5. 다음 [A] 글을참고하여대화를완성할때, 빈칸에들어갈표현을 [ 보기 ] 에서찾아순서대로나열한것을고르면? 5) [A] This is a famous architecture in Newark. It is made in the shape of a basket. What

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,,,,,, ),,, (Euripides) 2),, (Seneca, LA) 3), 1) )

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잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은


300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

272 石 堂 論 叢 49집 기꾼이 많이 확인된 결과라 할 수 있다. 그리고 이야기의 유형이 가족 담, 도깨비담, 동물담, 지명유래담 등으로 한정되어 있음도 확인하였 다. 전국적인 광포성을 보이는 이인담이나 저승담, 지혜담 등이 많이 조사되지 않은 점도 특징이다. 아울


아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


해외취업 가이드


Listen & Speak v 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. W: (A) M: I've always wanted to become an architect. I want to build my own house for my family. W: That's a great idea! I recommend you to get some good ideas from famous architecture around the world. M: I already have an idea. My dream house is one that is in Europe. W: What's so special about it? M: It has a very simple design. But what I like about it is its connection to nature. It's located at the top of a hill. W: I see. It must have a very nice view of the city. v 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. M: This architecture is called Angkor Wat. It is the symbol of Cambodia. W: I've only heard about it. I ahave always wanted to see that architecture for real. M: Well, here we are! W: When was this work of architecture built? M: bit built in the early 12th century. W: I see. What's so special about this architecture besides the unique design? M: Personally, cwhat I like this work of architecture is the value it holds. It's the oldest standing religious architecture. W: That's interesting. I'd like dto know more about it. M: Then I erecommend you reading the tour guidebook that it offered. (M = Tour Guide, W = Tourist) 1. 위대화의빈칸 (A) 에들어갈표현으로어색한것은? 1) 1 What kind of job do you want in the future? 2 What have you always wanted to be? 3 What do you want to be in the future? 4 What kind of house do you have in mind? 5 What would you like to be in the future? 3. 위밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것을모두고르면? 3) 1 a, c 2 b, c 3 b, c, e 4 c, e 5 a, b, c, e 4. 위대화의내용과일치하는것은? 4) 2. 위대화의내용과일치하는것을모두고르면? 2) 1 The man wants to be an architect and build his own house. 2 The woman gives some good ideas of building a house to the man. 3 The man is dreaming of building his house in Europe. 4 The man's dream house is connected to nature and located at the top of a hill. 5 The man's dream house has a complicated design, but it may have a great view of the town. 1 The tour guide is introducing the architecture called Angkor Wat which is the landmark of India. 2 The tourist has already known the religious value of Angkor Wat. 3 Angkor Wat was built by Cambodian king in the early 12th century. 4 What the woman likes about the work of architecture is unique design. 5 Angkor Wat is the oldest religious monument in Cambodia. - 1 -

5. 다음 [A] 글을참고하여대화를완성할때, 빈칸에들어갈표현을 [ 보기 ] 에서찾아순서대로나열한것을고르면? 5) [A] This is a famous architecture in Newark. It is made in the shape of a basket. What I like about this architecture is how it came to be designed. The designer of the building thought of this design to advertise his own basket company. I've always wanted to visit the place, so I'm going to visit Newark. There is an interesting story behind it, so I recommend you to search some articles about it online. You'll learn more about how it came to be created. A: This is a very unique building. B: Yes, it is. A: Is the designer trying to advertise something through the design? B: A: That's very creative. I'd like to know more about it. B: You'll find interesting stories behind it. A: Okay, I'll do that. I've always wanted to learn more about the world of architecture. [ 보기 ] (A) I recommend you to look at online brochures. (B) Yes. I heard that he wanted to advertise a basket company. (C) It is situated in Newark. (D) It is located in New Orleans. (E) I recommend you to search articles online. (F) I'm not sure, but I think he wanted to advertise a basket company. 1 (C) - (B) - (E) 2 (C) - (F) - (E) 3 (F) - (B) - (E) 4 (C) - (F) - (A) 5 (D) - (B) - (A) 6. 다음중짝지어진대화가어색한것은? 6) 1 A: I'm visiting Barcelona next week. Are there any beautiful buildings that I should visit? B: Of course. I recommend you to visit the Barcelona Pavilion. 2 A: What kind of building would you like to design? B: I've always wanted to build a house shaped like Robot TaeKwon V. 3 A: I wonder why somebody would design a building like this. B: Well, it sure does attract many people. 4 A: What architecture in Korea would you recommend to me? B: Well, what I like about Gyeongbokgung is that it has a beautiful night view. 5 A: I'd like to give you this free admission ticket for the building expo this weekend. B: Oh, thank you. I've always wanted to go to that building expo. 7. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈표현을아래 [ 보기 ] 에서찾아순서대로바르게나열한것은? 7) W: M: I'm going to visit London. I've always wanted to see Big Ben. W: What is Big Ben? M: What are your plans for your vacation? W: M: Sounds fun. I recommend you to take them to Changdeokgung. W: What do you like about it? M: Also, it'll be a good chance to show them Korean traditional architecture. W: I see. Thanks for your tip. [ 보기 ] (A) I'm planning to take my foreign friends on a city tour around Seoul. (B) What are you going to do during your summer vacation? (C) What I like about the place is its natural surroundings. (D) It's a famous clock tower in London. 1 (B) - (D) - (A) - (C) 3 (B) - (D) - (C) - (A) 5 (D) - (C) - (A) - (B) 2 (C) - (D) - (A) - (B) 4 (B) - (A) - (C) - (D) - 2 -

