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Global Abrasives Specialist HANBO WORLD CO., LTD Contact info. HANBO WORLD CO., LTD 724 Yodang-ri, Yanggam-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 445-935 Korea Tel. +82-2-2634-8571 Fax. +82-2-2671-0408 www.hbworld.co.kr HB WORLD CO., LTD Room No. 1909, Woolim Bluenine Business Center B, Yeomchang-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 157-779 Korea Tel. +82-2-2093-7571 Fax. +82-2-2093-7572 DS TECH CO., LTD Lot No. GA-5-2, Gangneung Science Industrial Complex, Daejeon-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do 445-937 Korea Tel. +82-33-655-9950 Fax. +82-33-655-9953 HANBO (SHANGHAI) TRADING CO., LTD 1905, Tower B, Far East International Plaza, 317 Xianxia Rd, Changning District, Shanghai 200051 China Tel. +86-21-6270-0190 Fax. +86-21-6270-0191

Greetings THE SPECIALIST FOR SURFACE TREATMENT MATERIAL We committed ourselves to strengthen national economy as a society contribution enterprise. 당사는 창업 이래 연마재를 사업영역의 기본으로 하여 고객의 NEEDS와 시장의 변화에 발맞춰 고객의 서비스 만족도를 높임으로서 신뢰를 구축해 오고 있습니다. 해외의 유수한 파트너들과의 긴밀한 유대관계를 통해서 국내외의 연마재 공급에 있어서 탁월한 실적을 쌓아 가고 있습니다. 현재의 시장환경은 디지털 기술을 발판으로 한 테크놀로지의 진화에 의해 경쟁이 한층 더 글로벌화 되어가는 시점이며 당사는 이러한 급변하는 변화의 시기야말로 더 없는 비약의 발판이 될 수 있다는 자각 하에 기본의 영업전략 및 시장에의 대응에 새로운 시각으로의 접근으로 경영시스템의 효율화를 진행해가고 있습니다. 주력 사업분야인 연마재 분야에서는 공급에 있어서 국내 제일의 시장점유율을 자랑하지만 시장에의 진정한 우위성을 유지시키기 위해서는 신속 정확하게 고객의 NEEDS를 파악하여 만족도를 높일 수 있는 서비스를 제공할 수 있는가 라는 문제를 해결하여야 할 것입니다. 시의 적절한 정보의 확보, 확보된 정보를 바탕으로 한 전략의 수집, 전략을 근간으로 하고 고객만족을 실현시킬 수 있는 경영계획 의 수립 등을 포함한 경영시스템의 효율화와 전 임직원의 도전정신을 기반으로 하여 고객감동에 한 걸음 더 나아갈 수 있게끔 최 선의 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. Since the corporate establishment, we has laid abrasives as basic business area and built customer trust by raising customer satisfaction to our services, keeping pace with customer needs and market changes. Sustaining close ties with leading overseas partners, we have continued delivering outstanding performances in supplying abrasive products, both to the home and foreign market. Based on digital technology, the current market environment is asking for far more globalized competitions through evolving technology. In response to the need for such rapidly changing times, we realized that it was a good opportunity to leap forward. We, therefore, have been in pursuit of management system efficiencies with an approach to a new perspective regarding fundamental sales strategies and a response to the market. As for our main field of business, abrasives, we are proud to say we are on top position in supplying abrasive products in the home market. To remain the genuine market leader, however, it is necessary that we need to deal properly with the question that asks if we are capable of understanding customer needs promptly and accurately to provide more satisfactory services. Our utmost efforts to take one step closer to customers are underway on the basis of management system efficiency and challenging mindsets of all staff, including the followings: timely information collection, strategy setup based on the collected information, building strategy-based business plans to realize customer satisfaction. HANBO WORLD CO., LTD President Yoon Jong Il Contents Greetings 02-03 page History 04-05 page Network - clients 06-07 page Product information 08-27 page

History The Specialist for Abrasives 1985.03 1987.05 1987.12 1996.03 2000.09 2001.03 2002.05 2002.07 2005.03 2006.02 2008.05 2009.09 2010.01 2010.02 2010.05 2011.02 2011.09 2011.10 2013.05 2013.05 2013.09 We are specialized in direct imports, from all over the world including Japan, U.S, Australia, Brazil and China, of various abrasives products used for precision grinding, grinding, lapping and polishing of semiconductor, crystal, ceramics, magnetic materials, glass, stones and precision machinery components. These products are for stock sales. Powder coating products are also in production by a China-based facility. Widely known are our high quality products, reasonable prices and fast delivery services, meeting needs of the era of ever-improving technological innovation. Ceaseless efforts are also being made for the development of new abrasives. Our products range includes fused alumina, silicon carbide, polishing materials, special abrasives products, glass beads, blasting components, MLCC plating steel ball and powder paint. We also work as a buying agent for machines and equipment in relation to various types of grinding, cutting, lapping and polishing, along with the export business for abrasives and sand paper products. 