내신유형다지기 01 다음중동사의현재분사와과거분사가잘못연결된것은? 1 calling - called 2 stealing - stolen 3 singing - sang 4 riding - ridden 5 cutting - cut 05 다음중밑줄친부분의분사의쓰임이옳지않은것은

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Being friends with the face in the mirror

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>


핵심개념다지기 ( 분사의형태와개념 ) 핵심개념다지기 ( 명사를수식하는분사 ) 01~10 다음주어진동사의현재분사와과거분사를차 례로적으시오. 01 come / 02 give / 03 use / 04 swim / 05 rise / 06 sleep / 07 do / 08 fly / 09 die / 10 be / 21~30 괄호안의주어진단어중알맞은것을고르시 오. 21 I know the girl (playing / played) the piano. 22 The baby (sleeping / slept) on the bed is my little brother. 23 He saw a window (breaking / broken) by Tom. 24 We should save (dying / died) trees. 25 I will buy a bag (making / made) in Korea. 26 This picture (painting / painted) by Picasso is famous. 27 I am looking for a (losing / lost) dog. 28 Keep your fingers (crossing / crossed) for me. 29 It is difficult to find tigers (living / lived) in the wild. 30 I want to read a book (writing / written) in English. 11~20 다음주어진의미와맞도록괄호안의적절한 단어를고르시오. 11 뛰어가는개 a (running / run) dog 12 미소짓는소녀 a (smiling / smiled) girl 13 망가진차 a (breaking / broken) car 14 자고있는아기 a (sleeping / slept) baby 15 떨어진잎사귀 a (falling / fallen) leave 31~40 괄호안의주어진단어를알맞은분사의형태 로수정하시오. 31 The boy (sing) a song on the stage is my son. 32 The man (look) poor is actually rich. 33 I have met the man (read) a book over there. 34 The man (talk) to them is attractive. 16 불타는집들 (burning / burned) houses 35 The man (do) magic is my homeroom teacher. 17 빛나는별 (shining / shined) stars 18 움직이는벌레 a (moving / moved) bug 19 구운케이크 a (baking / baked) cake 20 기다리는남자 a (waiting / waited) man 36 The boy (wash) the dishes is kind 37 I ate potatoes (grow) by my parents. 38 Send the letter (write) by Jack to Jane. 39 I lost a (deliver) package. 40 A bird (sing) on the tree is a sparrow. - 1 -

내신유형다지기 01 다음중동사의현재분사와과거분사가잘못연결된것은? 1 calling - called 2 stealing - stolen 3 singing - sang 4 riding - ridden 5 cutting - cut 05 다음중밑줄친부분의분사의쓰임이옳지않은것은? 1 A kite flying in the sky fell down suddenly. 2 Keep away from the burning houses. 3 You should protect an old man crossed the road. 4 This is her stolen bag. 5 I know the man asking for direction to th City Hall. 02 다음주어진문장과같은의미가되도록빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것을고르시오. 그도로는낙엽으로덮여있다. The street is covered with leaves. 1 fall 2 falls 3 to fall 4 falling 5 fallen 06 다음중빈칸에들어갈말로알맞게짝지어진것은? The woman us English is from Canada. The tree on the hill is a pine tree. He cured my fingers in the door. 03 다음빈칸에공통으로들어갈말로알맞은것은? I heard the phone. The phone is mine. 1 ring 2 to ring 3 rang 4 ringing 5 rung 04 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞지않은것은? I saved a cat. 1 run to a bus 2 lying on the street 3 wounded in the legs 4 run over by a car 5 trembling outside with fear 1 teaching - stand - catching 2 teaching - standing - caught 3 teaching - stood - catching 4 taught - standing - caught 5 taught - stood - catching 07 우리말과영작이바르게연결되지않은것은? 1 야구를하는소년들은나의아들들이다. The boys playing baseball are my sons. 2 저난파선을보아라. Look at the broken ship. 3 무대에서춤을추고있는나의딸이자랑스럽다. I am proud of my daughter dancing on the stage. 4 영어로쓰여진이책은읽기쉽다. This book written in English is easy to read. 5 돌과벽돌로지은저집에는누가살고있나? Who lives in that house building of stone and brick? - 2 -