본문 The word "architecture" is a commonly used word. It can be simply defined as a mix of art and science that includes the design and construction of various buildings and structures. The world of architecture seems to show. 9. 위글의괄호 (A), (B), (C) 에서어법상알맞은말로바르게짝지은것은? 9) (A) (B) (C) 1 that would draw looked like 2 that drew looked 3 what would draw looked like 4 what drew looked like 5 what would draw looked The Basket Building (USA) Can you guess (A)[that / what] this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which sells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea (B)[would draw / drew] attention to the company. ᄀ, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that (C)[looked like / looked] a basket finally opened for business. 10. 위글에서알수있는 'Dave Longaberger' 의성격으로가장알맞은것은? 10) 1 creative and resolute 2 selfless and thoughtful 3 challenging and introspective 4 enterprising and frugal 5 humble and realistic 11. Which best fits for the blank ᄀ? 11) 1 For example 3 In addition 5 Therefore 2 Unfortunately 4 However 8. 위글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 8) 1 various life styles in modern society 2 that it is far more interesting than our imagination 3 that there is no limit to human creativity 4 that there are no limits to our level of knowledge 5 the deep understanding of structures and refined skills of craftsmen 12. 위글의내용과일치하는것은? 12) 1 The word "architecture" can be simply defined as a combination of art, science, and business. 2 Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1997. 3 Architects and construction companies agreed to Dave Longaberger's idea of building a basket-shaped office. 4 Dave's dream office opened for business on December 17, 1997. 5 The Basket Building was designed after a famous building in another city. - 3 -

The Cube Houses (Netherlands) aone of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, bdesigned by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture cis in fact building on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The town planners asked Piet Blom dto newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. According to Blom, the top of the individual house represents an abstract tree, and all houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called an architectural wonder since Blom has considered the form and aesthetics emuch more important than practical purpose. 13. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 13) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 14. Which of the following is NOT true about the passage? 14) 1 The Cube Houses are regarded as the most unique architecture in Rotterdam. 2 The Cube Houses are built on a pedestrian bridge. 3 Piet Blom considered practical purpose less important than aesthetics. 4 The Dutch architect designed the Cube Houses after he had been asked by the town planners to decorate a bridge. 5 Each of the houses is supposed to represent a tree, and the whole village seems like a yellow forest. 15. Why were the Cube Houses constructed behind the schedule? 15) 1 Because of a study on the creative design process 2 Because of driving the concept of how to decorate the bridge 3 Because of the workers' strike for better wages 4 Because a majority of people in town were opposed to the construction project. 5 Because of having an economic problem The Dancing House (Czech Republic) The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague houses built at the end of the 20th century. It arepresents a man and a woman dancing together. This amazing building was designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time, but. In 1996, it received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. 16. 위글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 16) 1 it didn't have much aesthetic qualities 2 it has become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague 3 the functional value of the Dancing House cannot be underestimated 4 the house was reconstructed after the fire 5 it helped the city develop in many ways 17. 위글의밑줄친 a 와유사한의미의단어는? 17) 1 appoints 2 revokes 3 symbolizes 4 convinces 5 unveils 18. Which of the following is NOT true about the Dancing House? Choose all the answers. 18) 1 The Dancing House was built at the middle of the 20th century and is still in use today. 2 In the Czech Republic, there is a building called the "Dancing House." 3 The Dancing House, which had been designed by American architects, was destroyed during wartime. 4 The Dancing House resembles a pair of dancers. 5 The Dancing House is one of the most unusual buildings in Prague. - 4 -

One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. (A) The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. (B) The garage behind the books a[was / were] constructed in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. (C) Community input was b[appealed / requested] on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. (D) This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of c[economical / cultural] and literary interests of the city's people. (E) Does the world of unique architecture interest you? Exploring how architects express their creativity is exciting. Great architects will always remind people of their great creativity through their amusing ideas. 19. What is the main topic? 19) 1 How to build buildings 2 How to be a great architect 3 How to catch people's attention 4 Ways to stimulate our capacity for creativity 5 Creative ideas reflected in buildings 20. 위글의 (A)~(E) 중주어진문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? 20) The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 21. 위글의괄호 a, b c 에서알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 21) 22. Why was the Kansas City Library Garage built? 22) 1 To draw people into the library 2 To meet the needs for additional parking space 3 To reflect the people's architectural interests 4 To seek balanced development between cities 5 To deal with the labor shortage in Kansas city 23. 위글에서알수있는것을모두고르면? 23) 1 Local residents got to choose which titles would be represented in the bookshelf. 2 The Kansas City Library Garage used 25 book images. 3 The book titled "Kansas City, Missouri" is contained in the 22 "Community Bookshelf" book titles. 4 The book spines measures approximately 25 feet by 9 feet. 5 The bookshelf was completed between March and the fall of 2004. 24. Which of the following is NOT true about the Kansas City Library Garage?(Choose all) 24) 1 It looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf. 2 Its showcase's 22 titles reflect a wide variety of reading interests of the city's people. 3 Community input was requested on ways to beautify the parking garage and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf evolved. 4 Community members were asked to vote on the titles to be displayed, and the ones chosen reflect a wide range of famous literature. 5 It reflects the typical ideas of how parking garages are planned and constructed. a b c 1 was acquired economical 2 was acquired cultural 3 was requested cultural 4 were requested economical 5 were requested cultural - 5 -