1985.03 1987.05 1987.12 1996.03 2000.09 2001.03 2002.05 2002.07 2003.09 2005.03 2006.02 2008.05 2009.09 2009.10 2010.01 2010.02 2010.05 2011.02 2011.09 2011.10 2013.05 2013.05 2013.09 Found Hanbo Trading Company Signed a sales agent agreement with NANKO ABRASIVES INDUSTRY CO., LTD Signed a sales agent agreement with Signed a sales agent agreement with POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC (Australia) Signed a sales agent agreement with GERAL DE ELECTROFUSAO LTDA (Brazil) Signed a sales agent agreement with HENAN EVERNEW MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT IMP & EXP CO., LTD (China) Transferred to a corporation, that is corporate name changed to HANBO WORLD CO., LTD Founded DAESEONG CHEMICALS CO., LTD Constructed and launched production lines for powder coating in a China-based factory Founded IRECHEM CO., LTD (Powder Coating) Technical cooperation and investment with TIANTAI CHANGMING CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD Move a warehouse to a larger facility Improve the production facilities of powder coating Change the company name IRECHEM CO., LTD to POWONE CO., LTD Open an office for oversea business Singed a sales agent agreement with AMSAT INTERNATIONAL Founded a manufacturing factory DS TECH CO., LTD in Gangneung Science Industrial Complex Launched a surface treatment lab center in Gangneung Science Indusrial Complex Signed a general sales agreement, covering Korean territory, with 3M in the U.S, for cubitron products Founded HB WORLD CO., LTD Move a HQ and a warehouse to a larger facility Founded EMORI KOREA CO., LTD Signed a sales agent agreement with JINMA BORON TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD (China) Signed a sales agent agreement with HUNAN HAOZHI NEW MATERIALS CO., LTD Founded HANBO (SHANGHAI) TRADING CO., LTD Awarded the 3 Million Dollar Export Tower (DS TECH CO., LTD) Founded a Research and Development Institute (DS TECH CO., LTD) Obtain a patent for laminated ceramic capacitor selector Open a Seoul office (HB WORLD CO., LTD) 05

Network - clients 07

용융 알루미나 Fused Alumina 갈색 용융 알루미나 Brown Fused Alumina MORUNDUM A-40 #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 BROWN FUSED ALUMINA V-A #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 25kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 보크사이트(Bauxite)를 전기가마에서 용융하여 이산화규소 및 산화철 등 불순물을 환원제거한 후 적당량의 티(Titanium)에 의해 인성을 부가한 것으로 입도, 비중, 소성면에서 안정성이 뛰어납니다. This product range allows bauxite to be fused in an arc electric furnace to have reductive elimination of impurities such as silicon dioxide and oxidized steel, with tenacity in grain size, specific gravity, and plasticity. 용도 : 연마지석, 연마포지, 샌드블라스트(Sand Blast), 내화재, 여과기(Filter) Application : grinding wheel, abrasive cloth and paper, sand blast, fireproof material, filter 전융 보크사이트(Bauxite)질 일반제품을 모입자로 하여 미분쇄 후 정립한 갈색알루미나 미분으로 적당한 인성과 강도를 가지므로 적용범위가 넓은 연마재이며 세밀한 입도 분포로 정립되어 있어 정밀도가 높은 연마면을 얻을 수 있습니다. 울퉁불퉁한 입형으로 높은 비중을 가지고 있으며 인성이 크기 때문에 수명이 긴 장점을 가지고 있습니다. Widely used, this abrasive takes an electrofused macrosize range of bauxite quality as a core particle, to hold appropriate tenacity and intensity with fine brown alumina powder arranged after fine grinding. This product is arranged with a fine particle size distribution and therefore can provide a high precision abrasive surface. It is also vertically uneven to have a high specific gravity and has long life due to its high tenacity. 용도 : 연마지석 및 연마포지용 지립원료 MORUNDUM A-40 SHOWA DENKO V-A MORUNDUM A #280,320,360,400,500,600,700,800,1000,1200,1500,2000 BROWN FUSED ALUMINA V #280,320,360,400,500,600,700,800,1000,1200,1500,2000 5kg packing / 20kg box packing 랩핑(Lapping) - 광학렌즈, 프리즘, 여과기(Filter), 포토마스크(Photomask), TV 브라운관 등의 광학유리 - 실리콘 등의 반도체재료 - 금속재료 일반 기타 - 마이크로블라스팅(Micro Blasting), 액체 호닝(Honing) - 트리밍(Trimming), 인쇄판 가공 Application : grinding wheel and abrasive raw material for abrasive cloth and paper lapping Lapping - Optical glass including optical lens, prism, filter, photo mask, TV monitor - Semiconductor material such as silicon - General metal material [소포장] MORUNDUM A SHOWA DENKO [20kg포장] A Other - Micro blasting, liquid honing - Trimming, PS (pre-sensitized) plate processing 09

