11 1 D1 250 V, 0.2 A, Fast Switching, 50 ns, SOD-323 BAV21WS-7-F Diodes, Inc D2 60 V, 1 A, DIODE SCHOTTKY, PWRDI 123 DFLS160-7 Diodes, Inc D3 600 V, 3 A, SMC, DO-214AB STTH3R06S ST Micro 14 1 D4 250 V, 0.2 A, Fast Switching, 50 ns, SOD-323 BAV21WS-7-F Diodes, Inc D5 250 V, 0.2 A, Fast Switching, 50 ns, SOD-323 BAV21WS-7-F Diodes, Inc FR1 10, 5%, 1 W, Metal Film, Fusible NFR JR500 Vishay 17 1 FR2 30, 5%, 1 W, Metal Oxide RSF100JB-30R Yageo 18 1 L2 1 mh, 0.23 A, Ferrite Core CTSCH875DF-102K CT Parts 19 1 L3 1 mh, 0.23 A, Ferrite Core CTSCH875DF-102K CT Parts 20 1 R1 6.2 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ622V Panasonic 21 1 R3 3.3 k, 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ332V Panasonic 22 1 R4 100 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ104V Panasonic 23 1 R6 1.6, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 RC1206FR-071R6L Yago 24 1 R7 15, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF15R0V Panasonic 25 1 R8 470 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ474V Panasonic 26 1 R9 47 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ473V Panasonic 27 1 R10 1 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ102V Panasonic 28 1 R11 1 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ102V Panasonic 29 1 R12 10 R, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ100V Panasonic 30 1 RV1 275 V, 23 J, 7 mm, RADIAL V275LA4P Littlefuse 31 1 T1 Bobbin, RM6, Vertical, 6 pins B65808-N1006-D1 Epcos 32 1 TP1 Test Point, BLK, Miniature THRU-HOLE MOUNT 5001 Keystone 33 1 TP2 Test Point, BLK, Miniature THRU-HOLE MOUNT 5001 Keystone 34 1 TP3 Test Point, BLK, Miniature THRU-HOLE MOUNT 5001 Keystone 35 1 TP4 Test Point, BLK, Miniature THRU-HOLE MOUNT 5001 Keystone 36 1 U1 LinkSwitch-PL, esop-12b LNK460KG Power Integrations 37 1 VR1 39 V, 5%, 500 mw, DO-213AA (MELF) ZMM5259B-7 Diodes, Inc. Total electrical components: 33 parts Power Integrations, Inc. Page 12 of 34

13 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 7 인덕터사양 7.1 전기적구성도 7.2 전기적사양 Figure 6 Transformer Electrical Diagram. Primary Inductance Pins 6-7, all other windings open, measured at 100 khz, 0.4 V RMS 150 H ±5% 7.3 재료 Item Description [1] Core: RM-6; TDK-PC95 or equivalent. [2] Bobbin: RM-6; 3/3 pin horizontal. [3] Magnet Wire: #25 AWG. [4] Tape, Polyester film, 3M 1350F-1 or equivalent, 9 mm wide. [5] Loctite Super Glue Control Gel. 7.4 인덕터제작구성도 7.5 인덕터구성 Figure 7 Transformer Build Diagram. Bobbin Preparation For the purpose of these instructions, bobbin is oriented on winder such that pin 1 side is on the left. Winding direction clockwise. WDG 1 Start at pin 2. Wind 27 turns of item [3] and terminate at pin 1. Insulation Add 1 layer of tape of item [4]. Final Assembly Grind the core to get the specified inductance. Apply tape to secure both cores. Cut pins 3, 4 and 5. Apply adhesive item [5] to core and bobbin to prevent core movement. Page 13 of 34 Power Integrations