Can you guess what this building ais used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company bwho sells baskets, had a dream to build his office cinto a giant basket. (A) Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. (B) Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither ddid many of the employees who worked for his company. (C) But Dave was determined. (D) His dream ehad been achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. (E) 25. 위글의 (A)~(E) 중주어진문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? 25) However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) One of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, athat designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The town planners asked Piet Blom to newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. Due to financial reasons, the construction bwas completed much later in 1984. According to Blom, the top of the individual house crepresents an abstract tree, and dall houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called since Blom ehas considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. 28. What can be the best title? 28) 1 The Attractive City of Netherlands 2 An Icon of Rotterdam's Popular Culture 3 The Relationship between Nature and People 4 Architecture Under Construction 5 The Cube Houses: Rotterdam's Landmark 29. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상틀린것은? 29) 26. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것을모두고른것은? 26) 1 a, e 2 b, e 3 c, d 4 c, e 5 a, d, e 27. Which of the following statement is CORRECT? 27) 1 The building was located in the middle of the downtown area. 2 The basket-shaped building was a grocery store which was founded by Dave Longaberger. 3 The building was designed to catch the eyes of passing drivers on the road. 4 Dave Longaberger had wanted to build his workplace into a giant basket since 17 years old. 5 A number of employees who worked for Dave's company didn't believe that Dave's dream building could be built. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 30. 위글의빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? 30) 1 an architectural wonder 2 an aesthetic interest 3 a technical art 4 a typical piece of art 5 wooden structures 31. What is true about the Cube Houses? 31) 1 Their purpose was to advertise beauty and household products. 2 They represent a flower garden as a whole. 3 The construction had social and artistic issues. 4 The architect considered the art form more important than practical use. 5 They are located at each side of the road in downtown. - 6 -

One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, (A)[except / except for] in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. The garage behind the books was constructed in 2006 (B)[in response to / in reference to] the need for additional parking. Community ainput was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. The people of Kansas City (C)[asked to / were asked to] help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city's people. 34. 위글을아래와같이요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈내용으로가장적절한것은? 34) Kansas City (A) that looks like a row of books, which (B) of its people. 1 (A): built a parking garage (B): reflects the cultural interests 2 (A): built a public library (B): reflects the literary interests 3 (A): designed a public square (B): draws the artistic interests 4 (A): reconstructed a parking garage (B): represents the educational standard 5 (A): constructed a public library (B): shows the contemporary American history 32. 위글의괄호 (A), (B), (C) 에서알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 32) (A) (B) (C) 1 except in response to were asked to 2 except in reference to were asked to 3 except for in reference to asked to 4 except for in response to were asked to 5 except in response to asked to 35. According to the passage, the primary reason for building the Kansas City Library Garage is. 35) 1 to expand the parking garage in the public library 2 to attract more foreign tourists 3 to increase the number of unique buildings 4 to encourage the city residents to read books 5 to introduce great works of literature 33. 위글의밑줄친 ainput 의영영풀이로가장적절한것은? 33) input n. 1. information that is put into a computer: If the input data specified it, the file will close and the process terminates. 2. ideas, advice, money, or effort that you put into a job or activity in order to help it succeed: Farmers contributed most of the input into the survey. 3. any stimulating information or event: Their brains also need to be bigger to deal with the extra visual input. 4. something that goes into the production of output: We should reduce the input of pollutants. v. 5. enter (data or a program) into a computer: Have you inputted the new data yet? 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5-7 -

(A) The Dancing House is one of athe most interesting Prague house built at the end of the 20th century. (B) This amazing building bwas designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. (C) The site cwas originally occupied by a house, dwhich had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. (D) The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time, but it ehas become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague. (E) In 1996, it received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. 주관식서술형 40. 다음우리말을괄호안에주어진표현을이용하여영작하시오. 40) 그단체는사람들의관심을사회적문제로모으려고 노력한다. (try, organization, to, social, issues, draw) = 36. 위글의 (A)~(E) 중주어진문장이들어갈알맞은곳은? 36) It represents a man and a woman dancing together. 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 41. 다음두문장을한문장으로다시쓰시오. [ 단, < 보기 > 단어를모두사용할것 ] 41) He turned up late for class. He didn't bring his books. < 보기 > neither, only, not 37. In what way is the story organized? 37) 1 By giving causes and effects of the events 2 By comparing and contrasting the facts 3 By analyzing a common assumption 4 By narrating the story according to time order 5 By illustrating a statement by analogy 38. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상틀린것은? 38) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 42. 다음문장의틀린부분을찾아바르게고치시오. 42) (1) Online shoppers seem preferring brand-name goods. 39. What is NOT true about the Dancing House? (2 개 ) 39) 1 Due to a bombing attack, it was completed much later in 1945. 2 It was designed by two architects from different countries. 3 In 1996, it gained an award for the architectural design. 4 Not all the people liked its design at that time. 5 Its appearance is a round house of Prague style. (2) I lost my wallet which my mother bought me for a birthday present. - 8 -

Can you guess what this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which sells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. (A)Not only the bankers, architects, and construction companies did not take Dave seriously, neither do many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. (B)His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, (C) 바구니처럼생긴사무실은마침내영업을시작하였다. 46. What did most people think of the basket building that Dave Longaberger had dreamed of? (Answer using a clause in the passage) 46) 47. 위글의밑줄친우리말 (C) 를주어진단어를활용하여영작하시오. 47) when, look, open, finally, that 43. 위글을다음과같이요약할때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 43) Dave Longaberger, the (1) of a company which sells baskets, wanted to build an office building that looked like a (2). He believed the basket building would draw (3) to his company. At the end, his dream office was constructed in 1997. (1) (2) (3) 44. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 에서어법상어색한부분을모두찾아바르게고치시오. 44) 45. What does the underlined (B) refer to? (Answer in Korean) 45) - 9 -