용융 알루미나 Fused Alumina 백색 용융 알루미나 White Fused Alumina WHITE MORUNDUM WA #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 WHITE ALUMINIUM OXIDE ALR #10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220 WHITE FUSED ALUMINA WA #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 ELFUSA (OEM : Brazil) 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 소성알루미나를 전기가마에서 용융하여 큰 결정의 크기, 조직을 조정, 정제처리한 고순도의 알루미나질 연마재로서 높은 경도, 적당한 인성으로 인해 단단하고 타기 쉬운 피삭제에 알맞고, 고내화성, 화학적 안정성, 전기 절연성을 이용하여 특수내화물 등 다양한 용도로 사용됩니다, 입도, 비중, 화학성분(AI203 : 99.6% 이상)이 뛰어납니다. This is high purity alumina abrasive produced by fusing calcined alumina in an electric arc furnace and adjusting and refining large sized crystals and units. The material has high hardness and appropriate tenacity, and hence is suitable for solid and combustible polished subject, and is widely used for special refractories with the use of high fire resistance, chemical stability and electrical insulation. It shows excellence in grain size, specific gravity and chemical composition (Al203: over 99.6%) 용도 : 일반연마지석 및 연마포지, 고급내화재, 여과재, 충전재(Filler) Application : general grinding wheel and abrasive cloth and paper, high quality refractory material, filter material, filter 백색용융알루미나질 일반제품을 모입자로 하여 미분쇄/정립한 백색알루미나 미분으로 높은 경도와 적당한 파쇄성이 있어서 날 카로운 절삭을 지속하므로 연삭력이 뛰어납니다. 세밀한 입도분포로 정립되어 있어 정밀도가 높은 연마면을 얻을 수 있습니다. 경도, 파쇄성의 특성에 따라 발열을 방지해야만 하는 연마에 적합합니다. 화학적으로 고순도이며 특유의 전기특성으로 고급내화 재나 충전재로 알맞습니다. Putting macrosized white fused alumina as a core particle, this abrasive material shows high hardness and appropriate friability with finely ground/prepared white alumina powder to enable a consistent sharp cutting. So, it is an abrasive with excellent grinding force. This product provides a high precision abrasive surface as it is established with a fine particle size distribution. It is suitable for grinding applications where exothermic reaction should be prevented depending on the characteristics of friability. The product features chemically high purity, suitable for high quality anti-fire material or filler due to its peculiar electrical characteristics. 용도 : 연마지석 및 연마포지용 지립원료 - 특수강, 특히 베어링강의 정밀기계부품 및 공구 랩핑(Lapping) - 광학유리, 포토마스크(Photomask), 특수강, 보통강의 정밀기계부품 및 공구수정진동자 / 전기절연재료, 수지/도료 등의 충전재 기타 - 고급내화재료 Application : Grinding wheel and abrasive raw material for abrasive cloth and paper - Special steel, particularly precision machine parts and tools of bearing Lapping - Optical glass, photo mask - Precision machine parts and tools of special steel and mild steel - Quartz crystal - Electrical insulation materials, fillers such as resin/paint Other - High quality anti-fire materials WHITE MORUNDUM WA SHOWA DENKO ALR ELFUSA WA WHITE MORUNDUM WA NANKO ABRASIVES NANKORUNDUM WA WHITE FUSED ALUMINA WA WHITE MORUNDUM WA [소포장] SHOWA DENKO [20kg포장] #280, #600 320,400 6kg 5.5kg #280, 320 6kg #800 5kg #400,600,800 5kg #1000, #1500, #2500, #4000, #8000 1200 2000 3000 6000 4.5kg 4kg 3.5kg 3kg 2.5kg #1000,1200, 1500,2000 4kg #2500,3000,4000 #6000, 8000 3.5kg 3kg ALL 20kg ALL 20kg #280,320,360,400,500,600,700,800,1000,1200,1500, 2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,8000 NANKORUNDUM WA [소포장] NANKO ABRASIVES [20kg포장] WA 11