14 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 8 인덕터디자인스프레드시트 ACDC_LinkSwitch-PL- Buck_121611; Rev.1.0; Copyright Power Integrations 2011 INPUT INFO OUTPUT UNIT ACDC_LinkSwitch-PL Buck Design Spreadsheet ENTER APPLICATION VARIABLES VACMIN V Minimum AC Input Voltage VACTYP V Typical AC Input Voltage VACMAX V Maximum AC Input Voltage FL Hz AC Mains Frequency VOMIN Minimum Output Voltage of LED string VO V Output Voltage of LED string VOMAX Maximum Output Voltage of LED string IO A Output Current riving LED strings PO 8.91 W 연속출력전력 n Efficiency Estimate at output terminals. Under 0.7 if no better data available Dimming Application Yes Enter Yes if design uses TRIAC dimming, otherwise select No ENTER LinkSwitch-PL VARIABLES Chosen Device LNK460 LNK460 Chosen LinkSwitch-II device ILIMITMIN 1.64 A Minimum Current Limit ILIMITTYP 1.86 A Typical Current Limit ILIMITMAX 2.08 A Maximum Current Limit TON 2.15 us Expected on-time of MOSFET at low line and PO FSW khz Expected switching frequency at low line and PO Duty Cycle % Expected operating duty cycle at low line and PO IRMS 0.26 A Worst case primary RMS current at VO IPK 1.68 A Worst case peak primary current at VO LinkSwitch-PL must operate in discontinuous mode (KP > 1) for good KDP Warning 0.99 power factor. Consider reducing the primary inductance, changing the number of turns or increasing the device size ENTER INDUCTOR CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type Core Type RM6S/I RM6S/I Enter Transformer Core Core Part Number If custom core is used - Enter part number here Bobbin part number CSV-RM6S-4P-G Bobbin Part number (if available) AE mm^2 Core Effective Cross Sectional Area LE mm^2 Core Effective Path Length AL nh/turn^2 Ungapped Core Effective Inductance BW 6.30 mm Bobbin Physical Winding Width INDUCTOR DESIGN PARAMETERS LPMIN uh Minimum Inductance (Includes inductance of input and output winding) LPTYP uh Typical inductance (Includes inductance of input and output winding) LP_TOLERANCE % Tolerance of the inductance TURNS_TOTAL Turns Total number of turns (Includes input and output winding turns). ALG nh/turn^2 Gapped Core Effective Inductance Power Integrations, Inc. Page 14 of 34

15 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG BM Gauss Calculated Worst Case Maximum Flux Density (BM < 3000 G ) BP Gauss Calculated Worst Case Peak Flux Density (BP < 3400 G ) BAC Gauss AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves (0.5 X Peak to Peak) ur Relative Permeability of Ungapped Core LG 0.20 mm Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm) AWG Main Winding Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value) L 1.03 Number of Layers Main section) CMA Cmils Current Density capacity 200 < CMA < 500 Bias Section Use Bias? Auto Yes Is a Bias winding used? TURNS_BIAS 4.00 Turns VBIAS V PIVBS V CURRENT WAVEFORM SHAPE PARAMETERS DMAX % Duty cycle measured at minimum input voltage IAVG 0.10 A Input average current measured at the minimum input voltage IP 1.68 A Peak Primary current at maximum input voltage ID_PK 0.00 A Peak output winding current at the maximum input voltage ISW_RMS 0.26 A Switch RMS current measured at the minimum input voltage ID_RMS 0.58 A RMS current of freewheeling diode at maximum input voltage IL_RMS 0.26 A RMS current of the primary section of the inductor measured at the minimum input voltage IL_TAP_RMS 0.63 A RMS current of the output winding section of the inductor at the maximum input voltage FEEDBACK AND BYPASS PIN PARAMETERS RFEEDBACK 1.67 ohm This is a first approximation for the sense resistor and will likely require fine tuning in the bench. Value calculated with typical inductance, and minimum input voltage. CBP uf Minimum Bypass pin capacitor required VOLTAGE STRESS PARAMETERS VDRAIN V Estimated worst case drain voltage at maximum input voltage and output voltage PIVS V Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage Note: KDP is close to 1 to achieved optimum efficiency. No device failure if the system will operate in continuous mode and this will only occur below the operating input voltage. Compliance for THD and power factor will meet within the operating input voltage range. Page 15 of 34 Power Integrations

16 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 9 성능데이터 All measurements performed at 25 ºC room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency unless otherwise specified. 9.1 액티브모드효율 Efficiency (%) VDC Output 33 VDC Output 30 VDC Output AC Input Voltage (V RMS / 60 Hz) Figure 8 Efficiency with Respect to AC Input Voltage at 280 ma. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 16 of 34