[A] One of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The town planners asked Piet Blom to newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. According to Blom, the top of the individual house represent an abstract tree, and all houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called an a wonder ᄀsince Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. [B] ᄂ댄싱하우스는 20세기말에지어진프라하의가장흥미로운건축물중의하나이다. It represents a man and a woman dancing together. This amazing building was designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time, but it has become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague. In 1996, it received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. 50. 위글 [A] 의내용일부를요약한것이다. 제시된문장에서잘못된정보를찾아그이유를우리말로쓰시오. 50) (1) In the 1970s: Piet Blom asked the town planner to approve his proposal for investing in decorating a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. (2) In 1984: Piet Blom finally gave up the construction project because of financial difficulties. 51. 위글 [B] 를읽고아래질문에대한답을영어로쓰시오. 51) Q1) What does the Dancing House in Prague express? A1) Q2) Why was the Dancing House a controversial building at that time? A2) 48. 위글 [A] 의빈칸 a 에들어갈단어를다음영영풀이를참고하여쓰시오.. 48) a a : relating to the design and construction of buildings 52. 위글 [B] 에서밑줄친ᄂ의우리말과같은의미가되도록 [ 보기 ] 의단어들을활용하여알맞게쓰시오. 52) [ 보기 ] Prague, at, build, the Dancing House 49. 위글 [A] 의밑줄친ᄀ을해석하시오. 49) = - 10 -

One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. The garage behind the books was constructed in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. (A)This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city's people. 56. What does the underlined (A) refer to? Answer in Korean. 56) 57. What would the design of the Kansas City Library Garage represent? (Answer using a clause in the passage.) 57) 53. 다음주어진 < 영영풀이 > 에해당하는단어를위글에서찾아쓰시오. 53) < 영영풀이 > some places that many tourists visit 54. 위글을다음과같이요약할때빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 54) Kansas City Library Garage: Kansas City (1) a parking garage that (2) a row of books, which (3) the cultural and library interests of its people. (1) c (2) r (3) r 55. Describe the external appearance of Kansas City Library Garage. Answer in Korean. 55) - 11 -

2015 년기출예상문제 The Cube Houses (Netherlands) One of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The town planners asked Piet Blom to newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. (A) financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. (B) Blom, the top of the individual house represents an abstract tree, and all houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called an architectural wonder since Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. The Dancing House (Czech Republic) The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague houses built at the end of the 20th century. It represents a man and a woman dancing together. This amazing building was designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. The site was originally occupied by a house, which had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. The very non-traditional design was controversial at the time, but it has become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague. In 1996, it received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. 58. 위글에서주어진영영사전뜻풀이에해당하는단어를찾아각각한단어로쓰시오. 58) [ 뜻풀이 ] (A) 명사 : a philosophy concerned with the study of the idea of beauty. (B) 형용사 : causing a lot of disagreement. 59. 위글의문맥상빈칸 (A), (B) 에알맞은것은? 59) 1 Due to 2 Apart from 3 In spite of 4 Contrary to 5 Because of Regardless of Thanks to Except In case of According to 60. 위글을통해알수있는내용끼리올바르게짝지어진것은? 60) < 보기 > a the location where the Cube Houses are built b the year when the Cube Houses were completed c the name of an architect who designed the Cube Houses d the current evaluation of the Dancing House e the reason why the Dancing House was destroyed f the name of an award that the Dancing house received 1 a, b, d 2 a, b, c, f 3 b, c, d, f 4 c, d, e, f 5 a, b, c, d, f 61. 위글의 The Cube Houses 에대해서대답할수없는질문을고르면? 61) 1 Why could the Cube Houses be called an architectural wonder? 2 Why did Blom want to be an architect? 3 Why was the construction delayed? 4 What do they represent as a whole? 5 How did they come to be created? (A) : (B) : - 12 -

Unique Architecture Around the World The word architecture is a commonly aused word. It can be simply defined as a mix of art and science that includes the design and construction of various buildings and structures. The world of architecture seems to show that there bare no limit to human creativity. The Basket Building (USA) Can you guess cwhat this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which sells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started dspreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. (A), (B) who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that elooked like a basket finally opened for business. One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. The garage looks like a row of books lined up on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. The garage behind the books was constructed in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that represent Kansas City. This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city s people. 64. 위글의밑줄친부분에대한이유로적합것은? 64) 1 세계에서가장큰규모의도서관이라서 2 가장독특한큰책모양의건물이기때문에 3 전시민들이기금을모아도서관을만들어서 4 유명한건축가 Piet Blom이다자인했기때문에 5 디자인및여러가지를시민들의의견을모아했기때문에 62. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상틀린것은? 62) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 63. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것을주어진조건에맞게쓰시오. 63) [ 조건 ] 1. [ 보기 ] 의단어를모두한번씩사용할것. 2. 필요시, [ 보기 ] 의단어를변형시킬것. [ 보기 ] not / do / many of the employees / neither / the bankers, architects, and construction companies / do / take / Dave seriously / not only 65. 위글에서 Kansas City Library Garage 에관한설명으로바르지못한것은? 65) 1 Its design reflected the community input. 2 It was built in the shape of a bookshelf. 3 The bookshelf ideas made it possible to save more money for the city. 4 The book titles included interests of the city s people. 5 It has become a tourist attraction in the city. (A) (B) - 13 -

Can you guess awhat this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which bsells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought cthat he was joking. Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not dtook Dave seriously, (A)neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream ewas achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. 69. 위글에서 Dave Longaberger 에대한내용으로일치하는것은? 69) 1 He founded a company which made baskets in 1997. 2 He wanted to build his office in the shape of a basket. 3 His idea drew people's attention and was praised. 4 He wanted to have the largest office building. 5 He was a famous architect who was interested in the unique buildings. 66. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중, 어법상어색한것은? 66) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 67. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 와뜻이가장비슷한문장을고르면? 67) 1 All of the employees who worked for his company also loved Dave s idea. 2 Many of the employees who worked for his company did not take Dave seriously, either. 3 A few of the employees who worked for his company thought Dave was joking. 4 None of the employees who worked for his company did not take Dave seriously. 5 Many of the employees who worked for his company also took Dave s idea seriously. 70. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? 70) Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which sells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. 1 The necessity of determination 2 The origin of the Basket building 3 Dave Longaberger, a famous leader 4 The history of a company selling baskets 5 The reason that Longaberger could achieve his dream 68. 위글의제목으로가장알맞은것은? 68) 1 Dave s Love for Products of His Company 2 The Construction Year of the Building 3 The Basket building : Dave s Dream-Come-True 4 Ways to Develop an Architect s Creativity 5 The Founder of a Basket-Shaped Building - 14 -