용융 알루미나 Fused Alumina 분홍색 용융 알루미나 Pink Fused Alumina 단결정 타입 알루미나 Single-Crystal Type Alumina SINGLE MORUNDUM SA-J01 SHOWA DENKO 일반제품으로 백색용융알루미나(WA) 범주의 연마재로서 백색용융알루미나(WA)보다 인성이 강하고 연마조건이 더욱 까다로운 분야에 적용이 가능합니다. 수명이 길다는 특성도 있습니다. 연삭시에 발열이 적습니다. 일반제품으로서 소성알루미나를 주 원료로 한 단결정 알루미나질 연마재로서 최근 연삭가공분야에서 요구되는 고도의 연삭조건(고하중, 고속화, 심층연마) 등에 맞추어 개발된 것으로 적용범위가 넓습니다. 입자별 결정이 잘 발달된 단결정 구조이며 내부 변형이나 미소 크랙 (Crack)이 없는 성이 강한 지립입니다. This abrasive is within the white fused alumina (WA) range, applicable to the field requiring higher tenacity and more complex abrasive conditions than the white fused alumina (WA). It features long life and shows low level of heat emitting while grinding. 용도 : 정밀연삭지석, 절단지석 Application : Precision grinding wheel, cutting wheel This is a macrosized product and a single-crystal type abrasive using calcined alumina as its main raw material. It is widely used after developed in accordance with high abrasive conditions (high load, high speed, in-depth grinding) required by the field of abrasive processes in recent years. This product has a singlecrystal structure where crystals per particle are well developed, and is also a strong-tenacity abrasive without an internal transformation or a crack. 용도 : 비트리파이드(Vitrified) 및 레지노이드(Resinoid) 본드(Bond) 연마지석 분야에서 정밀성과 높은 생산성이 요구되는 분야 특히 고경도 및 고인성의 합금강, 소입강재의 연삭 Application : Fields requiring precision and high productivity in vitrified and resinoid bond grinding wheels, especially, alloyed steel of high hardness and high tenacity, grinding of quenched steel PINK MORUNDU PW #10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220 ELFUSA (OEM : Brazil) PINK ALUMINIUM RUR #10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag SINGLE MORUNDUM SA-J01 #20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220 열처리 고경도 알루미나 Calcined Type Alumina 갈색용융알루미나 계열로서 기존의 용융알루미나보다 높은 소성온도(1,350 )에서 용융, 냉각하여 제조된 Ingot으로 생산한 연마재입니다. 낮은 팽창계수, 친수성, 고경도의 특성을 가지며 분말입자가 서로 단단히 밀착된 다결정체 연마재로 파쇄강도와 연마효율이 우수합니다. PINK MORUNDUM PW SHOWA DENKO RUR ELFUSA As in a series of brown fused alumina, this abrasive is produced by the ingot created through the fusing and cooling process at a firing temperature of 1,350, higher than the existing fused alumina. It features low expansion coefficient, hydrophilic, and high hardness, showing excellence in crushing strength and grinding efficiency as it is of grinding multi-crystal materials, tightly adhered to one another. 용도 : 고품질의 연마지석 공구와 연마포지 Application : High quality grinding wheel tools and abrasive cloth and paper CALCINED TYPE ALUMINA SAC #12,16,20,22,24,30,36,40,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220 13

탄화규소 Silicon Carbide 흑색 탄화규소 Black Silicon Carbide DENSIC C #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 BLACK SILICON CARBIDE C #16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 25kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 양질의 규석과 코크스를 원료로 하여 전기 저항로에서 고온 반응시켜 선별 및 정제처리하여 제조합니다. 높은경도, 고내화성, 고온강도, 화학적 안정성을 이용하여 연삭재, 내화재로서 사용됩니다. This is produced by using good quality silicon and coke as material, exhibiting high temperature response in the electrical resistance furnace, and going through the selecting and refining process. It is used as grinding materials and anti-fire materials with the use of high hardness, high fire resistance, high intensity, and chemical stability. 용도 : 연마지석 및 연마포지, 내화재 Application : Grinding wheels and abrasive cloth and paper, fireproof materials. DENSIC C SHOWA DENKO C DENSIC C NANKO ABRASIVES DIAMOIDE NC #280,320,400,600,800 #1000,1200,1500,2000,2500,3000 ALL 5kg 4kg 20kg 흑색탄화규소질 일반제품을 모립으로 하여 미분쇄/정립한 흑색탄화규소 미분으로 녹색탄화규소 계열 다음으로의 경도이며 정밀 마무 리 연마용입니다.높은 열전도성 및 내열성의 특성을 이용하여 고급내화재료로서 뛰어난 기능을 발휘합니다. 녹색탄화규소계열 다음의 경도특성으로 적응하는 가공체(주로 저항장력재료 및 경취성재료)에 대한 정밀마무리, 혹은 그 열적 특성으로 고급특수내화재료로서 적합합니다. BLACK SILICON CARBIDE C #320,400,500 #600 #800,1000,1200,1500,2000,2500 #3000 ALL 5kg 4.5kg 4kg 3.5kg 20kg #280,320,360,400,500,600,700,800,1000, 1200,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,8000 With general size range black silicon carbide as a core particle, this product range? black silicon carbide powder, finely ground and formed is the next hardness from the series of green silicon carbide and for precision finish grinding. It also exercises excellent functions as high quality fireproof materials using high heat conductivity and heat resistance. It is suitable for precision finish of (mainly, tension resistance material and hard brittle material) adapted to the hardness characteristics of the next series of green silicon carbide, also well suited as high quality special fireproof materials due to its thermal characteristics. 용도 : 연마지석 및 연마포지용 지립원료 - 특히 내수연마지 또는 PVA 지석 등 정밀마무리 공정용 랩핑(Lapping) - 주철, 진주, 알루미늄 등의 저항 장력재 - 석재, 보석, 세라믹, 광학유리 등의 경취성 재료 - 실리콘 등의 반도체 재료, 고급 특수 내화재 DENSIC C [소포장] SHOWA DENKO [20kg포장] DIAMOIDE NC [소포장] NANKO ABRASIVES [20kg포장] 기타 - 블라스팅(Blasting), 커팅(Cutting), 바렐피니쉬(Barrel Finishing) Application : Grinding wheels and abrasive raw materials for abrasive cloth and paper - Particularly precision finish Lapping - Tension resistance materials such as cast iron, pearl, aluminium - Hard brittle materials such as stones, gem, ceramic, optical glass - Semiconductor materials such as silicon - High quality special fireproof materials Other - Blasting, cutting, barrel finishing C 15

