중 3 내신대비 천재 ( 정사열 ) 3 과 기본편 ( 본문 ) 올바른선생님연합중등부
어휘테스트문제지 ( 뜻적기 ) 단어 뜻 단어 뜻 1 different 26 stand 2 way 27 side by side 3 special effects 28 shoot 4 effect 29 fall down 5 screen 30 kind 6 thanks to 31 cameraman 7 technology 32 setting 8 however 33 AD 9 scene 34 turn 10 repeatedly 35 seem 11 besides 36 film maker 12 share 37 hunting 13 online 38 disappointed 14 as a result 39 tough 15 popular 40 lie down 16 example 41 net 17 for oneself 42 catch 18 stage 43 pull apart 19 clear 44 far away 20 get on 45 kick 21 throw 46 farther 22 carefully 47 loud 23 happen 48 quiet 24 fix 49 step 25 right away 50-2 -
어휘테스트문제지 ( 철자적기 ) 단어 뜻 단어 뜻 1 각각다른, 각양각색의 26 서다, 서있다 2 방법, 방식 27 나란히 3 특수효과 28 ( 총등을 ) 쏘다 4 영향, 효과 29 넘어지다 5 화면 30 종류, 유형 6 ~ 덕분에 31 카메라맨, 촬영기사 7 과학기술 32 배경, 무대, 장소 8 하지만, 그러나 33 서기 9 장면, 광경 34 차례, 순서 10 되풀이하여, 반복해서 35 ~ 처럼보이다, ~ 인것같다 11 게다가, 더욱이 36 영화제작자 12 공유하다, 함께나누다 37 찾기, 구하기 13 온라인으로 38 실망한, 낙담한 14 결과적으로 39 힘든, 어려운 15 인기있는 40 눕다, 누워있다 16 예, 보기 41 그물, 망 17 혼자힘으로, 스스로 42 잡다, 받다 18 무대, 단계 43 벌리다, 떼어놓다 19 뛰어넘다, 지나가다 44 멀리, 멀리떨어져 20 ~ 에타다 45 차다 21 ( 내 ) 던지다 46 더멀리 22 주의하여, 조심스럽게 47 큰소리로, 시끄럽게 23 발생하다, 벌어지다 48 조용한 24 수리하다, 바로잡다 49 걸음, 발걸음 25 당장, 바로 50-3 -
어휘테스트정답지 단어 뜻 단어 뜻 1 different 각각다른, 각양각색의 26 stand 서다, 서있다 2 way 방법, 방식 27 side by side 나란히 3 special effects 특수효과 28 shoot ( 총등을 ) 쏘다 4 effect 영향, 효과 29 fall down 넘어지다 5 screen 화면 30 kind 종류, 유형 6 thanks to ~ 덕분에 31 cameraman 카메라맨, 촬영기사 7 technology 과학기술 32 setting 배경, 무대, 장소 8 however 하지만, 그러나 33 AD 서기 9 scene 장면, 광경 34 turn 차례, 순서 10 repeatedly 되풀이하여, 반복해서 35 seem ~ 처럼보이다, ~ 인것같다 11 besides 게다가, 더욱이 36 film maker 영화제작자 12 share 공유하다, 함께나누다 37 hunting 찾기, 구하기 13 online 온라인으로 38 disappointed 실망한, 낙담한 14 as a result 결과적으로 39 tough 힘든, 어려운 15 popular 인기있는 40 lie down 눕다, 누워있다 16 example 예, 보기 41 net 그물, 망 17 for oneself 혼자힘으로, 스스로 42 catch 잡다, 받다 18 stage 무대, 단계 43 pull apart 벌리다, 떼어놓다 19 clear 뛰어넘다, 지나가다 44 far away 멀리, 멀리떨어져 20 get on ~ 에타다 45 kick 차다 21 throw ( 내 ) 던지다 46 farther 더멀리 22 carefully 주의하여, 조심스럽게 47 loud 큰소리로, 시끄럽게 23 happen 발생하다, 벌어지다 48 quiet 조용한 24 fix 수리하다, 바로잡다 49 step 걸음, 발걸음 25 right away 당장, 바로 50-4 -
본문한줄해석 1. Watching movies is fun. 영화를보는것은재미있다. 8. Besides, the Internet makes it easier to share what they find with others online. 게다가인터넷은사람들이찾은것을다른사람들과온라인으로공유하는것을더쉽게만든다. 2. People enjoy movies in different ways. 사람들은다양한방식으로영화를즐긴다. 3. Some people enjoy the stories or the special effects of the movies. 어떤사람들은영화의이야기나특수효과를즐긴다. 9. As a result, finding mistakes in movies has become very popular these days. 그결과, 영화속실수를찾는것은요즘매우인기가있다. 10. Here are some examples. 여기몇가지예가있다. 4. Others enjoy seeing their favorite stars on the screen. 또다른사람들은그들이좋아하는배우를영화에서보는것을즐긴다. 5. But there is another fun way: finding the mistakes in the movies. 그러나또다른재미있는방법이있다. 영화속실수를찾는것이다. 6. Mistakes have always been in the movies. 영화에서실수는항상존재해왔다. 11. Try to find the mistakes for yourself. 스스로실수를찾아보도록하자. 12. The higher the stages you clear, the more fun you'll get! 더높은단계를통과할수록더많은재미를얻을것이다! 13. In the first scene, a man is getting on a plane. 첫번째장면에서한남자가비행기에탑승하고있다. 7. Thanks to technology, however, people can watch the same scene repeatedly and find more mistakes. 그러나과학기술덕분에사람들은같은장면을반복해서볼수있고더많은실수를찾을수있다. 14. Then in the second scene, the plane is flying. What is strange? 그리고두번째장면에서는그비행기가하늘을날고있다. 무엇이이상한가? 15. Did you get it? 알아냈는가? - 5 -