Kansas City Library Garage (USA) One of the attractions of Kansas City in Missouri is the appearance of the parking garage for the public library. The garage looks like a row of books a[lining up / lined up] on a shelf, except in this case the books are 25 feet high and 9 feet wide. The garage behind the books was constructed in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure b[attractively / attractive], and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential book titles that c[represent / were represented] Kansas City. This method ensured the design, as well as the titles, would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary (A) of the city s people. Does the world of unique architecture interest you? Exploring how architects express their creativity is exciting. Great architects will always remind people of their great (B) through their amusing ideas. 71. 위글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 71) (A) 1 indifference 2 interests 3 demands 4 concern 5 anxiety (B) - pride - creativity - sacrifice - devaluation - responsibility 73. 위글에서도서관주차장의디자인을무엇에의해서결정했는지본문에서찾아두단어로쓰시오. 73) 74. What is the main topic? 74) 1 the need for additional parking space in Kansas 2 highly influential books that represent Kansas 3 Kansas City s famous attraction: the garage that looks like a row of books 4 books that represent cultural interests of Kansas city s people 5 the best way of building the city s garage 75. 위글을읽고답할수없는질문은? 75) 1 What is the size of the books? 2 When was the library parking garage constructed? 3 What does the Kansas City Library Garage look like? 4 Who picked the influential architect of the public library garage? 5 Why was the Kansas City Library Garage constructed? 72. 위글의괄호 a, b, c 에서어법상알맞은말로바르게연결된것은? 72) 1 lining up attractively represent 2 lining up attractive were represented 3 lined up attractive represent 4 lined up attractively were represented 5 lined up attractive were represented - 15 -

The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague houses built at the end of the 20th century. ait represents a man and a woman dancing together. bthis amazing building was designed by a Czech architect Vlado Milunic, together with a Canadian architect Frank Gehry. The site was originally occupied by a house, and cit had been destroyed during a bombing attack in 1945. The very non-traditional design was controversial (A)at the time, but dit has become one of the most acclaimed modern buildings in Prague. In 1996, eit received the Design of the Year Award from the American Time magazine. 79. 위글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 79) 1 An amazing architecture in Czech designed by Canadian architects, Valdo Milunic and Frank Gehry 2 The Dancing House, a memorial building in Prague and a bombing attack in 1945 3 A building with an unaesthetic appearance in Prague 4 The importance of non-traditional design in architecture 5 One of the most praised modern buildings in Prague 76. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중에서가리키는바가다른것은? 76) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 77. 위글의밑줄친 (A)at the time 이뜻하는바로가장알맞은것은? 77) 1 in the early 20th century 2 in 1945 3 in 1996 4 when the Dancing House was built 5 during a bombing attack 78. 위글에서 Dancing House 에관한내용과일치하는것은? 78) 1 20 세기초에프라하에지어졌다. 2 함께춤추는남녀를나타낸다. 3 Frank Gehry 가지은유일한건물이다. 4 독특한디자인으로처음부터인기가많았다. 5 1945 년에부서졌다가 1996 년에다시지어졌다. 80. Choose the best answer for the blank. 80) W: What are you going to do during your summer vacation? M: I m going to visit London. I ve always wanted to see Big Ben. W: What is Big Ben? M: It s a famous clock tower in London. What are your plans for your vacation? W: I m planning to take my foreign friends on a city tour around Seoul. M: Sounds fun. I recommend you to take them to Changdeokgung. W: What do you like about it? M: What I like about the place is its natural surroundings. Also, it ll be a good chance to show them Korean traditional architecture. W:. 1 Sure. I recommend you to visit the Cathedral. 2 You're right. Some buildings are famous for their heights. 3 I've always wanted to build a house shaped like a UFO. 4 Oh, Here it is. 5 I see. Thanks for your tip. - 16 -

The word architecture is a commonly used word. It can be simply defined as a mix of art and science that includes the design and construction of various buildings and structures. (A)The world of architecture seems to show that there is no limit to human creativity. The Basket Building (USA) Can you guess awhat this building is used for? Dave Longaberger, the founder of a company which bsells baskets, had a dream to build his office into a giant basket. Dave believed the idea would draw attention to the company. However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. cnot only the bankers, architects, and construction companies did not take Dave seriously, dneither did many of the employees who worked for his company. But Dave was determined. His dream was achieved on December 17, 1997, when the office that elooked like a basket finally opened for business. 81. 위글의밑줄친 a~e 중어법상어색한것은? 81) 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 83. Which one is true according to the passage below? 83) One of the icons of Rotterdam is the Cube Houses, designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom. The architecture is in fact built on a pedestrian bridge in the center of Rotterdam. The town planners asked Piet Blom to newly decorate the bridge in the 1970s. Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. According to Blom, the top of the individual house represents an abstract tree, and all houses together make up a yellow forest. The Cube Houses could be called an architectural wonder since Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. 1 The houses are located on the bridge named Rotterdam. 2 The Cube Houses are located in the center of the Netherlands. 3 The architect Blom emphasized aesthetics more than practical purpose. 4 Piet Blom asked the town planners to make up a yellow forest in Rotterdam. 5 The construction was criticized for the design and financial problems. 82. 위글의밑줄친 (A) 문장을 It seems that' 으로시작하는문장으로바꾸어쓰시오. 82) - 17 -