탄화규소 Silicon Carbide 녹색 탄화규소 Green Silicon Carbide GREEN DENSIC GC #10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 GREEN SILICON CARBIDE C #8,10,12,14,16,20,24,30,36,46,54,60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,220,240 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 25kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 고순도의 규석과 코크스를 원료로 전기항로에서 고온 반응시켜 선별 및 정제처리하여 제조합니다. C보다 고순도이며 보다 높은 경도, 고내화성, 화학적 안정성, 전기 특성을 이용하여 연삭재, 발열체 원료, 세라믹 원료로서 이용됩니다. This is produced by using high purity silicon and coke as material, which then exhibits high-temperature response in the electrical resistance furnace, and going through the selection and refining process. It is higher in purity than C and is used as a abrasive, heating element material and ceramic material, with the use of higher hardness, high fireproof, chemical stability and electrical characteristics. 용도 : 일반연삭지석, 발열체, 세라믹 원료 Application : General grinding wheel, heating element, ceramic materials GREEN DENSIC GC SHOWA DENKO GC GREEN DENSIC GC #280,320, 400,500 5kg NANKO ABRASIVES DIAMOIDE NGC #320,400, 600,800 6kg 매우 경질인 녹색탄화규소질 일반제품을 모립으로 미분쇄/정립한 녹색탄화규소 미분으로 다이아몬드, CBN 다음으로의 경도를 가지며 고도의 정밀마무리 연마용으로서 뛰어난 기능을 발휘하는 연마재입니다. 세밀한 입도분포로 정립되어 있어서 정밀도가 높은 연마면을 얻을 수 있으며, 높은 경도 특성으로 총경재료, 자성재료, 혹은 경취성재료 등의 초정밀 가공에 적합합니다. With macrosized range green silicon carbide as a core particle, this product range-green silicon carbide powder, finely ground and formed is the next hardness from diamond and CBN, showing excellent functions as a high level of precision finishing abrasive. It is arranged in particle size distribution and hence can obtain a high precision abrasive surface, suitable for super precision processing, such as super hard material, magnetic material or hard brittle material due to high hardness characteristics. 용도 : 연마지석 및 연마포지 용 저립원료, 특히 자기헤드, 주철 등의 정밀 마무리 공정용 랩핑(Lapping) - 수정진동자, 석영유리, 경질유리 - 초경공구, 칼날류, 페라이트(Ferrite) - 실리콘 등의 반도체재료/합성수지계 비열전도성 물질 기타 - 블라스팅(Blasting)재료, 커팅(Cutting)재료, 발열체재료, 고급내화재료 Application : Grinding wheels and abrasive raw materials for abrasive cloth and paper - Particularly precision finish process such as a magnetic head, cast iron Lapping - A quartz crystal, quartz glass, hard glass - Super hard tools, cutting blades, ferrite - Semiconductor materials such as silicon - Non-conductive heat transfer material of synthetic resin systems Other - Blasting material, cutting material, heat-emitting material, high quality fireproof material GREEN SILICON CARBIDE GC GREEN DENSIC GC [소포장] SHOWA DENKO [20kg포장] #600 4.5kg #800, 1000 4kg #1200, 1500 3.5kg #2000,2500, #6000,8000 ALL 3000,4000 3kg 2.5kg 2.5kg #1000,1200,1500,2000 #2500,3000 4kg 3.5kg #4000,6000, ALL 8000 3kg 2.5kg #280,320,360,400,500,600,700,800,1000, 1200,1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,8000 DIAMOIDE NGC [소포장] NANKO ABRASIVES [20kg포장] GC 17

특수연마재 Special Products Cubitron Abrasive Grain (Ceramic Abrasive Grain) 탄화붕소 Boron Carbide 가장 강한 인조연마재의 하나로서 다이아몬드 다음 가는 경도를 지니고 있습니다. 공업적으로 생산되는 탄화붕소의 물리적 성질은, 흑색의 분립상 또는 능면체의 결정을 가지고 있으며, 탄화규소보다도 단단하고, 중성자의 흡수능력이 큽니다. Boron Carbide is one of the hardest man-made abrasives, hardness after diamond. Physical properties of boron carbide produced for commercial purposes contain black granular or rhombohedral crystals, also harder than silicon carbide and great in neutron absorption capability. 3M社의 큐비트론 연마재는 기존의 용융 알루미나보다 우수하고, 다이아몬드 혹은 입방질화붕소(CBN)와 같은 고가의 초경질 연마재를 대체할 수 있는 연마 효율성이 매우 뛰어난 제품입니다. 