16. The strange thing is that the numbers on the plane changed. 이상한것은비행기의번호가바뀌었다는점이다. 17. They used two different planes in the movie scenes. 영화속장면에서두대의다른비행기를사용했다. 18. In this movie, a bad man was thrown into the windows. Watch carefully. What happened next? 이영화에서악당이창문으로던져졌다. 주의해서보라. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? 24. However, you've got the right answer again! 그러나또다시정답을알아냈다! 25. The left one was shot, but the right one fell down. 왼쪽사람이총에맞았는데, 오른쪽사람이쓰러졌다. 26. There is a different kind of mistake in this scene. What is it? 이장면에서는다른종류의실수가있다. 무엇인가? 19. What was broken in the first scene was fixed right away in the next scene. 첫번째장면에서깨진것이다음장면에서바로수리되어있다. 27. Great! You found him. 잘했다! 그사람을찾아냈다. 20. The window was fixed so fast, wasn't it? 창문이참빠르게도수리되었다, 그렇지않은가? 28. There's a cameraman in the left part of the scene. 화면왼쪽에촬영기사가있다. 21. Look at the two men here. 여기두남자를보라. 22. They were standing side by side when one of them was shot. 그들중한사람이총에맞았을때그들은나란히서있었다. 23. What happened next? It's getting more difficult. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? 점점더어려워지고있다. 29. Look at the picture. Can you find anything wrong in the scene? 사진을보라. 장면속에서잘못된부분을찾을수있는가? 30. Remember, the setting of the movie is in Rome in AD 180. 기억하라, 이영화의배경은서기 180년의로마이다. 31. Now, it's your turn to find the mistake. 이제, 여러분이실수를찾을차례이다. - 6 -
32. Check the part that doesn't seem right. 잘못돼보이는부분에표시해보라. 33. All cleared? You're smart! 모두해결되었는가? 똑똑하다! 34. Many film makers may be unhappy with this "mistake hunting" in their movies, but it has some good sides, too. 많은영화제작자들이영화속 실수찾기 를좋아하지않을지도모르지만, 긍정적인면도있다. 35. Thanks to it, they may try harder to make fewer mistakes when they make movies. 그것덕분에영화제작자들이영화를만들때실수를더적게하려고더열심히노력할지도모른다. 36. However, don't be disappointed. 그러나실망하지마라. 37. Mistakes will happen just like when you learn English because making movies is a very tough job. 영화를만드는것은매우힘든일이기때문에여러분이영어를배울때와마찬가지로실수는발생할것이다. - 7 -
본문영어로적기 01. 영화를보는것은재미있다. 02. 사람들은다양한방식으로영화를즐긴다. 03. 어떤사람들은영화의이야기나특수효과를즐긴다. 04. 또다른사람들은그들이좋아하는배우를영화에서보는것을즐긴다. 05. 그러나또다른재미있는방법이있다. 영화속실수를찾는것이다. 06. 영화에서실수는항상존재해왔다. 07. 그러나과학기술덕분에사람들은같은장면을반복해서볼수있고더많은실수를찾을수있다. - 8 -
08. 게다가인터넷은사람들이찾은것을다른사람들과온라인으로공유하는것을더쉽게만든다. 09. 그결과, 영화속실수를찾는것은요즘매우인기가있다. 10. 여기몇가지예가있다. 11. 스스로실수를찾아보도록하자. 12. 더높은단계를통과할수록더많은재미를얻을것이다! 13. 첫번째장면에서한남자가비행기에탑승하고있다. 14. 그리고두번째장면에서는그비행기가하늘을날고있다. 무엇이이상한가? 15. 알아냈는가? - 9 -
16. 이상한것은비행기의번호가바뀌었다는점이다. 17. 영화속장면에서두대의다른비행기를사용했다. 18. 이영화에서악당이창문으로던져졌다. 주의해서보라. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? 19. 첫번째장면에서깨진것이다음장면에서바로수리되어있다. 20. 창문이참빠르게도수리되었다, 그렇지않은가? 21. 여기두남자를보라. 22. 그들중한사람이총에맞았을때그들은나란히서있었다. 23. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? 점점더어려워지고있다. - 10 -
24. 그러나또다시정답을알아냈다! 25. 왼쪽사람이총에맞았는데, 오른쪽사람이쓰러졌다. 26. 이장면에서는다른종류의실수가있다. 무엇인가? 27. 잘했다! 그사람을찾아냈다. 28. 화면왼쪽에촬영기사가있다. 29. 사진을보라. 장면속에서잘못된부분을찾을수있는가? 30. 기억하라, 이영화의배경은서기 180 년의로마이다. 31. 이제, 여러분이실수를찾을차례이다. - 11 -