2015 년실용영어 Ⅱ YBM( 박준언 ) 5 과정답 Listen & Speak 1) 4: 남자가무엇이되고싶은지대답하고있으므로 앞으로의장래희망, 직업을묻는질문이적절 하다. 2) 1, 4: 2 여자는세계의유명한건물들로부터좋 은아이디어를얻을것을추전했다. 3 그 의꿈의집이유럽에있는것이지그가유 럽에집을짓고싶어하는것은아니다. 5 그의꿈의집은디자인이단순하다했으므 로틀리다. complicated 복잡한 3) 3: b built was built ( 정확한과거의시점을나타내는표현은과거시제와함께쓰이며, 지어지다 ' 라는수동의의미는 be built 로표현한다 ) c what I like about~ 은 ' 내가 ~ 에관해좋아하는것은 의의미이다. e reading to read (5 형식에서 recommend 는목적보어로 to 부정사를취한다 ) 4) 5: 1 인도가아닌캄보디아의상징이다. 2 여행객은앙코르와트에대해들어만봤다. 3 캄보디아의왕이지었는지는알수었다. 4 여행객이그건축물에서좋아하는점은알 수없다. monument 기념물, 역사적건축물 5) 1: 글 [A] 에서설명하는건물은 Newark 에위치한 다했다. 또한그건물의설계자는자신의바 구니회사를광고하기위해이디자인을생각 해냈으며, 건물뒤에있는재밌는이야기에대 한기사를인터넷에서찾아볼것을추천했다. 6) 4: A 가한국에서어떤건축물을추천하는지물었 는데 B 가경복궁에대해좋아하는점을대답 하고있으므로어색하다. 7) 1: 남자의대답으로미루어보아계획을묻는질문 인 (B) 가적절하다. - 여자가빅벤이무엇이냐 고물었으므로설명하는 (D) 가적절하다. - 남 자가계획을묻고있으므로 I m planning to~ 로계획을설명하는 (A) 가알맞다. - 창덕궁에 대해좋아하는점을물었으므로그에대한대 답은 (C) 이다. 본문 8) 3: 이어지는바구니건물에대한내용을보면건 축물반영된인간의창의력을볼수있다. refined 정제된, 제련된 ; 세련된 9) 3: (A) what 이하는간접의문문으로 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 ' 의어순이된다. (B) believed 주절의시제가과거이고, ( 과거에 ) ~ 할것이라고믿었다 는내용을포함하므로 would 를써야한다. (C) look like+ 명사는 '~ 처럼보이다 라는의미이다. 10) 1: 바구니모양으로건물을짓는꿈에서창의적 임을알수있으며다들그의생각을진지하 게여기지않았음에도확고했다. introspective 자기성찰적인 frugal 검소한 11) 4: Dave 의생각과달리빈칸이후에는다른사 람들은단지그가농담하는것으로생각한다 했으므로 However 가자연스럽다. 12) 4: 1 business 는혼합에들어가지않는다. 2 경제적인문제는 ` 언급되지않았다. 3 건축가와건설회사들은그의생각을진지 하게받아들이지않았다. 5 바구니빌딩은다른도시의유명한건물을 모방해디자인되었다. 언급되지않았다. 13) 3: is in fact building on is in fact built on 14) 1: 큐브하우스가가장독특한건물로여겨진다 고언급되지않았다. 15) 5: Due to financial reasons, the construction was completed much later in 1984. 에서재정 적문제로예정보다늦춰졌음을알수있다. 16) 2: 이어지는내용에서디자인상을수상했다했으 므로 2 가장찬사받는현대식건물중의 하나가되었다 가가장적절하다. 17) 3: represent 나타내다 revoke 철회하다 unveil 발표하다, 공개하다 convince 확신시키다 18) 1, 3: 1 댄싱하우스는 20 세기중반에세워졌고 현재도사용되고있다. 20 세기말에 지어졌다. 3 미국인건축가들에의해세워진댄싱 하우스는전쟁기간동안파괴되었다. 체코와캐나다건축가에의해설계되었고 파괴되지않았다. 19) 5: 어떤창의적인생각이건축물에반영되었는지 그예로캔자스시립도서관의주차장에대해 설명하고있다. 20) 4: (D) 뒤의문장의 This method 은주어진문장의캔자스시티를대표하는책의제목을고르는것이다. 21) 3: (A) 주어가 the garage( 단수 ) 이기때문에단수형의과거시제를쓴다. (B) 이어지는문장에서캔자스시를대표하는책을골라달라는요청을받았다고했으므로 was requested( 요청되었다 ) 가알맞다. (C) 글의흐름으로볼때 cultural( 문화적인 ) 이 interests( 관심 ) 를수식해야한다. 22) 2: The garage behind the books was constructed - 18 -