다른 일반 연마재의 제조과정과 차별화된 핵심은 솔-젤(sol gel) 프로세스이며, 탁월한 연마력은 큐비트론 입자의 독특한 구조에 기인 하는데, 보조생성물(secondary phase)인 판상(platelet)을 가지고 내부 균열(분산)되는 알파 알루미나(alpha alumina) 결정으로 구성 됩니다. 이러한 큐비트론의 판상 균열 구조는 높은 강도(hard)와 질김(tough)을 모두 충족시킵니다. 3M CUBITRON is a ceramic mineral produced through the sol gel process, showing exceptional durability and cutting efficiencies, not only in soft quality polishing, high carbon steel, stainless, but in nonferrous metal. Superior to the existing fused alumina, 3M CUBITRON boasts of its excellent grinding efficiency to replace high priced ultra-hard polishing materials such as diamond or Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN). Eminent grinding strength of this product is resulted from its unique CUBITRON particle structure, which is consisted of alpha alumina crystals that are internally cracked with a platelet, a secondary phase. Accordingly, the crack structure of this platelet brings an effect of satisfying high strength and toughness. 용도 : 초경합금/보석류/세라믹의 연마/광택/드릴링/절단, 세라믹 제조용 원료, 내화재용 원료, 원자로용. 금속붕화제 Application : Super hard alloy, gem, ceramics grinding, brightening, drilling, cutting, ceramic manufacture materials, fireproof materials, nuclear reactor, metal boride materials BORON CARBIDE #150,180,220,240,280,320,360,400,500,600,800,1000,1200,1500 500g bag / plastic container 용도 : 비트리파이드(Vitrified) 및 레진(Bonded) 제품, 정밀 롤 연삭, 정밀 연삭 - 균열 축 연삭, 캠축 연삭, 센터리스 연삭 Application : Vitrified and resin bonded products, precision roll grinding, precision grindings - crank shaft grinding, camshaft grinding, centerless grinding Chemical Composition & Property Al2O3 94-96% MgO 1.2% ± 0.3% Y2O3 1.2% ± 0.3% LaO3 + Nd2O3 2.4% ± 0.5% Trace Amounts : TiO2, SiO2, CaO, Fe Vickers Hardness and Fracture Toughness Hardness (GPa) Fracture Toughness (Kic) (Mpa m5) Cubic Boron Nitride 43 5.7 Al2O3 18 2.2 Silicon Carbide 24 2.5 Fused AZ 16 3.6 3M Cubitron 22 4.6 토사 에머리 Emery Powder 알루미나질을 주성분으로 한 원료를 분쇄/정립한 회흑색의 인조 연마재입 니다. 높은 경도와 최적의 인성을 가지고 있으며 연삭력이 강하고 또 내구 성도 뛰어나며 균일한 표면을 얻을 수 있음과 동시에 연삭력의 수명도 비 교적 깁니다. Emery powder is a man-made abrasive, black or dark gray in color, in which alumina used as a main ingredient have been milled and assigned. This has an optimal tenacity, strong in grinding force, excellent in durability, enables even surface, as well as long relatively long life of grinding force. 큐비트론 연마재 제품별 특징 (Features of Goods) 201 뭉특(blocky), 거침(tough), 고강도(strong), 고압(high pressure)-강철(steel) 그라인딩(grinding), 절삭용(cutting) 222 부서지기 쉬움(fragile) 저압용 금속 및 목재에 사용(used in low pressure metal and wood) 321 비트리 본드(vitrified bond)용 아이템(items), 정밀 그라인딩(precision grinding) 거침(tough), 단단함(hard), 셀프 샤프닝(self-sharpening) 고압(high pressure)-스테인리스(stainless steel) &항공기합금(aero space alloys) 351 321의 날카로운 버전 (a sharp form of 321) SS 합금(SS alloys) & 초기단계 절단(initial cut) 323 321 대비 약간 강함(a little stronger than 321) 고압용 합금에 사용(used in high pressure alloys) 324 레진본드(resin bond)용, 222와 유사(similar with 222) 321보다 부서지기 쉬움(more fragile than 321) 저압(low pressure)용, 제거(removal)용 용도 : 스테인레스의 버프(Buff) 연마, 샌드블라스팅(Sand Blasting), 연마포지 재료 Application : Polishing of stainless steel buff, sand blasting, materials for abrasive cloth and paper NANKO ABRASIVES NANKO EMERY AE #60,70,80,90,100,120,150,180,200,220,250,280,320,400,600,800,1000,1200 20kg 3 layer kraft paper bag 19

Special Products CBN Powder Chromium Oxide Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) powder, a white fine hexagonal boron nitride powder of high purity crystals, has layered structure like black lead and shows excellent lubrication and release properties. This product has an insulating function, chemical/thermal stability and show stability up to about 3,000 under uncertain conditions. Plus, it is used in wide fields thanks to its excellent fluidity and filling ability. It is also shows stability toward most organic solvents and corrosive chemicals, and keeps most fused metals and glasses form getting wet. This is high quality green pigment, used to brightening glass, ceramic products and enamel. It is dark green hexagonal powder, insoluble in water and alcohol. Application : Resins of all sorts, rubber additive, insulation fill materials, filling materials for composition plate, glass processing / release agents for