32. 잘못돼보이는부분에표시해보라. 33. 모두해결되었는가? 똑똑하다! 34. 많은영화제작자들이영화속 실수찾기 를좋아하지않을지도모르지만, 긍정적인면도있다. 35. 그것덕분에영화제작자들이영화를만들때실수를더적게하려고더열심히노력할지도모른다. 36. 그러나실망하지마라. 37. 영화를만드는것은매우힘든일이기때문에여러분이영어를배울때와마찬가지로실수는발생할 것이다. - 12 -
본문순서배열하기 1. 영화를보는것은재미있다. (watching / is / movies / fun). 5. 그러나또다른재미있는방법이있다. 영화속실수를찾는것이다. (but / the / in / another / fun / finding / the / there / movies / mistakes / way: / is). 2. 사람들은다양한방식으로영화를즐긴다. (movies / ways / people / different / enjoy / in). 6. 영화에서실수는항상존재해왔다. (been / mistakes / in / have / always / movies / the). 3. 어떤사람들은영화의이야기나특수효과를즐긴다. (enjoy / stories / the / people / movies / special / effects / some / the / of / the / or). 4. 또다른사람들은그들이좋아하는배우를영화에서보는것을즐긴다. (screen / seeing / on / others / favorite / stars / enjoy / their / the). 7. 그러나과학기술덕분에사람들은같은장면을반복해서볼수있고더많은실수를찾을수있다. (find / watch / technology, / repeatedly / to / mistakes / thanks / same / however, / can / people / scene / the / and / more). 8. 게다가인터넷은사람들이찾은것을다른사람들과온라인으로공유하는것을더쉽게만든다. (with / they / besides, / online / others / Internet / to / the / find / easier / what / makes / it / share). - 13 -
9. 그결과, 영화속실수를찾는것은요즘매우인기가있다. (a / as / finding / become / movies / mistakes / result, / popular / in / has / these / very / days). 14. 그리고두번째장면에서는그비행기가하늘을날고있다. 무엇이이상한가? (second / flying / the / plane / is / scene, / then / in / the). (is / strange / what)? 10. 여기몇가지예가있다. (some / are / here / examples). 15. 알아냈는가? (it / you / get / did)? 11. 스스로실수를찾아보도록하자. (to / try / yourself / the / mistakes / find / for). 16. 이상한것은비행기의번호가바뀌었다는점이다. (thing / changed / that / on / the / strange / the / is / numbers / the / plane). 12. 더높은단계를통과할수록더많은재미를얻을것이다! (clear, / more / higher / you'll / the / you / fun / the / get / stages / the)! 17. 영화속장면에서두대의다른비행기를사용했다. (the / used / different / two / they / in / movie / scenes / planes). 13. 첫번째장면에서한남자가비행기에탑승하고있다. (a / scene, / first / on / getting / plane / the / is / in / a / man). - 14 -
18. 이영화에서악당이창문으로던져졌다. 주의해서보라. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? (windows / movie, / in / thrown / a / into / bad / man / was / this / the). (carefully / watch). (next / happened / what)? 22. 그들중한사람이총에맞았을때그들은나란히서있었다. (side / was / they / one / were / side / shot / of / them / when / standing / by). 19. 첫번째장면에서깨진것이다음장면에서바로수리되어있다. (scene / in / first / was / in / the / the / what / right / broken / next / away / fixed / was / scene). 23. 그다음에무슨일이일어났는가? 점점더어려워지고있다. (next / happened / what)? (difficult / getting / it's / more). 20. 창문이참빠르게도수리되었다, 그렇지않은가? (fast, / was / window / wasn't / fixed / so / it / the)? 24. 그러나또다시정답을알아냈다! (again / the / right / however, / answer / you've / got)! 21. 여기두남자를보라. (at / look / two / here / men / the). 25. 왼쪽사람이총에맞았는데, 오른쪽사람이쓰러졌다. (the / one / shot, / down / was / fell / left / but / right / one / the). - 15 -