in 2006 in response to the need for additional parking. 에서왜지어졌는지알수 있다. 23) 1, 4: 1 지역거주민들은어느제목이책장에 나타날지선택하게되었다. 4 책의등은약가로 25 피트, 세로 9 피트 이다. 2 몇개의책을사용했는지는모른다. 3 언급되지않은내용이다. 5 구체적인달 (month) 은언급되지않았 으며 2004 년도틀리다. 24) 2, 5: 2 몇개의제목이있는지는모른다. 25) 2 5 캔자스시의도서관주차장이전형적인생 각이라고볼수없다. beautify 아름답게하다 narrate 이야기하다 26) 2: b who sells which sells ( 선행사 company) e had been was ( 특정과거시점을나타내므로, had+p.p 과거완료를쓸수없다.) 27) 5: 그의회사에서일하는사람들도그의생각을 진지하게받아들이지않았다한것으로부터 알수있다. 1 시내중심에있는지알수없다. 2 식료품가게가아니라바구니를파는회사 이다. 3 지나가는운전자들의관심을끌기위해디 자인되었다고언급되지않았다. 4 언제부터그런꿈을가졌는지알수없다. 28) 5: 주어진글은네덜란드로테르담의상징인큐 브하우스에대한설명이다. 29) 1: a that which 관계절앞에쉼표가있는계속적용법에서는관계대명사 that 을사용할수없다. 30) 1 31) 4: 1 미용과가정용품을광고하기위한용도라 고언급되지않았다. 2 전체로보면꽃정원이아니라노란숲이다. 3 사회적예술적이슈를낳았다고언급되지않 았다. 5 큐브하우스는도로양쪽에가아니라보행자 다리위에있다. 32) 1: (A) except (that) 주어 + 동사, except for+ 명사의쓰임을구별한다. (B) in response to(~ 에따라, ~ 에대한답변으로 ), in reference to(~ 와관련하여 ) (C) 캔자스시의주민들이요청을받은것이므로 be asked to 부정사 ' 의수동태여야한다. 33) 2: 본문에쓰인 input 은 ( 일에의 ) 생각 [ 조언, 금전, 노동력등 ] 의제공의의미로쓰였다. 34) 1: 공공도서관설립이아니라, 도서관차고건축 에대한내용이다. 캔자스시는한줄의책처럼보이는주차장을지었는데이것은그지역사람들의문화적관심을반영한다. contemporary 현대의, 당대의 35) 1: 더많은주차공간을필요로하는사람들의 요구에따라만들어졌다. expand 확대하다 36) 2: 주어진문장의 It 은 (B) 의앞문장의 The Dancing House 를나타내고 (B) 뒤에서 This amazing building 이라고했으므로그앞에서 어떻게 amazing 한지밝히기위해 (B) 에 들어가는것이적절하다. 37) 4: 1945 년원래있던집폭탄공격 1996 년타 임지로부터의디자인상수상 현재는가장 찬사받는현대식건물시간순서로설명한다. assumption 가정 narrate 이야기하다 analogy 유추 38) 1: a one of the+ 복수명사 는 '~ 중의하나 라고해석된다. (house houses) 39) 1, 5: 1 폭탄공격으로완공이미뤄졌다는언급 은없다. 5 프라하스타일의둥근모양이 라고언급되지않았다. 2 그것은다른나라출신의 2 명의건축가 에의해설계되었다. 3 1996 년에건축디 자인상을받았다. 4 그당시모든사람들 이그건물의디자인을좋아했던것은아 니다. ( 부분부정 ) 주관식서술형 40) The organization tries to draw people s attention to social issues : draw attention to ~ 에관심을끌다 41) Not only did he turn up late for class, neither did he bring his books. : Not only 가문장앞으로나가면서주어, 동사가 도치가일어난다. 일반동사일경우조동사 do 와 주어가도치가일어나고조동사 do 를시제와 수에맞춰바꾼다 (does/did). 본동사는원형을 쓴다. 부정어 neither 역시문두로위치하면서 도치가일어난다. 42) (1) preferring to prefer (2) bought had bought : (1) seem to V ~ 처럼보이다 (2) 내가지갑을 잃어버린과거의시점보다엄마가준것이먼저 일어난일이므로과거완료를쓴다. 43) (1) founder, (2) basket, (3) attention : 바구니를파는회사의설립자인 Dave 는 바구니처럼생긴사무실건물을짓고싶어했다. 그는그바구니건물이회사에이목을집중시킬 - 19 -

것이라고믿었다. 결국그의꿈의사무실은 1997 년에건축되었다. 44) Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for his company. (Not only 는부정의부사구로서 ~ 뿐만아니라 ' 라는뜻이다. 부정의부사구가문장앞으로나가게되면문장의주어와동사의도치가일어난다. neither 역시부정어이므로문장에서도치가일어났으며, did 는대동사로앞에나온 take Dave seriously 를대신받고있다.) 45) 바구니처럼보이는사무실을짓는것 : had a dream to build his office into a giant basket 에서그의꿈이무엇인지알수있다. 46) Most people( 또는 They) just thought he was joking. : However, when he started spreading the idea of building an office in the shape of a basket, he found that most people just thought he was joking. 에서대부분의사람들이 Dave 가꿈꿨던건물에대해어떻게생각하는지알수있다. 47) when the office that looked like a basket finally opened for business. : that 은 the office 를꾸며주는주격관계대명사 look like 명사 ~ 처럼보이다 48) architectural 49) 블롬이그양식과미학을실용적인목적보다훨씬더중요하게여겼기때문에 : since ~ 때문에 consider 명사 (the form and aesthetics)+ 형용사 (much more important than~) ~ 을... 하게여기다 50) (1) 피에트블롬이도시설계자에게로테르담의 중심에있는보행자다리를장식하는투자에대 한승인을요청한게아니라, 도시설계자들이 피에트블롬에게다리를새롭게장식해달라고 요청하였다. (2) 재정적인어려움이있어서건설 이 1984 년에완공되었다고본문에언급되어있 으며, 재정적인어려움으로건설프로젝트를포 기했다는내용은잘못된정보이다. 51) (1) It expresses( 또는 represents, symbolizes) a man and a woman dancing together. (2) Because of its very non-traditional design. [Because its design was very non-traditional.] 52) The Dancing House is one of the most interesting Prague houses built at the end of the 20th century. : at the end of ~th century ~ 세기말에 houses 가세워지는것이므로과거분사 built 가수식 53) attractions : 많은관광객들이방문하는장소들 54) (1) constructed, (2) resembles, (3) reflects ( 또는 represents) : 캔자스시는한줄의책들과도같은주차장을 건설했는데이것은그사람들의 ( 캔자스시사람들 ) 문화와문학에대한관심을대변한다. 55) 높이 25 피트, 너비 9 피트인책들이선반에정렬되어있는것처럼보인다. 그책들에는캔자스시를대표하는책의제목이쓰여있다. : external 외부의, 외면의 56) 새건축물을매력적으로만드는데지역사회가참여한방법 : 캔자스의지역사회는 책장 ' 이라는아이디어와캔자스시를대표하는책의제목을고르는데참여함 ) 57) It would truly represent the wide range of cultural and literary interests of the city's people. 2015 년기출예상문제 58) (A) aesthetics (B) controversial : (A) 아름다움에대한생각과관련된철학 (B) 많은의견충돌을일으키는 59) 5: (A) 재정적인이유로건설이미뤄졌다는것이 자연스럽다. (B) 이어지는문장은무엇에대한진술이이 어지고있고빈칸뒤에사람이름이나오므로 ~ 에따르면 이적절하다. 60) 5: a 로테르담의중심에있는보행자다리위 b 1984 년에완공 c Piet Blom d 가장찬사받는현대식건물이다. f 올해의디자인상 (the Design of the Year Award) evaluation 평가 61) 2: 1 블롬이그양식과미학을실용적목적보다 62) 2: is 훨씬중요하게여겼기때문에 3 재정적인이유때문에 4 노란숲을나타낸다. 5 도시설계자들이피에트블롬에게다리를 새롭게장식해달라고요청하였다. 63) (A) Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously, (B) neither did many of the employees 64) 5: 밑줄이전에지역사회가책장모양의디자인 과책의제목고르기에참여했다고했다. 65) 3: 책장이라는생각은그도시를위해돈을절약 66) 4: take 하는것을가능하게했다. 언급되지않았다. Not only 뒤의조동사 did 가과거시제로쓰였 기에뒤의본동사는 take 로써야한다. - 20 -