08 다음주어진우리말을바르게영작한것은? 컴퓨터로메일을쓰고있는그소년은 Tom 이다. 1 The boy write a mail on the computer is Tom. 2 The boy writes a mail on the computer is Tom. 3 The boy writing a mail on the computer is Tom. 4 The boy written a mail on the computer is Tom. 5 The boy wrote a mail on the computer is Tom. 09 다음중밑줄친단어를적절한의미가되도록바꾼것으로알맞지않은것은? 1 The man took a rest is my uncle. taking 2 Don't wake up the boy slept on the sofa. sleeping 3 The lady walked with a dog was an actress. walking 4 There are many people build their own houses. building 5 I don't like the man open the window. opened 12 다음주어진두문장의밑줄친단어의쓰임이같지않은것으로짝지어진것은? 1 The man watching a movie is a singer. His job is watching the sheep. 2 The man talking with her is my cousin. I want to buy a talking robot. 3 A man set a table for his friends. Set the alarm for 8 o'clock. 4 This broken window is dangerous. The broken copy machine is originally expensive. 5 They are looking at a sleeping baby. The dog sleeping on the table is my pet. 13 다음중어법상옳은것은? 1 Many people have their hiding secrets. 2 Don't eat any broke eggs. 3 The song written by Tom and Peter are now popular. 4 There are many toys in the box covered in a cloth. 5 A package send by Sumi was a birthday present for me. 10 다음중밑줄친부분이과거분사로사용되지않은것은? 1 The baker baked cakes for the poor. 2 The house painted in blue is my house. 3 The money spent for you is too much. 4 I found my lost bag. 5 Can I buy a picture painted by Catherine? 14 다음중어법상옳지않은것은? 1 The essay written by David was on the desk. 2 The boy playing computer games look happy. 3 I met a man looking for a post office. 4 A man walking down the street found a coin. 5 He sold a used car to Mr. Hong. 15 다음밑줄친과거분사와쓰임이같은것은? 11 다음중밑줄친부분이현재분사로사용되지않은것을고르시오. 1 The woman reading a novel is my mother. 2 I want to help the boy studying English. 3 He enjoyed dancing with his wife. 4 I have a talking bird. 5 A man making a speech is a president. I fixed a broken radio by myself. 1 It is hard to open the door locked from the inside. 2 The dog across the street barked loudly. 3 A barber cut his hair. 4 The children in this classroom made a snowman. 5 A factory in Busan produced this computer. - 3 -

16 다음주어진문장의빈칸에들어가지않는것을고르시오. I heard his name by his friends. A boy to the house didn't look busy. Who is the man his face? Try food. 1 going 2 walked 3 cooked 4 washing 5 called 17 다음보기에서어법상틀린것끼리짝지어진것은? a The boy does his homework is listening to music. b There are many people working at home. c The running man is 50 years old. d A man is teaching us English is married. e This forest has many fallen trees. 1 a 2 a, d 3 b, c, e 4 b, c, d, e 5 a, b, c, d, e 19 다음중어법상옳은것을모두고르시오. 1 I am proud of my son studying hard. 2 Repair the breaking radio. 3 A burnt child is afraid of the fire. 4 A man names Aesop wrote this book. 5 The girl kept a diary is 12 years old. 20 다음중어법상옳지않은것을모두고르시오. 1 The man wearing a vest is my father. 2 The bird flew to the sky is a parrot. 3 I talked to the girl listening to music. 4 He is a singer loved by many people. 5 Return the borrowing pen to the owner. [21~25] 다음주어진문장이같은뜻이되도록빈칸에적절한단어를쓰시오. 21 I know the boy. He is looking for a shirt. I know the boy for a shirt. 22 Take a picture of the dog. It is swimming in the river. Take a picture of the dog in the river. 23 Can you see the boy? He is skating on the ice. Can you see the boy on the ice? 18 다음보기에서어법에맞는것끼리짝지어진것은? a The people doing their best are nice. b The man stood there is a new teacher. c I want to see the finished work. d The man surfing in the sea is John. e The words recorded on the stone are not English. 24 He knows the girl. She is leaning against the wall. He knows the girl against the wall. 25 He pulled out a tree. It was planted in the garden. He pulled out a tree in the garden. 1 b 3 a, c, e 5 a, b, c, d, e 2 a, c 4 a, c, d, e - 4 -

[26~30] 주어진의미와같은문장이되도록괄호안의주어진단어를알맞게배열하시오. 단, 필요한경우동사의형태를알맞게수정하시오. 26 구르는돌에는이끼가끼지않는다. ( stone, moss, a, no, gather, roll ) 27 불타고있는건물안으로들어가는것은위험하다. ( is, building, enter, dangerous, it, to, a, burn ) 28 한교수가잊혀진언어들을연구하고있는중이다. ( professor, a, languages, forgotten, study, is ) 29 조리되지않은음식을먹지않도록조심해라. ( uncooked, careful, to, be, food, not, eat ) 30 흐르는물에과일을씻어라. ( running, in, wash, water, fruits ) - 5 -