26. 이장면에서는다른종류의실수가있다. 무엇인가? (is / in / different / mistake / this / kind / of / there / a / scene). (it / what / is)? 31. 이제, 여러분이실수를찾을차례이다. (turn / find / the / now, / your / it's / mistake / to). 27. 잘했다! 그사람을찾아냈다. Great! (him / you / found). 32. 잘못돼보이는부분에표시해보라. (right / doesn't / part / seem / check / that / the). 28. 화면왼쪽에촬영기사가있다. (a / part / the / there's / scene / in / of / cameraman / left / the). 33. 모두해결되었는가? 똑똑하다! (cleared / all)? (smart / you're)! 29. 사진을보라. 장면속에서잘못된부분을찾을수있는가? (look / the / at / picture). (scene / anything / in / you / wrong / can / the / find)? 34. 많은영화제작자들이영화속 실수찾기 를좋아하지않을지도모르지만, 긍정적인면도있다. (may / be / unhappy / film / many / this / with / makers) "mistake hunting" (too / sides, / it / their / has / some / but / in / movies, / good). 30. 기억하라, 이영화의배경은서기 180년의로마이다. (remember, / Rome / setting / is / the / movie / in / 180 / of / AD / the / in). - 16 -
35. 그것덕분에영화제작자들이영화를만들때실수를더적게하려고더열심히노력할지도모른다. (to / try / they / mistakes / may / harder / make / they / it, / movies / to / thanks / fewer / when / make). 36. 그러나실망하지마라. (be / don't / however, / disappointed). 37. 영화를만드는것은매우힘든일이기때문에여러분이영어를배울때와마찬가지로실수는발생할것이다. (like / will / very / movies / happen / job / when / just / tough / English / is / a / learn / you / mistakes / because / making). - 17 -
본문어법및어휘양자택일 Watching movies [are/is] 1) fun. People enjoy movies in different ways. Some people enjoy the stories or the special effects of the movies. [The others/others] 2) enjoy [seeing/to see] 3) their favorite stars on the screen. But there is another fun way: finding the mistakes in the movies. Mistakes [have always been/was always] 4) in the movies. Thanks to technology, [therefore/however] 5), people can watch the same scene repeatedly and find more mistakes. [In other words/besides] 6), the Internet makes [them/it] 7) [easily/easier] 8) to share [that/what] 9) they find with others online. As a result, finding mistakes in movies [has/have] 10) become very popular these days. Stage 2 In this movie, a bad man [was thrown/threw] 17) into the windows. Watch carefully. What happened next? What [was broken/broke] 18) in the first scene [was fixed/fixed] 19) right away in the next scene. The window [was fixed/fixed] 20) so fast, [wasn't/was] 21) it? Stage 3 Look at the two men here. They were standing side by side when one of them [were/was] 22) shot. What happened next? It's getting more difficult. [Therefore/However] 23), you've got the right answer again! The left one [was shot/shot] 24), but the right one fell down. Here are some examples. Try [to find/finding] 11) the mistakes [for/to] 12) yourself. The [higher/high] 13) the stages you clear, the [most/more] 14) fun you'll get! Stage 4 There is a different kind of mistake in this scene. What is it? Great! You found him. There's a cameraman in the left part of the scene. Stage 1 In the first scene, a man is getting [off/on] 15) a plane. Then in the second scene, the plane is flying. What is strange? Did you get it? The strange thing is [that/what] 16) the numbers on the plane changed. They used two different planes in the movie scenes. Final Stage Look at the picture. Can you find [anything wrong/wrong anything] 25) in the scene? Remember, the setting of the movie is in Rome in AD 180. Now, it's your turn to find the mistake. Check the part that [doesn't/don't] 26) seem right. - 18 -