17 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 9.2 라인레귤레이션 The LinkSwitch-PL device regulates the output by controlling the power MOSFET on-time and switching frequency to maintain the average FEEDBACK pin at its 0.29 V threshold. Slight changes in output current may be observed when input or output conditions are changed or after AC cycling due to the device selecting a different operating state (selection of on-time and frequency) VDC Output 33 VDC Output 36 VDC Output 15 Regulation (%) AC Input Voltage (V RMS / 60 Hz) Figure 9 Line Regulation, Room Temperature. Page 17 of 34 Power Integrations

18 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov 역률 VDC Output 33 VDC Output 30 VDC Output Power Factor (PF) AC Input Voltage (V RMS / 60 Hz) Figure 10 High Power Factor within the Operating Range for 33 V LED. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 18 of 34

19 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 9.4 THD(%) 35 THD (%) VDC Output 33 VDC Output 36 VDC Output A-THD Class D Limit AC Input Voltage (V RMS / 60 Hz) Figure 11 Very Low %ATHD at 115 VAC. Page 19 of 34 Power Integrations

20 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov 고조파성분 The design met the limits for Class C equipment for an active input power of <25 W. In this case IEC specifies that harmonic currents shall not exceed the limits of Class D equipment 1. Therefore the limits shown in the charts below are Class D limits which must not be exceeded to meet Class C compliance. Figure 12 Meets EN D Harmonics Contents Standards for <25 W Rating 115 V VAC Input. 1 IEC Section 7.3, table 2, column 2. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 20 of 34

21 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 9.6 디밍특성 The dimming characteristic was measured with a programmable AC supply to emulate an ideal TRIAC dimming characteristic. The reference design meets the dimming requirements as set by National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) (SSL Electronic Drivers for LED Devices, Arrays or Systems and SSL Solid Light Lighting for Incandescent Replacement-Dimming). Full Brightness to Dim NEMA Light Output Upper Limit NEMA Light Output Lower Limit Output Current (ma) Phase Angle (Conduction; º) Figure 13 Dimming Curve Characteristic from Full Dimming to Full Brightness. Page 21 of 34 Power Integrations

22 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov Dim to Full Brightness NEMA Light Output Upper Limit NEMA Light Output Lower Limit Output Current (ma) Phase Angle (Conduction; º) Figure 14 Dimming Characteristic from Full Brightness to Full Dimming. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 22 of 34

23 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 9.7 디머호환성 These are the list of U.S. dimmers whose operation was verified with this reference design. Users are not limited on the following list. Dimmers should be tested at their recommended operating AC line frequency to avoid flicker. List of I Type Remarks Power Part Number MIN I MAX Dim Dimmers (ma) (ma) Ratio LG 600PH-LA L 600-Watt Slide Dimmer LG-600PH-LA 600W LG-600PH-WH S Skylark Incandescent 600W 3-Way Preset Dimmer with L 603P On/Off 600W S-603P-WH SLV-600P-WH 600-Watt Skylark Magnetic Low-Voltage T SLV600P Single-Pole Dimmer 600W SLV600P-WH Slide-to-Off Single Pole Skylark Dimmer Switch (RFI L S600 suppression) 600W S-600-WH S- 600PH-WH L Skylark 5-Amp White Gloss Dimmer 600W S-600PH-WH DVCL153P DV603P DV600P TG600PH-IV AY600P GL600P-WH LEVITON 6633PLI LEVITON 6631-LI LEVITON IPI06 LEVITON 6161-I LEVITON RP106 LEVITON 6681 LEVITON TGM10-1LW L Cfl&led Dimmer, Paddle/slide, 120V, 600W 600W DVWCL-153- PLH-WH L 600W Diva Dimmer, 3-Way - Ivory 600W DV-603P-WH L Diva DV-600P-WH Incand 600 Watt Single Pole Light Dimmer in White 600W DV-600P-WH L Ivry Toggle Dimmer 1p Preset 600W TG-600PH-WH T L Ariadni AY-600P-WH Incand Preset 600 Watt Single Pole Light Dimmer in White Glyder Incandescent Single Pole 600 Watts Preset Dimmer, White 600W AY-600P-WH W GL-600P-WH L SureSlide 600W Incandescent Dimmer 600W R LW L SureSlide 600W Incandescent Slide Dimmer, Single-Pol 600W R LW L IllumaTech Incandescent Preset Slide Dimmer 600W R60-IPI06-1LM Electr onic I 500 W, 120 VAC, Decora Brand Style 4 Level Dimmer 500W R W L IllumaTech Rotary Controls 120V AC 60Hz 600W R52-RPI06-1LW L A Push On and Push Off Dimmer 600W R IW T 1000VA, 120 Volt AC 60hz, Single-Pole & 3-Way, ToggleTouch Preset Digital Magnetic Low-Voltage ToggleTouch Dimmer, LED Locator Light - White 1KVA TGM10-1LW L Leviton 600-Watt 3-Way Lighted White/Ivory Push Dimmer 600W R IW L SURESLIDE" MAGNETIC LOW VOLTAGE DIMMER *600VA, 120V AC, 60Hz 600W W R PLW SLC03P-W-K-L L 15-Amp White Slide Dimmer 600W GL-600-WH L Diva, Screw Base Compact Fluorescent Dimming with Philips DIMMABLE Energy Saver CFL, Single Pole/3-Way, 200W, White 200W LEVITON 6684 LEVITON 6683 LEVITON 6613 COOPER SLC03 GL600-WH DVPDC- 203P-WH LX600PL D600P CTCL- 153PDH S- 600P DVPDC-203P- WH L Lyneo Lx Single Pole Dimmer 600W 500W LX-600PL-wh L Single Pole - Incandescent - Push On/Off Watt - White 600W D-600P-WH W W S-600P Page 23 of 34 Power Integrations