metallurgy NON-COAT COAT SBN-B SBN-T SBN-F SBN-M SBN-V SBN-DN SBN-KN SBN-DX #60-80 #80-100 #100-120 #120-140 #140-170 #170-200 #200-203 #230-270 #270-325 #325-400 glass bottle Application : Brightener, finish material, raw material for buffing compounds, fireproof material NIPPON CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL Purpose of use Purity CHROMIUM OXIDE fireproof material pigment polish over 98.00 over 99.30 over 99.30 25kg paper bag ; polyethylene plastic bag inside High Purity Alumina This is in high purity with more than 99.00% alumina, showing an excellent surface smoothness and even quality high strength because it is consisted of ultra-fine powder of even particle sizes. It also enables sintered compact with high density to obtain with low sintering temperature. In addition, with the use of high purity and ultra-fine powder, this product performs superior functions even in the field where properties of alumina including transmissible porcelain single crystal are extremely required. Application : Transmissible porcelain, single crystal sapphire, ruby, high strength alumina ceramics IC substrate, IC package, cutting tools, high purity crucible, spattering target, glass, metal semiconductor, and plastic polishing. BAIKOWSKI (USA) BAIKALOX CR6 0.3/0.6 600g plastic container 21

Beads Glass Beads Efficiency, quality and recycling are important in the modern metal production process. Our company provides technology integrated glass beads in various fields such as the aircraft industry, auto industry and electronics industry, creating cost reduction. Especially they show excellent performances in the processes of cleaning, peening, finishing and deburring, all concerning the sand blasting process. Finishing What matters the most outwardly is the bead size. Speed, nozzle angles and other elements should be adjusted along with the maximum working speed and minimum consumption rate. In general, high strength large beads provide deep matte, low strength large beads provide smooth and bright surfaces, high strength small beads provide dull matte, and low strength small beads provide bright satin. Advantages : Wide range of glass finish from matte to stain, recycling finish with an easy process Cleaning Widely used, it often applies effectively to the angle tests of different nozzles. Small size range is well suited to internal grooves or hard parts. High speed and minimal labor are required. So size and nozzle angles should be combined well. In general, optimal cleaning speed by the given size optimizes consumption and reduces costs. Advantages : No scars on the working plane, chemical inactivation, extensive and fine cleaning, high energy efficiency by use Application : Scrap removal or vat, tube, tray, household goods, and a tank; cleaning of machines, dies, plates removal of surface scraps or coating, keeping piston and block clean in the engine recycling process, cleaning large tubine, engine casting, further complex parts Application : Most interior ornaments, mixed surface defects, printing plate/dies, cast etching, casting scar removal, cleaning cast surface and doubling the softness Deburring Top consideration in deburring should be the combination of procedures in the surface finish process to acquire enough energy for restraining or removing barr. Bead sizes should be adjusted by speed and peening strength. Moderate nozzle angles optimize consumption. Advantages : Barr removal, cost reduction by the one-step process Peening The hammering process requires peening to increase fatigue resistance or internal tension corrosion. Glass beads work well particularly in penning because they never give any damage to the surface metal. Application : Removing ends of tools, systems, and finished products, as well as barr removal; Deflashing and deburring of plastic parts and metal casting; Removing barr of threading equipment and spool Advantages : Anti-crack and increased life, excellent for precision work, peening no scrapes on working plane, no need of follow-up treatment following scar removal POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC (USA) POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC (Australia) POTTERS BALLOTINI IMPACT BEADS POTTERS BALLOTINI IMPACT BEADS Particle Size MIL 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 MIL 6,7,8,10,11 Potters D,AC,AD,AE Packing 25kg 3 layer paper bag Application - Peening to prevent severe corrosion or cracks in specific parts - Peening for gear, shaft, cutting blades, cutting tools, pipe, joint and spare parts, to raise resistance against severe corrosion or cracks - Peening to boost resistance against weekend materials of the body and propellers - Peening of blades in jet engine parts, windsock, valve, spindle, and shaft POTTERS BALLOTINI IMPACT BEADS (USA) POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC. (Australia) 23

비드 Beads 세라믹 비드 Ceramic Beads FZT 제품은 지르콘을 2,000 이상의 고온 전기로에서 용융 생산되며, 낮은 비용으로 우수한 표면처리와 다양한 운전조건(Dry & Wet / Air Blast)을 제공합니다. 기존의 글라스와 스틸비드에서 얻을 수 없는 균일한 표면의 조도를 제공합니다. YZB 제품은 고순도 지르코니아 세라믹 제품으로 유전체, 압전체, 자성체 등 각종 전자부품재료의 분쇄/분산용으로 탁월한 성능을 발휘합니다. 그외에 형광 체, 전지용 전극재료, 안료, 페인트, Fine 세라믹 원료, 연마미분, CMP용 나노분말 등의 제조에 널리 이용되고 있습니다. FZT products are produced by fusing zircon at high temperatures (over 2,000 ) in an electrical furnace, and provide superior surface treatment at low costs, as well as various operating conditions (Dry & Wet / Air Blast). They supply an even surface illumination that was not provided by the existing glass and steel beads. YZB products, high purity zirconia ceramics, show excellent performances for grinding and dispersing of many electronic components and materials, such as dielectric, piezoelectrics, and magnetic substance. Other than this, they are widely used to manufacture: fluorescent substance, battery electrode materials, pigment, paint, fine ceramic raw materials, fine abrasive powder, and CMP nano powder. AMSAT (USA) Particle Size Packing FTZ 0.600~0.850 / 0.425~0.600 / 0.250~0.425 / 0.125~0.250 / 0.070~0.125 / 0.0~0.070 20kg plastic container YZB 0.1~25 ALUMINA BALL 25

Others Plating Steel Ball Plating steel balls, coated with Ni (Nickel) and Sn (Stannum) for electroplating on insulators such as MLCC (Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor), are produced in standard sizes of 0.3 to 2.0 and provided in the home and abroad market. PLATING STEEL BALL SB Particle Size SB - 0.4 SB - 0.6 SB - 1.5 Packing 25kg plastic container Alumina Ball Alumina ball are manufactured through the complex process using high purity a-alumina, a main component. This product is suitable for fine grinding or dispersing of raw materials in various types that are used in glass, cement, crockery, electronics, paint, chemical powder and foods. This product features strong hardness, durability, abrasion resistance, heat resistance, no responsibility to chemical actions, excellent grinding force and strong hydrophilic property. White product range features abrasion resistance and low prices and hence is used in many industrial fields for raw material grinding or dispersing applications, while green product range, of low purity, is in general use for prevention against ceramic ball pollution, filling and dispersion. Particle Size Packing ALUMINA BALL (WHITE) ALUMINA BALL (GREEN) 5, 10 25kg plastic container SB SiC Ball This is a kind of ceramic ball, manufactured in mixture of ceramic binder and SIC, and is mainly used for barrel grinding or surface finish operations. Its applications include surface treatment nonferrous metal and ceramics, as well as burr removal. Boron Nozzle ALUMINA BALL This is a sunction-type boron carbide nozzle, encased in polyurethane. This product boasts of higher strength than other nozzles of different materials, long life, lightweight and good abrasion resistance. The nozzles are consumables for sandblasters. Particle Size Packing Particle Size Packing PLATING STEEL BALL SB 1 2 3 25kg plastic container BLASTING NOZZLE ECHING NOZZLE external diameter 19mm external diameter 16mm Left : external diameter 8.2mm Right : external diameter 12.15mm box packing SB Blasting Gun Air nozzles are coated with polyurethane and manufactured to keep the loss of air pressure at the lowest and maximize working efficiency. BLASTING NOZZLE & ECHING NOZZLE BLASTING GUN 27