All cleared? You're smart! Many film makers may be [unhappy/happ y] 27) with this "mistake hunting" in their movies, but it has some good sides, [either/too] 28). Thanks to [them/it] 29), they may try harder to make [less/fewer] 30) mistakes when they make movies. [Therefore/However] 31), don't be [disappointed /disappointing] 32). Mistakes will happen just like [when/that] 33) you learn English [because of/because] 34) making movies [are/is] 35) a very tough job. - 19 -
본문빈칸채우기 Watching movies is fun. People enjoy movies in different ways. 36) people enjoy the stories or the 37) of the movies. 38) enjoy seeing their 39) stars on the 40). But there is another fun way: finding the mistakes in the movies. Mistakes have always been in the movies. 41), 42), people can watch the same scene 43) and find more mistakes. 44), the Internet makes it easier to share what they find with others online. 45), finding mistakes in movies has become very popular these days. Here are some examples. 46) the mistakes 47). 48), 49)! answer again! The left one was shot, but the right one 61). Stage 4 There is a different kind of mistake in this scene. What is it? Great! You found him. There's a 62) in the left part of the scene. Final Stage Look at the picture. Can you find anything wrong in the scene? 63), the 64) of the movie is in Rome in AD 180. Now, it's your 65) to find the mistake. Check the part that doesn't 66) right. All cleared? You're smart! Stage 1 In the first scene, a man is 50) a plane. Then in the second scene, the plane is flying. What is 51)? 52) The strange thing is that the numbers on the plane changed. They used two different planes in the movie scenes. Many film makers may 67) this "mistake 68) " in their movies, but it has some good sides, too. 69) it, they may try harder to make fewer mistakes when they make movies. 70), don't be 71). Mistakes will happen just like when you learn English 72) making movies is a very 73) job. Stage 2 In this movie, a bad man 53) the windows. Watch 54). What happened next? What was broken in the first scene was fixed 55) in the next scene. The window was fixed so fast, 56) Stage 3 Look at the two men here. They were standing 57) when one of them 58). What happened next? It's 59) more difficult. 60), you've got the right - 20 -
1) is 2) Others 3) seeing 4) have always been 5) however 6) Besides 7) it 8) easier 9) what 10) has 11) to find 12) for 13) higher 14) more 15) on 16) that 17) was thrown 18) was broken 19) was fixed 20) was fixed 21) wasn't 22) was 23) However 24) was shot 25) anything wrong 26) doesn't 27) unhappy 28) too 29) it 30) fewer 31) However 32) disappointed 33) when 34) because 35) is 36) Some 37) special effects 38) Others 39) favorite 40) screen 41) Thanks to technology 42) however 43) repeatedly 44) Besides 45) As a result 46) Try to find 47) for yourself 48) The higher the stages you clear 49) the more fun you'll get 50) getting on 51) strange 52) Did you get it? 53) was thrown into 54) carefully 55) right away 56) wasn't it? 57) side by side 58) was shot 59) getting 60) However 61) fell down 62) cameraman 63) Remember 64) setting 65) turn 66) seem 67) be unhappy with 68) hunting 69) Thanks to 70) However 71) disappointed 72) because 73) tough - 21 -