24 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 TGLV-600P TGLV- 600PR TT-300NLH- WH TT-300H- WH NLV WH TGLV-600P W TGLV-600PR L Diva Satin 5-Amp Desert Stone Preset Dimmer 300W TT-300NLH-WH L Credenza 300-Watt White Lamp Dimmer 300W TT-300H-WH L Nova, Slide-To-Off Dimmers, Magnetic Low Voltage, Neon/Cold Cathode, Single Pole, 1000VA, White 800W NLV-1000-WH MAELV S-600P S-600P Cooper S106P S-103P-WH S-10P-WH S-600PNLH-WH S-603PNL-WH SLV-603P-WH S-603PGH-WH AYLV-600P-WH Ariadni, Dimmers, Magnetic Low Voltage, 3-Way, 600VA, White 600 AYLV-603P-WH Ariadni, Dimmers with Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, 3- Way, 1000W, White 1000 AY-103PNL-WH Ariadni, Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, 3-Way, 1000W, White 1000 AY-103P-WH Ariadni, Dimmers with Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 1000W, White Ariadni, Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 1000W, White Ariadni, Dimmers with Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, 3- Way, 600W, White Ariadni, Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, Eco-dim, Single Pole/3-Way, 600W, White 1000 AY-10PNL-WH AY-10P-WH AY-603PNL-WH AY-603PG-WH Ariadni, Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, 3-Way, 600W, White 600 AY-603P-WH Ariadni, Dimmers with Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 600W, White Diva, Dimmers with Locator Light, Electronic Low Voltage, Single Pole, 300W, White Diva, Dimmers with Locator Light, Magnetic Low Voltage, Single Pole, 1000VA, White Diva, Dimmers with Locator Light, Magnetic Low Voltage, 3- Way, 1000VA, White Diva, Dimmers with Locator Light, Magnetic Low Voltage, 3- Way, 600VA, White Skylark, Slide-To-Off Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 1000W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch, Electronic Low Voltage, Single Pole, 300W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 600W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch & Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, 3-Way,1000W, White Spacer System, Dimmer with IR Receiver, Electronic Low Voltage, Single Location, 600W, White Glyder, Slide-To-Off Dimmers, Magnetic Low Voltage, Single Pole, 600W, White 600 AY-600PNL-WH Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch, Incandescent/Halogen, 3- Way, 1000W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 1000W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch & Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, Single Pole, 600W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch & Locator Light, Incandescent/Halogen, 3-Way, 600W, White Skylark, Dimmers with On/Off Switch, Magnetic Low Voltage, 3- Way, 600VA, White Skylark, Slide-To-Off Dimmers, Incandescent/Halogen, Eco- Dim, Single Pole/3-Way, 600W, Clamshell Packing, White Ariadni, Dimmers, Magnetic Low Voltage, Single Pole, 600VA, White DVELV-300P- WH DVLV-10P-WH DVLV-103P-WH DVLV-603P-WH S-1000-WH SELV-300P-WH S-600P-WH S-103PNL-WH SPSELV-600- WH GLV-600-WH Power Integrations, Inc. Page 24 of 34