67) 2: neither는부정의의미를포함하는 ~ 도그렇다 의동의를나타낸다. did는앞의 take Dave seriously를대신한다. 따라서의미상 그의회사에서일하는많은직원들도그의생각을진지하게받아들이지않았다 를만들어야한다. 68) 3: 주어진글은 Dave의꿈인바구니건물에대해설명하고있다. 69) 2: 1 그는 1997년도에바구니를만드는회사를설립했다. 회사설립년도는알수없으며 1997년도에는바구니건물이지어졌다. 3 그의생각은사람들의관심을끌었고칭찬받았다. 사람들은그의생각에대해그가농담한다고생각했다. 4 그는가장큰사무실건물을갖고싶어했다. 언급되지않았다. 5 그는독특한건물에관심이있는유명한건축가였다. 언급되지않았다. 70) 2: 주어진글은어떻게바구니건물이지어지게되었는지설명하고있다. 71) 2: (A) 캔자스시의사람들이직접참여하여디자인과책제목을골랐으므로그들의 interest( 관심 ) 을보여준다고하는것이자연스럽다. (B) 앞서서건축가들이어떻게창의력을표현하는지탐구하는것은흥미롭다고했고, 그들의놀라운아이디어를통해서떠올릴수있는것으로 creativity( 창의력 ) 이자연스럽다. sacrifice 희생 devaluation 평가절하 72) 3: a line은동사로쓰이면 줄을세우다 의뜻으로수식을받는 a row of books는세워져야하는존재이므로과거분사를쓴다. b make+ 명사 + 형용사 c 괄호뒤에목적어 Kansas city가있는것을보아능동태를써야함을알수있다. 73) community input : Community input was requested on ways to make the new structure attractive, and ultimately the idea of a bookshelf came up. 에서지역사회의참여가구조물을만드는데요구되었고결국책장이라는아이디어가나왔다고했다. 74) 3: 주어진글은캔자스시의관광명소인공공도서관주차장이어떤모습이며, 어떻게그렇게탄생하게되었는지에대해설명하고있다. 75) 4: 1 높이 25피트, 너비 9피트 2 2006년도 3 선반에정렬되어있는한줄의책들처럼 5 더많은주차공간을필요로하는사람들의요구에따라 76) 3: c는앞의 the site를가리키고나머지는 the Dancing House를가리킨다. 77) 4: 흐름상 그당시 는그건물이지어졌을때를의미한다. 78) 2: 1 20세기말에지어졌다. 3 Frank Gehry가지은유일한건물인지주어진글에언급되지않았다. 4 처음에는논란거리였다. 5 1945년에부서진것은그자리에원래있던집이다. 79) 5: 프라하에서가장칭송받는현대건축물중하나 1 한명은체코인이고한명은캐나다인이므로틀리다. 2 댄싱하우스가 1945에폭탄공격을받은것이틀리다. 3 건물이 unaesthetic( 미적이아닌 ) 이라는내용은언급되지않았다. 4 건축물의종래와는다른디자인의중요성은글내용과무관하다. 80) 5: 남자가여자에게외국인친구를데려갈장소로창덕궁을추천하면서창덕궁에가면좋은점들을이야기해주었으므로여자의답변으로는감사의표현이들어가는것이적절하다. 81) 3: Not only did the bankers, architects, and construction companies not take Dave seriously Not only가문두로오면서주어, 동사의도치가일어나게되어 Not only+ 조동사 + 주어 의순서가된다. 82) It seems that the world of architecture shows that there is no limit to human creativity. : It seems that S+V=S seem to V ~ 인것같다 83) 3: 블롬은실용적목적보다양식과미학을훨씬중요하게여겼다고했다. (Blom has considered the form and aesthetics much more important than practical purpose. 참고한다.) 2 그들은네덜란드의중심에위치한다. 4 블롬은도시설계자들에게로테르담에노란숲을조성해달라고요청했다. 5 그건축물은디자인과재정적문제로비판받았다. emphasize 강조하다 criticize 비판하다 - 21 -