25 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 10 써멀성능 10.1 써멀스캔 The scan was conducted at ambient temperature of 25 ºC in an open frame configuration. PCB SIDE 90 VAC 115 VAC 132 VAC TOP IC Temperature <55 ºC. IC Temperature <55 ºC. IC Temperature <55 ºC. BOTTOM IC Temperature <60 ºC. IC Temperature <60 ºC. IC Temperature <60 ºC. Figure 15 IR Thermal Scans Open Frame with 280 ma Load at 36 VDC. Page 25 of 34 Power Integrations

26 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov 파형 11.1 드레인전압및전류, 정상동작 No saturation in the inductor was seen. The unit is designed to work in discontinuous mode and the operating input voltage range. Figure VAC / 60 Hz, 33 V LED String. Ch2: V DRAIN, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Figure VAC / 60 Hz, 33 V LED String. Ch2: V DRAIN, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div 드레인전압및전류스타트업프로파일 The LinkSwitch-PL family has a built in soft start thereby reducing the stress. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, 33 V LED String. Ch2: V DS, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 500 ma / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 5 s / div. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, 33 V LED String. Ch2: V DS, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 500 ma / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 5 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 26 of 34

27 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 11.3 출력전압스타트업프로파일 Start-up time <100 ms; the lamp will emit light within 100 ms in non-dimming operation. Figure VAC / 60 Hz, 33 V LED. Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 200 ma / div., 50 ms / div. Figure VAC / 60 Hz, 9 V LED. Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 200 ma / div., 50 ms / div 입력및출력전압과전류프로파일 Output current ripple is inversely proportional to the impedance of the LED. It is therefore necessary to verify the actual current ripple on the LED load to be used in the lamp. Increase output capacitance to reduce current ripple if neccessary. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, 33 V LED String. C OUT = 270 F Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 200 ma / div., 5 ms / div. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, 33 V LED String. C OUT = 270 F Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 200 ma / div., 5 ms / div. Page 27 of 34 Power Integrations

28 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov 드레인전압및전류프로파일 : 출력단락동작실행 No saturation in the inductor during short-circuit, inductor current is limited by the I LIM. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, Normal Operation then Output Short. Ch2: V DRAIN, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 2 ms / div. Z3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 100 s / div 드레인전압및전류프로파일 : 스타트업시출력단락 No saturation in the inductor during start up short-circuit due to the built-in soft-start. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, Output Shorted. Ch2: V DRAIN, 50 V / div. Ch3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 2 ms / div. Z3: I DRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 100 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 28 of 34

29 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 11.7 부하차단동작 The driver is protected during no-load operation via VR1. Zener diode VR1 will fail shortcircuit once the output voltage exceeds VR1 avalanche threshold (after the load has been disconnected), leaving U1 to enter auto-restart mode 디밍샘플파형 Figure VAC / 50 Hz, Skylark S-600 Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 33 V LED String. Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 100 ma / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure VAC / 50 Hz, Skylark S-600 Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 33 V LED String. Ch1: V IN, 200 V / div. Ch2: V OUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: I IN, 200 ma / div. Ch4: I OUT, 100 ma / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 29 of 34 Power Integrations

30 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov 라인서지파형 링서지 Peak Drain voltage measured was 390 V well below the 725 V power MOSFET rating. Figure VAC / 60 Hz, 33 V Load, V DS = 390 V PK; (+) 2.5 kv Differential Ring Surge at 0º. Ch2: V BULK, 200 V / div. Ch3: V DS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 10 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Page 30 of 34

31 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 12 전도성 EMI 12.1 장비 Receiver: Rohde & Schwartz ESPI - Test Receiver (9 khz 3 GHz) Model No: ESPI3 LISN: Rohde & Schwartz Two-Line-V-Network Model No: ENV EMI 테스트설정 LED driver was placed inside a conical metal housing (for self-ballasted lamps; CISPR15 Edition 7.2) but since lamp housing is not available during the UUT was tested then it was evaluated as shown in the figure below. Figure 29 Conducted Emissions Measurement Set-up. Page 31 of 34 Power Integrations

32 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov EMI 테스트결과 Graphs plotted are Peak and Average measurement. P o w e r I n t e g r a t i o n s 2 0. M a r : 3 4 A t t 1 0 d B A U T O R B W 9 k H z M T m s dbµv 120 E N Q k H z 1 M H z 1 0 M H z L I M I T C H E C K P A S S 1 PK CLRWR 2 AV CLRWR SGL TDF E N A 40 6DB k H z 3 0 M H z E D I T P E A K L I S T ( F i n a l M e a s u r e m e n t R e s u l t s ) T r a c e 1 : E N Q Figure 30 Conducted EMI, 33 V output / 280 ma Steady-State Load, 1115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 T r a c e 2 : E N A Limits. T r a c e 3 : Date: 20.MAR :34:41 T R A C E F R E Q U E N C Y L E V E L d B µ V D E L T A L I M I T d B 2 A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k k H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k k H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k k H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e k H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k k H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e M H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e M H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e M H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d A v e r a g e M H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d Q u a s i P e a k M H z L 1 g n d Figure 31 Conducted EMI, 33 V / 280 ma Steady-State Load Steady-State Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 Limits; Line and Neutral Scan Design Margin Measurement. Power Integrations, Inc. Date: 20.MAR :34:21 Page 32 of 34

33 07-Nov-12 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 13 개정내역 Date Author Revision Description and Changes Reviewed 07-Nov-12 ME 1.0 Initial Release Apps & Mktg Page 33 of 34 Power Integrations

34 DER W A19 Dimmable Buck LED Driver Using LNK460KG 07-Nov-12 최신업데이트에대한자세한내용은당사웹사이트 () 를참고하십시오. 파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 는안정성또는생산성향상을위하여언제든지당사제품을변경할수있는권한이있습니다. 파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 는여기서설명하는디바이스나회로사용으로인해발생하는어떠한책임도지지않습니다. 파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 는어떠한보증도제공하지않으며모든보증 ( 상품성에대한묵시적보증, 특정목적에의적합성및타사권리의비침해를포함하되이에제한되지않음 ) 을명백하게부인합니다. 특허정보여기에설명한제품및애플리케이션 ( 제품의외장트랜스포머구성및회로포함 ) 은하나이상의미국및해외특허의대상이파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 에서출원중인미국및해외특허신청의대상이될수있습니다. 파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 의전체특허목록은 에서확인할수있습니다. 파워인테그레이션스 ( Integrations) 는고객에게 에명시된특정특허권에따라라이센스를부여합니다. PI 로고, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, LYTSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, CAPZero, SENZero, LinkZero, HiperPFS, HiperTFS, HiperLCS, Qspeed, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StackFET, PI Expert 및 PI FACTS 는 Power Integrations, Inc 의상표입니다. 다른상표는각회사고유의자산입니다. Copyright 2013 Power Integrations, Inc. 파워인테그레이션스 (Power Integrations) 전세계판매지원지역 세계본사 5245 Hellyer Avenue San Jose, CA 95138, USA. 본사전화 : 고객서비스 : 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 중국 ( 상하이 ) Rm 1601/1610, Tower 1, Kerry Everbright City No. 218 Tianmu Road West, Shanghai, P.R.C 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 중국 ( 센젠 ) 3rd Floor, Block A, Zhongtou International Business Center, No. 1061, Xiang Mei Rd, FuTian District, ShenZhen, China, 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 독일 Lindwurmstrasse , Munich Germany 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 인도 #1, 14 th Main Road Vasanthanagar Bangalore India 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 이탈리아 Via Milanese 20, 3 rd. Fl Sesto San Giovanni (MI) Italy 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 일본 Kosei Dai-3 Building , Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Japan 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 한국 RM 602, 6FL Korea City Air Terminal B/D, Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 싱가포르 51 Newton Road, #19-01/05 Goldhill Plaza Singapore, 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 대만 5F, No. 318, Nei Hu Rd., Sec. 1 Nei Hu District Taipei 11493, Taiwan R.O.C. 전화 : 팩스 : 전자메일 : 유럽본사 1st Floor, St. James s House East Street, Farnham Surrey GU9 7TJ United Kingdom 전화 : +44 (0) 팩스 : +44 (0) 전자메일 : 애플리케이션문의전화전세계통합번호 애플리케이션문의팩스전세계통합번호 Power Integrations, Inc. Page 34 of 34

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